tchuca02 5 Postado Abril 12, 2012 Share Postado Abril 12, 2012 ta dando 1 erro aki no meu ot [12/04/2012 09:23:14] [Error - LuaScriptInterface::loadFile] data/creaturescripts/scripts/spawn.lua:48: '<eof>' expected near 'end' [12/04/2012 09:23:14] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Cannot load script (data/creaturescripts/scripts/spawn.lua) [12/04/2012 09:23:14] data/creaturescripts/scripts/spawn.lua:48: '<eof>' expected near 'end' ja tentei de tudo sempre q eu mudo aparece outro erro Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
BrunooMaciell 83 Postado Abril 12, 2012 Share Postado Abril 12, 2012 Alguem Aii Tem Npc De Food ???? Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Jefessonabc 7 Postado Abril 12, 2012 Share Postado Abril 12, 2012 function getPokemonExperienceTable(pokemonname) if isInArray(fastexppokes, pokemonname) then return fastexptable elseif isInArray(mediumfastexppokes, pokemonname) then return mediumfastexptable elseif isInArray(mediumslowexppokes, pokemonname) then return mediumslowexptable elseif isInArray(slowexppokes, pokemonname) then return slowexptable end print(""..pokemonname.." doesn't have an experience table speed gain. Check it at data/lib/level tables.lua.") return mediumfastexptable end fastexppokes = {"Clefairy", "Clefable", "Iglybuff", "Jigglypuff", "Wigglytuff", "Chansey", "Shiny Clefairy", "Shiny Clefable", "Shiny Iglybuff", "Shiny Jigglypuff", "Shiny Wigglytuff", "Shiny Chansey", "Ledyba", "Ledian", "Spinarak", "Ariados", "Cleffa", "Togepi", "Togetic", "Marill", "Azumarill", "Aipom", "Misdreavus", "Snubbull", "Granbull", "Corsola", "Delibird", "Smeargle", "Blissey"} fastexptable = { [1] = 0, [2] = 51, [3] = 172, [4] = 409, [5] = 800, [6] = 1382, [7] = 2195, [8] = 3276, [9] = 4665, [10] = 6400, [11] = 8518, [12] = 11059, [13] = 14060, [14] = 17561, [15] = 21600, [16] = 26214, [17] = 31443, [18] = 37324, [19] = 43897, [20] = 51200, [21] = 59270, [22] = 68147, [23] = 77868, [24] = 88473, [25] = 100000, [26] = 112486, [27] = 125971, [28] = 140492, [29] = 156089, [30] = 172800, [31] = 190662, [32] = 209715, [33] = 229996, [34] = 251545, [35] = 274400, [36] = 298598, [37] = 324179, [38] = 351180, [39] = 379641, [40] = 409600, [41] = 441094, [42] = 474163, [43] = 508844, [44] = 545177, [45] = 583200, [46] = 622950, [47] = 664467, [48] = 707788, [49] = 752953, [50] = 800000, [51] = 848966, [52] = 899891, [53] = 952812, [54] = 1007769, [55] = 1064800, [56] = 1123942, [57] = 1185235, [58] = 1248716, [59] = 1314425, [60] = 1382400, [61] = 1452678, [62] = 1525299, [63] = 1600300, [64] = 1677721, [65] = 1757600, [66] = 1839974, [67] = 1924883, [68] = 2012364, [69] = 2102457, [70] = 2195200, [71] = 2290630, [72] = 2388787, [73] = 2489708, [74] = 2593433, [75] = 2700000, [76] = 2809446, [77] = 2921811, [78] = 3037132, [79] = 3155449, [80] = 3276800, [81] = 3401222, [82] = 3528755, [83] = 3659436, [84] = 3793305, [85] = 3930400, [86] = 4070758, [87] = 4214419, [88] = 4361420, [89] = 4511801, [90] = 4665600, [91] = 4822854, [92] = 4983603, [93] = 5147884, [94] = 5315737, [95] = 5487200, [96] = 5662310, [97] = 5841107, [98] = 6023628, [99] = 6209913, [100] = 6400000, [101] = 999999999} mediumfastexppokes = {"Caterpie", "Metapod", "Butterfree", "Weedle", "Kakuna", "Beedrill", "Rattata", "Raticate", "Spearow", "Fearow", "Ekans", "Arbok", "Pikachu", "Raichu", "Sandshrew", "Sandslash", "Vulpix", "Ninetales", "Zubat", "Golbat", "Paras", "Parasect", "Diglett", "Dugtrio", "Meowth", "Persian", "Psyduck", "Golduck", "Mankey", "Primeape", "Ponyta", "Rapidash", "Magnemite", "Magneton", "Doduo", "Dodrio", "Seel", "Dewgong", "Grimer", "Muk", "Onix", "Steelix", "Drowzee", "Hypno", "Krabby", "Kingler", "Voltorb", "Electrode", "Cubone", "Marowak", "Hitmonlee", "Tyrogue", "Hitmonchan", "Lickitung", "Koffing", "Weezing", "Kangaskhan", "Horsea", "Seadra", "Goldeen", "Seaking", "Mr. Mime", "Scyther", "Jynx", "Smoochum", "Electabuzz", "Magmar", "Ditto", "Eevee", "Jolteon", "Flareon", "Porygon", "Omanyte", "Omastar", "Kabuto", "Kabutops", "Shiny Caterpie", "Shiny Metapod", "Shiny Butterfree", "Shiny Weedle", "Shiny Kakuna", "Shiny Beedrill", "Shiny Rattata", "Shiny Raticate", "Shiny Spearow", "Shiny Fearow", "Shiny Ekans", "Shiny Arbok", "Shiny Pikachu", "Shiny Raichu", "Shiny Sandshrew", "Shiny Sandslash", "Shiny Vulpix", "Shiny Ninetales", "Shiny Zubat", "Shiny Golbat", "Shiny Paras", "Shiny Parasect", "Shiny Diglett", "Shiny Dugtrio", "Shiny Meowth", "Shiny Persian", "Shiny Psyduck", "Shiny Golduck", "Shiny Mankey", "Shiny Primeape", "Shiny Ponyta", "Shiny Rapidash", "Shiny Magnemite", "Shiny Magneton", "Shiny Doduo", "Shiny Dodrio", "Shiny Seel", "Shiny Dewgong", "Shiny Grimer", "Shiny Muk", "Shiny Onix", "Shiny Steelix", "Shiny Drowzee", "Shiny Hypno", "Shiny Krabby", "Shiny Kingler", "Shiny Voltorb", "Shiny Electrode", "Shiny Cubone", "Shiny Marowak", "Shiny Hitmonlee", "Tyrogue", "Shiny Hitmonchan", "Shiny Lickitung", "Shiny Koffing", "Shiny Weezing", "Shiny Kangaskhan", "Shiny Horsea", "Shiny Seadra", "Shiny Goldeen", "Shiny Seaking", "Shiny Mr. Mime", "Shiny Scyther", "Shiny Jynx", "Smoochum", "Shiny Electabuzz", "Shiny Magmar", "Shiny Ditto", "Shiny Eevee", "Shiny Jolteon", "Shiny Flareon", "Shiny Porygon", "Shiny Omanyte", "Shiny Omastar", "Shiny Kabuto", "Shiny Kabutops", "Sentret", "Furret", "Hoothoot", "Noctowl", "Crobat", "Pichu", "Natu", "Xatu", "Wooper", "Quagsire", "Espeon", "Umbreon", "Girafarig", "Pineco", "Forretress", "Dunsparce", "Qwilfish", "Scizor", "Magcargo", "Slugma", "Remoraid", "Octillery", "Kingdra", "Phanpy", "Donphan", "Porygon2", "Hitmontop", "Elekid", "Magby", "Vaporeon", "Shiny Vaporeon", "Venonat", "Venomoth", "Slowpoke", "Shiny Slowpoke", "Slowbro", "Slowking", "Farfetch'd", "Tangela", "Shiny Tangela", "Sudowoodo", "Yanma", "Unown", "Wobbuffet", "Teddiursa", "Ursaring"} mediumfastexptable = { [1] = 0, [2] = 64, [3] = 216, [4] = 512, [5] = 1000, [6] = 1728, [7] = 2744, [8] = 4096, [9] = 5832, [10] = 8000, [11] = 10648, [12] = 13824, [13] = 17576, [14] = 21952, [15] = 27000, [16] = 32768, [17] = 39304, [18] = 46656, [19] = 54872, [20] = 64000, [21] = 74088, [22] = 85184, [23] = 97336, [24] = 110592, [25] = 125000, [26] = 140608, [27] = 157464, [28] = 175616, [29] = 195112, [30] = 216000, [31] = 238328, [32] = 262144, [33] = 287496, [34] = 314432, [35] = 343000, [36] = 373248, [37] = 405224, [38] = 438976, [39] = 474552, [40] = 512000, [41] = 551368, [42] = 592704, [43] = 636056, [44] = 681472, [45] = 729000, [46] = 778688, [47] = 830584, [48] = 884736, [49] = 941192, [50] = 1000000, [51] = 1061208, [52] = 1124864, [53] = 1191016, [54] = 1259712, [55] = 1331000, [56] = 1404928, [57] = 1481544, [58] = 1560896, [59] = 1643032, [60] = 1728000, [61] = 1815848, [62] = 1906624, [63] = 2000376, [64] = 2097152, [65] = 2197000, [66] = 2299968, [67] = 2406104, [68] = 2515456, [69] = 2628072, [70] = 2744000, [71] = 2863288, [72] = 2985984, [73] = 3112136, [74] = 3241792, [75] = 3375000, [76] = 3511808, [77] = 3652264, [78] = 3796416, [79] = 3944312, [80] = 4096000, [81] = 4251528, [82] = 4410944, [83] = 4574296, [84] = 4741632, [85] = 4913000, [86] = 5088448, [87] = 5268024, [88] = 5451776, [89] = 5639752, [90] = 5832000, [91] = 6028568, [92] = 6229504, [93] = 6434856, [94] = 6644672, [95] = 6859000, [96] = 7077888, [97] = 7301384, [98] = 7529536, [99] = 7762392, [100] = 8000000, [101] = 999999999} mediumslowexppokes = {"Bulbasaur", "Ivysaur", "Venusaur", "Charmander", "Charmeleon", "Charizard", "Squirtle", "Wartortle", "Blastoise", "Pidgey", "Pidgeotto", "Pidgeot", "Nidoran Female", "Nidorina", "Nidoqueen", "Nidoran Male", "Nidorino", "Nidoking", "Oddish", "Gloom", "Vileplume", "Poliwag", "Poliwhirl", "Poliwrath", "Abra", "Kadabra", "Alakazam", "Machop", "Machoke", "Machamp", "Bellsprout", "Weepinbell", "Victreebel", "Geodude", "Graveler", "Golem", "Gastly", "Haunter", "Gengar", "Mew", "Shiny Bulbasaur", "Shiny Ivysaur", "Shiny Venusaur", "Shiny Charmander", "Shiny Charmeleon", "Shiny Charizard", "Shiny Squirtle", "Shiny Wartortle", "Shiny Blastoise", "Shiny Pidgey", "Shiny Pidgeotto", "Shiny Pidgeot", "Shiny Nidoran Female", "Shiny Nidorina", "Shiny Nidoqueen", "Shiny Nidoran Male", "Shiny Nidorino", "Shiny Nidoking", "Shiny Oddish", "Shiny Gloom", "Shiny Vileplume", "Shiny Poliwag", "Shiny Poliwhirl", "Shiny Poliwrath", "Shiny Abra", "Shiny Kadabra", "Shiny Alakazam", "Shiny Machop", "Shiny Machoke", "Shiny Machamp", "Shiny Bellsprout", "Shiny Weepinbell", "Shiny Victreebel", "Shiny Geodude", "Shiny Graveler", "Shiny Golem", "Shiny Gastly", "Shiny Haunter", "Shiny Gengar", "Shiny Mew", "Chikorita", "Bayleef", "Meganium", "Cyndaquil", "Quilava", "Typhlosion", "Totodile", "Croconaw", "Feraligatr", "Mareep", "Flaaffy", "Ampharos", "Bellossom", "Politoed", "Hoppip", "Skiploom", "Jumpluff", "Sunkern", "Sunflora", "Murkrow", "Gligar", "Shuckle", "Sneasel", "Celebi"} mediumslowexptable = { [1] = 0, [2] = 72, [3] = 456, [4] = 768, [5] = 1080, [6] = 1432, [7] = 1888, [8] = 2512, [9] = 3352, [10] = 4480, [11] = 5936, [12] = 7784, [13] = 10088, [14] = 12896, [15] = 16280, [16] = 20280, [17] = 24960, [18] = 30384, [19] = 36600, [20] = 43680, [21] = 51664, [22] = 60616, [23] = 70600, [24] = 81664, [25] = 93880, [26] = 107288, [27] = 121952, [28] = 137936, [29] = 155288, [30] = 174080, [31] = 194352, [32] = 216168, [33] = 239592, [34] = 264672, [35] = 291480, [36] = 320056, [37] = 350464, [38] = 382768, [39] = 417016, [40] = 453280, [41] = 491600, [42] = 532040, [43] = 574664, [44] = 619520, [45] = 666680, [46] = 716184, [47] = 768096, [48] = 822480, [49] = 879384, [50] = 938880, [51] = 1001008, [52] = 1065832, [53] = 1133416, [54] = 1203808, [55] = 1277080, [56] = 1353272, [57] = 1432448, [58] = 1514672, [59] = 1599992, [60] = 1688480, [61] = 1780176, [62] = 1875144, [63] = 1973448, [64] = 2075136, [65] = 2180280, [66] = 2288920, [67] = 2401120, [68] = 2516944, [69] = 2636440, [70] = 2759680, [71] = 2886704, [72] = 3017576, [73] = 3152360, [74] = 3291104, [75] = 3433880, [76] = 3580728, [77] = 3731712, [78] = 3886896, [79] = 4046328, [80] = 4210080, [81] = 4378192, [82] = 4550728, [83] = 4727752, [84] = 4909312, [85] = 5095480, [86] = 5286296, [87] = 5481824, [88] = 5682128, [89] = 5887256, [90] = 6097280, [91] = 6312240, [92] = 6532200, [93] = 6757224, [94] = 6987360, [95] = 7222680, [96] = 7463224, [97] = 7709056, [98] = 7960240, [99] = 8216824, [100] = 8478880, [101] = 999999999} slowexppokes = {"Ho-oh", "Growlithe", "Arcanine", "Tentacool", "Tentacruel", "Shellder", "Cloyster", "Exeggcute", "Exeggutor", "Rhyhorn", "Rhydon", "Staryu", "Starmie", "Pinsir", "Tauros", "Magikarp", "Gyarados", "Lapras", "Aerodactyl", "Snorlax", "Articuno", "Zapdos", "Moltres", "Dratini", "Dragonair", "Dragonite", "Mewtwo", "Mew", "Chinchou", "Lanturn", "Heracross", "Swinub", "Piloswine", "Mantine", "Skarmory", "Houndour", "Houndoom", "Stantler", "Miltank", "Raikou", "Entei", "Suicune", "Larvitar", "Pupitar", "Tyranitar", "Lugia", "Shiny Growlithe", "Shiny Arcanine", "Shiny Tentacool", "Shiny Tentacruel", "Shiny Shellder", "Shiny Cloyster", "Shiny Exeggcute", "Shiny Exeggutor", "Shiny Rhyhorn", "Shiny Rhydon", "Shiny Staryu", "Shiny Starmie", "Shiny Pinsir", "Shiny Tauros", "Shiny Magikarp", "Shiny Gyarados", "Shiny Lapras", "Shiny Aerodactyl", "Shiny Snorlax", "Shiny Articuno", "Shiny Zapdos", "Shiny Moltres", "Shiny Dratini", "Shiny Dragonair", "Shiny Dragonite", "Shiny Mewtwo", "Shiny Mew",} slowexptable = { [1] = 0, [2] = 80, [3] = 270, [4] = 640, [5] = 1250, [6] = 2160, [7] = 3430, [8] = 5120, [9] = 7290, [10] = 10000, [11] = 13310, [12] = 17280, [13] = 21970, [14] = 27440, [15] = 33750, [16] = 40960, [17] = 49130, [18] = 58320, [19] = 68590, [20] = 80000, [21] = 92610, [22] = 106480, [23] = 121670, [24] = 138240, [25] = 156250, [26] = 175760, [27] = 196830, [28] = 219520, [29] = 243890, [30] = 270000, [31] = 297910, [32] = 327680, [33] = 359370, [34] = 393040, [35] = 428750, [36] = 466560, [37] = 506530, [38] = 548720, [39] = 593190, [40] = 640000, [41] = 689210, [42] = 740880, [43] = 795070, [44] = 851840, [45] = 911250, [46] = 973360, [47] = 1038230, [48] = 1105920, [49] = 1176490, [50] = 1250000, [51] = 1326510, [52] = 1406080, [53] = 1488770, [54] = 1574640, [55] = 1663750, [56] = 1756160, [57] = 1851930, [58] = 1951120, [59] = 2053790, [60] = 2160000, [61] = 2269810, [62] = 2383280, [63] = 2500470, [64] = 2621440, [65] = 2746250, [66] = 2874960, [67] = 3007630, [68] = 3144320, [69] = 3285090, [70] = 3430000, [71] = 3579110, [72] = 3732480, [73] = 3890170, [74] = 4052240, [75] = 4218750, [76] = 4389760, [77] = 4565330, [78] = 4745520, [79] = 4930390, [80] = 5120000, [81] = 5314410, [82] = 5513680, [83] = 5717870, [84] = 5927040, [85] = 6141250, [86] = 6360560, [87] = 6585030, [88] = 6814720, [89] = 7049690, [90] = 7290000, [91] = 7535710, [92] = 7786880, [93] = 8043570, [94] = 8305840, [95] = 8573750, [96] = 8847360, [97] = 9126730, [98] = 9411920, [99] = 9702990, [100] = 10000000, [101] = 999999999} Alguém poderia me ajudar e porque eu que eu queria que os pokmons chegassem no level 200... alguém me ajuda? 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vudi 17 Postado Abril 12, 2012 Share Postado Abril 12, 2012 (editado) @ Jeferson Coloca isso em Spoiler se nao vou reporta @All Alguem sabe abaixar o atk da magia nightmare dos s.gengar, gengar, umbreon etc? ela ranca mt dos pokemons mais fortes queria diminuir o atk dela Editado Abril 12, 2012 por vudi Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
natanaelnsd 3 Postado Abril 12, 2012 Share Postado Abril 12, 2012 (editado) @Brunnoo ta é o npc de food: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <npc name="Chris" script="default.lua" walkinterval="350000" floorchange="0" speed="0"> <health now="150" max="150"/> <look type="510" head="91" body="114" legs="86" feet="0"/> <parameters> <parameter key="message_greet" value="Hi, I Sell food for your Pokemons!"/> <parameter key="message_farewell" value="Good bye!"/> <parameter key="message_idletimeout" value="Good bye!"/> <parameter key="message_walkaway" value="Good bye!"/> <parameter key="module_shop" value="1"/> <parameter key="shop_buyable" value="Pizza,12222,500;Coconut,2678,200;vanilla churry,12221,250;cheeseburguer,12218,300;brownie,12217,400;cup of lemonade,12216,350;french fries,12214,550;hot dog,12215,460;"/> </parameters> </npc> Te ajudei? REP+ Editado Abril 12, 2012 por Maxximuss Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Jefessonabc 7 Postado Abril 12, 2012 Share Postado Abril 12, 2012 Malz ae lembrando eu so novo ake n sei fazer isso ae spoiler...mais vc poderia me ajuda? Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Gabrielzxzx 17 Postado Abril 12, 2012 Share Postado Abril 12, 2012 (editado) #5745Jefesson Pra você colocar spoiler é so fazer isso [spoiler.]XX sem os pntos @all to com uma duvida meu goback ta dando erro aí eu to podendo chamar varios pokes com uma pokebola #5743vudi Ele pode postar em spoier ou nao você não tem direito de reportar pois muita gente ta tendo problema de abrir spoiler Editado Abril 12, 2012 por Gabrielzxzx Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
tchuca02 5 Postado Abril 12, 2012 Share Postado Abril 12, 2012 alguem ae ja tem 1 svr com os shiny arrumados surf,ride,fly,corpse,portrait,etc... e q pode postar dou rep+ por 1 semana Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
kois 22 Postado Abril 12, 2012 Share Postado Abril 12, 2012 Bom Dia Pessoal alguem ae ja tem 1 svr com os shiny arrumados surf,ride,fly,corpse,portrait,etc... e q pode postar dou rep+ por 1 semana link do pacther do Nibelis Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Gabrielzxzx 17 Postado Abril 12, 2012 Share Postado Abril 12, 2012 @kois ,não adianta só o patch pois o mapa tbm ta horrivel entao... vo posta um mapa pra ele Mapa Kpdo Com Respawm Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Subwat 405 Postado Abril 12, 2012 Share Postado Abril 12, 2012 como faz pra por spells nos poke? Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Gabrielzxzx 17 Postado Abril 12, 2012 Share Postado Abril 12, 2012 Vá no configuratio.lua e procura isso ["Charizard"] = {move1 = {name = "Scratch", level = 5, cd = 10, dist = 1, target = 1}, move2 = {name = "Ember", level = 11, cd = 12, dist = 4, target = 1}, move3 = {name = "Fireball", level = 17, cd = 20, dist = 4, target = 1}, move4 = {name = "Fire Fang", level = 16, cd = 16, dist = 1, target = 1}, move5 = {name = "Slash", level = 19, cd = 18, dist = 1, target = 1}, move6 = {name = "Fire Spin", level = 25, cd = 24, dist = 4, target = 0}, move7 = {name = "Flamethrower", level = 33, cd = 30, dist = 4, target = 0}, move8 = {name = "Burning Skin", level = 28, cd = 27, dist = 4, target = 0}, move9 = {name = "Ranging Blast", level = 58, cd = 40, dist = 4, target = 0}, move10 = {name = "Fire Blast", level = 64, cd = 58, dist = 4, target = 0}, move11 = {name = "Super fire", level = 70, cd = 58, dist = 4, target = 0} Depois se quiser colocar qualquer spell so colocar o nome da spell level cd target etc.. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Subwat 405 Postado Abril 12, 2012 Share Postado Abril 12, 2012 ah entendi, brigado Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
theu1995 12 Postado Abril 12, 2012 Share Postado Abril 12, 2012 (editado) @maxximuss posta seu npc Hugh ae ou alguém que o tiver. '-' Editado Abril 12, 2012 por MaatheeuusYuurii Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Subwat 405 Postado Abril 12, 2012 Share Postado Abril 12, 2012 é poste o npc como ele é? Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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