Uma edição do seu script:
local HP_PERCENT = 25 --%
local M_PERCENT = 25
function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
ITEM = 2673
local storage = 50000
local wait = 0.7
if fromPosition.x ~= CONTAINER_POSITION and exhaustion.get(cid, storage) == FALSE then
REG_HEALTH = math.floor(getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) * (HP_PERCENT/100))
REG_MANA = math.floor(getPlayerMaxMana(cid) * (M_PERCENT/100))
doPlayerAddMana(cid, REG_MANA)
doCreatureAddHealth(cid, REG_HEALTH)
doCreatureSay(cid, 'Power is back !', TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1)
exhaustion.set(cid, storage, wait)
elseif item.itemid == ITEM and exhaustion.get(cid, storage) == FALSE then
REG_HEALTH = math.floor(getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) * (HP_PERCENT/100))
REG_MANA = math.floor(getPlayerMaxMana(cid) * (M_PERCENT/100))
doPlayerAddMana(cid, REG_MANA)
doCreatureAddHealth(cid, REG_HEALTH)
doCreatureSay(cid, 'Power is back !', TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
exhaustion.set(cid, storage, wait)
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are exhausted.")
return TRUE
Edite as variáveis HP_PERCENT e M_PERCENT.
O math.floor é pra não ficar valores "quebrados".