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Barra de ataque



Olá estou tentando utilizar uma barra de ataque para tibia, encontrei esse:



Porem ele não esta filtrando as spell pela vocação, estou utilizando o servidor 10.90 que seria automático o reconhecimento.



Exemplo: Paladin com todas as spells , inclusive as que não são de sua classe.



[spoiler]local spelllist = {
['Death Strike'] = {id = 87, words = 'exori mort', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'deathstrike', mana = 20, level = 16, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Flame Strike'] = {id = 89, words = 'exori flam', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'flamestrike', mana = 20, level = 14, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Strong Flame Strike'] = {id = 150, words = 'exori gran flam', exhaustion = 8000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'strongflamestrike', mana = 60, level = 70, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000, [4] = 8000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Ultimate Flame Strike'] = {id = 154, words = 'exori max flam', exhaustion = 30000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'ultimateflamestrike', mana = 100, level = 90, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 4000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Energy Strike'] = {id = 88, words = 'exori vis', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'energystrike', mana = 20, level = 12, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Strong Energy Strike'] = {id = 151, words = 'exori gran vis', exhaustion = 8000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'strongenergystrike', mana = 60, level = 80, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000, [4] = 8000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Ultimate Energy Strike'] = {id = 155, words = 'exori max vis', exhaustion = 30000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'ultimateenergystrike', mana = 100, level = 100,soul = 0, group = {[1] = 4000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Whirlwind Throw'] = {id = 107, words = 'exori hur', exhaustion = 6000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'whirlwindthrow', mana = 40, level = 28, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Fire Wave'] = {id = 19, words = 'exevo flam hur', exhaustion = 4000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'firewave', mana = 25, level = 18, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Ethereal Spear'] = {id = 111, words = 'exori con', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'etherealspear', mana = 25, level = 23, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Strong Ethereal Spear'] = {id = 57, words = 'exori gran con', exhaustion = 8000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'strongetherealspear', mana = 55, level = 90, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Energy Beam'] = {id = 22, words = 'exevo vis lux', exhaustion = 4000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'energybeam', mana = 40, level = 23, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Great Energy Beam'] = {id = 23, words = 'exevo gran vis lux', exhaustion = 6000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'greatenergybeam', mana = 110, level = 29, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Groundshaker'] = {id = 106, words = 'exori mas', exhaustion = 8000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'groundshaker', mana = 160, level = 33, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Berserk'] = {id = 80, words = 'exori', exhaustion = 4000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'berserk', mana = 115, level = 35, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Annihilation'] = {id = 62, words = 'exori gran ico', exhaustion = 30000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'annihilation', mana = 300, level = 110,soul = 0, group = {[1] = 4000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Brutal Strike'] = {id = 61, words = 'exori ico', exhaustion = 6000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'brutalstrike', mana = 30, level = 16, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Front Sweep'] = {id = 59, words = 'exori min', exhaustion = 6000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'frontsweep', mana = 200, level = 70, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Inflict Wound'] = {id = 141, words = 'utori kor', exhaustion = 30000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'inflictwound', mana = 30, level = 40, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Ignite'] = {id = 138, words = 'utori flam', exhaustion = 30000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'ignite', mana = 30, level = 26, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Lightning'] = {id = 149, words = 'exori amp vis', exhaustion = 8000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'lightning', mana = 60, level = 55, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000, [4] = 8000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Curse'] = {id = 139, words = 'utori mort', exhaustion = 50000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'curse', mana = 30, level = 75, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Electrify'] = {id = 140, words = 'utori vis', exhaustion = 30000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'electrify', mana = 30, level = 34, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Energy Wave'] = {id = 13, words = 'exevo vis hur', exhaustion = 8000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'energywave', mana = 170, level = 38, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Rage of the Skies'] = {id = 119, words = 'exevo gran mas vis', exhaustion = 40000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'rageoftheskies', mana = 600, level = 55, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 4000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Fierce Berserk'] = {id = 105, words = 'exori gran', exhaustion = 6000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'fierceberserk', mana = 340, level = 90, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Hells Core'] = {id = 24, words = 'exevo gran mas flam', exhaustion = 40000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'hellscore', mana = 1100, level = 60, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 4000}, vocations = {1, 5}},
['Holy Flash'] = {id = 143, words = 'utori san', exhaustion = 40000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'holyflash', mana = 30, level = 70, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Divine Missile'] = {id = 122, words = 'exori san', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'divinemissile', mana = 20, level = 40, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Divine Caldera'] = {id = 124, words = 'exevo mas san', exhaustion = 4000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'divinecaldera', mana = 160, level = 50, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Physical Strike'] = {id = 148, words = 'exori moe ico', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'physicalstrike', mana = 20, level = 16, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Eternal Winter'] = {id = 118, words = 'exevo gran mas frigo', exhaustion = 40000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'eternalwinter', mana = 1050, level = 60, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 4000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Ice Strike'] = {id = 112, words = 'exori frigo', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'icestrike', mana = 20, level = 15, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5, 2, 6}},
['Strong Ice Strike'] = {id = 152, words = 'exori gran frigo', exhaustion = 8000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'strongicestrike', mana = 60, level = 80, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000, [4] = 8000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Ultimate Ice Strike'] = {id = 156, words = 'exori max frigo', exhaustion = 30000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'ultimateicestrike', mana = 100, level = 100,soul = 0, group = {[1] = 4000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Ice Wave'] = {id = 121, words = 'exevo frigo hur', exhaustion = 4000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'icewave', mana = 25, level = 18, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Strong Ice Wave'] = {id = 43, words = 'exevo gran frigo hur', exhaustion = 8000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'strongicewave', mana = 170, level = 40, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Envenom'] = {id = 142, words = 'utori pox', exhaustion = 40000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'envenom', mana = 30, level = 50, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Terra Strike'] = {id = 113, words = 'exori tera', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'terrastrike', mana = 20, level = 13, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 5, 2, 6}},
['Strong Terra Strike'] = {id = 153, words = 'exori gran tera', exhaustion = 8000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'strongterrastrike', mana = 60, level = 70, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000, [4] = 8000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Ultimate Terra Strike'] = {id = 157, words = 'exori max tera', exhaustion = 30000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'ultimateterrastrike', mana = 100, level = 90, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 4000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Terra Wave'] = {id = 120, words = 'exevo tera hur', exhaustion = 4000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'terrawave', mana = 210, level = 38, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 2000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Wrath of Nature'] = {id = 56, words = 'exevo gran mas tera', exhaustion = 40000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'wrathofnature', mana = 700, level = 55, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 4000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Light Healing'] = {id = 1, words = 'exura', exhaustion = 1000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'lighthealing', mana = 20, level = 9, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7}},
['Wound Cleansing'] = {id = 123, words = 'exura ico', exhaustion = 1000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'woundcleansing', mana = 40, level = 10, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Intense Wound Cleansing'] = {id = 158, words = 'exura gran ico', exhaustion = 600000,premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'intensewoundcleansing', mana = 200, level = 80, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Cure Bleeding'] = {id = 144, words = 'exana kor', exhaustion = 6000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'curebleeding', mana = 30, level = 30, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Cure Electrification'] = {id = 146, words = 'exana vis', exhaustion = 6000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'curseelectrification', mana = 30, level = 22, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Cure Poison'] = {id = 29, words = 'exana pox', exhaustion = 6000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'curepoison', mana = 30, level = 10, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}},
['Cure Burning'] = {id = 145, words = 'exana flam', exhaustion = 6000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'cureburning', mana = 30, level = 30, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Cure Curse'] = {id = 147, words = 'exana mort', exhaustion = 6000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'curecurse', mana = 40, level = 80, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Recovery'] = {id = 159, words = 'utura', exhaustion = 60000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'recovery', mana = 75, level = 50, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {4, 8, 3, 7}},
['Intense Recovery'] = {id = 160, words = 'utura gran', exhaustion = 60000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'intenserecovery', mana = 165, level = 100,soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {4, 8, 3, 7}},
['Salvation'] = {id = 36, words = 'exura gran san', exhaustion = 1000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'salvation', mana = 210, level = 60, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Intense Healing'] = {id = 2, words = 'exura gran', exhaustion = 1000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'intensehealing', mana = 70, level = 20, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7}},
['Heal Friend'] = {id = 84, words = 'exura sio', exhaustion = 1000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'healfriend', mana = 140, level = 18, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Ultimate Healing'] = {id = 3, words = 'exura vita', exhaustion = 1000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'ultimatehealing', mana = 160, level = 30, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Mass Healing'] = {id = 82, words = 'exura gran mas res', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'masshealing', mana = 150, level = 36, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {2, 6}},
['Divine Healing'] = {id = 125, words = 'exura san', exhaustion = 1000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'divinehealing', mana = 160, level = 35, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 1000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Light'] = {id = 10, words = 'utevo lux', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'light', mana = 20, level = 8, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}},
['Magic Rope'] = {id = 76, words = 'exani tera', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'magicrope', mana = 20, level = 9, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}},
['Levitate'] = {id = 81, words = 'exani hur', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'levitate', mana = 50, level = 12, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}},
['Great Light'] = {id = 11, words = 'utevo gran lux', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'greatlight', mana = 60, level = 13, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}},
['Magic Shield'] = {id = 44, words = 'utamo vita', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'magicshield', mana = 50, level = 14, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Haste'] = {id = 6, words = 'utani hur', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'haste', mana = 60, level = 14, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}},
['Charge'] = {id = 131, words = 'utani tempo hur', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'charge', mana = 100, level = 25, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Swift Foot'] = {id = 134, words = 'utamo tempo san', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'swiftfoot', mana = 400, level = 55, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 10000, [3] = 2000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Challenge'] = {id = 93, words = 'exeta res', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'challenge', mana = 30, level = 20, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {8}},
['Strong Haste'] = {id = 39, words = 'utani gran hur', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'stronghaste', mana = 100, level = 20, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Ultimate Light'] = {id = 75, words = 'utevo vis lux', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'ultimatelight', mana = 140, level = 26, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Cancel Invisibility'] = {id = 90, words = 'exana ina', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'cancelinvisibility', mana = 200, level = 26, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Invisibility'] = {id = 45, words = 'utana vid', exhaustion = 2000, premium = false, type = 'Instant', icon = 'invisible', mana = 440, level = 35, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6}},
['Sharpshooter'] = {id = 135, words = 'utito tempo san', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'sharpshooter', mana = 450, level = 60, soul = 0, group = {[2] = 10000, [3] = 10000}, vocations = {3, 7}},
['Protector'] = {id = 132, words = 'utamo tempo', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'protector', mana = 200, level = 55, soul = 0, group = {[1] = 10000, [3] = 2000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Blood Rage'] = {id = 133, words = 'utito tempo', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'bloodrage', mana = 290, level = 60, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {4, 8}},
['Train Party'] = {id = 126, words = 'utito mas sio', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'trainparty', mana = 'Var.', level = 32, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {8}},
['Protect Party'] = {id = 127, words = 'utamo mas sio', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'protectparty', mana = 'Var.', level = 32, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {7}},
['Heal Party'] = {id = 128, words = 'utura mas sio', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'healparty', mana = 'Var.', level = 32, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {6}},
['Enchant Party'] = {id = 129, words = 'utori mas sio', exhaustion = 2000, premium = true, type = 'Instant', icon = 'enchantparty', mana = 'Var.', level = 32, soul = 0, group = {[3] = 2000}, vocations = {5}},
local spells = {}
local lado = 'vertical'
local sbw -- window widget
local sbb -- button ./\ widget
local spellBarWindow -- UIWindow
local exhsaustionTotal = 1100
local hideLevel = false -- os que nao tem level, vai mostrar? true = nao, false = sim
function init()
sbb = modules.client_topmenu.addRightGameToggleButton('sbb', 'Spell Bar' , 'SpellBar.png', toggle)
sbw = g_ui.displayUI('SpellBar')
g_mouse.bindPress(sbw, function() createMenu() end, MouseRightButton)
connect(g_game, 'onTalk', mensagemEnviada)
connect(g_game, { onGameEnd = function() sbw:hide() sbb:setOn(false) end })
connect(LocalPlayer, {
onLevelChange = onLevelChange
for inst,values in pairs(spelllist) do
if values.type == 'Instant' then -- depois vou fazer mais tipos..
if g_game.getProtocolVersion() >= 950 then -- Vocation is only send in newer clients
if table.find(values.vocations, g_game.getLocalPlayer():getVocation()) then
local inside = {instantName = inst, words = values.words, lvl = values.level, mana = values.mana, prem = values.premium, groups =,icon = values.icon, vocations = values.vocations,exhaustion = values.exhaustion}
local inside = {instantName = inst, words = values.words, lvl = values.level, mana = values.mana, prem = values.premium, groups =,icon = values.icon, vocations = values.vocations,exhaustion = values.exhaustion}
table.sort(spells, function(a, b) return (a.lvl < b.lvl) end)

function onLevelChange(localPlayer, value, percent)
function mensagemEnviada(name, level, mode, text, channelId, pos)
if not g_game.isOnline() then return end
if g_game.getLocalPlayer():getName() ~= name then return end
for i = 1,#spells do
if spells[i].words:lower() == text:lower() then

function terminate()
disconnect(g_game, { onGameEnd = function() sbw:hide() sbb:setOn(false) end })
disconnect(g_game, 'onTalk', mensagemEnviada)
disconnect(LocalPlayer, {
onLevelChange = onLevelChange

function toggle()
if sbb:isOn() then
level = g_game.getLocalPlayer():getLevel()

function createMenu()
local menu = g_ui.createWidget('PopupMenu')
if lado == 'horizontal' then
menu:addOption('Set Vertical', function() lado = 'vertical' getSpells(spells) end)
menu:addOption('Set Horizontal',function() lado = 'horizontal' getSpells(spells) end)
if hideLevel == false then
menu:addOption('No Level Hide',function() hideLevel = true getSpells(spells) end)
menu:addOption('No Level Show',function() hideLevel = false getSpells(spells) end)

function destruirSpells()
for i = 1,100 do
if sbw:recursiveGetChildById('spell'..i) == nil then break end

function getSpells(tabela)
spellBarWindow = sbw:recursiveGetChildById('mainWindow')
local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer()
local valor = #tabela
local width = 38
local height = 38
if not player then return end
for i = 1,#tabela do
if (tabela[i].lvl > player:getLevel()) and hideLevel == true then
valor = i - 1
if i == #tabela then valor = i end
icon = g_ui.createWidget('SpellButton',spellBarWindow)
progress = g_ui.createWidget('SpellProgressSpell',spellBarWindow)
local spicon = Spells.getClientId(tabela[i].instantName)
icon:setImageClip((((spicon -1)%12)*32) .. ' ' .. ((math.ceil(spicon/12)-1)*32) .. ' 32 32')
icon.words = tabela[i].words
icon.instantName = tabela[i].instantName
icon.lvl = tabela[i].lvl
icon.mana = tabela[i].mana
icon.exhaustion = tabela[i].exhaustion
icon.exhaustionNeeded = 0
if lado == 'horizontal' then
height = 38
width = (i) * 32 + 2*(i)
icon:setMarginLeft((i) * 32 + 2*(i) - 32)
icon:setMarginTop((i) * 32 + 2*(i) - 32)
width = 38
height = (i) * 32 + 2*(i)
if player:getLevel() < icon.lvl then progress:setText('L'..icon.lvl) progress:setColor('red') progress:setPercent(0) end
if progress:getPercent() == 100 then progress:setText('OK') elseif icon.lvl < player:getLevel() then progress:setText(progress:getPercent()) end
icon.onClick = function() useSpell(i) end

function useSpell(i)
local spell = sbw:recursiveGetChildById('spell'..i)
if not spell then return end
local progress = sbw:recursiveGetChildById('progress'..i)
local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer()
if not player then return end
if progress:getPercent() < 100 then return modules.game_textmessage.displayFailureMessage('Wait your delay!') end

function startDownDelay(i) -- aqui vai ficar on onTalk, pra descer só realmente quando a spell sair
local spell = sbw:recursiveGetChildById('spell'..i)
if not spell then return end
local progress = sbw:recursiveGetChildById('progress'..i)
spell.exhaustionNeeded = 0
scheduleEvent(function() spellTimeleft(i) end,100)

function spellTimeleft(i)
local spell = sbw:recursiveGetChildById('spell'..i)
if not spell then return end
local progress = sbw:recursiveGetChildById('progress'..i)
spell.exhaustionNeeded = spell.exhaustionNeeded + 100
if spell.exhaustionNeeded < spell.exhaustion then
progress:setPercent(math.ceil(((spell.exhaustionNeeded) * 100)/spell.exhaustion))
spell.exhaustionNeeded = 0
return true
scheduleEvent(function() spellTimeleft(i) end,100)
Editado por Starliks
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14 respostass a esta questão

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Esse problema é um problema de comunicação entre o servidor e o cliente. No protocolgame.cpp do servidor o envio de info básicas do player para o cliente é feito em um modelo e a recepção dessas informações é feita em outro modelo no cliente, o que cria uma incompatibilidade e, no cliente, independente da vocação, se você der g_game.getLocalPlayer():getVocation() o valor será 255.


Para mudar isso você tem que alterar na source do OTC e do TFS para sincronizar o envio de informação.

Eu acredito que o problema seja esse, em todo caso, faça um com players de diferentes vocações e veja por si mesmo o resultado.





Mais exatamente as funções são essas:



void ProtocolGame::sendBasicData()
	NetworkMessage msg;
	msg.addByte(player->isPremium() ? 0x01 : 0x00);


void ProtocolGame::parsePlayerInfo(const InputMessagePtr& msg)
    bool premium = msg->getU8(); // premium
    int vocation = msg->getU8(); // vocation
        int premiumEx = msg->getU32(); // premium expiration used for premium advertisement

    int spellCount = msg->getU16();
    std::vector<int> spells;
    for(int i=0;i<spellCount;++i)
        spells.push_back(msg->getU8()); // spell id


Veja bem que essas versões já estão arrumadas, no entanto, meu servidor é um tanto peculiar e fora do padrão em um monte de questões. Não recomendo copiar diretamente, recomendo ou postar as suas aqui ou, caso você entenda o que está fazendo, alterar aos poucos se baseando nas minhas mas sem copiá-las diretamente.

Editado por Skulls
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Me desculpa mais não entendo de Otclient onde utilizo o ? Seria no Terminal do Cliente?


Em qualquer modulo lá, essa linha faz o player falar algo. Coloca na função de abrir/fechar seu modulo de barra de ataque, por exemplo.

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Em qualquer modulo lá, essa linha faz o player falar algo. Coloca na função de abrir/fechar seu modulo de barra de ataque, por exemplo.


tentei e não consegui utilizar.


caso eu tenha que add alguma coisa na sources tanto do client quando do tfs o que seria? onde eu adicionaria ?

se puder colocar passo a passo pois não entendo muito.

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tentei e não consegui utilizar.


caso eu tenha que add alguma coisa na sources tanto do client quando do tfs o que seria? onde eu adicionaria ?

se puder colocar passo a passo pois não entendo muito.

Você usa sources?


Você tem que alterar as funções ProtocolGame::sendBasicData() (do servidor) e void ProtocolGame::parsePlayerInfo(const InputMessagePtr& msg) (do cliente).


Se quiser postá-las aqui posso te ajudar a concertar.

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Troque o codigo as funções a seguir pelo código que eu coloquei abaixo



void ProtocolGame::parsePlayerInfo(const InputMessagePtr& msg)


bool premium = msg->getU8(); // premium

int vocation = msg->getU8(); // vocation







ProtocolGame.cpp void ProtocolGame::sendBasicData()


NetworkMessage msg;


msg.addByte(player->isPremium() ? 0x01 : 0x00);




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Vc n sabe compilar?

Procura na otland tem muitos tutoriais de compilação bons.


eu li sobre, porem tem que fazer downloads de muitos programas para compilar otclient , só daria pra fazer isso quando meu pc voltar do conserto " obs placa mãe queimada" , no momento estou usando 1 not velho da minha mãe, kk

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