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Xruan10x's Achievements
Eae cara blz? você poderia me ajudar estou querendo balancear os meus novos pokemons só q n sei ao certo oq fazer para o pokemon ficar com os status tipo esse aqui:
["Bulbasaur"] = {offense = 6, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 12, agility = 0.1, exp = 339, level = 18, wildLvlMin = 18, wildLvlMax = 25, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"},
Queria saber que tipo de conta ou site foi utilizado para chegar nesses status base por lv.
Agradeço pela ajuda!
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local balls = {10975, 11826, 11828, 11829, 11831, 11832, 11834, 11835, 11837, 12972,
11737, 11739, 11740, 11742, 11743, 11745, 11746, 11748, 12621, 13259}
local function playerAddExp(cid, exp)
local Tiers = {
[71] = {bonus = Exp1},
[72] = {bonus = Exp2},
[73] = {bonus = Exp3},
[74] = {bonus = Exp4},
[75] = {bonus = Exp5},
[76] = {bonus = Exp6},
[77] = {bonus = Exp7},
local ball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid,
local Tier = getItemAttribute(ball.uid, "heldx")
if Tier and Tier > 70 and Tier < 78 then
doPlayerAddExp(cid, math.floor(exp * Tiers[Tier].bonus))
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), exp * Tiers[Tier].bonus, 215)
doPlayerAddExp(cid, exp)
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), exp, 215)
endfunction onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)
--if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
if isSummon(cid) or not deathList or corpse.itemid == 0 or getCreatureName(cid) == "Evolution" then return true end-------------Edited Golden Arena-------------------------
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 then
setGlobalStorageValue(22548, getGlobalStorageValue(22548)-1)
doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "golden", 1) --alterado v2.6
end --alterado v2.4
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 and (getGlobalStorageValue(22547) == -1 or getGlobalStorageValue(22547) == #wavesGolden+1) and getGlobalStorageValue(22548) <= 0 then
for _, sid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do
if getPlayerStorageValue(sid, 22545) == 1 then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(sid, 20, "You have win the golden arena! Take your reward!")
doPlayerAddItem(sid, 2152, 100) --premio
setPlayerStorageValue(sid, 22545, -1)
doTeleportThing(sid, getClosestFreeTile(sid, posBackGolden), false) --alterado v2.4
end --nao esqueçam de fazer as alteraçoes no lib/configuration.lua!!
local givenexp = getWildPokemonExp(cid)
local expstring = ""..cid.."expEx"
local killer = getItemAttribute(corpse.uid, "corpseowner")if givenexp > 0 then
for a = 1, #deathList do
local pk = deathList[a]
if isCreature(pk) then
playerAddExp(pk, math.floor(playerExperienceRate * givenexp))
local firstball = getPlayerSlotItem(pk,if firstball and getItemAttribute(firstball.uid, expstring) and getItemAttribute(firstball.uid, expstring) > 0 then
local percent = getItemAttribute(firstball.uid, expstring) <= 1 and getItemAttribute(firstball.uid, expstring) or 1
local gainexp = math.ceil(percent * givenexp)
doItemSetAttribute(firstball.uid, expstring, 0)
givePokemonExp(pk, firstball, gainexp)
endfor b = 1, #balls do
local pokes = getItemsInContainerById(getPlayerSlotItem(pk, 3).uid, balls)
if #pokes >= 1 then
for _, uid in pairs (pokes) do
if getItemAttribute(uid, expstring) and getItemAttribute(uid, expstring) > 0 then
local percent = getItemAttribute(uid, expstring) <= 1 and getItemAttribute(uid, expstring) or 1
local gainexp = math.ceil(percent * givenexp)
doItemSetAttribute(uid, expstring, 0)
givePokemonExpInBp(pk, uid, gainexp, balls)
doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "offense", getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1011))
doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "defense", getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1012))
doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "speed", getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1013))
doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "vitality", getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1014))
doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "spattack", getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1015))
doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "level", getLevel(cid))
doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "gender", getPokemonGender(cid))
return true
Eae cr blz? estou com um problema, eu queria adicionar seu sistema de level no monstro no meu server só que ele n possui algumas funções, uma delas é a:
Oque eu faço?
Preciso mt desse sistema :(
Agradeço desde já =D
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