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[Pedido] Gem System Igual Mega-War



Alguem Pode Me Ajudar Com Um Gem System Igual O Da Foto Abaixo?








Editado por LTK157
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4 respostass a esta questão

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como ele funciona? é ring? and version?


   <item id="xxxx" article="a" name="Paladin Spirit Gem">
       <attribute key="weight" value="80" />
       <attribute key="description" value="Libere o espirito medieval de um forte Arqueiro que ha dentro de voce" />
       <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" />
       <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" />
       <attribute key="speed" value="80" />
       <attribute key="duration" value="10800" />
       <attribute key="skillDist" value="12" />
       <attribute key="showduration" value="1" />
       <attribute key="showattributes" value="1" />

   <item id="xxxx" article="a" name="Sorcerer Spirit Gem">
       <attribute key="weight" value="80" />
       <attribute key="description" value="Libere o espirito medieval de um forte Mago que ha dentro de voce" />
       <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" />
       <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" />
       <attribute key="speed" value="80" />
       <attribute key="duration" value="10800" />
       <attribute key="magiclevelpoints" value="12" />
       <attribute key="showduration" value="1" />
       <attribute key="showattributes" value="1" />

   <item id="xxxx" article="a" name="Knight Spirit Gem">
       <attribute key="weight" value="80" />
       <attribute key="description" value="Libere o espirito medieval de um forte Guerreiro que ha dentro de voce" />
       <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" />
       <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" />
       <attribute key="speed" value="80" />
       <attribute key="duration" value="10800" />
       <attribute key="skillSword" value="12" />
       <attribute key="skillAxe" value="12" />
       <attribute key="skillClub" value="12" />
       <attribute key="showduration" value="1" />
       <attribute key="showattributes" value="1" />

   <item id="xxxx" article="a" name="Druid Spirit Gem">
       <attribute key="weight" value="80" />
       <attribute key="description" value="Libere o espirito medieval de um forte Mago que ha dentro de voce" />
       <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" />
       <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" />
       <attribute key="speed" value="80" />
       <attribute key="duration" value="10800" />
       <attribute key="magiclevelpoints" value="12" />
       <attribute key="showduration" value="1" />
       <attribute key="showattributes" value="1" />




and add on movements.xml



<movevent type="DeEquip" itemid="xxxx" slot="ring" event="function" value="onDeEquipItem"/>
<movevent type="Equip" itemid="xxxx" slot="ring" level="25" event="function" value="onEquipItem">
<vocation name="Paladin"/>
<vocation name="Royal Paladin" showInDescription="0"/>

<movevent type="DeEquip" itemid="xxxx" slot="ring" event="function" value="onDeEquipItem"/>
<movevent type="Equip" itemid="xxxx" slot="ring" level="25" event="function" value="onEquipItem">
<vocation name="Sorcerer"/>
<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" showInDescription="0"/>

<movevent type="DeEquip" itemid="xxxx" slot="ring" event="function" value="onDeEquipItem"/>
<movevent type="Equip" itemid="xxxx" slot="ring" level="25" event="function" value="onEquipItem">
<vocation name="Knight"/>
<vocation name="Elite Knight" showInDescription="0"/>

<movevent type="DeEquip" itemid="xxxx" slot="ring" event="function" value="onDeEquipItem"/>
<movevent type="Equip" itemid="xxxx" slot="ring" level="25" event="function" value="onEquipItem">
<vocation name="Druid"/>
<vocation name="Elder Druid" showInDescription="0"/>




Editado por beenii
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como ele funciona? é ring? and version?


<item id="xxxx" article="a" name="Paladin Spirit Gem">
	<attribute key="weight" value="80" />
	<attribute key="description" value="Libere o espirito medieval de um forte Arqueiro que ha dentro de voce" />
	<attribute key="slotType" value="ring" />
	<attribute key="decayTo" value="0" />
	<attribute key="speed" value="80" />
	<attribute key="duration" value="10800" />
	<attribute key="skillDist" value="12" />
	<attribute key="showduration" value="1" />
	<attribute key="showattributes" value="1" />

<item id="xxxx" article="a" name="Sorcerer Spirit Gem">
	<attribute key="weight" value="80" />
	<attribute key="description" value="Libere o espirito medieval de um forte Mago que ha dentro de voce" />
	<attribute key="slotType" value="ring" />
	<attribute key="decayTo" value="0" />
	<attribute key="speed" value="80" />
	<attribute key="duration" value="10800" />
	<attribute key="magiclevelpoints" value="12" />
	<attribute key="showduration" value="1" />
	<attribute key="showattributes" value="1" />

<item id="xxxx" article="a" name="Knight Spirit Gem">
	<attribute key="weight" value="80" />
	<attribute key="description" value="Libere o espirito medieval de um forte Guerreiro que ha dentro de voce" />
	<attribute key="slotType" value="ring" />
	<attribute key="decayTo" value="0" />
	<attribute key="speed" value="80" />
	<attribute key="duration" value="10800" />
	<attribute key="skillSword" value="12" />
	<attribute key="skillAxe" value="12" />
	<attribute key="skillClub" value="12" />
	<attribute key="showduration" value="1" />
	<attribute key="showattributes" value="1" />

<item id="xxxx" article="a" name="Druid Spirit Gem">
	<attribute key="weight" value="80" />
	<attribute key="description" value="Libere o espirito medieval de um forte Mago que ha dentro de voce" />
	<attribute key="slotType" value="ring" />
	<attribute key="decayTo" value="0" />
	<attribute key="speed" value="80" />
	<attribute key="duration" value="10800" />
	<attribute key="magiclevelpoints" value="12" />
	<attribute key="showduration" value="1" />
	<attribute key="showattributes" value="1" />




and add on movements.xml



<movevent type="DeEquip" itemid="xxxx" slot="ring" event="function" value="onDeEquipItem"/>
<movevent type="Equip" itemid="xxxx" slot="ring" level="25" event="function" value="onEquipItem">
<vocation name="Paladin"/>
<vocation name="Royal Paladin" showInDescription="0"/>

<movevent type="DeEquip" itemid="xxxx" slot="ring" event="function" value="onDeEquipItem"/>
<movevent type="Equip" itemid="xxxx" slot="ring" level="25" event="function" value="onEquipItem">
<vocation name="Sorcerer"/>
<vocation name="Master Sorcerer" showInDescription="0"/>

<movevent type="DeEquip" itemid="xxxx" slot="ring" event="function" value="onDeEquipItem"/>
<movevent type="Equip" itemid="xxxx" slot="ring" level="25" event="function" value="onEquipItem">
<vocation name="Knight"/>
<vocation name="Elite Knight" showInDescription="0"/>

<movevent type="DeEquip" itemid="xxxx" slot="ring" event="function" value="onDeEquipItem"/>
<movevent type="Equip" itemid="xxxx" slot="ring" level="25" event="function" value="onEquipItem">
<vocation name="Druid"/>
<vocation name="Elder Druid" showInDescription="0"/>





Não è Assim Mais Vlw A Intenção E A Versão é 8.6 REP+ Pra Vc


Ela Funfa Quando Clica Dai Ela Da Os Atributo igual A Foto :D

Editado por LTK157
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no momento do clicar, gem is removed? and add atributos for 180 min? nao entendo


Sim Isso Mesmo Você Clica Na Gem Ela Some Dai Fica Com O Effect E Ganha Os Atributos Por 180 Minutos.


Aqui O Script Só Que Eu Quero Que De Os Atributo Igual A Foto !



Vá na pasta do seu ot entre em data/lib copie e cole qualquer arquivo .lua e renomeie ele para



dentro adicione isto:


function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)

gem =[getPlayerVocation(cid)]

if item.itemid == gem then

doUseGem(cid, item, getPlayerVocation(cid))


return TRUE




ainda na pasta lib copie e cole outro arquivo .lua e renomeie para pivi.lua


dentro adicione isto:

function doUseGem(cid, item)[

local voc = getPlayerVocation(cid)

local interval = gems.interval[voc]

if item.itemid ~=[voc] or getPlayerStorageValue(cid,[voc]) > 0 then

return FALSE


setPlayerStorageValue(cid,[voc], 1)

sendGemEffect(cid,[voc], gems.interval[voc])

doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1)


return TRUE



function sendGemEffect(cid, storage, interval)

local pos = getThingPos(cid)

local voc = getPlayerVocation(cid)

local color = 1

if voc == 1 then

color = gemMsg.colorDruid[math.random(1,#gemMsg.colorElderDruid)]

elseif voc == 2 then

color = gemMsg.colorSorcerer[math.random(1,#gemMsg.colorMasterSorcerer)]

elseif voc == 3 then

color = gemMsg.colorPaladin[math.random(1,#gemMsg.colorRoyalPaladin)]

elseif voc == 4 then

color = gemMsg.colorKnight[math.random(1,#gemMsg.colorEliteKnight)]


doSendAnimatedText(pos, gemMsg.rnd[math.random(1,#gemMsg.rnd)], color)

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,[getPlayerVocation(cid)]) >= 1 then

addEvent(sendGemEffect, interval, cid, storage, interval)



function doRemoveGemEffect(cid)

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,[getPlayerVocation(cid)]) < 1 then

return FALSE


setPlayerStorageValue(cid,[getPlayerVocation(cid)], 0)

return TRUE


function doRemoveAllGemEffect(cid)

for i = 1, table.maxn( do

setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, 0)


return TRUE


function isGemActivated(cid)

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,[getPlayerVocation(cid)]) > 0 then

return TRUE


return FALSE



Ainda em lib copie otro arquivo cole e renomeie ele para pivi_const.lua


detro adicione isto:

gems = {

id = {2156, 2155, 2158, 2154, 2156, 2155, 2158, 2154},

storage = {5001, 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005, 5006, 5007, 5008},

interval = {750, 750, 750, 750, 750, 750, 750, 750}, -- Intervalo dos efeitos


gemMsg = {

rnd = {"´ . ,", ". ´ ,", "` . ,", ", ` ."},

colorDruid = {180,180},

colorSorcerer = {30,215},

colorPaladin = {251,10},

colorKnight = {204,212},

colorElderDruid = {180,180},

colorMasterSorcerer = {30,215},

colorRoyalPaladin = {251,10},

colorEliteKnight = {204,212}




pronto agora vamos na pasta data/actions/scripte

copie e cole qualquer arquivo.lua e renomeie ele para gems.lua


adicione isto dentro:

local config =


minLevel = 200, -- Level mínimo para adquirir a gema.


function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)

if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= config.minLevel then

gem =[getPlayerVocation(cid)]

if item.itemid == gem then

doUseGem(cid, item, getPlayerVocation(cid))

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING, "Você adquiriu uma gema espíritual.")

doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 65)



doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Voc\ê precisa ser level "..config.minLevel.." para adquirir a gema esp\íritual.")


return TRUE



feito isto va no seu actions.xml e adicione os seguintes tags :

<action itemid="2156" script="gems.lua" />

<action itemid="2155" script="gems.lua" />

<action itemid="2154" script="gems.lua" />

<action itemid="2158" script="gems.lua" />


feche e salve. Agora vamos na pasta data\creaturescripts\scripts

copie e cole qualquer arquivo lua renomeie para logingema.lua dentro adicione isto:

function onLogin(cid)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 47112120, 2)

local voc = getPlayerVocation(cid)

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,[getPlayerVocation(cid)]) > 0 then

sendGemEffect(cid,[voc], gems.interval[voc])


return TRUE



feito isto abra o creaturescripts.xml e adicione este tag:

<event value="logingema.lua" event="script" name="gema" type="login"/>

Editado por LTK157
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