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(resolvido) Aumentar Limite de Efeitos FALHA



Não consigo aumentar o limite de efeitos do client, segui um tutorial porém, algumas funções tem pequenas diferenças, já tentei deixar exatamente como no tutorial e não consegui, tentei usar uma outra source que já contém efeitos aumentados para comparação mas na hora de compilar da erro, não entendo de source, alguém poderia fazer o imenso favor de aumentar esse limite nas sources?


OBS: Compila normal se eu não fazer as alterações para aumentar esse limite



Link do tutorial ensinando aumentar o limite de effects (único que achei, nele tem 1 source já com effects aumentados como base):

Aumentando limite de efeitos


Download da Source sem NADA alterado (0.3.6 (Crying Damson))

Source     (Já contém Scan no 4shared)



Essa Source é desse Post:

Base Bolz 2.5 Open Source



Download da Source que editei pela ultima vez tentando aumentar os effects, os erros da compilação abaixo são referentes a essa ultima tentativa

Source que tentei aumentar os efeitos pela ultima vez


OBS: Todas tentativas deram erros, os erros são praticamentes os mesmos, mudam poucas coisas ou ordem




Aqui o Log do Compilador Completo (Todos erros):


Compilador: Default compilerBuilding Makefile: "C:\Users\Usuario\Desktop\Sources\source 0.1\dev-cpp\"Executando  make...make.exe -f "C:\Users\Usuario\Desktop\Sources\source 0.1\dev-cpp\" allg++.exe -c ../game.cpp -o obj//game.o -I"C:/Users/Usuario/Desktop/The Forgotten Dev-Cpp/include"  -D__USE_MYSQL__ -D__USE_SQLITE__ -D__ENABLE_SERVER_DIAGNOSTIC__   -fexpensive-optimizations -O1In file included from ../tools.h:23,                 from ../map.h:20,                 from ../game.h:26,                 from ../game.cpp:18:../const.h:732:7: warning: no newline at end of fileIn file included from ../map.h:20,                 from ../game.h:26,                 from ../game.cpp:18:../tools.h:139:7: warning: no newline at end of fileIn file included from ../creature.h:29,                 from ../monsters.h:22,                 from ../monster.h:21,                 from ../spawn.h:26,                 from ../game.h:27,                 from ../game.cpp:18:../condition.h:377:7: warning: no newline at end of fileg++.exe -c ../protocolgame.cpp -o obj//protocolgame.o -I"C:/Users/Usuario/Desktop/The Forgotten Dev-Cpp/include"  -D__USE_MYSQL__ -D__USE_SQLITE__ -D__ENABLE_SERVER_DIAGNOSTIC__   -fexpensive-optimizations -O1In file included from ../creature.h:25,                 from ../protocolgame.h:25,                 from ../protocolgame.cpp:23:../const.h:732:7: warning: no newline at end of fileIn file included from ../map.h:20,                 from ../creature.h:28,                 from ../protocolgame.h:25,                 from ../protocolgame.cpp:23:../tools.h:139:7: warning: no newline at end of fileIn file included from ../creature.h:29,                 from ../protocolgame.h:25,                 from ../protocolgame.cpp:23:../condition.h:377:7: warning: no newline at end of filewindres.exe -i TheForgottenServer_private.rc --input-format=rc -o obj//TheForgottenServer_private.res -O coff g++.exe obj//actions.o obj//allocator.o obj//baseevents.o obj//beds.o obj//chat.o obj//combat.o obj//protocolold.o obj//condition.o obj//configmanager.o obj//connection.o obj//container.o obj//creature.o obj//creatureevent.o obj//cylinder.o obj//database.o obj//databasemysql.o obj//databasesqlite.o obj//depot.o obj//exception.o obj//fileloader.o obj//game.o obj//gui.o obj//house.o obj//housetile.o obj//inputbox.o obj//ioguild.o obj//iologindata.o obj//iomap.o obj//iomapserialize.o obj//item.o obj//items.o obj//luascript.o obj//mailbox.o obj//map.o obj//md5.o obj//monster.o obj//monsters.o obj//movement.o obj//networkmessage.o obj//npc.o obj//otserv.o obj//outfit.o obj//outputmessage.o obj//party.o obj//player.o obj//playerbox.o obj//position.o obj//protocol.o obj//protocolgame.o obj//protocollogin.o obj//quests.o obj//raids.o obj//rsa.o obj//scheduler.o obj//scriptmanager.o obj//server.o obj//sha1.o obj//spawn.o obj//spells.o obj//status.o obj//talkaction.o obj//tasks.o obj//teleport.o obj//textlogger.o obj//thing.o obj//tile.o obj//tools.o obj//trashholder.o obj//vocation.o obj//waitlist.o obj//weapons.o obj//ioban.o obj//globalevent.o obj//gameservers.o obj//databasemanager.o obj//admin.o obj//itemattributes.o obj//group.o obj//TheForgottenServer_private.res -o "TheForgottenServer.exe" -L"C:/Users/Usuario/Desktop/The Forgotten Dev-Cpp/lib" -mwindows -O1 -lboost_system -lgmp -llua5.1 -lmysql -lboost_regex -lsqlite3 -lwsock32 -lxml2 -lmysql -lws2_32 -s -lboost_filesystem -lboost_thread  obj//beds.o:beds.cpp:(.text+0x12ed): undefined reference to `Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'obj//beds.o:beds.cpp:(.text+0x154a): undefined reference to `Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'obj//combat.o:combat.cpp:(.text+0x33d0): undefined reference to `Game::addMagicEffect(std::list<Creature*, std::allocator<Creature*> > const&, Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'obj//combat.o:combat.cpp:(.text+0x3fea): undefined reference to `Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'obj//combat.o:combat.cpp:(.text+0x4268): undefined reference to `Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'obj//combat.o:combat.cpp:(.text+0x4512): undefined reference to `Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'obj//combat.o:combat.cpp:(.text+0x4778): undefined reference to `Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'obj//combat.o:combat.cpp:(.text+0x4a20): undefined reference to `Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'obj//house.o:house.cpp:(.text+0x43ca): more undefined references to `Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)' followobj//luascript.o:luascript.cpp:(.text+0x1d8f9): undefined reference to `Game::addMagicEffect(std::list<Creature*, std::allocator<Creature*> > const&, Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'obj//luascript.o:luascript.cpp:(.text+0x1d92b): undefined reference to `Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'obj//luascript.o:luascript.cpp:(.text+0x3583a): undefined reference to `Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'obj//monster.o:monster.cpp:(.text+0x1cd5): undefined reference to `Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'obj//monster.o:monster.cpp:(.text+0x1d1a): undefined reference to `Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'obj//monster.o:monster.cpp:(.text+0x3dac): undefined reference to `Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'obj//monster.o:monster.cpp:(.text+0x476c): more undefined references to `Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)' followobj//talkaction.o:talkaction.cpp:(.text+0x1c65b): undefined reference to `ProtocolGame::sendMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char)'obj//talkaction.o:talkaction.cpp:(.text+0x1c823): undefined reference to `ProtocolGame::sendMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char)'obj//teleport.o:teleport.cpp:(.text+0x2b9): undefined reference to `Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'obj//trashholder.o:trashholder.cpp:(.text+0x21e): undefined reference to `Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'obj//weapons.o:weapons.cpp:(.text+0x4711): undefined reference to `Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'make.exe: *** [TheForgottenServer.exe] Error 1Execução terminada



(Resumo) Os Ultimos erros que apareceram, e que falam (diretamente) sobre o que eu alterei:


[Warning] no new line at end of fileundefined reference to 'Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'undefined reference to 'Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'undefined reference to 'Game::addMagicEffect(std::list<Creature*,std::alocator<Cre...undefined reference to 'Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'undefined reference to 'Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'undefined reference to 'Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'undefined reference to 'Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'undefined reference to 'Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'more undefined reference to 'Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)' followundefined reference to 'Game::addMagicEffect(std::list<Creature*,std::alocator<Cre...undefined reference to 'Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'undefined reference to 'Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'undefined reference to 'Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'undefined reference to 'Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'undefined reference to 'Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'more undefined reference to 'Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)' followundefined reference to 'ProtocolGame::sendMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned...undefined reference to 'ProtocolGame::sendMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned...undefined reference to 'Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'undefined reference to 'Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'undefined reference to 'Game::addMagicEffect(Position const&, unsigned char, bool)'[build Error] [TheForgottenServer.exe] Error 1



Explicando a situação o mais completo possível pra que possam me ajudar:


 Na minha source, algumas coisas são um pouco diferentes de como estão no post do tutorial, eu tentei deixar exatamente como  diz lá e na hora de compilar aparecem VÁRIOS erros (se compilar sem editar nada, funciona) 

Exemplo, no tutorial manda procurar em 2 lugares por:


void ProtocolGamesendMagicEffect(const Position& pos, uint8_t type)

e trocar por:


void ProtocolGame::sendMagicEffect(const Position& pos, uint16_t type)


em protocolgame.cpp está exatamente igual, eu substituo como dito no post.


Já no protocolgame.h está assim:

void sendMagicEffect(const Position& pos, uint8_t type)


Em alguns outros lugares eu encontro o "void Game::" em vez de só "void" , em outros ao contrário...


Mesmo com essas diferenças, eu consegui encontrar TODOS, vi que só o que muda é o:





Tentei substituir pelo do post e deixar tudo EXATAMENTE como diz o post, porém da erro, creio que em alguns lugares eu devo retirar o "ProtocolGame::", em outros colocar, em alguns lugares adicionar "Game::" e em outros retirar, porém são muitas combinações possiveis, estou tentando e não estou conseguindo, cada combinação que tendo aparecem erros diferentes,









Editado por samlecter
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1 minuto atrás, ricardoberg disse:

cara, essas sources são as originais da Bolz, peguei aquelas sources daquele tópico que vc me ajudou com o client, e compilei ela com o limite de effect, se der problemas dai n é culpa minha, e sim do cara que postou as sources.

AH sim, agr entendi, achei q eram sources de outra versão anterior dessa base. Melhor ainda então, VLW :laugh:

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