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Tenho um script do evento capture the flag que está causando lentidão na movimentação do player. O que acontece:

O player precisa pegar a bandeira do time adversário e voltar com ela até sua base. No momento que ele pega a bandeira, deve aparecer um efeito piscando repetida e rapidamente a palavra "FLAG" para que os players possam ver que ele está com a bandeira. O problema é que quando a palavra FLAG aparece, o player que está com a bandeira fica lento para caminhar/correr pois ele não consegue caminhar/correr quando a palavra "FLAG" é exibida.


O trecho do código que faz aparecer o efeito da palavra FLAG é este:



<movevent type="StepIn" actionid="6000-6001" event="script"><![CDATA[
local function repeatFlag(cid)
 local k = getThingPos(cid)
 local r = {
  {pos = {x = k.x + 2, y = k.y - 2, z = k.z}, delay = 300},
  {pos = {x = k.x + 2, y = k.y + 2, z = k.z}, delay = 300},
  {pos = {x = k.x - 2, y = k.y + 2, z = k.z}, delay = 300},
  {pos = {x = k.x - 2, y = k.y, z = k.z}, delay = 300},
  {pos = {x = k.x - 2, y = k.y - 2, z = k.z}, delay = 300},
  {pos = {x = k.x, y = k.y - 2, z = k.z}, delay = 300}
 local effects = {27, 28, 29, 30}
 if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, redFlag) == 1 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, blueFlag) == 1 then
  for i = 1, 6 do
addEvent(doSendMagicEffect, 300, getThingPos(cid))
  for i = 1, 4 do
addEvent(doSendAnimatedText, 300, getThingPos(cid), 'FLAG!',math.random(1,255))
  return addEvent(repeatFlag, 2 * 300, cid)
 return true


Mais uma coisa que eu notei, quando o player executa a parte do código acima, no client do OT fica "correndo na tela" diversas mensagens com o erro abaixo e o processador fica em 100%.



[03/12/2011 12:28:54] [Error - MoveEvents Interface]

[03/12/2011 12:28:54] In a timer event called from:

[03/12/2011 12:28:54] buffer:onStepIn

[03/12/2011 12:28:54] Description:

[03/12/2011 12:28:54] attempt to index a function value

[03/12/2011 12:28:54] stack traceback:

[03/12/2011 12:28:54] [C]: ?



Se eu executar o script sem esse efeito, não ocorre travamento, porém é importante fazer com que apareça o efeito. Abaixo estou exibindo o script completo. Se algúem puder me ajudar, eu agradeceria.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mod name="Capture The Flag" enabled="yes">
  actionid 6000:
red team
  actionid 6001:
blue team
fromPos top left position
toPos buttom right position
 @redPlayers, bluePlayers, redGoal, blueGoal:
  all are storages
 @ctf {
red team position (where they get teleported when they die)
blue team position (/// same)
  temple position.
<config name="ctf_config"><![CDATA[
 waitingRoom = {
  fromPos = {x = 479, y = 73, z = 7},
  toPos = {x = 501, y = 96, z = 7}
 redPlayers = 1200
 bluePlayers = 2200

 redGoal = 3200
 blueGoal = 4200

 redFlag = 5200
 blueFlag = 5520

 rewardRoom = {x = 493, y = 109, z = 7}
 ctf = {
  redPos = {x = 578, y = 51, z = 7},
  bluePos = {x = 510, y = 30, z = 7}

 temple = {x = 100, y = 40, z = 7}
<globalevent name="onstartup_ctf" type="start" event="script"><![CDATA[
 setGlobalStorageValue(redGoal, 0)
 setGlobalStorageValue(blueGoal, 0)
 setGlobalStorageValue(redFlag, -1)
 setGlobalStorageValue(blueFlag, -1)
 db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `player_storage` WHERE `key` = " .. redFlag .. ";")
 db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `player_storage` WHERE `key` = " .. blueFlag .. ";")
 db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `player_storage` WHERE `key`= " .. redPlayers .. ";")
 db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `player_storage` WHERE `key` = " .. bluePlayers .. ";")
 return true
<globalevent name="start_ctf" interval="120" event="script"><![CDATA[
local red, blue = {}, {}
local conditionBlue =  createConditionObject(CONDITION_OUTFIT)
 setConditionParam(conditionBlue, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 1800 * 1000)
 addOutfitCondition(conditionBlue, {lookType = 133, lookHead = 114, lookBody = 114, lookLegs = 87, lookFeet = 87, lookAddons = 3})
local conditionRed = createConditionObject(CONDITION_OUTFIT)
 setConditionParam(conditionRed, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 1800 * 1000)
 addOutfitCondition(conditionRed, {lookType = 129, lookHead = 114, lookBody = 114, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94, lookAddons = 3})

local function getPlayers(from, to)
 local list = {}
 for x = from.x, to.x do
  for y = from.y, to.y do
for z = from.z, to.z do
 local creature = getTopCreature({x =x , y =y, z = z}).uid
 if isPlayer(creature) then
  table.insert(list, creature)
 return list
local function finishThis()
 local t = getPlayers(waitingRoom.fromPos, waitingRoom.toPos)
 if #t == 1 then
  doPlayerSendTextMessage(t[1], 27, "Find another player to play with.")
  doTeleportThing(t[1], temple, true)
 elseif #t == 2 then
  table.insert(red, t[1])
  table.insert(blue, t[2])
 elseif #t == 3 then
  table.insert(red, t[2])
  table.insert(blue, t[3])
  table.insert(red, t[1])
 elseif #t == 4 then
  table.insert(red, t[1])
  table.insert(blue, t[2])
  table.insert(red, t[3])
  table.insert(blue, t[4])
  for _, v in ipairs(t) do
if math.random(1, 3) < 3 then
 table.insert(red, v)
 table.insert(blue, v)
 if #red > 0 and #blue > 0 then
  for _, r in ipairs(red) do
setPlayerStorageValue(r, redPlayers, 1)
doAddCondition(r, conditionRed)
doTeleportThing(r, ctf.redPos, true)
red = {}
  for _, b in ipairs(blue) do
setPlayerStorageValue(b, bluePlayers, 1)
doAddCondition(b, conditionBlue)
doTeleportThing(b, ctf.bluePos, true)
blue = {}
 return true
local function teleport()
 addEvent(doBroadcastMessage, 1000, "Capture The Flag will begin in 2 minutes.")
 addEvent(doBroadcastMessage, 60 * 1000, "Capture The Flag will begin in 1 minute.")
 addEvent(doBroadcastMessage, 120 * 1000, "Capture The Flag will begin now.")
 addEvent(finishThis, 120 * 1000)
 return true
function onThink(interval)
 return teleport()
<event type="login" name="ctf_login" event="script"><![CDATA[
 registerCreatureEvent(cid, "ctf_stats")
 return registerCreatureEvent(cid, "ctf_target")
<event type="statschange" name="ctf_stats" event="script"><![CDATA[
function onStatsChange(cid, attacker, type, combat, value)
 if type == 1 then
  if getCreatureHealth(cid) <= value then
if isPlayer(cid) and isCreature(attacker) then
 if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, redFlag) == 1 then
  setPlayerStorageValue(cid, redFlag, -1)
  setGlobalStorageValue(redFlag, -1)
  doBroadcastMessage(getCreatureName(cid) .. " has dropped the red flag!")
 elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, blueFlag) == 1 then
  setPlayerStorageValue(cid, blueFlag, -1)
  setGlobalStorageValue(blueFlag, -1)
  doBroadcastMessage(getCreatureName(cid) .. " has dropped the blue flag!")
 if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, redPlayers) == 1 then
  doTeleportThing(cid, ctf.redPos, true)
  doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid), false)
  doCreatureAddMana(cid, getCreatureMaxMana(cid), false)
  return false
 elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, bluePlayers) == 1 then
  doTeleportThing(cid, ctf.bluePos, true)
  doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid), false)
  doCreatureAddMana(cid, getCreatureMaxMana(cid), false)
  return false
 return true
<event type="combat" name="ctf_target" event="script"><![CDATA[
 if isPlayer(cid) and isPlayer(target) then
  if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, redPlayers) == 1 and getPlayerStorageValue(target, redPlayers) == 1) or (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, bluePlayers) == 1 and getPlayerStorageValue(target, bluePlayers) == 1) then
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You may not attack your team mates.")
return false
 return true
<movevent type="StepIn" actionid="6000-6001" event="script"><![CDATA[
local function repeatFlag(cid)
 local k = getThingPos(cid)
 local r = {
  {pos = {x = k.x + 2, y = k.y - 2, z = k.z}, delay = 300},
  {pos = {x = k.x + 2, y = k.y + 2, z = k.z}, delay = 300},
  {pos = {x = k.x - 2, y = k.y + 2, z = k.z}, delay = 300},
  {pos = {x = k.x - 2, y = k.y, z = k.z}, delay = 300},
  {pos = {x = k.x - 2, y = k.y - 2, z = k.z}, delay = 300},
  {pos = {x = k.x, y = k.y - 2, z = k.z}, delay = 300}
 local effects = {27, 28, 29, 30}
 if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, redFlag) == 1 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, blueFlag) == 1 then
  for i = 1, 6 do
addEvent(doSendMagicEffect, 300, getThingPos(cid))
  for i = 1, 4 do
addEvent(doSendAnimatedText, 300, getThingPos(cid), 'FLAG!',math.random(1,255))
  return addEvent(repeatFlag, 2 * 300, cid)
 return true
function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition, toPosition, lastPosition, actor)
 if isPlayer(cid) then
  if item.actionid == 6000 then --red team
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, bluePlayers) == 1 then
 if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, redFlag) == -1 and getGlobalStorageValue(redFlag) == -1 then
  setPlayerStorageValue(cid, redFlag, 1)
  setGlobalStorageValue(redFlag, 1)
  doBroadcastMessage(getCreatureName(cid) .. " has stolen the Red Flag!")
  doCreatureSay(cid, "The flag is not at home!", 19)
  doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition)
elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, redPlayers) == 1 then
 if getGlobalStorageValue(redFlag) == -1 then
  if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, blueFlag) == 1 and getGlobalStorageValue(blueFlag) == 1 then
   setPlayerStorageValue(cid, blueFlag, -1)
   setGlobalStorageValue(blueFlag, -1)
   doBroadcastMessage(getCreatureName(cid) .. " has scored 1 point to the Red Team!")
   setGlobalStorageValue(redGoal, getGlobalStorageValue(redGoal)+1)
   doBroadcastMessage("Current CTF Game Score:\nRed Team: " .. getGlobalStorageValue(redGoal) .. "\nBlue Team: " .. getGlobalStorageValue(blueGoal) .. "\nTen scores to win!", 19)
   doCreatureSay(cid, "You dont have the flag!", 19)
   doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition)
  doCreatureSay(cid, "Return your flag firstly", 19)
  doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition)
 doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your not in any team, try reporting this to gamemaster?")
 doTeleportThing(cid, temple, true

Editado por renator
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