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É porque esse boost foi feito a partir do boost.lua original, talvez algumas mudanças que tenham feito no server tornou o script incompatível, eu baixei o server 1.4f (dash advanced) e peguei o boost.lua sem modificação alguma e coloquei pra funcionar com stone agrupável, diferente do script mais acima, esse funciona com stone agrupável ou não... se der erro foi alguma mudança na lib do server de vocês que atrapalha:



local ballslot = 12355
local ballslot_run = 12352

local stoneslot = 12354
local stoneslot_run = 12353

local button = 12356
local button_run = 12357

function isRunning(id)
   if isInArray({button_run, stoneslot_run, ballslot_run}, id) then
   return true
return false

boost_stones = {
["Bulbasaur"] = {leaf},
["Ivysaur"] = {leaf},
["Venusaur"] = {leaf},
["Charmander"] = {fire},
["Charmeleon"] = {fire},
["Charizard"] = {fire},
["Squirtle"] = {water},
["Wartortle"] = {water},
["Blastoise"] = {water},
["Caterpie"] = {coccon},
["Metapod"] = {coccon},
["Butterfree"] = {coccon},
["Weedle"] = {coccon},
["Kakuna"] = {coccon},
["Beedrill"] = {coccon},
["Pidgey"] = {heart},
["Pidgeotto"] = {heart},
["Pidgeot"] = {heart},
["Rattata"] = {heart},
["Raticate"] = {heart},
["Spearow"] = {heart},
["Fearow"] = {heart},
["Ekans"] = {venom},
["Arbok"] = {venom},
["Pikachu"] = {thunder},
["Raichu"] = {thunder},
["Sandshrew"] = {earth},
["Sandslash"] = {earth},
["Nidoran Female"] = {venom},
["Nidorina"] = {venom},
["Nidoqueen"] = {venom, earth},
["Nidoran Male"] = {venom},
["Nidorino"] = {venom},
["Nidoking"] = {venom, earth},
["Clefairy"] = {heart},
["Clefable"] = {heart},
["Vulpix"] = {fire},
["Ninetales"] = {fire},
["Jigglypuff"] = {heart},
["Wigglytuff"] = {heart},
["Zubat"] = {venom},
["Golbat"] = {venom},
["Oddish"] = {leaf, venom},
["Gloom"] = {leaf, venom},
["Vileplume"] = {leaf, venom},
["Paras"] = {coccon, leaf},
["Parasect"] = {coccon, leaf},
["Venonat"] = {coccon, venom},
["Venomoth"] = {coccon, venom},
["Diglett"] = {earth},
["Dugtrio"] = {earth},
["Meowth"] = {heart},
["Persian"] = {heart},
["Psyduck"] = {water},
["Golduck"] = {water, enigma},
["Mankey"] = {punch},
["Primeape"] = {punch},
["Growlithe"] = {fire},
["Arcanine"] = {fire},
["Poliwag"] = {water},
["Poliwhirl"] = {water},
["Poliwrath"] = {water, punch},
["Abra"] = {enigma},
["Kadabra"] = {enigma},
["Alakazam"] = {enigma},
["Machop"] = {punch},
["Machoke"] = {punch},
["Machamp"] = {punch},
["Bellsprout"] = {leaf, venom},
["Weepinbell"] = {leaf, venom},
["Victreebel"] = {leaf, venom},
["Tentacool"] = {water, venom},
["Tentacruel"] = {water, venom},
["Geodude"] = {earth, rock},
["Graveler"] = {earth, rock},
["Golem"] = {earth, rock},
["Ponyta"] = {fire},
["Rapidash"] = {fire},
["Slowpoke"] = {water, enigma},
["Slowbro"] = {water, enigma},
["Magnemite"] = {thunder, metal},
["Magneton"] = {thunder, metal},
["Farfetch'd"] = {heart},
["Doduo"] = {heart},
["Dodrio"] = {heart},
["Seel"] = {water, ice},
["Dewgong"] = {water, ice},
["Grimer"] = {venom},
["Muk"] = {venom},
["Shellder"] = {water, ice},
["Cloyster"] = {water, ice},
["Gastly"] = {dark},
["Haunter"] = {dark},
["Gengar"] = {dark},
["Onix"] = {rock, earth},
["Drowzee"] = {enigma},
["Hypno"] = {enigma},
["Krabby"] = {water},
["Kingler"] = {water},
["Voltorb"] = {thunder},
["Electrode"] = {thunder},
["Exeggcute"] = {enigma, leaf},
["Exeggutor"] = {enigma, leaf},
["Cubone"] = {earth},
["Marowak"] = {earth},
["Hitmonlee"] = {punch},
["Hitmonchan"] = {punch},
["Lickitung"] = {heart},
["Koffing"] = {venom},
["Weezing"] = {venom},
["Rhyhorn"] = {earth, rock},
["Rhydon"] = {earth, rock},
["Chansey"] = {heart},
["Tangela"] = {leaf},
["Kangaskhan"] = {heart},
["Horsea"] = {water},
["Seadra"] = {water},
["Goldeen"] = {water},
["Seaking"] = {water},
["Staryu"] = {water},
["Starmie"] = {water},
["Mr. Mime"] = {enigma},
["Scyther"] = {coccon},
["Jynx"] = {enigma, ice},
["Electabuzz"] = {thunder},
["Magmar"] = {fire},
["Pinsir"] = {coccon},
["Tauros"] = {heart},
["Magikarp"] = {water},
["Gyarados"] = {water, crystal},
["Lapras"] = {water, ice},
["Ditto"] = {heart},
["Eevee"] = {heart},
["Vaporeon"] = {water},
["Jolteon"] = {thunder},
["Flareon"] = {fire},
["Porygon"] = {heart, enigma},
["Omanyte"] = {rock, water},
["Omastar"] = {rock, water},
["Kabuto"] = {rock, water},
["Kabutops"] = {rock, water},
["Aerodactyl"] = {rock},
["Snorlax"] = {heart},
["Articuno"] = {ice},
["Zapdos"] = {thunder},
["Moltres"] = {fire},
["Dratini"] = {crystal},
["Dragonair"] = {crystal},
["Dragonite"] = {crystal},
["Mewtwo"] = {enigma},
["Mew"] = {enigma}}

function doRestoreBoostMachine(cid, b_pos, p_pos, s_pos, msg, msg2)

   doSendAnimatedText(b_pos, "DONE.", 215)

   if isCreature(cid) then
       doCreatureSetNoMove(cid, false)
       doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, msg)
       doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, msg2)

   local ball_s = getTileItemById(p_pos, ballslot_run)
   doTransformItem(ball_s.uid, ballslot)

   local stne_s = getTileItemById(s_pos, stoneslot_run)
   doTransformItem(stne_s.uid, stoneslot)

   local butn_s = getTileItemById(b_pos, button_run)
   doTransformItem(butn_s.uid, button)


local stones_required = {    -- custo base de stones para boostar
[heart] = 1,
[leaf] = 1,
[water] = 1,
[venom] = 1,
[thunder] = 1,
[rock] = 1,
[punch] = 1,
[fire] = 1,
[coccon] = 1,
[crystal] = 1,
[dark] = 1,
[earth] = 1,
[enigma] = 1,
[ice] = 1,

local stone_increase = {    -- a cada quantos boosts irá aumentar o custo de stones
[heart] = 3,
[leaf] = 3,
[water] = 3,
[venom] = 4,
[thunder] = 4,
[rock] = 3,
[punch] = 4,
[fire] = 3,
[coccon] = 2,
[crystal] = 15,
[dark] = 4,
[earth] = 4,
[enigma] = 4,
[ice] = 4,

function onUse(cid, item, topos, item2, frompos)

   if isRunning(item.itemid) then
       doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Wait until boosting finishes.")
   return true

   if item.itemid == button then

       local pbpos = topos
      	   pbpos.x = pbpos.x + 1
       local ball_slot = getTileItemById(pbpos, ballslot)
       local myball = getContainerItem(ball_slot.uid, 0)

       if myball.uid <= 0 or getItemWeight(myball.uid) == 0 then
           doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need to put a pokeball in the ball slot.")
       return true

       local pokemon = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "poke")
       local boost = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "boost") or 0

       if boost >= 50 then
           doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your pokemon is already at maximum boost.")
       return true

       local stnpos = pbpos
      	   stnpos.x = stnpos.x - 2
       local stone_slot = getTileItemById(stnpos, stoneslot)

       local stone = getContainerItem(stone_slot.uid, 0)

       if stone.uid <= 0 then
           doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need to put a stone in the stone slot.")
       return true

       if not isStone(stone.itemid) then
           doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please, put only stones in the stone slot.")
       return true

       if not isInArray(boost_stones[pokemon], stone.itemid) then

           local cancelstr = "Sorry, you are not using the correct stone."

           if #boost_stones[pokemon] > 1 then
               local stonesused = ""
               cancelstr = cancelstr.." This pokemon needs "
               for su = 1, #boost_stones[pokemon] do
                   local n = doCorrectString(getItemNameById(boost_stones[pokemon][su]))
                   if su == #boost_stones[pokemon] then
                       stonesused = stonesused.." or "..getArticle(n).." "..n..""
                   elseif su == 1 then
                       stonesused = stonesused..""..getArticle(n).." "..n..""
                       stonesused = stonesused..", "..n..""
               cancelstr = cancelstr..""..stonesused.." to be boosted."
               cancelstr = cancelstr.." This pokemon needs a "..doCorrectString(getItemNameById(boost_stones[pokemon][1])).." to be boosted."

           doPlayerSendCancel(cid, cancelstr)

       return true

       local removeStones = 0
       local extraStones = math.floor(boost / stone_increase[stone.itemid])
       local required_stones = stones_required[stone.itemid] + extraStones

       local boosts = 0
       local availableStones = 0

       for a = 0, getContainerSize(stone_slot.uid) - 1 do

           local it = getContainerItem(stone_slot.uid, a)

           if it.uid > 0 then

               if not isStone(it.itemid) then
                   doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please, put only stones in the stone slot.")
               return true

               if it.itemid ~= stone.itemid then
                   doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please, put only one type of stone in the stone slot.")
               return true

               local toAdd = it.type == 0 and 1 or it.type
               availableStones = availableStones + toAdd



       for a = 1, availableStones do

           if required_stones > 0 then
               required_stones = required_stones - 1

               if required_stones <= 0 then
                   boosts = boosts + 1
                   removeStones = removeStones + stones_required[stone.itemid] + extraStones
                   if boost + boosts <= 49 then
                       extraStones = math.floor((boost + boosts) / stone_increase[stone.itemid])
                       required_stones = stones_required[stone.itemid] + extraStones

       if required_stones > 0 and boosts == 0 then
           doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need more stones to boost this pokemon.")
       return true

       for b = 1, removeStones do
           local i = getContainerItem(stone_slot.uid, 0)
           if i.type == 0 then doRemoveItem(i.uid) else doChangeTypeItem(i.uid, i.type - 1) end

       local off = pokes[pokemon].offense * boost_rate * boosts
       local def = pokes[pokemon].defense * boost_rate * boosts
       local agi = pokes[pokemon].agility * boosts
       local spatk = pokes[pokemon].specialattack * boost_rate * boosts
       local vit = pokes[pokemon].vitality * boost_rate * boosts

       doSetItemAttribute(myball.uid, "boost", boost + boosts)
       doItemSetAttribute(myball.uid, "offense", getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "offense") + off)
       doItemSetAttribute(myball.uid, "defense", getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "defense") + def)
       doItemSetAttribute(myball.uid, "speed", getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "speed") + agi)
       doItemSetAttribute(myball.uid, "specialattack", getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "specialattack") + spatk)
       doItemSetAttribute(myball.uid, "vitality", getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "vitality") + vit)

       local msg = "Your "..getPokeballName(myball.uid).." ["..getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "level").."] has been boosted!"
       local msg2 = "• Boost: "..(boost + boosts).." (+"..boosts..")  • Offense: +"..doMathDecimal(off).."  • Defense: +"..doMathDecimal(def).."  • Spc. Atk: +"..doMathDecimal(spatk).."  • Agility: +"..doMathDecimal(agi).."  • Vitality: +"..doMathDecimal(vit)..""

       local downpos = getThingPos(cid)
       downpos.y = downpos.y + 1

       local mypos = getThingPos(cid)

       doTeleportThing(cid, downpos, false)
       doTeleportThing(cid, mypos, false)

       doTransformItem(ball_slot.uid, ballslot_run)
       doTransformItem(stone_slot.uid, stoneslot_run)
       doTransformItem(item.uid, button_run)

       doCreatureSetNoMove(cid, true)
       doCreatureAddCondition(cid, boostcondition)

       addEvent(doRestoreBoostMachine, 3000, cid, getThingPos(item.uid), getThingPos(ball_slot.uid), getThingPos(stone_slot.uid), msg, msg2)

   return true


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to em duvida aki, kkk.

Sobre tava pensando em algumas quest... tipo teria como criar um system de "TASK De kilar npcs? "


voce vai fala com npc, ele te manda voce mata XX tanto de npcs Rocket, tu volta ele te da teu premio.. Dificil ? obrigado :)

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n n seria.. os npcs quando podem ser atacos eles viram monsters... entao da pra usar qlqr script de task normal q deve funcionar ^^ eu to pensando em fazer um sistema de task q aceite varias tasks ao ms tempo, tpw pxg, q fica aparecendo o nome do npc e qnts pokes faltam matar e pah... quando tiver um tempo começo a fazer ele.. ^^

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Pronto arrumei o script do boost. Fala ae bruno sumido.





local ballslot = 12355

local ballslot_run = 12352

local stoneslot = 12354

local stoneslot_run = 12353

local button = 12356

local button_run = 12357

function isRunning(id)

if isInArray({button_run, stoneslot_run, ballslot_run}, id) then

return true


return false





boost_stones = {

["Bulbasaur"] = {leaf},

["Ivysaur"] = {leaf},

["Venusaur"] = {leaf},

["Charmander"] = {fire},

["Charmeleon"] = {fire},

["Charizard"] = {fire},

["Squirtle"] = {water},

["Wartortle"] = {water},

["Blastoise"] = {water},

["Caterpie"] = {coccon},

["Metapod"] = {coccon},

["Butterfree"] = {coccon},

["Weedle"] = {coccon},

["Kakuna"] = {coccon},

["Beedrill"] = {coccon},

["Pidgey"] = {heart},

["Pidgeotto"] = {heart},

["Pidgeot"] = {heart},

["Rattata"] = {heart},

["Raticate"] = {heart},

["Spearow"] = {heart},

["Fearow"] = {heart},

["Ekans"] = {venom},

["Arbok"] = {venom},

["Pikachu"] = {thunder},

["Raichu"] = {thunder},

["Sandshrew"] = {earth},

["Sandslash"] = {earth},

["Nidoran Female"] = {venom},

["Nidorina"] = {venom},

["Nidoqueen"] = {venom, earth},

["Nidoran Male"] = {venom},

["Nidorino"] = {venom},

["Nidoking"] = {venom, earth},

["Clefairy"] = {heart},

["Clefable"] = {heart},

["Vulpix"] = {fire},

["Ninetales"] = {fire},

["Jigglypuff"] = {heart},

["Wigglytuff"] = {heart},

["Zubat"] = {venom},

["Golbat"] = {venom},

["Oddish"] = {leaf, venom},

["Gloom"] = {leaf, venom},

["Vileplume"] = {leaf, venom},

["Paras"] = {coccon, leaf},

["Parasect"] = {coccon, leaf},

["Venonat"] = {coccon, venom},

["Venomoth"] = {coccon, venom},

["Diglett"] = {earth},

["Dugtrio"] = {earth},

["Meowth"] = {heart},

["Persian"] = {heart},

["Psyduck"] = {water},

["Golduck"] = {water, enigma},

["Mankey"] = {punch},

["Primeape"] = {punch},

["Growlithe"] = {fire},

["Arcanine"] = {fire},

["Poliwag"] = {water},

["Poliwhirl"] = {water},

["Poliwrath"] = {water, punch},

["Abra"] = {enigma},

["Kadabra"] = {enigma},

["Alakazam"] = {enigma},

["Machop"] = {punch},

["Machoke"] = {punch},

["Machamp"] = {punch},

["Bellsprout"] = {leaf, venom},

["Weepinbell"] = {leaf, venom},

["Victreebel"] = {leaf, venom},

["Tentacool"] = {water, venom},

["Tentacruel"] = {water, venom},

["Geodude"] = {earth, rock},

["Graveler"] = {earth, rock},

["Golem"] = {earth, rock},

["Ponyta"] = {fire},

["Rapidash"] = {fire},

["Slowpoke"] = {water, enigma},

["Slowbro"] = {water, enigma},

["Magnemite"] = {thunder, metal},

["Magneton"] = {thunder, metal},

["Farfetch'd"] = {heart},

["Doduo"] = {heart},

["Dodrio"] = {heart},

["Seel"] = {water, ice},

["Dewgong"] = {water, ice},

["Grimer"] = {venom},

["Muk"] = {venom},

["Shellder"] = {water, ice},

["Cloyster"] = {water, ice},

["Gastly"] = {dark},

["Haunter"] = {dark},

["Gengar"] = {dark},

["Onix"] = {rock, earth},

["Drowzee"] = {enigma},

["Hypno"] = {enigma},

["Krabby"] = {water},

["Kingler"] = {water},

["Voltorb"] = {thunder},

["Electrode"] = {thunder},

["Exeggcute"] = {enigma, leaf},

["Exeggutor"] = {enigma, leaf},

["Cubone"] = {earth},

["Marowak"] = {earth},

["Hitmonlee"] = {punch},

["Hitmonchan"] = {punch},

["Lickitung"] = {heart},

["Koffing"] = {venom},

["Weezing"] = {venom},

["Rhyhorn"] = {earth, rock},

["Rhydon"] = {earth, rock},

["Chansey"] = {heart},

["Tangela"] = {leaf},

["Kangaskhan"] = {heart},

["Horsea"] = {water},

["Seadra"] = {water},

["Goldeen"] = {water},

["Seaking"] = {water},

["Staryu"] = {water},

["Starmie"] = {water},

["Mr. Mime"] = {enigma},

["Scyther"] = {coccon},

["Jynx"] = {enigma, ice},

["Electabuzz"] = {thunder},

["Magmar"] = {fire},

["Pinsir"] = {coccon},

["Tauros"] = {heart},

["Magikarp"] = {water},

["Gyarados"] = {water, crystal},

["Lapras"] = {water, ice},

["Ditto"] = {heart},

["Eevee"] = {heart},

["Vaporeon"] = {water},

["Jolteon"] = {thunder},

["Flareon"] = {fire},

["Porygon"] = {heart, enigma},

["Omanyte"] = {rock, water},

["Omastar"] = {rock, water},

["Kabuto"] = {rock, water},

["Kabutops"] = {rock, water},

["Aerodactyl"] = {rock},

["Snorlax"] = {heart},

["Articuno"] = {ice},

["Zapdos"] = {thunder},

["Moltres"] = {fire},

["Dratini"] = {crystal},

["Dragonair"] = {crystal},

["Dragonite"] = {crystal},

["Mewtwo"] = {enigma},

["Mew"] = {enigma}}


function doRestoreBoostMachine(cid, b_pos, p_pos, s_pos, msg, msg2)

doSendAnimatedText(b_pos, "DONE.", 215)

if isCreature(cid) then

doCreatureSetNoMove(cid, false)

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, msg)

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, msg2)


local ball_s = getTileItemById(p_pos, ballslot_run)

doTransformItem(ball_s.uid, ballslot)

local stne_s = getTileItemById(s_pos, stoneslot_run)

doTransformItem(stne_s.uid, stoneslot)

local butn_s = getTileItemById(b_pos, button_run)

doTransformItem(butn_s.uid, button)


local stones_required = { -- custo base de stones para boostar

[heart] = 1,

[leaf] = 1,

[water] = 1,

[venom] = 1,

[thunder] = 1,

[rock] = 1,

[punch] = 1,

[fire] = 1,

[coccon] = 1,

[crystal] = 1,

[dark] = 1,

[earth] = 1,

[enigma] = 1,

[ice] = 1,


local stone_increase = { -- a cada quantos boosts irá aumentar o custo de stones

[heart] = 3,

[leaf] = 3,

[water] = 3,

[venom] = 4,

[thunder] = 4,

[rock] = 3,

[punch] = 4,

[fire] = 3,

[coccon] = 2,

[crystal] = 15,

[dark] = 4,

[earth] = 4,

[enigma] = 4,

[ice] = 4,


function onUse(cid, item, topos, item2, frompos)

if isRunning(item.itemid) then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Wait until boosting finishes.")

return true


if item.itemid == button then

local pbpos = topos

pbpos.x = pbpos.x + 1

local ball_slot = getTileItemById(pbpos, ballslot)

local myball = getContainerItem(ball_slot.uid, 0)

if myball.uid <= 0 or getItemWeight(myball.uid) == 0 then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need to put a pokeball in the ball slot.")

return true


local pokemon = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "poke")

local boost = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "boost") or 0

if boost >= 50 then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your pokemon is already at maximum boost.")

return true


local stnpos = pbpos

stnpos.x = stnpos.x - 2

local stone_slot = getTileItemById(stnpos, stoneslot)

local stone = getContainerItem(stone_slot.uid, 0)

if stone.uid <= 0 then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need to put a stone in the stone slot.")

return true


if not isStone(stone.itemid) then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please, put only stones in the stone slot.")

return true


if not isInArray(boost_stones[pokemon], stone.itemid) then

local cancelstr = "Sorry, you are not using the correct stone."

if #boost_stones[pokemon] > 1 then

local stonesused = ""

cancelstr = cancelstr.." This pokemon needs "

for su = 1, #boost_stones[pokemon] do

local n = doCorrectString(getItemNameById(boost_stones[pokemon][su]))

if su == #boost_stones[pokemon] then

stonesused = stonesused.." or "..getArticle(n).." "..n..""

elseif su == 1 then

stonesused = stonesused..""..getArticle(n).." "..n..""


stonesused = stonesused..", "..n..""



cancelstr = cancelstr..""..stonesused.." to be boosted."


cancelstr = cancelstr.." This pokemon needs a "..doCorrectString(getItemNameById(boost_stones[pokemon][1])).." to be boosted."


doPlayerSendCancel(cid, cancelstr)

return true


local removeStones = 0

local extraStones = math.floor(boost / stone_increase[stone.itemid])

local required_stones = stones_required[stone.itemid] + extraStones

local boosts = 0

local availableStones = 0

for a = 0, getContainerSize(stone_slot.uid) - 1 do

local it = getContainerItem(stone_slot.uid, a)

if it.uid > 0 then

if not isStone(it.itemid) then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please, put only stones in the stone slot.")

return true


if it.itemid ~= stone.itemid then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please, put only one type of stone in the stone slot.")

return true


availableStones = availableStones + it.type




for a = 1, availableStones do

if required_stones > 0 then

required_stones = required_stones - 1

if required_stones <= 0 then

boosts = boosts + 1

removeStones = removeStones + stones_required[stone.itemid] + extraStones

if boost + boosts <= 49 then

extraStones = math.floor((boost + boosts) / stone_increase[stone.itemid])

required_stones = stones_required[stone.itemid] + extraStones






if required_stones > 0 and boosts == 0 then

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need more stones to boost this pokemon.")

return true


for b = 1, removeStones do

local i = getContainerItem(stone_slot.uid, 0)

doChangeTypeItem(i.uid, i.type - 1)


doSetItemAttribute(myball.uid, "boost", boost + boosts)

local msg = "Your "..getPokeballName(myball.uid).." has been boosted!"

local msg2 = "• Boost: "..(boost + boosts).." (+"..boosts..")"

local downpos = getThingPos(cid)

downpos.y = downpos.y + 1

local mypos = getThingPos(cid)

doTeleportThing(cid, downpos, false)

doTeleportThing(cid, mypos, false)

doTransformItem(ball_slot.uid, ballslot_run)

doTransformItem(stone_slot.uid, stoneslot_run)

doTransformItem(item.uid, button_run)

doCreatureSetNoMove(cid, true)

doCreatureAddCondition(cid, boostcondition)

addEvent(doRestoreBoostMachine, 3000, cid, getThingPos(item.uid), getThingPos(ball_slot.uid), getThingPos(stone_slot.uid), msg, msg2)

return true





Editado por pedrowarlock
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creio que nao seja dificil:


na parte do duel :)


if #getCreatureSummons(cid) == 0 then

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "You need you pokemon to invite/accept duel!")

return true


me corrija se eu tiver errado Slicer

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slicer uma duvida sobre teu serve:


esses npc's .aRocket e .aPolice sao aqueles que atacam quem n tem a storage do roket ou da policia certo?


e pra vira policial ou um roket so é preciso fala com o .aCommanderRocket ou .aCommanderOfficer?


não tem nen uma task pra fazer pra vira esses caras?



so isso ;D

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slicer uma duvida sobre teu serve:


esses npc's .aRocket e .aPolice sao aqueles que atacam quem n tem a storage do roket ou da policia certo?


e pra vira policial ou um roket so é preciso fala com o .aCommanderRocket ou .aCommanderOfficer?


não tem nen uma task pra fazer pra vira esses caras?



so isso ;D



@Cacaiu O NPC está feito. Só você usar a criatividade para adicionar uma função a ele...task e tudo mais depende de você.


Para virar policia e ser atacado pelos Roket precisa invocar a (office Jenny) >> /n Officer Jenny

Para virar Roket e ser atacado pelos policias precisa invocar o (Giovanni) >>> /n Giovanni




Os .aCommanderRocket ou .aCommanderOfficer são NPCs mais fortes do que o .aRocket ou .aPolice.xml.

Editado por pedrowarlock
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PXG te trouxe um desafio:



Estamos elaborando um novo sistema para proxima atualização que possibilita a luta entre NPCs! Quando um Police encontra um Rocket eles começarão a lutar, e os players podem ajudar dependendo de qual lado estiver aliado (Isto não inclui PvP). Este novo sistema abrirá muitas possiblidades para quests interativas, invasões, e até mesmo guerras.


Agora um que eu tava pensando:


Hi > Follow, npc seguiria, seria nice para quests uahsuhasasa


Essa ideia do pxg nem imaginava isso, mtu legal

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@Zeref @Slicer @companias =D


Mto obrigado pela ajuda do boost deu certin aqui =D






Obs: vc nao colocou o Scizor nem o Togetic no boost coitados =( mais nada que qualquer um possa fazer isso =D

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