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AlekysRocha19 1
Olá, estou com um erro, peguei a gnomebase do site The_Hide , e está dando erro na LIB, um erro mt foda, fica uns 10 segundos só dando erro =( Iria agradecer mt qm pudesse ajudar =(
Segue o Sript da Lib
BB_GNOME_QUEST_LOG_STG = 11150[/size]
BB_GNOME_MISSION_STG = 11151[/size]
BB_GNOME_RANK_STG = 11152[/size]
[1] = {cel_pozycja = {x=32751,y=31784,z=10}},[/size]
[2] = {cel_pozycja = {x=32753,y=31784,z=10}},[/size]
[3] = {cel_pozycja = {x=32755,y=31784,z=10}},[/size]
[11304] = {cel_pozycja = {x=32751,y=31784,z=10} },[/size]
[11305] = {cel_pozycja = {x=32753,y=31784,z=10} },[/size]
[11306] = {cel_pozycja = {x=32755,y=31784,z=10} },[/size]
BB_GNOME_ENDURANCE_TEST_BACKING_TILE_EFFECT_WHEN_BACKING = 31 -- gwiazdki ogluszenia jakby, poprawic[/size]
BB_GNOME_SOUL_MELODY_CRYSTALS = {18229, 18230, 18231, 18232}[/size]
BB_GNOME_MELODY_STG = 11156[/size]
BB_GNOME_SOUL_MELODY_EFFECT_GOOD_FIREWERK = 28 -- efekt zoltych fajerwerkow, poprawic[/size]
BB_GNOME_SOUL_MELODY_EFFECT_BAD = 19 -- czerwone nutki, poprawic[/size]
BB_GNOME_SOUL_MELODY_LAST_CRYSTAL_EFFECT = 35 -- efekt czerwonych serc[/size]
BB_GNOME_CRYSTAL_EFFECTS_TABLE = { -- poprawic efekty [/size]
[18229] = {effect = 18},[/size]
[18230] = {effect = 18},[/size]
[18231] = {effect = 18},[/size]
[18232] = {effect = 18},[/size]
[1] = {stg=11157},[/size]
[2] = {stg=11158},[/size]
[3] = {stg=11159},[/size]
[4] = {stg=11160},[/size]
[5] = {stg=11161},[/size]
[6] = {stg=11162},[/size]
[7] = {stg=11163},[/size]
BB_GNOME_TASKS_KEEPER = 11164[/size]
BB_GNOME_TASKS_SPARK = 11166 [/size]
BB_GNOME_DIGGING_LITTLE_PIG_EAT_TRUFFLES_EFFECT = -- efekt jak przy exori mas[/size]
BB_GNOME_EXTERMINATION_SHOW_HOW_MANY_WIGGLERS_KILLED = "true" -- "true" / "no" czy ma pokazywac przy zabijaniu wiglerow ile ich zabilismy (jako wysylanie msg blue console)[/size]
-- items[/size]
TELEPORT_CRYSTAL = 18457,[/size]
Minor_Crystalline_Token = 18422,[/size]
Gnomish_Supply_Package = 18215,[/size]
DAMAGED_CRYSTALS = {18307,18228}, -- niebieskie zniszczone krysztaly to maja byc, czerwone sa do innej misji! <-- niesrpawdzone id[/size]
REPAIRED_CRYSTAL = 18311, [/size]
Gnomish_Extraction_Crystal = 18213,[/size]
crystal_crusher_body_too_much_fresh = 18487,[/size]
crystal_crusher_body_possible_to_spark = 18484,[/size]
crystal_crusher_body_after_spark = 18485,[/size]
little_pig = 18339, -- little pig do digging misji[/size]
floor_with_some_truffels = 18341, -- rozkopany dolek z truflami[/size]
floor_without_truffles_churned_ground = 18218, -- rozkopany dolek bez trufli[/size]
fresh_floor_to_dig_mold_floor = 18340, -- ziemia pod ktora moga sie skrywac trufle[/size]
fresh_mushroom_beer = 18305,[/size]
stale_mushroom_beer = 18306,[/size]
gnomerik_pos = {x=32775,y=31745,z=10}, [/size]
gnomerik_sign = 4, -- brazowy plus[/size]
gnomerik_description = "Gnomerik",[/size]
BB_GNOME_RANK_TBL = {[/size]
[0] = {next_rank_rep_needed = 30, text = "osiagnales range I"},[/size]
[1] = {next_rank_rep_needed = 120, text = "osiagnales range II"},[/size]
[2] = {next_rank_rep_needed = 480, text = "osiagnales range III"},[/size]
[3] = {next_rank_rep_needed = 1440, text = "awansowales na najwyzsza range (IV)"},[/size]
[0] = {take_text_1 = "Two missions are available for your {rank}: crystal {keeper} and {spark} hunting. You can undertake each mission but you can turn in a specific mission only once each 20 hours. ...", [/size]
take_text_2 = "If you lose a mission item you can probably buy it from Gnomally.",[/size]
report_text_1 = "Which mission do you want to report: crystal {keeper} or {spark} hunting?",[/size]
[1] = {take_text_1 = "Four missions are available for your {rank}: crystal {keeper}, {spark} hunting, monster {extermination} and mushroom {digging}. You can undertake each mission but you can turn in a specific mission only once each 20 hours. ...",[/size]
take_text_2 = "If you lose a mission item you can probably buy it from Gnomally.",[/size]
report_text_1 = "Which mission do you want to report: crystal {keeper}, {spark} hunting, {extermination} or mushroom {digging}?",[/size]
[2] = {take_text_1 = "Four missions are available for your {rank}: crystal {keeper}, {spark} hunting, monster {extermination} and mushroom {digging}. By the way, your rank now allows you to take aditional missions from Gnomeral in Gnomebase Alpha. ...",[/size]
take_text_2 = "You can undertake each mission but you can turn in a specific mission only once each 20 hours. If you lose a mission item you can probably buy it from Gnomally.",[/size]
report_text_1 = "Which mission do you want to report: crystal {keeper}, {spark} hunting, {extermination} or mushroom {digging}?",[/size]
[3] = {take_text_1 = "Four missions are available for your {rank}: crystal {keeper}, {spark} hunting, monster {extermination} and mushroom {digging}. By the way, your rank now allows you to take aditional missions from Gnomeral in Gnomebase Alpha. ...",[/size]
take_text_2 = "You can undertake each mission but you can turn in a specific mission only once each 20 hours. If you lose a mission item you can probably buy it from Gnomally.",[/size]
report_text_1 = "Which mission do you want to report: crystal {keeper}, {spark} hunting, {extermination} or mushroom {digging}?",[/size]
--[[ [/size]
[2] = {take_text_1 = "",[/size]
take_text_2 = "",[/size]
report_text_1 = "",[/size]
report_text_2 = "",[/size]
["spark"] = {minimum_rank = 0, task_stg = BB_GNOME_TASKS_SPARK, task_done_value = 7, task_exhausted_stg = 11167, task_exhausted_time = 60 * 60 * 20,[/size]
task_start_value = 0,[/size]
give_item = BB_GNOME_ITEMS_TBL.Gnomish_Extraction_Crystal, give_item_count = 1,[/size]
task_give_text_1 = "Take this extractor and drive it into a body of a slain crystal crusher. This will charge your own body with energy sparks. Charge it with seven sparks and return to me. ...",[/size]
task_give_text_2 = "Don't worry. The gnomes assured me you'd be save. That is if nothing strange or unusual occurs!",[/size]
task_report_text_1 = "You did well. That will help us a lot. Take your token and this gnomish supply package as a reward.",[/size]
task_not_completed_but_started_text = "Sorry you haven't finished yet this task, look in quest log",[/size]
tokens_count_as_reward = 1,[/size]
supply_packages_count_as_reward = 1,[/size]
reputations = 5,[/size]
npc_name = "commander stone",[/size]
["keeper"] = {minimum_rank = 0, task_stg = BB_GNOME_TASKS_KEEPER, task_done_value = 5, task_exhausted_stg = 11165, task_exhausted_time = 60 * 60 * 20,[/size]
task_start_value = 0,[/size]
give_item = BB_GNOME_ITEMS_TBL.GNOMISH_REPAIR_CRYSTAL, give_item_count = 1,[/size]
task_give_text_1 = "You will have to repair some damaged crystals. Go into the Crystal grounds and repair them, using this harmonic crystal. Repair five of them and return to me.",[/size]
--task_give_text_2 = "", nie ma drugiego msg dla tego tasku[/size]
task_report_text_1 = "You did well. That will help us a lot. Take your token and this gnomish supply package as a reward.",[/size]
task_not_completed_but_started_text = "Sorry you haven't finished yet this task, look in quest log",[/size]
tokens_count_as_reward = 1,[/size]
supply_packages_count_as_reward = 1,[/size]
reputations = 5,[/size]
npc_name = "commander stone",[/size]
-- nietestowane jeszcze:[/size]
["extermination"] = {minimum_rank = 1, task_stg = BB_GNOME_TASKS_EXTERMINATION, task_done_value = 10, task_exhausted_stg = 11169, task_exhausted_time = 60 * 60 * 20,[/size]
task_start_value = 0,[/size]
-- nie daje zadnych items na ten task[/size]
task_give_text_1 = "The wigglers have become a pest that threaten our resources and supplies. Kill 10 wigglers in the caves like the mushroon gardens or the truffles ground. Report back to me when you are done. ",[/size]
--task_give_text_2 = "", nie ma drugiego textu dla tego tasku[/size]
task_report_text_1 = "You did well. That will help us a lot. Take your token and this gnomish supply package as a reward.",[/size]
task_not_completed_but_started_text = "Sorry you haven't finished yet this task, look in quest log",[/size]
tokens_count_as_reward = 1,[/size]
supply_packages_count_as_reward = 1,[/size]
reputations = 5,[/size]
npc_name = "commander stone",[/size]
["digging"] = {minimum_rank = 1, task_stg = BB_GNOME_TASKS_DIGGING, task_done_value = 3, task_exhausted_stg = 11171, task_exhausted_time = 60 * 60 * 20,[/size]
task_start_value = 0,[/size]
give_item = BB_GNOME_ITEMS_TBL.little_pig, give_item_count = 1,[/size]
task_give_text_1 = "Take this little piggy here. It will one day become a great mushroom hunter for sure. For now it is depended on you and other pigs. ...",[/size]
task_give_text_2 = "Well other pigs then itself of course. I was not comparing you with a pig of course! Go to the truffels area and follow the truffel pigs there. When they dig up some truffels let the little pig eat the mushrooms. ...",[/size]
task_give_text_3 = "You'll have to feed it three times. Then return it to me. ...",[/size]
task_give_text_4 = "Keep in mind that the pig has to be returned to his mother after a while. When you don't do it, the gnomes will recall it via teleport cryrstals.",[/size]
task_report_text_1 = "You did well. That will help us a lot. Take your token and this gnomish supply package as a reward.",[/size]
task_not_completed_but_started_text = "Sorry you haven't finished yet this task, look in quest log",[/size]
tokens_count_as_reward = 1,[/size]
supply_packages_count_as_reward = 1,[/size]
reputations = 5,[/size]
npc_name = "commander stone",[/size]
}, [/size]
--[[ [/size]
[""] = {minimum_rank = 0, task_stg = , task_done_value = , task_exhausted_stg = , task_exhausted_time = 60 * 60 * 20,[/size]
task_start_value = ,[/size]
give_item = , give_item_count = 1,[/size]
task_give_text_1 = "",[/size]
task_give_text_2 = "",[/size]
task_report_text_1 = "",[/size]
task_not_completed_but_started_text = "Sorry you haven't finished yet this task, look in quest log",[/size]
tokens_count_as_reward = ,[/size]
supply_packages_count_as_reward = ,[/size]
reputations = ,[/size]
function BB_GNOME_getPlayerStorageValue(cid, a_storage)[/size]
return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, a_storage)[/size]
function BB_GNOME_setPlayerStorageValue(cid, b_storage, b_value)[/size]
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, b_storage, b_value)[/size]
function BB_GNOME_send_player_white_text(cid, text)[/size]
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 18, text) [/size]
function BB_GNOME_send_player_red_text(cid, text)[/size]
doCreatureSay(cid, text, TALKTYPE_MONSTER)[/size]
function BB_GNOME_addPlayer_points_in_gnomology_test(cid, points)[/size]
if BB_GNOME_getPlayerStorageValue(cid, BB_GNOME_TEST_IN_GNOMOLOGY_POINTS_STG) < 0 then[/size]
BB_GNOME_setPlayerStorageValue(cid, BB_GNOME_TEST_IN_GNOMOLOGY_POINTS_STG, 0)[/size]
BB_GNOME_setPlayerStorageValue(cid, BB_GNOME_TEST_IN_GNOMOLOGY_POINTS_STG, BB_GNOME_getPlayerStorageValue(cid, BB_GNOME_TEST_IN_GNOMOLOGY_POINTS_STG) + points)[/size]
function BB_GNOME_get_player_reputation(cid)[/size]
return BB_GNOME_getPlayerStorageValue(cid, BB_GNOME_REPUTATION_STG)[/size]
function BB_GNOME_advanceInRankIfRequiredReputationAchieved(cid)[/size]
for k,v in pairs (BB_GNOME_RANK_TBL) do[/size]
if k == BB_GNOME_getPlayerGnomeRank(cid) then[/size]
if v.next_rank_rep_needed ~= nil then[/size]
if BB_GNOME_get_player_reputation(cid) >= v.next_rank_rep_needed then[/size]
BB_GNOME_setPlayerGnomeRank(cid, BB_GNOME_getPlayerGnomeRank(cid) + 1)[/size]
return BB_GNOME_send_player_white_text(cid, v.text)[/size]
function BB_GNOME_add_player_reputation(cid, rep)[/size]
if BB_GNOME_get_player_reputation(cid) < 0 then[/size]
BB_GNOME_setPlayerStorageValue(cid, BB_GNOME_REPUTATION_STG, 0)[/size]
BB_GNOME_setPlayerStorageValue(cid, BB_GNOME_REPUTATION_STG, BB_GNOME_get_player_reputation(cid) + rep)[/size]
function BB_GNOME_setPlayerGnomeRank(cid, ktora)[/size]
BB_GNOME_setPlayerStorageValue(cid, BB_GNOME_RANK_STG, ktora)[/size]
function BB_GNOME_getPlayerGnomeRank(cid)[/size]
return BB_GNOME_getPlayerStorageValue(cid, BB_GNOME_RANK_STG)[/size]
function BB_GNOME_matchSoulMelody(cid)[/size]
for i = 1,7 do[/size]
BB_GNOME_GCTS_SPECIAL_TELEPORTS_NEED_QUEST = "true" -- "true" or anything else example: "false"
--gnomish crystal teleport system (GCTS)
[11150] = {tp_good = {x=32801,y=31766,z=9}, need_crystal = 1, bad_tp_text = "", destination_name = "Gnome City", info = "pierwszy teleport, od Xelvar'a do bazy"},
[11151] = {tp_good = {x=0,y=0,z=0}, need_crystal = 1, destination_name = "Thais", info = ""},
[11152] = {tp_good = {x=0,y=0,z=0}, need_crystal = 1, destination_name = "Svargrond", info = ""},
[11153] = {tp_good = {x=0,y=0,z=0}, need_crystal = 1, destination_name = "Liberty Bay", info = ""},
[11154] = {tp_good = {x=0,y=0,z=0}, need_crystal = 1, destination_name = "Kazordoon", info = ""},
[11155] = {tp_good = {x=0,y=0,z=0}, need_crystal = 1, destination_name = "Edron", info = ""},
[11156] = {tp_good = {x=0,y=0,z=0}, need_crystal = 1, destination_name = "Darashia", info = ""},
--[] = {tp_good = {x=,y=,z=}, destination_name = "", info = ""},
--[] = {tp_good = {x=,y=,z=}, destination_name = "", info = ""},
[11159] = {tp_good = {x=33000,y=31870,z=13}, destination_name = "Crystal Grounds", info = "tp do crystal grounds, sa tu misje na crystal keeper i raiders of lost spark"},
[11160] = {tp_good = {x=32795,y=31763,z=10}, destination_name = "Back From Crystal Grounds", info = "tp powrotny z crystal grounds do gnom bazy (action: 11160)"},
[11161] = {tp_good = {x=32771,y=31800,z=10}, destination_name = "Recruitment", info = "tp do recruitmentu, obok strzelnicy nas wyrzuca"},
[11162] = {tp_good = {x=32790,y=31795,z=10}, destination_name = "Back From Recruitment", info = "tp powrotny z recruitmentu do gnom bazy"},
[11163] = {tp_good = {x=32987,y=31860,z=9}, tp_bad = {x=32796, y=31781, z=10}, stg_required = BB_GNOME_RANK_STG, stg_value_minimum = 2, bad_tp_text = "Your rank among the Gnomes is too low.",
destination_name = "Gnomebase Alpha", info = "tp do gnomebase alfy, potrzebna odpowiednia ranga"},
[11164] = {tp_good = {x=32759,y=31813,z=11}, tp_bad = {x=32760, y=31811, z=10}, stg_required = BB_GNOME_MISSION_STG, stg_value_required = {16},
bad_tp_text = "Luckily you do not have to take the endurance at this time.",
destination_name = "Endurance Test", info = "tp do endurance test, dostepny tylko podczas wykonywania misji Endurance Test w recruitmencie"},
[11165] = {tp_good = {x=32759, y=31813, z=10}, destination_name = "Back From Endurance Test", info = "tp powrotne z Endurance Testu"},
[11166] = {tp_good = {x=32864,y=31844,z=11}, destination_name = "Truffles Garden", info = "tp do truffles garden"},
[11167] = {tp_good = {x=32803,y=31747,z=10}, destination_name = "Back From Truffles Garden", info = "tp powrotny z truffles garden do gnomebase"},
[11168] = {tp_good = {x=32796, y=31781, z=10}, tp_bad = {x=32987,y=31860,z=9}, stg_required = BB_GNOME_RANK_STG, stg_value_minimum = 2, bad_tp_text = "Your rank among the Gnomes is too low.",
destination_name = "Gnomebase Zwykla", info = "tp powrotne z gnomebase alpha do zwyklej"},
[11169] = {tp_good = {x=32960,y=31954,z=9}, destination_name = "Golem Area", info = "tp do golem repair "},
[11170] = {tp_good = {x=33002,y=31914,z=9}, destination_name = "Back From Golem Area ", info = "tp powrotny z golem repair"},
[11171] = {tp_good = {x=32906,y=31891,z=13}, destination_name = "Grindstone", info = "tp do Vulcancongr (Grindstone mission)"},
[11172] = {tp_good = {x=32976,y=31905,z=9}, destination_name = "Back From Grindstone", info = "tp powrotny z Vulcancongr (Grindstone mission)"},
[1] = {correct_answer = "a", talker = 11,
pyt_1 = "Imagine, during your travels you come upon a rare and unknown mushroom. Would you {A}) note down its specifics and location and look for a gnome to take care of it. ...",
pyt_2 = "Or would you {B}) smash it to an unrecognisable pulp. Or would you {C}) pluck it to take it with you for further examination. Or would you {D}) try to become friends with the mushroom by singing questionable bar-room songs?",
odp_a = "Indeed an excellent and smart decision for an ungnomish lifeform. But let us continue with the {test}.",
odp_b = "x",
odp_c = "x",
odp_d = "x"},
[2] = {correct_answer = "c", talker = 12,
pyt_1 = "Imagine you wake up one morning and discover you have forgotten how to knot your shoelaces. Would you {A}) admit defeat and go to bed once more. ...",
pyt_2 = "{B}) look for a gnome that can remind you how to do it. {C}) Despite the risk of injuring yourself, try to figure it out on your own. {D}) Use some pottery instead of shoes.",
odp_a = "Yeah, I can imagine how frustrating it must be not to be a gnome. But let us continue with the test.",
odp_b = "x",
odp_c = "That's the spirit! Initiative is always a good thing. Well most of the time. But let us continue with the {test}.",
odp_d = "x"},
[3] = {correct_answer = "b", talker = 13,
pyt_1 = "Now let us assume you see a gnome in danger. Would you {A}) not care because you must be imagining things. {B}) Save the gnome despite all odds and risk to your own life. ...",
pyt_2 = "{C}) Inspire the gnome by singing the gnomish national anthem. {D}) Hide and loot his corpse if he dies.",
odp_a = "x",
odp_b = "Although chances are the gnome will end up rescuing you instead, it is the attempt that counts. But let us continue with the {test}.",
odp_c = "x",
odp_d = "x"},
[4] = {correct_answer = "d", talker = 14,
pyt_1 = "Imagine you were participating in a gnome-throwing competition. Would you {A}) do some physical calculations in advance to increase your chances of winning. ...",
pyt_2 = "{B}) throw the gnome as safely as you can to ensure his safety. {C}) Sabotage the throwing gnomes of your competitors. {D}) Never participate in such an abominable competition.",
odp_a = "x",
odp_b = "x",
odp_c = "x",
odp_d = "Of COURSE you wouldn't! NO ONE would! But let us continue with the {test}."},
[5] = {correct_answer = "d", talker = 15,
pyt_1 = "Now imagine you were given the order to guard a valuable and unique mushroom. You guard it for days and no one shows up to release you and you grow hungry. ...",
pyt_2 = "Would you {A}) eat your boots. {B}) eat the mushroom. {C}) eat a bit of the mushroom. {D}) stick to your duty and continue starving.",
odp_a = "x",
odp_b = "x",
odp_c = "x",
odp_d = "I can only hope that is your honest opinion. But let us continue with the {test}."},
[6] = {correct_answer = "d", talker = 16,
pyt_1 = "What do you think describes gnomish society best? {A}) Ingenuity {B}) Bravery {C}) Humility {D}) All of the above.",
pyt_2 = "xD",
odp_a = "x",
odp_b = "x",
odp_c = "x",
odp_d = "Oh, you silver tongued devil almost made me blush. But of course you're right. But let us continue with the {test}."},
[7] = {correct_answer = "b", talker = 17,
pyt_1 = "How many bigfoot does it take to change a light crystal? {A}) Only one since it's a piece of mushroom cake. {B}) Light crystals are delicate products of gnomish science and should only be handled by certified gnomish experts. ...",
pyt_2 = "{C}) Three. One to hold the crystal and two to turn him around. {D}) Five. A light crystal turner, a light crystal picker, a light crystal exchanger, a light crystal changing manager and finally a light crystal changing manager assistant.",
odp_a = "x",
odp_b = "I knew this question was too easy. But let us continue with the {test}.",
odp_c = "x",
odp_d = "x"},
[8] = {correct_answer = "b", talker = 18,
pyt_1 = "What is a pollyfluxed quantumresonator? {A}) Something funny. {B}) Something important. {C}) Something to be destroyed. ...",
pyt_2 = "{D}) Sadly I am not a gnome and lack the intelligence and education to know about even the simplest of gnomish inventions.",
odp_a = "x",
odp_b = "Of course it is important when it has been invented by gnomes! But let us continue with the {test}.",
odp_c = "x",
odp_d = "x"},
[9] = {correct_answer = "a", talker = 19,
pyt_1 = "If your mushroom patch is infested with cave worms, would you {A}) place some green light crystals to drive them away. {B}) place some disharmonic crystals to drive them away. ...",
pyt_2 = "{C}) burn everything down. {D}) switch your diet to cave worms.",
odp_a = "A well thought out answer I have to admit. But let us continue with the {test}.",
odp_b = "x",
odp_c = "x",
odp_d = "x"},
[10] = {correct_answer = "a", talker = 20,
pyt_1 = "What is the front part of a spear? Is it {A}) the pointed one. {B}) The blunt one. {C}) Whatever causes the most damage {D}) A spear is no weapon but a fruit that grows on surface trees.",
pyt_2 = "xD",
odp_a = "Ah we have true warrior here I guess. But let us continue with the {test}.",
odp_b = "x",
odp_c = "x",
odp_d = "x"},
[11] = {correct_answer = "b", talker = 21,
pyt_1 = "On a military campaign what piece of equipment would you need most? ...",
pyt_2 = "Is it {A}) some tasty mushroom beer to keep the morale high. {B}) A large backpack to carry all the loot. {C}) A mighty weapon to vanquish the foes. {D}) Mushroom earplugs to be spared of the cries of agony of your opponents?",
odp_a = "x",
odp_b = "So it's true what they say about surface dwellers I guess. But let us continue with the {test}.",
odp_c = "x",
odp_d = "x"},
[12] = {correct_answer = "c", talker = 22,
pyt_1 = "What comes first? {A}) safety {B}) I {C}) duty {D}) George",
pyt_2 = "xD",
odp_a = "x",
odp_b = "x",
odp_c = "That's the spirit! But let us continue with the {test}.",
odp_d = "x"},
[13] = {correct_answer = "d", talker = 23,
pyt_1 = "In case of emergency {A}) break glass {B}) break a leg {C}) have a break {D}) call a gnome?",
pyt_2 = "xD",
odp_a = "x",
odp_b = "x",
odp_c = "x",
odp_d = "That's just what I'd do - if I weren't a gnome already, that is. But let us continue with the {test}."},
[14] = {correct_answer = "a", talker = 24,
pyt_1 = "The greatest disaster I can imagine is ... {A}) to fail the gnomes {B}) a ruined mushroom pie {C}) accidentally hammering my finger {D}) having some work to do",
pyt_2 = "xD",
odp_a = "Fear not. We don't expect too much of you anyway.",
odp_b = "x",
odp_c = "x",
odp_d = "Now you show your true colours, eh?. But let us continue with the {test}."},
[15] = {correct_answer = "c", talker = 25,
pyt_1 = "What would your favourite pet be? {A}) A Krazzelzak of course. {B}) An Uxmoff to be honest. {C}) Montpiffs were always my favourite. {D}) A Humdrella and nothing else!",
pyt_2 = "xD",
odp_a = "x",
odp_b = "An Uxmoff? But what about the horrible smell? On the other hand, the Uxmoff might get accustomed to it. But let us continue with the test.",
odp_c = "A Montpiff you say? You are a risk-taker it seems. Always going for the exotic. But let us continue with the {test}.",
odp_d = "x"},
[16] = {correct_answer = "d", talker = 26,
pyt_1 = "Why do you want to become a bigfoot? {A}) To become rich and famous. {B}) To become famous and rich. {C}) To become rich or famous. {D}) To serve the gnomish community in their struggle?",
pyt_2 = "xD",
odp_a = "Hm. Well this concludes the test. Now let us see your {result}.",
odp_b = "x",
odp_c = "x",
odp_d = "Excellent! Well this concludes the test. Now let us see your {result}."},
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