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[Encerrado] Shiny Não Spawna


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Eai galera, tudo bom? Venho através desse post pedir uma ajuda meio que URGENTE x_x. Não está spawnando pokemon shiny no mapa. Tentei aumentar as rates, fiz de tudo, mas nada está dando certo. Alguém por favor pode me ajudar? Eu já procurei aqui, pesquisei no google, nos fóruns, aqui na xTibia principalmente mas não obtive sucesso ):


Meu script "spawn" que se encontra data/creaturescript/script




local shinys = {

"Bulbasaur", "Ivysaur", "Venusaur", "Charmander", "Charmeleon", "Charizard", "Squirtle", "Wartortle", "Blastoise",

"Caterpie", "Metapod", "Butterfree", "Weedle", "Kakuna", "Beedrill", "Pidgey", "Pidgeotto", "Pidgeot", "Rattata",

"Raticate", "Spearow", "Fearow", "Ekans", "Arbok", "Pikachu", "Raichu", "Sandshrew", "Sandslash", "Nidoran Female",

"Nidorina", "Nidoqueen", "Nidoran Male", "Nidorino", "Nidoking", "Clefairy", "Clefable", "Vulpix", "Ninetales",

"Jigglytuff", "Wigglytuff", "Zubat", "Golbat", "Odish", "Gloom", "Vileplume", "Paras", "Parasect", "Venonat", "Venomoth",

"Diglett", "Dugtrio", "Mewoth", "Persian", "Psyduck", "Golduck", "Mankey", "Primeape", "Growlithe", "Arcanine",

"Poliwag", "Poliwhirl", "Poliwrath", "Abra", "Kadabra", "Alakazam", "Machop", "Machoke", "Machamp", "Bellsprout",

"Weepinbell", "Victreebel", "Tentacool", "Tentacruel", "Geodude", "Graveler", "Golem", "Ponyta", "Rapidash", "Slowpoke",

"Slowbro", "Magnamite", "Magneton", "Farfetch'd", "Doduo", "Dodrio", "Seel", "Dewgong", "Grimer", "Muk", "Shellder",

"Cloyster", "Gastly", "Haunter", "Gengar", "Onix", "Drowzee", "Hypno", "Krabby", "Kingler", "Voltorb", "Electrode",

"Exeggcute", "Exeggutor", "Cubone", "Marowak", "Hitmonlee", "Hitmonchan", "Lickitung", "Koffing", "Weezing", "Rhyhorn",

"Rhydon", "Chansey", "Tangela", "Kangaskhan", "Horsea", "Seadra", "Goldeen", "Seaking", "Staryu", "Starmie", "Mr. Mime",

"Scyther", "Jynx", "Electabuzz", "Magmar", "Pinsir", "Tauros", "Magikarp", "Gyarados", "Lapras", "Ditto", "Eevee", "Vaporeon",

"Jolteon", "Flareon", "Porygon", "Omanyte", "Omastar", "Kabuto", "Kabutops", "Snorlax", "Porygo Z", "Dragonair", "Dratini", "Absol", "Altaria", "Baltoy", "Claydol", "Buneary", "Beldum", "Metang", "Metagross", "Camerupt", "Carnivine", "Carvanha", "Sharpedo", "Croagunk", "Toxicroak", "Buizel", "Floatzel", "Gabite", "Gible", "Gliscor", "Honchkrow", "Luxray", "Mamoswine", "Pachirisu", "Plusle", "Minun", "Probopass", "Purugly", "Froslass", "Glalie", "Snorunt", "Lunatone", "Solrock", "Staraptor", "Tropius", "Yanmega", "Zangoose", "Rhyperior", "Gastrodon", "Typhlosion", "Quilava", "Cyndaquil", "Chikorita", "Meganium", "Bayleef", "Totodile", "Croconaw", "Feraligatr"


local raros = {"Articuno", "Zapdos", "Moltreas", "Mew", "Mewtwo", "Dragonite", "Aerodactyl"}


local function doPokemonRegisterLevel(cid)

if not isCreature(cid) then return true end

if getWildPokemonLevel(cid) == -1 then





local function doSetRandomGender(cid)

if not isCreature(cid) then return true end

local gender = 0

local name = getCreatureName(cid)

if not newpokedex[name] then return true end

local rate = newpokedex[name].gender

if rate == 0 then

gender = 3

elseif rate == 1000 then

gender = 4

elseif rate == -1 then

gender = 0

elseif math.random(1, 1000) <= rate then

gender = 4


gender = 3


doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, gender)



local function doShiny(cid)

if isCreature(cid) then

if isSummon(cid) then return true end

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 74469) >= 1 then return true end

if isInArray(shinys, getCreatureName(cid)) then

transform = math.random(10, 100) --100% chance

elseif isInArray(raros, getCreatureName(cid)) then

transform = math.random(10, 1000) --100% chance

elseif not isInArray(raros, getCreatureName(cid)) and not isInArray(shinys, getCreatureName(cid)) then

return true


if transform == 1 then

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 18)

local shi = doCreateMonster("Shiny ".. getCreatureName(cid) .."", getThingPos(cid))

setPlayerStorageValue(shi, 74469, 1)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 74469, 1)



setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 74469, 1)



return true




function onSpawn(cid)


registerCreatureEvent(cid, "GeneralConfiguration")

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "DirectionSystem")

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "CastSystem")


if isSummon(cid) then

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "SummonDeath")

return true



registerCreatureEvent(cid, "Experience")


addEvent(doPokemonRegisterLevel, 5, cid)

addEvent(doSetRandomGender, 5, cid)

addEvent(doShiny, 10, cid)


return true



não sei o que fazer mais :/ por favor me ajudem, estou desesperado x-x


Obrigado desde já! :D



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mano isso ja foi respondido achu q umas 500x --' se tu procurase aki no forum tu acharia..

e por ae vai --'

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mano isso ja foi respondido achu q umas 500x --' se tu procurase aki no forum tu acharia..

e por ae vai --'


cara, eu disse lá em cima que eu já vi os seus posts, já vi você reclamando com o cara que já postou umas 20x... Mas mesmo assim cara, eu fiz oque você disse pra ele e aqui não deu! :/

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if isInArray(shinys, getCreatureName(cid)) then

transform = math.random(10, 100) --100% chance

elseif isInArray(raros, getCreatureName(cid)) then

transform = math.random(10, 1000) --100% chance


vc concerteza n seguiu oq eu flei...

90 - 100
1 - x
100 / 90 = 1.11%...


mano isso eh simplismente mtm.. n tem nenhum misterio... coloque

transform = 1 

e veja q todos os pokes vao virar shinys..

se ms assim nenhum poke virar shiny dai sim pode ter algum problema.. mas eh algum problema causado por alguma ediçao tua...

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cara, só tem o

if transform == 1 then

e os outros tem esse

transform = math.random(10, 100) --100% chance

e esse

transform = math.random(10, 1000) --100% chance


mas eu quero por 15% em de chance nos 2... já tentei mudando o (10,100) para (15,100) e o (10,1000) para (150,1000) mas não surge nada

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Cara se quer 15% em spawn.lua procure por isso:


local function doShiny(cid)
if isCreature(cid) then
if isSummon(cid) then return true end
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 74469) >= 1 then return true end
if isInArray(shinys, getCreatureName(cid)) then
transform = math.random(10, 100) --100% chance 
elseif isInArray(raros, getCreatureName(cid)) then
transform = math.random(10, 1000) --100% chance 
elseif not isInArray(raros, getCreatureName(cid)) and not isInArray(shinys, getCreatureName(cid)) then
return true
if transform == 1 then
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 18)
local shi = doCreateMonster("Shiny ".. getCreatureName(cid) .."", getThingPos(cid))
setPlayerStorageValue(shi, 74469, 1)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 74469, 1)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 74469, 1)
return true


E troque por:


local function doShiny(cid)
if isCreature(cid) then
if isSummon(cid) then return true end
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 74469) >= 1 then return true end
if isInArray(shinys, getCreatureName(cid)) then
transform = 15 -- 15%
elseif isInArray(raros, getCreatureName(cid)) then
transform = 15 -- 15%
elseif not isInArray(raros, getCreatureName(cid)) and not isInArray(shinys, getCreatureName(cid)) then
return true
if math.random(100) <= transform then
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 18)
local shi = doCreateMonster("Shiny ".. getCreatureName(cid) .."", getThingPos(cid))
setPlayerStorageValue(shi, 74469, 1)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 74469, 1)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 74469, 1)
return true


Simples assim.

Editado por Yan18
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Ah cara, maravilha! Ja vou dar uma olhada nisso, é que pelo que eu mexia eu pensava que tinha que por com o (x, y)


Mas mesmo assim, obrigadão! Acho que ta resolvido! Obrigadão!



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