lSainty 81 Postado Abril 9, 2012 Share Postado Abril 9, 2012 (editado) @Subwat invocar para matar ou summonar pra vc controla-los? para invocar para matar é /m Nome Do Poke e para sumonar é /s Nome Do Poke ;D ajudei? rep+ Editado Abril 9, 2012 por ElderZard Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Subwat 405 Postado Abril 9, 2012 Share Postado Abril 9, 2012 invocar o seu pokemon pra ele upar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
lSainty 81 Postado Abril 9, 2012 Share Postado Abril 9, 2012 Invocar pra ele upar? , achoq issu ajuda: /cb Nome do Poke, Level dele, tipo: /cb charizard, 82 Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
cacaiu 10 Postado Abril 9, 2012 Share Postado Abril 9, 2012 aew galera preciso de vcs de novo tem como um de vcs min arruma o sistema de boost mais ja com os shiny adicionados agradeço e dou rep+ XD Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
kledstonsk8 2 Postado Abril 9, 2012 Share Postado Abril 9, 2012 @Nibelins cara muito obridado mesmo , ja dei seu rep + , pena que so pode da um rep .. se fosse possivel daria 10 rep + pra tu , tu mereçe .. vlw mesmo (y' Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
zerefshirou 112 Postado Abril 9, 2012 Share Postado Abril 9, 2012 @Nibelins Acho melhor nao usar deprecated, melhor criar um id novo, Tools>Add Item, o item criado sera o ultimo do other.. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
cacaiu 10 Postado Abril 9, 2012 Share Postado Abril 9, 2012 @ZerefShirou cara tem como vc min mandar o script de boost ja com os shiny adicionados ? se vc tiver? Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
MarcosFraga 34 Postado Abril 9, 2012 Share Postado Abril 9, 2012 (editado) @ZerefShirou cara tem como vc min mandar o script de boost ja com os shiny adicionados ? se vc tiver? Cara antes de pedir alguma coisa procura no tópico ja postaram a muito tempo o boost com shinys e johtos completos so tu procurar no tópico tu acha Vai gastar no maximo 10 minutos não vai cair o dedo. Editado Abril 9, 2012 por SoulOroshie Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
cacaiu 10 Postado Abril 9, 2012 Share Postado Abril 9, 2012 procurei mais n achei e tbm estou muito oculpado editando o map por isso pedir ajuda de vcs =D tem como vc min manda aew o link desse tal topido? Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
kois 22 Postado Abril 9, 2012 Share Postado Abril 9, 2012 (editado) ae voltando aO forum quase dois mês sem net é foda procurei mais n achei e tbm estou muito oculpado editando o map por isso pedir ajuda de vcs =D tem como vc min manda aew o link desse tal topido? boost Shiny Jhoto Kanto ^^ boost até 80 akii local ballslot = 12355 local ballslot_run = 12352 local stoneslot = 12354 local stoneslot_run = 12353 local button = 12356 local button_run = 12357 function isRunning(id) if isInArray({button_run, stoneslot_run, ballslot_run}, id) then return true end return false end boost_stones = { ["Bulbasaur"] = {leaf}, ["Ivysaur"] = {leaf}, ["Venusaur"] = {leaf}, ["Charmander"] = {fire}, ["Charmeleon"] = {fire}, ["Charizard"] = {fire}, ["Squirtle"] = {water}, ["Wartortle"] = {water}, ["Blastoise"] = {water}, ["Caterpie"] = {coccon}, ["Metapod"] = {coccon}, ["Butterfree"] = {coccon}, ["Weedle"] = {coccon}, ["Kakuna"] = {coccon}, ["Beedrill"] = {coccon}, ["Pidgey"] = {heart}, ["Pidgeotto"] = {heart}, ["Pidgeot"] = {heart}, ["Rattata"] = {heart}, ["Raticate"] = {heart}, ["Spearow"] = {heart}, ["Fearow"] = {heart}, ["Ekans"] = {venom}, ["Arbok"] = {venom}, ["Pikachu"] = {thunder}, ["Raichu"] = {thunder}, ["Sandshrew"] = {earth}, ["Sandslash"] = {earth}, ["Nidoran Female"] = {venom}, ["Nidorina"] = {venom}, ["Nidoqueen"] = {venom, earth}, ["Nidoran Male"] = {venom}, ["Nidorino"] = {venom}, ["Nidoking"] = {venom, earth}, ["Clefairy"] = {heart}, ["Clefable"] = {heart}, ["Vulpix"] = {fire}, ["Ninetales"] = {fire}, ["Jigglypuff"] = {heart}, ["Wigglytuff"] = {heart}, ["Zubat"] = {venom}, ["Golbat"] = {venom}, ["Oddish"] = {leaf, venom}, ["Gloom"] = {leaf, venom}, ["Vileplume"] = {leaf, venom}, ["Paras"] = {coccon, leaf}, ["Parasect"] = {coccon, leaf}, ["Venonat"] = {coccon, venom}, ["Venomoth"] = {coccon, venom}, ["Diglett"] = {earth}, ["Dugtrio"] = {earth}, ["Meowth"] = {heart}, ["Persian"] = {heart}, ["Psyduck"] = {water}, ["Golduck"] = {water, enigma}, ["Mankey"] = {punch}, ["Primeape"] = {punch}, ["Growlithe"] = {fire}, ["Arcanine"] = {fire}, ["Poliwag"] = {water}, ["Poliwhirl"] = {water}, ["Poliwrath"] = {water, punch}, ["Abra"] = {enigma}, ["Kadabra"] = {enigma}, ["Alakazam"] = {enigma}, ["Machop"] = {punch}, ["Machoke"] = {punch}, ["Machamp"] = {punch}, ["Bellsprout"] = {leaf, venom}, ["Weepinbell"] = {leaf, venom}, ["Victreebel"] = {leaf, venom}, ["Tentacool"] = {water, venom}, ["Tentacruel"] = {water, venom}, ["Geodude"] = {earth, rock}, ["Graveler"] = {earth, rock}, ["Golem"] = {earth, rock}, ["Ponyta"] = {fire}, ["Rapidash"] = {fire}, ["Slowpoke"] = {water, enigma}, ["Slowbro"] = {water, enigma}, ["Magnemite"] = {thunder, metal}, ["Magneton"] = {thunder, metal}, ["Farfetch'd"] = {heart}, ["Doduo"] = {heart}, ["Dodrio"] = {heart}, ["Seel"] = {water, ice}, ["Dewgong"] = {water, ice}, ["Grimer"] = {venom}, ["Muk"] = {venom}, ["Shellder"] = {water, ice}, ["Cloyster"] = {water, ice}, ["Gastly"] = {dark}, ["Haunter"] = {dark}, ["Gengar"] = {dark}, ["Onix"] = {rock, earth}, ["Drowzee"] = {enigma}, ["Hypno"] = {enigma}, ["Krabby"] = {water}, ["Kingler"] = {water}, ["Voltorb"] = {thunder}, ["Electrode"] = {thunder}, ["Exeggcute"] = {enigma, leaf}, ["Exeggutor"] = {enigma, leaf}, ["Cubone"] = {earth}, ["Marowak"] = {earth}, ["Hitmonlee"] = {punch}, ["Hitmonchan"] = {punch}, ["Lickitung"] = {heart}, ["Koffing"] = {venom}, ["Weezing"] = {venom}, ["Rhyhorn"] = {earth, rock}, ["Rhydon"] = {earth, rock}, ["Chansey"] = {heart}, ["Tangela"] = {leaf}, ["Leafeon"] = {leaf}, ["Kangaskhan"] = {heart}, ["Horsea"] = {water}, ["Seadra"] = {water}, ["Goldeen"] = {water}, ["Seaking"] = {water}, ["Staryu"] = {water}, ["Starmie"] = {water}, ["Mr. Mime"] = {enigma}, ["Scyther"] = {coccon}, ["Jynx"] = {enigma, ice}, ["Electabuzz"] = {thunder}, ["Magmar"] = {fire}, ["Pinsir"] = {coccon}, ["Tauros"] = {heart}, ["Magikarp"] = {water}, ["Gyarados"] = {water, crystal}, ["Lapras"] = {water, ice}, ["Glaceon"] = {water, ice}, ["Ditto"] = {heart}, ["Eevee"] = {heart}, ["Vaporeon"] = {water}, ["Jolteon"] = {thunder}, ["Flareon"] = {fire}, ["Porygon"] = {heart, enigma}, ["Omanyte"] = {rock, water}, ["Omastar"] = {rock, water}, ["Kabuto"] = {rock, water}, ["Kabutops"] = {rock, water}, ["Aerodactyl"] = {rock}, ["Snorlax"] = {heart}, ["Articuno"] = {ice}, ["Zapdos"] = {thunder}, ["Moltres"] = {fire}, ["Dratini"] = {crystal}, ["Dragonair"] = {crystal}, ["Dragonite"] = {crystal}, ["Mewtwo"] = {enigma}, ["shiny blastoise"] = {water}, ["Mew"] = {enigma}, ["Shiny Bulbasaur"] = {leaf}, ["Shiny Ivysaur"] = {leaf}, ["Shiny Venusaur"] = {leaf}, ["Shiny Charmander"] = {fire}, ["Shiny Charmeleon"] = {fire}, ["Shiny Charizard"] = {fire}, ["Shiny Squirtle"] = {water}, ["Shiny Wartortle"] = {water}, ["Shiny Blastoise"] = {water}, ["Turtwig"] = {leaf}, ["Grotle"] = {leaf}, ["Torterra"] = {leaf}, ["Treecko"] = {leaf}, ["Grovyle"] = {leaf}, ["Sceptile"] = {leaf}, ["Cloned Torterra"] = {leaf}, ["Bagon"] = {fire}, ["Shelgon"] = {fire}, ["Salamence"] = {fire}, ["Chimchar"] = {fire}, ["Monferno"] = {fire}, ["Infernape"] = {fire}, ["Cloned Infernape"] = {fire}, ["Torchic"] = {fire}, ["Combusken"] = {fire}, ["Blaziken"] = {fire}, ["Piplup"] = {water}, ["Prinplup"] = {water}, ["Empoleon"] = {water}, ["Cloned Empoleon"] = {water}, ["Shiny Caterpie"] = {coccon}, ["Shiny Metapod"] = {coccon}, ["Shiny Butterfree"] = {coccon}, ["Shiny Weedle"] = {coccon}, ["Shiny Kakuna"] = {coccon}, ["Shiny Beedrill"] = {coccon}, ["Shiny Pidgey"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Pidgeotto"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Pidgeot"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Rattata"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Raticate"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Spearow"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Fearow"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Ekans"] = {venom}, ["Shiny Arbok"] = {venom}, ["Shiny Pikachu"] = {thunder}, ["Shiny Raichu"] = {thunder}, ["Shiny Sandshrew"] = {earth}, ["Shiny Sandslash"] = {earth}, ["Shiny Nidoran Female"] = {venom}, ["Shiny Nidorina"] = {venom}, ["Shiny Nidoqueen"] = {venom, earth}, ["Shiny Nidoran Male"] = {venom}, ["Shiny Nidorino"] = {venom}, ["Shiny Nidoking"] = {venom, earth}, ["Shiny Clefairy"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Clefable"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Vulpix"] = {fire}, ["Shiny Ninetales"] = {fire}, ["Shiny Jigglypuff"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Wigglytuff"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Zubat"] = {venom}, ["Shiny Golbat"] = {venom}, ["Shiny Oddish"] = {leaf, venom}, ["Shiny Gloom"] = {leaf, venom}, ["Shiny Vileplume"] = {leaf, venom}, ["Shiny Paras"] = {coccon, leaf}, ["Shiny Parasect"] = {coccon, leaf}, ["Shiny Venonat"] = {coccon, venom}, ["Shiny Venomoth"] = {coccon, venom}, ["Shiny Diglett"] = {earth}, ["Shiny Dugtrio"] = {earth}, ["Shiny Meowth"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Persian"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Psyduck"] = {water}, ["Shiny Golduck"] = {water, enigma}, ["Shiny Mankey"] = {punch}, ["Shiny Primeape"] = {punch}, ["Shiny Growlithe"] = {fire}, ["Shiny Arcanine"] = {fire}, ["Shiny Poliwag"] = {water}, ["Shiny Poliwhirl"] = {water}, ["Shiny Poliwrath"] = {water, punch}, ["Dark Abra"] = {enigma}, ["Shiny Kadabra"] = {enigma}, ["Dark Alakazam"] = {enigma}, ["Togepi"] = {enigma}, ["Togetic"] = {enigma}, ["Togekiss"] = {enigma}, ["Shiny Machop"] = {punch}, ["Shiny Machoke"] = {punch}, ["Shiny Machamp"] = {punch}, ["Shiny Bellsprout"] = {leaf, venom}, ["Shiny Weepinbell"] = {leaf, venom}, ["Shiny Victreebel"] = {leaf, venom}, ["Shiny Tentacool"] = {water, venom}, ["Shiny Tentacruel"] = {water, venom}, ["Cranidos"] = {earth, rock}, ["Rampardos"] = {earth, rock}, ["Shiny Geodude"] = {earth, rock}, ["Shiny Graveler"] = {earth, rock}, ["Shiny Golem"] = {earth, rock}, ["Shiny Ponyta"] = {fire}, ["Shiny Rapidash"] = {fire}, ["Shiny Slowpoke"] = {water, enigma}, ["Shiny Slowbro"] = {water, enigma}, ["Shiny Magnemite"] = {thunder, metal}, ["Shiny Magneton"] = {thunder, metal}, ["Shiny Farfetch'd"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Doduo"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Dodrio"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Seel"] = {water, ice}, ["Shiny Dewgong"] = {water, ice}, ["Shiny Grimer"] = {venom}, ["Shiny Muk"] = {venom}, ["Shiny Shellder"] = {water, ice}, ["Shiny Cloyster"] = {water, ice}, ["Shiny Gastly"] = {dark}, ["Shiny Haunter"] = {dark}, ["Shiny Gengar"] = {dark}, ["Crystal Onix"] = {rock, earth}, ["Darkrei"] = {dark}, ["Umbreon"] = {dark}, ["Espeon"] = {enigma}, ["Crystal Steelix"] = {rock, earth}, ["Shiny Drowzee"] = {enigma}, ["Shiny Hypno"] = {enigma}, ["Shiny Krabby"] = {water}, ["Shiny Kingler"] = {water}, ["Shiny Voltorb"] = {thunder}, ["Shiny Electrode"] = {thunder}, ["Shiny Exeggcute"] = {enigma, leaf}, ["Shiny Exeggutor"] = {enigma, leaf}, ["Shiny Cubone"] = {earth}, ["Shiny Marowak"] = {earth}, ["Elite Hitmonlee"] = {punch}, ["Elite Hitmonchan"] = {punch}, ["Shiny Lickitung"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Koffing"] = {venom}, ["Shiny Weezing"] = {venom}, ["Shiny Rhyhorn"] = {earth, rock}, ["Shiny Rhydon"] = {earth, rock}, ["Rhyperior"] = {earth, rock}, ["Shiny Chansey"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Tangela"] = {leaf}, ["Tangrowth"] = {leaf}, ["Leafeon"] = {leaf}, ["Shiny Kangaskhan"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Horsea"] = {water}, ["Shiny Seadra"] = {water}, ["Shiny Goldeen"] = {water}, ["Shiny Seaking"] = {water}, ["Shiny Staryu"] = {water}, ["Shiny Starmie"] = {water}, ["Shiny Mr. Mime"] = {enigma}, ["Shiny Scyther"] = {coccon}, ["Gold Scizor"] = {coccon}, ["Scizor"] = {coccon}, ["Shiny Jynx"] = {enigma, ice}, ["Shiny Regice"] = {enigma, ice}, ["Regice"] = {enigma, ice}, ["Regirock"] = {enigma, Rock}, ["Shiny Regirock"] = {enigma, Rock}, ["Weavile"] = {Dark, ice}, ["Sneasel"] = {Dark, ice}, ["Abomasnow"] = {Leaf, ice}, ["Snover"] = {Leaf, ice}, ["Mamoswine"] = {crystal, ice}, ["Supreme Electabuzz"] = {thunder}, ["Shiny Magmar"] = {fire}, ["Shiny Electivire"] = {thunder}, ["Shiny Magmortar"] = {fire}, ["Electivire"] = {thunder}, ["Magmortar"] = {fire}, ["Shiny Pinsir"] = {coccon}, ["Shiny Tauros"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Magikarp"] = {water}, ["Shiny Gyarados"] = {water, crystal}, ["Shiny Lapras"] = {water, ice}, ["Shiny Ditto"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Eevee"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Vaporeon"] = {water}, ["Shiny Jolteon"] = {thunder}, ["Shiny Flareon"] = {fire}, ["Shiny Porygon"] = {heart, enigma}, ["Shiny Omanyte"] = {rock, water}, ["Shiny Omastar"] = {rock, water}, ["Shiny Kabuto"] = {rock, water}, ["Shiny Kabutops"] = {rock, water}, ["Shiny Aerodactyl"] = {rock}, ["Shiny Snorlax"] = {heart}, ["Shiny Articuno"] = {ice}, ["Glaceon"] = {ice}, ["Shiny Zapdos"] = {thunder}, ["Shiny Moltres"] = {fire}, ["Shiny Dratini"] = {crystal}, ["Shiny Dragonair"] = {crystal}, ["Shiny Dragonite"] = {crystal}, ["Gible"] = {crystal}, ["Gabite"] = {crystal}, ["Garchomp"] = {crystal}, ["Milotic"] = {crystal}, ["Shiny Mewtwo"] = {enigma}, ["shiny blastoise"] = {water}, ["Swampert"] = {water}, ["Marshtomp"] = {water}, ["Mudkip"] = {water}, ["Wailmer"] = {water}, ["Wailord"] = {water}, ["Chikorita"] = {leaf}, ["Bayleef"] = {leaf}, ["Meganium"] = {leaf}, ["Cyndaquil"] = {fire}, ["Quilava"] = {fire}, ["Typhlosion"] = {fire}, ["Totodile"] = {water}, ["Croconaw"] = {water}, ["Feraligatr"] = {water}, ["Sentret"] = {heart}, ["Furret"] = {heart}, ["Hoothoot"] = {heart, enigma}, ["Noctowl"] = {heart, enigma}, ["Ledyba"] = {coccon}, ["Ledian"] = {coccon}, ["Spinarak"] = {coccon, venom}, ["Ariados"] = {coccon, venom}, ["Crobat"] = {venom}, ["Chinchou"] = {water, thunder}, ["Lanturn"] = {water, thunder}, ["Pichu"] = {thunder}, ["Cleffa"] = {heart}, ["Iglybuff"] = {venom}, ["Natu"] = {enigma}, ["Xatu"] = {enigma}, ["Mareep"] = {thunder}, ["Flaaffy"] = {thunder}, ["Ampharos"] = {thunder}, ["Bellossom"] = {leaf}, ["Marill"] = {water}, ["Azulmarill"] = {water}, ["Sudowoodo"] = {rock, earth}, ["Politoed"] = {water, earth}, ["Hoppip"] = {leaf}, ["Skiploom"] = {leaf}, ["Jumpluff"] = {leaf}, ["Aipom"] = {heart}, ["Sunkern"] = {leaf}, ["Sunflora"] = {leaf}, ["Yanma"] = {venom, coccon}, ["Wooper"] = {water}, ["Quagsire"] = {water, earth}, ["Murkrow"] = {dark}, ["Slowking"] = {water,enigma}, ["Misdreavus"] = {dark}, ["Wobbuffet"] = {enigma}, ["Girafarig"] = {enigma}, ["Pineco"] = {coccon}, ["Forretress"] = {coccon}, ["Gligar"] = {dark, heart}, ["Steelix"] = {earth, rock}, ["Snubbull"] = {heart}, ["Granbull"] = {heart}, ["Qwilfish"] = {water}, ["Shuckle"] = {earth}, ["Heracross"] = {coccon}, ["Teddiursa"] = {heart}, ["Ursaring"] = {heart, dark}, ["Slugma"] = {fire}, ["Magcargo"] = {fire}, ["Swinub"] = {ice, earth}, ["Piloswine"] = {ice, earth}, ["Corsola"] = {water}, ["Remoraid"] = {water}, ["Octillery"] = {water}, ["Delibird"] = {ice, heart}, ["Mantine"] = {water}, ["Skarmory"] = {heart}, ["Houndour"] = {fire, dark}, ["Houndoom"] = {fire, dark}, ["Kingdra"] = {water, crystal}, ["Phanpy"] = {earth}, ["Donphan"] = {earth}, ["porygon2"] = {enigma}, ["Stantler"] = {heart}, ["Smeargle"] = {heart}, ["Tyrogue"] = {punch}, ["Hitmontop"] = {punch}, ["Smoochum"] = {ice, enigma}, ["Elekid"] = {thunder}, ["Magby"] = {fire}, ["Miltank"] = {heart}, ["Blissey"] = {heart}, ["Raikou"] = {thunder}, ["Entei"] = {fire}, ["Suicune"] = {water}, ["Larvitar"] = {earth, dark}, ["Pupitar"] = {earth, dark}, ["Tyranitar"] = {earth, dark}, ["Lugia"] = {enigma, water}, ["Ho-oh"] = {enigma, fire}, ["Celebi"] = {leaf, enigma}, ["Shiny Mew"] = {enigma}} function doRestoreBoostMachine(cid, b_pos, p_pos, s_pos, msg, msg2) doSendAnimatedText(b_pos, "DONE.", 215) if isCreature(cid) then doCreatureSetNoMove(cid, false) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, msg) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, msg2) end local ball_s = getTileItemById(p_pos, ballslot_run) doTransformItem(ball_s.uid, ballslot) local stne_s = getTileItemById(s_pos, stoneslot_run) doTransformItem(stne_s.uid, stoneslot) local butn_s = getTileItemById(b_pos, button_run) doTransformItem(butn_s.uid, button) end local stones_required = { -- custo base de stones para boostar [heart] = 1, [leaf] = 1, [water] = 1, [venom] = 1, [thunder] = 1, [rock] = 1, [punch] = 1, [fire] = 1, [coccon] = 1, [crystal] = 1, [dark] = 1, [earth] = 1, [enigma] = 1, [ice] = 1, } local stone_increase = { -- a cada quantos boosts irá aumentar o custo de stones [heart] = 90, [leaf] = 90, [water] = 90, [venom] = 90, [thunder] = 90, [rock] = 90, [punch] = 90, [fire] = 90, [coccon] = 90, [crystal] = 90, [dark] = 90, [earth] = 90, [enigma] = 90, [ice] = 90, } function onUse(cid, item, topos, item2, frompos) if isRunning(item.itemid) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Wait until boosting finishes.") return true end if item.itemid == button then local pbpos = topos pbpos.x = pbpos.x + 1 local ball_slot = getTileItemById(pbpos, ballslot) local myball = getContainerItem(ball_slot.uid, 0) if myball.uid <= 0 or getItemWeight(myball.uid) == 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need to put a pokeball in the ball slot.") return true end local pokemon = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "poke") local boost = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "boost") or 0 if boost >= 80 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your pokemon is already at maximum boost.") return true end local stnpos = pbpos stnpos.x = stnpos.x - 2 local stone_slot = getTileItemById(stnpos, stoneslot) local stone = getContainerItem(stone_slot.uid, 0) if stone.uid <= 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need to put a stone in the stone slot.") return true end if not isStone(stone.itemid) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please, put only stones in the stone slot.") return true end if not isInArray(boost_stones[pokemon], stone.itemid) then local cancelstr = "Sorry, you are not using the correct stone." if #boost_stones[pokemon] > 1 then local stonesused = "" cancelstr = cancelstr.." This pokemon needs " for su = 1, #boost_stones[pokemon] do local n = doCorrectString(getItemNameById(boost_stones[pokemon][su])) if su == #boost_stones[pokemon] then stonesused = stonesused.." or "..getArticle(n).." "..n.."" elseif su == 1 then stonesused = stonesused..""..getArticle(n).." "..n.."" else stonesused = stonesused..", "..n.."" end end cancelstr = cancelstr..""..stonesused.." to be boosted." else cancelstr = cancelstr.." This pokemon needs a "..doCorrectString(getItemNameById(boost_stones[pokemon][1])).." to be boosted." end doPlayerSendCancel(cid, cancelstr) return true end local removeStones = 0 local extraStones = math.floor(boost / stone_increase[stone.itemid]) local required_stones = stones_required[stone.itemid] + extraStones local boosts = 0 for a = 0, getContainerSize(stone_slot.uid) - 1 do local it = getContainerItem(stone_slot.uid, a) if it.uid > 0 then if not isStone(it.itemid) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please, put only stones in the stone slot.") return true end if it.itemid ~= stone.itemid then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please, put only one type of stone in the stone slot.") return true end if required_stones > 0 then required_stones = required_stones - 1 if required_stones <= 0 then boosts = boosts + 1 removeStones = removeStones + stones_required[stone.itemid] + extraStones if boost + boosts <= 80 then extraStones = math.floor((boost + boosts) / stone_increase[stone.itemid]) required_stones = stones_required[stone.itemid] + extraStones end end end end end if required_stones > 0 and boosts == 0 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need more stones to boost this pokemon.") return true end for b = 1, removeStones do doRemoveItem(getContainerItem(stone_slot.uid, 0).uid, 1) end local off = pokes[pokemon].offense * boost_rate * boosts local def = pokes[pokemon].defense * boost_rate * boosts local agi = pokes[pokemon].agility * boosts local spatk = pokes[pokemon].specialattack * boost_rate * boosts local vit = pokes[pokemon].vitality * boost_rate * boosts doSetItemAttribute(myball.uid, "boost", boost + boosts) doItemSetAttribute(myball.uid, "offense", getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "offense") + off) doItemSetAttribute(myball.uid, "defense", getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "defense") + def) doItemSetAttribute(myball.uid, "speed", getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "speed") + agi) doItemSetAttribute(myball.uid, "specialattack", getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "specialattack") + spatk) doItemSetAttribute(myball.uid, "vitality", getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "vitality") + vit) local msg = "Your "..getPokeballName(myball.uid).." ["..getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "level").."] has been boosted!" local msg2 = "• Boost: "..(boost + boosts).." (+"..boosts..") • Offense: +"..doMathDecimal(off).." • Defense: +"..doMathDecimal(def).." • Spc. Atk: +"..doMathDecimal(spatk).." • Agility: +"..doMathDecimal(agi).." • Vitality: +"..doMathDecimal(vit).."" local downpos = getThingPos(cid) downpos.y = downpos.y + 1 local mypos = getThingPos(cid) doTeleportThing(cid, downpos, false) doTeleportThing(cid, mypos, false) doTransformItem(ball_slot.uid, ballslot_run) doTransformItem(stone_slot.uid, stoneslot_run) doTransformItem(item.uid, button_run) doCreatureSetNoMove(cid, true) doCreatureAddCondition(cid, boostcondition) addEvent(doRestoreBoostMachine, 3000, cid, getThingPos(item.uid), getThingPos(ball_slot.uid), getThingPos(stone_slot.uid), msg, msg2) return true end end soh uma coisa q tem q mudar os poke q nao tem no seu server e troka o nome dos poke shiny quem tao mudado mais o resto ta ai Editado Abril 9, 2012 por Kois Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
cacaiu 10 Postado Abril 9, 2012 Share Postado Abril 9, 2012 Vlw Kois Minha capacidade de rep+ expirou mais concerteza te dou um xd! Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
natanaelrox 7 Postado Abril 9, 2012 Share Postado Abril 9, 2012 @Kois De boa man? suave? @All Alguem me diz porq o server dá muito lag? pow deixei o meu ot ake por uma semana online, com o pc novinho... 500 GB de HD. 4 GB de RAM, Windowns Xp, net de 10 Mb. pow eu n sei porq tanto lag... Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
kois 22 Postado Abril 9, 2012 Share Postado Abril 9, 2012 @Kois De boa man? suave? @All Alguem me diz porq o server dá muito lag? pow deixei o meu ot ake por uma semana online, com o pc novinho... 500 GB de HD. 4 GB de RAM, Windowns Xp, net de 10 Mb. pow eu n sei porq tanto lag... De boua agora sobre o lag deve ser por que algun erro olha no seu server se da alguns erro repitivo isso causa lag o meu server da lag por causa do Level table q ainda nao tava configurado pro novos poke mais depois que tirei os erro saiu o lag Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
cacaiu 10 Postado Abril 9, 2012 Share Postado Abril 9, 2012 aew kois sabe pq o pokes de jotho ele tipo quando entro no serve q dou tipo ex: /m blissey ele some e desaparece muito rapido sabe como arruma isto? Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
natanaelrox 7 Postado Abril 9, 2012 Share Postado Abril 9, 2012 (editado) @Kois mais então o server tá tudo certinho ake man... porém da muito lag de vez em quando... e tbm tem o bug da pokeball que derruba o server. Que o look buga e o gringo tenta da look na ball não aparece nada e cai o server.... isso é tenso =/ deve ser o Status ou o level que da muito lag se vocè me entende.. Editado Abril 9, 2012 por Zandor Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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