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Czepots - 8.0


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  • CzepOTS 7.92 - 0.1.0
    o Players.xml Not needed (Me)
    o GM Command Window (Xidaozu, Me)
    o Players can change outfit in config (Me)
    o GM Look and flag to it (Pedro B. , Me)
    o Skull system config (Xidaozu, Me)
    o Cap System in config (Me)
    o getPlayerSkull,getPlayerConditionTicks (Xidaozu)
    o /shutdown XX (Yurez,Me)
    o Save Server (TLM,Xidaozu,Me)
    o !leavehouase (Xidaozu)
    o !frags (?)
    o Max Depot Items in config (Me)
    o Premium Account system (Xidaozu)
    o Players need PACC to buy house in config (Me)
    o GM Invisible (The Chaos,Me)
    o Much Other Commands (Xidaozu,Yurez,Me,Many Other Ppl)
    o Remove Rune Charges,Amunition in config (Xidaozu)
    o Anti AFK system (Tibia Rules,Me)
    o Clean Map (Xidaozu)
    o Party System (Remere,Me)
    o Fixed bug in convince rune (SVN)
    o When GM is Invisible then don't show at him magic effect's (Me)
    o Set server priority in config (Talaturen)
    o Show player online in character list (Talaturen,Me)
    o Amulet of Loss + AOL don't work at PvP-enf (Talaturen)
    o Level to say msg in channel (Me)
    o Exp Color and randomize color (Zorzin)
    o New Bag After Dead (K-Zodron)
    o Added reload vocations (Me)
    o Attack Speed in vocations (Me)
    o Moved files data/*.xml to /others/ (Me)
    o Players with PACC skip waitlist in config (Me)
    o Critical Hit (Jackson Zani,Lews)
    o Soul points regeneration in vocations.xml (SVN,Me)
    o Hangable items fixed (SVN)
    o Hostname resolver (SVN)
    o Other Fix in Hangable items (SVN,Me)
    o Little fix at vocation's soul (SVN,Me)
    o Trade-Rookgard channel (Me)
    o CTRL + R (Ispiro,El Peekay)
    o Randomize ground in config (Zorzin)
    o doPlayerSendDepot(cid, itemuid, count) (Ispiro)
    o Seperate addon system (Xidaozu,Me)
  • CzepOTS 7.92 - 0.2.0
    o Bless System (Xidaozu)
    o [Cheat Retirado] Check (Junkfood)
    o Broadcast colors (The Chaos)
    o Summons follow you everywhere (BlackDemon,Xidaozu)
    o Prevent Loss System (Xidaozu)
    o Online players list for PHP (Proglin, The Chaos)
    o Added new monster flags <flag walkable="0"/> & <flag showhealth="0"/> (Sapphire,Me)
    o Fixed Amulet of Loss { I change it to Xidaozu system } (Me,Xidaozu)
    o New function in config [Message when player die] (Me)
    * CzepOTS 7.92 - 0.3.0
    o One Player Per Account in config.lua (?,Me)
    o addTeleport,removeTeleport (DevLand Sources)
    o Body Owner in config (DevLand Sources)
    o Private channel's only for Premium Account (Me)
    o Player's Record Online (Talaturen,Loos!k,Me)
    o Console is now more readable (Me)
    o New LUA function `savePlayers() ` (Me)
  • CzepOTS 7.92 - 0.4.0
    o Changes in config.lua (Me)
    o Fixed Buy House only for Premium (Me)
    o Show Price at House Door in config (Me)
    o Show MSG when is new players online record in config (Me)
    o Now you can read who was write in paper (Kiper,Subarmy,Zorzin)
    o Fixed Death Window (Me)
    o GM's can move items from distance in config (Me)
    o Account Manager (Rogier,Zorzin,Me)
    o Show Change Outfit Window in config when lastlogin is "0" (Me)
    o Players with access > 0 can say commands but not execute (Talaturen)
    o If Account Manager is OFF then show MSG when player try login (Me)
  • CzepOTS 7.92 - 0.5.0
    o Account Manager can't make character with name "Nobody" (Me)
    o Account Manager make file with VIP (Me)
    o Fixed login Account Manager when using One Player Per Account (Me)
    o Summon Count in config.lua (Me)
    o Fancy Animations in config.lua (Me)
    o Added new functions to Remote-Controler (Me)
  • CzepOTS 7.92 - 0.6.0
    o Implementing of PlayerFlag_IgnoredByMonsters flag (SVN)
    o Removing unused code (SVN)
    o Fixing an issue that a summon wouldn't do anything if you had the IgnoredByMonsters flag (SVN)
    o Fix random_range to returns a value between lowest_number and highest_number both included (SVN)
    o Smaller and better upchar function (SVN)
    o Added missing return (SVN)
    o Added Random Color Fancy Animation and fixed bug with "Level Up!" (Me)
    o Fix in login message now will don't show 2 msg (Me)
    o Added SQL Version (Me)
  • CzepOTS 8.0 - 0.7.0
    o Fixed bug in raids (SVN)
    o Added srand to events thread (SVN)
    o new function: doCreateTeleport() (SVN)
    o Fixing Levitate(Thanks to LooS!k) (SVN)
    o Allow to save client assertion reports to a file (configured in config.lua) (SVN)
    o Remove duplicated code used to format dates (SVN)
    o Magic Rope now work (Me)
    o Players with level 1 can't yell (Me)
    o You can't make character in Account Manager with lenght 20+ and 4- (Me)
    o Range of weapons are now set on items.xml (SVN)
    o Ammunitions' range are set by their weapon(bow, x-bow, arbalest), and not by the ammo (SVN)
    o Added TalkAction `!save` to save players (LUA function by Talaturen)
    o Now you can set Color and randomizing color in Critical Hit (Me)
    o New item function for level doors <attribute key="LevelDoor" value="0"/> [if you don't wanna it set other number than 0] (Me)
    o Added new script functions: getCreatureSpeed, getCreatureBaseSpeed and getCreatureTarget (SVN)
    o Saving writer and date in sql (80% because date don't save in houses) (Me,Forgotten Source)
    o Fix compiler warnings (SVN)
    o Avoid load maps saved with items.otb previous to version 8.0 (SVN)
    o added weapon skill based spells support, added whirlwind.lua as an example (SVN)
    o Added new script functions: getCreatureSpeed, getCreatureBaseSpeed and getCreatureTarget (SVN)
    o Now the server recognizes new distance animations for weapons (SVN)
    o Fixed some typos (SVN)
    o Fixing Levitate(again) (SVN,LooS!k)
    o Fixing so the new shoot types and animation effects can be loaded on monsters internal spells (SVN)
    o Added new Outfit on Outfits.xml, NPC addoner and fixes older outfits (Me)
    o fix typo on extraDef formula. Thanks to gerax for the report (SVN)
    o TONS fixes in items.xml (SVN,Me)
    o added some more error description (SVN)
    o Added a new condition class ConditionAttributes to change attributes such as maximum hp/mana and skills (SVN)
    o Extra Defense should now work only if you wear a shield(Thanks to Talaturen for report) (SVN)
    o Compiler fixes (SVN)
    o Adding footprints in snow (KingKomic)
    o Fix item descriptions(weight) (SVN)
    o Fix player defense code (SVN)
    o Added damageModifier parameter to Weapons::internalUseWeapon (SVN)
    o Reorganized how exception tracer gets function names (SVN)
    o Remove not used code (SVN)
    o Added new spells and monsters (kokokoko, SVN, Me, Duda1992)
    o Randomize new snow ground and changes in config structure (Me)
    o Set sign to damage modifier (SVN)
    o Fixed typos in Player::getWeaponSkill and Door::unserialize (Thanks to Jagger) (SVN)
    o Fixed typo in item description (Thanks to Quintinon) (SVN)
    o Some fixes (Me)
    o Showing how many monsters and NPCs is loaded in console (Me)
    o Player::getDefense() crash fixed (Thanks to Kiper) (SVN)
    o Initialize variables in getShieldAndWeapon (SVN)
  • CzepOTS 8.0 - 0.8.0
    o Fix client crash when a container contains more than 255 items. (SVN)
    o Removed writing system, also added new from SVN (Me)
    o Fixed summon count in config (Me)
    o Fixed shutdown server from Remote-Controller (Me)
    o Fixed Msg in Level Doors (Me)
    o Fixed Exp rate PvP (Me)
    o Other changes in config (Me)
    o Fixed Randomize Ground (Me)
    o Footprints on snow are now Global Tibia (Me)
    o Added new PlayerFlags <CTRL + Z & CTRL + Y> (Me)
    o Added new function to items "increasePhysicalDmg" to increase physical DMG (Xidaozu,Me)
    o Fixed IncreaseMagicPercent (Me)
    o Fixed AttackSpeed in vocations.xml (Me)
    o Kicking player when signing in to character (Forgotten Source, Me)
    o Fixes in outfits (Forgotten Sources)
    o Addons for Premium Accounts (Me)
    o You can't look at GM when is Invisible (Me)
    o Fixed attacking players with No-Vocation (Me)
    o Damage formula in vocations (Xidaozu,Me)
    o Now you can reload vocations & weapons (Me)
    o Fixed summons follow player everywhere (Me)
    o Account Manager is now from Evolution Server (Xidaozu,Me)
    o Added base speed in vocations (Xidaozu,Me)
    o doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, message),mayNotLogout(cid, value),mayNotMove(cid, value) (Forgotten Source)
    o Changed kick player if is AFK (Forgotten Source)
    o Shutdown server from Remote-Controller config is now in admin.xml (Me)
    o Fixed LUA IO Functions (Quintinon)
    o getPlayerStance(cid) (Quintinon Me)
    o Ban when PKing is now for Account (Me)
    o New function: RemovePremiumDays(cid, days), getPremiumDays(cid) (Me)
    o New function: doPlayerSetSex(cid, newSex) + !changesex (Forgotten Source)
    o Changed Bless system (Me)
    o Fixed first login (Me)
    o Auto WalkTo item onUse and you are too far away (Talaturen, Kiper)
    o Removed "Access to move items from distance" (Me)
    o Updated sources to newest OpenTibia SVN Revision (Me)
    o Bed Sysem (Talaturen)
  • CzepOTS 8.0 - 0.9.0
    o Fixed gain shielding skill (Me)
    o Fixed PACC on XML (Me)
  • CzepOTS 8.0 - 1.0.0
    o Fixed some crashes (Me)
    o Fixed secure mode (Me)
    o Fixed damage rate in vocations (Me)
    o Much other fixes (Me)
    o Push delay in config (Me)
    o Guild Members can't attack other members from guild in config (Me)
    o PvP-Enforced formula is configurable in config (Me)
    o Fixed debug when player got too much experience value (Forgotten Source)

Créditos: Czepek, Talaturen, Kiper, Xidaoz, entre outros!



Editado por luizim
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aqui deu erro nos movements na hora de abrir...

sabe o que é?

btw, parece estar bom.


edit: tinha uma tag errada la ja arrumei, agora ta dando "could not open the map stream"

se alguem puder me dizer oq está de errado eu agradeço


edit: ah ta.. é por que não tem mapa ou é impressão minha :p

malz nao tinha visto.. sgdiAdead

Editado por The Sipder
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