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[Mod] Vip System + [Talkaction] /tp Global


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* Autor: JDB [/tp]; Eu [teleportes]; Kekox [VIP SYSTEM]

* Servidor: testado: TFS 0.3.6; TFS 0.4 dev 4069 + data 4029

* SCRIPTS: TalkAction, Action, CreatureScript, Moviment, GlobalEvent.


Primeiro de tudo, vá a database do servidor, provavelmente localhost/phpmyadmin, e execute o seguinte comando na aba MySQL:

ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD

`vipdays` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;


Agora adicione isso no topo de data/lib/function.lua:

--- Vip functions by Kekox
function getPlayerVipDays(cid)
   local Info = db.getResult("SELECT `vipdays` FROM `accounts` WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerAccountId(cid) .. " LIMIT 1")
       if Info:getID() ~= LUA_ERROR then
       local days= Info:getDataInt("vipdays")
       return days
    return LUA_ERROR

function doAddVipDays(cid, days)
   db.executeQuery("UPDATE `accounts` SET `vipdays` = `vipdays` + " .. days .. " WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerAccountId(cid) .. ";")

function doRemoveVipDays(cid, days)
   db.executeQuery("UPDATE `accounts` SET `vipdays` = `vipdays` - " .. days .. " WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerAccountId(cid) .. ";")


Agora adicione essa linha aonde diz o mesmo começo da script no data/creaturescript/login.lua:

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "VipCheck")


Agora vá ao data/creaturescript/scripts e crie um novo arquivo chamado vipcheck.lua:

--- Script by Kekox
function onLogin(cid)
        if getPlayerVipDays(cid) >= 1 then
           doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 19, "You have ".. getPlayerVipDays(cid) .." vip days left.")
        return true



<event type="login" name="VipCheck" event="script" value="vipcheck.lua"/>


Vá ao data/globalevents/scripts/, crie um novo arquivo e renomeio para daysremover.lua :

--- Script by Kekox
function onTimer()
                db.executeQuery("UPDATE accounts SET vipdays = vipdays - 1 WHERE vipdays > 0;")
       return true


data/globalevents/globanevents.xml :

<globalevent name="VipDaysRemover" time="00:01" event="script" value="daysremover.lua"/>


Agora você pode alterar o momento do dia em que a vip vai ser removida no (time="00:01").


Se você tiver mais de um dia de vip você vai receber a mensagem:



Creditos do VIP System: Kekox num site de ots estrangeiro; lá tem mais scripts para vip.


Agora aos teleports.

Esses teleportes foram adicionados para o MAPA GLOBAL, qualquer um superior a versão 8.54 deve pegar.

É um comando que exige que o player seja premium, ou vip.


vá no data\talkactions\scripts, e adicione um arquivo.lua chamado de teleport.lua

local destinations = {
["Yalahar"] = {p = {x=585, y=676, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 2},
["Carlin"] = {p = {x=32360, y=31782, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 3},
["Ab'dendriel"] = {p = {x=32732, y=31634, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 4},
["Kazordoon"] = {p = {x=32649, y=31925, z=11}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 5},
["Thais"] = {p = {x=32369, y=32241, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 6},
["Venore"] = {p = {x=32957, y=32076, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 7},
["Darashia"] = {p = {x=33214, y=32453, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 8},
["Ankrahmun"] = {p = {x=33194, y=32853, z=8}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 9},
["Edron"] = {p = {x=33217, y=31814, z=8}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 10},
["Port Hope"] = {p = {x=32595, y=32745, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 11},
["Ethno"] = {p = {x=32028, y=31919, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 12},
["Libert Bay"] = {p = {x=32317, y=32825, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 13},
["Svarground"] = {p = {x=32302, y=31186, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 14},
["Cormaya"] = {p = {x=33297, y=31984, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 15},
["Gengia"] = {p = {x=32035, y=32169, z=5}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 16},
["Galaxy"] = {p = {x=31583, y=31821, z=5}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 17},
["MTSCYC"] = {p = {x=32449, y=32103, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 18},
["OC"] = {p = {x=32655, y=32343, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 19},
["DC"] = {p = {x=32657, y=32343, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 20},
["POH"] = {p = {x=32816, y=32264, z=6}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 21},
["VRNO"] = {p = {x=32699, y=32019, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 22},
["VTNO"] = {p = {x=32663, y=31965, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 23},
["DB"] = {p = {x=32626, y=31974, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 24},
["CAC"] = {p = {x=32429, y=31600, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 25},
["GL"] = {p = {x=32190, y=31782, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 26},
["MC"] = {p = {x=32604, y=31838, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 27},
["DLV"] = {p = {x=32797, y=32152, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 28},
["VSTC"] = {p = {x=32938, y=32219, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 29},
["ST"] = {p = {x=33098, y=32131, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 30},
["ACV"] = {p = {x=32837, y=31927, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 31},
["UR"] = {p = {x=32872, y=31772, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 32},
["OCV"] = {p = {x=32827, y=31737, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 33},
["WDK"] = {p = {x=32673, y=31883, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 34},
["ADM"] = {p = {x=32579, y=31682, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 35},
["AKSL1"] = {p = {x=33072, y=32761, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 36},
["AKSL2"] = {p = {x=33257, y=32743, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 37},
["DSR"] = {p = {x=33226, y=32302, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 38},
["DSM"] = {p = {x=33301, y=32291, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 39},
["AKD"] = {p = {x=33117, y=32608, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 40},
["TCC"] = {p = {x=32417, y=32378, z=7}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 41},
["FBD"] = {p = {x=32189, y=32426, z=9}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 42},
["MWT"] = {p = {x=32417, y=32139, z=15}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 43},
["MTSCV"] = {p = {x=32452, y=32067, z=8}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 44},
["BKV"] = {p = {x=32823, y=31968, z=9}, l = 10, c = 100, v = 45},


function onSay(cid, words, param, channel)
local tp = destinations[param]
if(param == "") then
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Command param required.")
	return true
if(getPlayerMoney(cid) < tp.c) then
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You do not have enough money.")
elseif(getPlayerLevel(cid) < tp.l) then
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your level is not high enough.")
elseif(isPlayerPzLocked(cid) == true) then
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are currently in a fight.")
elseif(getPlayerPremiumDays(cid) < 1) then
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You must have premium.")
	doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, tp.c)
	doTeleportThing(cid, tp.p)
	doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT)
	doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You have successfully teleported to ".. param ..".")
return true


Cada um custa 100gold, e é para nivel 10, você pode alterar isso e adicionar outros pontos se quiser.


agora adicione o seguinte no talkactions.xml:

<talkaction log="no" words="/tp" access="0" event="script" value="teleport.lua"/>


Codigo e local respectivo para o comando /tp:

[spoiler=Teleport Places]












Port Hope


Libert Bay








[MTSCYC] Mount Sternum CYC (thais cyc montanha)

[MTSCV] Mount Sternum Cave ( CUIDADO )

[OC] Outlaw Camp

[DC] Dark Cathedral


[VRNO] Noroeste de Venore Rotworm

[VTNO] Noroeste de Venore Trolls

[DB] Dwarven Bridge

[CAC] Carlin Amazon camp

[GL] Ghostland

[MC] Montanha Carlin

[DLV] D Lair Venore

[VSTC] Venore Swamp Troll Camp

[sT] Shadowthorn (elf camp venore)

[ACV] Amazon Camp Venore

[uR] Ulderek's Rock (Orc Fortress)

[OCV] Orc Camp venore ( CUIDADO )

[WDK] Wyvern e Dragon Kazz

[ADM] Ab'dendriel monsters

[AKSL1] Ankrahmun Scarab & Larva 1

[AKSL2] Ankrahmun Scarab & Larva 2

[DSR] Darashia Rotworm

[DSM] Darashia Minotaur

[AKD] Ankrahmun Dragon

[TCC] Thais Cyc Camp ( CUIDADO )

[FBD] Fibula Dungeon

[MWT] Mintwallin (thais mino/gs/dl..)

[bKV] Black Knight's Villa



Credito da action de teleport: JDB, credito aos locais: Guiaki.


Espero que tenha ajudado \o/

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