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Estou com alguns erros no meu server. (osb: estou usando os johtos do nibelins)


O primeiro esta dando muito erro no move1


Um deles é quando uso o m3 do aipom e deve ter mais alguns pokemons dando estes erros.




[09/03/2012 13:37:58] [Error - TalkAction Interface]

[09/03/2012 13:37:58] In a timer event called from:

[09/03/2012 13:37:58] data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:onSay

[09/03/2012 13:37:58] Description:

[09/03/2012 13:37:58] data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:6: attempt to concatenate local 'id' (a nil value)

[09/03/2012 13:37:58] stack traceback:

[09/03/2012 13:37:58] data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:6: in function <data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:3>




Tem alguns pokemon que não tem skills para os players usarem tipo o forretress.


No meu server tem algumas houses que eu edicionei que estão com o valor 0 o que pode ser ? sendo que as que tinham antes esta tudo ok. Já vi se esta com exit house, ela celecionado ta turdo certinho no mapa.


E se alguem tem a linha portrait no items.xml para me passar, para que os items portrait quando dando look ja aparecam, Eu sei fazer mais se alguem quiser compartlhar eu agradeceria.



Editado por betinhowz666
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esta ai a move do Forretress

abre o configuration.lua procura a linha dos moves de Pineco e adicione



["Forretress"] = {move1 = {name = "Horn Attack", level = 4, cd = 8, dist = 1, target = 1},

move2 = {name = "String Shot", level = 4, cd = 8, dist = 3, target = 1},

move3 = {name = "Harden", level = 9, cd = 25, dist = 1, target = 0},

move4 = {name = "Body Slam", level = 26, cd = 18, dist = 1, target = 1},

move5 = {name = "Double-edge", level = 30, cd = 22, dist = 1, target = 1},

move6 = {name = "Bug Bite", level = 10, cd = 9, dist = 1, target = 1},





vai na pasta monster abre a pasta geracao 2

procura Forretress.xml abre e ele e subistitui



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<monster name="Forretress" nameDescription="a forretress" race="bug" experience="0" speed="184" manacost="0">

<health now="40" max="40"/>

<look type="910" head="37" body="57" legs="95" feet="113" corpse="3290"/>

<targetchange interval="10000" chance="0"/>

<strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>


<flag summonable="1"/>

<flag attackable="1"/>

<flag hostile="1"/>

<flag illusionable="1"/>

<flag convinceable="1"/>

<flag pushable="1"/>

<flag canpushitems="0"/>

<flag canpushcreatures="0"/>

<flag targetdistance="1"/>

<flag staticattack="90"/>

<flag runonhealth="0"/>

<flag hungerdelay="15"/>



<attack name="melee" interval="2000" chance="100" range="1" min="-82" max="-101"/>

<attack name="Horn Attack" interval="2476" chance="31" range="2"/>

<attack name="String Shot" interval="2664" chance="30" range="1"/>

<attack name="Harden" interval="2852" chance="29" range="1"/>

<attack name="Body Slam" interval="3040" chance="28" range="1"/>

<attack name="Double-edge" interval="3416" chance="26" range="1"/>

<attack name="Bug Bite" interval="2652" chance="29" range="1"/>


<defenses armor="0" defense="0">


<voices interval="5000" chance="10">

<voice sentence="FORREE!"/>

<voice sentence="TREESS!"/>

<voice sentence="FORRETRESS!"/>



<item id="12163" chance="10000" countmax="50"/>

<item id="12155" chance="5000" count="1" countmax="1"/>

<item id="12153" chance="5000" count="1" countmax="1"/>



<event name="Spawn"/>






sobre seu erro nem posso te ajudar porque comigo não ocorre o erro mais vou vou ver o que eu fasso pra saber porque esta dano esse erro você esta usando a barra de CD?

Editado por Nibelins
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alguém pode me ajudar a arrumar esse npc ??? se puder manda pm


local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()

local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)



local talkState = {}


function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end

function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end

function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end

function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end


function onCreatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)

local config = {

price = 50000,

delay = 5 * 60,

control = {10555, 10556},

eggn = 4850


if not npcHandler:isFocused(cid) then

return false




if msgcontains(msg, "care") then

local p = (config.price % 1000 == 0 and (config.price / 1000) or config.price)

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.control) > os.time() then

selfSay("Sorry, but I am already caring one of your eggs.", cid)


selfSay("Do you want me to take care of your egg for ".. p .." ".. (p == config.price and "" or "k") .."?", cid)

talkState[talkUser] = 1



elseif msgcontains(msg, "back") then

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.control[2]) == 1 then

selfSay("Hello, do you came to pick up your egg?", cid)

talkState[talkUser] = 2


selfSay("Sorry, but I am not caring eggs from you.", cid)



elseif msgcontains(msg, "check") then

local t = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.control[1])

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.control[2]) == -1 then

selfSay("Sorry, but I am not caring eggs from you.", cid)


if t < os.time() then

selfSay("Yay, your egg has started to hatch, take it.", cid)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.control[1], -1)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.control[2], -1)


selfSay("I will be caring your egg for more ".. (math.floor((t - os.time()) / 60) > 0 and "".. math.floor((t - os.time()) / 60) .." minutes and" or "") .." ".. (t - os.time()) % 60 .." seconds.", cid)





if talkState[talkUser] == 1 then

if msgcontains(msg, "yes") then

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.control[2]) == -1 then

if doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, config.price) then

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.control[2], 1)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.control[1], os.time()+config.delay)

selfSay("Okay! Check back soon.", cid)


selfSay("Sorry, you don't have enough money. You need more ".. (config.price - getPlayerMoney(cid)) .." coins.", cid)



selfSay("I am already taking care of a egg for you.", cid)


elseif msgcontains(msg, "no") then

selfSay("Too pricey for you, heh?", cid)


elseif talkState[talkUser] == 2 then

local x = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.control)

local t = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.control[1])

if msgcontains(msg, "yes") then

if x > os.time() then

local item = doPlayerAddItem(cid, config.eggn, 1)

doItemSetAttribute(item, "description", "A hatched egg.")

selfSay("Take it!", cid)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, control[2], -1)

setPlayerStorageValue(cid, control[1], -1)


selfSay("Sorry, but your egg need care for more ".. (math.floor((t - os.time()) / 60) > 0 and "".. math.floor((t - os.time()) / 60) .." minutes and" or "") .." ".. (t - os.time()) % 60 .." seconds.", cid)




return true



npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_GREET, "Hello, |PLAYERNAME|. I am a pet egg carer. Do you want me to {care} your pet eggs? Also you can {check} the egg status and if you have any egg here, you can get it {back}.")

npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, onCreatureSayCallback)



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[09/03/2012 17:11:28] [Error - CreatureScript Interface]

[09/03/2012 17:11:28] data/creaturescripts/scripts/exp.lua:onStatsChange

[09/03/2012 17:11:28] Description:

[09/03/2012 17:11:28] data/lib/034-exhaustion.lua:124: attempt to compare number with string

[09/03/2012 17:11:28] stack traceback:

[09/03/2012 17:11:28] data/lib/034-exhaustion.lua:124: in function 'get'

[09/03/2012 17:11:28] data/creaturescripts/scripts/exp.lua:550: in function <data/creaturescripts/scripts/exp.lua:129>


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alguem ae pode me passar o link dos pokes jhoto do nibelins ? não tou consegindo baixar ;S vllw

e outra coisa, rep+ pra qm ajudar, preciso de umas sprites do PxG de alguns pokes com addon o dat de alguem ae abre ?

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Nibelins valeu fiz uns negocios aqui e deu certo.


Mais tenho uma dúvida ainda.


Meu mapa tinha houses, mais ai adicionei mais, selecionei o lugarzinho certinho, na porta e coloquei exit house na frente, POREM quando dado look o valor dela esta 0 gold, como eu poderia resolver? =/ rep+ para quem me ajudar.

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Estou pondo meu server on pela manhã e to precisando mt saber como poe fly e surf pra vip e como que eu deixo meu server como 100x de rate pq eu mudo no confg lua e nada acontece fik a msma coisa do REP+

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