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Tudo que SkyDarkyes postou

  1. SkyDarkyes

    Duvidas OTClient

    Estou começando a usar o OTClient e estou com algumas duvidas, por exemplo onde trocar a musica, sei que é em data/sounds mas o arquivo está com um formado diferente Outra, tem como retirar os icones que fica no topo, terminal etc.... ou so deixar para o administrador Outra,travar o OTclient é X versão, o player nao precisar fica escolhendo o IP/Porta/Versão @up Qual a versão mais estável do OTC? E como retirar a caixinha que fica em baixo no canto Que mostra a versão do OTC, build etc.. @up @up @up
  2. Ok, você adiconou a tag no spells.xml certo?como está o nome da magia na tag, sabe me dizer o numero do efeito ?
  3. Você adicionou o efeito na lib constant? data/lib constant?
  4. Poderia postar o script do monstro e o script da magia? e qual versão está usando
  5. Tenta criar uma magia, com o efeito que você fez e você usar,
  6. O efeito é efeito normal ou distanceeffect?
  7. Você já tento usar o efeito com o mando /z? /z e o numero do efeito
  8. Alguem possui um map tracker na versão 8.54?
  9. Caraca man, tópico de 2011, tenta procurar um tópico mais recente, com certeza o autor nem entra mais.
  10. Tente <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <monster name="King minotaur" nameDescription="a king minotaur" race="blood" experience="50" speed="470" manacost="330"> <health now="20000" max="20000"/> <look type="25" head="20" body="30" legs="40" feet="50" corpse="5969"/> <targetchange interval="2000" chance="0"/> <strategy attack="100" defense="0"/> <flags> <flag summonable="1"/> <flag attackable="1"/> <flag hostile="1"/> <flag illusionable="1"/> <flag convinceable="1"/> <flag pushable="1"/> <flag canpushitems="0"/> <flag canpushcreatures="0"/> <flag targetdistance="1"/> <flag staticattack="90"/> <flag runonhealth="0"/> </flags> <attacks> <attack name="melee" interval="1000" skill="115" attack="105"/> </attacks> <defenses armor="11" defense="11"/> <immunities> <immunity physical="0"/> <immunity energy="0"/> <immunity fire="0"/> <immunity poison="0"/> <immunity lifedrain="0"/> <immunity paralyze="0"/> <immunity outfit="0"/> <immunity drunk="0"/> <immunity invisible="0"/> </immunities> <voices interval="5000" chance="10"> <voice sentence="kaplar!"/> </voices> <loot> <item id="3976" countmax="10" chance1="50000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2148" countmax="28" chance1="100000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2464" chance="10000"/> <item id="2386" chance="10000"/> <item id="2649" chance="10000"/> <item id="2554" chance="10000"/> <item id="5878" countmax="1" chance1="5000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="1987" chance="100000"> <inside> <item id="2458" chance="10000"/> <item id="2148" countmax="5" chance1="20000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2460" chance="10000"/> <item id="2510" chance="10000"/> <item id="2398" chance="10000"/> <item id="2172" chance="2500"/> </inside> </item> </loot> </monster>
  11. function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) local func = doCreateMonster if(words:sub(2, 2) == "n") then func = doCreateNpc end local pid = cid local t = string.explode(param, ",") if(t[2]) then pid = getPlayerByNameWildcard(t[2]) if(not pid) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Player " .. t[2] .. " not found.") return true end end local position = getCreaturePosition(pid) local effect = CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED local ret = func(t[1], position, false) if(tonumber(ret) == nil) then effect = CONST_ME_POFF doPlayerSendDefaultCancel(cid, (ret == false and RETURNVALUE_NOTPOSSIBLE or RETURNVALUE_NOTENOUGHROOM)) end doSendMagicEffect(position, effect) return true end
  12. SkyDarkyes

    Erros /m

    É normal esses erros? isso acontece se eu digitar o nome errado ou se eu tentar invocar onde não pode, pz etc....
  13. SkyDarkyes

    First items

    Eu já havia resolvido, mas obrigado.
  14. SkyDarkyes

    Erro newtype

    Todos os newtypes 350+ está como items, pisos, paredes etc... mas no client está tudo certo, newtype que eu falo é o comando /newtype 350+ aparece com items #RESOLVIDO, aumentei a extenção no newtype.lua.
  15. É só trocar, e caso precise adicione dll, pode ser que de erro em alguns scripts
  16. Mapa custom =x, não está lendo nenhum .dat
  17. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OpenTibia - an opensource roleplaying game //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <>. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "otpch.h" #include "otsystem.h" #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #ifndef WINDOWS #include <unistd.h> #include <termios.h> #else #include <conio.h> #endif #include <boost/config.hpp> #include <openssl/rsa.h> #include <openssl/bn.h> #include <openssl/err.h> #include "server.h" #ifdef __LOGIN_SERVER__ #include "gameservers.h" #endif #include "networkmessage.h" #include "game.h" #include "chat.h" #include "tools.h" #include "protocollogin.h" #include "protocolgame.h" #include "protocolold.h" #include "protocolhttp.h" #include "status.h" #include "manager.h" #ifdef __OTADMIN__ #include "admin.h" #endif #include "configmanager.h" #include "scriptmanager.h" #include "databasemanager.h" #include "iologindata.h" #include "ioban.h" #include "outfit.h" #include "vocation.h" #include "group.h" #include "monsters.h" #ifdef __OTSERV_ALLOCATOR__ #include "allocator.h" #endif #ifdef __EXCEPTION_TRACER__ #include "exception.h" #endif #ifndef __OTADMIN__ #include "textlogger.h" #endif #ifdef __NO_BOOST_EXCEPTIONS__ #include <exception> inline void boost::throw_exception(std::exception const & e) { std::clog << "Boost exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; } #endif RSA* g_RSA; ConfigManager g_config; Game g_game; Chat g_chat; Monsters g_monsters; Npcs g_npcs; boost::mutex g_loaderLock; boost::condition_variable g_loaderSignal; boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> g_loaderUniqueLock(g_loaderLock); std::list<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> > serverIps; bool argumentsHandler(StringVec args) { StringVec tmp; for(StringVec::iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); ++it) { if((*it) == "--help") { std::clog << "Usage:\n" "\n" "\t--config=$1\t\tAlternate configuration file path.\n" "\t--data-directory=$1\tAlternate data directory path.\n" "\t--ip=$1\t\t\tIP address of the server.\n" "\t\t\t\tShould be equal to the global IP.\n" "\t--login-port=$1\tPort for login server to listen on.\n" "\t--game-port=$1\tPort for game server to listen on.\n" "\t--admin-port=$1\tPort for admin server to listen on.\n" "\t--manager-port=$1\tPort for manager server to listen on.\n" "\t--status-port=$1\tPort for status server to listen on.\n"; #ifndef WINDOWS std::clog << "\t--runfile=$1\t\tSpecifies run file. Will contain the pid\n" "\t\t\t\tof the server process as long as run status.\n"; #endif std::clog << "\t--log=$1\t\tWhole standard output will be logged to\n" "\t\t\t\tthis file.\n" "\t--closed\t\t\tStarts the server as closed.\n"; return false; } if((*it) == "--version" || (*it) == "-V") { std::clog << SOFTWARE_NAME << ", version " << SOFTWARE_VERSION << "\n" "A server developed by Skydarkyes.\n"; return false; } tmp = explodeString((*it), "="); if(tmp[0] == "--config") g_config.setString(ConfigManager::CONFIG_FILE, tmp[1]); else if(tmp[0] == "--data-directory") g_config.setString(ConfigManager::DATA_DIRECTORY, tmp[1]); else if(tmp[0] == "--ip") g_config.setString(ConfigManager::IP, tmp[1]); else if(tmp[0] == "--login-port") g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::LOGIN_PORT, atoi(tmp[1].c_str())); else if(tmp[0] == "--game-port") g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::GAME_PORT, atoi(tmp[1].c_str())); else if(tmp[0] == "--admin-port") g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::ADMIN_PORT, atoi(tmp[1].c_str())); else if(tmp[0] == "--manager-port") g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::MANAGER_PORT, atoi(tmp[1].c_str())); else if(tmp[0] == "--status-port") g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::STATUS_PORT, atoi(tmp[1].c_str())); #ifndef WINDOWS else if(tmp[0] == "--runfile") g_config.setString(ConfigManager::RUNFILE, tmp[1]); #endif else if(tmp[0] == "--log") g_config.setString(ConfigManager::OUTPUT_LOG, tmp[1]); else if(tmp[0] == "--closed") g_config.setBool(ConfigManager::START_CLOSED, true); else if(tmp[0] == "--no-script") g_config.setBool(ConfigManager::SCRIPT_SYSTEM, false); } return true; } #ifndef WINDOWS int32_t getch() { struct termios oldt; tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &oldt); struct termios newt = oldt; newt.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO); tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &newt); int32_t ch = getchar(); tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &oldt); return ch; } void signalHandler(int32_t sig) { switch(sig) { case SIGHUP: Dispatcher::getInstance().addTask(createTask( boost::bind(&Game::saveGameState, &g_game, false))); break; case SIGTRAP: g_game.cleanMap(); break; case SIGCHLD: g_game.proceduralRefresh(); break; case SIGUSR1: Dispatcher::getInstance().addTask(createTask( boost::bind(&Game::setGameState, &g_game, GAMESTATE_CLOSED))); break; case SIGUSR2: g_game.setGameState(GAMESTATE_NORMAL); break; case SIGCONT: Dispatcher::getInstance().addTask(createTask( boost::bind(&Game::reloadInfo, &g_game, RELOAD_ALL, 0))); break; case SIGQUIT: Dispatcher::getInstance().addTask(createTask( boost::bind(&Game::setGameState, &g_game, GAMESTATE_SHUTDOWN))); break; case SIGTERM: Dispatcher::getInstance().addTask(createTask( boost::bind(&Game::shutdown, &g_game))); break; default: break; } } void runfileHandler(void) { std::ofstream runfile(g_config.getString(ConfigManager::RUNFILE).c_str(), std::ios::trunc | std::ios::out); runfile.close(); } #else int32_t getch() { return (int32_t)getchar(); } #endif void allocationHandler() { puts("Allocation failed, server out of memory!\nDecrease size of your map or compile in a 64-bit mode."); char buffer[1024]; delete fgets(buffer, 1024, stdin); exit(-1); } void startupErrorMessage(std::string error = "") { if(error.length() > 0) std::clog << std::endl << "> ERROR: " << error << std::endl; getch(); exit(-1); } void otserv(StringVec args, ServiceManager* services); int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { StringVec args = StringVec(argv, argv + argc); if(argc > 1 && !argumentsHandler(args)) return 0; std::set_new_handler(allocationHandler); ServiceManager servicer; g_config.startup(); #ifdef __OTSERV_ALLOCATOR_STATS__ boost::thread(boost::bind(&allocatorStatsThread, (void*)NULL)); // TODO: shutdown this thread? #endif #ifdef __EXCEPTION_TRACER__ ExceptionHandler mainExceptionHandler; mainExceptionHandler.InstallHandler(); #endif #ifndef WINDOWS // ignore sigpipe... struct sigaction sigh; sigh.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigh.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&sigh.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sigh, NULL); // register signals signal(SIGHUP, signalHandler); //save signal(SIGTRAP, signalHandler); //clean signal(SIGCHLD, signalHandler); //refresh signal(SIGUSR1, signalHandler); //close server signal(SIGUSR2, signalHandler); //open server signal(SIGCONT, signalHandler); //reload all signal(SIGQUIT, signalHandler); //save & shutdown signal(SIGTERM, signalHandler); //shutdown #endif OutputHandler::getInstance(); Dispatcher::getInstance().addTask(createTask(boost::bind(otserv, args, &servicer))); g_loaderSignal.wait(g_loaderUniqueLock); if(servicer.isRunning()) { std::clog << ">> " << g_config.getString(ConfigManager::SERVER_NAME) << " server Online!" << std::endl << std::endl;; } else std::clog << ">> " << g_config.getString(ConfigManager::SERVER_NAME) << " server Offline! No services available..." << std::endl << std::endl; #ifdef __EXCEPTION_TRACER__ mainExceptionHandler.RemoveHandler(); #endif return 0; } void otserv(StringVec, ServiceManager* services) { srand((uint32_t)OTSYS_TIME()); #if defined(WINDOWS) SetConsoleTitle(SOFTWARE_NAME); #endif g_game.setGameState(GAMESTATE_STARTUP); #if !defined(WINDOWS) && !defined(__ROOT_PERMISSION__) if(!getuid() || !geteuid()) { std::clog << "> WARNING: " << SOFTWARE_NAME << " has been executed as super user! It is " << "recommended to run as a normal user." << std::endl << "Continue? (y/N)" << std::endl; char buffer = getch(); if(buffer != 121 && buffer != 89) startupErrorMessage("Aborted."); } #endif std::clog << SOFTWARE_NAME << ", version " << SOFTWARE_VERSION << "\n" "A server developed by Skydarkyes.\n"; std::stringstream ss; #ifdef __DEBUG__ ss << " GLOBAL"; #endif #ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__ ss << " MOVESYS"; #endif #ifdef __DEBUG_CHAT__ ss << " CHAT"; #endif #ifdef __DEBUG_EXCEPTION_REPORT__ ss << " EXCEPTION-REPORT"; #endif #ifdef __DEBUG_HOUSES__ ss << " HOUSES"; #endif #ifdef __DEBUG_LUASCRIPTS__ ss << " LUA-SCRIPTS"; #endif #ifdef __DEBUG_MAILBOX__ ss << " MAILBOX"; #endif #ifdef __DEBUG_NET__ ss << " NET"; #endif #ifdef __DEBUG_NET_DETAIL__ ss << " NET-DETAIL"; #endif #ifdef __DEBUG_RAID__ ss << " RAIDS"; #endif #ifdef __DEBUG_SCHEDULER__ ss << " SCHEDULER"; #endif #ifdef __DEBUG_SPAWN__ ss << " SPAWNS"; #endif #ifdef __SQL_QUERY_DEBUG__ ss << " SQL-QUERIES"; #endif std::string debug = ss.str(); if(!debug.empty()) std::clog << ">> Debugging:" << debug << "." << std::endl; std::clog << ">> Loading config (" << g_config.getString(ConfigManager::CONFIG_FILE) << ")" << std::endl; if(!g_config.load()) startupErrorMessage("Unable to load " + g_config.getString(ConfigManager::CONFIG_FILE) + "!"); // silently append trailing slash std::string path = g_config.getString(ConfigManager::DATA_DIRECTORY); g_config.setString(ConfigManager::DATA_DIRECTORY, path.erase(path.find_last_not_of("/") + 1) + "/"); path = g_config.getString(ConfigManager::LOGS_DIRECTORY); g_config.setString(ConfigManager::LOGS_DIRECTORY, path.erase(path.find_last_not_of("/") + 1) + "/"); std::clog << "> Opening logs" << std::endl; Logger::getInstance()->open(); IntegerVec cores = vectorAtoi(explodeString(g_config.getString(ConfigManager::CORES_USED), ",")); if(cores[0] != -1) { #ifdef WINDOWS int32_t mask = 0; for(IntegerVec::iterator it = cores.begin(); it != cores.end(); ++it) mask += 1 << (*it); SetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(), mask); } std::stringstream mutexName; mutexName << "forgottenserver_" << g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::WORLD_ID); CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, mutexName.str().c_str()); if(GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) startupErrorMessage("Another instance of The Forgotten Server is already running with the same worldId.\nIf you want to run multiple servers, please change the worldId in configuration file."); std::string defaultPriority = asLowerCaseString(g_config.getString(ConfigManager::DEFAULT_PRIORITY)); if(defaultPriority == "realtime") SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS); else if(defaultPriority == "high") SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS); else if(defaultPriority == "higher") SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS); #else #ifndef MACOS cpu_set_t mask; CPU_ZERO(&mask); for(IntegerVec::iterator it = cores.begin(); it != cores.end(); ++it) CPU_SET((*it), &mask); sched_setaffinity(getpid(), (int32_t)sizeof(mask), &mask); } #endif std::string runPath = g_config.getString(ConfigManager::RUNFILE); if(runPath != "" && runPath.length() > 2) { std::ofstream runFile(runPath.c_str(), std::ios::trunc | std::ios::out); runFile << getpid(); runFile.close(); atexit(runfileHandler); } if(!nice(g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::NICE_LEVEL))) {} #endif std::string encryptionType = asLowerCaseString(g_config.getString(ConfigManager::ENCRYPTION_TYPE)); if(encryptionType == "md5") { g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::ENCRYPTION, ENCRYPTION_MD5); std::clog << "> Using MD5 encryption" << std::endl; } else if(encryptionType == "sha1") { g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::ENCRYPTION, ENCRYPTION_SHA1); std::clog << "> Using SHA1 encryption" << std::endl; } else if(encryptionType == "sha256") { g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::ENCRYPTION, ENCRYPTION_SHA256); std::clog << "> Using SHA256 encryption" << std::endl; } else if(encryptionType == "sha512") { g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::ENCRYPTION, ENCRYPTION_SHA512); std::clog << "> Using SHA512 encryption" << std::endl; } else { g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::ENCRYPTION, ENCRYPTION_PLAIN); std::clog << "> Using plaintext encryption" << std::endl; } std::clog << ">> Loading RSA key" << std::endl; g_RSA = RSA_new(); BN_dec2bn(&g_RSA->p, g_config.getString(ConfigManager::RSA_PRIME1).c_str()); BN_dec2bn(&g_RSA->q, g_config.getString(ConfigManager::RSA_PRIME2).c_str()); BN_dec2bn(&g_RSA->d, g_config.getString(ConfigManager::RSA_PRIVATE).c_str()); BN_dec2bn(&g_RSA->n, g_config.getString(ConfigManager::RSA_MODULUS).c_str()); BN_dec2bn(&g_RSA->e, g_config.getString(ConfigManager::RSA_PUBLIC).c_str()); // TODO: dmp1, dmq1, iqmp? // This check will verify keys set in config.lua if(!RSA_check_key(g_RSA)) { std::stringstream s; s << "OpenSSL failed - "; ERR_load_crypto_strings(); s << ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL); startupErrorMessage(s.str()); } std::clog << ">> Starting SQL connection" << std::endl; Database* db = Database::getInstance(); if(db && db->isConnected()) { std::clog << ">> Running Database Manager" << std::endl; if(DatabaseManager::getInstance()->isDatabaseSetup()) { uint32_t version = 0; do { version = DatabaseManager::getInstance()->updateDatabase(); if(!version) break; std::clog << "> Database has been updated to version: " << version << "." << std::endl; } while(version < VERSION_DATABASE); } else startupErrorMessage("The database you have specified in config.lua is empty, please import schemas/<engine>.sql to the database."); DatabaseManager::getInstance()->checkTriggers(); DatabaseManager::getInstance()->checkEncryption(); if(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::OPTIMIZE_DATABASE) && !DatabaseManager::getInstance()->optimizeTables()) std::clog << "> No tables were optimized." << std::endl; } else startupErrorMessage("Couldn't estabilish connection to SQL database!"); std::clog << ">> Loading items (OTB)" << std::endl; if(Item::items.loadFromOtb(getFilePath(FILE_TYPE_OTHER, "items/items.otb"))) startupErrorMessage("Unable to load items (OTB)!"); std::clog << ">> Loading items (XML)" << std::endl; if(!Item::items.loadFromXml()) { std::clog << "Unable to load items (XML)! Continue? (y/N)" << std::endl; char buffer = getch(); if(buffer != 121 && buffer != 89) startupErrorMessage("Unable to load items (XML)!"); } std::clog << ">> Loading groups" << std::endl; if(!Groups::getInstance()->loadFromXml()) startupErrorMessage("Unable to load groups!"); std::clog << ">> Loading vocations" << std::endl; if(!Vocations::getInstance()->loadFromXml()) startupErrorMessage("Unable to load vocations!"); std::clog << ">> Loading outfits" << std::endl; if(!Outfits::getInstance()->loadFromXml()) startupErrorMessage("Unable to load outfits!"); std::clog << ">> Loading chat channels" << std::endl; if(!g_chat.loadFromXml()) startupErrorMessage("Unable to load chat channels!"); if(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::SCRIPT_SYSTEM)) { std::clog << ">> Loading script systems" << std::endl; if(!ScriptManager::getInstance()->loadSystem()) startupErrorMessage(); } else ScriptManager::getInstance(); std::clog << ">> Loading mods..." << std::endl; if(!ScriptManager::getInstance()->loadMods()) startupErrorMessage(); #ifdef __LOGIN_SERVER__ std::clog << ">> Loading game servers" << std::endl; if(!GameServers::getInstance()->loadFromXml(true)) startupErrorMessage("Unable to load game servers!"); #endif std::clog << ">> Loading experience stages" << std::endl; if(!g_game.loadExperienceStages()) startupErrorMessage("Unable to load experience stages!"); std::clog << ">> Loading monsters" << std::endl; if(!g_monsters.loadFromXml()) { std::clog << "Unable to load monsters! Continue? (y/N)" << std::endl; char buffer = getch(); if(buffer != 121 && buffer != 89) startupErrorMessage("Unable to load monsters!"); } std::clog << ">> Loading map and spawns..." << std::endl; if(!g_game.loadMap(g_config.getString(ConfigManager::MAP_NAME))) startupErrorMessage(); std::clog << ">> Checking world type... "; std::string worldType = asLowerCaseString(g_config.getString(ConfigManager::WORLD_TYPE)); if(worldType == "open" || worldType == "2" || worldType == "openpvp") { g_game.setWorldType(WORLDTYPE_OPEN); std::clog << "Open PvP" << std::endl; } else if(worldType == "optional" || worldType == "1" || worldType == "optionalpvp") { g_game.setWorldType(WORLDTYPE_OPTIONAL); std::clog << "Optional PvP" << std::endl; } else if(worldType == "hardcore" || worldType == "3" || worldType == "hardcorepvp") { g_game.setWorldType(WORLDTYPE_HARDCORE); std::clog << "Hardcore PvP" << std::endl; } else { std::clog << std::endl; startupErrorMessage("Unknown world type: " + g_config.getString(ConfigManager::WORLD_TYPE)); } std::clog << ">> Initializing game state and binding services..." << std::endl; g_game.setGameState(GAMESTATE_INIT); IPAddressList ipList; std::string ip = g_config.getString(ConfigManager::IP); if(asLowerCaseString(ip) == "auto") { // TODO: automatic shit } IPAddress m_ip; if(ip.size()) { std::clog << "> Global IP address: "; uint32_t resolvedIp = inet_addr(ip.c_str()); if(resolvedIp == INADDR_NONE) { struct hostent* host = gethostbyname(ip.c_str()); if(!host) { std::clog << "..." << std::endl; startupErrorMessage("Cannot resolve " + ip + "!"); } resolvedIp = *(uint32_t*)host->h_addr; } serverIps.push_front(std::make_pair(resolvedIp, 0)); m_ip = boost::asio::ip::address_v4(swap_uint32(resolvedIp)); ipList.push_back(m_ip); std::clog << m_ip.to_string() << std::endl; } ipList.push_back(boost::asio::ip::address_v4(INADDR_LOOPBACK)); if(!g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::BIND_ONLY_GLOBAL_ADDRESS)) { char hostName[128]; if(!gethostname(hostName, 128)) { if(hostent* host = gethostbyname(hostName)) { std::stringstream s; for(uint8_t** addr = (uint8_t**)host->h_addr_list; addr[0] != NULL; addr++) { uint32_t resolved = swap_uint32(*(uint32_t*)(*addr)); if(m_ip.to_v4().to_ulong() == resolved) continue; ipList.push_back(boost::asio::ip::address_v4(resolved)); serverIps.push_front(std::make_pair(*(uint32_t*)(*addr), 0x0000FFFF)); s << (int32_t)(addr[0][0]) << "." << (int32_t)(addr[0][1]) << "." << (int32_t)(addr[0][2]) << "." << (int32_t)(addr[0][3]) << "\t"; } if(s.str().size()) std::clog << "> Local IP address(es): " << s.str() << std::endl; } } serverIps.push_front(std::make_pair(LOCALHOST, 0xFFFFFFFF)); if(m_ip.to_v4().to_ulong() != LOCALHOST) ipList.push_back(boost::asio::ip::address_v4(LOCALHOST)); } else if(ipList.size() < 2) startupErrorMessage("Unable to bind any IP address! You may want to disable \"bindOnlyGlobalAddress\" setting in config.lua"); services->add<ProtocolStatus>(g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::STATUS_PORT), ipList); services->add<ProtocolManager>(g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::MANAGER_PORT), ipList); #ifdef __OTADMIN__ services->add<ProtocolAdmin>(g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::ADMIN_PORT), ipList); #endif //services->add<ProtocolHTTP>(8080, ipList); if( #ifdef __LOGIN_SERVER__ true #else !g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::LOGIN_ONLY_LOGINSERVER) #endif ) { services->add<ProtocolLogin>(g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::LOGIN_PORT), ipList); services->add<ProtocolOldLogin>(g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::LOGIN_PORT), ipList); } services->add<ProtocolGame>(g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::GAME_PORT), ipList); services->add<ProtocolOldGame>(g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::LOGIN_PORT), ipList); std::clog << "> Bound ports: "; std::list<uint16_t> ports = services->getPorts(); for(std::list<uint16_t>::iterator it = ports.begin(); it != ports.end(); ++it) std::clog << (*it) << "\t"; std::clog << std::endl << ">> Everything smells good, server is starting up..." << std::endl; g_game.start(services); g_game.setGameState(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::START_CLOSED) ? GAMESTATE_CLOSED : GAMESTATE_NORMAL); g_loaderSignal.notify_all(); } @up
  18. #RESOLVIDO, eu havia cometido um erro, restaurei o original e modifiquei, obrigado,
  19. ERROS C:\Users\Computer\Desktop\SOURCES EDITADAS\src\creature.cpp In member function `virtual void Creature::onWalk(Direction&)': 286 C:\Users\Computer\Desktop\SOURCES EDITADAS\src\creature.cpp stray '\174' in program 287 C:\Users\Computer\Desktop\SOURCES EDITADAS\src\creature.cpp expected `(' before '{' token C:\Users\Computer\Desktop\SOURCES EDITADAS\src\dev-cpp\ [Build Error] [obj//creature.o] Error 1
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