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Bom pessoal segui esse topico sobre como liberar mais effect so que estou com um erro no cliente se alguem souber como arrumar ou o que pode estar acontecendo e me ajudar alis vai ajudar muita gente, outra quem tiver erro nas souces e porque tem que fazer rebuild f11 por isso muitos erro no action etc...
erro no otlient.
Exiting application..
== application started at Jan 15 2014 18:34:41
OTClient 0.6.2 rev 0 (devel) built on Apr 15 2013 for arch x86
ERROR: Unable to send extended opcode 1, extended opcodes are not enabled
ERROR: invalid effect id 36619
[C++]: ProtocolGame::parseMagicEffect
ERROR: ProtocolGame parse message exception (159 bytes unread, last opcode is 50, prev opcode is 131): InputMessage eof reached
ERROR: ProtocolGame parse message exception (1 bytes unread, last opcode is 131, prev opcode is -1): InputMessage eof reached
ERROR: ProtocolGame parse message exception (1 bytes unread, last opcode is 131, prev opcode is -1): InputMessage eof reached
ERROR: ProtocolGame parse message exception (1 bytes unread, last opcode is 131, prev opcode is -1): InputMessage eof reached
ERROR: ProtocolGame parse message exception (1 bytes unread, last opcode is 131, prev opcode is -1): InputMessage eof reached
ERROR: ProtocolGame parse message exception (1 bytes unread, last opcode is 131, prev opcode is -1): InputMessage eof reached
Exiting application..
1- talvez na parte que estou mandando o arquivo do otclient seja o erro em game_things/things.lua
la no final estou colocando antes do ultimo end coloca isso g_game.enableFeature(GameMagicEffectU16)
filename = nil
loaded = false
function init()
connect(g_game, { onProtocolVersionChange = load })
function terminate()
disconnect(g_game, { onProtocolVersionChange = load })
function setFileName(name)
filename = name
function isLoaded()
return loaded
function load()
local version = g_game.getProtocolVersion()
local datPath, sprPath
if filename then
datPath = resolvepath('/things/' .. filename)
sprPath = resolvepath('/things/' .. filename)
datPath = resolvepath('/things/' .. version .. '/Tibia')
sprPath = resolvepath('/things/' .. version .. '/Tibia')
local errorMessage = ''
if not g_things.loadDat(datPath) then
errorMessage = errorMessage .. tr("Unable to load dat file, please place a valid dat in '%s'", datPath) .. '\n'
if not g_sprites.loadSpr(sprPath) then
errorMessage = errorMessage .. tr("Unable to load spr file, please place a valid spr in '%s'", sprPath)
loaded = (errorMessage:len() == 0)
if errorMessage:len() > 0 then
local messageBox = displayErrorBox(tr('Error'), errorMessage)
addEvent(function() messageBox:raise() messageBox:focus() end)
disconnect(g_game, { onProtocolVersionChange = load })
connect(g_game, { onProtocolVersionChange = load })
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