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Problema na Evolução.




gostaria de saber se alguém sabe o que poderia estar ocasionado um erro o qual quando o player usa a stone para evoluir, o pokemon evolui normal, porém a stone continua ainda na bag podendo utilizar quantas vezes quiser...


PS: desculpar se postei no local errado, não consegui achar o fórum para essa dúvida.

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25 minutos atrás, samlecter disse:

Já testou com Player normal?  Em algumas bases (como a DxP) na conta de GM não "gasta" ao usar.  Se não for isso, posta o script de evolução 


Sim, os players que repotaram isso!



local special = specialevo                  --alterado v1.9 \/ peguem ele todo!local types = {[leaf] = {"Bulbasaur", "Ivysaur", "Oddish", "Gloom", "Bellsprout", "Weepinbell", "Exeggcute", "Chikorita", "Bayleef", "Hoppip", "Skiploom", "Sunkern", "Grovyle", "Treecko", "Turtwig", "Grotle"},[water] = {"Snorunt", "Squirtle", "Wartortle", "Horsea", "Goldeen", "Magikarp", "Psyduck", "Poliwag", "Poliwhirl", "Tentacool", "Krabby", "Staryu", "Omanyte", "Eevee", "Totodile", "Croconow", "Chinchou", "Marill", "Wooper", "Slowpoke", "Remoraid", "Seadra", "Mudkip", "Marshtomp", "Piplup", "Prinplup"},[venom] = {"Zubat", "Ekans", "Nidoran male", "Nidoran female", "Nidorino", "Nidorina", "Gloom", "Venonat", "Tentacool", "Grimer", "Koffing", "Spinarak", "Golbat"},[thunder] = {"Magnemite", "Pikachu", "Voltorb", "Eevee", "Chinchou", "Pichu", "Mareep", "Flaaffy", "Elekid", "Electrike", "Electabuzz"},[rock] = {"Snorunt", "Geodude", "Graveler", "Rhyhorn", "Kabuto", "Slugma", "Pupitar", "Aron", "Lairon", "Metang"},[punch] = {"Kirlia", "Machop", "Machoke", "Mankey", "Poliwhirl", "Tyrogue"},[fire] = {"Charmander", "Charmeleon", "Vulpix", "Growlithe", "Ponyta", "Eevee", "Cyndaquil", "Quilava", "Slugma", "Houndour", "Magby", "Chimchar", "Monferno", "Magmar"},[coccon] = {"Caterpie", "Metapod", "Weedle", "Kakuna", "Paras", "Venonat", "Scyther", "Ledyba", "Spinarak", "Pineco"},[crystal] = {"Dratini", "Dragonair", "Magikarp", "Omanyte", "Kabuto", "Seadra", "Bagon", "Shelgon"},[dark] = {"Snorunt", "Gastly", "Haunter", "Eevee", "Houndour", "Pupitar"},[earth] = {"Cubone", "Sandshrew", "Nidorino", "Nidorina", "Diglett", "Onix", "Rhyhorn", "Wooper", "Swinub", "Phanpy", "Larvitar"},[enigma] = {"Kirlia", "Abra", "Kadabra", "Psyduck", "Slowpoke", "Drowzee", "Eevee", "Natu", "Smoochum"},[heart] = {"Kirlia", "Rattata", "Pidgey", "Pidgeotto", "Spearow", "Clefairy", "Jigglypuff", "Meowth", "Doduo", "Porygon", "Chansey", "Sentret", "Hoothoot", "Cleffa", "Igglybuff", "Togepi", "Snubull", "Teddiursa"},[super] = {"Onix", "Seel", "Shellder", "Smoochum", "Swinub"},[charizarditex] = {"Charizard"},[charizarditey] = {"Mega Charizard X"},[blazikenite] = {"Blaziken"},[tyranitarite] = {"Tyranitar"},[blastoisinite] = {"Blastoise"},[alakazite] = {"Alakazam"},[steelixite] = {"Steelix"},[aerodactylite] = {"Aerodactyl"},[key] = {"Gardevoir", "Wobbuffet", "Swampert", "Steelix", "Ampharos", "Absol", "Venusaur", "Aerodactyl", "Aggron", "Gallade", "Banette", "Gardevoir", "Gyarados", "Kangaskhan", "Manectric", "Metagross", "Sableye", "Salamence", "Sceptile", "Scizor", "Sharpedo", "Slowbro"},[swampertite] = {"Swampert"},[salamencite] = {"Salamence"},[gengarite] = {"Gengar"},[lucarionite] = {"Lucario"},[king] = {"Slowpoke", "Poliwhirl"},[metal] = {"Onix", "Scyther"},[dragon] = {"Seadra"},[upgrade] = {"Porygon"},[sun] = {"Sunkern", "Gloom"},[sfire] = {"Shiny Charmander", "Shiny Charmeleon", "Shiny Vulpix", "Shiny Growlithe", "Shiny Ponyta", "Shiny Eevee"},[swater] = {"Shiny Squirtle", "Shiny Wartortle", "Shiny Horsea", "Shiny Goldeen", "Shiny Magikarp", "Shiny Psyduck", "Shiny Poliwag", "Shiny Poliwhirl", "Shiny Tentacool", "Shiny Krabby", "Shiny Staryu", "Shiny Omanyte", "Shiny Eevee"},[sleaf] = {"Shiny Bulbasaur", "Shiny Ivysaur", "Shiny Oddish", "Shiny Gloom", "Shiny Bellsprout", "Shiny Weepinbell", "Shiny Exeggcute"},[sheart] = {"Shiny Rattata", "Shiny Pidgey", "Shiny Pidgeotto", "Shiny Spearow", "Shiny Clefairy", "Shiny Jigglypuff", "Shiny Meowth", "Shiny Doduo", "Shiny Porygon", "Shiny Chansey"},[senigma] = {"Shiny Abra", "Shiny Kadabra", "Shiny Psyduck", "Shiny Slowpoke", "Shiny Drowzee", "Shiny Eevee"},[srock] = {"Shiny Geodude", "Shiny Graveler", "Shiny Rhyhorn", "Shiny Kabuto"},[svenom] = {"Shiny Zubat", "Shiny Ekans", "Shiny Nidoran male", "Shiny Nidoran female", "Shiny Nidorino", "Shiny Nidorina", "Shiny Gloom", "Shiny Venonat", "Shiny Tentacool", "Shiny Grimer", "Shiny Koffing"},[ssuper] = {"Shiny Seel", "Shiny Shellder"},[sthunder] = {"Shiny Magnemite", "Shiny Pikachu", "Shiny Voltorb", "Shiny Eevee"},[scrystal] = {"Shiny Dratini", "Shiny Dragonair", "Shiny Magikarp", "Shiny Omanyte", "Shiny Kabuto"},[scoccon] = {"Shiny Caterpie", "Shiny Metapod", "Shiny Weedle", "Shiny Kakuna", "Shiny Paras", "Shiny Venonat", "Shiny Scyther"},[sdarkness] = {"Shiny Gastly", "Shiny Haunter", "Shiny Eevee"},[spunch] = {"Shiny Machop", "Shiny Machoke", "Shiny Mankey", "Shiny Poliwhirl"},[searth] = {"Shiny Cubone", "Shiny Sandshrew", "Shiny Nidorino", "Shiny Nidorina", "Shiny Diglett", "Shiny Onix", "Shiny Rhyhorn"}}local specEvos = {   --alterado v1.9 \/["Eevee"] = {               [thunder] = "Jolteon",               [water] = "Vaporeon",               [fire] = "Flareon",               [enigma] = "Espeon",               [dark] = "Umbreon",			   [heart] = "Sylveon",			   [leaf] = "Leafeon",			   [crystal] = "Glaceon",            },["Onix"] = {               [metal] = "Steelix",               [super] = "Crystal Onix",            },			}function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)local pokeball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8)if not isMonster(item2.uid) or not isSummon(item2.uid) then   return trueendif #getCreatureSummons(cid) > 1 then   return true                           --alterado v1.9endif getCreatureCondition(item2.uid, CONDITION_INVISIBLE) then return true endlocal pevo = poevo[getCreatureName(item2.uid)]if not isInArray(specialevo, getCreatureName(item2.uid)) then   if not pevo then      doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Este Pokémon não pode evoluir.")      return true   end   if not isPlayer(getCreatureMaster(item2.uid)) or getCreatureMaster(item2.uid) ~= cid then      doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce só pode usar stones em pokemons que voce possui.")      return true   end   if pevo.stoneid ~= item.itemid and pevo.stoneid2 ~= item.itemid then       doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Esta não é a stone necessária para evoluir este pokemon.")      return true   endendlocal minlevel = 0if getPokemonName(item2.uid) == "Eevee" then   local eevee = specEvos["Eevee"][item.itemid]   if not eevee then      doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Esta não é a stone necessária para desenvolver esse pokemon.")      return true   end      minlevel = pokes[eevee].level   if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then      doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")      return true   end   doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1)   doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, eevee, 0, 0)   return trueendif getPokemonName(item2.uid) == "Onix" then   local onix = specEvos["Onix"][item.itemid]   if not onix then      doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Esta não é a stone necessária para desenvolver esse pokemon.")      return true   end      minlevel = pokes[onix].level   if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then      doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")      return true   end   doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1)   doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, onix, 0, 0)   return trueendif isInArray(specialevo, getPokemonName(item2.uid)) then   if getPokemonName(item2.uid) == "Poliwhirl" then      local evolution = 0      local theevo = ""            if item.itemid == water then         if getPlayerItemCount(cid, king) >= 1 then            evolution = king			theevo = "Politoed"         elseif getPlayerItemCount(cid, punch) >= 1 then			evolution = punch			theevo = "Poliwrath"         else            doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de uma water stone e uma punch stone (Poliwrath) ou uma King's Rock (Politoed) para evolui este pokemon.")            return true         end                  minlevel = pokes[theevo].level                  if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then            doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")			return true         end         if getPlayerItemCount(cid, punch) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid, king) >= 1 then            doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Por favor, use o seu Punch Stone a evoluir este pokemon a um Poliwrath, ou a King's Rock para um Politoed.")			return true         end         doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, evolution, water)	  elseif item.itemid == punch then         minlevel = pokes["Poliwrath"].level                  if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then			doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem nível suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")			return true         end         if getPlayerItemCount(cid, water) <= 0 then			doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de pelo menos um Punch Stone e uma Water Stone para evoluir este pokemon.")			return true         end         local theevo = "Poliwrath"         doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, water, punch)		  elseif item.itemid == king then         minlevel = pokes["Politoed"].level         if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then			doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")			return true         end         if getPlayerItemCount(cid, water) <= 0 then			doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de pelo menos um Punch Stone e uma King's Rock para evolui esse pokemon.")			return true         end         local theevo = "Politoed"         doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, water, king)      end	elseif getPokemonName(item2.uid) == "Gloom" then       local theevo = ""	   local evolution = 0       if item.itemid == leaf then          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, venom) >= 1 then	         theevo = "Vileplume"			 evolution = venom	      elseif getPlayerItemCount(cid, sun) >= 1 then             theevo = "Bellossom"			 evolution = sun          else             doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de uma Leaf Stone, e a Sun Stone (Bellossom) ou a Venom Stone (Vileplume) para evolui esse pokemon.")			 return true	      end	      	      minlevel = pokes[theevo].level	      	      if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then	         doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")			 return true	      end          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, venom) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid, sun) >= 1 then	         doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Por favor, use a sua Venom Stone a evoluir este pokemon a um Vileplume, ou a Sun Stone para a Bellossom.")			 return true	      end                    doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, evolution, leaf)	   elseif item.itemid == venom then          minlevel = pokes["Vileplume"].level          if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then             doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")			 return true          end          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, leaf) <= 0 then			 doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de uma Leaf Stone e uma Venom Stone para evolui esse pokemon.")			 return true          end          doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, "Vileplume", venom, leaf)                 elseif item.itemid == sun then          minlevel = pokes["Bellossom"].level          if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then             doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")             return true          end          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, leaf) <= 0 then			 doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de pelo menos uma Leaf Stone e uma Sun Stone ára evolui esse pokemon.")			 return true          end          doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, "Bellossom", sun, leaf)       end	   	 elseif getPokemonName(item2.uid) == "Snorunt" then       local theevo = ""	   local evolution = 0       if item.itemid == water then          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, rock) >= 1 then	         theevo = "Glalie"			 evolution = rock	      elseif getPlayerItemCount(cid, darkness) >= 1 then             theevo = "Froslass"			 evolution = dark          else             doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de uma Water Stone, e a Rock Stone (Glalie) ou a Darkness (Froslass) para evolui esse pokemon.")			 return true	      end	      	      minlevel = pokes[theevo].level	      	      if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then	         doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")			 return true	      end          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, rock) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid, dark) >= 1 then	         doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Por favor, use a sua Rock Stone a evoluir este pokemon a um Glalie, ou a Darkness Stone para a Bellossom.")			 return true	      end                    doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, evolution, water)	   elseif item.itemid == rock then          minlevel = pokes["Glalie"].level          if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then             doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")			 return true          end          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, water) <= 0 then			 doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de uma Water Stone e uma Rock Stone para evolui esse pokemon.")			 return true          end          doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, "Glalie", rock, water)                 elseif item.itemid == dark then          minlevel = pokes["Froslass"].level          if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then             doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")             return true          end          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, water) <= 0 then			 doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de pelo menos uma Darkness Stone e uma Sun Stone ára evolui esse pokemon.")			 return true          end          doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, "Froslass", dark, water)       end  	   	   		   	 elseif getPokemonName(item2.uid) == "Kirlia" then       local theevo = ""	   local evolution = 0       if item.itemid == enigma then          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, heart) >= 1 then	         theevo = "Gardevoir"			 evolution = heart	      elseif getPlayerItemCount(cid, punch) >= 1 then             theevo = "Gallade"			 evolution = punch          else             doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de uma Enigma Stone, e a Heart Stone (Gardevoir) ou a Punch Stone (Gallade) para evolui esse pokemon.")			 return true	      end	      	      minlevel = pokes[theevo].level	      	      if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then	         doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")			 return true	      end          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, heart) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid, punch) >= 1 then	         doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Por favor, use a sua Heart Stone a evoluir este pokemon a um Gardevoir, ou a Heart Stone para a Gallade.")			 return true	      end                    doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, evolution, enigma)	   elseif item.itemid == heart then          minlevel = pokes["Gardevoir"].level          if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then             doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")			 return true          end          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, enigma) <= 0 then			 doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de uma Enigma Stone e uma Heart Stone para evolui esse pokemon.")			 return true          end          doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, "Gardevoir", heart, enigma)                 elseif item.itemid == punch then          minlevel = pokes["Gallade"].level          if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then             doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")             return true          end          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, enigma) <= 0 then			 doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de pelo menos uma Enigma Stone e uma Punch Stone ára evolui esse pokemon.")			 return true          end          doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, "Gallade", punch, enigma)       end           	elseif getPokemonName(item2.uid) == "Slowpoke" then       if item.itemid == enigma then          minlevel = pokes["Slowbro"].level          if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then			 doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem nível suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")			 return true          end          doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, "Slowbro", enigma, 0)		elseif item.itemid == king then          minlevel = pokes["Slowking"].level          if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then             doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")			 return true          end          doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, "Slowking", king, 0)        end	elseif getPokemonName(item2.uid) == "Tyrogue" then        local evolution = ""        evolution = choose("Hitmonlee", "Hitmonchan", "Hitmontop")		minlevel = pokes[evolution].level		if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then		   doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")		   return true		end        doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, evolution, punch, 0)	endreturn trueendlocal count = poevo[getPokemonName(item2.uid)].countlocal stnid = poevo[getPokemonName(item2.uid)].stoneidlocal stnid2 = poevo[getPokemonName(item2.uid)].stoneid2local evo = poevo[getPokemonName(item2.uid)].evolutionif stnid2 > 1 and (getPlayerItemCount(cid, stnid2) < count or getPlayerItemCount(cid, stnid) < count) then   doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de pelo menos um "..getItemNameById(stnid).." e uma "..getItemNameById(stnid2).." para evoluir este pokemon!")   return trueendif getPlayerItemCount(cid, stnid) < count then   local str = ""   if count >= 2 then      str = "s"   endreturn doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de pelo menos "..count.." "..getItemNameById(stnid)..""..str.." para evoluir este pokemon!")endminlevel = pokes[evo].levelif getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then   doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")   return trueendif count >= 2 then   stnid2 = stnidenddoEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, evo, stnid, stnid2)return TRUEend

Mais especificamente seriam novos pokémons criados por mim, apesar deu configurar no configurations as stones, beleza evolui, porém não é consumida.

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Em 14/10/2016 at 12:33, RafaelDimitry disse:


Sim, os players que repotaram isso!



local special = specialevo                  --alterado v1.9 \/ peguem ele todo!local types = {[leaf] = {"Bulbasaur", "Ivysaur", "Oddish", "Gloom", "Bellsprout", "Weepinbell", "Exeggcute", "Chikorita", "Bayleef", "Hoppip", "Skiploom", "Sunkern", "Grovyle", "Treecko", "Turtwig", "Grotle"},[water] = {"Snorunt", "Squirtle", "Wartortle", "Horsea", "Goldeen", "Magikarp", "Psyduck", "Poliwag", "Poliwhirl", "Tentacool", "Krabby", "Staryu", "Omanyte", "Eevee", "Totodile", "Croconow", "Chinchou", "Marill", "Wooper", "Slowpoke", "Remoraid", "Seadra", "Mudkip", "Marshtomp", "Piplup", "Prinplup"},[venom] = {"Zubat", "Ekans", "Nidoran male", "Nidoran female", "Nidorino", "Nidorina", "Gloom", "Venonat", "Tentacool", "Grimer", "Koffing", "Spinarak", "Golbat"},[thunder] = {"Magnemite", "Pikachu", "Voltorb", "Eevee", "Chinchou", "Pichu", "Mareep", "Flaaffy", "Elekid", "Electrike", "Electabuzz"},[rock] = {"Snorunt", "Geodude", "Graveler", "Rhyhorn", "Kabuto", "Slugma", "Pupitar", "Aron", "Lairon", "Metang"},[punch] = {"Kirlia", "Machop", "Machoke", "Mankey", "Poliwhirl", "Tyrogue"},[fire] = {"Charmander", "Charmeleon", "Vulpix", "Growlithe", "Ponyta", "Eevee", "Cyndaquil", "Quilava", "Slugma", "Houndour", "Magby", "Chimchar", "Monferno", "Magmar"},[coccon] = {"Caterpie", "Metapod", "Weedle", "Kakuna", "Paras", "Venonat", "Scyther", "Ledyba", "Spinarak", "Pineco"},[crystal] = {"Dratini", "Dragonair", "Magikarp", "Omanyte", "Kabuto", "Seadra", "Bagon", "Shelgon"},[dark] = {"Snorunt", "Gastly", "Haunter", "Eevee", "Houndour", "Pupitar"},[earth] = {"Cubone", "Sandshrew", "Nidorino", "Nidorina", "Diglett", "Onix", "Rhyhorn", "Wooper", "Swinub", "Phanpy", "Larvitar"},[enigma] = {"Kirlia", "Abra", "Kadabra", "Psyduck", "Slowpoke", "Drowzee", "Eevee", "Natu", "Smoochum"},[heart] = {"Kirlia", "Rattata", "Pidgey", "Pidgeotto", "Spearow", "Clefairy", "Jigglypuff", "Meowth", "Doduo", "Porygon", "Chansey", "Sentret", "Hoothoot", "Cleffa", "Igglybuff", "Togepi", "Snubull", "Teddiursa"},[super] = {"Onix", "Seel", "Shellder", "Smoochum", "Swinub"},[charizarditex] = {"Charizard"},[charizarditey] = {"Mega Charizard X"},[blazikenite] = {"Blaziken"},[tyranitarite] = {"Tyranitar"},[blastoisinite] = {"Blastoise"},[alakazite] = {"Alakazam"},[steelixite] = {"Steelix"},[aerodactylite] = {"Aerodactyl"},[key] = {"Gardevoir", "Wobbuffet", "Swampert", "Steelix", "Ampharos", "Absol", "Venusaur", "Aerodactyl", "Aggron", "Gallade", "Banette", "Gardevoir", "Gyarados", "Kangaskhan", "Manectric", "Metagross", "Sableye", "Salamence", "Sceptile", "Scizor", "Sharpedo", "Slowbro"},[swampertite] = {"Swampert"},[salamencite] = {"Salamence"},[gengarite] = {"Gengar"},[lucarionite] = {"Lucario"},[king] = {"Slowpoke", "Poliwhirl"},[metal] = {"Onix", "Scyther"},[dragon] = {"Seadra"},[upgrade] = {"Porygon"},[sun] = {"Sunkern", "Gloom"},[sfire] = {"Shiny Charmander", "Shiny Charmeleon", "Shiny Vulpix", "Shiny Growlithe", "Shiny Ponyta", "Shiny Eevee"},[swater] = {"Shiny Squirtle", "Shiny Wartortle", "Shiny Horsea", "Shiny Goldeen", "Shiny Magikarp", "Shiny Psyduck", "Shiny Poliwag", "Shiny Poliwhirl", "Shiny Tentacool", "Shiny Krabby", "Shiny Staryu", "Shiny Omanyte", "Shiny Eevee"},[sleaf] = {"Shiny Bulbasaur", "Shiny Ivysaur", "Shiny Oddish", "Shiny Gloom", "Shiny Bellsprout", "Shiny Weepinbell", "Shiny Exeggcute"},[sheart] = {"Shiny Rattata", "Shiny Pidgey", "Shiny Pidgeotto", "Shiny Spearow", "Shiny Clefairy", "Shiny Jigglypuff", "Shiny Meowth", "Shiny Doduo", "Shiny Porygon", "Shiny Chansey"},[senigma] = {"Shiny Abra", "Shiny Kadabra", "Shiny Psyduck", "Shiny Slowpoke", "Shiny Drowzee", "Shiny Eevee"},[srock] = {"Shiny Geodude", "Shiny Graveler", "Shiny Rhyhorn", "Shiny Kabuto"},[svenom] = {"Shiny Zubat", "Shiny Ekans", "Shiny Nidoran male", "Shiny Nidoran female", "Shiny Nidorino", "Shiny Nidorina", "Shiny Gloom", "Shiny Venonat", "Shiny Tentacool", "Shiny Grimer", "Shiny Koffing"},[ssuper] = {"Shiny Seel", "Shiny Shellder"},[sthunder] = {"Shiny Magnemite", "Shiny Pikachu", "Shiny Voltorb", "Shiny Eevee"},[scrystal] = {"Shiny Dratini", "Shiny Dragonair", "Shiny Magikarp", "Shiny Omanyte", "Shiny Kabuto"},[scoccon] = {"Shiny Caterpie", "Shiny Metapod", "Shiny Weedle", "Shiny Kakuna", "Shiny Paras", "Shiny Venonat", "Shiny Scyther"},[sdarkness] = {"Shiny Gastly", "Shiny Haunter", "Shiny Eevee"},[spunch] = {"Shiny Machop", "Shiny Machoke", "Shiny Mankey", "Shiny Poliwhirl"},[searth] = {"Shiny Cubone", "Shiny Sandshrew", "Shiny Nidorino", "Shiny Nidorina", "Shiny Diglett", "Shiny Onix", "Shiny Rhyhorn"}}local specEvos = {   --alterado v1.9 \/["Eevee"] = {               [thunder] = "Jolteon",               [water] = "Vaporeon",               [fire] = "Flareon",               [enigma] = "Espeon",               [dark] = "Umbreon",			   [heart] = "Sylveon",			   [leaf] = "Leafeon",			   [crystal] = "Glaceon",            },["Onix"] = {               [metal] = "Steelix",               [super] = "Crystal Onix",            },			}function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)local pokeball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8)if not isMonster(item2.uid) or not isSummon(item2.uid) then   return trueendif #getCreatureSummons(cid) > 1 then   return true                           --alterado v1.9endif getCreatureCondition(item2.uid, CONDITION_INVISIBLE) then return true endlocal pevo = poevo[getCreatureName(item2.uid)]if not isInArray(specialevo, getCreatureName(item2.uid)) then   if not pevo then      doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Este Pokémon não pode evoluir.")      return true   end   if not isPlayer(getCreatureMaster(item2.uid)) or getCreatureMaster(item2.uid) ~= cid then      doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce só pode usar stones em pokemons que voce possui.")      return true   end   if pevo.stoneid ~= item.itemid and pevo.stoneid2 ~= item.itemid then       doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Esta não é a stone necessária para evoluir este pokemon.")      return true   endendlocal minlevel = 0if getPokemonName(item2.uid) == "Eevee" then   local eevee = specEvos["Eevee"][item.itemid]   if not eevee then      doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Esta não é a stone necessária para desenvolver esse pokemon.")      return true   end      minlevel = pokes[eevee].level   if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then      doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")      return true   end   doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1)   doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, eevee, 0, 0)   return trueendif getPokemonName(item2.uid) == "Onix" then   local onix = specEvos["Onix"][item.itemid]   if not onix then      doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Esta não é a stone necessária para desenvolver esse pokemon.")      return true   end      minlevel = pokes[onix].level   if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then      doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")      return true   end   doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1)   doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, onix, 0, 0)   return trueendif isInArray(specialevo, getPokemonName(item2.uid)) then   if getPokemonName(item2.uid) == "Poliwhirl" then      local evolution = 0      local theevo = ""            if item.itemid == water then         if getPlayerItemCount(cid, king) >= 1 then            evolution = king			theevo = "Politoed"         elseif getPlayerItemCount(cid, punch) >= 1 then			evolution = punch			theevo = "Poliwrath"         else            doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de uma water stone e uma punch stone (Poliwrath) ou uma King's Rock (Politoed) para evolui este pokemon.")            return true         end                  minlevel = pokes[theevo].level                  if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then            doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")			return true         end         if getPlayerItemCount(cid, punch) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid, king) >= 1 then            doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Por favor, use o seu Punch Stone a evoluir este pokemon a um Poliwrath, ou a King's Rock para um Politoed.")			return true         end         doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, evolution, water)	  elseif item.itemid == punch then         minlevel = pokes["Poliwrath"].level                  if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then			doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem nível suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")			return true         end         if getPlayerItemCount(cid, water) <= 0 then			doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de pelo menos um Punch Stone e uma Water Stone para evoluir este pokemon.")			return true         end         local theevo = "Poliwrath"         doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, water, punch)		  elseif item.itemid == king then         minlevel = pokes["Politoed"].level         if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then			doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")			return true         end         if getPlayerItemCount(cid, water) <= 0 then			doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de pelo menos um Punch Stone e uma King's Rock para evolui esse pokemon.")			return true         end         local theevo = "Politoed"         doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, water, king)      end	elseif getPokemonName(item2.uid) == "Gloom" then       local theevo = ""	   local evolution = 0       if item.itemid == leaf then          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, venom) >= 1 then	         theevo = "Vileplume"			 evolution = venom	      elseif getPlayerItemCount(cid, sun) >= 1 then             theevo = "Bellossom"			 evolution = sun          else             doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de uma Leaf Stone, e a Sun Stone (Bellossom) ou a Venom Stone (Vileplume) para evolui esse pokemon.")			 return true	      end	      	      minlevel = pokes[theevo].level	      	      if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then	         doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")			 return true	      end          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, venom) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid, sun) >= 1 then	         doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Por favor, use a sua Venom Stone a evoluir este pokemon a um Vileplume, ou a Sun Stone para a Bellossom.")			 return true	      end                    doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, evolution, leaf)	   elseif item.itemid == venom then          minlevel = pokes["Vileplume"].level          if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then             doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")			 return true          end          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, leaf) <= 0 then			 doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de uma Leaf Stone e uma Venom Stone para evolui esse pokemon.")			 return true          end          doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, "Vileplume", venom, leaf)                 elseif item.itemid == sun then          minlevel = pokes["Bellossom"].level          if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then             doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")             return true          end          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, leaf) <= 0 then			 doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de pelo menos uma Leaf Stone e uma Sun Stone ára evolui esse pokemon.")			 return true          end          doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, "Bellossom", sun, leaf)       end	   	 elseif getPokemonName(item2.uid) == "Snorunt" then       local theevo = ""	   local evolution = 0       if item.itemid == water then          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, rock) >= 1 then	         theevo = "Glalie"			 evolution = rock	      elseif getPlayerItemCount(cid, darkness) >= 1 then             theevo = "Froslass"			 evolution = dark          else             doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de uma Water Stone, e a Rock Stone (Glalie) ou a Darkness (Froslass) para evolui esse pokemon.")			 return true	      end	      	      minlevel = pokes[theevo].level	      	      if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then	         doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")			 return true	      end          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, rock) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid, dark) >= 1 then	         doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Por favor, use a sua Rock Stone a evoluir este pokemon a um Glalie, ou a Darkness Stone para a Bellossom.")			 return true	      end                    doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, evolution, water)	   elseif item.itemid == rock then          minlevel = pokes["Glalie"].level          if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then             doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")			 return true          end          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, water) <= 0 then			 doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de uma Water Stone e uma Rock Stone para evolui esse pokemon.")			 return true          end          doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, "Glalie", rock, water)                 elseif item.itemid == dark then          minlevel = pokes["Froslass"].level          if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then             doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")             return true          end          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, water) <= 0 then			 doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de pelo menos uma Darkness Stone e uma Sun Stone ára evolui esse pokemon.")			 return true          end          doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, "Froslass", dark, water)       end  	   	   		   	 elseif getPokemonName(item2.uid) == "Kirlia" then       local theevo = ""	   local evolution = 0       if item.itemid == enigma then          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, heart) >= 1 then	         theevo = "Gardevoir"			 evolution = heart	      elseif getPlayerItemCount(cid, punch) >= 1 then             theevo = "Gallade"			 evolution = punch          else             doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de uma Enigma Stone, e a Heart Stone (Gardevoir) ou a Punch Stone (Gallade) para evolui esse pokemon.")			 return true	      end	      	      minlevel = pokes[theevo].level	      	      if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then	         doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")			 return true	      end          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, heart) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid, punch) >= 1 then	         doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Por favor, use a sua Heart Stone a evoluir este pokemon a um Gardevoir, ou a Heart Stone para a Gallade.")			 return true	      end                    doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, evolution, enigma)	   elseif item.itemid == heart then          minlevel = pokes["Gardevoir"].level          if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then             doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")			 return true          end          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, enigma) <= 0 then			 doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de uma Enigma Stone e uma Heart Stone para evolui esse pokemon.")			 return true          end          doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, "Gardevoir", heart, enigma)                 elseif item.itemid == punch then          minlevel = pokes["Gallade"].level          if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then             doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")             return true          end          if getPlayerItemCount(cid, enigma) <= 0 then			 doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de pelo menos uma Enigma Stone e uma Punch Stone ára evolui esse pokemon.")			 return true          end          doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, "Gallade", punch, enigma)       end           	elseif getPokemonName(item2.uid) == "Slowpoke" then       if item.itemid == enigma then          minlevel = pokes["Slowbro"].level          if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then			 doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem nível suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")			 return true          end          doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, "Slowbro", enigma, 0)		elseif item.itemid == king then          minlevel = pokes["Slowking"].level          if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then             doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")			 return true          end          doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, "Slowking", king, 0)        end	elseif getPokemonName(item2.uid) == "Tyrogue" then        local evolution = ""        evolution = choose("Hitmonlee", "Hitmonchan", "Hitmontop")		minlevel = pokes[evolution].level		if getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then		   doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")		   return true		end        doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, evolution, punch, 0)	endreturn trueendlocal count = poevo[getPokemonName(item2.uid)].countlocal stnid = poevo[getPokemonName(item2.uid)].stoneidlocal stnid2 = poevo[getPokemonName(item2.uid)].stoneid2local evo = poevo[getPokemonName(item2.uid)].evolutionif stnid2 > 1 and (getPlayerItemCount(cid, stnid2) < count or getPlayerItemCount(cid, stnid) < count) then   doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de pelo menos um "..getItemNameById(stnid).." e uma "..getItemNameById(stnid2).." para evoluir este pokemon!")   return trueendif getPlayerItemCount(cid, stnid) < count then   local str = ""   if count >= 2 then      str = "s"   endreturn doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce precisa de pelo menos "..count.." "..getItemNameById(stnid)..""..str.." para evoluir este pokemon!")endminlevel = pokes[evo].levelif getPlayerLevel(cid) < minlevel then   doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "voce não tem level suficiente para evoluir este pokemon ("..minlevel..").")   return trueendif count >= 2 then   stnid2 = stnidenddoEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, evo, stnid, stnid2)return TRUEend

Mais especificamente seriam novos pokémons criados por mim, apesar deu configurar no configurations as stones, beleza evolui, porém não é consumida.

estuda mais o código, pode ser que ele remova as stones de acordo com o pokémon(estou sem tempo agora, mas depois verei isto)

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