roirodrigo 3 Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 Share Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 alguem tem os stats jhoto pra passar? akela merda de pokes com 40 de life fode viu Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Jeffer000 65 Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 Share Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 (editado) Slicer e jeffe000 acho que são os scripter daqui né podem me ajudar to fazendo o npc que da vocation eu consegui o script com um amigo que fez pra mim e tem 2 coisas. 1º o script funciona da a addon e a vocation. 2º o unico problema é que ele simplismente nao retira o item pois o meu camarada fez assim então queria que alguem que soubesse edita-se pra retirar o item. E o seguinte ele só ta dando a outfit direto queria que que alguem se possivel adicionase uma checagem se é male ou female se for male dar x oufit e female y outfit. Está aqui o script: Se funcionar eu faço um tutorial de como fazer a vocation e o npc se tiver funcionando pra todos fazerem as suas devidas vocations. Script: local ConfiG = { item = { {2160, 100}, {2152, 30}, }, outfit = 1168, addons = 3, vocation = 4, } local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new() local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler) NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) local talkState = {} function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end function creatureSayCallback(cid, typea, msg) if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then return false end local msg = msg:lower() local talkUser = NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR == CONVERSATION_DEFAULT and 0 or cid if msgcontains(msg, 'volcanic') and (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 72371) < 1) then for _, v in pairs(ConfiG.item) do if (getPlayerItemCount(cid, v[1]) < v[2]) then local msg = "" for _, v in pairs(ConfiG.item) do msg = msg .. ", " .. v[2] .. " ".. getItemNameById(v[1]) .. (v[2] > 1 and "s" or "") end return selfSay("Você não tem ".. msg:sub(3, #msg) .. ".", cid) end end selfSay("Parabens Voce agora e um Volcanic Master!", cid) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 72371, 1) doPlayerAddItem(cid,12401,1) doPlayerAddOutfit(cid, ConfiG.outfit, ConfiG.addons) doPlayerSetVocation(cid, ConfiG.vocation) end return true end npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback) npcHandler:addModule(FocusModule:new()) Seguinte pra ele reconheçer male female use assim if getPlayerSex(cid) == 1 thenmale else female Quanto ao item o que ele deveria retirar? De qualeur geito use assim: doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, id,quantidade), Editado Fevereiro 28, 2012 por jeffe000 Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
ABCDEFGHIJK 11 Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 Share Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 (editado) @SoulOroshie Não Testei, se der certo Fala ae. local ConfiG = { item = { {2160, 100}, {2152, 30}, }, outfitm = 1168, -- Outfit Masculina outfitf = 1111, --Outfit Feminina addons = 3, vocation = 4, } local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new() local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler) NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) local talkState = {} function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end function creatureSayCallback(cid, typea, msg) if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then return false end local msg = msg:lower() local talkUser = NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR == CONVERSATION_DEFAULT and 0 or cid if msgcontains(msg, 'volcanic') and (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 72371) < 1) then for _, v in pairs(ConfiG.item) do if (getPlayerItemCount(cid, v[1]) < v[2]) then local msg = "" msg = msg .. ", " .. v[2] .. " ".. getItemNameById(v[1]) .. (v[2] > 1 and "s" or "") else return selfSay("Você não tem ".. msg:sub(3, #msg) .. ".", cid) end end selfSay("Parabens Voce agora e um Volcanic Master!", cid) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 72371, 1) doPlayerAddItem(cid,12401,1) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 1 then doPlayerAddOutfit(cid, ConfiG.outfitm, ConfiG.addons) else doPlayerAddOutfit(cid, ConfiG.outfitf, ConfiG.addons) end doPlayerSetVocation(cid, ConfiG.vocation) end return true end npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback) npcHandler:addModule(FocusModule:new()) Espero ter Ajudado. Editado Fevereiro 28, 2012 por yahooABC Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Jeffer000 65 Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 Share Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 (editado) Estou com dois problemas. Vocês conseguiram arrumar o catch do shiny poliwrihl ? verifiquei tudo aqui e parece tudo certo. E tambem no meu item.otb tenho corpses na aba other, queria passar eles para a aba container, para que os players possam pegar o loot. eu até consigo passar eles para a aba container pelo meu itemeditor mais quando dou load no meu item.otb e vejo na aba others os corpses estão lá novamente. como eu poderia resolver isto ? =/ Uso a versão otitemeditor 0.3.7 eu consegui mecher nele, só esta bugando esses corpses. Bom verifique todo no configuration.lua se o id do corps esta certo...verifique o nome dele em todos script e tambem o corps no xml dele. E por fim vai no item.xml e verifica o nome do corpo dele..tenho quase certeza que o erro e menos foi aqui que axo que arrumei Quanto ao item editor tu tem que marca a opcao container e salvar....ate onde sei com esse item.otb por ser de tibia funciona com editores normais de tibia ^^ alguem tem os stats jhoto pra passar? akela merda de pokes com 40 de life fode viu Vei e uma coisa bem meu sv eu fiz eles, levei 2 dias pra faze isso...ja fiz e refiz deles umas 3 ou 4x e dos normais umas 2x....Esse sistema de stats e quase impossivel deixa balanceado o jogo....e anda dano uns bug tenso no console por causa deles....Sem fala que ja recebi PM de gente falano q descobriro como duplica os stats das ball.... Adoraria o servidor com sistema de level mais sem stats... Ficaria mais leve e mais balanceado xD Editado Fevereiro 28, 2012 por jeffe000 Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
MarcosFraga 34 Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 Share Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 (editado) Tipo não funcionou mas quanto ao que o jeffe disse para retirar itens funcionou sim então eu vou testar a checagem de male female amanhã \o/ tenho curso amanhã cedo so volto atarde. Vlw. Editado Fevereiro 28, 2012 por SoulOroshie Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Slicer 1070 Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 Share Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 @Kois local level = 5 local extrastr = 1.5 local btype = "normal" function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 365987) >= 1 then return true end if getPlayerLevel(cid) > 30 then return true end local pokemon = "Pikachu" local gender = getRandomGenderByName(pokemon) local mypoke = getPokemonStatus(pokemon) if not mypoke then return true end local offense = * level * extrastr local defense = mypoke.def * level * extrastr local speed = mypoke.agi * level * extrastr local vit = mypoke.vit * level * extrastr local spatk = mypoke.spatk * level * extrastr local happy = 180 local leveltable = getPokemonExperienceTable(pokemon) doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2394, 10) local item = doCreateItemEx(2219) doItemSetAttribute(item, "poke", pokemon) doItemSetAttribute(item, "hp", 1) doItemSetAttribute(item, "level", level) doItemSetAttribute(item, "exp", leveltable[level]) doItemSetAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp", leveltable[level+1] - leveltable[level]) doItemSetAttribute(item, "offense", offense) doItemSetAttribute(item, "defense", defense) doItemSetAttribute(item, "speed", speed) doItemSetAttribute(item, "vitality", vit) doItemSetAttribute(item, "specialattack", spatk) doItemSetAttribute(item, "happy", happy) doItemSetAttribute(item, "gender", gender) doItemSetAttribute(item, "description", "Contains a "..pokemon..".") doItemSetAttribute(item, "fakedesc", "Contains a "..pokemon..".") doItemSetAttribute(item, "firstpoke", getCreatureName(cid)) doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, item, true) doTransformItem(item, pokeballs[btype].on) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "You got your first pokemon! You also received some pokeballs to help you in your way.") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Don\'t forget to use your pokedex on every undiscovered pokemon!") setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 365987, 1) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 29) return TRUE end ta ae ^^ Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
bizao030188 10 Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 Share Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 Pessoal, baixei o cliente postado aqui que possui a cd bar só que não consigo mudar o ip dele nem com client editor (rsa error) nem com multi ip changer (tibia not found), alguem sabe o motivo? Valeu Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
kois 22 Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 Share Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 @Kois local level = 5 local extrastr = 1.5 local btype = "normal" function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 365987) >= 1 then return true end if getPlayerLevel(cid) > 30 then return true end local pokemon = "Pikachu" local gender = getRandomGenderByName(pokemon) local mypoke = getPokemonStatus(pokemon) if not mypoke then return true end local offense = * level * extrastr local defense = mypoke.def * level * extrastr local speed = mypoke.agi * level * extrastr local vit = mypoke.vit * level * extrastr local spatk = mypoke.spatk * level * extrastr local happy = 180 local leveltable = getPokemonExperienceTable(pokemon) doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2394, 10) local item = doCreateItemEx(2219) doItemSetAttribute(item, "poke", pokemon) doItemSetAttribute(item, "hp", 1) doItemSetAttribute(item, "level", level) doItemSetAttribute(item, "exp", leveltable[level]) doItemSetAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp", leveltable[level+1] - leveltable[level]) doItemSetAttribute(item, "offense", offense) doItemSetAttribute(item, "defense", defense) doItemSetAttribute(item, "speed", speed) doItemSetAttribute(item, "vitality", vit) doItemSetAttribute(item, "specialattack", spatk) doItemSetAttribute(item, "happy", happy) doItemSetAttribute(item, "gender", gender) doItemSetAttribute(item, "description", "Contains a "..pokemon..".") doItemSetAttribute(item, "fakedesc", "Contains a "..pokemon..".") doItemSetAttribute(item, "firstpoke", getCreatureName(cid)) doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, item, true) doTransformItem(item, pokeballs[btype].on) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "You got your first pokemon! You also received some pokeballs to help you in your way.") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Don\'t forget to use your pokedex on every undiscovered pokemon!") setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 365987, 1) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 29) return TRUE end ta ae ^^ Jah conseguir fazer antes Mais vlw ae Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Nibelins 132 Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 Share Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 (editado) @all vi que muita gente esta com dificuldade em equilibra os status dos pokemon kanto,johto e shiny resolvi posta todos status equilibrado usei como base para equilibra os status pelo site http://wiki.pokeland...la_National_Dex se alguem se interessar para pode fazer as modificações esta na pasta lib no arquivo configuration.lua Status Pokemon Kanto ["Bulbasaur"] = {offense = 4.9, defense = 4.9, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 64, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Ivysaur"] = {offense = 6.2, defense = 6.3, specialattack = 8, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 141, level = 38, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Venusaur"] = {offense = 8.2, defense = 8.3, specialattack = 10, vitality = 8, agility = 0.3, exp = 208, level = 75, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Charmander"] = {offense = 5.2, defense = 4.3, specialattack = 6, vitality = 3.9, agility = 0.1, exp = 65, level = 18, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Charmeleon"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 5.8, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 5.8, agility = 0.2, exp = 142, level = 38, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Charizard"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 7.8, specialattack = 11, vitality = 7.8, agility = 0.3, exp = 209, level = 75, type = "fire", type2 = "flying"}, ["Squirtle"] = {offense = 4.8, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.1, exp = 66, level = 18, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Wartortle"] = {offense = 6.3, defense = 8, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 5.9, agility = 0.2, exp = 143, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Blastoise"] = {offense = 8.3, defense = 10, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 7.9, agility = 0.3, exp = 210, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Caterpie"] = {offense = 3, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 2, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 53, level = 3, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"}, ["Metapod"] = {offense = 2, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 2.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.2, exp = 72, level = 10, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"}, ["Butterfree"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 5, specialattack = 8, vitality = 6, agility = 0.3, exp = 160, level = 30, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"}, ["Weedle"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 3, specialattack = 2, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 52, level = 3, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Kakuna"] = {offense = 2.5, defense = 5, specialattack = 2.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 120, level = 10, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Beedrill"] = {offense = 8, defense = 4, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 159, level = 30, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Pidgey"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 4, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 55, level = 5, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Pidgeotto"] = {offense = 6, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 6.3, agility = 0.2, exp = 113, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Pidgeot"] = {offense = 8, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 8.3, agility = 0.3, exp = 172, level = 60, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Rattata"] = {offense = 5.6, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 2.5, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 57, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Raticate"] = {offense = 8.1, defense = 6, specialattack = 5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 116, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Spearow"] = {offense = 6, defense = 3, specialattack = 3.1, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 58, level = 5, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Fearow"] = {offense = 9, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 6.1, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 162, level = 50, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Ekans"] = {offense = 6, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 4, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 62, level = 12, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Arbok"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 6.9, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 147, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Pikachu"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 3, specialattack = 5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 82, level = 20, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Raichu"] = {offense = 9, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 6, agility = 0.3, exp = 122, level = 50, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Sandshrew"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 2, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 93, level = 18, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Sandslash"] = {offense = 10, defense = 11, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 163, level = 55, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Nidoran Female"] = {offense = 4.7, defense = 5.2, specialattack = 4, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 59, level = 10, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Nidorina"] = {offense = 6.2, defense = 6.7, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.2, exp = 59, level = 25, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Nidoqueen"] = {offense = 8.2, defense = 8.7, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 194, level = 65, type = "poison", type2 = "ground"}, ["Nidoran Male"] = {offense = 5.7, defense = 4, specialattack = 4, vitality = 4.6, agility = 0.1, exp = 60, level = 10, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Nidorino"] = {offense = 7.2, defense = 5.7, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 6.1, agility = 0.2, exp = 118, level = 25, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Nidoking"] = {offense = 9.2, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 8.1, agility = 0.3, exp = 195, level = 65, type = "poison", type2 = "ground"}, ["Clefairy"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 4.8, specialattack = 6, vitality = 7, agility = 0.2, exp = 68, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Clefable"] = {offense = 7, defense = 7.3, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 129, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Vulpix"] = {offense = 4.1, defense = 4, specialattack = 5, vitality = 3.8, agility = 0.1, exp = 63, level = 16, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Ninetales"] = {offense = 7.6, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 8.1, vitality = 7.3, agility = 0.2, exp = 178, level = 65, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Jigglypuff"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 2, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 11.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 76, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Wigglytuff"] = {offense = 7, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 14, agility = 0.3, exp = 109, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Zubat"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 3, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 54, level = 5, type = "poison", type2 = "flying"}, ["Golbat"] = {offense = 8, defense = 7, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 171, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "flying"}, ["Oddish"] = {offense = 5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 78, level = 5, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Gloom"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 7, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 132, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Vileplume"] = {offense = 8, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 184, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Paras"] = {offense = 7, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 70, level = 5, type = "bug", type2 = "grass"}, ["Parasect"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 8, specialattack = 6, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 128, level = 40, type = "bug", type2 = "grass"}, ["Venonat"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 75, level = 14, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Venomoth"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 9, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 138, level = 40, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Diglett"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 2.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 1, agility = 0.1, exp = 81, level = 5, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Dugtrio"] = {offense = 8, defense = 5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 153, level = 35, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Meowth"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 69, level = 12, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Persian"] = {offense = 7, defense = 6, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 148, level = 25, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Psyduck"] = {offense = 5.2, defense = 4.8, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 80, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Golduck"] = {offense = 8.2, defense = 7.8, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 8, agility = 0.2, exp = 174, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Mankey"] = {offense = 8, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 74, level = 10, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Primeape"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 6, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 149, level = 45, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Growlithe"] = {offense = 7, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 91, level = 16, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Arcanine"] = {offense = 11, defense = 8, specialattack = 10, vitality = 9, agility = 0.2, exp = 213, level = 70, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Poliwag"] = {offense = 5, defense = 4, specialattack = 4, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 77, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Poliwhirl"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 131, level = 20, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Poliwrath"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 185, level = 60, type = "water", type2 = "fighting"}, ["Abra"] = {offense = 2, defense = 1.5, specialattack = 10.5, vitality = 2.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 75, level = 12, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Kadabra"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 3, specialattack = 12, vitality = 4, agility = 0.2, exp = 145, level = 40, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Alakazam"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 13.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 186, level = 70, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Machop"] = {offense = 8, defense = 5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.1, exp = 75, level = 16, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Machoke"] = {offense = 10, defense = 7, specialattack = 5, vitality = 8, agility = 0.2, exp = 146, level = 38, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Machamp"] = {offense = 13, defense = 8, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 193, level = 70, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Bellsprout"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 84, level = 5, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Weepinbell"] = {offense = 9, defense = 5, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 151, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Victreebel"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 8, agility = 0.3, exp = 191, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Tentacool"] = {offense = 4, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 105, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "poison"}, ["Tentacruel"] = {offense = 7, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 8, vitality = 8, agility = 0.2, exp = 205, level = 70, type = "water", type2 = "poison"}, ["Geodude"] = {offense = 8, defense = 10, specialattack = 3, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 73, level = 15, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Graveler"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 11.5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 134, level = 40, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Golem"] = {offense = 11, defense = 13, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 8, agility = 0.3, exp = 177, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Ponyta"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 152, level = 15, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Rapidash"] = {offense = 10, defense = 7, specialattack = 8, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 192, level = 55, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Slowpoke"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 9, agility = 0.1, exp = 99, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Slowbro"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 11, specialattack = 10, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 164, level = 45, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Magnemite"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 7, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 2.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 89, level = 15, type = "electric", type2 = "steel"}, ["Magneton"] = {offense = 6, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 12, vitality = 5, agility = 0.2, exp = 161, level = 38, type = "electric", type2 = "steel"}, ["Farfetch’d"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 5.8, vitality = 5.2, agility = 0.1, exp = 94, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Doduo"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 96, level = 12, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Dodrio"] = {offense = 11, defense = 7, specialattack = 6, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 158, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Seel"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 100, level = 47, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Dewgong"] = {offense = 7, defense = 8, specialattack = 7, vitality = 9, agility = 0.2, exp = 176, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "ice"}, ["Grimer"] = {offense = 8, defense = 5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 8, agility = 0.1, exp = 90, level = 12, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Muk"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 10.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 157, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shellder"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 10, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 97, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Cloyster"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 18, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.2, exp = 203, level = 65, type = "water", type2 = "ice"}, ["Gastly"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 3, specialattack = 10, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 95, level = 14, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"}, ["Haunter"] = {offense = 5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 11.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 126, level = 40, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"}, ["Gengar"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 13, vitality = 6, agility = 0.3, exp = 190, level = 70, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"}, ["Onix"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 16, specialattack = 3, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 108, level = 50, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Drowzee"] = {offense = 4.8, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 4.3, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 102, level = 18, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Hypno"] = {offense = 7.3, defense = 7, specialattack = 7.3, vitality = 8.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 165, level = 50, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Krabby"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 9, specialattack = 2.5, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 115, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Kingler"] = {offense = 13, defense = 11.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 206, level = 35, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Voltorb"] = {offense = 3, defense = 5, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 103, level = 14, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Electrode"] = {offense = 5, defense = 7, specialattack = 8, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 150, level = 38, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Exeggcute"] = {offense = 4, defense = 8, specialattack = 6, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 98, level = 8, type = "grass", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Exeggutor"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 12.5, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 212, level = 48, type = "grass", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Cubone"] = {offense = 5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 87, level = 18, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Marowak"] = {offense = 8, defense = 11, specialattack = 5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 124, level = 45, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Hitmonlee"] = {offense = 12, defense = 5.3, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.3, exp = 139, level = 60, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Hitmonchan"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 7.9, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.3, exp = 140, level = 60, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Lickitung"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 6, vitality = 9, agility = 0.2, exp = 127, level = 45, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Koffing"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 6, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 114, level = 15, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Weezing"] = {offense = 9, defense = 12, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 173, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Rhyhorn"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 3, vitality = 8, agility = 0.1, exp = 135, level = 35, type = "ground", type2 = "rock"}, ["Rhydon"] = {offense = 13, defense = 12, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 10.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 204, level = 65, type = "ground", type2 = "rock"}, ["Chansey"] = {offense = 0.5, defense = 0.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 25, agility = 0.2, exp = 255, level = 50, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Tangela"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 11.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 166, level = 35, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Kangaskhan"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 8, specialattack = 4, vitality = 10.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 175, level = 65, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Horsea"] = {offense = 4, defense = 7, specialattack = 7, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 83, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Seadra"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 155, level = 40, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Goldeen"] = {offense = 6.7, defense = 6, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 111, level = 10, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Seaking"] = {offense = 9.2, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 8, agility = 0.2, exp = 170, level = 25, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Staryu"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 106, level = 15, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Starmie"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 207, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Mr. Mime"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 4, agility = 0.3, exp = 136, level = 45, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Scyther"] = {offense = 11, defense = 8, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.3, exp = 187, level = 60, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"}, ["Jynx"] = {offense = 5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 11.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 137, level = 55, type = "ice", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Electabuzz"] = {offense = 8.3, defense = 5.7, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 156, level = 60, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Magmar"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 5.7, specialattack = 10, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 167, level = 60, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Pinsir"] = {offense = 12.5, defense = 10, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 200, level = 42, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"}, ["Tauros"] = {offense = 10, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 211, level = 40, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Magikarp"] = {offense = 1, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 1.5, vitality = 2, agility = 0.1, exp = 20, level = 1, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Gyarados"] = {offense = 12.5, defense = 7.9, specialattack = 6, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 214, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "flying"}, ["Lapras"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 8, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 13, agility = 0.3, exp = 219, level = 65, type = "water", type2 = "ice"}, ["Ditto"] = {offense = 4.8, defense = 4.8, specialattack = 4.8, vitality = 4.8, agility = 0.3, exp = 61, level = 40, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Eevee"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 92, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Vaporeon"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 11, vitality = 13, agility = 0.3, exp = 196, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Jolteon"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 11, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 197, level = 55, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Flareon"] = {offense = 13, defense = 6, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 198, level = 55, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Porygon"] = {offense = 6, defense = 7, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 130, level = 45, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Omanyte"] = {offense = 4, defense = 10, specialattack = 9, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 99, level = 20, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Omastar"] = {offense = 6, defense = 12.5, specialattack = 11.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.2, exp = 199, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Kabuto"] = {offense = 8, defense = 9, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 99, level = 20, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Kabutops"] = {offense = 11.5, defense = 10.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 199, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Aerodactyl"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 6, vitality = 8, agility = 0.3, exp = 202, level = 85, type = "rock", type2 = "Flying"}, ["Snorlax"] = {offense = 11, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 16, agility = 0.3, exp = 154, level = 85, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Articuno"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 10, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 215, level = 100, type = "ice", type2 = "flying"}, ["Zapdos"] = {offense = 9, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 12.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 216, level = 100, type = "electric", type2 = "flying"}, ["Moltres"] = {offense = 10, defense = 9, specialattack = 12.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 217, level = 100, type = "fire", type2 = "flying"}, ["Dratini"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 4.1, agility = 0.1, exp = 67, level = 15, type = "dragon", type2 = "no type"}, ["Dragonair"] = {offense = 8.4, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 6.1, agility = 0.2, exp = 144, level = 45, type = "dragon", type2 = "no type"}, ["Dragonite"] = {offense = 13.4, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 9.1, agility = 0.3, exp = 218, level = 85, type = "dragon", type2 = "flying"}, ["Mewtwo"] = {offense = 11, defense = 9, specialattack = 15.4, vitality = 10.6, agility = 0.3, exp = 220, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Mew"] = {offense = 10, defense = 10, specialattack = 10, vitality = 10, agility = 0.3, exp = 64, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, Status Pokemon Shiny Kanto [lembrando os shiny não coloquei status abusivo apenas aumentei 10% + dos status relacionado aos pokemon kanto] ["Shiny Bulbasaur"] = {offense = 5.39, defense = 5.39, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 4.95, agility = 0.11, exp = 70.4, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Ivysaur"] = {offense = 6.82, defense = 6.93, specialattack = 8.8, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 155.1, level = 38, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Venusaur"] = {offense = 9.02, defense = 9.13, specialattack = 11, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.33, exp = 228.8, level = 75, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Charmander"] = {offense = 5.72, defense = 4.73, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 4.29, agility = 0.11, exp = 71.5, level = 18, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Charmeleon"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.38, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 6.38, agility = 0.22, exp = 156.2, level = 38, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Charizard"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 8.58, specialattack = 12.1, vitality = 8.58, agility = 0.33, exp = 229.9, level = 75, type = "fire", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Squirtle"] = {offense = 5.28, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 4.84, agility = 0.11, exp = 72.6, level = 18, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Wartortle"] = {offense = 6.93, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 6.49, agility = 0.22, exp = 157.3, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Blastoise"] = {offense = 9.13, defense = 11, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 8.69, agility = 0.33, exp = 231, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Caterpie"] = {offense = 3.3, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 2.2, vitality = 4.95, agility = 0.11, exp = 58.3, level = 3, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Metapod"] = {offense = 2.2, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 2.75, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.22, exp = 79.2, level = 10, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Butterfree"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 8.8, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.33, exp = 176, level = 30, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Weedle"] = {offense = 3.85, defense = 3.3, specialattack = 2.2, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 57.2, level = 3, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Kakuna"] = {offense = 2.75, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 2.75, vitality = 4.95, agility = 0.22, exp = 132, level = 10, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Beedrill"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.33, exp = 154.9, level = 30, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Pidgey"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 60.5, level = 5, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Pidgeotto"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 6.93, agility = 0.22, exp = 124.3, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Pidgeot"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 8.25, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 9.13, agility = 0.33, exp = 189.2, level = 60, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Rattata"] = {offense = 6.16, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 2.75, vitality = 3.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 62.7, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Raticate"] = {offense = 8.91, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.22, exp = 127.6, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Spearow"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 3.3, specialattack = 3.41, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 63.8, level = 5, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Fearow"] = {offense = 9.9, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 6.71, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 178.2, level = 50, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Ekans"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 4.84, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 3.85, agility = 0.11, exp = 68.2, level = 12, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Arbok"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 7.59, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 161.7, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Pikachu"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 3.3, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 3.85, agility = 0.22, exp = 90.2, level = 20, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Raichu"] = {offense = 9.9, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 9.9, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.33, exp = 134.2, level = 50, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Sandshrew"] = {offense = 8.25, defense = 9.35, specialattack = 2.2, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.11, exp = 102.3, level = 18, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Sandslash"] = {offense = 11, defense = 12.1, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 8.25, agility = 0.22, exp = 179.3, level = 55, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Nidoran Female"] = {offense = 5.17, defense = 5.72, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.11, exp = 64.9, level = 10, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Nidorina"] = {offense = 6.82, defense = 7.37, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 7.7, agility = 0.22, exp = 64.9, level = 25, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Nidoqueen"] = {offense = 9.02, defense = 9.57, specialattack = 8.25, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.33, exp = 213.4, level = 65, type = "poison", type2 = "ground"}, ["Shiny Nidoran Male"] = {offense = 6.27, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 5.06, agility = 0.11, exp = 66, level = 10, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Nidorino"] = {offense = 7.92, defense = 6.27, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 6.71, agility = 0.22, exp = 129.8, level = 25, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Nidoking"] = {offense = 10.12, defense = 8.47, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 8.91, agility = 0.33, exp = 214.5, level = 65, type = "poison", type2 = "ground"}, ["Shiny Clefairy"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 5.28, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 7.7, agility = 0.22, exp = 74.8, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Clefable"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 8.03, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 10.45, agility = 0.33, exp = 141.9, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Vulpix"] = {offense = 4.51, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 4.18, agility = 0.11, exp = 69.3, level = 16, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Ninetales"] = {offense = 8.36, defense = 8.25, specialattack = 8.91, vitality = 8.03, agility = 0.22, exp = 195.8, level = 65, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Jigglypuff"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 2.2, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 12.65, agility = 0.22, exp = 83.6, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Wigglytuff"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 8.25, vitality = 15.4, agility = 0.33, exp = 119.9, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Zubat"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 3.3, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 59.4, level = 5, type = "poison", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Golbat"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 8.25, agility = 0.22, exp = 188.1, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Oddish"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 8.25, vitality = 4.95, agility = 0.11, exp = 85.8, level = 5, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Gloom"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 145.2, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Vileplume"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 9.35, specialattack = 11, vitality = 8.25, agility = 0.33, exp = 202.4, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Paras"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 3.85, agility = 0.11, exp = 77, level = 5, type = "bug", type2 = "grass"}, ["Shiny Parasect"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 140.8, level = 40, type = "bug", type2 = "grass"}, ["Shiny Venonat"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.11, exp = 82.5, level = 14, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Venomoth"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 9.9, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 151.8, level = 40, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Diglett"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 2.75, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 1.1, agility = 0.11, exp = 89.1, level = 5, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Dugtrio"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 3.85, agility = 0.22, exp = 168.3, level = 35, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Meowth"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 75.9, level = 12, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Persian"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 162.8, level = 25, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Psyduck"] = {offense = 5.72, defense = 5.28, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.11, exp = 88, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Golduck"] = {offense = 9.02, defense = 8.58, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.22, exp = 191.4, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Mankey"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 81.4, level = 10, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Primeape"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 163.9, level = 45, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Growlithe"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.11, exp = 100.1, level = 16, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Arcanine"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 11, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.22, exp = 234.3, level = 70, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Poliwag"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 84.7, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Poliwhirl"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 144.1, level = 20, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Poliwrath"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.33, exp = 203.5, level = 60, type = "water", type2 = "fighting"}, ["Shiny Abra"] = {offense = 2.2, defense = 1.65, specialattack = 11.55, vitality = 2.75, agility = 0.11, exp = 82.5, level = 12, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Kadabra"] = {offense = 3.85, defense = 3.3, specialattack = 13.2, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.22, exp = 159.5, level = 40, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Alakazam"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 14.85, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.33, exp = 204.6, level = 70, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Machop"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 7.7, agility = 0.11, exp = 82.5, level = 16, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Machoke"] = {offense = 11, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.22, exp = 160.6, level = 38, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Machamp"] = {offense = 14.3, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.33, exp = 212.3, level = 70, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Bellsprout"] = {offense = 8.25, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.11, exp = 92.4, level = 5, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Weepinbell"] = {offense = 9.9, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 166.1, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Victreebel"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 11, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.33, exp = 210.1, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Tentacool"] = {offense = 4.4, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 115.5, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Tentacruel"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 8.8, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.22, exp = 225.5, level = 70, type = "water", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Geodude"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 11, specialattack = 3.3, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 80.3, level = 15, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Shiny Graveler"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 12.65, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.22, exp = 147.4, level = 40, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Shiny Golem"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 14.3, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.33, exp = 194.7, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Shiny Ponyta"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.11, exp = 167.2, level = 15, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Rapidash"] = {offense = 11, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 8.8, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 211.2, level = 55, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Slowpoke"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.11, exp = 108.9, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Shiny Slowbro"] = {offense = 8.25, defense = 12.1, specialattack = 11, vitality = 10.45, agility = 0.22, exp = 180.4, level = 45, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Shiny Magnemite"] = {offense = 3.85, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 2.75, agility = 0.11, exp = 97.9, level = 15, type = "electric", type2 = "steel"}, ["Shiny Magneton"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 13.2, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.22, exp = 177.1, level = 38, type = "electric", type2 = "steel"}, ["Shiny Farfetch’d"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 6.38, vitality = 5.72, agility = 0.11, exp = 103.4, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Doduo"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 3.85, agility = 0.11, exp = 105.6, level = 12, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Dodrio"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 173.8, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Seel"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.11, exp = 110, level = 47, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Dewgong"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.22, exp = 193.6, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "ice"}, ["Shiny Grimer"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.11, exp = 99, level = 12, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Muk"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 8.25, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 11.55, agility = 0.22, exp = 172.7, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Shellder"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 11, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 3.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 106.7, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Cloyster"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 19.8, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.22, exp = 223.3, level = 65, type = "water", type2 = "ice"}, ["Shiny Gastly"] = {offense = 3.85, defense = 3.3, specialattack = 11, vitality = 3.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 104.5, level = 14, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Haunter"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 12.65, vitality = 4.95, agility = 0.22, exp = 138.6, level = 40, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Gengar"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 14.3, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.33, exp = 209, level = 70, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Onix"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 17.6, specialattack = 3.3, vitality = 3.85, agility = 0.22, exp = 118.8, level = 50, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Shiny Drowzee"] = {offense = 5.28, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 4.73, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.11, exp = 112.2, level = 18, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Hypno"] = {offense = 8.03, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 8.03, vitality = 9.35, agility = 0.22, exp = 181.5, level = 50, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Krabby"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 9.9, specialattack = 2.75, vitality = 3.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 126.5, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Kingler"] = {offense = 14.3, defense = 12.65, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.22, exp = 226.6, level = 35, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Voltorb"] = {offense = 3.3, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 113.3, level = 14, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Electrode"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 8.8, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 165, level = 38, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Exeggcute"] = {offense = 4.4, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.11, exp = 107.8, level = 8, type = "grass", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Shiny Exeggutor"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 9.35, specialattack = 13.75, vitality = 10.45, agility = 0.22, exp = 233.2, level = 48, type = "grass", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Shiny Cubone"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.11, exp = 95.7, level = 18, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Marowak"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 12.1, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 136.4, level = 45, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Hitmonlee"] = {offense = 13.2, defense = 5.83, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.33, exp = 152.9, level = 60, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Hitmonchan"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 8.69, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.33, exp = 154, level = 60, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Lickitung"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 8.25, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.22, exp = 139.7, level = 45, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Koffing"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 125.4, level = 15, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Weezing"] = {offense = 9.9, defense = 13.2, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 190.3, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Rhyhorn"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 3.3, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.11, exp = 148.5, level = 35, type = "ground", type2 = "rock"}, ["Shiny Rhydon"] = {offense = 14.3, defense = 13.2, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 11.55, agility = 0.22, exp = 224.4, level = 65, type = "ground", type2 = "rock"}, ["Shiny Chansey"] = {offense = 0.55, defense = 0.55, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 27.5, agility = 0.22, exp = 280.5, level = 50, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Tangela"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 12.65, specialattack = 11, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.11, exp = 182.6, level = 35, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Kangaskhan"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 11.55, agility = 0.22, exp = 192.5, level = 65, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Horsea"] = {offense = 4.4, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 3.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 91.3, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Seadra"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.22, exp = 170.5, level = 40, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Goldeen"] = {offense = 7.37, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 4.95, agility = 0.11, exp = 122.1, level = 10, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Seaking"] = {offense = 10.12, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.22, exp = 187, level = 25, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Staryu"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 3.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 116.6, level = 15, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Starmie"] = {offense = 8.25, defense = 9.35, specialattack = 11, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 227.7, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Shiny Mr. Mime"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 11, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.33, exp = 149.6, level = 45, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Scyther"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 7.7, agility = 0.33, exp = 205.7, level = 60, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Jynx"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 12.65, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.33, exp = 150.7, level = 55, type = "ice", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Shiny Electabuzz"] = {offense = 9.13, defense = 6.27, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.33, exp = 171.6, level = 60, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Magmar"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 6.27, specialattack = 11, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.33, exp = 183.7, level = 60, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Pinsir"] = {offense = 13.75, defense = 11, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.33, exp = 220, level = 42, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Tauros"] = {offense = 11, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 8.25, agility = 0.33, exp = 232.1, level = 40, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Magikarp"] = {offense = 1.1, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 1.65, vitality = 2.2, agility = 0.11, exp = 22, level = 1, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Gyarados"] = {offense = 13.75, defense = 8.69, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 10.45, agility = 0.33, exp = 235.4, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Lapras"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.33, exp = 240.9, level = 65, type = "water", type2 = "ice"}, ["Shiny Ditto"] = {offense = 5.28, defense = 5.28, specialattack = 5.28, vitality = 5.28, agility = 0.33, exp = 67.1, level = 40, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Eevee"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.11, exp = 101.2, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Vaporeon"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 12.1, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.33, exp = 215.6, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Jolteon"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 12.1, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.33, exp = 216.7, level = 55, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Flareon"] = {offense = 14.3, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.33, exp = 217.8, level = 55, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Porygon"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.11, exp = 143, level = 45, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Omanyte"] = {offense = 4.4, defense = 11, specialattack = 9.9, vitality = 3.85, agility = 0.11, exp = 108.9, level = 20, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Shiny Omastar"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 13.75, specialattack = 12.65, vitality = 7.7, agility = 0.22, exp = 218.9, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Shiny Kabuto"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 9.9, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 3.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 108.9, level = 20, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Shiny Kabutops"] = {offense = 12.65, defense = 11.55, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 218.9, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Shiny Aerodactyl"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.33, exp = 222.2, level = 85, type = "rock", type2 = "Flying"}, ["Shiny Snorlax"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 17.6, agility = 0.33, exp = 169.4, level = 85, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Articuno"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 11, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.33, exp = 236.5, level = 100, type = "ice", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Zapdos"] = {offense = 9.9, defense = 9.35, specialattack = 13.75, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.33, exp = 237.6, level = 100, type = "electric", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Moltres"] = {offense = 11, defense = 9.9, specialattack = 13.75, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.33, exp = 238.7, level = 100, type = "fire", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Dratini"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 4.51, agility = 0.11, exp = 73.7, level = 15, type = "dragon", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Dragonair"] = {offense = 9.24, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 6.71, agility = 0.22, exp = 158.4, level = 45, type = "dragon", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Dragonite"] = {offense = 14.74, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 11, vitality = 10.01, agility = 0.33, exp = 239.8, level = 85, type = "dragon", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Mewtwo"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 9.9, specialattack = 16.94, vitality = 11.66, agility = 0.33, exp = 242, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Mew"] = {offense = 11, defense = 11, specialattack = 11, vitality = 11, agility = 0.33, exp = 70.4, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, Status Pokemon Johto ["Chikorita"] = {offense = 4.9, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 4.9, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 64, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Bayleef"] = {offense = 6.2, defense = 8, specialattack = 6.3, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 141, level = 38, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Meganium"] = {offense = 8.2, defense = 10, specialattack = 8.3, vitality = 8, agility = 0.3, exp = 208, level = 75, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Cyndaquil"] = {offense = 5, defense = 4.3, specialattack = 6, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 65, level = 18, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Quilava"] = {offense = 6.4, defense = 5.8, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 142, level = 38, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Typhlosion"] = {offense = 8.4, defense = 7.8, specialattack = 11, vitality = 8, agility = 0.3, exp = 209, level = 75, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Totodile"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6.4, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 66, level = 18, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Croconaw"] = {offense = 8, defense = 8, specialattack = 5.9, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 141, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Feraligatr"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 10, specialattack = 7.9, vitality = 8.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 142, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Sentret"] = {offense = 4.6, defense = 3.4, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 57, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Furret"] = {offense = 7.6, defense = 6.4, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 8.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 116, level = 28, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Hoothoot"] = {offense = 3, defense = 3, specialattack = 3.6, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 58, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Noctowl"] = {offense = 5, defense = 5, specialattack = 7.6, vitality = 10, agility = 0.2, exp = 162, level = 38, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Ledyba"] = {offense = 2, defense = 3, specialattack = 4, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 54, level = 12, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"}, ["Ledian"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 5.0, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 134, level = 30, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"}, ["Spinarak"] = {offense = 6, defense = 4, specialattack = 4, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 54, level = 15, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Ariados"] = {offense = 9, defense = 7, specialattack = 6, vitality = 7, agility = 0.2, exp = 134, level = 42, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Crobat"] = {offense = 9, defense = 8, specialattack = 7, vitality = 8.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 204, level = 70, type = "poison", type2 = "flying"}, ["Chinchou"] = {offense = 3.8, defense = 3.8, specialattack = 5.6, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 90, level = 14, type = "water", type2 = "electric"}, ["Lanturn"] = {offense = 5.8, defense = 5.8, specialattack = 7.6, vitality = 12.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 156, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "electric"}, ["Pichu"] = {offense = 4, defense = 1.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 2, agility = 0.1, exp = 42, level = 3, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Cleffa"] = {offense = 2.5, defense = 2.8, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 37, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Igglybuff"] = {offense = 3, defense = 1.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 9, agility = 0.1, exp = 39, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Togepi"] = {offense = 2, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 74, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Togetic"] = {offense = 4, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 8, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 114, level = 45, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Natu"] = {offense = 5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 73, level = 15, type = "psychic", type2 = "flying"}, ["Xatu"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 7, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 171, level = 45, type = "psychic", type2 = "flying"}, ["Mareep"] = {offense = 4, defense = 4, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 59, level = 12, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Flaaffy"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 8, vitality = 7, agility = 0.2, exp = 117, level = 30, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Ampharos"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 11.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 194, level = 65, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Bellossom"] = {offense = 8, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 184, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Marill"] = {offense = 2, defense = 5, specialattack = 2, vitality = 7, agility = 0.1, exp = 58, level = 14, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Azumarill"] ={offense = 5, defense = 8, specialattack = 5, vitality = 10, agility = 0.2, exp = 153, level = 28, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Sudowoodo"] = {offense = 10, defense = 11.5, specialattack = 3, vitality = 7, agility = 0.3, exp = 135, level = 46, type = "rock", type2 = "no type"}, ["Politoed"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 185, level = 60, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Hoppip"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 4, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 74, level = 10, type = "grass", type2 = "flying"}, ["Skiploom"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 136, level = 20, type = "grass", type2 = "flying"}, ["Jumpluff"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 7, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 176, level = 30, type = "grass", type2 = "flying"}, ["Aipom"] = {offense = 7, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 94, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Sunkern"] = {offense = 3, defense = 3, specialattack = 3, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 52, level = 3, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Sunflora"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 10.5, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 146, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Yanma"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 147, level = 32, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"}, ["Wooper"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 2.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 52, level = 18, type = "water", type2 = "ground"}, ["Quagsire"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 137, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "ground"}, ["Espeon"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 13, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 197, level = 55, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Umbreon"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 11, specialattack = 6, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 197, level = 55, type = "dark", type2 = "no type"}, ["Murkrow"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 4.2, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 107, level = 35, type = "dark", type2 = "flying"}, ["Slowking"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 8, specialattack = 10, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 164, level = 60, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Misdreavus"] = {offense = 6, defense = 6, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 147, level = 47, type = "ghost", type2 = "no type"}, ["Unown"] = {offense = 7.2, defense = 4.8, specialattack = 7.2, vitality = 4.8, agility = 0.1, exp = 61, level = 15, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Wobbuffet"] = {offense = 3.3, defense = 5.8, specialattack = 3.3, vitality = 19, agility = 0.2, exp = 177, level = 42, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Girafarig"] = {offense = 8, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 7, agility = 0.3, exp = 149, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Pineco"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 9, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 60, level = 18, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"}, ["Forretress"] = {offense = 9, defense = 14, specialattack = 6, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 118, level = 55, type = "bug", type2 = "steel"}, ["Dunsparce"] = {offense = 7, defense = 7, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 10, agility = 0.1, exp = 125, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Gligar"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 10.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 108, level = 30, type = "ground", type2 = "flying"}, ["Steelix"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 20, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 196, level = 75, type = "steel", type2 = "ground"}, ["Snubbull"] = {offense = 8, defense = 5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 63, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Granbull"] = {offense = 12, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 6, vitality = 9, agility = 0.2, exp = 178, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Qwilfish"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 100, level = 16, type = "water", type2 = "poison"}, ["Scizor"] = {offense = 13, defense = 10, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.3, exp = 200, level = 75, type = "bug", type2 = "steel"}, ["Shuckle"] = {offense = 1, defense = 23, specialattack = 1, vitality = 2, agility = 0.2, exp = 80, level = 10, type = "bug", type2 = "rock"}, ["Heracross"] = {offense = 12.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 8, agility = 0.2, exp = 200, level = 60, type = "bug", type2 = "fighting"}, ["Sneasel"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 132, level = 50, type = "dark", type2 = "ice"}, ["Teddiursa"] = {offense = 8, defense = 5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 124, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Ursaring"] = {offense = 13, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.2, exp = 189, level = 70, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Slugma"] = {offense = 4, defense = 4, specialattack = 7, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 38, level = 78, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Magcargo"] = {offense = 5, defense = 12, specialattack = 8, vitality = 5, agility = 0.2, exp = 154, level = 40, type = "fire", type2 = "rock"}, ["Swinub"] = {offense = 5, defense = 4, specialattack = 3, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 78, level = 12, type = "ice", type2 = "ground"}, ["Piloswine"] = {offense = 10, defense = 8, specialattack = 6, vitality = 10, agility = 0.2, exp = 160, level = 70, type = "ice", type2 = "ground"}, ["Corsola"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 113, level = 42, type = "water", type2 = "rock"}, ["Remoraid"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 78, level = 14, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Octillery"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 10.5, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 164, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Delibird"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 183, level = 25, type = "ice", type2 = "flying"}, ["Mantine"] = {offense = 4, defense = 7, specialattack = 8, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 168, level = 50, type = "water", type2 = "flying"}, ["Skarmory"] = {offense = 8, defense = 14, specialattack = 4, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 168, level = 70, type = "steel", type2 = "flying"}, ["Houndour"] = {offense = 6, defense = 3, specialattack = 8, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 114, level = 18, type = "dark", type2 = "fire"}, ["Houndoom"] = {offense = 9, defense = 5, specialattack = 11, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 204, level = 70, type = "dark", type2 = "fire"}, ["Kingdra"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 207, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "dragon"}, ["Phanpy"] = {offense = 6, defense = 6, specialattack = 4, vitality = 9, agility = 0.1, exp = 124, level = 12, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Donphan"] = {offense = 12, defense = 12, specialattack = 6, vitality = 9, agility = 0.2, exp = 189, level = 45, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Porygon2"] = {offense = 8, defense = 9, specialattack = 10.5, vitality = 8.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 180, level = 60, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Stantler"] = {9.5, defense = 6.2, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 7.3, agility = 0.2, exp = 165, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Smeargle"] = {offense = 2, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 2, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 106, level = 28, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Tyrogue"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 91, level = 15, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Hitmontop"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.3, exp = 138, level = 60, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Smoochum"] = {offense = 3, defense = 1.5, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 87, level = 3, type = "ice", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Elekid"] = {offense = 6.3, defense = 3.7, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 106, level = 3, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Magby"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 3.7, specialattack = 7, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 117, level = 3, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Miltank"] = {offense = 8, defense = 10.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 200, level = 32, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Blissey"] = {offense = 1, defense = 1, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 25.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 255, level = 70, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Raikou"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 11.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 216, level = 100, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Entei"] = {offense = 11.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 11.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 217, level = 100, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Suicune"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 11.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 10, agility = 0.3, exp = 218, level = 100, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Larvitar"] = {offense = 6.4, defense = 5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 67, level = 10, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Pupitar"] = {offense = 8.4, defense = 7, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.2, exp = 144, level = 50, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Tyranitar"] = {offense = 13.4, defense = 11, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 10, agility = 0.3, exp = 218, level = 90, type = "rock", type2 = "dark"}, ["Lugia"] = {offense = 9, defense = 13, specialattack = 9, vitality = 10.6, agility = 0.3, exp = 220, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "flying"}, ["Ho-oh"] = {offense = 13, defense = 9, specialattack = 11, vitality = 10.6, agility = 0.3, exp = 220, level = 100, type = "fire", type2 = "flying"}, ["Celebi"] = {offense = 10, defense = 10, specialattack = 10, vitality = 10, agility = 0.3, exp = 64, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "grass"}, Editado Fevereiro 28, 2012 por Nibelins Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
MarcosFraga 34 Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 Share Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 @nibelins fico muito bom mesmo reputarei quando puder Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
peralta52 2 Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 Share Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 HELP U CORpo do ampharos tem loot talz qndo vo abri da debug :S Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Jeffer000 65 Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 Share Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 @all vi que muita gente esta com dificuldade em equilibra os status dos pokemon kanto,johto e shiny resolvi posta todos status equilibrado usei como base para equilibra os status pelo site http://wiki.pokeland...la_National_Dex se alguem se interessar para pode fazer as modificações esta na pasta lib no arquivo configuration.lua Status Pokemon Kanto ["Bulbasaur"] = {offense = 4.9, defense = 4.9, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 64, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Ivysaur"] = {offense = 6.2, defense = 6.3, specialattack = 8, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 141, level = 38, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Venusaur"] = {offense = 8.2, defense = 8.3, specialattack = 10, vitality = 8, agility = 0.3, exp = 208, level = 75, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Charmander"] = {offense = 5.2, defense = 4.3, specialattack = 6, vitality = 3.9, agility = 0.1, exp = 65, level = 18, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Charmeleon"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 5.8, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 5.8, agility = 0.2, exp = 142, level = 38, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Charizard"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 7.8, specialattack = 11, vitality = 7.8, agility = 0.3, exp = 209, level = 75, type = "fire", type2 = "flying"}, ["Squirtle"] = {offense = 4.8, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.1, exp = 66, level = 18, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Wartortle"] = {offense = 6.3, defense = 8, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 5.9, agility = 0.2, exp = 143, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Blastoise"] = {offense = 8.3, defense = 10, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 7.9, agility = 0.3, exp = 210, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Caterpie"] = {offense = 3, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 2, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 53, level = 3, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"}, ["Metapod"] = {offense = 2, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 2.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.2, exp = 72, level = 10, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"}, ["Butterfree"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 5, specialattack = 8, vitality = 6, agility = 0.3, exp = 160, level = 30, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"}, ["Weedle"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 3, specialattack = 2, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 52, level = 3, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Kakuna"] = {offense = 2.5, defense = 5, specialattack = 2.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 120, level = 10, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Beedrill"] = {offense = 8, defense = 4, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 159, level = 30, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Pidgey"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 4, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 55, level = 5, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Pidgeotto"] = {offense = 6, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 6.3, agility = 0.2, exp = 113, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Pidgeot"] = {offense = 8, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 8.3, agility = 0.3, exp = 172, level = 60, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Rattata"] = {offense = 5.6, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 2.5, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 57, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Raticate"] = {offense = 8.1, defense = 6, specialattack = 5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 116, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Spearow"] = {offense = 6, defense = 3, specialattack = 3.1, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 58, level = 5, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Fearow"] = {offense = 9, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 6.1, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 162, level = 50, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Ekans"] = {offense = 6, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 4, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 62, level = 12, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Arbok"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 6.9, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 147, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Pikachu"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 3, specialattack = 5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 82, level = 20, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Raichu"] = {offense = 9, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 6, agility = 0.3, exp = 122, level = 50, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Sandshrew"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 2, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 93, level = 18, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Sandslash"] = {offense = 10, defense = 11, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 163, level = 55, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Nidoran Female"] = {offense = 4.7, defense = 5.2, specialattack = 4, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 59, level = 10, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Nidorina"] = {offense = 6.2, defense = 6.7, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.2, exp = 59, level = 25, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Nidoqueen"] = {offense = 8.2, defense = 8.7, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 194, level = 65, type = "poison", type2 = "ground"}, ["Nidoran Male"] = {offense = 5.7, defense = 4, specialattack = 4, vitality = 4.6, agility = 0.1, exp = 60, level = 10, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Nidorino"] = {offense = 7.2, defense = 5.7, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 6.1, agility = 0.2, exp = 118, level = 25, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Nidoking"] = {offense = 9.2, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 8.1, agility = 0.3, exp = 195, level = 65, type = "poison", type2 = "ground"}, ["Clefairy"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 4.8, specialattack = 6, vitality = 7, agility = 0.2, exp = 68, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Clefable"] = {offense = 7, defense = 7.3, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 129, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Vulpix"] = {offense = 4.1, defense = 4, specialattack = 5, vitality = 3.8, agility = 0.1, exp = 63, level = 16, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Ninetales"] = {offense = 7.6, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 8.1, vitality = 7.3, agility = 0.2, exp = 178, level = 65, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Jigglypuff"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 2, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 11.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 76, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Wigglytuff"] = {offense = 7, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 14, agility = 0.3, exp = 109, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Zubat"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 3, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 54, level = 5, type = "poison", type2 = "flying"}, ["Golbat"] = {offense = 8, defense = 7, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 171, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "flying"}, ["Oddish"] = {offense = 5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 78, level = 5, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Gloom"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 7, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 132, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Vileplume"] = {offense = 8, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 184, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Paras"] = {offense = 7, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 70, level = 5, type = "bug", type2 = "grass"}, ["Parasect"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 8, specialattack = 6, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 128, level = 40, type = "bug", type2 = "grass"}, ["Venonat"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 75, level = 14, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Venomoth"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 9, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 138, level = 40, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Diglett"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 2.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 1, agility = 0.1, exp = 81, level = 5, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Dugtrio"] = {offense = 8, defense = 5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 153, level = 35, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Meowth"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 69, level = 12, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Persian"] = {offense = 7, defense = 6, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 148, level = 25, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Psyduck"] = {offense = 5.2, defense = 4.8, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 80, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Golduck"] = {offense = 8.2, defense = 7.8, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 8, agility = 0.2, exp = 174, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Mankey"] = {offense = 8, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 74, level = 10, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Primeape"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 6, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 149, level = 45, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Growlithe"] = {offense = 7, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 91, level = 16, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Arcanine"] = {offense = 11, defense = 8, specialattack = 10, vitality = 9, agility = 0.2, exp = 213, level = 70, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Poliwag"] = {offense = 5, defense = 4, specialattack = 4, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 77, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Poliwhirl"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 131, level = 20, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Poliwrath"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 185, level = 60, type = "water", type2 = "fighting"}, ["Abra"] = {offense = 2, defense = 1.5, specialattack = 10.5, vitality = 2.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 75, level = 12, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Kadabra"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 3, specialattack = 12, vitality = 4, agility = 0.2, exp = 145, level = 40, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Alakazam"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 13.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 186, level = 70, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Machop"] = {offense = 8, defense = 5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.1, exp = 75, level = 16, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Machoke"] = {offense = 10, defense = 7, specialattack = 5, vitality = 8, agility = 0.2, exp = 146, level = 38, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Machamp"] = {offense = 13, defense = 8, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 193, level = 70, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Bellsprout"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 84, level = 5, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Weepinbell"] = {offense = 9, defense = 5, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 151, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Victreebel"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 8, agility = 0.3, exp = 191, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Tentacool"] = {offense = 4, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 105, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "poison"}, ["Tentacruel"] = {offense = 7, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 8, vitality = 8, agility = 0.2, exp = 205, level = 70, type = "water", type2 = "poison"}, ["Geodude"] = {offense = 8, defense = 10, specialattack = 3, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 73, level = 15, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Graveler"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 11.5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 134, level = 40, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Golem"] = {offense = 11, defense = 13, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 8, agility = 0.3, exp = 177, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Ponyta"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 152, level = 15, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Rapidash"] = {offense = 10, defense = 7, specialattack = 8, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 192, level = 55, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Slowpoke"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 9, agility = 0.1, exp = 99, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Slowbro"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 11, specialattack = 10, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 164, level = 45, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Magnemite"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 7, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 2.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 89, level = 15, type = "electric", type2 = "steel"}, ["Magneton"] = {offense = 6, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 12, vitality = 5, agility = 0.2, exp = 161, level = 38, type = "electric", type2 = "steel"}, ["Farfetch’d"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 5.8, vitality = 5.2, agility = 0.1, exp = 94, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Doduo"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 96, level = 12, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Dodrio"] = {offense = 11, defense = 7, specialattack = 6, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 158, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Seel"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 100, level = 47, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Dewgong"] = {offense = 7, defense = 8, specialattack = 7, vitality = 9, agility = 0.2, exp = 176, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "ice"}, ["Grimer"] = {offense = 8, defense = 5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 8, agility = 0.1, exp = 90, level = 12, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Muk"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 10.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 157, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shellder"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 10, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 97, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Cloyster"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 18, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.2, exp = 203, level = 65, type = "water", type2 = "ice"}, ["Gastly"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 3, specialattack = 10, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 95, level = 14, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"}, ["Haunter"] = {offense = 5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 11.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 126, level = 40, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"}, ["Gengar"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 13, vitality = 6, agility = 0.3, exp = 190, level = 70, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"}, ["Onix"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 16, specialattack = 3, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 108, level = 50, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Drowzee"] = {offense = 4.8, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 4.3, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 102, level = 18, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Hypno"] = {offense = 7.3, defense = 7, specialattack = 7.3, vitality = 8.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 165, level = 50, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Krabby"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 9, specialattack = 2.5, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 115, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Kingler"] = {offense = 13, defense = 11.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 206, level = 35, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Voltorb"] = {offense = 3, defense = 5, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 103, level = 14, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Electrode"] = {offense = 5, defense = 7, specialattack = 8, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 150, level = 38, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Exeggcute"] = {offense = 4, defense = 8, specialattack = 6, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 98, level = 8, type = "grass", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Exeggutor"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 12.5, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 212, level = 48, type = "grass", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Cubone"] = {offense = 5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 87, level = 18, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Marowak"] = {offense = 8, defense = 11, specialattack = 5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 124, level = 45, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Hitmonlee"] = {offense = 12, defense = 5.3, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.3, exp = 139, level = 60, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Hitmonchan"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 7.9, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.3, exp = 140, level = 60, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Lickitung"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 6, vitality = 9, agility = 0.2, exp = 127, level = 45, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Koffing"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 6, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 114, level = 15, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Weezing"] = {offense = 9, defense = 12, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 173, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Rhyhorn"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 3, vitality = 8, agility = 0.1, exp = 135, level = 35, type = "ground", type2 = "rock"}, ["Rhydon"] = {offense = 13, defense = 12, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 10.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 204, level = 65, type = "ground", type2 = "rock"}, ["Chansey"] = {offense = 0.5, defense = 0.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 25, agility = 0.2, exp = 255, level = 50, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Tangela"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 11.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 166, level = 35, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Kangaskhan"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 8, specialattack = 4, vitality = 10.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 175, level = 65, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Horsea"] = {offense = 4, defense = 7, specialattack = 7, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 83, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Seadra"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 155, level = 40, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Goldeen"] = {offense = 6.7, defense = 6, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 111, level = 10, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Seaking"] = {offense = 9.2, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 8, agility = 0.2, exp = 170, level = 25, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Staryu"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 106, level = 15, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Starmie"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 207, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Mr. Mime"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 4, agility = 0.3, exp = 136, level = 45, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Scyther"] = {offense = 11, defense = 8, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.3, exp = 187, level = 60, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"}, ["Jynx"] = {offense = 5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 11.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 137, level = 55, type = "ice", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Electabuzz"] = {offense = 8.3, defense = 5.7, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 156, level = 60, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Magmar"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 5.7, specialattack = 10, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 167, level = 60, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Pinsir"] = {offense = 12.5, defense = 10, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 200, level = 42, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"}, ["Tauros"] = {offense = 10, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 211, level = 40, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Magikarp"] = {offense = 1, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 1.5, vitality = 2, agility = 0.1, exp = 20, level = 1, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Gyarados"] = {offense = 12.5, defense = 7.9, specialattack = 6, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 214, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "flying"}, ["Lapras"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 8, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 13, agility = 0.3, exp = 219, level = 65, type = "water", type2 = "ice"}, ["Ditto"] = {offense = 4.8, defense = 4.8, specialattack = 4.8, vitality = 4.8, agility = 0.3, exp = 61, level = 40, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Eevee"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 92, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Vaporeon"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 11, vitality = 13, agility = 0.3, exp = 196, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Jolteon"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 11, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 197, level = 55, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Flareon"] = {offense = 13, defense = 6, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 198, level = 55, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Porygon"] = {offense = 6, defense = 7, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 130, level = 45, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Omanyte"] = {offense = 4, defense = 10, specialattack = 9, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 99, level = 20, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Omastar"] = {offense = 6, defense = 12.5, specialattack = 11.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.2, exp = 199, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Kabuto"] = {offense = 8, defense = 9, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 99, level = 20, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Kabutops"] = {offense = 11.5, defense = 10.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 199, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Aerodactyl"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 6, vitality = 8, agility = 0.3, exp = 202, level = 85, type = "rock", type2 = "Flying"}, ["Snorlax"] = {offense = 11, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 16, agility = 0.3, exp = 154, level = 85, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Articuno"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 10, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 215, level = 100, type = "ice", type2 = "flying"}, ["Zapdos"] = {offense = 9, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 12.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 216, level = 100, type = "electric", type2 = "flying"}, ["Moltres"] = {offense = 10, defense = 9, specialattack = 12.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 217, level = 100, type = "fire", type2 = "flying"}, ["Dratini"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 4.1, agility = 0.1, exp = 67, level = 15, type = "dragon", type2 = "no type"}, ["Dragonair"] = {offense = 8.4, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 6.1, agility = 0.2, exp = 144, level = 45, type = "dragon", type2 = "no type"}, ["Dragonite"] = {offense = 13.4, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 9.1, agility = 0.3, exp = 218, level = 85, type = "dragon", type2 = "flying"}, ["Mewtwo"] = {offense = 11, defense = 9, specialattack = 15.4, vitality = 10.6, agility = 0.3, exp = 220, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Mew"] = {offense = 10, defense = 10, specialattack = 10, vitality = 10, agility = 0.3, exp = 64, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, Status Pokemon Shiny Kanto [lembrando os shiny não coloquei status abusivo apenas aumentei 10% + dos status relacionado aos pokemon kanto] ["Shiny Bulbasaur"] = {offense = 5.39, defense = 5.39, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 4.95, agility = 0.11, exp = 70.4, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Ivysaur"] = {offense = 6.82, defense = 6.93, specialattack = 8.8, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 155.1, level = 38, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Venusaur"] = {offense = 9.02, defense = 9.13, specialattack = 11, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.33, exp = 228.8, level = 75, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Charmander"] = {offense = 5.72, defense = 4.73, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 4.29, agility = 0.11, exp = 71.5, level = 18, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Charmeleon"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.38, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 6.38, agility = 0.22, exp = 156.2, level = 38, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Charizard"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 8.58, specialattack = 12.1, vitality = 8.58, agility = 0.33, exp = 229.9, level = 75, type = "fire", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Squirtle"] = {offense = 5.28, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 4.84, agility = 0.11, exp = 72.6, level = 18, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Wartortle"] = {offense = 6.93, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 6.49, agility = 0.22, exp = 157.3, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Blastoise"] = {offense = 9.13, defense = 11, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 8.69, agility = 0.33, exp = 231, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Caterpie"] = {offense = 3.3, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 2.2, vitality = 4.95, agility = 0.11, exp = 58.3, level = 3, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Metapod"] = {offense = 2.2, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 2.75, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.22, exp = 79.2, level = 10, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Butterfree"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 8.8, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.33, exp = 176, level = 30, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Weedle"] = {offense = 3.85, defense = 3.3, specialattack = 2.2, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 57.2, level = 3, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Kakuna"] = {offense = 2.75, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 2.75, vitality = 4.95, agility = 0.22, exp = 132, level = 10, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Beedrill"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.33, exp = 154.9, level = 30, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Pidgey"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 60.5, level = 5, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Pidgeotto"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 6.93, agility = 0.22, exp = 124.3, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Pidgeot"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 8.25, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 9.13, agility = 0.33, exp = 189.2, level = 60, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Rattata"] = {offense = 6.16, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 2.75, vitality = 3.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 62.7, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Raticate"] = {offense = 8.91, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.22, exp = 127.6, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Spearow"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 3.3, specialattack = 3.41, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 63.8, level = 5, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Fearow"] = {offense = 9.9, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 6.71, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 178.2, level = 50, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Ekans"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 4.84, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 3.85, agility = 0.11, exp = 68.2, level = 12, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Arbok"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 7.59, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 161.7, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Pikachu"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 3.3, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 3.85, agility = 0.22, exp = 90.2, level = 20, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Raichu"] = {offense = 9.9, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 9.9, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.33, exp = 134.2, level = 50, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Sandshrew"] = {offense = 8.25, defense = 9.35, specialattack = 2.2, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.11, exp = 102.3, level = 18, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Sandslash"] = {offense = 11, defense = 12.1, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 8.25, agility = 0.22, exp = 179.3, level = 55, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Nidoran Female"] = {offense = 5.17, defense = 5.72, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.11, exp = 64.9, level = 10, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Nidorina"] = {offense = 6.82, defense = 7.37, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 7.7, agility = 0.22, exp = 64.9, level = 25, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Nidoqueen"] = {offense = 9.02, defense = 9.57, specialattack = 8.25, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.33, exp = 213.4, level = 65, type = "poison", type2 = "ground"}, ["Shiny Nidoran Male"] = {offense = 6.27, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 5.06, agility = 0.11, exp = 66, level = 10, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Nidorino"] = {offense = 7.92, defense = 6.27, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 6.71, agility = 0.22, exp = 129.8, level = 25, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Nidoking"] = {offense = 10.12, defense = 8.47, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 8.91, agility = 0.33, exp = 214.5, level = 65, type = "poison", type2 = "ground"}, ["Shiny Clefairy"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 5.28, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 7.7, agility = 0.22, exp = 74.8, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Clefable"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 8.03, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 10.45, agility = 0.33, exp = 141.9, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Vulpix"] = {offense = 4.51, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 4.18, agility = 0.11, exp = 69.3, level = 16, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Ninetales"] = {offense = 8.36, defense = 8.25, specialattack = 8.91, vitality = 8.03, agility = 0.22, exp = 195.8, level = 65, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Jigglypuff"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 2.2, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 12.65, agility = 0.22, exp = 83.6, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Wigglytuff"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 8.25, vitality = 15.4, agility = 0.33, exp = 119.9, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Zubat"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 3.3, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 59.4, level = 5, type = "poison", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Golbat"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 8.25, agility = 0.22, exp = 188.1, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Oddish"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 8.25, vitality = 4.95, agility = 0.11, exp = 85.8, level = 5, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Gloom"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 145.2, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Vileplume"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 9.35, specialattack = 11, vitality = 8.25, agility = 0.33, exp = 202.4, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Paras"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 3.85, agility = 0.11, exp = 77, level = 5, type = "bug", type2 = "grass"}, ["Shiny Parasect"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 140.8, level = 40, type = "bug", type2 = "grass"}, ["Shiny Venonat"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.11, exp = 82.5, level = 14, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Venomoth"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 9.9, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 151.8, level = 40, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Diglett"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 2.75, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 1.1, agility = 0.11, exp = 89.1, level = 5, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Dugtrio"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 3.85, agility = 0.22, exp = 168.3, level = 35, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Meowth"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 75.9, level = 12, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Persian"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 162.8, level = 25, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Psyduck"] = {offense = 5.72, defense = 5.28, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.11, exp = 88, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Golduck"] = {offense = 9.02, defense = 8.58, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.22, exp = 191.4, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Mankey"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 81.4, level = 10, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Primeape"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 163.9, level = 45, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Growlithe"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.11, exp = 100.1, level = 16, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Arcanine"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 11, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.22, exp = 234.3, level = 70, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Poliwag"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 84.7, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Poliwhirl"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 144.1, level = 20, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Poliwrath"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.33, exp = 203.5, level = 60, type = "water", type2 = "fighting"}, ["Shiny Abra"] = {offense = 2.2, defense = 1.65, specialattack = 11.55, vitality = 2.75, agility = 0.11, exp = 82.5, level = 12, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Kadabra"] = {offense = 3.85, defense = 3.3, specialattack = 13.2, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.22, exp = 159.5, level = 40, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Alakazam"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 14.85, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.33, exp = 204.6, level = 70, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Machop"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 7.7, agility = 0.11, exp = 82.5, level = 16, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Machoke"] = {offense = 11, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.22, exp = 160.6, level = 38, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Machamp"] = {offense = 14.3, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.33, exp = 212.3, level = 70, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Bellsprout"] = {offense = 8.25, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.11, exp = 92.4, level = 5, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Weepinbell"] = {offense = 9.9, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 166.1, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Victreebel"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 11, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.33, exp = 210.1, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Tentacool"] = {offense = 4.4, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 115.5, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Tentacruel"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 8.8, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.22, exp = 225.5, level = 70, type = "water", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Geodude"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 11, specialattack = 3.3, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 80.3, level = 15, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Shiny Graveler"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 12.65, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.22, exp = 147.4, level = 40, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Shiny Golem"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 14.3, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.33, exp = 194.7, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Shiny Ponyta"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.11, exp = 167.2, level = 15, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Rapidash"] = {offense = 11, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 8.8, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 211.2, level = 55, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Slowpoke"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.11, exp = 108.9, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Shiny Slowbro"] = {offense = 8.25, defense = 12.1, specialattack = 11, vitality = 10.45, agility = 0.22, exp = 180.4, level = 45, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Shiny Magnemite"] = {offense = 3.85, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 2.75, agility = 0.11, exp = 97.9, level = 15, type = "electric", type2 = "steel"}, ["Shiny Magneton"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 13.2, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.22, exp = 177.1, level = 38, type = "electric", type2 = "steel"}, ["Shiny Farfetch’d"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 6.38, vitality = 5.72, agility = 0.11, exp = 103.4, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Doduo"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 3.85, agility = 0.11, exp = 105.6, level = 12, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Dodrio"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 173.8, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Seel"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.11, exp = 110, level = 47, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Dewgong"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.22, exp = 193.6, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "ice"}, ["Shiny Grimer"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.11, exp = 99, level = 12, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Muk"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 8.25, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 11.55, agility = 0.22, exp = 172.7, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Shellder"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 11, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 3.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 106.7, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Cloyster"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 19.8, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.22, exp = 223.3, level = 65, type = "water", type2 = "ice"}, ["Shiny Gastly"] = {offense = 3.85, defense = 3.3, specialattack = 11, vitality = 3.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 104.5, level = 14, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Haunter"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 12.65, vitality = 4.95, agility = 0.22, exp = 138.6, level = 40, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Gengar"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 14.3, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.33, exp = 209, level = 70, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Onix"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 17.6, specialattack = 3.3, vitality = 3.85, agility = 0.22, exp = 118.8, level = 50, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Shiny Drowzee"] = {offense = 5.28, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 4.73, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.11, exp = 112.2, level = 18, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Hypno"] = {offense = 8.03, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 8.03, vitality = 9.35, agility = 0.22, exp = 181.5, level = 50, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Krabby"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 9.9, specialattack = 2.75, vitality = 3.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 126.5, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Kingler"] = {offense = 14.3, defense = 12.65, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.22, exp = 226.6, level = 35, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Voltorb"] = {offense = 3.3, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 113.3, level = 14, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Electrode"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 8.8, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 165, level = 38, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Exeggcute"] = {offense = 4.4, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.11, exp = 107.8, level = 8, type = "grass", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Shiny Exeggutor"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 9.35, specialattack = 13.75, vitality = 10.45, agility = 0.22, exp = 233.2, level = 48, type = "grass", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Shiny Cubone"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.11, exp = 95.7, level = 18, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Marowak"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 12.1, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 136.4, level = 45, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Hitmonlee"] = {offense = 13.2, defense = 5.83, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.33, exp = 152.9, level = 60, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Hitmonchan"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 8.69, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.33, exp = 154, level = 60, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Lickitung"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 8.25, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.22, exp = 139.7, level = 45, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Koffing"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 125.4, level = 15, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Weezing"] = {offense = 9.9, defense = 13.2, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 190.3, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Rhyhorn"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 3.3, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.11, exp = 148.5, level = 35, type = "ground", type2 = "rock"}, ["Shiny Rhydon"] = {offense = 14.3, defense = 13.2, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 11.55, agility = 0.22, exp = 224.4, level = 65, type = "ground", type2 = "rock"}, ["Shiny Chansey"] = {offense = 0.55, defense = 0.55, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 27.5, agility = 0.22, exp = 280.5, level = 50, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Tangela"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 12.65, specialattack = 11, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.11, exp = 182.6, level = 35, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Kangaskhan"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 11.55, agility = 0.22, exp = 192.5, level = 65, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Horsea"] = {offense = 4.4, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 3.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 91.3, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Seadra"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.22, exp = 170.5, level = 40, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Goldeen"] = {offense = 7.37, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 4.95, agility = 0.11, exp = 122.1, level = 10, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Seaking"] = {offense = 10.12, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.22, exp = 187, level = 25, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Staryu"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 3.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 116.6, level = 15, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Starmie"] = {offense = 8.25, defense = 9.35, specialattack = 11, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 227.7, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Shiny Mr. Mime"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 11, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.33, exp = 149.6, level = 45, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Scyther"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 7.7, agility = 0.33, exp = 205.7, level = 60, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Jynx"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 12.65, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.33, exp = 150.7, level = 55, type = "ice", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Shiny Electabuzz"] = {offense = 9.13, defense = 6.27, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.33, exp = 171.6, level = 60, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Magmar"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 6.27, specialattack = 11, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.33, exp = 183.7, level = 60, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Pinsir"] = {offense = 13.75, defense = 11, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.33, exp = 220, level = 42, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Tauros"] = {offense = 11, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 8.25, agility = 0.33, exp = 232.1, level = 40, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Magikarp"] = {offense = 1.1, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 1.65, vitality = 2.2, agility = 0.11, exp = 22, level = 1, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Gyarados"] = {offense = 13.75, defense = 8.69, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 10.45, agility = 0.33, exp = 235.4, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Lapras"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.33, exp = 240.9, level = 65, type = "water", type2 = "ice"}, ["Shiny Ditto"] = {offense = 5.28, defense = 5.28, specialattack = 5.28, vitality = 5.28, agility = 0.33, exp = 67.1, level = 40, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Eevee"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.11, exp = 101.2, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Vaporeon"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 12.1, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.33, exp = 215.6, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Jolteon"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 12.1, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.33, exp = 216.7, level = 55, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Flareon"] = {offense = 14.3, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.33, exp = 217.8, level = 55, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Porygon"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.11, exp = 143, level = 45, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Omanyte"] = {offense = 4.4, defense = 11, specialattack = 9.9, vitality = 3.85, agility = 0.11, exp = 108.9, level = 20, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Shiny Omastar"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 13.75, specialattack = 12.65, vitality = 7.7, agility = 0.22, exp = 218.9, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Shiny Kabuto"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 9.9, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 3.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 108.9, level = 20, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Shiny Kabutops"] = {offense = 12.65, defense = 11.55, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 218.9, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Shiny Aerodactyl"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.33, exp = 222.2, level = 85, type = "rock", type2 = "Flying"}, ["Shiny Snorlax"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 17.6, agility = 0.33, exp = 169.4, level = 85, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Articuno"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 11, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.33, exp = 236.5, level = 100, type = "ice", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Zapdos"] = {offense = 9.9, defense = 9.35, specialattack = 13.75, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.33, exp = 237.6, level = 100, type = "electric", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Moltres"] = {offense = 11, defense = 9.9, specialattack = 13.75, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.33, exp = 238.7, level = 100, type = "fire", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Dratini"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 4.51, agility = 0.11, exp = 73.7, level = 15, type = "dragon", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Dragonair"] = {offense = 9.24, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 6.71, agility = 0.22, exp = 158.4, level = 45, type = "dragon", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Dragonite"] = {offense = 14.74, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 11, vitality = 10.01, agility = 0.33, exp = 239.8, level = 85, type = "dragon", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Mewtwo"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 9.9, specialattack = 16.94, vitality = 11.66, agility = 0.33, exp = 242, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Mew"] = {offense = 11, defense = 11, specialattack = 11, vitality = 11, agility = 0.33, exp = 70.4, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, Status Pokemon Johto ["Chikorita"] = {offense = 4.9, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 4.9, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 64, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Bayleef"] = {offense = 6.2, defense = 8, specialattack = 6.3, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 141, level = 38, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Meganium"] = {offense = 8.2, defense = 10, specialattack = 8.3, vitality = 8, agility = 0.3, exp = 208, level = 75, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Cyndaquil"] = {offense = 5, defense = 4.3, specialattack = 6, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 65, level = 18, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Quilava"] = {offense = 6.4, defense = 5.8, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 142, level = 38, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Typhlosion"] = {offense = 8.4, defense = 7.8, specialattack = 11, vitality = 8, agility = 0.3, exp = 209, level = 75, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Totodile"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6.4, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 66, level = 18, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Croconaw"] = {offense = 8, defense = 8, specialattack = 5.9, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 141, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Feraligatr"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 10, specialattack = 7.9, vitality = 8.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 142, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Sentret"] = {offense = 4.6, defense = 3.4, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 57, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Furret"] = {offense = 7.6, defense = 6.4, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 8.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 116, level = 28, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Hoothoot"] = {offense = 3, defense = 3, specialattack = 3.6, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 58, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Noctowl"] = {offense = 5, defense = 5, specialattack = 7.6, vitality = 10, agility = 0.2, exp = 162, level = 38, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Ledyba"] = {offense = 2, defense = 3, specialattack = 4, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 54, level = 12, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"}, ["Ledian"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 5.0, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 134, level = 30, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"}, ["Spinarak"] = {offense = 6, defense = 4, specialattack = 4, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 54, level = 15, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Ariados"] = {offense = 9, defense = 7, specialattack = 6, vitality = 7, agility = 0.2, exp = 134, level = 42, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Crobat"] = {offense = 9, defense = 8, specialattack = 7, vitality = 8.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 204, level = 70, type = "poison", type2 = "flying"}, ["Chinchou"] = {offense = 3.8, defense = 3.8, specialattack = 5.6, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 90, level = 14, type = "water", type2 = "electric"}, ["Lanturn"] = {offense = 5.8, defense = 5.8, specialattack = 7.6, vitality = 12.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 156, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "electric"}, ["Pichu"] = {offense = 4, defense = 1.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 2, agility = 0.1, exp = 42, level = 3, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Cleffa"] = {offense = 2.5, defense = 2.8, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 37, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Igglybuff"] = {offense = 3, defense = 1.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 9, agility = 0.1, exp = 39, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Togepi"] = {offense = 2, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 74, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Togetic"] = {offense = 4, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 8, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 114, level = 45, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Natu"] = {offense = 5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 73, level = 15, type = "psychic", type2 = "flying"}, ["Xatu"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 7, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 171, level = 45, type = "psychic", type2 = "flying"}, ["Mareep"] = {offense = 4, defense = 4, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 59, level = 12, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Flaaffy"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 8, vitality = 7, agility = 0.2, exp = 117, level = 30, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Ampharos"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 11.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 194, level = 65, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Bellossom"] = {offense = 8, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 184, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Marill"] = {offense = 2, defense = 5, specialattack = 2, vitality = 7, agility = 0.1, exp = 58, level = 14, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Azumarill"] ={offense = 5, defense = 8, specialattack = 5, vitality = 10, agility = 0.2, exp = 153, level = 28, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Sudowoodo"] = {offense = 10, defense = 11.5, specialattack = 3, vitality = 7, agility = 0.3, exp = 135, level = 46, type = "rock", type2 = "no type"}, ["Politoed"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 185, level = 60, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Hoppip"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 4, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 74, level = 10, type = "grass", type2 = "flying"}, ["Skiploom"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 136, level = 20, type = "grass", type2 = "flying"}, ["Jumpluff"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 7, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 176, level = 30, type = "grass", type2 = "flying"}, ["Aipom"] = {offense = 7, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 94, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Sunkern"] = {offense = 3, defense = 3, specialattack = 3, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 52, level = 3, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Sunflora"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 10.5, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 146, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Yanma"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 147, level = 32, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"}, ["Wooper"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 2.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 52, level = 18, type = "water", type2 = "ground"}, ["Quagsire"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 137, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "ground"}, ["Espeon"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 13, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 197, level = 55, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Umbreon"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 11, specialattack = 6, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 197, level = 55, type = "dark", type2 = "no type"}, ["Murkrow"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 4.2, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 107, level = 35, type = "dark", type2 = "flying"}, ["Slowking"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 8, specialattack = 10, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 164, level = 60, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Misdreavus"] = {offense = 6, defense = 6, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 147, level = 47, type = "ghost", type2 = "no type"}, ["Unown"] = {offense = 7.2, defense = 4.8, specialattack = 7.2, vitality = 4.8, agility = 0.1, exp = 61, level = 15, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Wobbuffet"] = {offense = 3.3, defense = 5.8, specialattack = 3.3, vitality = 19, agility = 0.2, exp = 177, level = 42, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Girafarig"] = {offense = 8, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 7, agility = 0.3, exp = 149, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Pineco"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 9, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 60, level = 18, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"}, ["Forretress"] = {offense = 9, defense = 14, specialattack = 6, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 118, level = 55, type = "bug", type2 = "steel"}, ["Dunsparce"] = {offense = 7, defense = 7, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 10, agility = 0.1, exp = 125, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Gligar"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 10.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 108, level = 30, type = "ground", type2 = "flying"}, ["Steelix"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 20, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 196, level = 75, type = "steel", type2 = "ground"}, ["Snubbull"] = {offense = 8, defense = 5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 63, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Granbull"] = {offense = 12, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 6, vitality = 9, agility = 0.2, exp = 178, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Qwilfish"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 100, level = 16, type = "water", type2 = "poison"}, ["Scizor"] = {offense = 13, defense = 10, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.3, exp = 200, level = 75, type = "bug", type2 = "steel"}, ["Shuckle"] = {offense = 1, defense = 23, specialattack = 1, vitality = 2, agility = 0.2, exp = 80, level = 10, type = "bug", type2 = "rock"}, ["Heracross"] = {offense = 12.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 8, agility = 0.2, exp = 200, level = 60, type = "bug", type2 = "fighting"}, ["Sneasel"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 132, level = 50, type = "dark", type2 = "ice"}, ["Teddiursa"] = {offense = 8, defense = 5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 124, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Ursaring"] = {offense = 13, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.2, exp = 189, level = 70, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Slugma"] = {offense = 4, defense = 4, specialattack = 7, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 38, level = 78, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Magcargo"] = {offense = 5, defense = 12, specialattack = 8, vitality = 5, agility = 0.2, exp = 154, level = 40, type = "fire", type2 = "rock"}, ["Swinub"] = {offense = 5, defense = 4, specialattack = 3, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 78, level = 12, type = "ice", type2 = "ground"}, ["Piloswine"] = {offense = 10, defense = 8, specialattack = 6, vitality = 10, agility = 0.2, exp = 160, level = 70, type = "ice", type2 = "ground"}, ["Corsola"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 113, level = 42, type = "water", type2 = "rock"}, ["Remoraid"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 78, level = 14, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Octillery"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 10.5, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 164, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Delibird"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 183, level = 25, type = "ice", type2 = "flying"}, ["Mantine"] = {offense = 4, defense = 7, specialattack = 8, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 168, level = 50, type = "water", type2 = "flying"}, ["Skarmory"] = {offense = 8, defense = 14, specialattack = 4, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 168, level = 70, type = "steel", type2 = "flying"}, ["Houndour"] = {offense = 6, defense = 3, specialattack = 8, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 114, level = 18, type = "dark", type2 = "fire"}, ["Houndoom"] = {offense = 9, defense = 5, specialattack = 11, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 204, level = 70, type = "dark", type2 = "fire"}, ["Kingdra"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 207, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "dragon"}, ["Phanpy"] = {offense = 6, defense = 6, specialattack = 4, vitality = 9, agility = 0.1, exp = 124, level = 12, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Donphan"] = {offense = 12, defense = 12, specialattack = 6, vitality = 9, agility = 0.2, exp = 189, level = 45, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Porygon2"] = {offense = 8, defense = 9, specialattack = 10.5, vitality = 8.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 180, level = 60, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Stantler"] = {9.5, defense = 6.2, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 7.3, agility = 0.2, exp = 165, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Smeargle"] = {offense = 2, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 2, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 106, level = 28, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Tyrogue"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 91, level = 15, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Hitmontop"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.3, exp = 138, level = 60, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Smoochum"] = {offense = 3, defense = 1.5, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 87, level = 3, type = "ice", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Elekid"] = {offense = 6.3, defense = 3.7, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 106, level = 3, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Magby"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 3.7, specialattack = 7, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 117, level = 3, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Miltank"] = {offense = 8, defense = 10.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 200, level = 32, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Blissey"] = {offense = 1, defense = 1, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 25.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 255, level = 70, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Raikou"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 11.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 216, level = 100, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Entei"] = {offense = 11.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 11.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 217, level = 100, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Suicune"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 11.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 10, agility = 0.3, exp = 218, level = 100, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Larvitar"] = {offense = 6.4, defense = 5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 67, level = 10, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Pupitar"] = {offense = 8.4, defense = 7, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.2, exp = 144, level = 50, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Tyranitar"] = {offense = 13.4, defense = 11, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 10, agility = 0.3, exp = 218, level = 90, type = "rock", type2 = "dark"}, ["Lugia"] = {offense = 9, defense = 13, specialattack = 9, vitality = 10.6, agility = 0.3, exp = 220, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "flying"}, ["Ho-oh"] = {offense = 13, defense = 9, specialattack = 11, vitality = 10.6, agility = 0.3, exp = 220, level = 100, type = "fire", type2 = "flying"}, ["Celebi"] = {offense = 10, defense = 10, specialattack = 10, vitality = 10, agility = 0.3, exp = 64, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "grass"}, Rep+ pra tu...tem q tomar cuidado com poder dos shiny...coloquei o dobro no meu fico forte de mais...vou reduzir pra uns 30% eu ja tenho tudo balanceado ao meu modo de acordo com a dex do game, mas vlw por posta ae pro pessoal HELP U CORpo do ampharos tem loot talz qndo vo abri da debug :S Isso ocorre pq o corpo dele é usa mais de uma sprite...você deve ir no dat editor e aumentar corp size dele pra 64 se n mi falha a memoria...não só dele mas de todos que usem + de 1 sprite pra corps...é so pegar como base a sprite do corpo de um kanto ^^ Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
MarcosFraga 34 Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 Share Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 Alguem poderia me dizer oque esta retornando a vocation pokemon trainer quando eu tento usar promote? eu acho que é nada lib 031- vocations se alguem entende puder dar uma olhada eu ja notei que eu alguem teve o mesmo erro mas acho que não foi resolvido. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
BrunooMaciell 83 Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 Share Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 ei man esse cliente ele ta tipo proprio se tiver como deixo normal so com ip changer ke eu abaixei um com desenho de mater ball ele da erro no mapa kpdo so o com desenho de pikachu que da mais ele ta tipo proprio queria deixa normal com ip changer pli plia ajuda ou se alguem puder manda o cliente do dahs normal que o ip changer pega sem ser o da desenho da master ball e sim do pikachu que o meu mapa e do kpdo eo da master ball da debug em algumas area ou quando troca de oufits plis plis =D Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
peralta52 2 Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 Share Postado Fevereiro 28, 2012 @all vi que muita gente esta com dificuldade em equilibra os status dos pokemon kanto,johto e shiny resolvi posta todos status equilibrado usei como base para equilibra os status pelo site http://wiki.pokeland...la_National_Dex se alguem se interessar para pode fazer as modificações esta na pasta lib no arquivo configuration.lua Status Pokemon Kanto ["Bulbasaur"] = {offense = 4.9, defense = 4.9, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 64, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Ivysaur"] = {offense = 6.2, defense = 6.3, specialattack = 8, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 141, level = 38, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Venusaur"] = {offense = 8.2, defense = 8.3, specialattack = 10, vitality = 8, agility = 0.3, exp = 208, level = 75, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Charmander"] = {offense = 5.2, defense = 4.3, specialattack = 6, vitality = 3.9, agility = 0.1, exp = 65, level = 18, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Charmeleon"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 5.8, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 5.8, agility = 0.2, exp = 142, level = 38, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Charizard"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 7.8, specialattack = 11, vitality = 7.8, agility = 0.3, exp = 209, level = 75, type = "fire", type2 = "flying"}, ["Squirtle"] = {offense = 4.8, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.1, exp = 66, level = 18, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Wartortle"] = {offense = 6.3, defense = 8, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 5.9, agility = 0.2, exp = 143, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Blastoise"] = {offense = 8.3, defense = 10, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 7.9, agility = 0.3, exp = 210, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Caterpie"] = {offense = 3, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 2, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 53, level = 3, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"}, ["Metapod"] = {offense = 2, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 2.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.2, exp = 72, level = 10, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"}, ["Butterfree"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 5, specialattack = 8, vitality = 6, agility = 0.3, exp = 160, level = 30, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"}, ["Weedle"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 3, specialattack = 2, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 52, level = 3, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Kakuna"] = {offense = 2.5, defense = 5, specialattack = 2.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 120, level = 10, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Beedrill"] = {offense = 8, defense = 4, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 159, level = 30, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Pidgey"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 4, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 55, level = 5, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Pidgeotto"] = {offense = 6, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 6.3, agility = 0.2, exp = 113, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Pidgeot"] = {offense = 8, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 8.3, agility = 0.3, exp = 172, level = 60, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Rattata"] = {offense = 5.6, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 2.5, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 57, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Raticate"] = {offense = 8.1, defense = 6, specialattack = 5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 116, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Spearow"] = {offense = 6, defense = 3, specialattack = 3.1, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 58, level = 5, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Fearow"] = {offense = 9, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 6.1, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 162, level = 50, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Ekans"] = {offense = 6, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 4, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 62, level = 12, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Arbok"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 6.9, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 147, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Pikachu"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 3, specialattack = 5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 82, level = 20, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Raichu"] = {offense = 9, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 6, agility = 0.3, exp = 122, level = 50, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Sandshrew"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 2, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 93, level = 18, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Sandslash"] = {offense = 10, defense = 11, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 163, level = 55, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Nidoran Female"] = {offense = 4.7, defense = 5.2, specialattack = 4, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 59, level = 10, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Nidorina"] = {offense = 6.2, defense = 6.7, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.2, exp = 59, level = 25, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Nidoqueen"] = {offense = 8.2, defense = 8.7, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 194, level = 65, type = "poison", type2 = "ground"}, ["Nidoran Male"] = {offense = 5.7, defense = 4, specialattack = 4, vitality = 4.6, agility = 0.1, exp = 60, level = 10, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Nidorino"] = {offense = 7.2, defense = 5.7, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 6.1, agility = 0.2, exp = 118, level = 25, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Nidoking"] = {offense = 9.2, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 8.1, agility = 0.3, exp = 195, level = 65, type = "poison", type2 = "ground"}, ["Clefairy"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 4.8, specialattack = 6, vitality = 7, agility = 0.2, exp = 68, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Clefable"] = {offense = 7, defense = 7.3, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 129, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Vulpix"] = {offense = 4.1, defense = 4, specialattack = 5, vitality = 3.8, agility = 0.1, exp = 63, level = 16, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Ninetales"] = {offense = 7.6, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 8.1, vitality = 7.3, agility = 0.2, exp = 178, level = 65, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Jigglypuff"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 2, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 11.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 76, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Wigglytuff"] = {offense = 7, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 14, agility = 0.3, exp = 109, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Zubat"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 3, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 54, level = 5, type = "poison", type2 = "flying"}, ["Golbat"] = {offense = 8, defense = 7, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 171, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "flying"}, ["Oddish"] = {offense = 5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 78, level = 5, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Gloom"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 7, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 132, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Vileplume"] = {offense = 8, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 184, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Paras"] = {offense = 7, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 70, level = 5, type = "bug", type2 = "grass"}, ["Parasect"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 8, specialattack = 6, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 128, level = 40, type = "bug", type2 = "grass"}, ["Venonat"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 75, level = 14, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Venomoth"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 9, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 138, level = 40, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Diglett"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 2.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 1, agility = 0.1, exp = 81, level = 5, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Dugtrio"] = {offense = 8, defense = 5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 153, level = 35, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Meowth"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 69, level = 12, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Persian"] = {offense = 7, defense = 6, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 148, level = 25, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Psyduck"] = {offense = 5.2, defense = 4.8, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 80, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Golduck"] = {offense = 8.2, defense = 7.8, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 8, agility = 0.2, exp = 174, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Mankey"] = {offense = 8, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 74, level = 10, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Primeape"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 6, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 149, level = 45, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Growlithe"] = {offense = 7, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 91, level = 16, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Arcanine"] = {offense = 11, defense = 8, specialattack = 10, vitality = 9, agility = 0.2, exp = 213, level = 70, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Poliwag"] = {offense = 5, defense = 4, specialattack = 4, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 77, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Poliwhirl"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 131, level = 20, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Poliwrath"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 185, level = 60, type = "water", type2 = "fighting"}, ["Abra"] = {offense = 2, defense = 1.5, specialattack = 10.5, vitality = 2.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 75, level = 12, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Kadabra"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 3, specialattack = 12, vitality = 4, agility = 0.2, exp = 145, level = 40, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Alakazam"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 13.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 186, level = 70, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Machop"] = {offense = 8, defense = 5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.1, exp = 75, level = 16, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Machoke"] = {offense = 10, defense = 7, specialattack = 5, vitality = 8, agility = 0.2, exp = 146, level = 38, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Machamp"] = {offense = 13, defense = 8, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 193, level = 70, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Bellsprout"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 84, level = 5, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Weepinbell"] = {offense = 9, defense = 5, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 151, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Victreebel"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 8, agility = 0.3, exp = 191, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Tentacool"] = {offense = 4, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 105, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "poison"}, ["Tentacruel"] = {offense = 7, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 8, vitality = 8, agility = 0.2, exp = 205, level = 70, type = "water", type2 = "poison"}, ["Geodude"] = {offense = 8, defense = 10, specialattack = 3, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 73, level = 15, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Graveler"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 11.5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 134, level = 40, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Golem"] = {offense = 11, defense = 13, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 8, agility = 0.3, exp = 177, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Ponyta"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 152, level = 15, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Rapidash"] = {offense = 10, defense = 7, specialattack = 8, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 192, level = 55, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Slowpoke"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 9, agility = 0.1, exp = 99, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Slowbro"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 11, specialattack = 10, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 164, level = 45, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Magnemite"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 7, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 2.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 89, level = 15, type = "electric", type2 = "steel"}, ["Magneton"] = {offense = 6, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 12, vitality = 5, agility = 0.2, exp = 161, level = 38, type = "electric", type2 = "steel"}, ["Farfetch’d"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 5.8, vitality = 5.2, agility = 0.1, exp = 94, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Doduo"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 96, level = 12, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Dodrio"] = {offense = 11, defense = 7, specialattack = 6, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 158, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Seel"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 100, level = 47, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Dewgong"] = {offense = 7, defense = 8, specialattack = 7, vitality = 9, agility = 0.2, exp = 176, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "ice"}, ["Grimer"] = {offense = 8, defense = 5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 8, agility = 0.1, exp = 90, level = 12, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Muk"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 10.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 157, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shellder"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 10, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 97, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Cloyster"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 18, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.2, exp = 203, level = 65, type = "water", type2 = "ice"}, ["Gastly"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 3, specialattack = 10, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 95, level = 14, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"}, ["Haunter"] = {offense = 5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 11.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 126, level = 40, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"}, ["Gengar"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 13, vitality = 6, agility = 0.3, exp = 190, level = 70, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"}, ["Onix"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 16, specialattack = 3, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 108, level = 50, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Drowzee"] = {offense = 4.8, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 4.3, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 102, level = 18, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Hypno"] = {offense = 7.3, defense = 7, specialattack = 7.3, vitality = 8.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 165, level = 50, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Krabby"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 9, specialattack = 2.5, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 115, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Kingler"] = {offense = 13, defense = 11.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 206, level = 35, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Voltorb"] = {offense = 3, defense = 5, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 103, level = 14, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Electrode"] = {offense = 5, defense = 7, specialattack = 8, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 150, level = 38, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Exeggcute"] = {offense = 4, defense = 8, specialattack = 6, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 98, level = 8, type = "grass", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Exeggutor"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 12.5, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 212, level = 48, type = "grass", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Cubone"] = {offense = 5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 87, level = 18, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Marowak"] = {offense = 8, defense = 11, specialattack = 5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 124, level = 45, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Hitmonlee"] = {offense = 12, defense = 5.3, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.3, exp = 139, level = 60, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Hitmonchan"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 7.9, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.3, exp = 140, level = 60, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Lickitung"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 6, vitality = 9, agility = 0.2, exp = 127, level = 45, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Koffing"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 6, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 114, level = 15, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Weezing"] = {offense = 9, defense = 12, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 173, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Rhyhorn"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 3, vitality = 8, agility = 0.1, exp = 135, level = 35, type = "ground", type2 = "rock"}, ["Rhydon"] = {offense = 13, defense = 12, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 10.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 204, level = 65, type = "ground", type2 = "rock"}, ["Chansey"] = {offense = 0.5, defense = 0.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 25, agility = 0.2, exp = 255, level = 50, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Tangela"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 11.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 166, level = 35, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Kangaskhan"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 8, specialattack = 4, vitality = 10.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 175, level = 65, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Horsea"] = {offense = 4, defense = 7, specialattack = 7, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 83, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Seadra"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 155, level = 40, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Goldeen"] = {offense = 6.7, defense = 6, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 111, level = 10, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Seaking"] = {offense = 9.2, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 8, agility = 0.2, exp = 170, level = 25, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Staryu"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 106, level = 15, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Starmie"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 207, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Mr. Mime"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 4, agility = 0.3, exp = 136, level = 45, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Scyther"] = {offense = 11, defense = 8, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.3, exp = 187, level = 60, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"}, ["Jynx"] = {offense = 5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 11.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 137, level = 55, type = "ice", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Electabuzz"] = {offense = 8.3, defense = 5.7, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 156, level = 60, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Magmar"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 5.7, specialattack = 10, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 167, level = 60, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Pinsir"] = {offense = 12.5, defense = 10, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 200, level = 42, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"}, ["Tauros"] = {offense = 10, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 211, level = 40, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Magikarp"] = {offense = 1, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 1.5, vitality = 2, agility = 0.1, exp = 20, level = 1, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Gyarados"] = {offense = 12.5, defense = 7.9, specialattack = 6, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 214, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "flying"}, ["Lapras"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 8, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 13, agility = 0.3, exp = 219, level = 65, type = "water", type2 = "ice"}, ["Ditto"] = {offense = 4.8, defense = 4.8, specialattack = 4.8, vitality = 4.8, agility = 0.3, exp = 61, level = 40, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Eevee"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 92, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Vaporeon"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 11, vitality = 13, agility = 0.3, exp = 196, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Jolteon"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 11, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 197, level = 55, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Flareon"] = {offense = 13, defense = 6, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 198, level = 55, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Porygon"] = {offense = 6, defense = 7, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 130, level = 45, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Omanyte"] = {offense = 4, defense = 10, specialattack = 9, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 99, level = 20, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Omastar"] = {offense = 6, defense = 12.5, specialattack = 11.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.2, exp = 199, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Kabuto"] = {offense = 8, defense = 9, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 99, level = 20, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Kabutops"] = {offense = 11.5, defense = 10.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 199, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Aerodactyl"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 6, vitality = 8, agility = 0.3, exp = 202, level = 85, type = "rock", type2 = "Flying"}, ["Snorlax"] = {offense = 11, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 16, agility = 0.3, exp = 154, level = 85, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Articuno"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 10, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 215, level = 100, type = "ice", type2 = "flying"}, ["Zapdos"] = {offense = 9, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 12.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 216, level = 100, type = "electric", type2 = "flying"}, ["Moltres"] = {offense = 10, defense = 9, specialattack = 12.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 217, level = 100, type = "fire", type2 = "flying"}, ["Dratini"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 4.1, agility = 0.1, exp = 67, level = 15, type = "dragon", type2 = "no type"}, ["Dragonair"] = {offense = 8.4, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 6.1, agility = 0.2, exp = 144, level = 45, type = "dragon", type2 = "no type"}, ["Dragonite"] = {offense = 13.4, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 10, vitality = 9.1, agility = 0.3, exp = 218, level = 85, type = "dragon", type2 = "flying"}, ["Mewtwo"] = {offense = 11, defense = 9, specialattack = 15.4, vitality = 10.6, agility = 0.3, exp = 220, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Mew"] = {offense = 10, defense = 10, specialattack = 10, vitality = 10, agility = 0.3, exp = 64, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, Status Pokemon Shiny Kanto [lembrando os shiny não coloquei status abusivo apenas aumentei 10% + dos status relacionado aos pokemon kanto] ["Shiny Bulbasaur"] = {offense = 5.39, defense = 5.39, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 4.95, agility = 0.11, exp = 70.4, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Ivysaur"] = {offense = 6.82, defense = 6.93, specialattack = 8.8, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 155.1, level = 38, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Venusaur"] = {offense = 9.02, defense = 9.13, specialattack = 11, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.33, exp = 228.8, level = 75, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Charmander"] = {offense = 5.72, defense = 4.73, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 4.29, agility = 0.11, exp = 71.5, level = 18, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Charmeleon"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.38, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 6.38, agility = 0.22, exp = 156.2, level = 38, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Charizard"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 8.58, specialattack = 12.1, vitality = 8.58, agility = 0.33, exp = 229.9, level = 75, type = "fire", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Squirtle"] = {offense = 5.28, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 4.84, agility = 0.11, exp = 72.6, level = 18, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Wartortle"] = {offense = 6.93, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 6.49, agility = 0.22, exp = 157.3, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Blastoise"] = {offense = 9.13, defense = 11, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 8.69, agility = 0.33, exp = 231, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Caterpie"] = {offense = 3.3, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 2.2, vitality = 4.95, agility = 0.11, exp = 58.3, level = 3, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Metapod"] = {offense = 2.2, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 2.75, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.22, exp = 79.2, level = 10, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Butterfree"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 8.8, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.33, exp = 176, level = 30, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Weedle"] = {offense = 3.85, defense = 3.3, specialattack = 2.2, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 57.2, level = 3, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Kakuna"] = {offense = 2.75, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 2.75, vitality = 4.95, agility = 0.22, exp = 132, level = 10, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Beedrill"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.33, exp = 154.9, level = 30, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Pidgey"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 60.5, level = 5, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Pidgeotto"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 6.93, agility = 0.22, exp = 124.3, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Pidgeot"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 8.25, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 9.13, agility = 0.33, exp = 189.2, level = 60, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Rattata"] = {offense = 6.16, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 2.75, vitality = 3.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 62.7, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Raticate"] = {offense = 8.91, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.22, exp = 127.6, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Spearow"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 3.3, specialattack = 3.41, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 63.8, level = 5, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Fearow"] = {offense = 9.9, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 6.71, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 178.2, level = 50, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Ekans"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 4.84, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 3.85, agility = 0.11, exp = 68.2, level = 12, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Arbok"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 7.59, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 161.7, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Pikachu"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 3.3, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 3.85, agility = 0.22, exp = 90.2, level = 20, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Raichu"] = {offense = 9.9, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 9.9, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.33, exp = 134.2, level = 50, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Sandshrew"] = {offense = 8.25, defense = 9.35, specialattack = 2.2, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.11, exp = 102.3, level = 18, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Sandslash"] = {offense = 11, defense = 12.1, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 8.25, agility = 0.22, exp = 179.3, level = 55, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Nidoran Female"] = {offense = 5.17, defense = 5.72, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.11, exp = 64.9, level = 10, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Nidorina"] = {offense = 6.82, defense = 7.37, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 7.7, agility = 0.22, exp = 64.9, level = 25, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Nidoqueen"] = {offense = 9.02, defense = 9.57, specialattack = 8.25, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.33, exp = 213.4, level = 65, type = "poison", type2 = "ground"}, ["Shiny Nidoran Male"] = {offense = 6.27, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 5.06, agility = 0.11, exp = 66, level = 10, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Nidorino"] = {offense = 7.92, defense = 6.27, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 6.71, agility = 0.22, exp = 129.8, level = 25, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Nidoking"] = {offense = 10.12, defense = 8.47, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 8.91, agility = 0.33, exp = 214.5, level = 65, type = "poison", type2 = "ground"}, ["Shiny Clefairy"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 5.28, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 7.7, agility = 0.22, exp = 74.8, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Clefable"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 8.03, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 10.45, agility = 0.33, exp = 141.9, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Vulpix"] = {offense = 4.51, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 4.18, agility = 0.11, exp = 69.3, level = 16, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Ninetales"] = {offense = 8.36, defense = 8.25, specialattack = 8.91, vitality = 8.03, agility = 0.22, exp = 195.8, level = 65, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Jigglypuff"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 2.2, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 12.65, agility = 0.22, exp = 83.6, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Wigglytuff"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 8.25, vitality = 15.4, agility = 0.33, exp = 119.9, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Zubat"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 3.3, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 59.4, level = 5, type = "poison", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Golbat"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 8.25, agility = 0.22, exp = 188.1, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Oddish"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 8.25, vitality = 4.95, agility = 0.11, exp = 85.8, level = 5, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Gloom"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 145.2, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Vileplume"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 9.35, specialattack = 11, vitality = 8.25, agility = 0.33, exp = 202.4, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Paras"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 3.85, agility = 0.11, exp = 77, level = 5, type = "bug", type2 = "grass"}, ["Shiny Parasect"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 140.8, level = 40, type = "bug", type2 = "grass"}, ["Shiny Venonat"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.11, exp = 82.5, level = 14, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Venomoth"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 9.9, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 151.8, level = 40, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Diglett"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 2.75, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 1.1, agility = 0.11, exp = 89.1, level = 5, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Dugtrio"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 3.85, agility = 0.22, exp = 168.3, level = 35, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Meowth"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 75.9, level = 12, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Persian"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 162.8, level = 25, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Psyduck"] = {offense = 5.72, defense = 5.28, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.11, exp = 88, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Golduck"] = {offense = 9.02, defense = 8.58, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.22, exp = 191.4, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Mankey"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 81.4, level = 10, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Primeape"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 163.9, level = 45, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Growlithe"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.11, exp = 100.1, level = 16, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Arcanine"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 11, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.22, exp = 234.3, level = 70, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Poliwag"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 4.4, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 84.7, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Poliwhirl"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 144.1, level = 20, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Poliwrath"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.33, exp = 203.5, level = 60, type = "water", type2 = "fighting"}, ["Shiny Abra"] = {offense = 2.2, defense = 1.65, specialattack = 11.55, vitality = 2.75, agility = 0.11, exp = 82.5, level = 12, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Kadabra"] = {offense = 3.85, defense = 3.3, specialattack = 13.2, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.22, exp = 159.5, level = 40, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Alakazam"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 14.85, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.33, exp = 204.6, level = 70, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Machop"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 7.7, agility = 0.11, exp = 82.5, level = 16, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Machoke"] = {offense = 11, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.22, exp = 160.6, level = 38, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Machamp"] = {offense = 14.3, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.33, exp = 212.3, level = 70, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Bellsprout"] = {offense = 8.25, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.11, exp = 92.4, level = 5, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Weepinbell"] = {offense = 9.9, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 166.1, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Victreebel"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 11, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.33, exp = 210.1, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Tentacool"] = {offense = 4.4, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 115.5, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Tentacruel"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 8.8, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.22, exp = 225.5, level = 70, type = "water", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Geodude"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 11, specialattack = 3.3, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 80.3, level = 15, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Shiny Graveler"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 12.65, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.22, exp = 147.4, level = 40, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Shiny Golem"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 14.3, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.33, exp = 194.7, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Shiny Ponyta"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.11, exp = 167.2, level = 15, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Rapidash"] = {offense = 11, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 8.8, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 211.2, level = 55, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Slowpoke"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.11, exp = 108.9, level = 12, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Shiny Slowbro"] = {offense = 8.25, defense = 12.1, specialattack = 11, vitality = 10.45, agility = 0.22, exp = 180.4, level = 45, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Shiny Magnemite"] = {offense = 3.85, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 2.75, agility = 0.11, exp = 97.9, level = 15, type = "electric", type2 = "steel"}, ["Shiny Magneton"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 13.2, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.22, exp = 177.1, level = 38, type = "electric", type2 = "steel"}, ["Shiny Farfetch’d"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 6.38, vitality = 5.72, agility = 0.11, exp = 103.4, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Doduo"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 3.85, agility = 0.11, exp = 105.6, level = 12, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Dodrio"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 173.8, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Seel"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.11, exp = 110, level = 47, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Dewgong"] = {offense = 7.7, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.22, exp = 193.6, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "ice"}, ["Shiny Grimer"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.11, exp = 99, level = 12, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Muk"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 8.25, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 11.55, agility = 0.22, exp = 172.7, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Shellder"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 11, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 3.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 106.7, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Cloyster"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 19.8, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.22, exp = 223.3, level = 65, type = "water", type2 = "ice"}, ["Shiny Gastly"] = {offense = 3.85, defense = 3.3, specialattack = 11, vitality = 3.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 104.5, level = 14, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Haunter"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 12.65, vitality = 4.95, agility = 0.22, exp = 138.6, level = 40, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Gengar"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 14.3, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.33, exp = 209, level = 70, type = "ghost", type2 = "poison"}, ["Shiny Onix"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 17.6, specialattack = 3.3, vitality = 3.85, agility = 0.22, exp = 118.8, level = 50, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Shiny Drowzee"] = {offense = 5.28, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 4.73, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.11, exp = 112.2, level = 18, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Hypno"] = {offense = 8.03, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 8.03, vitality = 9.35, agility = 0.22, exp = 181.5, level = 50, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Krabby"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 9.9, specialattack = 2.75, vitality = 3.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 126.5, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Kingler"] = {offense = 14.3, defense = 12.65, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.22, exp = 226.6, level = 35, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Voltorb"] = {offense = 3.3, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 113.3, level = 14, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Electrode"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 8.8, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 165, level = 38, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Exeggcute"] = {offense = 4.4, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.11, exp = 107.8, level = 8, type = "grass", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Shiny Exeggutor"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 9.35, specialattack = 13.75, vitality = 10.45, agility = 0.22, exp = 233.2, level = 48, type = "grass", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Shiny Cubone"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.11, exp = 95.7, level = 18, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Marowak"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 12.1, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 136.4, level = 45, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Hitmonlee"] = {offense = 13.2, defense = 5.83, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.33, exp = 152.9, level = 60, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Hitmonchan"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 8.69, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.33, exp = 154, level = 60, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Lickitung"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 8.25, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.22, exp = 139.7, level = 45, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Koffing"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.11, exp = 125.4, level = 15, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Weezing"] = {offense = 9.9, defense = 13.2, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.22, exp = 190.3, level = 30, type = "poison", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Rhyhorn"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 3.3, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.11, exp = 148.5, level = 35, type = "ground", type2 = "rock"}, ["Shiny Rhydon"] = {offense = 14.3, defense = 13.2, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 11.55, agility = 0.22, exp = 224.4, level = 65, type = "ground", type2 = "rock"}, ["Shiny Chansey"] = {offense = 0.55, defense = 0.55, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 27.5, agility = 0.22, exp = 280.5, level = 50, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Tangela"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 12.65, specialattack = 11, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.11, exp = 182.6, level = 35, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Kangaskhan"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 11.55, agility = 0.22, exp = 192.5, level = 65, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Horsea"] = {offense = 4.4, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 3.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 91.3, level = 5, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Seadra"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.22, exp = 170.5, level = 40, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Goldeen"] = {offense = 7.37, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 3.85, vitality = 4.95, agility = 0.11, exp = 122.1, level = 10, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Seaking"] = {offense = 10.12, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.22, exp = 187, level = 25, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Staryu"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 3.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 116.6, level = 15, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Starmie"] = {offense = 8.25, defense = 9.35, specialattack = 11, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 227.7, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Shiny Mr. Mime"] = {offense = 4.95, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 11, vitality = 4.4, agility = 0.33, exp = 149.6, level = 45, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Scyther"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 7.7, agility = 0.33, exp = 205.7, level = 60, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Jynx"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 3.85, specialattack = 12.65, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.33, exp = 150.7, level = 55, type = "ice", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Shiny Electabuzz"] = {offense = 9.13, defense = 6.27, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.33, exp = 171.6, level = 60, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Magmar"] = {offense = 10.45, defense = 6.27, specialattack = 11, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.33, exp = 183.7, level = 60, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Pinsir"] = {offense = 13.75, defense = 11, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.33, exp = 220, level = 42, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Tauros"] = {offense = 11, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 8.25, agility = 0.33, exp = 232.1, level = 40, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Magikarp"] = {offense = 1.1, defense = 6.05, specialattack = 1.65, vitality = 2.2, agility = 0.11, exp = 22, level = 1, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Gyarados"] = {offense = 13.75, defense = 8.69, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 10.45, agility = 0.33, exp = 235.4, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Lapras"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 8.8, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.33, exp = 240.9, level = 65, type = "water", type2 = "ice"}, ["Shiny Ditto"] = {offense = 5.28, defense = 5.28, specialattack = 5.28, vitality = 5.28, agility = 0.33, exp = 67.1, level = 40, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Eevee"] = {offense = 6.05, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4.95, vitality = 6.05, agility = 0.11, exp = 101.2, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Vaporeon"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 12.1, vitality = 14.3, agility = 0.33, exp = 215.6, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Jolteon"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 12.1, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.33, exp = 216.7, level = 55, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Flareon"] = {offense = 14.3, defense = 6.6, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.33, exp = 217.8, level = 55, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Porygon"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 7.7, specialattack = 9.35, vitality = 7.15, agility = 0.11, exp = 143, level = 45, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Omanyte"] = {offense = 4.4, defense = 11, specialattack = 9.9, vitality = 3.85, agility = 0.11, exp = 108.9, level = 20, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Shiny Omastar"] = {offense = 6.6, defense = 13.75, specialattack = 12.65, vitality = 7.7, agility = 0.22, exp = 218.9, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Shiny Kabuto"] = {offense = 8.8, defense = 9.9, specialattack = 6.05, vitality = 3.3, agility = 0.11, exp = 108.9, level = 20, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Shiny Kabutops"] = {offense = 12.65, defense = 11.55, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 6.6, agility = 0.22, exp = 218.9, level = 70, type = "rock", type2 = "water"}, ["Shiny Aerodactyl"] = {offense = 11.55, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 6.6, vitality = 8.8, agility = 0.33, exp = 222.2, level = 85, type = "rock", type2 = "Flying"}, ["Shiny Snorlax"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 7.15, vitality = 17.6, agility = 0.33, exp = 169.4, level = 85, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Articuno"] = {offense = 9.35, defense = 11, specialattack = 10.45, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.33, exp = 236.5, level = 100, type = "ice", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Zapdos"] = {offense = 9.9, defense = 9.35, specialattack = 13.75, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.33, exp = 237.6, level = 100, type = "electric", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Moltres"] = {offense = 11, defense = 9.9, specialattack = 13.75, vitality = 9.9, agility = 0.33, exp = 238.7, level = 100, type = "fire", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Dratini"] = {offense = 7.15, defense = 4.95, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 4.51, agility = 0.11, exp = 73.7, level = 15, type = "dragon", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Dragonair"] = {offense = 9.24, defense = 7.15, specialattack = 7.7, vitality = 6.71, agility = 0.22, exp = 158.4, level = 45, type = "dragon", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Dragonite"] = {offense = 14.74, defense = 10.45, specialattack = 11, vitality = 10.01, agility = 0.33, exp = 239.8, level = 85, type = "dragon", type2 = "flying"}, ["Shiny Mewtwo"] = {offense = 12.1, defense = 9.9, specialattack = 16.94, vitality = 11.66, agility = 0.33, exp = 242, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Shiny Mew"] = {offense = 11, defense = 11, specialattack = 11, vitality = 11, agility = 0.33, exp = 70.4, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, Status Pokemon Johto ["Chikorita"] = {offense = 4.9, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 4.9, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 64, level = 18, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Bayleef"] = {offense = 6.2, defense = 8, specialattack = 6.3, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 141, level = 38, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Meganium"] = {offense = 8.2, defense = 10, specialattack = 8.3, vitality = 8, agility = 0.3, exp = 208, level = 75, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Cyndaquil"] = {offense = 5, defense = 4.3, specialattack = 6, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 65, level = 18, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Quilava"] = {offense = 6.4, defense = 5.8, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.2, exp = 142, level = 38, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Typhlosion"] = {offense = 8.4, defense = 7.8, specialattack = 11, vitality = 8, agility = 0.3, exp = 209, level = 75, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Totodile"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6.4, specialattack = 4.4, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 66, level = 18, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Croconaw"] = {offense = 8, defense = 8, specialattack = 5.9, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 141, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Feraligatr"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 10, specialattack = 7.9, vitality = 8.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 142, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Sentret"] = {offense = 4.6, defense = 3.4, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 57, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Furret"] = {offense = 7.6, defense = 6.4, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 8.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 116, level = 28, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Hoothoot"] = {offense = 3, defense = 3, specialattack = 3.6, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 58, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Noctowl"] = {offense = 5, defense = 5, specialattack = 7.6, vitality = 10, agility = 0.2, exp = 162, level = 38, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Ledyba"] = {offense = 2, defense = 3, specialattack = 4, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 54, level = 12, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"}, ["Ledian"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 5.0, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 134, level = 30, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"}, ["Spinarak"] = {offense = 6, defense = 4, specialattack = 4, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 54, level = 15, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Ariados"] = {offense = 9, defense = 7, specialattack = 6, vitality = 7, agility = 0.2, exp = 134, level = 42, type = "bug", type2 = "poison"}, ["Crobat"] = {offense = 9, defense = 8, specialattack = 7, vitality = 8.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 204, level = 70, type = "poison", type2 = "flying"}, ["Chinchou"] = {offense = 3.8, defense = 3.8, specialattack = 5.6, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 90, level = 14, type = "water", type2 = "electric"}, ["Lanturn"] = {offense = 5.8, defense = 5.8, specialattack = 7.6, vitality = 12.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 156, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "electric"}, ["Pichu"] = {offense = 4, defense = 1.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 2, agility = 0.1, exp = 42, level = 3, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Cleffa"] = {offense = 2.5, defense = 2.8, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 37, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Igglybuff"] = {offense = 3, defense = 1.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 9, agility = 0.1, exp = 39, level = 3, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Togepi"] = {offense = 2, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 74, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Togetic"] = {offense = 4, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 8, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 114, level = 45, type = "normal", type2 = "flying"}, ["Natu"] = {offense = 5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 7, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 73, level = 15, type = "psychic", type2 = "flying"}, ["Xatu"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 7, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 171, level = 45, type = "psychic", type2 = "flying"}, ["Mareep"] = {offense = 4, defense = 4, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 59, level = 12, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Flaaffy"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 8, vitality = 7, agility = 0.2, exp = 117, level = 30, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Ampharos"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 11.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 194, level = 65, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Bellossom"] = {offense = 8, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 184, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Marill"] = {offense = 2, defense = 5, specialattack = 2, vitality = 7, agility = 0.1, exp = 58, level = 14, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Azumarill"] ={offense = 5, defense = 8, specialattack = 5, vitality = 10, agility = 0.2, exp = 153, level = 28, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Sudowoodo"] = {offense = 10, defense = 11.5, specialattack = 3, vitality = 7, agility = 0.3, exp = 135, level = 46, type = "rock", type2 = "no type"}, ["Politoed"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 185, level = 60, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Hoppip"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 4, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 74, level = 10, type = "grass", type2 = "flying"}, ["Skiploom"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 136, level = 20, type = "grass", type2 = "flying"}, ["Jumpluff"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 7, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 176, level = 30, type = "grass", type2 = "flying"}, ["Aipom"] = {offense = 7, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 94, level = 10, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Sunkern"] = {offense = 3, defense = 3, specialattack = 3, vitality = 3, agility = 0.1, exp = 52, level = 3, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Sunflora"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 10.5, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 146, level = 50, type = "grass", type2 = "no type"}, ["Yanma"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 147, level = 32, type = "bug", type2 = "flying"}, ["Wooper"] = {offense = 4.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 2.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 52, level = 18, type = "water", type2 = "ground"}, ["Quagsire"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 137, level = 55, type = "water", type2 = "ground"}, ["Espeon"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 6, specialattack = 13, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 197, level = 55, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Umbreon"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 11, specialattack = 6, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 197, level = 55, type = "dark", type2 = "no type"}, ["Murkrow"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 4.2, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 107, level = 35, type = "dark", type2 = "flying"}, ["Slowking"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 8, specialattack = 10, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 164, level = 60, type = "water", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Misdreavus"] = {offense = 6, defense = 6, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 147, level = 47, type = "ghost", type2 = "no type"}, ["Unown"] = {offense = 7.2, defense = 4.8, specialattack = 7.2, vitality = 4.8, agility = 0.1, exp = 61, level = 15, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Wobbuffet"] = {offense = 3.3, defense = 5.8, specialattack = 3.3, vitality = 19, agility = 0.2, exp = 177, level = 42, type = "psychic", type2 = "no type"}, ["Girafarig"] = {offense = 8, defense = 6.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 7, agility = 0.3, exp = 149, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Pineco"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 9, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 60, level = 18, type = "bug", type2 = "no type"}, ["Forretress"] = {offense = 9, defense = 14, specialattack = 6, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 118, level = 55, type = "bug", type2 = "steel"}, ["Dunsparce"] = {offense = 7, defense = 7, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 10, agility = 0.1, exp = 125, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Gligar"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 10.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 108, level = 30, type = "ground", type2 = "flying"}, ["Steelix"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 20, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 196, level = 75, type = "steel", type2 = "ground"}, ["Snubbull"] = {offense = 8, defense = 5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 63, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Granbull"] = {offense = 12, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 6, vitality = 9, agility = 0.2, exp = 178, level = 42, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Qwilfish"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 100, level = 16, type = "water", type2 = "poison"}, ["Scizor"] = {offense = 13, defense = 10, specialattack = 5.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.3, exp = 200, level = 75, type = "bug", type2 = "steel"}, ["Shuckle"] = {offense = 1, defense = 23, specialattack = 1, vitality = 2, agility = 0.2, exp = 80, level = 10, type = "bug", type2 = "rock"}, ["Heracross"] = {offense = 12.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 8, agility = 0.2, exp = 200, level = 60, type = "bug", type2 = "fighting"}, ["Sneasel"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 5.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 132, level = 50, type = "dark", type2 = "ice"}, ["Teddiursa"] = {offense = 8, defense = 5, specialattack = 5, vitality = 6, agility = 0.1, exp = 124, level = 20, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Ursaring"] = {offense = 13, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.2, exp = 189, level = 70, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Slugma"] = {offense = 4, defense = 4, specialattack = 7, vitality = 4, agility = 0.1, exp = 38, level = 78, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Magcargo"] = {offense = 5, defense = 12, specialattack = 8, vitality = 5, agility = 0.2, exp = 154, level = 40, type = "fire", type2 = "rock"}, ["Swinub"] = {offense = 5, defense = 4, specialattack = 3, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 78, level = 12, type = "ice", type2 = "ground"}, ["Piloswine"] = {offense = 10, defense = 8, specialattack = 6, vitality = 10, agility = 0.2, exp = 160, level = 70, type = "ice", type2 = "ground"}, ["Corsola"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 113, level = 42, type = "water", type2 = "rock"}, ["Remoraid"] = {offense = 6.5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 78, level = 14, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Octillery"] = {offense = 10.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 10.5, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 164, level = 38, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Delibird"] = {offense = 5.5, defense = 4.5, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 183, level = 25, type = "ice", type2 = "flying"}, ["Mantine"] = {offense = 4, defense = 7, specialattack = 8, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 168, level = 50, type = "water", type2 = "flying"}, ["Skarmory"] = {offense = 8, defense = 14, specialattack = 4, vitality = 6.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 168, level = 70, type = "steel", type2 = "flying"}, ["Houndour"] = {offense = 6, defense = 3, specialattack = 8, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 114, level = 18, type = "dark", type2 = "fire"}, ["Houndoom"] = {offense = 9, defense = 5, specialattack = 11, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.2, exp = 204, level = 70, type = "dark", type2 = "fire"}, ["Kingdra"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 7.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 207, level = 75, type = "water", type2 = "dragon"}, ["Phanpy"] = {offense = 6, defense = 6, specialattack = 4, vitality = 9, agility = 0.1, exp = 124, level = 12, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Donphan"] = {offense = 12, defense = 12, specialattack = 6, vitality = 9, agility = 0.2, exp = 189, level = 45, type = "ground", type2 = "no type"}, ["Porygon2"] = {offense = 8, defense = 9, specialattack = 10.5, vitality = 8.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 180, level = 60, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Stantler"] = {9.5, defense = 6.2, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 7.3, agility = 0.2, exp = 165, level = 35, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Smeargle"] = {offense = 2, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 2, vitality = 5.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 106, level = 28, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Tyrogue"] = {offense = 3.5, defense = 3.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 3.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 91, level = 15, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Hitmontop"] = {offense = 9.5, defense = 9.5, specialattack = 3.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.3, exp = 138, level = 60, type = "fighting", type2 = "no type"}, ["Smoochum"] = {offense = 3, defense = 1.5, specialattack = 8.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 87, level = 3, type = "ice", type2 = "psychic"}, ["Elekid"] = {offense = 6.3, defense = 3.7, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 106, level = 3, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Magby"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 3.7, specialattack = 7, vitality = 4.5, agility = 0.1, exp = 117, level = 3, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Miltank"] = {offense = 8, defense = 10.5, specialattack = 4, vitality = 9.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 200, level = 32, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Blissey"] = {offense = 1, defense = 1, specialattack = 7.5, vitality = 25.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 255, level = 70, type = "normal", type2 = "no type"}, ["Raikou"] = {offense = 8.5, defense = 7.5, specialattack = 11.5, vitality = 9, agility = 0.3, exp = 216, level = 100, type = "electric", type2 = "no type"}, ["Entei"] = {offense = 11.5, defense = 8.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 11.5, agility = 0.3, exp = 217, level = 100, type = "fire", type2 = "no type"}, ["Suicune"] = {offense = 7.5, defense = 11.5, specialattack = 9, vitality = 10, agility = 0.3, exp = 218, level = 100, type = "water", type2 = "no type"}, ["Larvitar"] = {offense = 6.4, defense = 5, specialattack = 4.5, vitality = 5, agility = 0.1, exp = 67, level = 10, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Pupitar"] = {offense = 8.4, defense = 7, specialattack = 6.5, vitality = 7, agility = 0.2, exp = 144, level = 50, type = "rock", type2 = "ground"}, ["Tyranitar"] = {offense = 13.4, defense = 11, specialattack = 9.5, vitality = 10, agility = 0.3, exp = 218, level = 90, type = "rock", type2 = "dark"}, ["Lugia"] = {offense = 9, defense = 13, specialattack = 9, vitality = 10.6, agility = 0.3, exp = 220, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "flying"}, ["Ho-oh"] = {offense = 13, defense = 9, specialattack = 11, vitality = 10.6, agility = 0.3, exp = 220, level = 100, type = "fire", type2 = "flying"}, ["Celebi"] = {offense = 10, defense = 10, specialattack = 10, vitality = 10, agility = 0.3, exp = 64, level = 100, type = "psychic", type2 = "grass"}, Rep+ pra tu...tem q tomar cuidado com poder dos shiny...coloquei o dobro no meu fico forte de mais...vou reduzir pra uns 30% eu ja tenho tudo balanceado ao meu modo de acordo com a dex do game, mas vlw por posta ae pro pessoal HELP U CORpo do ampharos tem loot talz qndo vo abri da debug :S Isso ocorre pq o corpo dele é usa mais de uma sprite...você deve ir no dat editor e aumentar corp size dele pra 64 se n mi falha a memoria...não só dele mas de todos que usem + de 1 sprite pra corps...é so pegar como base a sprite do corpo de um kanto ^^ Muito Obrigado cara ^^^funfo Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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