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Ver sé assim do jeito que vc quer troca aquele lá por este :



local function sendLetter(p)

local pos = p.pos

local letter = p.letter

doSendAnimatedText(pos, letter, TEXTCOLOR_RED)



function onPrepareDeath(cid, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller)

local letters = {"ONWNED!"}

for i = 1, #letters do

addEvent(sendLetter, i * 150, {pos = getCreaturePosition(cid), letter = letters})


return true




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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<!-- -->

<event type="login" name="PlayerLogin" event="script" value="login.lua"/>

<event type="joinchannel" name="GuildMotd" event="script" value="guildmotd.lua"/>

<event type="receivemail" name="Mail" event="script" value="mail.lua"/>

<event type="reportbug" name="SaveReportBug" script="reportbug.lua"/>

<event type="advance" name="AdvanceSave" event="script" value="advancesave.lua"/>

<event type="think" name="Idle" event="script" value="idle.lua"/>

<event type="think" name="SkullCheck" event="script" value="skullcheck.lua"/>

<event type="death" name="PythiusDead" script="pythius_the_rotten.lua" />

<event type="death" name="monster2" event="script" value="monster2.lua"/>

<event type="death" name="inquisitionPortals" script="teleports_inquisition.lua"/>

<event type="kill" name="kill" event="script" value="kill.lua"/>

<event type="advance" name="reward50" event="script" value="reward50.lua"/>

<event type="advance" name="reward100" event="script" value="reward100.lua"/>

<event type="death" name="DeathBroadcast" event="script" value="deathBroadcast.lua"/>




<event type="login" name="FirstItems" event="script" value="firstitems.lua"/>


<!-- Zombie Event -->

<event type="login" name="ExpVip" script="vipexp.lua"/>

<event type="login" name="FimVip" event="script" value="vip.lua"/>

<event type="statschange" name="zombieevent" event="script" value="zombievent.lua"/>


<!-- Tasks -->

<event type="kill" name="KillingInTheNameOf" event="script" value="killinginthenameof.lua"/>


<!-- WoE -->

<event type="death" name="empe_broken" event="script" value="empe_broken.lua"/>

<event type="death" name="pre_empes" event="script" value="pre_empes.lua"/>

<event type="statschange" name="empe_dmg" event="script" value="empe_dmg.lua"/>

<event type="login" name="reg_vs_guard" event="script" value="vs_guard.lua"/>

<event type="statschange" name="vs_guard" event="script" value="vs_guard.lua"/>


<event type="login" name="woe_rate" event="script" value="expwoe.lua"/>


<!-- Dota -->

<event type="death" name="ga1" event="script" value="ga1.lua"/>

<event type="death" name="ga2" event="script" value="ga2.lua"/>

<event type="death" name="ga3" event="script" value="ga3.lua"/>

<event type="death" name="gv1" event="script" value="gv1.lua"/>

<event type="death" name="gv2" event="script" value="gv2.lua"/>

<event type="death" name="gv3" event="script" value="gv3.lua"/>


<!-- Custom systems -->

<event type="kill" name="PlayerKill" event="script" value="arenakill.lua"/>

<event type="death" name="inquisitionPortals" event="script" value="inquisitionPortals.lua"/>

<event type="death" name="PlayerDeath" event="script" value="playerdeath.lua"/>

<event type="logout" name="demonOakLogout" event="script" value="demonOakLogout.lua"/>

<event type="death" name="demonOakDeath" event="script" value="demonOakDeath.lua"/>

<event type="death" name="Azerus" event="script" value="azerus.lua"/>



TFV0.4 servidor 8.60

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TFS0.4 verçao do servidor 8.60 velho nao da erro eu sei coloca script mano e que nao aparece a porra da msg msm quando o preyer morre


minLevel = false, -- false if you don't want any level req

minLevelDiff = false, -- false if you don't want any level diff req (negative numbers allowed).





killerAnimation = {

use = false,

text = "Frag", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.

color = 144



targetAnimation = {

use = true,

text = "Owned!", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.

color = 180




function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)

for i = 1, math.min(config.affected, getConfigInfo('deathAssistCount')) do

local killer = deathList

if(isPlayer(killer) == TRUE) then

local targetKills = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.killStorageValue)) + 1

local targetDeaths = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.deathStorageValue)) + 1


local killerKills = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.killStorageValue)) + 1

local killerDeaths = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.deathStorageValue)) + 1


setPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.killStorageValue, targetKills)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.deathStorageValue, targetDeaths)


local killerLevel = getPlayerLevel(killer)

local targetLevel = getPlayerLevel(cid)

local levelDiff = targetLevel - killerLevel


local values = {

["KILLERKILLS"] = killerKills,

["KILLERDEATHS"] = killerDeaths,

["KILLERNAME"] = getCreatureName(killer),

["KILLERLEVEL"] = killerLevel,


["TARGETKILLS"] = targetKills,

["TARGETDEATHS"] = targetDeaths,

["TARGETNAME"] = getCreatureName(cid),

["TARGETLEVEL"] = targetLevel



function formateString(str)

return(str:gsub("|([A-Z]+)|", (function(a) return values[a] end)))



if(config.rewardItem.use and (not config.rewardItem.minLevel or targetLevel >= config.rewardItem.minLevel) and (not config.rewardItem.minLevelDiff or levelDiff >= config.rewardItem.minLevelDiff)) then

local uid = doPlayerAddItem(killer, config.rewardItem.itemid, 5)


if(config.killMessage.use) then

doPlayerSendTextMessage(killer, config.killMessage.messageClass, formateString(config.killMessage.text))


if(config.broadcastMessage.use and (not config.broadcastMessage.minLevel or getPlayerLevel(cid) >= config.broadcastMessage.minLevel) and (not config.broadcastMessage.minLevelDiff or levelDiff >= config.broadcastMessage.minLevelDiff)) then

broadcastMessage(formateString(config.broadcastMessage.text), config.broadcastMessage.messageClass)


if(config.killerAnimation.use) then

doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(killer), config.killerAnimation.text, config.killerAnimation.color)


if(config.targetAnimation.use) then

doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid), config.targetAnimation.text, config.targetAnimation.color)




return true




e niso que tem que mexe iso eu sei pq ese script ai funciona so que as letras aparecem juntas que quero que apareçao em sequencia

Editado por tiuguedor
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Vai em seuot->data->creaturescripts

E adicione essa linha:



<event type="preparedeath" name="onPrepareDeath" event="script" value="preparedeath.lua"/>




seuot -> creaturescripts -> scripts -> preparedeath.lua



local function sendLetter(p)

local pos = p.pos

local letter = p.letter

doSendAnimatedText(pos, letter, TEXTCOLOR_RED)



function onPrepareDeath(cid, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller)

local letters = {"!", "D", "E", "N", "W", "O"}

for i = 1, #letters do

addEvent(sendLetter, i * 150, {pos = getCreaturePosition(cid), letter = letters})


return true





E em seuot -> creaturescripts -> scripts -> login.lua

Adicione essa linha:



registerCreatureEvent(cid, "onPrepareDeath")



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Agora sim você me explico direito mano !

Tenta ai :



minLevel = false, -- false if you don't want any level req

minLevelDiff = false, -- false if you don't want any level diff req (negative numbers allowed).





killerAnimation = {

use = true,

text = "O", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.

color = 144



targetAnimation = {

use = true,

text = "w", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.

color = 180



killerAnimation = {

use = true,

text = "n", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.

color = 144



killerAnimation = {

use = true,

text = "e", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.

color = 145



killerAnimation = {

use = true,

text = "d", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.

color = 181




function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)

for i = 1, math.min(config.affected, getConfigInfo('deathAssistCount')) do

local killer = deathList

if(isPlayer(killer) == TRUE) then

local targetKills = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.killStorageValue)) + 1

local targetDeaths = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.deathStorageValue)) + 1


local killerKills = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.killStorageValue)) + 1

local killerDeaths = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.deathStorageValue)) + 1


setPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.killStorageValue, targetKills)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.deathStorageValue, targetDeaths)


local killerLevel = getPlayerLevel(killer)

local targetLevel = getPlayerLevel(cid)

local levelDiff = targetLevel - killerLevel


local values = {

["KILLERKILLS"] = killerKills,

["KILLERDEATHS"] = killerDeaths,

["KILLERNAME"] = getCreatureName(killer),

["KILLERLEVEL"] = killerLevel,


["TARGETKILLS"] = targetKills,

["TARGETDEATHS"] = targetDeaths,

["TARGETNAME"] = getCreatureName(cid),

["TARGETLEVEL"] = targetLevel



function formateString(str)

return(str:gsub("|([A-Z]+)|", (function(a) return values[a] end)))



if(config.rewardItem.use and (not config.rewardItem.minLevel or targetLevel >= config.rewardItem.minLevel) and (not config.rewardItem.minLevelDiff or levelDiff >= config.rewardItem.minLevelDiff)) then

local uid = doPlayerAddItem(killer, config.rewardItem.itemid, 5)


if(config.killMessage.use) then

doPlayerSendTextMessage(killer, config.killMessage.messageClass, formateString(config.killMessage.text))


if(config.broadcastMessage.use and (not config.broadcastMessage.minLevel or getPlayerLevel(cid) >= config.broadcastMessage.minLevel) and (not config.broadcastMessage.minLevelDiff or levelDiff >= config.broadcastMessage.minLevelDiff)) then

broadcastMessage(formateString(config.broadcastMessage.text), config.broadcastMessage.messageClass)


if(config.killerAnimation.use) then

doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(killer), config.killerAnimation.text, config.killerAnimation.color)


if(config.targetAnimation.use) then

doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid), config.targetAnimation.text, config.targetAnimation.color)




return true





é qualquer coisa tenta Esse :



local function sendLetter(p)

local pos = p.pos

local letter = p.letter

doSendAnimatedText(pos, letter, TEXTCOLOR_RED)



function onPrepareDeath(cid, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller)

local letters = {"!", "D", "e", "N", "w", "O"}

for i = 1, #letters do

addEvent(sendLetter, i * 150, {pos = getCreaturePosition(cid), letter = letters})


return true


Editado por AdilsonHacker
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velho eu sei coloca script ate ese script que eu mostrei logo asima ai ele funfa so que a msg aparese td junta manja


tiagoduuarte nem tinha visto seu script ele pego aki manow vlw vo da +rep pra tu lek e um pro adilson pq ele tava tentano ajuda a tempao

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