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  1. Gente e o seguinte quando coloco (senha/senha) quando pede para logar, não tem nenhum character só o account manager, e quando loga no account manager dá Your Character Could Not Be Loaded é quando tento entrara pelo 1/1 não tem nenhum character para logar e quando aperta OK fala para selecionar o character.
  2. Ta aparecendo um erro na distro, assim que eu ver novamente eu tiro print e posto o erro, mas até lá, o erro é no goback e some functions, ele indica uma linha no some functions: 1763 e diz algo como: Creature Not a Found Na hora de checar a vida maxima do pokemon e a vida atual, para caso a vida atual seja menor que a maxima e esteja fora de batalha, o held fica curando o pokemon, ta funcionando, mas da esse erro na distro, estranho que eu testei, coloque regen em 1 pokemon e esperei ficar fora de combate e ficar regenerando, o erro não apareceu na distro, eu testei com char normal e com adm, então não sei exatamente quando ocorre o erro, mas tem algo relacionado ao held regeneration, pq essa linha 1763 é sobre ele (eu acho) a linha 1763 do some function é essa: if getCreatureHealth(sid) < getCreatureMaxHealth(sid) then ... if isPlayer(cid) and #getCreatureSummons(cid) > 0 then local Tier = getItemAttribute(ball.uid, "heldy") if Tier and Tier > 0 and Tier < 8 then if not getCreatureCondition(cid, CONDITION_INFIGHT) then if getCreatureHealth(sid) < getCreatureMaxHealth(sid) then -- Linha 1763 (indicada no erro) addEvent(function() doCreatureAddHealth(sid,Tiers[Tier].bonus) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(sid), "+ "..Tiers[Tier].bonus, 30) end, 0) end addEvent(doRegenerateWithY, 1000, cid, sid) else addEvent(doRegenerateWithY, 1000, cid, sid) end end end end end
  3. Bom dia pessoal, Recentemente estou tendo um problema com meu servidor de WODBO ( Dragon Ball Z TIBIA), ele fica gerando um LOG de erro no TFS e após algumas horas aberto normalmente, ele fecha. Já verifiquei as spells, monstros, está tudo ok, gostaria de saber o motivo deste erro, também uma possível solução. Imagem do erro: Obrigado pela atenção.
  4. Boa Tarde Galera do Xtibia Estou aqui pedindo socorro já tentei arruma esse erro de tudo qual quer jeito e não consegui peço que alguém me ajude por favor Qual eu vou criar um character na minha conta pelo site da esse erro, me ajudem por favor? Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'E_OTS_NotLoaded' in C:\xampp\htdocs\pot\OTS_Player.php:1866 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\accountmanagement.php(963): OTS_Player->getSkill(0) #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\index.php(310): include('C:\xampp\htdocs...') #2 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\pot\OTS_Player.php on line 1866
  5. Daskyn

    [AJUDA] Effetcs

    Olá XTibianos ! Bom Dia , Boa Tarde , Boa Noite , não sei que horas , vocês visualizaram esse Topico , então , estou desejando um bom momento , em quaisquer que sejam o horario ! Bom o motivo da criação , deste topico , é que quero pedir uma ajudar de vocês aqui do Forum. Que ajuda seria essa ? R : É o Seguinte , meu servidor se encontrava na versão 8.54 , sem nenhum BUG é etc ... Mas então decide passa-ló para 8.60 , para ter novos sistemas como Castle War é etc .. Funcionou .. Não deu nenhum BUG ao ligar é etc .. Mas sempre que utilizo alguma Spell , os effect's sai trocados , ou até mesmo não sai o effect , sendo que antes isto não acontecia ! Então , quero pedir a ajudar de vocês para que possa estar resolvendo este problema ... Desde já agradeço Abraços
  6. Bom Pessoal Primeiramente Meu Nome é Lucas, Gostaria que alguém me ajuda-se em um erro que da em meu servidor ! Exemplo Meu Servidor é Sqlite, com isso tudo bem, o problema mesmo ocorre quando uma pessoa vai tentar logar o char, tipo no account manager cria conta e o char tudo certinho, mais quando a pessoa tenta entrar no char não acontece nada, nem entra. e a distro avisa de um erro que não fala aonde esta o erro, vou postar o erro que da na distro abaixo : [04/12/2015 17:07:44] Willy has logged in. [04/12/2015 17:07:44] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] [04/12/2015 17:07:44] buffer:onLogin [04/12/2015 17:07:44] Description: [04/12/2015 17:07:44] [string "loadBuffer"]:15: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil) [04/12/2015 17:07:44] stack traceback: [04/12/2015 17:07:44] [C]: in function 'ipairs' [04/12/2015 17:07:44] [string "loadBuffer"]:15: in function <[string "loadBuffer"]:3> [04/12/2015 17:07:44] Willy has logged out. Supondo na distro o char entra mais é forçado e deslogar no mesmo momento pq deu um bug, agradeceria muito se alguem me ajuda-se a arrumar o bug, valendo +rep ! OBS: Se essa não for a area correta desculpe-me por que não sei nem aonde se encontra o erro.
  7. Galera to com um erro no sistema de inventario que e para otcliente eu to tentando por o ammo slot, finger slot só quando ele aparece no inventario ele bug não se pode equipa o band of loss, pfv galera ajuda preciso dele para por o band of loss que e o aol no meu servidor
  8. Bom Galera, Primeiramente boa noite a todos... eu estou com uma grande dificuldade para resolver um problema dessa magia, Nesse Script contem 2 spells, Spells Free, e Spells Vip, Sendo que a spells free basta o player compra promotion que o player poderá usar a magia, e para o player pode ativar a magia VIP ele terá que usar um item determinado no script para a ativação ser feita. Bom... vamos ao que interessa, estou querendo trocar a opção de item por Premium, ou seja eu não quero que a magia vip funcione com o item, mais sim quando o player adquirir Premium Account, Estou pedindo socorro... por favor alguém me ajude pois meu server não online ainda pq eu não consegui modifica esse script. Aqui esta o Código do script. data\spells\scripts\attack\poison storm.lua local combat1 = createCombatObject() setCombatParam(combat1, COMBAT_PARAM_TYPE, COMBAT_POISONDAMAGE) setCombatParam(combat1, COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, 20) setCombatFormula(combat1, COMBAT_FORMULA_LEVELMAGIC, -1.9, -189, -2.1, -199) local combat2 = createCombatObject() setCombatParam(combat2, COMBAT_PARAM_TYPE, COMBAT_POISONDAMAGE) setCombatParam(combat2, COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, 8) setCombatFormula(combat2, COMBAT_FORMULA_LEVELMAGIC, -1.3, -183, -1.6, -195) local area1 = createCombatArea(AREA_CROSS5X5) setCombatArea(combat1, area1) local area2 = createCombatArea(AREA_CROSS5X5) setCombatArea(combat2, area2) local function onCastSpell1(parameters) doCombat(parameters.cid, parameters.combat1, parameters.var) end local function onCastSpell2(parameters) doCombat(parameters.cid, parameters.combat2, parameters.var) end function onCastSpell(cid, var) local parameters = { cid = cid, var = var, combat1 = combat1, combat2 = combat2 } -- Feito por Rique helm = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 1) if helm.itemid == 7903 then -- Close return doCombat(cid, combat1, var) else return doCombat(cid, combat2, var) end end no spells.xml ele esta assim. data\spells\spells.XML <instant name="Poison Storm" words="Exevo gran mas pox" lvl="10" mana="10" prem="0" exhaustion="1500" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/poison storm.lua"> <vocation name="Elder Druid"/> </instant>
  9. ta dando esse erro aqui no meu console [Warning - Monster::Monster] Unknown event name - Spawn (Todos Os Pokemons no data/monters está com o script SPAWN ) Não Sei Sé é Algum Script ou sources
  10. EAE GALERA, PRECISO DE AJUDA URGENTE!!!! Quando eu digito ./ no terminal, eu ganho essa merda de erro: autoreconf: Entering directory `.' autoreconf: not using Gettext autoreconf: running: aclocal --force autoreconf: tracing autoreconf: not using Libtool autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoheader --force autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing /usr/share/automake-1.11/am/ am__fastdepCC does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL /usr/share/automake-1.11/am/ The usual way to define `am__fastdepCC' is to add `AC_PROG_CC' /usr/share/automake-1.11/am/ to `' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again. C source seen but `CC' is undefined The usual way to define `CC' is to add `AC_PROG_CC' to `' and run `autoconf' again. variable `theforgottenserver_SOURCES' is defined but no program or library has `theforgottenserver' as canonical name (possible typo) variable `theforgottenserver_LDADD' is defined but no program or library has `theforgottenserver' as canonical name (possible typo) autoreconf: automake failed with exit status: 1 POR FAVOR ME AJUDEM, ESTOU USANDO UBUNTU 12.04
  11. Olha estou abrindo pelo meu vps Alguém?
  12. to com um error aqui no guildpoints.lua .. se alguem poder me ajudar Script :
  13. Olá Gente, queria a ajuda de vcs, meu surf.lua está dando erro, mas esse erro n aparece toda vez, ele só aparece quando eu ligo a distro e fico sem mexer em nada, ai aparece esse erro do nada sem eu logar no server. up
  14. Boa noite galerinha do XTibia gostaria de pedir a ajuda de vocês a quem entende de preferência, estou mexendo no meu otserver só que percebi que todos os npcs do meu server estão virados para o sul, por mais que você fale com ele depois do bye ele vira para o sul, alguem pode me ajudar?
  15. Quando Eu Crio Uma Conta Nova Da Um Erro . OBS : Mais Quando Eu Clico Em Minha Conta Aparece a Conta Normal @UP @UP @UP @UP @UP @UP
  16. Quando Eu Crio Uma Conta Nova Da Um Erro . OBS : Mais Quando Eu Clico Em Minha Conta Aparece a Conta Normal @UP
  17. estou com um problema, outro dia eu baixei um mapa "venore war 10.35" ai tá o problema. ele é 10.35 eu nao encontro nem um rme 10.35, eu ja baixei varios e em todos diz " unsupported version (8)" obs: todos que eu baixei tem a versão 10.35 na data, mas não encontro quando abro o rme.
  18. estou tendo esses erros quando tento compilar essas sources!ucsyQDjb!CVJNsUKalXC-TctmAIO5oFeB_OvzXojzF-SbZmrGWc4 eu sei que é por causa de minha versão do Qt ser superior ao que foi usado na programação original, porém não encontro instaladores da versão original e tbm não consigo converte-los para a versão q tenho que é a Qt 4.0.0
  19. Oi, me ajudem!! Tenho um servidor 8.60 com config "sha1" As contas do account manager não loga no site. Me ajudem por favor! OBS: quero deixar o account manager e o site.
  20. ea galera meu dbo e 8.0 mais tentei abrir o exe!! cuamndo carga o otbm map fala nao responde! e problema do mapa do meu server? dou reputacao!
  21. Olá pessoal, estou com um problema, quero que quem criar a acc ganha-se 3 dias de premdays, pois tenho area vip no servidor e uso xampp, o ot é 9.60 $config['site']['newaccount_premdays'] = 3; // how many days receive new account esta assim o config.php, alguem poderia me ajudar ou testar? site do ot agradeço desde já !
  22. macalo

    output.log erro

    alguém sabe resolver? [23/1/2016 9:34:50] mysql_real_query(): INSERT INTO `house_lists` (`house_id`, `world_id`, `listid`, `list`) VALUES (374, 0, 256, 'Gzuis') - MYSQL ERROR: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`god`.`house_lists`, CONSTRAINT `house_lists_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`house_id`, `world_id`) REFERENCES `houses` (`id`, `world_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) (1452) [23/1/2016 9:34:50] mysql_real_query(): INSERT INTO `house_lists` (`house_id`, `world_id`, `listid`, `list`) VALUES (407, 0, 257, 'lolas') - MYSQL ERROR: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`god`.`house_lists`, CONSTRAINT `house_lists_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`house_id`, `world_id`) REFERENCES `houses` (`id`, `world_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) (1452) [23/1/2016 9:34:50] mysql_real_query(): INSERT INTO `house_data` (`house_id`, `world_id`, `data`) VALUES (369, 0, '°\0&\0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionG\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #369\'. Dyos Dbronks owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0±\0%\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0±\0&\0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0µ\0%\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0µ\0&\0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0¶\0&\0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionG\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #369\'. Dyos Dbronks owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0°\0(\0\0\0\0À\0\0descriptionG\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #369\'. Dyos Dbronks owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0°\0)\0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionG\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #369\'. Dyos Dbronks owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0²\0*\0\0\0\0$€\0\0descriptionG\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #369\'. Dyos Dbronks owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0µ\0*\0\0\0\0$€\0\0descriptionG\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #369\'. Dyos Dbronks owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0¶\0)\0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionG\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #369\'. Dyos Dbronks owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0'),(370, 0, '±\0\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0µ\0\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0°\0 \0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionA\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #370\'. Blayde owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0°\0\"\0\0\0\0Ä€\0\0descriptionA\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #370\'. Blayde owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0°\0#\0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionA\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #370\'. Blayde owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0±\0 \0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0²\0\"\0\0\0\0W\n\0³\0 \0\0\0\0™ \0³\0!\0\0\0\0Ÿ \0³\0\"\0\0\0\0W\n\0µ\0 \0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0¶\0 \0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionA\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #370\'. Blayde owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0¶\0#\0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionA\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #370\'. Blayde owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0'),(371, 0, '°\0\Z\0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionD\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #371\'. Fodastiko owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0±\0\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0±\0\Z\0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0±\0\0\0\0\0½ \0pd\0²\0\0\0\0\0$€\0\0descriptionD\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #371\'. Fodastiko owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0²\0\0\0\0\0Ç\"\0pd\0m\0²\0\Z\0\0\0\0½ \0pd\0m\0²\0\0\0\0\0¾ \0pd\0m\0³\0\0\0\0\0· \0¸ \0z\0p2\0m\0³\0\Z\0\0\0\0½ \0pd\0V \0m\0³\0\0\0\0\0¾ \0pI\0m\0´\0\0\0\0\0Ç\"\0¥\0pd\0m\0´\0\Z\0\0\0\0½ \0pd\0m\0´\0\0\0\0\0¾ \0pd\0µ\0\0\0\0\0$€\0\0descriptionD\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #371\'. Fodastiko owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0µ\0\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0µ\0\Z\0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0µ\0\0\0\0\0½ \0pd\0¶\0\Z\0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionD\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #371\'. Fodastiko owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0°\0\0\0\0\0À\0\0descriptionD\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #371\'. Fodastiko owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0°\0\0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionD\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #371\'. Fodastiko owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0±\0\0\0\0\0¨ \0pd\0²\0\0\0\0\0¿ \0pd\0²\0\0\0\0\0U\n\0pd\0³\0\0\0\0\0¥ \0pd\0³\0\0\0\0\0%\'\0pd\0´\0\0\0\0\0Ö\0p<\0´\0\0\0\0\0U\n\0pd\0µ\0\0\0\0\0¨ \0pd\0µ\0\0\0\0\0Ö\0p2\0¶\0\0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionD\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #371\'. Fodastiko owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0'),(372, 0, '°\0&\0\0\0\0Ä€\0\0description>\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #372\'. Poi owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0°\0\'\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description>\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #372\'. Poi owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0¶\0&\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description>\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #372\'. Poi owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0°\0)\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description>\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #372\'. Poi owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0±\0(\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0±\0)\0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0²\0*\0\0\0\0$€\0\0description>\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #372\'. Poi owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0µ\0(\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0µ\0)\0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0µ\0*\0\0\0\0$€\0\0description>\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #372\'. Poi owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0¶\0)\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description>\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #372\'. Poi owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0'),(373, 0, '±\0\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0²\0\0\0\0\0º\"\0m\0p2\0m\0³\0\0\0\0\0p2\0ä\0m\0´\0\0\0\0\0p2\0m\0µ\0\0\0\0\0â€\0\0description!\0\0\0Chapelero Loko is sleeping there.\n\0sleepstartí_”Vä\0\0\0°\0\"\0\0\0\0Ä€\0\0descriptionE\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #373\'. Mage Frits owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0±\0 \0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0±\0\"\0\0\0\0Ø \0&\'\00\"\0±\0#\0\0\0\0¥ \0%\0d\0²\0 \0\0\0\0É\"\0â\"\09 \0d\0²\0!\0\0\0\0½ \0\0²\0\"\0\0\0\0²\"\0¥ \0™\"\0²\0#\0\0\0\0p2\0m\0Ç\"\0³\0 \0\0\0\0½ \0_\0³\0!\0\0\0\0¨ \0Å\"\0³\0\"\0\0\0\0¦ \0ƒ\0³\0#\0\0\0\0p2\0ô\0m\0´\0 \0\0\0\0`\n\0ù\0”\"\0d\0´\0!\0\0\0\0Ò \0È\0´\0\"\0\0\0\0€ \0\0d\0´\0#\0\0\0\0p2\0m\0µ\0 \0\0\0\0ã€\0\0description!\0\0\0Chapelero Loko is sleeping there.\n\0sleepstartí_”Vä\0\0\0µ\0!\0\0\0\0¿ \0B\0¥\0µ\0\"\0\0\0\0¨ \0Í&\0µ\0#\0\0\0\0Ÿ\0¶\0 \0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionE\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #373\'. Mage Frits owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0¶\0#\0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionE\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #373\'. Mage Frits owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0'),(374, 0, '°\0\Z\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description@\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #374\'. Tpain owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0±\0\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0±\0\Z\0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0²\0\0\0\0\0$€\0\0description@\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #374\'. Tpain owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0²\0\0\0\0\0™\"\0Å\0Ä\0²\0\Z\0\0\0\0%\0²\0\0\0\0\0i1€\0\0aid*\0\0\0description8\0\0\0This item was purchased at the shop by the player Tpain.\0³\0\0\0\0\0= \0\0\0\0\0³\0\0\0\0\0ð\0´\0\0\0\0\09 \0´\0\Z\0\0\0\0Ÿ\0´\0\0\0\0\0²\"\0µ\0\0\0\0\0$€\0\0description@\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #374\'. Tpain owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0µ\0\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0µ\0\Z\0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0µ\0\0\0\0\0ó&\0¶\0\Z\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description@\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #374\'. Tpain owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0°\0\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description@\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #374\'. 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Dyos Dbronks owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0'),(370, 0, '±\0\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0µ\0\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0°\0 \0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionA\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #370\'. Blayde owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0°\0\"\0\0\0\0Ä€\0\0descriptionA\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #370\'. Blayde owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0°\0#\0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionA\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #370\'. Blayde owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0±\0 \0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0²\0\"\0\0\0\0W\n\0³\0 \0\0\0\0™ \0³\0!\0\0\0\0Ÿ \0³\0\"\0\0\0\0W\n\0µ\0 \0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0¶\0 \0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionA\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #370\'. Blayde owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0¶\0#\0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionA\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #370\'. Blayde owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0'),(371, 0, '°\0\Z\0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionD\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #371\'. Fodastiko owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0±\0\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0±\0\Z\0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0±\0\0\0\0\0½ \0pd\0²\0\0\0\0\0$€\0\0descriptionD\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #371\'. Fodastiko owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0²\0\0\0\0\0Ç\"\0pd\0m\0²\0\Z\0\0\0\0½ \0pd\0m\0²\0\0\0\0\0¾ \0pd\0m\0³\0\0\0\0\0· \0¸ \0z\0p2\0m\0³\0\Z\0\0\0\0½ \0pd\0V \0m\0³\0\0\0\0\0¾ \0pI\0m\0´\0\0\0\0\0Ç\"\0¥\0pd\0m\0´\0\Z\0\0\0\0½ \0pd\0m\0´\0\0\0\0\0¾ \0pd\0µ\0\0\0\0\0$€\0\0descriptionD\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #371\'. 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Poi owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0°\0\'\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description>\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #372\'. Poi owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0¶\0&\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description>\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #372\'. Poi owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0°\0)\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description>\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #372\'. Poi owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0±\0(\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0±\0)\0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0²\0*\0\0\0\0$€\0\0description>\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #372\'. Poi owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0µ\0(\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0µ\0)\0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0µ\0*\0\0\0\0$€\0\0description>\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #372\'. Poi owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0¶\0)\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description>\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #372\'. Poi owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0'),(373, 0, '±\0\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0²\0\0\0\0\0º\"\0m\0p2\0m\0³\0\0\0\0\0p2\0ä\0m\0´\0\0\0\0\0p2\0m\0µ\0\0\0\0\0â€\0\0description!\0\0\0Chapelero Loko is sleeping there.\n\0sleepstartí_”Vä\0\0\0°\0\"\0\0\0\0Ä€\0\0descriptionE\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #373\'. 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Dyos Dbronks owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0'),(370, 0, '±\0\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0µ\0\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0°\0 \0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionA\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #370\'. Blayde owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0°\0\"\0\0\0\0Ä€\0\0descriptionA\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #370\'. Blayde owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0°\0#\0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionA\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #370\'. Blayde owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0±\0 \0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0²\0\"\0\0\0\0W\n\0³\0 \0\0\0\0™ \0³\0!\0\0\0\0Ÿ \0³\0\"\0\0\0\0W\n\0µ\0 \0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0¶\0 \0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionA\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #370\'. Blayde owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0¶\0#\0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionA\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #370\'. Blayde owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0'),(371, 0, '°\0\Z\0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionD\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #371\'. Fodastiko owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0±\0\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0±\0\Z\0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0±\0\0\0\0\0½ \0pd\0²\0\0\0\0\0$€\0\0descriptionD\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #371\'. Fodastiko owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0²\0\0\0\0\0Ç\"\0pd\0m\0²\0\Z\0\0\0\0½ \0pd\0m\0²\0\0\0\0\0¾ \0pd\0m\0³\0\0\0\0\0· \0¸ \0z\0p2\0m\0³\0\Z\0\0\0\0½ \0pd\0V \0m\0³\0\0\0\0\0¾ \0pI\0m\0´\0\0\0\0\0Ç\"\0¥\0pd\0m\0´\0\Z\0\0\0\0½ \0pd\0m\0´\0\0\0\0\0¾ \0pd\0µ\0\0\0\0\0$€\0\0descriptionD\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #371\'. Fodastiko owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0µ\0\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0µ\0\Z\0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0µ\0\0\0\0\0½ \0pd\0¶\0\Z\0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionD\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #371\'. Fodastiko owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0°\0\0\0\0\0À\0\0descriptionD\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #371\'. Fodastiko owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0°\0\0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionD\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #371\'. Fodastiko owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0±\0\0\0\0\0¨ \0pd\0²\0\0\0\0\0¿ \0pd\0²\0\0\0\0\0U\n\0pd\0³\0\0\0\0\0¥ \0pd\0³\0\0\0\0\0%\'\0pd\0´\0\0\0\0\0Ö\0p<\0´\0\0\0\0\0U\n\0pd\0µ\0\0\0\0\0¨ \0pd\0µ\0\0\0\0\0Ö\0p2\0¶\0\0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionD\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #371\'. Fodastiko owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0'),(372, 0, '°\0&\0\0\0\0Ä€\0\0description>\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #372\'. Poi owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0°\0\'\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description>\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #372\'. Poi owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0¶\0&\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description>\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #372\'. Poi owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0°\0)\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description>\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #372\'. Poi owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0±\0(\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0±\0)\0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0²\0*\0\0\0\0$€\0\0description>\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #372\'. Poi owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0µ\0(\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0µ\0)\0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0µ\0*\0\0\0\0$€\0\0description>\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #372\'. Poi owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0¶\0)\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description>\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #372\'. Poi owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0'),(373, 0, '±\0\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0²\0\0\0\0\0º\"\0m\0p2\0m\0³\0\0\0\0\0p2\0ä\0m\0´\0\0\0\0\0p2\0m\0µ\0\0\0\0\0â€\0\0description!\0\0\0Chapelero Loko is sleeping there.\n\0sleepstartí_”Vä\0\0\0°\0\"\0\0\0\0Ä€\0\0descriptionE\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #373\'. Mage Frits owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0±\0 \0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0±\0\"\0\0\0\0Ø \0&\'\00\"\0±\0#\0\0\0\0¥ \0%\0d\0²\0 \0\0\0\0É\"\0â\"\09 \0d\0²\0!\0\0\0\0½ \0\0²\0\"\0\0\0\0²\"\0¥ \0™\"\0²\0#\0\0\0\0p2\0m\0Ç\"\0³\0 \0\0\0\0½ \0_\0³\0!\0\0\0\0¨ \0Å\"\0³\0\"\0\0\0\0¦ \0ƒ\0³\0#\0\0\0\0p2\0ô\0m\0´\0 \0\0\0\0`\n\0ù\0”\"\0d\0´\0!\0\0\0\0Ò \0È\0´\0\"\0\0\0\0€ \0\0d\0´\0#\0\0\0\0p2\0m\0µ\0 \0\0\0\0ã€\0\0description!\0\0\0Chapelero Loko is sleeping there.\n\0sleepstartí_”Vä\0\0\0µ\0!\0\0\0\0¿ \0B\0¥\0µ\0\"\0\0\0\0¨ \0Í&\0µ\0#\0\0\0\0Ÿ\0¶\0 \0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionE\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #373\'. Mage Frits owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0¶\0#\0\0\0\0%€\0\0descriptionE\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #373\'. Mage Frits owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0'),(374, 0, '°\0\Z\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description@\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #374\'. Tpain owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0±\0\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0±\0\Z\0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0²\0\0\0\0\0$€\0\0description@\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #374\'. Tpain owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0²\0\0\0\0\0™\"\0Å\0Ä\0²\0\Z\0\0\0\0%\0²\0\0\0\0\0i1€\0\0aid*\0\0\0description8\0\0\0This item was purchased at the shop by the player Tpain.\0³\0\0\0\0\0= \0\0\0\0\0³\0\0\0\0\0ð\0´\0\0\0\0\09 \0´\0\Z\0\0\0\0Ÿ\0´\0\0\0\0\0²\"\0µ\0\0\0\0\0$€\0\0description@\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #374\'. Tpain owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0µ\0\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0µ\0\Z\0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0µ\0\0\0\0\0ó&\0¶\0\Z\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description@\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #374\'. Tpain owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0°\0\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description@\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #374\'. Tpain owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0°\0\0\0\0\0Ä€\0\0description@\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #374\'. Tpain owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0²\0\0\0\0\0V \0³\0\0\0\0\0ù\0´\0\0\0\0\0Ö\0´\0\0\0\0\0Í&\0µ\0\0\0\0\0\0¶\0\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description@\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #374\'. Tpain owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0'),(375, 0, 'Á\0\'\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description?\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #375\'. Uaix owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0Â\0%\0\0\0\0Ú€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0Â\0&\0\0\0\0Û€\0\0description\0\0\0Nobody is sleeping there.\0Ç\0\'\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description?\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #375\'. Uaix owns this house.\0doorid \0\0\0\0Á\0)\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description?\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #375\'. Uaix owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0Â\0+\0\0\0\0$€\0\0description?\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #375\'. Uaix owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0Ä\0+\0\0\0\0$€\0\0description?\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #375\'. Uaix owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0Æ\0+\0\0\0\0$€\0\0description?\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #375\'. Uaix owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0Ç\0)\0\0\0\0À\0\0description?\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #375\'. Uaix owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0Ç\0*\0\0\0\0%€\0\0description?\0\0\0It belongs to house \'Unnamed House #375\'. Uaix owns this house.\0doorid\0\0\0\0') - MYSQL ERROR: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`god`.`house_data`, CONSTRAINT `house_data_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`house_id`, `world_id`) REFERENCES `houses` (`id`, `world_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) (1452) [
  23. Galera creio que esta seja a area correta coso contrario por favor mova-a para mim... seguinte fui compilar minhas sources e me deparei com o seguinte erro.. gostaria de saber oque fazer para resolver este problema e enfim poder compilar a danada rsrsrs;.... aguardo uma ajuda..
  24. macalo

    erro no script

    [Error - CreatureScript Interface] data/creaturescripts/scripts/staminafiller.lua:onAttack Description: data/creaturescripts/scripts/staminafiller.lua:7: attempt to perform arithmetic on a string value stack traceback: data/creaturescripts/scripts/staminafiller.lua:7: in function <data/creaturescripts/scripts/staminafiller.lua:1> function onAttack(cid, target) local storage = 193879834 local tempo = 1*60 ----(1 minuto) local minutes = 5 if isMonster(target) and getCreatureName(target):lower() == 'training monk' then doPlayerSetStorageValue(cid, storage, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage)+1) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage) >= tempo then doPlayerAddStamina(cid, minutes) doPlayerSetStorageValue(cid, storage, 0) end end return true end
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