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Inquisition Portal



Ola galera, nao sei se estou na area serta...


Estou com problema com a inquisition quest quando mata os boss não aparece o teleport para continuar a quest e gostaria de saber se tem alguma coisa errada.







<event type="death" name="inquisitionPortals" event="script" value="inquisitionPortals.lua"/>







function onDeath(cid, corpse, killer)


registerCreatureEvent(cid, "inquisitionPortals")


local creaturename = getCreatureName(cid)


local ushuriel_in_position = {x=33157, y=31725, z=11, stackpos=2}

local annihilon_in_position = {x=637, y=472, z=13, stackpos=2}

local hellgorak_in_position = {x=335, y=581, z=10, stackpos=2}

local madareth_in_position = {x=340, y=460, z=13, stackpos=2}

local zugurosh_in_position = {x=390, y=525, z=13, stackpos=2}

local brothers_in_position = {x=505, y=345, z=13, stackpos=1}


local ushuriel_to_position = {x=33168, y=31728, z=11, stackpos=1}

local annihilon_to_position = {x=294, y=681, z=13, stackpos=1}

local hellgorak_to_position = {x=255, y=467, z=13, stackpos=1}

local madareth_to_position = {x=287, y=365, z=13, stackpos=1}

local zugurosh_to_position = {x=314, y=474, z=13, stackpos=1}

local brothers_to_position = {x=408, y=413, z=13, stackpos=1}


local time_to_pass = 180

local tpID = 5023

local doEffect = CONST_ME_ENERGYHIT

local message = "You now have 3 minutes to exit this room through the teleporter. It will bring you to the next room only during his time or the teleporter will disappear."


if creaturename == 'Ushuriel' then

teleport = doCreateTeleport(tpID, ushuriel_to_position, ushuriel_in_position)

doSendMagicEffect(ushuriel_in_position, CONST_ME_ENERGYHIT)

doCreatureSay(cid, message, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)

addEvent(removeTeleportInUshurielWard, (1000*time_to_pass))


elseif creaturename == 'Annihilon' then

teleport = doCreateTeleport(tpID, annihilon_to_position, annihilon_in_position)

doSendMagicEffect(annihilon_in_position, CONST_ME_ENERGYHIT)

doCreatureSay(cid, message, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)

addEvent(removeTeleportInAnnihilonWard, (1000*time_to_pass))


elseif creaturename == 'Madareth' then

teleport = doCreateTeleport(tpID, madareth_to_position, madareth_in_position)

doSendMagicEffect(madareth_in_position, CONST_ME_ENERGYHIT)

doCreatureSay(cid, message, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)

addEvent(removeTeleportInMadarethWard, (1000*time_to_pass))


elseif creaturename == 'Hellgorak' then

teleport = doCreateTeleport(tpID, hellgorak_to_position, hellgorak_in_position)

doSendMagicEffect(hellgorak_in_position, CONST_ME_ENERGYHIT)

doCreatureSay(cid, message, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)

addEvent(removeTeleportInHellgorakWard, (1000*time_to_pass))


elseif creaturename == 'Zugurosh' then

teleport = doCreateTeleport(tpID, zugurosh_to_position, zugurosh_in_position)

doSendMagicEffect(zugurosh_in_position, CONST_ME_ENERGYHIT)

doCreatureSay(cid, message, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)

addEvent(removeTeleportInZuguroshWard, (1000*time_to_pass))


elseif creaturename == 'Latrivan' then

teleport = doCreateTeleport(tpID, brothers_to_position, brothers_in_position)

doSendMagicEffect(brothers_in_position, CONST_ME_ENERGYHIT)

doCreatureSay(cid, message, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)

addEvent(removeTeleportInBrothersWard, (1000*time_to_pass))


return TRUE




function removeTeleportInUshurielWard()

if getThingfromPos({x=33157, y=31725, z=11, stackpos=1}).itemid == 5023 then

doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos({x=246, y=351, z=12, stackpos=1}).uid,1)

doSendMagicEffect({x=246, y=351, z=12, stackpos=1}, CONST_ME_POFF)

return TRUE




function removeTeleportInAnnihilonWard()

if getThingfromPos({x=637, y=472, z=13, stackpos=1}).itemid == 5023 then

doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos({x=637, y=472, z=13, stackpos=1}).uid,1)

doSendMagicEffect({x=637, y=472, z=13, stackpos=1}, CONST_ME_POFF)

return TRUE




function removeTeleportInHellgorakWard()

if getThingfromPos({x=335, y=581, z=10, stackpos=1}).itemid == 5023 then

doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos({x=335, y=581, z=10, stackpos=1}).uid,1)

doSendMagicEffect({x=335, y=581, z=10, stackpos=1}, CONST_ME_POFF)

return TRUE




function removeTeleportInMadarethWard()

if getThingfromPos({x=340, y=460, z=13, stackpos=1}).itemid == 5023 then

doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos({x=340, y=460, z=13, stackpos=1}).uid,1)

doSendMagicEffect({x=340, y=460, z=13, stackpos=1}, CONST_ME_POFF)

return TRUE




function removeTeleportInZuguroshWard()

if getThingfromPos({x=390, y=525, z=13, stackpos=1}).itemid == 5023 then

doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos({x=390, y=525, z=13, stackpos=1}).uid,1)

doSendMagicEffect({x=390, y=525, z=13, stackpos=1}, CONST_ME_POFF)

return TRUE




function removeTeleportInBrothersWard()

if getThingfromPos({x=505, y=345, z=13, stackpos=1}).itemid == 5023 then

doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos({x=505, y=345, z=13, stackpos=1}).uid,1)

doSendMagicEffect({x=505, y=345, z=13, stackpos=1}, CONST_ME_POFF)

return TRUE










local config = {

timeToRemove = 180, -- seconds

message = "You now have 3 minutes to exit this room through the teleporter. It will bring you to the next room only during his time or the teleporter will disappear",

teleportId = 9773,

bosses = { -- Monster Name, Teleport Position

["Ushuriel"] = { pos={ x=33157, y=31725, z=11, stackpos=1 }, aid=1001 },

["Zugurosh"] = { pos={ x=33123, y=31689, z=11, stackpos=1 }, aid=1002},

["Madareth"] = { pos={ x=33194, y=31768, z=11, stackpos=1 }, aid=1003},

["Annihilon"] = { pos={ x=33200, y=31704, z=11, stackpos=1 }, aid=1005},

["Hellgorak"] = { pos={ x=33107, y=31735, z=11, stackpos=1 }, aid=1006}


brothers ={

["Golgordan"] = {pos={ x=33235, y=31734, z=11, stackpos=1 },aid=1004, brother = "Latrivan"},

["Latrivan"] = {pos={ x=33235, y=31734, z=11, stackpos=1 },aid=1004, brother = "Golgordan"},

brothersArea ={

fromPos = {x = 33224, y = 31722, z = 11},

toPos = {x = 33240, y = 31734, z = 11} } }


local function removal(position)

doRemoveThing(getTileItemById(position, config.teleportId).uid, 1)

return TRUE



function onKill(cid, target, lastHit)

if(config.bosses[getCreatureName(target)]) then

local t = config.bosses[getCreatureName(target)]

local teleport = doCreateItem(config.teleportId, t.pos)

local position = t.pos

doItemSetAttribute(teleport, "aid", t.aid)

doCreatureSay(cid, config.message, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)

addEvent(removal, config.timeToRemove * 1000, position)

elseif(config.brothers[getCreatureName(target)]) then

local t = config.brothers[getCreatureName(target)]

local brother = getCreatureByName(

if(isMonster(brother) == true) then

if(isInRange(getCreaturePosition(brother), config.brothers.brothersArea.fromPos, config.brothers.brothersArea.toPos) == true) then

return TRUE



local teleport = doCreateItem(config.teleportId, t.pos)

local position = t.pos

doItemSetAttribute(teleport, "aid", t.aid)

doCreatureSay(cid, config.message, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)

addEvent(removal, config.timeToRemove * 1000, position)



return TRUE


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4 respostass a esta questão

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amigo veja se no seu creature scripts tem amis de um iquisitionportals, ou algo do genero, mude o local do outro se tiver outro , eu ja vi uns ots que o cara esqueceu de trocar o local do script e deixou o que nao funciona!parecido no creat

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Bom na pasta data\creaturescripts\scripts Tinha 2 pasta com os negocil de portais a original do ot ta assim :


local config = {


timeToRemove = 180,

message = "You now have 3 minutes to exit this room through the teleporter. It will bring you to the next room only during his time or the teleporter will disappear",


teleportId = 9773,


bosses = {

["Ushuriel"] = { pos={ x=33157, y=31725, z=11, stackpos=1 }, aid=1001 },


["Zugurosh"] = { pos={ x=33123, y=31689, z=11, stackpos=1 }, aid=1002},


["Madareth"] = { pos={ x=33194, y=31768, z=11, stackpos=1 }, aid=1003},


["Annihilon"] = { pos={ x=33200, y=31704, z=11, stackpos=1 }, aid=1005},


["Hellgorak"] = { pos={ x=33107, y=31735, z=11, stackpos=1 }, aid=1006}



brothers ={


["Golgordan"] = {pos={ x=33235, y=31734, z=11, stackpos=1 },aid=1004, brother = "Latrivan"},


["Latrivan"] = {pos={ x=33235, y=31734, z=11, stackpos=1 },aid=1004, brother = "Golgordan"},


brothersArea ={


fromPos = {x = 33224, y = 31722, z = 11},


toPos = {x = 33240, y = 31734, z = 11} } }



local function removal(position)


doRemoveThing(getTileItemById(position, config.teleportId).uid, 1)


return TRUE






function onKill(cid, target, lastHit)


if(config.bosses[getCreatureName(target)]) then


local t = config.bosses[getCreatureName(target)]


local teleport = doCreateItem(config.teleportId, t.pos)


local position = t.pos


doItemSetAttribute(teleport, "aid", t.aid)


doCreatureSay(cid, config.message, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)


addEvent(removal, config.timeToRemove * 1000, position)


elseif(config.brothers[getCreatureName(target)]) then


local t = config.brothers[getCreatureName(target)]


local brother = getCreatureByName(


if(isMonster(brother) == true) then


if(isInRange(getCreaturePosition(brother), config.brothers.brothersArea.fromPos, config.brothers.brothersArea.toPos) == true) then


return TRUE






local teleport = doCreateItem(config.teleportId, t.pos)


local position = t.pos


doItemSetAttribute(teleport, "aid", t.aid)


doCreatureSay(cid, config.message, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)


addEvent(removal, config.timeToRemove * 1000, position)






return TRUE




E a outra ta assim :



function onDeath(cid, corpse, killer)


registerCreatureEvent(cid, "inquisitionPortals")


local creaturename = getCreatureName(cid)


local ushuriel_in_position = {x=33157, y=31725, z=11, stackpos=2}

local annihilon_in_position = {x=637, y=472, z=13, stackpos=2}

local hellgorak_in_position = {x=335, y=581, z=10, stackpos=2}

local madareth_in_position = {x=340, y=460, z=13, stackpos=2}

local zugurosh_in_position = {x=390, y=525, z=13, stackpos=2}

local brothers_in_position = {x=505, y=345, z=13, stackpos=1}


local ushuriel_to_position = {x=33168, y=31728, z=11, stackpos=1}

local annihilon_to_position = {x=294, y=681, z=13, stackpos=1}

local hellgorak_to_position = {x=255, y=467, z=13, stackpos=1}

local madareth_to_position = {x=287, y=365, z=13, stackpos=1}

local zugurosh_to_position = {x=314, y=474, z=13, stackpos=1}

local brothers_to_position = {x=408, y=413, z=13, stackpos=1}


local time_to_pass = 180

local tpID = 5023

local doEffect = CONST_ME_ENERGYHIT

local message = "You now have 3 minutes to exit this room through the teleporter. It will bring you to the next room only during his time or the teleporter will disappear."


if creaturename == 'Ushuriel' then

teleport = doCreateTeleport(tpID, ushuriel_to_position, ushuriel_in_position)

doSendMagicEffect(ushuriel_in_position, CONST_ME_ENERGYHIT)

doCreatureSay(cid, message, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)

addEvent(removeTeleportInUshurielWard, (1000*time_to_pass))


elseif creaturename == 'Annihilon' then

teleport = doCreateTeleport(tpID, annihilon_to_position, annihilon_in_position)

doSendMagicEffect(annihilon_in_position, CONST_ME_ENERGYHIT)

doCreatureSay(cid, message, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)

addEvent(removeTeleportInAnnihilonWard, (1000*time_to_pass))


elseif creaturename == 'Madareth' then

teleport = doCreateTeleport(tpID, madareth_to_position, madareth_in_position)

doSendMagicEffect(madareth_in_position, CONST_ME_ENERGYHIT)

doCreatureSay(cid, message, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)

addEvent(removeTeleportInMadarethWard, (1000*time_to_pass))


elseif creaturename == 'Hellgorak' then

teleport = doCreateTeleport(tpID, hellgorak_to_position, hellgorak_in_position)

doSendMagicEffect(hellgorak_in_position, CONST_ME_ENERGYHIT)

doCreatureSay(cid, message, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)

addEvent(removeTeleportInHellgorakWard, (1000*time_to_pass))


elseif creaturename == 'Zugurosh' then

teleport = doCreateTeleport(tpID, zugurosh_to_position, zugurosh_in_position)

doSendMagicEffect(zugurosh_in_position, CONST_ME_ENERGYHIT)

doCreatureSay(cid, message, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)

addEvent(removeTeleportInZuguroshWard, (1000*time_to_pass))


elseif creaturename == 'Latrivan' then

teleport = doCreateTeleport(tpID, brothers_to_position, brothers_in_position)

doSendMagicEffect(brothers_in_position, CONST_ME_ENERGYHIT)

doCreatureSay(cid, message, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)

addEvent(removeTeleportInBrothersWard, (1000*time_to_pass))


return TRUE




function removeTeleportInUshurielWard()

if getThingfromPos({x=33157, y=31725, z=11, stackpos=1}).itemid == 5023 then

doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos({x=246, y=351, z=12, stackpos=1}).uid,1)

doSendMagicEffect({x=246, y=351, z=12, stackpos=1}, CONST_ME_POFF)

return TRUE




function removeTeleportInAnnihilonWard()

if getThingfromPos({x=637, y=472, z=13, stackpos=1}).itemid == 5023 then

doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos({x=637, y=472, z=13, stackpos=1}).uid,1)

doSendMagicEffect({x=637, y=472, z=13, stackpos=1}, CONST_ME_POFF)

return TRUE




function removeTeleportInHellgorakWard()

if getThingfromPos({x=335, y=581, z=10, stackpos=1}).itemid == 5023 then

doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos({x=335, y=581, z=10, stackpos=1}).uid,1)

doSendMagicEffect({x=335, y=581, z=10, stackpos=1}, CONST_ME_POFF)

return TRUE




function removeTeleportInMadarethWard()

if getThingfromPos({x=340, y=460, z=13, stackpos=1}).itemid == 5023 then

doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos({x=340, y=460, z=13, stackpos=1}).uid,1)

doSendMagicEffect({x=340, y=460, z=13, stackpos=1}, CONST_ME_POFF)

return TRUE




function removeTeleportInZuguroshWard()

if getThingfromPos({x=390, y=525, z=13, stackpos=1}).itemid == 5023 then

doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos({x=390, y=525, z=13, stackpos=1}).uid,1)

doSendMagicEffect({x=390, y=525, z=13, stackpos=1}, CONST_ME_POFF)

return TRUE




function removeTeleportInBrothersWard()

if getThingfromPos({x=505, y=345, z=13, stackpos=1}).itemid == 5023 then

doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos({x=505, y=345, z=13, stackpos=1}).uid,1)

doSendMagicEffect({x=505, y=345, z=13, stackpos=1}, CONST_ME_POFF)

return TRUE



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Não adianta no XML ta assim:


<event type="death" name="inquisitionPortals" event="script" value="inquisitionPortals.lua"/>


Troque pela e deixei assim:


<event type="death" name="teleports_inquisition" event="script" value="teleports_inquisition.lua"/>


E mesmo assim não funcionou =(

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