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  1. fala galera é o seguinte tem um bau na minha quest tem gente q consegue pegar o item outros não, como resolver ???? o script é esse ou qualquer coisa como faço um novo script pra esse bau local specialQuests = { [2001] = 30015 --Annihilator } local questsExperience = { [30015] = 10000 } function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) if(getPlayerCustomFlagValue(cid, PlayerCustomFlag_GamemasterPrivileges)) then doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_POFF, cid) return true end local storage = specialQuests[item.actionid] if(not storage) then storage = item.uid if(storage > 65535) then return false end end if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage) > 0) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "It is empty.") return true end local items = {} local reward = 0 local size = isContainer(item.uid) and getContainerSize(item.uid) or 0 if(size == 0) then reward = doCopyItem(item, false) else for i = 0, size do local tmp = getContainerItem(item.uid, i) if(tmp.itemid > 0) then table.insert(items, tmp) end end end size = table.maxn(items) if(size == 1) then reward = doCopyItem(items[1], true) end local result = "" if(reward ~= 0) then local ret = getItemDescriptions(reward.uid) if(reward.type > 0 and isItemRune(reward.itemid)) then result = reward.type .. " charges " .. elseif(reward.type > 0 and isItemStackable(reward.itemid)) then result = reward.type .. " " .. ret.plural else result = ret.article .. " " .. end else if(size > 20) then reward = doCopyItem(item, false) elseif(size > then reward = getThing(doCreateItemEx(1988, 1)) else reward = getThing(doCreateItemEx(1987, 1)) end for i = 1, size do local tmp = doCopyItem(items, true) if(doAddContainerItemEx(reward.uid, tmp.uid) ~= RETURNVALUE_NOERROR) then print("[Warning] QuestSystem:", "Could not add quest reward") else local ret = ", " if(i == 2) then ret = " and " elseif(i == 1) then ret = "" end result = result .. ret ret = getItemDescriptions(tmp.uid) if(tmp.type > 0 and isItemRune(tmp.itemid)) then result = result .. tmp.type .. " charges " .. elseif(tmp.type > 0 and isItemStackable(tmp.itemid)) then result = result .. tmp.type .. " " .. ret.plural else result = result .. ret.article .. " " .. end end end end if(doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, reward.uid, false) ~= RETURNVALUE_NOERROR) then result = "You have found a reward weighing " .. getItemWeight(reward.uid) .. " oz. It is too heavy or you have not enough space." else result = "You have found " .. result .. "." setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage, 1) if(questsExperience[storage] ~= nil) then doPlayerAddExp(cid, questsExperience[storage]) doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid), questsExperience[storage], TEXTCOLOR_WHITE) end end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, result) return true end
  2. Estou tendo um problema estou adicionando o systema de addons no meu server e estou adicionando tudo certinho em actions e itens.xml Quando fui testa um addons pra ve se deu certo! Deu este bug e no jogo fala como se o item nao tive-se ele ja foi adicionado certinho no cliente! BUG
  3. Bom, não achei onde postar! Se estiver na área errada mova por favor! bom adaptei uma source para meu servidor... está tudo ok inicia normal, aparece que está online e etc... só que inicia com 1 único erro na distro [Error - CreatureEvent::configureEvent] No valid type for creature event.actionchannel perguntei à um amigo meu e ele disse que tem que adicionar uma função na source em creature event mas ele n tem tempo para adicionar para mim! alguém poderia me dar uma ajuda?
  4. Bem, eu gostaria de um piso que teletransportasse a pessoa (se tivesse lvl 100) E uma action que se o player clicasse numa arvore ele tbm se teletransportava (se tiver lvl 100) Obrigado desde já!! Rep ++
  5. function onKill(cid, target, lastHit)config = {NickBoss = "Ferumbras",StoragePorta = 666}if isMonster(target) then if getCreatureName(target) == config.NickBoss then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.StoragePorta, 1) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 18, "'You defeated you can open the door.") return true endendreturn trueend Action da porta function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)if item.actionid == 666 thenif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 666) ~= 1 thenreturn doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "The door seems to be sealed against unwanted intruders.")endreturn trueend
  6. GENTE , ESTOU COM ESSE ERRO GRAVE, NUNCA VI ESSE ERRO EM MINHA VIDA. ( EU MIGREI DO POKEDASH PARA OUTRO E COMEÇOU DAR ESSE BUG) AJUDA AE PESSOAL DA XTIBIA@@#3@@!! [14/04/2016 08:47:41] [Error - Action Interface] [14/04/2016 08:47:41] In a timer event called from: [14/04/2016 08:47:41] data/actions/scripts/catch.lua:onUse [14/04/2016 08:47:41] Description: [14/04/2016 08:47:41] data/lib/catch system.lua:401: attempt to index local 'arq' (a nil value) [14/04/2016 08:47:41] stack traceback: [14/04/2016 08:47:41] data/lib/catch system.lua:401: in function 'doIncreaseStatistics' [14/04/2016 08:47:41] data/lib/catch system.lua:237: in function <data/lib/catch system.lua:154>
  7. Olá Primeiro Criar 1 arquivo com nome nome_do_arquivo.luaem servido/data/talkactions/scriptcomo funcionar como configuraradditem = 2159, addquantidade = 100, --- quantidade quer vai ser adicionador ---- additem será id do item quer vai ser adicionadorremoveitem = 2160, removequantidade = 100, --- remove item id do item quer vai ser removido ---- removequantidade quantidade quer vai ser removido do item quer precisarsó isso script: tag:
  8. Olá amigos, Estou com um grande problema e não achei nada parecido aqui no TK. Segue o exemplo da imagem, o player vai ter um tp no templo e outro na quest, quando ele passar pelo tp1 ele vai ser teleportado para o X na direita do player salvando a sua posição de checkpoint, ao passar pelo tp2 ele irá ser teleportado para o X que será sua posição de checkpoint, o tp2 se encontrará no templo. Consistência: *só pode salvar uma vez, se ele entrar em outro checkpoint ele resetará sua posição para a ultima; *se não houver checkpoint, o player receberá uma mensagem de que não há checkpoint; *em cada tp ao teleportar o player recebe uma mensagem, com qualquer efeito, só pra saber como é o código do efeito;
  9. crazyboy


    Ola boa tarde, eu fiz um evento para meu servidor, é tipo um castelo para guilds, puxa alavanca e ganha acesso a uma area de teleports exclusivos, ate aqui tud a funcionar correcto, só estou com um problema, tipo quando outra guild conquista o castelo os que estavam a upar na área do castelo não são teleportados para o templo, alguém me pode ajudar nisso? Tipo outra guild conquista o castelo, quem estava la a upar sera teleportado de imediato para o templo. alguém me pode ajudar? Alguem pode ajudar?
  10. Olá, xTibianos. Hoje lhes trago mais uma lista de funções. Dessa vez é do TFS 1.1. Source functions - Funções da source addDamageCondition(condition, rounds, time, value) addEvent(callback, delay, ...) addOutfitCondition(condition, lookTypeEx, lookType, lookHead, lookBody, lookLegs, lookFeet) addOutfitCondition(condition, lookTypeEx, lookType, lookHead, lookBody, lookLegs, lookFeet[, lookAddons, lookMount]) canJoin(player) cleanMap() closeShopWindow(cid) Combat() combat:execute(creature, variant) combat:setArea(area) combat:setCallback(key, function) combat:setCondition(condition) combat:setFormula(type, mina, minb, maxa, maxb) combat:setOrigin(origin) combat:setParameter(key, value) Condition(conditionType[, conditionId = CONDITIONID_COMBAT]) condition:addDamage(rounds, time, value) condition:clone() condition:delete() condition:getEndTime() condition:getIcons() condition:getId() condition:getSubId() condition:getTicks() condition:getType() condition:setFormula(mina, minb, maxa, maxb) condition:setOutfit(lookTypeEx, lookType, lookHead, lookBody, lookLegs, lookFeet[, lookAddons[, lookMount]]) condition:setOutfit(outfit) condition:setParameter(key, value) condition:setTicks(ticks) Container(uid) container:addItem(itemId[, count/subType = 1[, index = INDEX_WHEREEVER[, flags = 0]]]) container:addItemEx(item[, index = INDEX_WHEREEVER[, flags = 0]]) container:getCapacity() container:getEmptySlots([recursive = false]) container:getItem(index) container:getItemCountById(itemId[, subType = -1]) container:getItemHoldingCount() container:getSize() container:hasItem(item) createCombatArea( {area}, <optional> {extArea} ) createCombatObject() createConditionObject(type) Creature(id or name or userdata) creature:addCondition(condition[, force = false]) creature:addHealth(healthChange) creature:addMana(manaChange[, animationOnLoss = false]) creature:canSee(position) creature:canSeeCreature(creature) creature:changeSpeed(delta) creature:getBaseSpeed() creature:getCondition(conditionType[, conditionId = CONDITIONID_COMBAT[, subId = 0]]) creature:getDamageMap() creature:getDescription(distance) creature:getDirection() creature:getFollowCreature() creature:getHealth() creature:getId() creature:getLight() creature:getMana() creature:getMaster() creature:getMaxHealth() creature:getMaxMana() creature:getName() creature:getOutfit() creature:getParent() creature:getPathTo(pos[, minTargetDist = 0[, maxTargetDist = 1[, fullPathSearch = true[, clearSight = true[, maxSearchDist = 0]]]]]) creature:getPosition() creature:getSkull() creature:getSpeed() creature:getSummons() creature:getTarget() creature:getTile() creature:isCreature() creature:isHealthHidden() creature:isInGhostMode() creature:isRemoved() Creature:onAreaCombat(tile, aggressive) or Creature.onAreaCombat(self, tile, aggressive) Creature:onChangeOutfit(outfit) or Creature.onChangeOutfit(self, outfit) Creature:onTargetCombat(target) or Creature.onTargetCombat(self, target) creature:registerEvent(name) creature:remove() creature:removeCondition(conditionType[, conditionId = CONDITIONID_COMBAT[, subId = 0[, force = false]]]) creature:say(text, type[, ghost = false[, target = nullptr[, position]]]) creature:setDirection(direction) creature:setDropLoot(doDrop) creature:setFollowCreature(followedCreature) creature:setHiddenHealth(hide) creature:setLight(color, level) creature:setMaster(master) creature:setMaxHealth(maxHealth) creature:setOutfit(outfit) creature:setSkull(skull) creature:setTarget(target) creature:teleportTo(position[, pushMovement = false]) creature:unregisterEvent(name) debugPrint(text) doAddContainerItem(uid, itemid, <optional> count/subtype) doAreaCombatCondition(cid, pos, area, condition, effect) doAreaCombatDispel(cid, pos, area, type, effect) doAreaCombatHealth(cid, type, pos, area, min, max, effect) doAreaCombatHealth(cid, type, pos, area, min, max, effect[, origin = ORIGIN_SPELL]) doAreaCombatMana(cid, pos, area, min, max, effect) doAreaCombatMana(cid, pos, area, min, max, effect[, origin = ORIGIN_SPELL]) doChallengeCreature(cid, target) doCombat(cid, combat, param) doCreateItem(itemid, <optional> type/count, pos) doCreateItem(itemid, type/count, pos) doCreateItemEx(itemid, <optional> count/subtype) doMoveCreature(cid, direction) doNpcSetCreatureFocus(cid) doPlayerAddItem(cid, itemid, <optional: default: 1> count, <optional: default: 1> canDropOnMap, <optional: default: 1>subtype) doPlayerAddItem(cid, itemid, <optional: default: 1> count/subtype, <optional: default: 1> canDropOnMap) doPlayerAddItem(uid, itemid, <optional: default: 1> count/subtype) doPlayerSetOfflineTrainingSkill(cid, skill) doPlayerSetOfflineTrainingSkill(cid, skillid) doSellItem(cid, itemid, amount, <optional> subtype, <optional> actionid, <optional: default: 1> canDropOnMap) doSetCreatureLight(cid, lightLevel, lightColor, time) doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, outfit, time) doSetItemOutfit(cid, item, time) doSetMonsterOutfit(cid, name, time) doTargetCombatCondition(cid, target, condition, effect) doTargetCombatDispel(cid, target, type, effect) doTargetCombatHealth(cid, target, type, min, max, effect) doTargetCombatHealth(cid, target, type, min, max, effect[, origin = ORIGIN_SPELL]) doTargetCombatMana(cid, target, min, max, effect) doTargetCombatMana(cid, target, min, max, effect[, origin = ORIGIN_SPELL) doTileAddItemEx(pos, uid) Game.createContainer(itemId, size[, position]) Game.createItem(itemId[, count[, position]]) Game.createMonster(monsterName, position[, extended = false[, force = false]]) Game.createNpc(npcName, position[, extended = false[, force = false]]) Game.createTile(position[, isDynamic = false]) Game.createTile(x, y, z[, isDynamic = false]) Game.getExperienceStage(level) Game.getGameState() Game.getHouses() Game.getMonsterCount() Game.getNpcCount() Game.getPlayerCount() Game.getPlayers() Game.getReturnMessage(value) Game.getSpectators(position[, multifloor = false[, onlyPlayer = false[, minRangeX = 0[, maxRangeX = 0[, minRangeY = 0[, maxRangeY = 0]]]]]]) Game.getTowns() Game.getWorldType() Game.loadMap(path) Game.setGameState(state) Game.setWorldType(type) Game.startRaid(raidName) getCreatureCondition(cid, condition[, subId]) getDepotId(uid) getDistanceTo(uid) getNpcCid() getNpcParameter(paramKey) getPlayerFlagValue(cid, flag) getPlayerInstantSpellCount(cid) getPlayerInstantSpellInfo(cid, index) getWaypointPosition(name) getWaypointPositionByName(name) getWorldLight() getWorldTime() getWorldUpTime() Group(id) group:getAccess() group:getFlags() group:getId() group:getMaxDepotItems() group:getMaxVipEntries() group:getName() Guild(id) guild:addMember(player) guild:addRank(id, name, level) guild:getId() guild:getMembersOnline() guild:getMotd() guild:getName() guild:getRankById(id) guild:getRankByLevel(level) guild:removeMember(player) guild:setMotd(motd) House(id) house:getAccessList(listId) house:getBedCount() house:getBeds() house:getDoorCount() house:getDoors() house:getExitPosition() house:getId() house:getName() house:getOwnerGuid() house:getRent() house:getTileCount() house:getTiles() house:getTown() house:setAccessList(listId, list) house:setOwnerGuid(guid[, updateDatabase = true]) isDepot(uid) isInArray(array, value) isInWar(cid, target) isMovable(uid) isMoveable(uid) isType(derived, base) isValidUID(uid) Item(uid) item:clone() item:decay() item:getActionId() item:getArticle() item:getAttribute(key) item:getCharges() item:getCount() item:getDescription(distance) item:getFluidType() item:getId() item:getName() item:getParent() item:getPluralName() item:getPosition() item:getSubType() item:getTile() item:getTopParent() item:getUniqueId() item:getWeight() item:hasAttribute(key) item:hasProperty(property) item:isItem() item:moveTo(position or cylinder) item:remove([count = -1]) item:removeAttribute(key) item:setActionId(actionId) item:setAttribute(key, value) item:split([count = 1]) item:transform(itemId[, count/subType = -1]) ItemType(id or name) itemType:getArmor() itemType:getArticle() itemType:getAttack() itemType:getCapacity() itemType:getCharges() itemType:getClientId() itemType:getDecayId() itemType:getDefense() itemType:getDescription() itemType:getElementDamage() itemType:getElementType() itemType:getExtraDefense() itemType:getFluidSource() itemType:getHitChance() itemType:getId() itemType:getName() itemType:getPluralName() itemType:getRequiredLevel() itemType:getShootRange() itemType:getSlotPosition() itemType:getTransformDeEquipId() itemType:getTransformEquipId() itemType:getType() itemType:getWeaponType() itemType:getWeight([count = 1]) itemType:hasSubType() itemType:isContainer() itemType:isCorpse() itemType:isDoor() itemType:isFluidContainer() itemType:isMovable() itemType:isReadable() itemType:isRune() itemType:isStackable() itemType:isWritable() ModalWindow(id, title, message) modalWindow:addButton(id, text) modalWindow:addChoice(id, text) modalWindow:getButtonCount() modalWindow:getChoiceCount() modalWindow:getDefaultEnterButton() modalWindow:getDefaultEscapeButton() modalWindow:getId() modalWindow:getMessage() modalWindow:getTitle() modalWindow:hasPriority() modalWindow:sendToPlayer(player) modalWindow:setDefaultEnterButton(buttonId) modalWindow:setDefaultEscapeButton(buttonId) modalWindow:setMessage(text) modalWindow:setPriority(priority) modalWindow:setTitle(text) Monster(id or userdata) monster:addFriend(creature) monster:addTarget(creature[, pushFront = false]) monster:getFriendCount() monster:getFriendList() monster:getSpawnPosition() monster:getTargetCount() monster:getTargetList() monster:getType() monster:isFriend(creature) monster:isIdle() monster:isInSpawnRange([position]) monster:isMonster() monster:isOpponent(creature) monster:isTarget(creature) monster:removeFriend(creature) monster:removeTarget(creature) monster:searchTarget([searchType = TARGETSEARCH_DEFAULT]) monster:selectTarget(creature) monster:setIdle(idle) MonsterType(id or name) monsterType:canPushCreatures() monsterType:canPushItems() monsterType:getArmor() monsterType:getAttackList() monsterType:getBaseSpeed() monsterType:getChangeTargetChance() monsterType:getChangeTargetSpeed() monsterType:getCombatImmunities() monsterType:getConditionImmunities() monsterType:getCorpseId() monsterType:getCreatureEvents() monsterType:getDefense() monsterType:getDefenseList() monsterType:getElementList() monsterType:getExperience() monsterType:getHealth() monsterType:getLight() monsterType:getLoot() monsterType:getManaCost() monsterType:getMaxHealth() monsterType:getMaxSummons() monsterType:getName() monsterType:getNameDescription() monsterType:getOutfit() monsterType:getRace() monsterType:getRunHealth() monsterType:getStaticAttackChance() monsterType:getSummonList() monsterType:getTargetDistance() monsterType:getVoices() monsterType:getYellChance() monsterType:getYellSpeedTicks() monsterType:isAttackable() monsterType:isConvinceable() monsterType:isHealthShown() monsterType:isHostile() monsterType:isIllusionable() monsterType:isPushable() monsterType:isSummonable() NetworkMessage() networkMessage:addByte(number) networkMessage:addDouble(number) networkMessage:addItem(item) networkMessage:addItemId(itemId) networkMessage:addPosition(position) networkMessage:addString(string) networkMessage:addU16(number) networkMessage:addU32(number) networkMessage:addU64(number) networkMessage:getByte() networkMessage:getPosition() networkMessage:getString() networkMessage:getU16() networkMessage:getU32() networkMessage:getU64() networkMessage:reset() networkMessage:sendToPlayer(player) networkMessage:skipBytes(number) Npc([id or name or userdata]) npc:closeShopWindow(player) npc:getParameter(key) npc:getSpeechBubble() npc:isNpc() npc:openShopWindow(cid, items, buyCallback, sellCallback) npc:setFocus(creature) npc:setMasterPos(pos[, radius]) npc:setSpeechBubble(speechBubble) onaddItem(moveitem, tileitem, pos) onAdvance(player, skill, oldLevel, newLevel) onBuy(player, itemid, count, amount, ignore, inbackpacks) onCastSpell(creature, var) onCastSpell(creature, var, isHotkey) onCreatureAppear(creature) onCreatureAppear(self, creature) onCreatureDisappear(creature) onCreatureDisappear(self, creature) onCreatureMove(creature, oldPos, newPos) onCreatureMove(self, creature, oldPosition, newPosition) onCreatureSay(creature, type, msg) onCreatureSay(self, creature, type, message) onDeath(creature, corpse, lasthitkiller, mostdamagekiller, lasthitunjustified, mostdamageunjustified) onDeEquip(player, item, slot) onEquip(player, item, slot) onExtendedOpcode(player, opcode, buffer) onGetPlayerMinMaxValues(...) onGetPlayerMinMaxValues(player, attackSkill, attackValue, attackFactor) onGetPlayerMinMaxValues(player, level, maglevel) onHealthChange(creature, attacker, primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType, origin) onJoin(player) onKill(creature, target) onLeave(player) onLogin(player) onLogout(player) onManaChange(creature, attacker, manaChange, origin) onModalWindow(player, modalWindowId, buttonId, choiceId) onPlayerCloseChannel(player) onPlayerEndTrade(player) onPrepareDeath(creature, killer) onRaid() onRecord(current, old) onRemoveItem(moveitem, tileitem, pos) onSay(player, words, param, type) onSpeak(player, type, message) onStepIn(creature, item, pos, fromPosition) onStepOut(creature, item, pos, fromPosition) onTargetCombat(creature, target) onTextEdit(player, item, text) onThink() onThink(creature, interval) onThink(self, interval) onTileCombat(creature, pos) onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey) onUseWeapon(player, var) openShopWindow(cid, items, onBuy callback, onSell callback) os.mtime() party:addInvite(player) party:addMember(player) party:disband() party:getInviteeCount() party:getInvitees() party:getLeader() party:getMemberCount() party:getMembers() party:isSharedExperienceActive() party:isSharedExperienceEnabled() Party:onDisband() or Party.onDisband(self) Party:onJoin(player) or Party.onJoin(self, player) Party:onLeave(player) or Party.onLeave(self, player) party:removeInvite(player) party:removeMember(player) party:setLeader(player) party:setSharedExperience(active) party:shareExperience(experience) Player(id or name or userdata) player:addBlessing(blessing) player:addExperience(experience[, sendText = false]) player:addItem(itemId[, count = 1[, canDropOnMap = true[, subType = 1[, slot = CONST_SLOT_WHEREEVER]]]]) player:addItemEx(item[, canDropOnMap = false[, index = INDEX_WHEREEVER[, flags = 0]]]) player:addItemEx(item[, canDropOnMap = true[, slot = CONST_SLOT_WHEREEVER]]) player:addManaSpent(amount) player:addMapMark(position, type, description) player:addMoney(money) player:addMount(mountId) player:addOutfit(lookType) player:addOutfitAddon(lookType, addon) player:addPremiumDays(days) player:addSkillTries(skillType, tries) player:addSoul(soulChange) player:canLearnSpell(spellName) player:channelSay(speaker, type, text, channelId) player:forgetSpell(spellName) player:getAccountId() player:getAccountType() player:getBankBalance() player:getBaseMagicLevel() player:getCapacity() player:getClient() player:getContainerById(id) player:getContainerId(container) player:getContainerIndex(id) player:getDeathPenalty() player:getDepotChest(depotId[, autoCreate = false]) player:getEffectiveSkillLevel(skillType) player:getExperience() player:getFreeCapacity() player:getGroup() player:getGuid() player:getGuild() player:getGuildLevel() player:getGuildNick() player:getHouse() player:getInbox() player:getIp() player:getItemById(itemId, deepSearch[, subType = -1]) player:getItemCount(itemId[, subType = -1]) player:getLastLoginSaved() player:getLastLogout() player:getLevel() player:getMagicLevel() player:getManaSpent() player:getMaxSoul() player:getMoney() player:getParty() player:getPremiumDays() player:getSex() player:getSkillLevel(skillType) player:getSkillPercent(skillType) player:getSkillTries(skillType) player:getSkullTime() player:getSlotItem(slot) player:getSoul() player:getStamina() player:getStorageValue(key) player:getTown() player:getVocation() player:hasBlessing(blessing) player:hasLearnedSpell(spellName) player:hasMount(mountId) player:hasOutfit(lookType[, addon = 0]) player:isPlayer() player:isPzLocked() player:learnSpell(spellName) Player:onBrowseField(position) or Player.onBrowseField(self, position) Player:onGainExperience(source, exp, rawExp) Player:onGainSkillTries(skill, tries) Player:onLook(thing, position, distance) or Player.onLook(self, thing, position, distance) Player:onLookInBattleList(creature, position, distance) or Player.onLookInBattleList(self, creature, position, distance) Player:onLookInShop(itemType, count) or Player.onLookInShop(self, itemType, count) Player:onLookInTrade(partner, item, distance) or Player.onLookInTrade(self, partner, item, distance) Player:onLoseExperience(exp) Player:onMoveCreature(creature, fromPosition, toPosition) or Player.onMoveCreature(self, creature, fromPosition, toPosition) Player:onMoveItem(item, count, fromPosition, toPosition) or Player.onMoveItem(self, item, count, fromPosition, toPosition) Player:onTradeAccept(target, item, targetItem) Player:onTradeRequest(target, item) Player:onTurn(direction) or Player.onTurn(self, direction) player:openChannel(channelId) player:popupFYI(message) player:removeBlessing(blessing) player:removeExperience(experience[, sendText = false]) player:removeItem(itemId, count[, subType = -1[, ignoreEquipped = false]]) player:removeMoney(money) player:removeMount(mountId) player:removeOutfit(lookType) player:removeOutfitAddon(lookType, addon) player:removePremiumDays(days) player:save() player:sendChannelMessage(author, text, type, channelId) player:sendOutfitWindow() player:sendPrivateMessage(speaker, text[, type]) player:sendTextMessage(type, text[, position, primaryValue = 0, primaryColor = TEXTCOLOR_NONE[, secondaryValue = 0, secondaryColor = TEXTCOLOR_NONE]]) player:sendTutorial(tutorialId) player:setAccountType(accountType) player:setBankBalance(bankBalance) player:setCapacity(capacity) player:setGhostMode(enabled) player:setGroup(group) player:setGuild(guild) player:setGuildLevel(level) player:setGuildNick(nick) player:setMaxMana(maxMana) player:setSex(newSex) player:setSkullTime(skullTime) player:setStamina(stamina) player:setStorageValue(key, value) player:setTown(town) player:setVocation(id or name or userdata) player:showTextDialog(itemId[, text[, canWrite[, length]]]) Position([position]) Position([x = 0[, y = 0[, z = 0[, stackpos = 0]]]]) position:getDistance(positionEx) position:isSightClear(positionEx[, sameFloor = true]) position:sendDistanceEffect(positionEx, distanceEffect[, player = nullptr]) position:sendMagicEffect(magicEffect[, player = nullptr]) rawgetmetatable(metatableName) registerClass(className, baseClass, newFunction) registerEnum(value) registerEnumIn(tableName, value) registerGlobalMethod(functionName, function) registerGlobalVariable(name, value) registerMetaMethod(className, functionName, function) registerMethod(className, functionName, function) registerTable(tableName) registerVariable(tableName, name, value) saveServer() selfFollow(player) selfMove(direction) selfMoveTo(x,y,z) selfSay(words[, target]) selfTurn(direction) sendChannelMessage(channelId, type, message) sendGuildChannelMessage(guildId, type, message) setCombatArea(combat, area) setCombatCallBack(combat, key, function_name) setCombatCondition(combat, condition) setCombatFormula(combat, type, mina, minb, maxa, maxb) setCombatParam(combat, key, value) setConditionFormula(combat, mina, minb, maxa, maxb) setConditionFormula(condition, mina, minb, maxa, maxb) setConditionParam(condition, key, value) setmetatable(className, methodsTable) stopEvent(eventid) table.create(arrayLength, keyLength) Teleport(uid) teleport:getDestination() teleport:setDestination(position) Tile(position) Tile(x, y, z) tile:getBottomCreature() tile:getBottomVisibleCreature(creature) tile:getCreatureCount() tile:getCreatures() tile:getDownItemCount() tile:getFieldItem() tile:getGround() tile:getHouse() tile:getItemById(itemId[, subType = -1]) tile:getItemByTopOrder(topOrder) tile:getItemByType(itemType) tile:getItemCount() tile:getItemCountById(itemId[, subType = -1]) tile:getItems() tile:getPosition() tile:getThing(index) tile:getThingCount() tile:getThingIndex(thing) tile:getTopCreature() tile:getTopDownItem() tile:getTopItemCount() tile:getTopTopItem() tile:getTopVisibleCreature(creature) tile:getTopVisibleThing(creature) tile:hasFlag(flag) tile:hasProperty(property[, item]) tile:queryAdd(thing[, flags]) Town(id or name) town:getId() town:getName() town:getTemplePosition() Variant(number or string or position or thing) Variant:getNumber() Variant:getPosition() Variant:getString() version(CLIENT_VERSION_MIN) Vocation(id or name) vocation:getAttackSpeed() vocation:getBaseSpeed() vocation:getCapacityGain() vocation:getClientId() vocation:getDemotion() vocation:getDescription() vocation:getHealthGain() vocation:getHealthGainAmount() vocation:getHealthGainTicks() vocation:getId() vocation:getManaGain() vocation:getManaGainAmount() vocation:getManaGainTicks() vocation:getMaxSoul() vocation:getName() vocation:getPromotion() vocation:getRequiredManaSpent(magicLevel) vocation:getRequiredSkillTries(skillType, skillLevel) vocation:getSoulGainTicks() Data functions - Funções pra LUA Container.isContainer(self) Creature.getClosestFreePosition(self, position, extended) Creature.getPlayer(self) Creature.isItem(self) Creature.isMonster(self) Creature.isNpc(self) Creature.isPlayer(self) Creature.isTile(self) Creature:onAreaCombat(tile, isAggressive) Creature:onChangeOutfit(outfit) Creature:onTargetCombat(target) CreatureIndex(self, key) FocusModule.messageMatcher(keywords, message) FocusModule.onFarewell(cid, message, keywords, parameters) FocusModule.onGreet(cid, message, keywords, parameters) FocusModule:init(handler) FocusModule:new() Game.broadcastMessage(message, messageType) Game.convertIpToString(ip) Game.getReverseDirection(direction) Game.getSkillType(weaponType) Game.getStorageValue(key) Game.setStorageValue(key, value) Item.getType(self) Item.isContainer(self) Item.isCreature(self) Item.isPlayer(self) Item.isTeleport(self) Item.isTile(self) ItemIndex(self, key) ItemType.usesSlot(self, slot) KeywordHandler:addKeyword(keys, callback, parameters) KeywordHandler:getLastNode(cid) KeywordHandler:getRoot() KeywordHandler:moveUp(cid, steps) KeywordHandler:new() KeywordHandler:processMessage(cid, message) KeywordHandler:processNodeMessage(node, cid, message) KeywordHandler:reset(cid) KeywordModule:addKeyword(keywords, reply) KeywordModule:init(handler) KeywordModule:new() KeywordModule:parseKeywords(data) KeywordModule:parseParameters() KeywordNode:addChildKeyword(keywords, callback, parameters) KeywordNode:addChildKeywordNode(childNode) KeywordNode:checkMessage(message) KeywordNode:getKeywords() KeywordNode:getParameters() KeywordNode:getParent() KeywordNode:new(keys, func, param) KeywordNode:processMessage(cid, message) NpcHandler:addFocus(newFocus) NpcHandler:addModule(module) NpcHandler:cancelNPCTalk(events) NpcHandler:doNPCTalkALot(msgs, interval, pcid) NpcHandler:getCallback(id) NpcHandler:getMessage(id) NpcHandler:greet(cid) NpcHandler:isFocused(focus) NpcHandler:isInRange(cid) NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler) NpcHandler:onBuy(creature, itemid, subType, amount, ignoreCap, inBackpacks) NpcHandler:onCreatureAppear(creature) NpcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(creature) NpcHandler:onCreatureSay(creature, msgtype, msg) NpcHandler:onFarewell(cid) NpcHandler:onGreet(cid) NpcHandler:onPlayerCloseChannel(creature) NpcHandler:onPlayerEndTrade(creature) NpcHandler:onSell(creature, itemid, subType, amount, ignoreCap, inBackpacks) NpcHandler:onThink() NpcHandler:onTradeRequest(cid) NpcHandler:onWalkAway(cid) NpcHandler:parseMessage(msg, parseInfo) NpcHandler:processModuleCallback(id, ...) NpcHandler:releaseFocus(focus) NpcHandler:resetNpc(cid) NpcHandler:say(message, focus, publicize, shallDelay, delay) NpcHandler:setCallback(id, callback) NpcHandler:setKeywordHandler(newHandler) NpcHandler:setMaxIdleTime(newTime) NpcHandler:setMessage(id, newMessage) NpcHandler:unGreet(cid) NpcHandler:updateFocus() NpcSystem.getParameter(key) NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) Party:onDisband() Party:onJoin(player) Party:onLeave(player) Player.addSkillTries(...) Player.feed(self, food) Player.getClosestFreePosition(self, position, extended) Player.getDepotItems(self, depotId) Player.getLossPercent(self) Player.isPremium(self) Player.isUsingOtClient(self) Player.sendCancelMessage(self, message) Player.sendExtendedOpcode(self, opcode, buffer) Player:isPremium() Player:onBrowseField(position) Player:onGainExperience(source, exp, rawExp) Player:onGainSkillTries(skill, tries) Player:onLook(thing, position, distance) Player:onLookInBattleList(creature, distance) Player:onLookInShop(itemType, count) Player:onLookInTrade(partner, item, distance) Player:onLoseExperience(exp) Player:onMoveCreature(creature, fromPosition, toPosition) Player:onMoveItem(item, count, fromPosition, toPosition) Player:onTradeAccept(target, item, targetItem) Player:onTradeRequest(target, item) Player:onTurn(direction) Position.getNextPosition(self, direction, steps) Position.getTile(self) Position:getNextPosition(direction, steps) Position:moveUpstairs() ShopModule.messageMatcher(keywords, message) ShopModule.onConfirm(cid, message, keywords, parameters, node) ShopModule.onDecline(cid, message, keywords, parameters, node) ShopModule.requestTrade(cid, message, keywords, parameters, node) ShopModule.tradeItem(cid, message, keywords, parameters, node) ShopModule:addBuyableItem(names, itemid, cost, itemSubType, realName) ShopModule:addBuyableItemContainer(names, container, itemid, cost, subType, realName) ShopModule:addSellableItem(names, itemid, cost, realName, itemSubType) ShopModule:callbackOnBuy(cid, itemid, subType, amount, ignoreCap, inBackpacks) ShopModule:callbackOnModuleReset() ShopModule:callbackOnSell(cid, itemid, subType, amount, ignoreEquipped, _) ShopModule:getCount(message) ShopModule:getShopItem(itemId, itemSubType) ShopModule:init(handler) ShopModule:new() ShopModule:parseBuyable(data) ShopModule:parseBuyableContainers(data) ShopModule:parseParameters() ShopModule:parseSellable(data) ShopModule:reset() StdModule.bless(cid, message, keywords, parameters, node) StdModule.learnSpell(cid, message, keywords, parameters, node) StdModule.promotePlayer(cid, message, keywords, parameters, node) StdModule.say(cid, message, keywords, parameters, node), message, keywords, parameters, node) Teleport.isTeleport(self) Tile.isCreature(self) Tile.isItem(self) Tile.isTile(self) TravelModule.bringMeTo(cid, message, keywords, parameters, node) TravelModule.listDestinations(cid, message, keywords, parameters, node) TravelModule.onConfirm(cid, message, keywords, parameters, node) TravelModule.onDecline(cid, message, keywords, parameters, node), message, keywords, parameters, node) TravelModule:addDestination(name, position, price, premium) TravelModule:init(handler) TravelModule:new() TravelModule:parseDestinations(data) TravelModule:parseParameters() broadcastMessage(message, messageType) canJoin(player) canPlayerLearnInstantSpell(cid, name) canPlayerWearOutfit(cid, lookType, addons) creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg) destroyItem(cid, target, toPosition) doAddCondition(cid, conditionId) doAddContainerItemEx(uid, virtualId) doAddMapMark(cid, pos, type, description) doChangeSpeed(cid, delta) doChangeTypeItem(uid, newType) doConvinceCreature(cid, target) doCreateNpc(name, pos, ...) doCreateTeleport(itemId, destination, position) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, health) doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, outfit) doCreatureSay(cid, text, type, ...) doCreatureSayWithDelay(cid, text, type, delay, e, pcid) doCreatureSayWithRadius(cid, text, type, radiusx, radiusy, position) doCreatureSetLookDir(cid, direction) doDecayItem(uid) doForceSummonCreature(name, pos) doMonsterChangeTarget(cid) doNpcSellItem(cid, itemid, amount, subType, ignoreCap, inBackpacks, backpack) doPlayerAddBlessing(cid, blessing) doPlayerAddExp(cid, exp, useMult, ...) doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, uid, ...) doPlayerAddMana(cid, mana, ...) doPlayerAddManaSpent(cid, mana) doPlayerAddMoney(cid, money) doPlayerAddMount(cid, mountId) doPlayerAddOutfit(cid, lookType, addons) doPlayerAddPremiumDays(cid, days) doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, skillid, n) doPlayerAddSoul(cid, soul) doPlayerBuyItemContainer(cid, containerid, itemid, count, cost, charges) doPlayerFeed(cid, food) doPlayerJoinParty(cid, leaderId) doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, message) doPlayerRemOutfit(cid, lookType, addons) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, itemid, count, ...) doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, money) doPlayerRemoveMount(cid, mountId) doPlayerRemovePremiumDays(cid, days) doPlayerSellItem(cid, itemid, count, cost) doPlayerSendCancel(cid, text) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, type, text, ...) doPlayerSetBalance(cid, balance) doPlayerSetGuildLevel(cid, level) doPlayerSetGuildNick(cid, nick) doPlayerSetSex(cid, sex) doPlayerSetTown(cid, town) doPlayerSetVocation(cid, vocation) doPlayerTakeItem(cid, itemid, count) doRelocate(fromPos, toPos) doRemoveCondition(cid, conditionType, subId) doRemoveCreature(cid) doRemoveItem(uid, ...) doSendAnimatedText() doSendDistanceShoot(fromPos, toPos, distanceEffect, ...) doSendMagicEffect(pos, magicEffect, ...) doSendTutorial(cid, tutorialId) doSetCreatureDropLoot(cid, doDrop) doSetItemActionId(uid, actionId) doSetItemSpecialDescription(uid, desc) doSetItemText(uid, text) doSetMonsterTarget(cid, target) doShowTextDialog(cid, itemId, text) doSummonCreature(name, pos, ...) doTeleportThing(uid, dest, pushMovement) doTransformItem(uid, newItemId, ...) firstServerSaveWarning() getAccountNumberByPlayerName(name) getArticle(str) getBlessingsCost(level) getConfigInfo(info) getContainerCap(uid) getContainerCapById(itemId) getContainerItem(uid, slot) getContainerSize(uid) getCount(string) getCreatureBaseSpeed(cid) getCreatureHealth(cid) getCreatureMaster(cid) getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) getCreatureName(cid) getCreatureOutfit(cid) getCreaturePosition(cid) getCreatureSpeed(cid) getCreatureSummons(cid) getCreatureTarget(cid) getDistanceBetween(firstPosition, secondPosition) getExpForLevel(level) getFluidSourceType(itemId) getFormattedWorldTime() getGlobalStorageValue(key) getGuildId(guildName) getHouseAccessList(id, listId) getHouseByPlayerGUID(playerGUID) getHouseEntry(houseId) getHouseName(houseId) getHouseOwner(houseId) getHouseRent(id) getHouseTilesSize(houseId) getHouseTown(houseId) getIPByPlayerName(name) getItemDescriptions(itemId) getItemIdByName(name) getItemName(itemId) getItemRWInfo(uid) getItemWeight(itemId, ...) getItemWeightByUID(uid, ...) getMonsterFriendList(cid) getMonsterTargetList(cid) getMonthDayEnding(day) getMonthString(m) getOnlinePlayers() getPartyMembers(cid) getPlayerAccess(cid) getPlayerAccountType(cid) getPlayerBalance(cid) getPlayerBlessing(cid, blessing) getPlayerByName(name) getPlayerDepotItems(cid, depotId) getPlayerFood(cid) getPlayerFreeCap(cid) getPlayerGUID(cid) getPlayerGUIDByName(name) getPlayerGroupId(cid) getPlayerGuildId(cid) getPlayerGuildLevel(cid) getPlayerGuildName(cid) getPlayerGuildNick(cid) getPlayerGuildRank(cid) getPlayerIp(cid) getPlayerItemById(cid, deepSearch, itemId, ...) getPlayerItemCount(cid, itemId, ...) getPlayerLastLoginSaved(cid) getPlayerLearnedInstantSpell(cid, name) getPlayerLevel(cid) getPlayerLight(cid) getPlayerLookDir(cid) getPlayerLossPercent(cid) getPlayerMagLevel(cid) getPlayerMana(cid) getPlayerMasterPos(cid) getPlayerMaxMana(cid) getPlayerMoney(cid) getPlayerMount(cid, mountId) getPlayerName(cid) getPlayerParty(cid) getPlayerPosition(cid) getPlayerPremiumDays(cid) getPlayerSex(cid) getPlayerSkill(cid, skillId) getPlayerSkullType(cid) getPlayerSlotItem(cid, slot) getPlayerSoul(cid) getPlayerStorageValue(cid, key) getPlayerTown(cid) getPlayerVocation(cid) getPlayersByAccountNumber(accountNumber) getPlayersByIPAddress(ip, mask) getPromotedVocation(vocationId) getPvpBlessingCost(level) getSkillId(skillName) getSpectators(centerPos, rangex, rangey, multifloor, onlyPlayers) getThing(uid) getThingPos(uid) getThingfromPos(pos) getTibianTime() getTileHouseInfo(pos) getTileInfo(position) getTileItemById(position, itemId, ...) getTileItemByType(position, itemType) getTilePzInfo(position) getTileThingByPos(position) getTileThingByTopOrder(position, topOrder) getTopCreature(position) getTownId(townName) getTownName(townId) getTownTemplePosition(townId) getWorldCreatures(type) greetCallback(cid) hasProperty(uid, prop) internalBedTransform(item, targetItem, toPosition, ids) isContainer(uid) isCorpse(uid) isCreature(cid) isDruid(cid) isInRange(pos, fromPos, toPos) isItem(uid) isItemContainer(itemId) isItemDoor(itemId) isItemFluidContainer(itemId) isItemMovable(itemId) isItemRune(itemId) isItemStackable(itemId) isKnight(cid) isMonster(cid) isNpc(cid) isNumber(str) isPaladin(cid) isPlayer(cid) isPlayerGhost(cid) isPlayerPzLocked(cid) isPremium(cid) isSightClear(fromPos, toPos, floorCheck) isSorcerer(cid) isSummon(cid) msgcontains(message, keyword) onAddFocus(cid) onAddItem(moveitem, tileitem, position) onCastSpell(cid, var) onCastSpell(cid, var, isHotkey) onCastSpell(creature, var) onCastSpell(creature, var, isHotkey) onCastSpell(creature, variant, isHotkey) onCreatureAppear(cid) onCreatureDisappear(cid) onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) onDeath(player, corpse, killer, mostDamage, unjustified, mostDamage_unjustified) onDeath(player, corpse, killer, mostDamageKiller, unjustified, mostDamageUnjustified) onExtendedOpcode(player, opcode, buffer) onGetFormulaValues(cid, level, maglevel) onGetFormulaValues(cid, skill, attack, factor) onGetFormulaValues(player, level, attack, factor) onLogin(player) onLogout(player) onRecord(current, old) onReleaseFocus(cid) onRemoveItem(item, tile, position) onSay(player, words, param) onSpeak(player, type, message) onStartup() onStepIn(creature, item, position, fromPosition) onStepOut(creature, item, position, fromPosition) onTargetCreature(creature, target) onTargetTile(creature, pos) onThink() onTime(interval) onUpdateDatabase() onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey) onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey) onUseWeapon(player, var) playerLearnInstantSpell(cid, name) pushThing(thing) queryTileAddThing(thing, position, ...) registerCreatureEvent(cid, name) secondServerSaveWarning() serverSave() setGlobalStorageValue(key, value) setHouseAccessList(id, listId, listText) setHouseOwner(id, guid) setPlayerGroupId(cid, groupId) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, key, value) spellCallback(param) targetPositionToVariant(position) unregisterCreatureEvent(cid, name) useStamina(player) Créditos felzan
  11. Mudrock


    Como funciona: Bom, basicamente, é um comando sem parâmetros, que marca um lugar na zona de proteção e volta para esse lugar depois que usa o comando pela segunda vez, Em caso de local parceiro = true deixando um portal que some em aproximadamente 3 segundos, para que possam seguir ele... Caso não queira isso, coloque false. Bom, o script é esse: depois irei adicionar mais coisas (talkactions/scripts/checkpoint.lua) local parceiro = true -- false vai tirar o teleporte que o player deixa de rastro function onSay(cid, words, param) if param == "" then local cidpos = getThingPos(cid) if not getTileInfo(cidpos).protection then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"You need stay in a protect zone ( PZ ). ") end if(tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid,"Checkpoint"))) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid,"Checkpoint", "{x = "..cidpos.x..", y = "..cidpos.y..", z = "..cidpos.z..", stackpos = "..cidpos.stackpos.."}") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "You put a checkpoint here.") doSendMagicEffect(cidpos, 9) else local str = "return "..getPlayerStorageValue(cid, "Checkpoint") local pos = loadstring(str)() doTeleportThing(cid, pos, TRUE) if "{x = "..cidpos.x..", y = "..cidpos.y..", z = "..cidpos.z..", stackpos = "..cidpos.stackpos.."}" == "{x = "..pos.x..", y = "..pos.y..", z = "..pos.z..", stackpos = "..pos.stackpos.."}" then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"You can't do this, please choose another position to come back") and doSendMagicEffect(cidpos, 2) end if parceiro then doCreateTeleport(1387, pos, cidpos) doSendAnimatedText(cidpos, "Removing", 221) local t = { [500] = "in", [1000] = "3", [1500] = "2", [2000] = "1", } for q, w in pairs(t) do addEvent(doSendAnimatedText,q,cidpos, w, 221) end addEvent(function() doRemoveItem(getTileItemById(cidpos, 1387).uid) doSendMagicEffect(cidpos, 2) end,2700) end doCreatureSay(cid, "You reached your destiny.", MESSAGE_EVENT_ORANGE) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "You reached your destiny.") setPlayerStorageValue(cid,"Checkpoint", 0) doSendMagicEffect(cidpos, 67) end end return true end Em (talkactions.xml) <talkaction log="yes" words="/checkpoint" event="script" value="Xcriptis/checkpoint.lua"/> Ao usar o comando para fixar o checkpoint: Ao usar o mesmo comando para voltar ao checkpoint no mesmo lugar: Escolhendo uma nova posição Usando o comando na nova posição: Sugestão: O jogador só pode usar o comando a cada 24 horas, e o tempo é sincronizado com o tempo real (horário real fora do jogo). CASO QUEIRAM COM EXHAUST EM SEGUNDOS, CONFIGURÁVEL !!!, AQUI ESTÁ: local parceiro = true -- false vai tirar o teleporte que o player deixa de rastro local tempo = 24*60*60 -- 24 h em segundos function onSay(cid, words, param) if param == "" then local cidpos = getThingPos(cid) if not getTileInfo(cidpos).protection then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"You need stay in a protect zone ( PZ ). ") end if(tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid,"Checkpoint"))) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid,"Checkpoint", "{x = "..cidpos.x..", y = "..cidpos.y..", z = "..cidpos.z..", stackpos = "..cidpos.stackpos.."}") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "You put a checkpoint here.") doSendMagicEffect(cidpos, 9) else local str = "return "..getPlayerStorageValue(cid, "Checkpoint") local pos = loadstring(str)() if not (tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid,"Checkpoint"))) and getCreatureStorage(cid, 10001) - os.time() < 0 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid,10001, os.time() + tempo) else return doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"You can't do this, please wait " .. getCreatureStorage(cid, 10001) - os.time() .." seconds.") end doTeleportThing(cid, pos, TRUE) if "{x = "..cidpos.x..", y = "..cidpos.y..", z = "..cidpos.z..", stackpos = "..cidpos.stackpos.."}" == "{x = "..pos.x..", y = "..pos.y..", z = "..pos.z..", stackpos = "..pos.stackpos.."}" then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"You can't do this, please choose another position to come back") and doSendMagicEffect(cidpos, 2) end if parceiro then doCreateTeleport(1387, pos, cidpos) doSendAnimatedText(cidpos, "Removing", 221) local t = { [500] = "in", [1000] = "3", [1500] = "2", [2000] = "1", } for q, w in pairs(t) do addEvent(doSendAnimatedText,q,cidpos, w, 221) end addEvent(function() doRemoveItem(getTileItemById(cidpos, 1387).uid) doSendMagicEffect(cidpos, 2) end,2700) end doCreatureSay(cid, "You reached your destiny.", MESSAGE_EVENT_ORANGE) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "You reached your destiny.") setPlayerStorageValue(cid,"Checkpoint", 0) doSendMagicEffect(cidpos, 67) end end return true end Créditos @@Caronte
  12. No momento estou querendo por o systema de addons no meu server!! Ja adicionei certinho os itens e addons no cliente Ja adicionei certinho itens e addons na script da action Ja adicionei a tag na goback da action Ja adicionei a tag no itens.xml Mais quando vo testa no momento tem 2 bugs e 1 ja vi muitas coisas como arruma e te agora nada BUGS 1 - vou testa o item do addons fala que no server nao existe o item 2 - adicionei o addons no itens.xml a tag quando vou liga o server da isso fui na propria script pesquisa o id pra ve se tinha algo com o mesmo id e nao tinha quem puder me ajuda a por o systema de addons no server ta tenso to tentando de varios jeitos e nada ate agora! Rep+
  13. Nao sei se ja existe esse script aqui no xtibia pq eu cacei e nao achei acabei criando um e so vi esse scroll em um unico server esperem que gostem Vá em talkaction e crie um script com o nome teleport.lua e coloque: local teleport = { ['Venore'] = {x=32957, y=32076, z=7}, ['Thais'] = {x=32369, y=32241, z=7}, ['Kaz'] = {x=32649, y=31925, z=11}, ['Carlin'] = {x=32360, y=31782, z=7},}function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) local s = teleport[param:lower()] if s then if hasCondition(cid, CONDITION_INFIGHT) == TRUE then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You Can't Teleport In Battle!") return false end if getPlayerItemCount(cid, 2345) > 0 then -- 2345 é id do item que precisa para poder usar o comando doTeleportThing(cid, s) doSendMagicEffect(s, CONST_ME_TELEPORT) doCreatureSay(cid, "Ultimate Teleport!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'You need a ultimate teleport scroll.') end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'Destination doesn\'t exist.') end return trueend Insira a TAG XML de acordo com a versão do seu servidor, em talkactions.xml TAG para Tfs 1.x: <talkaction words="!tp" script="teleport.lua" /> TAG para Tfs 0.4: <talkaction words="!tp" event="script" value="teleport.lua" />
  14. alguem manja de como fazer esse script em talkactions que o player possa falar so se ele estiver com o item local t = { ["tp1"] = {pos = {x = 32957, y = 32076, z = 7}, storage = 1337, time = 3}, ["tp2"] = {pos = {x = 32369, y = 32241, z = 7}, storage = 1338, time = 3}, ["tp3"] = {pos = {x = 32649, y = 31925, z = 11}, storage = 1339, time = 3}, ["tp4"] = {pos = {x = 32360, y = 31782, z = 7}, storage = 1340, time = 3}, ["tp5"] = {pos = {x = 32732, y = 31634, z = 7}, storage = 1341, time = 3}, ["tp6"] = {pos = {x = 32317, y = 32826, z = 7}, storage = 1342, time = 3}, ["tp7"] = {pos = {x = 32595, y = 32745, z = 7}, storage = 1343, time = 3}, ["tp8"] = {pos = {x = 33195, y = 32853, z = 8}, storage = 1344, time = 3}, ["tp9"] = {pos = {x = 33213, y = 32454, z = 1}, storage = 1345, time = 3}, ["tp10"] = {pos = {x = 33217, y = 31814, z = 8}, storage = 1346, time = 3}, ["tp11"] = {pos = {x = 32212, y = 31133, z = 7}, storage = 1347, time = 3}, ["tp12"] = {pos = {x = 32787, y = 31276, z = 7}, storage = 1348, time = 3}, ["tp13"] = {pos = {x = 33023, y = 31521, z = 11}, storage = 1349, time = 3}, ["tp14"] = {pos = {x = 33447, y = 31323, z = 9}, storage = 1350, time = 3}, ["tp15"] = {pos = {x = 33513, y = 32363, z = 6}, storage = 1351, time = 3}, ["tp16"] = {pos = {x = 32316, y = 31942, z = 7}, storage = 1352, time = 3}, ["tp17"] = {pos = {x = 33594, y = 31899, z = 6}, storage = 1353, time = 3}, ["tp18"] = {pos = {x = 9947, y = 9991, z = 7}, storage = 1354, time = 3} } function onTextEdit(cid, item, newText) if item.itemid == 1947 then if isPlayerPzLocked(cid) then doCreatureSay(cid, "Voce esta em battle!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER) return false end if isInArray({'locais', 'lugares', 'lugar'}, newText) then local i = '' for text, x in pairs(t) do i = i .. "\n[" .. text .. "]" end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Locais de TP: " .. i) else local p = t[newText] if not p then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Invalid location") return false end local st = if getCreatureStorage(cid, st) > os.time() then doCreatureSay(cid, "Espere " .. getCreatureStorage(cid, st) - os.time() .. ' segundos' .. (getCreatureStorage(cid, st) - os.time() == 1 and "" or "s") .. "para viajar novamente.", TALKTYPE_MONSTER) return true end local ti = p.time local pos = p.pos doTeleportThing(cid, pos, true) doSendMagicEffect(pos,72) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, st, os.time() + ti) doCreatureSay(cid, "Ultimate Teleport!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER) end end return true end
  15. Troque seu shopsystem.php por esse : Agr em data/creaturescripts/scripts crie addonmount.lua addonmount.lua function onLogin(cid) local player = Player(cid) local addons ={ --[storage] = {outfit_male, outfit_female}, [28416] = {143, 147}, -- barbarian [28417] = {134, 142}, -- warrior [28418] = {152, 156}, -- assassins [28419] = {465, 466}, -- Insectoid [28420] = {133, 141}, -- summoner [28421] = {472, 471}, -- Entrepreneur [28422] = {144, 148}, -- duid [28423] = {278, 279}, -- brotherhood [28424] = {577, 578}, -- Dream Warden [28425] = {610, 618}, -- Glooth Engineer [28426] = {130, 138}, -- mage [28427] = {634, 635}, -- Conjurer [28428] = {128, 136}, -- Citizen [28429] = {129, 137}, -- Hunter [28430] = {131, 139}, -- Kinghit [28431] = {132, 140}, -- Noblewoman [28432] = {145, 149}, -- Wizard [28433] = {146, 150}, -- Oriental [28434] = {151, 155}, -- Pirate [28435] = {153, 157}, -- Beggar [28436] = {154, 158}, -- Shaman [28437] = {251, 252}, -- Norsewoman [28438] = {268, 269}, -- Nightmare [28439] = {273, 270}, -- jester [28441] = {289, 288}, -- demonhunter [28442] = {325, 324}, -- yalaharian [28444] = {335, 336}, -- warnaster [28445] = {327, 366}, -- wayfarer [28446] = {430, 431}, -- afflicted [28447] = {432, 433}, -- elementalist [28448] = {463, 464}, -- deepling [28449] = {512, 513}, -- crystal warlord [28450] = {516, 514}, -- soil guardian [28451] = {541, 542}, -- demon [28452] = {574, 575}, -- cave explorer [28453] = {619, 620}, -- jersey [28454] = {637, 636}, -- beastmaster [28455] = {632, 633} -- champion } for storage, addon in pairs(addons) do if player:getStorageValue(storage) > 0 then player:getPosition():sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_GIFT_WRAPS) player:addOutfitAddon(addon[1], 3) player:addOutfitAddon(addon[2], 3) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Seu Addon full foi adicionado!") player:setStorageValue(storage, 0) end end local mounts ={ --[storage] = mounts, [80000] = 1, -- Widow Queen [80001] = 2, -- Racing Bird [80002] = 3, -- War Bear [80003] = 4, -- Black Sheep [80004] = 5, -- Midnight Panther [80005] = 6, -- Draptor [80006] = 7, -- Titanica [80007] = 8, -- Tin Lizzard [80008] = 9, -- Blazebringer [80009] = 10, -- Rapid Boar [80010] = 11, -- Stampor [80011] = 12, -- Undead Cavebear [80012] = 13, -- Donkey [80013] = 14, -- Tiger Slug [80014] = 15, -- Uniwheel [80015] = 16, -- Crystal Wolf [80016] = 17, -- War Horse [80017] = 18, -- Kingly Deer [80018] = 19, -- Tamed Panda [80019] = 20, -- Dromedary [80020] = 21, -- King Scorpion [80021] = 22, -- Rented Horse [80022] = 23, -- Armoured War Horse [80023] = 24, -- Shadow Draptor" [80024] = 25, -- Rented Horse [80025] = 26, -- Nethersteed [80026] = 27, -- Ladybug [80027] = 28, -- Manta [80028] = 29, -- Ironblight [80029] = 30, -- Magma Crawler [80030] = 31, -- Dragonling [80031] = 32, -- Gnarlhound [80032] = 33, -- Crimson Ray [80033] = 34, -- Steelbeak [80034] = 35, -- Water Buffalo [80035] = 36, -- Tombstinger [80036] = 37, -- Platesaurian [80037] = 38, -- Ursagrodon [80038] = 39, -- The Hellgrip [80039] = 40, -- Jade Lion [80040] = 41, -- Golden Lion [80041] = 42, -- Shock Head [80042] = 43, -- Walker [80043] = 44, -- Azudocus [80044] = 45, -- Carpacosaurus [80045] = 46, -- Death Crawler [80046] = 47, -- Flamesteed [80047] = 48, -- Jade Pincer [80048] = 49, -- Tempest [80049] = 50 -- Winter King } for storage, mount in pairs(mounts) do if player:getStorageValue(storage) > 0 then player:getPosition():sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_GIFT_WRAPS) player:addMount(mount) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Sua Mount foi adicionado!") player:setStorageValue(storage, 0) end end return true end Só adicionar a storage do arquivo no itemid do shop. event type="login" name="ShopMountAddon" script="addonmount.lua"/> Créditos : Summ
  16. galera ta bugado a poção do paladino great spirit potion se o cara usa ela o atk melee para e depois volta como arrumar ?? local MIN = 7000 local MAX = 8000 local EMPTY_POTION = 8472 local exhaust = createConditionObject(CONDITION_EXHAUST) setConditionParam(exhaust, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, (getConfigInfo('timeBetweenExActions') - 100)) function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) if isPlayer(itemEx.uid) == FALSE then return FALSE end if hasCondition(cid, CONDITION_EXHAUST_HEAL) == TRUE then doPlayerSendDefaultCancel(cid, RETURNVALUE_YOUAREEXHAUSTED) return TRUE end if((not(isKnight(itemEx.uid)) or getPlayerLevel(itemEx.uid) < 130) and getPlayerCustomFlagValue(itemEx.uid, PlayerCustomFlag_GamemasterPrivileges) == FALSE) then doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "Only knights of level 130 or above may drink this fluid.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) return TRUE end if doCreatureAddHealth(itemEx.uid, math.random(MIN, MAX)) == LUA_ERROR then return FALSE end doAddCondition(cid, exhaust) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(itemEx.uid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) doCreatureSay(itemEx.uid, "Aaaah...", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) return TRUE end
  17. Gostaria que você me ajuda-se, estou com dois erros na hora de "Check Server Configuration" Não estou conseguindo colocar o Diretório do meu OTSERVER pra carregar! Alguém sabe o porque? 1º 2º 3º accountManager = false namelockManager = true newPlayerChooseVoc = false newPlayerSpawnPosX = 1032 newPlayerSpawnPosY = 1026 newPlayerSpawnPosZ = 5 newPlayerTownId = 1 newPlayerLevel = 1 newPlayerMagicLevel = 0 generateAccountNumber = false redSkullLength = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 blackSkullLength = 45 * 24 * 60 * 60 dailyFragsToRedSkull = 3 weeklyFragsToRedSkull = 5 monthlyFragsToRedSkull = 10 dailyFragsToBlackSkull = dailyFragsToRedSkull weeklyFragsToBlackSkull = weeklyFragsToRedSkull monthlyFragsToBlackSkull = monthlyFragsToRedSkull dailyFragsToBanishment = dailyFragsToRedSkull weeklyFragsToBanishment = weeklyFragsToRedSkull monthlyFragsToBanishment = monthlyFragsToRedSkull blackSkulledDeathHealth = 40 blackSkulledDeathMana = 0 useBlackSkull = true useFragHandler = true advancedFragList = false notationsToBan = 3 warningsToFinalBan = 4 warningsToDeletion = 5 banLength = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 killsBanLength = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 finalBanLength = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 ipBanishmentLength = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 broadcastBanishments = false maxViolationCommentSize = 200 violationNameReportActionType = 2 autoBanishUnknownBytes = false World type options: pvp, no-pvp, pvp-enforced WorldType = "pvp" Exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1 second) for yelling Exhausted = 1000 Exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1 second) for aggressive spells/weapons FightExhausted = 1000 Exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1 second) for none-aggressive spells/weapons HealExhausted = 500 How many ms to add if the player is already exhausted and tries to yell (1000 = 1 second) ExhaustedAdd = 200 How long does the player has to stay out of fight to get pz unlocked in ms (1000 = 1 second) PZLock = 60000 How long a field belongs to a player before it no longer causes PZ lock for the owner FieldOwnershipDuration = 5000 In mili seconds TimeToDecreaseFrags = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 Time white skull will remain after killing a player, in minutes WhiteSkullTime = 15 amount of kills that leads to red skull KillsToRedSkull = 5 Remove ammunition If false, ammunition will not be removed when using distance weapons -- (or other weapons that use ammunition) RemoveAmmunition = false Remove rune charges This only applies to runes done using the default functions. Custom runes made using actions will not be affected. RemoveRuneCharges = false Remove weapon charges Set to false to disable charges disappearing from weapons on use RemoveWeaponCharges = true Top player on a stacked tile will be unable to heal UHTrap = true Server ip (the ip that server listens on) IP = "" Server port (the port that server listens on) Port = "7171" How many logins attempts until ip is temporary disabled Set to 0 to disable LoginTries = 5 How long the retry timeout until a new login can be made (without disabling the ip) RetryTimeout = 5000 How long the player need to wait until the ip is allowed again LoginTimeout = 60 * 1000 Allow clones (multiple logins of the same char) AllowClones = false Only one player online per account CheckAccounts = false SQL type options: mysql, sqlite, odbc or pgsql SQL_Type = "mysql" SQL connection part SQL_DB = "otserver74" these settings are not used by SQLite SQL_Host = "localhost" SQL_Port = 3306 SQL_User = "root" SQL_Pass = "-" sqlFile = "otserver74.s3db" sqlKeepAlive = 0 mysqlReadTimeout = 10 mysqlWriteTimeout = 10 encryptionType = "plain" house rent period options: daily, weekly, monthly HouseRentPeriod = "monthly" Price for a tile HousePrice = 100 HouseLevel = 1 PremOnlyHouse = false PremOnlyBeds = false Login message LoginMsg = "Welcome to Tibia OS" Server name ServerName = "Tibia-OS" World name WorldName = "Tibia-OS" Server owner name OwnerName = "Pasturry" Server owner email OwnerEmail = "" Server url URL = "" Server location Location = "Chile" Minimum amount of time between actions ('Use') (1000 = 1 second) MinActionInterval = 500 Minimum amount of time between extended actions ('Use with...') (1000 = 1 second) MinActionExInterval = 500 Map location Map = "data/world/World2.otbm" Mapkind Options: OTBM for binary map, XML for OTX map MapKind = "OTBM" Type of map storage, 'relational' - Slower, but possible to run database queries to change all items to another id for example. 'binary' - Faster, but you cannot run DB queries. To switch, load server with the current type, change the type in config.lua type /reload config and the save the server with/closeserver serversave MapStoreType = "binary" Rates (experience, skill, magic level, loot and spawn) RateExp = 2 RateSkill = 3 RateMag = 4 RateLoot = 2 RateSpawn = 3 Despawn configs How many floors can a monster go from his spawn before despawning DespawnRange = 2 How many square metters can a monster be far from his spawn before despawning DespawnRadius = 50 Message Of The Day box that you sometimes get before you choose characters) MOTD = "Welcome To Tibia OS" MOTD_Num = "1" Max number of players allowed MaxPlayers = "999" Accounts password type options: plain, md5, sha1 PasswordType = "plain" Max number of messages a player can say before getting muted (default 4), set to 0 to disable muting MaxMessageBuffer = 4 Save client debug assertion reports SaveClientDebug = false Should the server use account balance system or depot system for paying houses? UseAccBalance = true Time after player will be kicked when idle, in minutes MaxIdleTime = 15 Level on which player will get rooked LevelToRook = 5 TownId to which player will be teleported RookTempleId = 10 if your website is not showing player deaths, then keep this as false StorePlayerDeaths = false ID of temple to which player will get teleported when his prem end out 0 to disable not tested yet FACCTempleID = 0 Example: 1500 <= 1,5 seconds push delay Pushdelay = 1500 Example: 10 <= every 10 minutes automatic server save Servesave = 10
  18. Ola galera preciso de uma ajuda no meu script de task. TFS .0.4 ele e por mod.. eu gostaria que ele funcionasse da seguinte forma. task de apenas 1 monster e tambem task de grupo de bixos. EX DE TASK EM GRUPO : DEATH TASK, FIRE TASK, WATER TASK, EARTH TASK. ae no caso nessa task de death o player teria que matar um total de 2000 monsters sendo 1000 grim reaper + 500 lost soul + 500 ... para poder completar a task.. segue abaixo meu script.ele funciona normal a task de 1 monster. Porem na task de grupo e monster se o player matar 2000 grim reaper ao inves de 1000 + 500 lost + 500... ele ganha a task. se alguem pude arrumar pra mim. MOD up
  19. olá gente, é o seguinte, peguei uma source de um amigo, e ela só veio com os arquivos .cpp e .h, dai tive que criar a pasta dev-cpp e criar um novo projeto no dev c++, mas dai quando criei tudo e tals, quando fui compilar, deu esse erro aqui.] alguém me ajuda pfv, do rep+ Up
  20. Estou com um systema de auto loot e ele esta bugado o comando dele que nao funciona!! Bug
  21. Bom dia galera, tudo bem? Decidi fazer uma talkaction para ilustrar o sistema que criei de customização de ataque básico: Personalizando Ataques Básicos Óbviamente, ela não é a melhor forma de usar o sistema (afinal assim o player poderia definir qualquer range / tipo de combate/ efeito que ele quiser), mas serve para ilustrar como o sistema funciona. Sem mais delongas, vá em talkactions.xml e cole a tag abaixo: <talkaction words="/cbh" separator=" " script="changeBasicHit.lua" /> Em talkactions/scripts crie um arquivo chamado changeBasicHit.lua e cole o script abaixo nele: local combats = { ["physical"] = COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE, ["energy"] = COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE, ["earth"] = COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE, ["fire"] = COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE, ["undefined"] = COMBAT_UNDEFINEDDAMAGE, ["life_drain"] = COMBAT_LIFEDRAIN, ["mana_drain"] = COMBAT_MANADRAIN, ["healing"] = COMBAT_HEALING, ["drown"] = COMBAT_DROWNDAMAGE, ["ice"] = COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE, ["holy"] = COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE, ["death"] = COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE}local distanceEffects = { ["spear"] = CONST_ANI_SPEAR, ["bolt"] = CONST_ANI_BOLT, ["arrow"] = CONST_ANI_ARROW, ["fire"] = CONST_ANI_FIRE, ["energy"] = CONST_ANI_ENERGY, ["poison_arrow"] = CONST_ANI_POISONARROW, ["burst_arrow"] = CONST_ANI_BURSTARROW, ["throwing_star"] = CONST_ANI_THROWINGSTAR, ["throwing_knife"] = CONST_ANI_THROWINGKNIFE, ["smallstone"] = CONST_ANI_SMALLSTONE, ["death"] = CONST_ANI_DEATH, ["large_rock"] = CONST_ANI_LARGEROCK, ["snowball"] = CONST_ANI_SNOWBALL, ["power_bolt"] = CONST_ANI_POWERBOLT, ["poison"] = CONST_ANI_POISON, ["infernal_bolt"] = CONST_ANI_INFERNALBOLT, ["hunting_spear"] = CONST_ANI_HUNTINGSPEAR, ["enchanted_spear"] = CONST_ANI_ENCHANTEDSPEAR, ["red_star"] = CONST_ANI_REDSTAR, ["green_star"] = CONST_ANI_GREENSTAR, ["royal_spear"] = CONST_ANI_ROYALSPEAR, ["sniper_arrow"] = CONST_ANI_SNIPERARROW, ["onyx_arrow"] = CONST_ANI_ONYXARROW, ["piercing_bolt"] = CONST_ANI_PIERCINGBOLT, ["sword"] = CONST_ANI_WHIRLWINDSWORD, ["axe"] = CONST_ANI_WHIRLWINDAXE, ["club"] = CONST_ANI_WHIRLWINDCLUB, ["ethereal_spear"] = CONST_ANI_ETHEREALSPEAR, ["ice"] = CONST_ANI_ICE, ["earth"] = CONST_ANI_EARTH, ["holy"] = CONST_ANI_HOLY, ["sudden_death"] = CONST_ANI_SUDDENDEATH, ["flash_arrow"] = CONST_ANI_FLASHARROW, ["flamming_arrow"] = CONST_ANI_FLAMMINGARROW, ["shiver_arrow"] = CONST_ANI_SHIVERARROW, ["energy_ball"] = CONST_ANI_ENERGYBALL, ["small_ice"] = CONST_ANI_SMALLICE, ["small_holy"] = CONST_ANI_SMALLHOLY, ["small_earth"] = CONST_ANI_SMALLEARTH, ["earth_arrow"] = CONST_ANI_EARTHARROW, ["explosion"] = CONST_ANI_EXPLOSION, ["cake"] = CONST_ANI_CAKE, ["tarsal_arrow"] = CONST_ANI_TARSALARROW, ["vortex_bolt"] = CONST_ANI_VORTEXBOLT, ["prismatic_bolt"] = CONST_ANI_PRISMATICBOLT, ["crystalline_arrow"] = CONST_ANI_CRYSTALLINEARROW, ["drill_bolt"] = CONST_ANI_DRILLBOLT, ["envenomed_arrow"] = CONST_ANI_ENVENOMEDARROW, ["physical"] = CONST_ANI_GLOOTHSPEAR, ["simple_arrow"] = CONST_ANI_SIMPLEARROW,}function onSay(player, words, param) local config = string.split(param, " ") if #config ~= 3 then doPlayerSendCancel(player, "Invalid params number. You must specify three params: range combat type effect!") doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(player), CONST_ME_POFF) return false end if not tonumber(config[1]) then doPlayerSendCancel(player, "Pay attention: 1. Params order is: range combat effect. 2. Range must be a number.") doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(player), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) return false end player:setFistConditions(config[1], combats[config[2]] or COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE, distanceEffects[config[3]] or config[1] == 1 and CONST_ANI_NONE or CONST_ANI_SNOWBALL) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(player), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE)end Imagem: Enfim, espero que gostem. Abraços,
  22. Olá. Eu estou a procura de um script action que quando o player der use em certo item, ele de 10 gold ingots (ID: 9971) pro player, mas que só possa usar o item a cada 24h.
  23. Bom dia. Estou procurando um script que de "use" em certo item e o player fique com bless infinita, sem que precise comprar ou usar o item novamente.
  24. Esse script é o de adicionar skill aquele "/addskill Playername, axe" eu queri que alguém me ajudasse a trocar a parte do Playername por um numero que eu vou por no script, tipo um variavel "passcode = [12354]" e que o player precise dizer "/addskill 12354, axe" e ele mesmo ganha o skill, só que tem um outro detalhe, ele tem que verificar se o player tem mais de 0 em uma storage X, e só então a talkaction funciona e da o skill de axe pro cara... esse é o script q tenho function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) if(param == '') then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Command param required.") return true end local t = string.explode(param, ",") if(not t[2]) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Not enough params.") return true end local pid = getPlayerByNameWildcard(t[1]) if(not pid or (isPlayerGhost(pid) and getPlayerGhostAccess(pid) > getPlayerGhostAccess(cid))) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Player " .. t[1] .. " not found.") return true end t[2] = t[2]:lower() local skill = SKILL_IDS[t[2]] if(not skill) then local tmp = t[2]:sub(1, 1) if(tmp == 'l' or tmp == 'e') then skill = SKILL__LEVEL elseif(tmp == 'm') then skill = SKILL__MAGLEVEL else skill = tonumber(t[2]) if(not skill or skill < SKILL_FIRST or SKILL > SKILL__LAST) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Such skill does not exists.") return true end end end local amount = tonumber(t[3]) if(not amount or amount == 0) then amount = 1 end doPlayerAddSkill(pid, skill, amount, true) return true end
  25. fala galera bom dia, gostaria de saber se tem como eu bloquear um comando de talkaction por vocação ??
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