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Compilando TFS 1.3 com vídeo-aula


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não sei exatamente o porque do erro, mas da uma olhada nos includes / linkers.

em configuration manager, deixe em RELEASE e na versão do seu PC (x64 ou x86)

Deixe assim (Se for 86 bits, em vez de lib64 é só lib)

Aqui nao deu nenhum erro, caso o erro persista, tente baixar outro boost (tem a versão 1_59 ja, embora eu ainda use a 1_57)

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A versao do seu visual studio é 2015 drakylucas? se tu usa o msm boost_1_57_0 do topico do bruno com a versao 2015 tu me desanima...porque minha esperança é trocar por um boost mais recente. só to meio desanimado.. queria uma certeza pq baixei um monte de programa para rodar um servidor mais atual e não vou pra frente por causa disso.

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Estou utilizando o visual studio 2013 RC, mas acho q nao deve mudar mt coisa nao..
verifica se vc mudou os includes/linkers dps de ter mudado pra x64/x86 (pq ele coloca um include diferente pra cada tipo, ou seja, vc pode ter mudado no x86 e estar compilando no x64, coisas do tipo).

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include n entendi oque eu possa estar vendo mas os libs ta ok.. tudo 64x... Mano..editando aqui rs.. pra mim esta tudo ok mas não funciona de maneira nenhuma. o que me recomendam fazer? instalar o visual studio2013 e refazer os passos? (pq uso o 2015) tentar outro programa pra compilar? kk qualquer opnião estarei ouvindo e tentando seguir. vlw

Obs: menos aquela de instalar linux ou maquina virtual.. um dia eu ainda tentarei isso (Y)




2 editando novamente : bom... eu baixei o visual studio 2013.. tava dando um erro la de install v140 build tools algo assim.. fui no projeto do server cliquei com o direito, configuration proprieties/general/platform toolset e alterei que estava not installed v140 por algo que eu tinha que foi visual studio 2013 v120.. ae compilou tranquilo

Edited by rngdota
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  • 4 weeks later...


1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: theforgottenserver, Configuration: Release x64 ------

1> otpch.cpp
1> actions.cpp
1> ban.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\actions.cpp)
1> baseevents.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\baseevents.cpp)
1> bed.cpp
1> chat.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\bed.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\bed.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\chat.cpp)
1> combat.cpp
1> commands.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\combat.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\combat.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\bed.cpp)
1> condition.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\combat.cpp)
1> configmanager.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\configmanager.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\configmanager.cpp)
1> connection.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\configmanager.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\connection.cpp)
1> container.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\commands.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\commands.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\container.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\container.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\database.h(25): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'mysql.h': No such file or directory (..\src\ban.cpp)
1> creature.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\creature.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\creature.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\configmanager.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\container.cpp)
1> creatureevent.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\condition.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\condition.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\creatureevent.cpp)
1> cylinder.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\creature.cpp)
1> database.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\configmanager.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\database.cpp)
1> databasemanager.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\configmanager.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\databasemanager.cpp)
1> databasetasks.cpp
1> depotchest.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\commands.cpp)
1> depotlocker.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\depotchest.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\depotchest.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\condition.cpp)
1> events.cpp
1> fileloader.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\events.cpp)
1> game.cpp
1> globalevent.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\configmanager.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\globalevent.cpp)
1> groups.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\depotlocker.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\depotlocker.cpp)
1> guild.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\database.h(25): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'mysql.h': No such file or directory (..\src\databasetasks.cpp)
1> house.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\guild.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\guild.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\game.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\game.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\guild.cpp)
1> housetile.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\game.cpp)
1> inbox.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\housetile.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\housetile.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\inbox.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\inbox.cpp)
1> ioguild.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\house.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\house.cpp)
1> iologindata.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\housetile.cpp)
1> iomap.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\house.cpp)
1> iomapserialize.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\iomap.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\iomap.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\iologindata.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\iologindata.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\iologindata.cpp)
1> iomarket.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\configmanager.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\iomap.cpp)
1> item.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\database.h(25): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'mysql.h': No such file or directory (..\src\ioguild.cpp)
1> items.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\item.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\item.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\item.cpp)
1> luascript.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\database.h(25): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'mysql.h': No such file or directory (..\src\iomapserialize.cpp)
1> mailbox.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\database.h(25): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'mysql.h': No such file or directory (..\src\iomarket.cpp)
1> map.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\items.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\items.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\mailbox.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\mailbox.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\items.cpp)
1> monster.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\luascript.cpp)
1> monsters.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\map.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\map.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\mailbox.cpp)
1> mounts.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\configmanager.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\map.cpp)
1> movement.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\monster.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\monster.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\monsters.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\monsters.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\movement.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\movement.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\monsters.cpp)
1> networkmessage.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\movement.cpp)
1> npc.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\monster.cpp)
1> otserv.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\networkmessage.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\networkmessage.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\npc.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\npc.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\otserv.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\otserv.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\networkmessage.cpp)
1> outfit.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\npc.cpp)
1> outputmessage.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\otserv.cpp)
1> party.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\party.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\party.cpp)
1> player.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\player.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\player.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\player.cpp)
1> position.cpp
1> protocol.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\party.cpp)
1> protocolgame.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\rsa.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'gmp.h': No such file or directory (..\src\protocol.cpp)
1> protocollogin.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\rsa.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'gmp.h': No such file or directory (..\src\protocollogin.cpp)
1> protocolold.cpp
1> quests.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\protocolgame.cpp)
1> raids.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\raids.cpp)
1> rsa.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\rsa.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'gmp.h': No such file or directory (..\src\rsa.cpp)
1> scheduler.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\quests.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\quests.cpp)
1>C:\boost\boost/lockfree/stack.hpp(93): warning C4512: 'boost::lockfree::stack<T *,boost::lockfree::capacity<0x0800>,boost::parameter::void_,boost::parameter::void_>::node' : assignment operator could not be generated
1> with
1> [
1> T=_Refoa
1> ] (..\src\outputmessage.cpp)
1> C:\boost\boost/lockfree/stack.hpp(85) : see declaration of 'boost::lockfree::stack<T *,boost::lockfree::capacity<0x0800>,boost::parameter::void_,boost::parameter::void_>::node'
1> with
1> [
1> T=_Refoa
1> ]
1> C:\boost\boost/lockfree/detail/freelist.hpp(331) : see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::lockfree::stack<T *,boost::lockfree::capacity<0x0800>,boost::parameter::void_,boost::parameter::void_>::node' being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> T=_Refoa
1> ]
1> C:\boost\boost/lockfree/detail/freelist.hpp(388) : see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::lockfree::detail::compiletime_sized_freelist_storage<T,0x0800>' being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> T=boost::lockfree::stack<_Refoa *,boost::lockfree::capacity<0x0800>,boost::parameter::void_,boost::parameter::void_>::node
1> ]
1> C:\boost\boost/lockfree/stack.hpp(97) : see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::lockfree::detail::fixed_size_freelist<T,boost::lockfree::detail::compiletime_sized_freelist_storage<T,0x0800>>' being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> T=boost::lockfree::stack<_Refoa *,boost::lockfree::capacity<0x0800>,boost::parameter::void_,boost::parameter::void_>::node
1> ]
1> c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\lockfree.h(35) : see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::lockfree::stack<T *,boost::lockfree::capacity<0x0800>,boost::parameter::void_,boost::parameter::void_>' being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> T=_Refoa
1> ]
1> c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\lockfree.h(33) : while compiling class template member function '_Refoa *LockfreePoolingAllocator<U,0x0800>::allocate(size_t) const'
1> with
1> [
1> U=_Refoa
1> ]
1> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\include\memory(1020) : see reference to function template instantiation '_Refoa *LockfreePoolingAllocator<U,0x0800>::allocate(size_t) const' being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> U=_Refoa
1> ]
1> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\include\memory(1018) : see reference to class template instantiation 'LockfreePoolingAllocator<U,0x0800>' being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> U=_Refoa
1> ]
1> ..\src\outputmessage.cpp(81) : see reference to function template instantiation 'std::shared_ptr<OutputMessage> std::allocate_shared<OutputMessage,OutputMessageAllocator,>(const _Alloc &)' being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> _Alloc=OutputMessageAllocator
1> ]
1>C:\boost\boost/lockfree/detail/copy_payload.hpp(61): warning C4512: 'boost::lockfree::detail::consume_via_copy<U>' : assignment operator could not be generated
1> with
1> [
1> U=_Refoa *
1> ] (..\src\outputmessage.cpp)
1> C:\boost\boost/lockfree/stack.hpp(433) : see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::lockfree::detail::consume_via_copy<U>' being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> U=_Refoa *
1> ]
1> C:\boost\boost/lockfree/stack.hpp(417) : see reference to function template instantiation 'bool boost::lockfree::stack<T *,boost::lockfree::capacity<0x0800>,boost::parameter::void_,boost::parameter::void_>::pop<T*>(U &)' being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> T=_Refoa
1> , U=_Refoa *
1> ]
1> C:\boost\boost/lockfree/stack.hpp(417) : see reference to function template instantiation 'bool boost::lockfree::stack<T *,boost::lockfree::capacity<0x0800>,boost::parameter::void_,boost::parameter::void_>::pop<T*>(U &)' being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> T=_Refoa
1> , U=_Refoa *
1> ]
1> C:\boost\boost/lockfree/stack.hpp(416) : while compiling class template member function 'bool boost::lockfree::stack<T *,boost::lockfree::capacity<0x0800>,boost::parameter::void_,boost::parameter::void_>::pop(std::_Ref_count_obj_alloc<_Ty,_Alloc> &)'
1> with
1> [
1> T=_Refoa
1> , _Ty=OutputMessage
1> , _Alloc=OutputMessageAllocator
1> ]
1> c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\lockfree.h(35) : see reference to function template instantiation 'bool boost::lockfree::stack<T *,boost::lockfree::capacity<0x0800>,boost::parameter::void_,boost::parameter::void_>::pop(std::_Ref_count_obj_alloc<_Ty,_Alloc> &)' being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> T=_Refoa
1> , _Ty=OutputMessage
1> , _Alloc=OutputMessageAllocator
1> ]
1> c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\lockfree.h(35) : see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::lockfree::stack<T *,boost::lockfree::capacity<0x0800>,boost::parameter::void_,boost::parameter::void_>' being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> T=_Refoa
1> ]
1> c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\lockfree.h(33) : while compiling class template member function '_Refoa *LockfreePoolingAllocator<U,0x0800>::allocate(size_t) const'
1> with
1> [
1> U=_Refoa
1> ]
1> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\include\memory(1020) : see reference to function template instantiation '_Refoa *LockfreePoolingAllocator<U,0x0800>::allocate(size_t) const' being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> U=_Refoa
1> ]
1>C:\boost\boost/lockfree/detail/freelist.hpp(468): warning C4189: 'n' : local variable is initialized but not referenced (..\src\outputmessage.cpp)
1> C:\boost\boost/lockfree/stack.hpp(476) : see reference to function template instantiation 'void boost::lockfree::detail::fixed_size_freelist<T,boost::lockfree::detail::compiletime_sized_freelist_storage<T,0x0800>>::destruct<false>(boost::lockfree::detail::fixed_size_freelist<T,boost::lockfree::detail::compiletime_sized_freelist_storage<T,0x0800>>::tagged_node_handle)' being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> T=boost::lockfree::stack<_Refoa *,boost::lockfree::capacity<0x0800>,boost::parameter::void_,boost::parameter::void_>::node
1> ]
1> C:\boost\boost/lockfree/stack.hpp(476) : see reference to function template instantiation 'void boost::lockfree::detail::fixed_size_freelist<T,boost::lockfree::detail::compiletime_sized_freelist_storage<T,0x0800>>::destruct<false>(boost::lockfree::detail::fixed_size_freelist<T,boost::lockfree::detail::compiletime_sized_freelist_storage<T,0x0800>>::tagged_node_handle)' being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> T=boost::lockfree::stack<_Refoa *,boost::lockfree::capacity<0x0800>,boost::parameter::void_,boost::parameter::void_>::node
1> ]
1> C:\boost\boost/lockfree/stack.hpp(449) : see reference to function template instantiation 'bool boost::lockfree::stack<T *,boost::lockfree::capacity<0x0800>,boost::parameter::void_,boost::parameter::void_>::unsynchronized_pop<std::_Ref_count_obj_alloc<_Ty,_Alloc>>(U &)' being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> T=_Refoa
1> , _Ty=OutputMessage
1> , _Alloc=OutputMessageAllocator
1> , U=_Refoa *
1> ]
1> C:\boost\boost/lockfree/stack.hpp(449) : see reference to function template instantiation 'bool boost::lockfree::stack<T *,boost::lockfree::capacity<0x0800>,boost::parameter::void_,boost::parameter::void_>::unsynchronized_pop<std::_Ref_count_obj_alloc<_Ty,_Alloc>>(U &)' being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> T=_Refoa
1> , _Ty=OutputMessage
1> , _Alloc=OutputMessageAllocator
1> , U=_Refoa *
1> ]
1> C:\boost\boost/lockfree/stack.hpp(448) : while compiling class template member function 'bool boost::lockfree::stack<T *,boost::lockfree::capacity<0x0800>,boost::parameter::void_,boost::parameter::void_>::unsynchronized_pop(std::_Ref_count_obj_alloc<_Ty,_Alloc> &)'
1> with
1> [
1> T=_Refoa
1> , _Ty=OutputMessage
1> , _Alloc=OutputMessageAllocator
1> ]
1> C:\boost\boost/lockfree/stack.hpp(210) : see reference to function template instantiation 'bool boost::lockfree::stack<T *,boost::lockfree::capacity<0x0800>,boost::parameter::void_,boost::parameter::void_>::unsynchronized_pop(std::_Ref_count_obj_alloc<_Ty,_Alloc> &)' being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> T=_Refoa
1> , _Ty=OutputMessage
1> , _Alloc=OutputMessageAllocator
1> ]
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\quests.cpp)
1> scriptmanager.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\scriptmanager.cpp)
1> server.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\protocolold.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\protocolold.cpp)
1> spawn.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\spawn.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\spawn.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\protocolold.cpp)
1> spells.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\spells.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\spells.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\spawn.cpp)
1> protocolstatus.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\spells.cpp)
1> talkaction.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\talkaction.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\talkaction.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\configmanager.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\protocolstatus.cpp)
1> tasks.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\talkaction.cpp)
1> teleport.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\teleport.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\teleport.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\configmanager.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\server.cpp)
1> thing.cpp
1> tile.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\thing.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\thing.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\tasks.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\tasks.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\teleport.cpp)
1> tools.cpp
1> trashholder.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\configmanager.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\tools.cpp)
1> vocation.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\vocation.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\vocation.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\trashholder.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\trashholder.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\tasks.cpp)
1> waitlist.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\configmanager.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\waitlist.cpp)
1> weapons.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\trashholder.cpp)
1> wildcardtree.cpp
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\weapons.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\weapons.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\weapons.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\tile.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\tile.cpp)
1>c:\users\pedrohfk\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\luascript.h(23): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'lua.hpp': No such file or directory (..\src\tile.cpp)
========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

bugo tudo aqui '--' vs2013 64bits
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Desculpe ressuscitar ,porem estou com um erro e uma duvida na cabeça.

todos os tfs que baixo nesses links agora vem sem a pasta vc12 ,so vem a vc 14 .

mais quando tento compilar a vc14 sempre da algum erro .

tem que fazer algo diferente ou oque pra conseguir compilar em 64x???

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  • 1 month later...

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State

Error LNK1104 cannot open file 'mpir_d.lib' theforgottenserver C:\tfs\vc14\LINK 1

ta dando esse erro =(

com tudo atualizado boost 1.6.0


Edited by Fernando Novato
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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...

ta dando esse erro me ajuda Error    1    error MSB8020: The build tools for v140 (Platform Toolset = 'v140') cannot be found. To build using the v140 build tools, please install v140 build tools.  Alternatively, you may upgrade to the current Visual Studio tools by selecting the Project menu or right-click the solution, and then selecting "Upgrade Solution...".    C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.Cpp.Platform.targets    64    5    theforgottenserver

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4 horas atrás, Bruno disse:

Tutorial atualizado para versão do TFS 1.3.

uhhh que maravilha, tentarei compilar agora e edito aqui, vlww Bruno!



Tudo certo, compilação 100% sem erros, só não testei executando, ainda. Que versão esse TFS 1.3 é?

Desculpe a ignorancia

Edited by drigobo
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47 minutos atrás, KmlMonster disse:
Oi, eu tenho um problema ao tentar fazer uma TFSA dá-me um erro



Manda um print das variáveis de ambientes, por muito tempo tive diversos erros em toda compilação porque esse arquivo.bat para registrar, está registrando errado em alguns casos e o  visual studio dá 1000 erros nada a ver antes de apontar a causa real do problema

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