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[Pedido] Sobre Potions.



Fala galerinha blz, gostaria de saber se alguem sabe como eu posso mudar o talk das pot´s para a quantidade de vida que healou, aparecendo em vez do ...aaaah... o +quantidade de life que healou, a versao e 8.6.



Esse e o script potion que estou usando no meu servidor \/


local config = {
removeOnUse = "no",
usableOnTarget = "yes", -- can be used on target? (fe. healing friend)
splashable = "no",
realAnimation = "no", -- make text effect visible only for players in range 1x1
healthMultiplier = 1.0,
manaMultiplier = 1.0

config.removeOnUse = getBooleanFromString(config.removeOnUse)
config.usableOnTarget = getBooleanFromString(config.usableOnTarget)
config.splashable = getBooleanFromString(config.splashable)
config.realAnimation = getBooleanFromString(config.realAnimation)

local POTIONS = {
[8704] = {empty = 7636, splash = 2, health = {50, 100}}, -- small health potion
[7618] = {empty = 7636, splash = 2, health = {100, 200}}, -- health potion
[7588] = {empty = 7634, splash = 2, health = {200, 400}, level = 50, vocations = {3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12}, vocStr = "knights and paladins"}, -- strong health potion
[7591] = {empty = 7635, splash = 2, health = {500, 700}, level = 80, vocations = {4, 8, 12}, vocStr = "knights"}, -- great health potion
[8473] = {empty = 7635, splash = 2, health = {1550, 1600}, level = 130, vocations = {4, 8, 12}, vocStr = "knights"}, -- ultimate health potion

[7620] = {empty = 7636, splash = 7, mana = {220, 330}}, -- mana potion
[7589] = {empty = 7634, splash = 7, mana = {250, 390}, level = 50, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10}, vocStr = "sorcerers, druids and paladins"}, -- strong mana potion
[7590] = {empty = 7635, splash = 7, mana = {850, 950}, level = 80, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10}, vocStr = "sorcerers and druids"}, -- great mana potion

[8472] = {empty = 7635, splash = 3, health = {500, 700}, mana = {410, 690}, level = 80, vocations = {3, 7, 11}, vocStr = "paladins"} -- great spirit potion

local exhaust = createConditionObject(CONDITION_EXHAUST)
setConditionParam(exhaust, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, (getConfigInfo('timeBetweenExActions') - 100))

function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
local potion = POTIONS[item.itemid]
if(not potion) then
	return false

if(not isPlayer(itemEx.uid) or (not config.usableOnTarget and cid ~= itemEx.uid)) then
	if(not config.splashable) then
		return false

	if(toPosition.x == CONTAINER_POSITION) then
		toPosition = getThingPos(item.uid)

	doDecayItem(doCreateItem(2016, potion.splash, toPosition))
	return true

if(hasCondition(cid, CONDITION_EXHAUST_HEAL)) then
	doPlayerSendDefaultCancel(cid, RETURNVALUE_YOUAREEXHAUSTED)
	return true

if(((potion.level and getPlayerLevel(cid) < potion.level) or (potion.vocations and not isInArray(potion.vocations, getPlayerVocation(cid)))) and
	doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "Only " .. potion.vocStr .. (potion.level and (" of level " .. potion.level) or "") .. " or above may drink this fluid.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
	return true

local health =
if(health and not doCreatureAddHealth(itemEx.uid, math.ceil(math.random(health[1], health[2]) * config.healthMultiplier))) then
	return false

local mana = potion.mana
if(mana and not doPlayerAddMana(itemEx.uid, math.ceil(math.random(mana[1], mana[2]) * config.manaMultiplier))) then
	return false

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(itemEx.uid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE)
if(not realAnimation) then
	doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "Aaaah...", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
	for i, tid in ipairs(getSpectators(getCreaturePosition(cid), 1, 1)) do
		if(isPlayer(tid)) then
			doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "Aaaah...", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1, false, tid)

doAddCondition(cid, exhaust)
if(not potion.empty or config.removeOnUse) then
	return true
   pot_count = getPlayerItemCount(cid, potion.empty)
return true



Entao vi um tópico falando sobre isso, que era só substituir o aaaah pelo r1 que era oque significava o math.random, tentei e não deu certo... Se alguem souber oque eu coloco em vez do ...aaaah... para aparecer o valor que a potion healou fico grato e ganha um +Rep por me ajudar (:

Editado por patrick323
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Tente assim:


local config = {
   	removeOnUse = "no",
   	usableOnTarget = "yes", -- can be used on target? (fe. healing friend)
   	splashable = "no",
   	realAnimation = "no", -- make text effect visible only for players in range 1x1
   	healthMultiplier = 1.0,
   	manaMultiplier = 1.0

local animation = ""

config.removeOnUse = getBooleanFromString(config.removeOnUse)
config.usableOnTarget = getBooleanFromString(config.usableOnTarget)
config.splashable = getBooleanFromString(config.splashable)
config.realAnimation = getBooleanFromString(config.realAnimation)

local POTIONS = {
   	[8704] = {empty = 7636, splash = 2, health = {50, 100}}, -- small health potion
   	[7618] = {empty = 7636, splash = 2, health = {100, 200}}, -- health potion
   	[7588] = {empty = 7634, splash = 2, health = {200, 400}, level = 50, vocations = {3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12}, vocStr = "knights and paladins"}, -- strong health potion
   	[7591] = {empty = 7635, splash = 2, health = {500, 700}, level = 80, vocations = {4, 8, 12}, vocStr = "knights"}, -- great health potion
   	[8473] = {empty = 7635, splash = 2, health = {1550, 1600}, level = 130, vocations = {4, 8, 12}, vocStr = "knights"}, -- ultimate health potion

   	[7620] = {empty = 7636, splash = 7, mana = {220, 330}}, -- mana potion
   	[7589] = {empty = 7634, splash = 7, mana = {250, 390}, level = 50, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10}, vocStr = "sorcerers, druids and paladins"}, -- strong mana potion
   	[7590] = {empty = 7635, splash = 7, mana = {850, 950}, level = 80, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10}, vocStr = "sorcerers and druids"}, -- great mana potion

   	[8472] = {empty = 7635, splash = 3, health = {500, 700}, mana = {410, 690}, level = 80, vocations = {3, 7, 11}, vocStr = "paladins"} -- great spirit potion

local exhaust = createConditionObject(CONDITION_EXHAUST)
setConditionParam(exhaust, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, (getConfigInfo('timeBetweenExActions') - 100))

function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
   	local potion = POTIONS[item.itemid]
   	if(not potion) then
           	return false

   	if(not isPlayer(itemEx.uid) or (not config.usableOnTarget and cid ~= itemEx.uid)) then
           	if(not config.splashable) then
                   	return false

           	if(toPosition.x == CONTAINER_POSITION) then
                   	toPosition = getThingPos(item.uid)

           	doDecayItem(doCreateItem(2016, potion.splash, toPosition))
           	return true

   	if(hasCondition(cid, CONDITION_EXHAUST_HEAL)) then
           	doPlayerSendDefaultCancel(cid, RETURNVALUE_YOUAREEXHAUSTED)
           	return true

   	if(((potion.level and getPlayerLevel(cid) < potion.level) or (potion.vocations and not isInArray(potion.vocations, getPlayerVocation(cid)))) and
           	not getPlayerCustomFlagValue(cid, PLAYERCUSTOMFLAG_GAMEMASTERPRIVILEGES))
           	doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "Only " .. potion.vocStr .. (potion.level and (" of level " .. potion.level) or "") .. " or above may drink this fluid.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
           	return true

   	local health =
   	if(health and not doCreatureAddHealth(itemEx.uid, math.ceil(math.random(health[1], health[2]) * config.healthMultiplier))) then
		animation = math.ceil(math.random(health[1], health[2]) * config.healthMultiplier)
           	return false

   	local mana = potion.mana
   	if(mana and not doPlayerAddMana(itemEx.uid, math.ceil(math.random(mana[1], mana[2]) * config.manaMultiplier))) then
		animation = math.ceil(math.random(mana[1], mana[2]) * config.manaMultiplier)
           	return false

   	doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(itemEx.uid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE)
   	if(not realAnimation) then
           	doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "+" .. animation, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
           	for i, tid in ipairs(getSpectators(getCreaturePosition(cid), 1, 1)) do
                   	if(isPlayer(tid)) then
                           	doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "+" .. animation, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1, false, tid)

   	doAddCondition(cid, exhaust)
   	if(not potion.empty or config.removeOnUse) then
           	return true
pot_count = getPlayerItemCount(cid, potion.empty)
   	return true



Editado por apocarai
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apocarai não deu certo não, quando eu uso aparece embaixo you canot use this iten, e uso da msm forma mais não aparece nada escrito, nem o ...aaaah...

e da erro no distro quando uso a pot, veja na imagem.


e valeu pela rapidez (:

Editado por patrick323
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local config = {
       removeOnUse = "no",
       usableOnTarget = "yes", -- can be used on target? (fe. healing friend)
       splashable = "no",
       realAnimation = "no", -- make text effect visible only for players in range 1x1
       healthMultiplier = 1.0,
       manaMultiplier = 1.0

config.removeOnUse = getBooleanFromString(config.removeOnUse)
config.usableOnTarget = getBooleanFromString(config.usableOnTarget)
config.splashable = getBooleanFromString(config.splashable)
config.realAnimation = getBooleanFromString(config.realAnimation)

local POTIONS = {
       [8704] = {empty = 7636, splash = 2, health = {50, 100}}, -- small health potion
       [7618] = {empty = 7636, splash = 2, health = {100, 200}}, -- health potion
       [7588] = {empty = 7634, splash = 2, health = {200, 400}, level = 50, vocations = {3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12}, vocStr = "knights and paladins"}, -- strong health potion
       [7591] = {empty = 7635, splash = 2, health = {500, 700}, level = 80, vocations = {4, 8, 12}, vocStr = "knights"}, -- great health potion
       [8473] = {empty = 7635, splash = 2, health = {1550, 1600}, level = 130, vocations = {4, 8, 12}, vocStr = "knights"}, -- ultimate health potion

       [7620] = {empty = 7636, splash = 7, mana = {220, 330}}, -- mana potion
       [7589] = {empty = 7634, splash = 7, mana = {250, 390}, level = 50, vocations = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10}, vocStr = "sorcerers, druids and paladins"}, -- strong mana potion
       [7590] = {empty = 7635, splash = 7, mana = {850, 950}, level = 80, vocations = {1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10}, vocStr = "sorcerers and druids"}, -- great mana potion

       [8472] = {empty = 7635, splash = 3, health = {500, 700}, mana = {410, 690}, level = 80, vocations = {3, 7, 11}, vocStr = "paladins"} -- great spirit potion

local exhaust = createConditionObject(CONDITION_EXHAUST)
setConditionParam(exhaust, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, (getConfigInfo('timeBetweenExActions') - 100))

function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
       local potion = POTIONS[item.itemid]
       if(not potion) then
               return false

       if(not isPlayer(itemEx.uid) or (not config.usableOnTarget and cid ~= itemEx.uid)) then
               if(not config.splashable) then
                       return false

               if(toPosition.x == CONTAINER_POSITION) then
                       toPosition = getThingPos(item.uid)

               doDecayItem(doCreateItem(2016, potion.splash, toPosition))
               return true

       if(hasCondition(cid, CONDITION_EXHAUST_HEAL)) then
               doPlayerSendDefaultCancel(cid, RETURNVALUE_YOUAREEXHAUSTED)
               return true

       if(((potion.level and getPlayerLevel(cid) < potion.level) or (potion.vocations and not isInArray(potion.vocations, getPlayerVocation(cid)))) and
               not getPlayerCustomFlagValue(cid, PLAYERCUSTOMFLAG_GAMEMASTERPRIVILEGES))
               doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "Only " .. potion.vocStr .. (potion.level and (" of level " .. potion.level) or "") .. " or above may drink this fluid.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
               return true

       local health =
       if(health and not doCreatureAddHealth(itemEx.uid, math.ceil(math.random(health[1], health[2]) * config.healthMultiplier))) then
               return false

       local mana = potion.mana
       if(mana and not doPlayerAddMana(itemEx.uid, math.ceil(math.random(mana[1], mana[2]) * config.manaMultiplier))) then
               return false

       doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(itemEx.uid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE)
       if(not realAnimation) then
               doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
               for i, tid in ipairs(getSpectators(getCreaturePosition(cid), 1, 1)) do
                       if(isPlayer(tid)) then
                               doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1, false, tid)

       doAddCondition(cid, exhaust)
       if(not potion.empty or config.removeOnUse) then
               return true
   pot_count = getPlayerItemCount(cid, potion.empty)
       return true

Tenta aew

Editado por Crazydk
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fireelement estáva correto, era no config.lua msm... não me toquei desse detalhe, vlw a todos que tentaram me ajudar.

amanhã dou meu rep para ti fire, pq acabou meu limite de rep´s.

Editado por patrick323
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