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Instalando Apache+Php+Mysql+Phpmyadmin No Windows


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Olá ékstibianos, nesse tópico vou ensinar a instalar apache2.2, php5, mysql e o phpmyadmin no windows sem sistemas pronto como xampp, php triad, wampserver e etc.

A vantagem de instalar separado é que você fica livre de falhas que vem nesses sistemas prontos, que faz você ser hackiado, eu recomendo, você que vá usar windows faça esses procedimentos.


•Desinstale outros sistemas como xampp triad etc..

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1° Instalando Apache2.2 :


Crie uma pasta chamada webserver em C:\ ficando assim C:\webserver, após criar a pasta vamos iniciar o instalador do

apache basta clicar em Next >





Aqui é onde iremos efetuar algumas configurações do servidor, basta preencher o primeiro campo com o valor localdomain, o segundo campo com localhost e o terceiro um e-mail que desejar. É recomendável que você deixe o Apache rodando na porta 80, não que isso seja obrigatório, você pode alterar caso queira. Basta após clicar em Next:





Nesse passo vamos escolher o tipo de instalação no nosso caso vamos escolher custom pois vamos instalar tudo em uma pasta só, clique em Next >:





Por padrão, o Apache será instalado na pasta Arquivos de Programas > Apache Software Foundation > Apache 2.2, mas vou instalá-lo dentro da minha pasta webserver clique em Change..., ficando da seguinte forma C:\webserver\Apache2.2:





Basta agora clicar em Install e a instalação será iniciada:





Após o término da instalação, você verá que apareceu na sua System Tray (aqueles ícones que ficam ao lado do relógio do Windows) um novo ícone, o Apache Monitor:





Através dele temos acesso ao status do Apache, onde podemos obter informações se ele está rodando, podemos também parar o sevidor, reiniciá-lo e iniciá-lo. Basta clicar com o botão direito no ícone e escolher Open Apache Monitor:





Apos instalação vamos testar abra o seu browser e digite o seguinte na barra de endereço

http://localhost/ vai ficar igual a ss abaixo:





A pasta onde vai ficar seu site será C:\webserver\Apache2.2\htdocs.

Vamos alterar o arquivo httpd.conf


Agora vamos definir também quais arquivos o Apache irá servir quando um diretório for requisitado. Procure a seguinte linha:

DirectoryIndex index.html

E substituir por:

DirectoryIndex index.html index.php

Pronto seu Apache está instalado corretamente.





2° Instalando PHP5 :


Vamos iniciar o instalador do

PHP5 basta clicar em Next:





Basta agora você ir seguindo os passos até chegar a tela onde você escolherá a pasta de instalação do PHP. Como já fiz anteriormente com o Apache, também vou personalizar a pasta do instalação do PHP, que será a seguinte: C:\webserver\PHP5:





Nesse passo, ele irá pedir o tipo de servidor você está utilizando, basta escolher o Apache 2.2.XX:





Nesse próximo passo, ele irá solicitar o local dos arquivos de configuração do Apache. Localize a pasta "conf", dentro da pasta onde foi instalado o Apache C:\webserver\Apache2.2\conf .





O próximo passo é onde você escolhe quais extensões quer instalar junto com o PHP, escolha as que julgar necessário ou simplesmente deixe como está:





Ao final do processo, caso esteja tudo OK, basta agora clicar no botão install:





Agora vamos testar se seu php esta funcionando crie um test.php e cole o seguinte codigo:

< ?php phpinfo(); ?>

Salve a mesma dentro da pasta htdocs com o nome info.php e então acesse a página pela seguinte URL:






Agora vamos configurar o php.ini


Caso você deixe Off, scripts PHP que iniciem com <? não serão identificados, somente os scripts que inciem com <?php funcionarão.

procure por short_open_tag = Off e subistitua por:

short_open_tag = On


Ative este item apenas se você gostar de usar as tags no estilo ASP, como em <% … %>, caso contrário, pode deixar desativado.

procure por asp_tags = Off e subistitua por:

asp_tags = On


Por questões de segurança esse item vem com valor Off. Sua função é a de imprimir erros de sintaxe ou funcionamento do PHP na página. Por questões de segurança, é bom deixá-lo em Off, pois entre as mensagens de erros muitas vezes vêm nomes de arquivos, caminhos locais, e até a senha do banco de dados, se tiver algum erro de sintaxe justamente na declaração da mesma mas caso queira as mensagens de erro:

procure por display_errors = Off e subistitua por:

display_errors = On



Pronto agora seu php5 está configurado.





3° Instalando MySQL :


A interface de instalação é semelhante a do Apache e a do PHP, não existe muito segredo, basta ir seguindo os passos que serão mostrados abaixo. Ao executar o instalador do

MySQL, você terá acesso a uma tela semelhante a essa:





O próximo passo é onde iremos selecionar o tipo de instalação, vamos escolher custom pois vamos personalizar a pasta de instalação do MySQL:





Vamos mudar o local onde será instalado,

clique em Change..., ficando da seguinte forma C:\webserver\MySQL5\:





Estando tudo Ok, basta clicar em Install:





Após o final da instalação, vamos efetuar as configurações do MySQL, marque Configure the MySQL Server now:





A seguir escolha Detailed Configuration:





Escolha Developer Machine:





Escolha Multifunctional Database:





No passo ao que se refere a instalação do InnoDB, deixe como o caminho Installation Patch:





Deixe selecionado Decision Support (DSS)/OLAP:





Nesse passo, não se esqueça de deixar selecionado a caixa "Add Firewall exception for this port":





Selecione Best Support for Multilingualism:





A próxima opção é de incluir o caminho do MySQL na variável de ambiente "Path" do Windows. Deixe-a selecionada pois assim você pode chamar os executáveis do MySQL a partir de qualquer prompt, em qualquer pasta:





No próximo passo deve-se definir a senha de root você irá usar essa senha no phpmyadmin para importar a database e usar no seu config.lua para o server se comunicar com sua database.





No próximo passo basta você clicar em execute para que o MySQL dê início ao processo de configuração:





Caso tudo tenha corrido OK, você verá uma tela como essa, caso tenha algum problema, efetue as configurações novamente:



Caso não ocorra nem um erro nessa parte final a instalação esta 100%, caso ocorra erros como disse no começo do tópico desinstale outroswebservers.

Pronto agora seu MySQL está configurado.





4° Instalando PhpMyAdmin :


Baixe o arquivo e extraia para C:\webserver\Apache2.2\htdocs

e renomeie a pasta para phpmyadmin agora para acessar agora o PhpMyAdmin basta você digitar o seguinte:

http://localhost/phpmyadmin/, entre com o usuário root e senha que você configurou para o mesmo na instalação do MySQL e pronto, você já tem acesso ao PhpMyAdmin.




Pronto seu Apache, PHP, MySQL e PhpMyAdmin estão funcionando, qualquer erro poste aqui.


Editado por Beeki
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xampp além de poder existir falhas nos módulos existe as do xampp exemplos de coisas que vem no xampp que n é bom para otserv webdav usuários pma e outras coisas que não descobriram ainda, pq ngm instala xampp no linux? só que instalar no linux é mais facil do que no windows.

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Muito bom, muito bom! Além de solucionar todas as falhas do XAMPP e afins como dito, tambem dá pra sempre manter atualizados os programas pra ter menos falhas ainda e a melhor performance e segurança possíveis.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Migrei do Xampp para esse sistema

Funcionou em parte.

Agora não consigo criar account no meu site mais.


Da o Seguinte erro:




Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'page_lastday' doesn't have a default value' in C:\webserver\Apache2.2\htdocs\system\application\libraries\POT\OTS_Account.php:91 Stack trace: #0 C:\webserver\Apache2.2\htdocs\system\application\libraries\POT\OTS_Account.php(91): PDO->query('INSERT INTO `ac...') #1 C:\webserver\Apache2.2\htdocs\system\application\controllers\account.php(222): OTS_Account->createNamed('halls') #2 [internal function]: Account->create('1') #3 C:\webserver\Apache2.2\htdocs\system\codeigniter\CodeIgniter.php(236): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #4 C:\webserver\Apache2.2\htdocs\index.php(165): require_once('C:\webserver\Ap...') #5 {main} thrown in C:\webserver\Apache2.2\htdocs\system\application\libraries\POT\OTS_Account.php on line 91



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Madewell Taps Liu Wen for Spring Catalog Liu Wen Interview ELLE

Madewell Taps Liu Wen for Spring CatalogMarch 21 12:30 PMby Lauren Levinson 0 CommentsPhoto: Courtesy of MadewellTop model Liu Wen was tapped by Madewell for the label's Spring 2013 catalog. According to Madewell, the Chinese beauty knows how to mix her denim and designer duds, which is very on-brand for J.Crew's edgier sister line. To mark the partnership, Madewell asked Wen about her style and dressing inspiration, which you can read exclusively below.You have such incredible off-duty stylewho else do you admire for their sartorial choices? "Kate Moss!"Where do you look for fashion inspiration? "My work is the best inspiration! Every makeup artist or stylist with whom I work has many special ideas, tips, and creations. I can always learn so much from them." herve leger sale What did you like about this shoot? "Striped shirts and printed shorts, jeans, and trousers are all items I buy and wear a lot in my private life. They are very easy to mix and match and they're must-haves to create many different looks."How would you describe your denim style? "I prefer skinny jeans. Ill wear simple, tighter clothes on top to make a sexy look and when it's colder outside I wear a big jacket over them."You've said you would cheap karen millen like to be a stylist, do you offer advice on shoots? "Ha, haactually, I rarely offer my opinion on shoots. After all, I am working as model now, and I think it's more important for a model to let others be creative and realize their ideas."How will karen millen outlet online you wear graphic black and white this spring? "Im herve leger dress sale thinking of using a bright, solid-color bag to contrast with the black and white."When you have down time, what's the first thing you want to do?"I let myself wake up naturally, do a manicure, hair care, and cook for myself."Is there anything beauty-wise you would never try? Say, with your hair color? "I wish to try everything beauty-wise (except plastic surgery), although sometimes Im just not brave enough to [take the plunge and] do something that makes a big difference."Since you are constantly traveling for work, what are your packing musts? "I collect a lot of eco-friendly shopping bags that serve to separate my shoes other and other small stuff in my luggage. For skincare, I always pack facial masks from Estée Lauder. There are always candies and very often, a half-pack of cookies in my bag."Photo: Courtesy of MadewellKeep up with the latest breaking fashion news.


Mark Webber: The Prince of Sundance ELLE

Mark Webber: The Prince of SundanceJanuary 25 2:31 PMby Irina Aleksander 0 Comments Photo: Getty Images If you spotted a blotchy face and smudged mascara around Park City this week, it was safe to assume that a screening of The End of Love had probably just let out. The film stars Mark Webber, who also wrote the screenplay and directed, as a struggling actor trying to raise his two-year-old son after the death of his wife. Inspired by his split with actress Frankie Shaw and featuring their real-life three-year-old son, the film is only semi-autobiographical; not only is Shaw alive and well, but she too appears in the film. But End of Love is not the only reason that Webber's name karen millen outlet online has become ubiquitous around the festival. The actor appears in two other feature films this week: Save the Date with Allison Brie and Lizzy Caplan; and For a Good Time, Call... with Ari Graynor and Lauren Ann Miller. And though all have been well received, it's Webber's directorial entry into the competition that has Sundance audiences buzzing. Amidst a hectic schedule of promoting three films herve leger sale within three days, Webber took a few minutes to talk to ELLE: How did the idea for The End of Love come about? MW: As a director and actor, I really like to strip everything away. I wanted to create the ultimate environment for myself to give the best performance that I could herve leger sale give. karen millen online Also, I had recently become a dad and I was at the end of this relationship with the mother so it became about writing about the death of this relationship. I'm fascinated with relationships in general and how people act when they're most vulnerable. ELLE: Was it difficult drawing on such personal experiences? MW: Only in a good way. When you put yourself out there I think you're able to get rid of that awareness that actors have sometimesthat consciousness that you can see. Then audiences are able to connect with your character better because they're seeing real emotions. As an artist, I kind of get off on that. Also, it's not really me. This guy is in a much darker place. ELLE: Had herve leger dress sale you always intended to write, direct and star in it? MW: I did. That was the intention from the beginning. My first film [Explicit Ills] I just directed and didn't act in it. This time I really wanted to create an opportunity for myself. ELLE: First time you came to Sundance was in 2002 for Todd Solondz' Storytelling. Does it feel different this time around? MW: This time is totally different. I've only been here as an actor and never as a filmmaker. As a filmmaker, it's what you want to be here as. You're engaging with people and talking about your worksomething that you createdso there's more of a responsibility. I really like that. Tags: sundance film festival Mark Webber For A Good Time Call save the date Allison Brie The End of Love


Mélanie Laurent & Mike Mills On Beginners ELLE

Mélanie Laurent & Mike Mills On BeginnersJune 2 6:11 PMby Gillian Mohney 0 Comments Photo: Focus Features Beginners, a new film from Mike Mills, ignores the rules of time and lets the past and present crash over one another in order to tell a story about falling in love while grieving. The film, which was also written by Mills, follows Oliver (Ewan McGregor) as he deals with the recent death of his father and falls for the lovely Anna (Mélanie Laurent). But it is Oliver's father Hal, shown in flashbacks throughout the film, that shapes the story. Hal, who comes out to his son at 75 and enjoys just four years as an openly gay man before succumbing to cancer, is played with delightful enthusiasm by Christopher Plummer. For Mills, the story was an echo of his own father, who came out after the death of his wife and passed away four years later. According to Mills, a linear story was never an option. He sat down to write just six months after his father passed away and began to tell his story in pieces: "When you're in that place it's hard to stay in the present, these unfinished conversations or karen millen outlet online memories or images come to you." After working in that heightened emotional state, Mills was confronted with a few surprises when he revisited his material years later. "The grief isn't all bad...there's an intensity. When I see the film I'm like `Whoa' I was sort of drunk. I'm not that brave all the time." For Mills the accidental outsourcing of an international cast was a fitting choice for the film. "I didn't surprise me in that my family didn't fit into the American box neatly. Christopher is so my dad and so right to be a museum director born in 1924. Ewan and I come from really different places and paths through life...He's so Scottish and I'm so Californian. I guess on some deeper level we share some frequencies." As for the captivating Mélanie herve leger sale Laurent as Anna, Mills picked her after seeing her on a talk show talking animatedly in French. About what, he doesn't know since he doesn't herve leger sale karen millen outlet speak the language. herve leger sale "I was like she seemsnot precious and really smart...and kind of wild." For Laurent, working with Mills in one of her first English speaking roles was ideal, "Everything was built on freedom, which is super rare." Although she had a difficult time believing a few of her character's decisions, "I was like asking Mike `Why isn't she in love with Ewan?'" In an odd twist of fate for a film about falling in love, Mills' wife (director Miranda July) has her own film, The Future, coming out in just a few short weeks. Although the two work in similar fields and both come from a fine arts background, Mills insists they keep things separate. "We're pretty separate. Way more separate than people might think. It's like `Oh wow you're so alien to me.' We say that back and forth" Beginners opens tomorrow. Tags: melanie laurent Mike Mills ewan mcgregor christopher plummer beginners


Mélanie Laurent on ‘Seducing’ Dior ELLE

Mélanie Laurent on ‘Seducing’ DiorMay 25 2:30 PMby Nojan Aminosharei 0 Comments Left to right: herve leger sale Plummer, Laurent, Mills, McGregor. Photo: karen millen outlet online Focus Features. Last night was the premiere of Beginners, Mike Mills` smart, playful, and affecting semi-autobiographical filmfeatured in our June issueabout a man (Ewan McGregor) baffled when his newly-widowed father (Christopher Plummer) reveals that he's gay. When dad is soon after diagnosed with, and eventually succumbs to, cancer, his son is both rocked by grief and inspired by the last free, high-spirited years of his father's life. On the red carpet, talked to star Mélanie Laurent (of Inglourious Basterds), who plays a French actress that beguiles McGregor's character. She talked to us about grappling with the movie's canine co-star, revealed her favorite (and most frustrating) romantic drama, and cracked wise about being Dior's newest fragrance muse. ELLE: You're the new face of Dior's Hypnotic Poison perfume. ML: I know! I couldn't believe it when they called me. ELLE: How did you find out? ML: We [Dior and I] seduced each other for months, and it was my agent who called me to say that we herve leger sale were going to sign the contract. I remember I said to myselfgaspthink about who the other faces of Dior fragrances were! Jude Law, Charlize Theron, Natalie cheap herve leger Portmanand I thought, `Oh my God, I'm going to be one of them.' ELLE: How will you get used to seeing your face everywhere? ML: Oh, I don't know! I forgot that part! ELLE: Are you boning up on how to give beauty interviews now? ML: I did some interviews at Cannes, because we had made the announced then. So I spent two days giving beauty interviews. I got a lot karen millen outlet online of pleasure from thisbut the strangest question was, `Were you born beautiful, or did you become beautiful?' What an odd question! I wanted to say, `Well, I was born ugly, and now everything is fake.' [laughs] ELLE: Let's talk about the movie. Beginners is, in so many ways, about love. What's your favorite film about amour? ML: Bridges of Madison County. It's so frustratingughwhen Meryl Streep doesn't open the door and leaves Clint Eastwood out in the rain. I've watched the movie 20 times, and I cry again and againand every time, I know she's not going to open that fucking door. ELLE: Ewan McGregor has a little dog in the film that communicates to him in subtitles. Can we talk about how adorable that dog is? ML: He was not that adorable, because he hated me! He was jealous of my relationship with Ewan. But you know what? I don't care because I'm herve leger outlet a cat person. ELLE: You are? Okay, be honest, how many cats do you have? ML: Just one. I'm not a crazy old cat lady! [laughs] I'm the face of Dior perfume now! Tags: dior melanie laurent Hypnotic Poison beginners Mike Mills


Marry, Shoot, Shag With Rachel Chandler ELLE

Marry, Shoot, Shag With Rachel ChandlerFebruary 11 7:38 PMby Youyoung Lee 0 Comments Photo: Billy Farrell Agency Oh Don Hills. How many Fashion Weeks have transpired without this reliably boozy and rowdy dark hole as its go-to after-after-party cheap karen millen spot? The West Village club once primarily associated with the Misshapes is responsible for putting the lower West Side highway (and, for that matter, fog machines) back on the fashion map again, ever since slipping into the magic hands of new owners Nur Khan and Paul Sevigny last fall. This being winter, fur, in all variations, abounded last nightfake, real, karen millen outlet armless, capes, white mink, the tan mink Chloe Sevigny wore while chatting with a woman who looked very much like her mother (we didn't have the audacity to ask, and Paul was nowhere to be found). This being a Fashion Week party, the absurd disseminated around midnight when dancers clad in metallic bikinis swirled round the stripper poles on karen millen dresses the bar. The cool kids stampeded in shortly thereafter to revel under a supremely poppy mix of Kanye and Madonna, post-Vlad Roitfeld opening and Waris Ahulwalia-launch. Among them was "It Girl" Rachel Chandler, on bill to DJ after Greg K. of the Misshapes, and who was refreshingly candid about what she calls her "day job." ELLE: Hi! What do you do? RC: I'm the editor at large at Purple Magazine. I'm a photographer, and am taking shots for Opening Ceremony's new blog. I also DJ. ELLE: That's cool. What do you look for when you take pictures? RC: I've been doing it for so long that I don't really know anymore. Usually, it's just that something extra that someone has. That certain something, or they look like they're having fun. ELLE: So karen millen outlet you DJ. Is there a go-to track that you have when behind the decks? RC: Not really. I like oldies. I play a lot of older stuff. I've been focusing so much on photography that I couldn't really say right now. ELLE: Robyn's playing right now, so let's play the famous British national sport of Marry Shoot Shag: Robyn, Katy Perry, and Lady Gaga. Go. RC: Boy. I'd have to say...kill Katy Perry, karen millen dresses shag Lady Gaga and marry Robyn. Definitely marry Robyn. ELLE: What do you think about the whole Fashion Week scene? What would you say to a 15-year-old about Fashion Week in New York? RC: I think that at the end of the day you have to remember that people are working, and that this is just their day job. Tags: chloe sevigny Don Hills Nur Khan fashion week Rachel Chandler Paul Sevigny


Make Better Challenge: Try Healthful Eye Creams ELLE

Make Better Challenge: Try Healthful Eye CreamsJanuary 21 5:15 PMby ELLE 0 Comments According to today's Make Better article, your eyes are one of the first areas to show signs of agingand I believe it! Though the rest of my nearly 30-year-old face still looks relatively youthful, I started noticing fine lines around my eyes a couple years ago. They only showed up when I smiled but the crinkly, visibly looser skin was enough to make me start applying eye cream regularly (and curse all the times I forgot my sunglasses at home). I've tried many formulas since that initial jar, but here are the most recent additions to my collection. All debuted at the herve leger outlet start of the new year. Emily Hebert First Aid Beauty Detox Eye Roller FAB's caffeine-packed gel concoction is delivered via a karen millen outlet online cool metal roller ball, instantly soothing tired eyes and combatting puffiness and dark cheap herve leger circles. Bonus: The formula also contains sodium hyaluronate to plump fine lines. Sponge Anti-Aging Eye Cream (Krema Mattia)Sponge Firming Eye Gel (Gel Mattia) Fans of Sponge include Scarlett Johansson and Olivia Wilde and it's no wonderthe eco-friendly brand's formulas are made with botanicals and plant-derived vitamins from Greece. And their latest products don't disappoint: Whether used alone or together, the lightweight Krema Mattia (for smoothing) and Gel Mattia (for de-puffing) contain potent age-fighting ingredients. Besides online, Sponge is also available in-store at The Plaza Beauty by herve leger dress sale Warren Tricomi and Barneys New York. Bobbi Brown Extra Eye Repair Cream If you love thick, emollient moisturizers, Bobbi Brown's cream is for you. With powerful grape seed oil, mulberry root extract, shea butter, and sodium hyaluronate the formula will leave your eye area soft to the touch. Just remember that a little goes a long way, and don't forget to warm the cream between your fingers before dabbing on. View more Make Better tips here Photos: Courtesy of FAB, Sponge, and Bobbi Brown Follow ELLE on Twitter Become our Facebook fan Tags: Eye Cream youthful eyes anti aging skin care


Mariel Hemingway and Barbara Kopple at the Tribeca Film Festival Running from Crazy at the Tribeca Film Festival ELLE

Tribeca Film Festival: Filmmaker Barbara Kopple Hit karen millen outlet online the Documentarian's JackpotApril 23 1:30 PMby Lisa Marsh 0 CommentsPhoto: Getty ImagesWhile working on Running from Crazy, an examination of the mental illness and suicide that has affected the family of legendary author Ernest Hemingway, filmmaker Barbara Kopple discovered a treasure trove of previously unseen footage."We were filming in Ketchum (Idaho, where Ernest died and Margaux and Mariel were raised), and we had a sound person with us," Kopple explained. "He said he had been there before and shot some footage for a one-hour show Margaux was going to make [in the 1970s]." The resulting find was 43 hours of raw footage and five hours of audio tape of Margaux speaking. This remarkable footage puts a new, realistic face on the mental illness that has plagued the Hemingway family for generations and was seen in a special screening of Running from Crazy at the Tribeca Film Festival yesterday. Kopple and Mariel cheap herve leger Hemingway discussed the film after the showing. "It was interesting to me," Hemingway said of the first time she saw the footage. "I saw all of these things and thought, I wasnt making it upour kitchen really was that ugly." She added, "Its shocking to see my family karen millen outlet online and see how sad and depressed my mother was...I have so much compassion for my sister [Margaux]. It took me from the outside looking in to see how much pain she was in." Kopple noted: "When she saw the footage for the first time, she herve leger sale was very emotional. And she said, 'Now my children will see who their grandparents are.' Ending the silence is very important." The idea of making this film was originally outrageous to Hemingway. "My family is crazy, why would I want to make a movie about this? Ive been running from this my whole life," she said, but on closer examination, it helped her heal. "Ive gone full circle now and embraced herve leger sale my family and who I am." She continued: "I was running from the crazy, afraid Id pass it onto my girls (daughters Dree, a model, and Langley, a student). Im not afraid of that anymore."


MAC Fabulousness Holiday Collection Liz Goldwyn Interview ELLE

Exclusive: Liz Goldwyn on Her Holiday Collection for MACOctober 24 4:30 PMby Jillian Kirby 0 CommentsPhoto: MAC CosmeticsFashion icon, writer, and director, Liz Goldwyn, has collaborated with MAC Cosmetics to create three lingerie-inspired beauty bags for the holidays. Her collection, Fabulousness, hits stores today, and will be available through December 20. The beauty loot retail from $39.50 to $49.50, and contain eye makeup, beauty brushes and lip products. chatted with Goldwyn about her signature red lip, creative process, and relationship with MAC.ELLE: You have some history with MAC. How did this particular collaboration come about? Liz Goldwyn: Ive had a longstanding relationship with John Demsey and MAC. He and I were in L.A. during Oscar week, and we were speaking about cosmetic bags. I asked him why MAC wasnt making any at the time, to which he replied, Why dont you do it? Later, he put me in touch with MACs wonderful Creative Director James Gager. The rest is history! ELLE: What was the creative process like?LG: I began by going through my own karen millen outlet online collection of lingerie to find the right blend of nets and laces. I had to source modern fabrics but wanted to capture that vintage feeling. I located herve leger sale a pair of herve leger outlet treasured 1950s leopard-print under garments to reference, and I sent them to MAC to have the pattern updated. It was quite funny because I originally bought them on eBay when I was 17 or 18they probably cost $6! ELLE: How did you bring your designs to life?LG: I made pen and ink sketches with watercolor, because I wanted the MAC bags to have a very specific pastel, lingerie-like quality with underlays of silk and overlays of the net and lace. As I was working on the sketches, I drew all the makeup inside the bags in order to envision how it would look. Once we created prototypes, I used the bags myself in order to road test them. I travel a lot and wanted to carry them around to get a sense of what worked and what herve karen millen leger sale didnt. ELLE: Can you talk herve leger sale about your signature look? Were obsessed with your red lipstick! LG: Thanks! Red lipstick has been my beauty staple for years. I show up to pilates or yoga at 8 a.m. wearing my red lipstick. The truth is, unless I have a meeting or an event, I can be a bit lazy about makeup, but I feel like a slick of red lipstick is enough to hide my under-eye circles. ELLE: What do you carry in your own MAC bags? LG: In the brush bag, I have mineral powder, three different kinds of mascara, an eyelash curler, a mascara brush, and several eye pencils. In the hanging bag, its sunscreen, a sewing kit, essential oils ,and my hair brush. I try to keep the clutch fairly streamlined: my cell phone, credit card, cash, and lipstick. I firmly believe a lady should switch her bag at night! Photo: MAC CosmeticsPhoto: MAC CosmeticsPhoto: MAC Cosmetics

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