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[Encerrado] XP do server pokemon PDA


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["Electabuzz"] = {offense = 8.3, defense = 5.7, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 160, exp = 156, level = 80, wildLvl = 80, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},

<monster name="Electabuzz" nameDescription="a electabuzz" race="electric" experience="1084" speed="137" manacost="0">


Deixei a xp base do meu server 1x, e o Electabuzz esta dando 585 de xp, acredito eu que esteja errado como eu consigo colocar a xp exata q eu quero? Exemplo: 1200
(desculpe a formatação do post sou novo aqui e não sei direito)

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local function playerAddExp(cid, exp)
doPlayerAddExp(cid, exp)
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), exp, 215)

local Exps = {
{minL = 1, maxL = 99, multipler = 1},
{minL = 100, maxL = 149, multipler = 0.8},
{minL = 150, maxL = 199, multipler = 0.6},
{minL = 200, maxL = 249, multipler = 0.5},
{minL = 250, maxL = 299, multipler = 0.4},

local function calculaExp(cid, expTotal)
if not isPlayer(cid) then return 0 end
local expFinal = expTotal
local flag = false
for _, TABLE in pairs(Exps) do
if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= TABLE.minL and getPlayerLevel(cid) <= TABLE.maxL then
flag = true
expFinal = expFinal * TABLE.multipler
if not flag then expFinal = expFinal * 0.1 end --lvl 300+
return math.floor(expFinal)

function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)

if isSummon(cid) or not deathList or getCreatureName(cid) == "Evolution" then return true end --alterado v1.8
-------------Edited Golden Arena-------------------------
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 then
setGlobalStorageValue(22548, getGlobalStorageValue(22548)-1)
if corpse.itemid ~= 0 then doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "golden", 1) end --alterado v1.8
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 and getGlobalStorageValue(22548) == 0 then
local wave = getGlobalStorageValue(22547)
for _, sid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do
if isPlayer(sid) and getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 22545) == 1 then
if getGlobalStorageValue(22547) < #wavesGolden+1 then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 20, "Wave "..wave.." will begin in "..timeToWaves.."seconds!")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 28, "Wave "..wave.." will begin in "..timeToWaves.."seconds!")
addEvent(creaturesInGolden, 100, GoldenUpper, GoldenLower, false, true, true)
addEvent(doWave, timeToWaves*1000)
elseif getGlobalStorageValue(22547) == #wavesGolden+1 then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 20, "You have win the golden arena! Take your reward!")
doPlayerAddItem(sid, 2152, getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 22551)*2) --premio
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 22545, -1)
doTeleportThing(sid, getClosestFreeTile(sid, posBackGolden), false)
if getGlobalStorageValue(22547) == #wavesGolden+1 then
--------------------------------------------------- /\/\
local givenexp = getWildPokemonExp(cid)

if givenexp > 0 then
for a = 1, #deathList do
local pk = deathList[a]
local list = getSpectators(getThingPosWithDebug(pk), 30, 30, false)
if isCreature(pk) then
local expTotal = math.floor(playerExperienceRate * givenexp * getDamageMapPercent(pk, cid))
expTotal = calculaExp(pk, expTotal)
local party = getPartyMembers(pk)
if isInParty(pk) and getPlayerStorageValue(pk, 4875498) <= -1 then
expTotal = math.floor(expTotal/#party)
for i = 1, #party do
if isInArray(list, party) then
playerAddExp(party, expTotal)
playerAddExp(pk, expTotal)

if isNpcSummon(cid) then
local master = getCreatureMaster(cid)
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 10000))
doCreatureSay(master, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 10001), 1)
return false

if corpse.itemid ~= 0 then --alterado v1.8
doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "level", getPokemonLevel(cid))
doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "gender", getPokemonGender(cid))
return true

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local function playerAddExp(cid, exp)
doPlayerAddExp(cid, exp)
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), exp, 215)

local Exps = {
{minL = 1, maxL = 99, multipler = 1},
{minL = 100, maxL = 149, multipler = 0.8},
{minL = 150, maxL = 199, multipler = 0.6},
{minL = 200, maxL = 249, multipler = 0.5},
{minL = 250, maxL = 299, multipler = 0.4},

local function calculaExp(cid, expTotal)
if not isPlayer(cid) then return 0 end
local expFinal = expTotal
local flag = false
for _, TABLE in pairs(Exps) do
     if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= TABLE.minL and getPlayerLevel(cid) <= TABLE.maxL then
         flag = true
         expFinal = expFinal * TABLE.multipler
if not flag then expFinal = expFinal * 0.1 end --lvl 300+
return math.floor(expFinal)

function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)

if isSummon(cid) or not deathList or getCreatureName(cid) == "Evolution" then return true end --alterado v1.8
-------------Edited Golden Arena-------------------------
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 then
     setGlobalStorageValue(22548, getGlobalStorageValue(22548)-1)
     if corpse.itemid ~= 0 then doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "golden", 1) end --alterado v1.8
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 and getGlobalStorageValue(22548) == 0 then
     local wave = getGlobalStorageValue(22547)
     for _, sid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do
         if isPlayer(sid) and getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 22545) == 1 then
         if getGlobalStorageValue(22547) < #wavesGolden+1 then
             doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 20, "Wave "..wave.." will begin in "..timeToWaves.."seconds!")
             doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 28, "Wave "..wave.." will begin in "..timeToWaves.."seconds!")
             addEvent(creaturesInGolden, 100, GoldenUpper, GoldenLower, false, true, true)
             addEvent(doWave, timeToWaves*1000)
         elseif getGlobalStorageValue(22547) == #wavesGolden+1 then
             doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 20, "You have win the golden arena! Take your reward!")
             doPlayerAddItem(sid, 2152, getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 22551)*2) --premio
             setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 22545, -1)
             doTeleportThing(sid, getClosestFreeTile(sid, posBackGolden), false)
     if getGlobalStorageValue(22547) == #wavesGolden+1 then
--------------------------------------------------- /\/\
local givenexp = pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp or 0

if givenexp > 0 then
     for a = 1, #deathList do
         local pk = deathList[a]
         local list = getSpectators(getThingPosWithDebug(pk), 30, 30, false)
         if isCreature(pk) then
             local expTotal = math.floor(playerExperienceRate * givenexp * getDamageMapPercent(pk, cid))
                 expTotal = calculaExp(pk, expTotal)
             local party = getPartyMembers(pk)
             if isInParty(pk) and getPlayerStorageValue(pk, 4875498) <= -1 then
             expTotal = math.floor(expTotal/#party)
             for i = 1, #party do
                 if isInArray(list, party[i]) then
                     playerAddExp(party[i], expTotal)
                 playerAddExp(pk, expTotal)

if isNpcSummon(cid) then
     local master = getCreatureMaster(cid)
     doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 10000))
     doCreatureSay(master, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 10001), 1)
     return false

if corpse.itemid ~= 0 then --alterado v1.8
     doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "level", getPokemonLevel(cid))
     doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "gender", getPokemonGender(cid))
return true

Tenta isso.

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Ainda não deu certo ta dando 3900 de xp eu quero saber como eu configuro pra dar a xp q eu quero com base nesses scripts não era pra dar nem 1500

["Electabuzz"] = {offense = 8.3, defense = 5.7, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 160, exp = 156, level = 80, wildLvl = 80, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},

<monster name="Electabuzz" nameDescription="a electabuzz" race="electric" experience="1084" speed="137" manacost="0">

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bota a exp do seu bixo 1200 e a exp rate 1 ou vc calcula se o seu serv for mais de u de exp rate. exp: se o seu serv tem exp rate 10 pra seu monster der 1200 de xp ele te q tem no script 120 de experience...

Já fiz isso já e não da a xp q eu quero

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No config.lua, procure por algo assim:

	experienceStages = true
	rateExperience = 25
	rateExperienceFromPlayers = 25

E deixe assim:

	experienceStages = false
	rateExperience = 0
	rateExperienceFromPlayers = 0

Depois vá até data/lib/configuration.lua e procure por:

pokemonExpPerLevelRate = 6

E deixe:

pokemonExpPerLevelRate = 1

Tenta ai, se não der certo avisa que farei uns testes ai te mando quando der certo!

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No config.lua, procure por algo assim:

	experienceStages = true
	rateExperience = 25
	rateExperienceFromPlayers = 25

E deixe assim:

	experienceStages = false
	rateExperience = 0
	rateExperienceFromPlayers = 0

Depois vá até data/lib/configuration.lua e procure por:

pokemonExpPerLevelRate = 6

E deixe:

pokemonExpPerLevelRate = 1

Tenta ai, se não der certo avisa que farei uns testes ai te mando quando der certo!

Foi uma das primeiras coisas que tentei mudei até no base exp pra 1, não fica a xp exata

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Ainda não deu certo ta dando 3900 de xp eu quero saber como eu configuro pra dar a xp q eu quero com base nesses scripts não era pra dar nem 1500

["Electabuzz"] = {offense = 8.3, defense = 5.7, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 160, exp = 156, level = 80, wildLvl = 80, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},


<monster name="Electabuzz" nameDescription="a electabuzz" race="electric" experience="1084" speed="137" manacost="0">


tente deixar essa linha


<monster name="Electabuzz" nameDescription="a electabuzz" race="electric" experience="100" speed="137" manacost="0">


e essa


["Electabuzz"] = {offense = 8.3, defense = 5.7, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 160, exp = 1100, level = 80, wildLvl = 80, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},


so pra ver.

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Ainda não deu certo ta dando 3900 de xp eu quero saber como eu configuro pra dar a xp q eu quero com base nesses scripts não era pra dar nem 1500

["Electabuzz"] = {offense = 8.3, defense = 5.7, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 160, exp = 156, level = 80, wildLvl = 80, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},


<monster name="Electabuzz" nameDescription="a electabuzz" race="electric" experience="1084" speed="137" manacost="0">


tente deixar essa linha


<monster name="Electabuzz" nameDescription="a electabuzz" race="electric" experience="100" speed="137" manacost="0">


e essa


["Electabuzz"] = {offense = 8.3, defense = 5.7, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 160, exp = 1100, level = 80, wildLvl = 80, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"},


so pra ver.


Deu 532 de xp, com todas as rates x1

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