DeCarvalho 65 Postado Julho 29, 2015 Share Postado Julho 29, 2015 (editado) Desculpa ae, to com tanto sono que coloquei na sessão errada.. era para aprovação de sistema e eu coloquei aqui.. da um desconto.. to acordado desde 3 da madruga de ontem :s Antes de qualquer coisa o sistema foi feito pelo RazorBlade e eu pedi autorização para estar postando aqui, pois é um sistema super interessante e sei que muitos brs não tem a mínima noção de inglês.. Se curtiu da um rep ae.. posso não ter feito o sistema, mas testar, informar erros, esperar o Razor responder para arrumar, trazer para cá, traduzir e nada de tradutor online.. deixar arrumado da trabalho né Se seguir todos os passos corretamente.. é esperado somente um erro.. olhar item no trade.. ainda estou esperando o razor corrigir.. houve uma alteração feita mas não corrigiu todo.. mas isso não afeta o funcionamento.. verá que é um ótimo sistema vale a pena conferir.. Testado e funcionando perfeitamente em 1.1 e 1.2 Vídeo para ter +- uma ideia de como funciona (o vídeo não é meu, o meu ainda n fiz upload) Características Características da Alquimia- Opções de receitas- Lista de receitas que o player aprendeu- Lista de ingredientes necessários para fabricar a poção- Fabricar poção- Continuar a fabricar rapidamente se os requisitos forem cumpridos- Lista de ingredientes- Lista de ingredientes que podem ser usados, somente se o player os tiver na bp, não mostra os que não estão sendo carregados.- Ver informação de cada ingredientes- Efeitos que podem ser adicionados à poção- Potência do ingredientes- Adicionar ingredientes individualmente a panela- Ver o conteúdo da panela em uma lista de ingredientes e da panela- Remover ingredientes da panela- Fabricar ingredientes da panela- Efeitos das poções são definidos pelo numero de instancias dos ingredientes na panela, a categoria é decidida de forma randômica- Exemplo: ingrediente x aumenta max hp e max mp, ingrediente y aumenta max mp e recupera hp, ingrediente z aumenta max hp e recupera mana. Tem somente um de cada ingrediente na panela, isso significa que temos 2x aumento de max mp, 2x de max hp, 1x recuperação de hp, 1x recuperação de mana. O efeito da poção será aumento de max hp ou mp, decidido de forma randômica, se houvesse 3x aumento de max hp e 2x de max mp o efeito seria garantidamente aumento de max hp.- A potência da poção é decidida por dois fatores: Potência média de todos os ingredientes na panela, e +1 de potência para cada ingrediente que tenha o efeito "aumento de potência". A Potência não pode ser maior que 10 ou menor que 1 (configurável)- A duração da poção é decidida pela base de 60 segundos +15 segundos para cada ingrediente que tenha o efeito "aumentar duração" por no máximo 2 minutos (configurável)- Diferentes efeitos recebem diferentes bônus de potência, a quantidade de hp recuperada pela poção pode aumentar em 10 por cada potência, a mana pode aumentar em 5 ou outra qualquer (configurável)- Se os ingredientes na panela puderem ser usados para fabricar com base em uma pré-receita, o jogador fabrica a receita e acaba aprendendo como fabricar rapidamente direto da lista de poções. Se ele não souber a receita a poção irá produzir somente um efeito com a duração variável e potência (se aplicado)- Poções fabricadas de receitas aprendidas sempre irão ter a mesma duração e potência, mas podem ter múltiplos efeitos ao mesmo tempo. (configurável)- Poções fabricadas de receitas aprendidas irão informar cada efeito individualmente com duração e valores ao dar look.Características do subsistema de ingredientes- Olhar um item que pode ser usado como ingrediente irá mostrar seu efeito - se voc~e tiver aprendido- Cada ingrediente tem dois efeitos, o primeiro aprendido comendo/usando o ingrediente e o segundo ao usar o ingrediente em uma poção- Cada ingrediente tem os dois efeitos e potências configuráveis, cada efeito tem uma storage para guardar que o player ja aprendeu isso.Características do subsistema de poções- Olhar a poção irá mostrar seu nome customizado, efeitos, duração, valores, etc.- Usar a poção irá ativar o efeito em você (seja instantâneo ou condição)- Função conveniente para guardar todas as informações sobre as poções para acesso em outro script ou funcionalidade - retorna uma tabela contendo todos os efeitos, valores, durações, o nome da poção e qualquer informação importante sobre- Poções podem ser transferidas entre vials e outros containers e irão continuar funcionando perfeitamenteEfeitos- Poções de cura - Recuperam Instantaneamente-- Vida-- Mana-- Soul- Poções de Regeneração - Regeneram mais rapidamente-- Vida-- Mana-- Soul- Poções de Resistência - Resiste, absorve, reflete, desvia de um tipo de dano ou de todos-- Fogo-- Energia-- Terra-- Gelo-- Sagrado-- Morte-- Fisico-- Todos- Poções de velocidade - ¬¬ aumentam velocidade O.os- Poções de Imunidade-- Afogamento- Poções de Skill - Aumentam skill em x-- Punho-- Corpo a corpo-- Distancia-- Defesa-- Pesca- Poções de fortificação - aumentam status-- Vida-- Mana Para usar o sistema, (configurável) atualmente você deve usar um empty vial em um bowl with sacred water (id:12289)-- ACTIONSEm actions.xml adicione <action itemid="5881" script="custom/alchemy.lua"/> <action itemid="5898" script="custom/alchemy.lua"/> <action itemid="5902" script="custom/alchemy.lua"/> <action itemid="5920" script="custom/alchemy.lua"/> crie uma pasta chamada custom e crie um arquivo chamado alchemy.lua e adicione isso function onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey) for i = 1, #aingredients do if item.itemid == aingredients[i].id then if player:getStorageValue(aingredients[i].storages[1]) ~= 1 then if aingredients[i].use == "with" and target == player then item:remove(1) player:setStorageValue(aingredients[i].storages[1], 1) player:say("Kind of chewy...", TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You have discovered the effect " .. aeffects[aingredients[i].effects[1]].fullname .. " from the " .. aingredients[i].name .. "!") return true elseif aingredients[i].use == "use" then item:remove(1) player:setStorageValue(aingredients[i].storages[1], 1) player:say("Kind of chewy...", TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You have discovered the effect " .. aeffects[aingredients[i].effects[1]].fullname .. " from the " .. aingredients[i].name .. "!") return true end else if aingredients[i].use == "with" then if target == player then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You have already discovered the first effect for this item.") else return false end else player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You have already discovered the first effect for this item.") end return true end end end return false end é recomendado usar uma versão 'melhorada' do arquivo fluids.lua na pasta other, basta alterar todo seu conteúdo por isso local drunk = Condition(CONDITION_DRUNK) drunk:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 60000) local poison = Condition(CONDITION_POISON) poison:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_DELAYED, true) poison:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_MINVALUE, -50) poison:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_MAXVALUE, -120) poison:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_STARTVALUE, -5) poison:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKINTERVAL, 4000) poison:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_FORCEUPDATE, true) local fluidType = {3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 15, 19} local fluidMessage = {"Aah...", "Urgh!", "Mmmh.", "Aaaah...", "Aaaah...", "Urgh!", "Urgh!", "Aah...", "Urgh!"} local specialFluids = {36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110} local specialMessages = {"Ugh.", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah...", "Aah..."} function onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey) local targetItemType = ItemType(target.itemid) if targetItemType and targetItemType:isFluidContainer() then if target.type == 0 and item.type ~= 0 then for i = 0, #specialFluids do if item.type == specialFluids[i] then target:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, item:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION)) item:removeAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION) end end target:transform(target:getId(), item.type) item:transform(item:getId(), 0) return true elseif target.type ~= 0 and item.type == 0 then for i = 0, #specialFluids do if target.type == specialFluids[i] then item:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, target:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION)) target:removeAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION) end end item:transform(item:getId(), target.type) target:transform(target:getId(), 0) return true end end if target:isCreature() then if item.type == 0 then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_SMALL, "It is empty.") elseif target == player then if item.type == 3 or item.type == 15 then player:addCondition(drunk) elseif item.type == 4 then player:addCondition(poison) elseif item.type == 7 then player:addMana(math.random(50, 150)) fromPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) elseif item.type == 10 then player:addHealth(60) fromPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) end for i = 0, #fluidType do if item.type == fluidType[i] then player:say(fluidMessage[i], TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) item:transform(item:getId(), 0) return true end end for i = 0, #specialFluids do if item.type == specialFluids[i] then local effects = item:getEffects(item) usePotion(player, effects) player:say(specialMessages[i], TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) item:transform(item:getId(), 0) item:removeAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION) return true end end item:transform(item:getId(), 0) player:say("Gulp.", TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) else Game.createItem(2016, item.type, toPosition):decay() item:transform(item:getId(), 0) end else local fluidSource = targetItemType and targetItemType:getFluidSource() or 0 if fluidSource ~= 0 then item:transform(item:getId(), fluidSource) elseif item.type == 0 then if item:getId() == 2006 and target:getId() == 12289 then player:sendAlchemyWindow() else player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_SMALL, "It is empty.") end else if toPosition.x == CONTAINER_POSITION then toPosition = player:getPosition() end for i = 0, #specialFluids do if item.type == specialFluids[i] then item:removeAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION) end end Game.createItem(2016, item.type, toPosition):decay() item:transform(item:getId(), 0) end end return true end -- CREATURESCRIPTSEm creaturescripts.xml adicione <event type="modalwindow" name="alchemy" script="alchemy.lua"/> <event type="healthchange" name="PotRes" script="potionResist.lua"/> Registre em login.lua player:registerEvent("alchemy") player:registerEvent("PotRes") Crie em scripts o arquivo alchemy.lua e adicione isso function onModalWindow(player, modalWindowId, buttonId, choiceId) player:ingredientWindowChoice(modalWindowId, buttonId, choiceId) player:alchemyWindowChoice(modalWindowId, buttonId, choiceId) player:potionWindowChoice(modalWindowId, buttonId, choiceId) player:potionRecipeWindowChoice(modalWindowId, buttonId, choiceId) player:infoWindowChoice(modalWindowId, buttonId, choiceId) player:bowlWindowChoice(modalWindowId, buttonId, choiceId) return true end Crie em scripts o arquivo potionResist.lua e adicione isso local res = { {101, COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE}, {102, COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE}, {103, COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE}, {104, COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE}, {105, COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE}, {106, COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE}, {107, COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE}, {108, COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE}, {109, COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE},{110, COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE}, {111, COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE}, {112, COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE}, {113, COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE}, {114, COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE}, {115, COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE}, {116, COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE}, {117, COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE}, {118, COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE}, {119, COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE}, {120, COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE}, {121, COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE}, {122, COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE}, {123, COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE}, {124, COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE}, {125, COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE}, {126, COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE}, {127, COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE}, {128, COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE}, {129, COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE}, {130, COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE}, {131, COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE}, {132, COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE}, } local refs = { [COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE] = CONST_ME_DRAWBLOOD, [COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE] = CONST_ME_ENERGYAREA, [COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE] = CONST_ME_POISONAREA, [COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE] = CONST_ME_FIREAREA, [COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE] = CONST_ME_ICEAREA, [COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE] = CONST_ME_HOLYAREA, [COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE] = CONST_ME_MORTAREA } function onHealthChange(creature, attacker, primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType, origin) if creature:isPlayer() then if primaryType == COMBAT_HEALING then return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end if creature:getCondition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES, CONDITIONID_COMBAT, 11) then if primaryType == COMBAT_DROWNDAMAGE then primaryDamage = 0 end if secondaryType == COMBAT_DROWNDAMAGE then secondaryDamage = 0 end end for i = 1, 8 do -- resist if creature:getCondition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES, CONDITIONID_COMBAT, res[i][1]) then if primaryType == res[i][2] or i == 8 then primaryDamage = (primaryDamage - (primaryDamage * (creature:getStorageValue(5) / 100))) end if secondaryType == res[i][2] or i == 8 then secondaryDamage = (secondaryDamage - (secondaryDamage * (creature:getStorageValue(5) / 100))) end end end for i = 9, 16 do -- reflect if creature:getCondition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES, CONDITIONID_COMBAT, res[i][1]) then if not attacker then return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end if primaryType == res[i][2] or i == 16 then local a = math.floor(primaryDamage * (creature:getStorageValue(5) / 100)) if attacker:isMonster() then local m = MonsterType(attacker:getName()) local e = m:getElementList() local f = m:getCombatImmunities() if type(f) == "number" then if f == primaryType then a = 0 end else for i, j in pairs(f) do if i == primaryType then a = 0 end end end if type(e) == "number" then if e == primaryType then if e > 0 then a = (a - (a * (e / 100))) else a = (a + (a * ((e * -1) / 100))) end end else for i, j in pairs(e) do if i == primaryType then if j > 0 then a = (a - (a * (j / 100))) else a = (a + (a * ((j * -1) / 100))) end end end end end doTargetCombatHealth(creature, attacker, primaryType, a, a, refs[primaryType]) end end end for i = 17, 24 do -- deflect if creature:getCondition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES, CONDITIONID_COMBAT, res[i][1]) then if not attacker then return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end if primaryType == res[i][2] or i == 24 then local a = math.floor(primaryDamage * (creature:getStorageValue(5) / 100)) if attacker:isMonster() then local m = MonsterType(attacker:getName()) local e = m:getElementList() local f = m:getCombatImmunities() if type(f) == "number" then if f == primaryType then a = 0 end else for i, j in pairs(f) do if i == primaryType then a = 0 end end end if type(e) == "number" then if e == primaryType then if e > 0 then a = (a - (a * (e / 100))) else a = (a + (a * ((e * -1) / 100))) end end else for i, j in pairs(e) do if i == primaryType then if j > 0 then a = (a - (a * (j / 100))) else a = (a + (a * ((j * -1) / 100))) end end end end end doTargetCombatHealth(creature, attacker, primaryType, a, a, refs[primaryType]) primaryDamage = (primaryDamage - (primaryDamage * (creature:getStorageValue(5) / 100))) secondaryDamage = (secondaryDamage - (secondaryDamage * (creature:getStorageValue(5) / 100))) end end end for i = 25, 32 do if creature:getCondition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES, CONDITIONID_COMBAT, res[i][1]) then if primaryType == res[i][2] or i == 32 then local a = math.floor(primaryDamage * (creature:getStorageValue(5) / 100)) creature:addHealth(a) primaryDamage = (primaryDamage - (primaryDamage * (creature:getStorageValue(5) / 100))) secondaryDamage = (secondaryDamage - (secondaryDamage * (creature:getStorageValue(5) / 100))) end end end end if primaryDamage == 0 and secondaryDamage == 0 and creature:isPlayer() and not creature:getCondition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES, CONDITIONID_COMBAT, 20) then creature:getPosition():sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) end return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end function onManaChange(creature, attacker, manaChange, origin) return manaChange end -- EVENTSEm events.xml certifique-se de alterar ambas as linhas para 10 <event class="Player" method="onLook" enabled="1" /> <event class="Player" method="onLookInTrade" enabled="1" /> No arquivo player.lua procure por onLook e após isso local description = "You see " .. thing:getDescription(distance) adicione isso local numbers = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} if thing:getId() == 2006 then local fluidType = {36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110} if isInArray(fluidType, thing:getFluidType()) then local effects = thing:getEffects(thing) if effects[6] == 1 then description = "You see a " .. apotency[tonumber(effects[4])].prefix .. " " .. effects[5] .. ".\n" .. thing:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION) elseif effects[6] == 2 then description = "You see a " .. effects[5] .. ".\n" .. thing:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION) end end end for i = 1, #aingredients do if thing:getId() == aingredients[i].id then description = "You see " .. thing:getDescription(distance) .. "\nEffects:\n1: " if self:getStorageValue(aingredients[i].storages[1]) == 1 then description = description .. aeffects[aingredients[i].effects[1]].fullname else description = description .. "Unknown" end description = description .. "\n2: " if self:getStorageValue(aingredients[i].storages[2]) == 1 then description = description .. aeffects[aingredients[i].effects[2]].fullname else description = description .. "Unknown" end end end e em onLookIntrade você deveria ver isso self:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You see " .. item:getDescription(distance)) altere para isso local description = "You see " .. item:getDescription(distance) local numbers = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} if item:getId() == 2006 then local fluidType = {36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110} if isInArray(fluidType, item:getFluidType()) then local effects = item:getEffects(item) if effects[6] == 1 then description = "You see a " .. apotency[tonumber(effects[4])].prefix .. " " .. effects[5] .. ".\n" .. item:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION) elseif effects[6] == 2 then description = "You see a " .. effects[5] .. ".\n" .. item:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION) end end end for i = 1, #aingredients do if item:getId() == aingredients[i].id then description = "You see " .. item:getDescription(distance) .. "\nEffects:\n1: " if self:getStorageValue(aingredients[i].storages[1]) == 1 then description = description .. aeffects[aingredients[i].effects[1]].fullname else description = description .. "Unknown" end description = description .. "\n2: " if self:getStorageValue(aingredients[i].storages[2]) == 1 then description = description .. aeffects[aingredients[i].effects[2]].fullname else description = description .. "Unknown" end end end self:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You see " .. description) --O SISTEMA PRINCIPALEm global.lua adicione dofile('data/lib/alchemy.lua') dofile('data/lib/func.lua') dentro da pasta data/lib crie o arquivo alchemy.lua e adicione isso -- config local modalId = 1025 local bowl = {} local recipe = {} aingredients = { [1] = {name = "bonelord eye", id = 5898, effects = {"potency", "regenhp"}, storages = {20000, 20001}, potency = 1, use = "use"}, [2] = {name = "honeycomb", id = 5902, effects = {"restorehp", "meleeup"}, storages = {20002, 20003}, potency = 3, use = "with"}, [3] = {name = "lizard scale", id = 5881, effects = {"regenmp", "duration"}, storages = {20004, 20005}, potency = 1, use = "use"}, [4] = {name = "green dragon scale", id = 5920, effects = {"absorball", "duration"}, storages = {20006, 20007}, potency = 4, use = "use"}, } aeffects = { --["Name"] = {id = ID, fullname = "Full Name", dur = Duration, val = Value, p = IncreasePerPotency, label = "LabelOnItem"}, ["restorehp"] = {id = 1, fullname = "Restore Health", dur = 0, val = 100, p = 20, label = "Health"}, ["regenhp"] = {id = 2, fullname = "Regenerate Health", dur = 60, val = 10, p = 2, label = "HP Regen"}, ["potency"] = {id = 3, fullname = "Increase Potency", dur = 0, val = 1, p = 0, label = "Potency"}, ["meleeup"] = {id = 4, fullname = "Increase Melee Skill", dur = 60, val = 2, p = 1, label = "Melee"}, ["duration"] = {id = 5, fullname = "Increase Duration", dur = 0, val = 12, p = 0, label = "Duration"}, ["restoremp"] = {id = 6, fullname = "Restore Mana", dur = 0, val = 100, p = 20, label = "Mana"}, ["regenmp"] = {id = 7, fullname = "Regenerate Mana", dur = 60, val = 20, p = 4, label = "MP Regen"}, ["maxhp"] = {id = 8, fullname = "Fortify Health", dur = 60, val = 200, p = 25, label = "Max HP"}, ["maxmp"] = {id = 9, fullname = "Fortify Mana", dur = 60, val = 200, p = 25, label = "Max MP"}, ["speed"] = {id = 10, fullname = "Increase Speed", dur = 60, val = 40, p = 10, label = "Speed"}, ["fistup"] = {id = 11, fullname = "Increase Fist Skill", dur = 60, val = 2, p = 1, label = "Fist"}, ["distup"] = {id = 12, fullname = "Increase Distance Skill", dur = 60, val = 2, p = 1, label = "Distance"}, ["shieldup"] = {id = 13, fullname = "Increase Shielding Skill", dur = 60, val = 2, p = 1, label = "Shielding"}, ["fishup"] = {id = 14, fullname = "Increase Fishing Skill", dur = 60, val = 2, p = 1, label = "Fishing"}, ["resistfire"] = {id = 15, fullname = "Resist Fire", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Fire Percent"}, ["resistearth"] = {id = 16, fullname = "Resist Earth", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Earth Percent"}, ["resistenergy"] = {id = 17, fullname = "Resist Energy", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Energy Percent"}, ["resistice"] = {id = 18, fullname = "Resist Ice", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Ice Percent"}, ["resistdeath"] = {id = 19, fullname = "Resist Death", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Death Percent"}, ["resistholy"] = {id = 20, fullname = "Resist Holy", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Holy Percent"}, ["resistphysical"] = {id = 21, fullname = "Resist Physical", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Physical Percent"}, ["absorbfire"] = {id = 22, fullname = "Absorb Fire", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Fire Percent"}, ["absorbearth"] = {id = 23, fullname = "Absorb Earth", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Earth Percent"}, ["absorbenergy"] = {id = 24, fullname = "Absorb Energy", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Energy Percent"}, ["absorbice"] = {id = 25, fullname = "Absorb Ice", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Ice Percent"}, ["absorbdeath"] = {id = 26, fullname = "Absorb Death", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Death Percent"}, ["absorbholy"] = {id = 27, fullname = "Absorb Holy", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Holy Percent"}, ["absorbphysical"] = {id = 28, fullname = "Absorb Physical", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Physical Percent"}, ["reflectfire"] = {id = 29, fullname = "Reflect Fire", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Fire Percent"}, ["reflectearth"] = {id = 30, fullname = "Reflect Earth", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Earth Percent"}, ["reflectenergy"] = {id = 31, fullname = "Reflect Energy", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Energy Percent"}, ["reflectice"] = {id = 32, fullname = "Reflect Ice", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Ice Percent"}, ["reflectdeath"] = {id = 33, fullname = "Reflect Death", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Death Percent"}, ["reflectholy"] = {id = 34, fullname = "Reflect Holy", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Holy Percent"}, ["reflectphysical"] = {id = 35, fullname = "Reflect Physical", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Physical Percent"}, ["deflectfire"] = {id = 36, fullname = "Deflect Fire", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Fire Percent"}, ["deflectearth"] = {id = 37, fullname = "Deflect Earth", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Earth Percent"}, ["deflectenergy"] = {id = 38, fullname = "Deflect Energy", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Energy Percent"}, ["deflectice"] = {id = 39, fullname = "Deflect Ice", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Ice Percent"}, ["deflectdeath"] = {id = 40, fullname = "Deflect Death", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Death Percent"}, ["deflectholy"] = {id = 41, fullname = "Deflect Holy", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Holy Percent"}, ["deflectphysical"] = {id = 42, fullname = "Deflect Physical", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "Physical Percent"}, ["resistall"] = {id = 43, fullname = "Resist All", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "All Percent"}, ["absorball"] = {id = 44, fullname = "Absorb All", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "All Percent"}, ["reflectall"] = {id = 45, fullname = "Reflect All", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "All Percent"}, ["deflectall"] = {id = 46, fullname = "Deflect All", dur = 60, val = 5, p = 2, label = "All Percent"}, ["restoresoul"] = {id = 47, fullname = "Restore Soul", dur = 0, val = 10, p = 2, label = "Soul"}, ["regensoul"] = {id = 48, fullname = "Regenerate Soul", dur = 60, val = 2, p = 1, label = "Soul Regen"}, ["drown"] = {id = 49, fullname = "Waterbreathing", dur = 60, val = 100, p = 0, label = "Drown Percent"}, } arecipes = { [1] = {name = "Potion of Double Heal", id = 42, effects = {"restorehp", "regenhp"}, values = {200, 10}, durations = {0, 60}, ingredients = { [1] = {name = "bonelord eye", id = 5898, count = 1}, [2] = {name = "honeycomb", id = 5902, count = 2} }, storage = 30000}, [2] = {name = "Potion of the Warrior", id = 43, effects = {"restorehp", "meleeup", "regenhp"}, values = {500, 5, 40}, durations = {0, 120, 120}, ingredients = { [1] = {name = "bonelord eye", id = 5898, count = 7}, [2] = {name = "honeycomb", id = 5902, count = 2}, [3] = {name = "lizard scale", id = 5881, count = 4} }, storage = 30001}, [3] = {name = "Potion of the Fire God", id = 50, effects = {"drown"}, values = {100}, durations = {120}, ingredients = { [1] = {name = "bonelord eye", id = 5898, count = 1}, [2] = {name = "honeycomb", id = 5902, count = 2}, [3] = {name = "lizard scale", id = 5881, count = 1} }, storage = 30002}, [4] = {name = "Potion of the Earth God", id = 51, effects = {"deflectall"}, values = {80}, durations = {120}, ingredients = { [1] = {name = "bonelord eye", id = 5898, count = 1}, [2] = {name = "lizard scale", id = 5881, count = 1} }, storage = 30003}, } apotions = { [1] = {name = "Potion of Restore Health", id = 58, effect = "restorehp"}, [2] = {name = "Potion of Regenerate Health", id = 66, effect = "regenhp"}, [4] = {name = "Potion of Increase Melee Skill", id = 38, effect = "meleeup"}, [6] = {name = "Potion of Restore Mana", id = 39, effect = "restoremp"}, [7] = {name = "Potion of Regenerate Mana", id = 47, effect = "regenmp"}, [8] = {name = "Potion of Fortify Health", id = 74, effect = "maxhp"}, [9] = {name = "Potion of Fortify Mana", id = 55, effect = "maxmp"}, [10] = {name = "Potion of Speed", id = 37, effect = "speed"}, [11] = {name = "Potion of Increase Fist Skill", id = 46, effect = "fistup"}, [12] = {name = "Potion of Increase Distance Skill", id = 54, effect = "distup"}, [13] = {name = "Potion of Increase Shielding Skill", id = 61, effect = "shieldup"}, [14] = {name = "Potion of Increase Fishing Skill", id = 41, effect = "fishup"}, [15] = {name = "Potion of Resistance", id = 82, effect = "resistfire"}, [16] = {name = "Potion of Resistance", id = 36, effect = "resistearth"}, [17] = {name = "Potion of Resistance", id = 63, effect = "resistenergy"}, [18] = {name = "Potion of Resistance", id = 49, effect = "resistice"}, [19] = {name = "Potion of Resistance", id = 45, effect = "resistholy"}, [20] = {name = "Potion of Resistance", id = 43, effect = "resistdeath"}, [21] = {name = "Potion of Resistance", id = 62, effect = "resistphysical"}, [22] = {name = "Potion of Absorption", id = 90, effect = "absorbfire"}, [23] = {name = "Potion of Absorption", id = 44, effect = "absorbearth"}, [24] = {name = "Potion of Absorption", id = 71, effect = "absorbenergy"}, [25] = {name = "Potion of Absorption", id = 57, effect = "absorbice"}, [26] = {name = "Potion of Absorption", id = 53, effect = "absorbholy"}, [27] = {name = "Potion of Absorption", id = 51, effect = "absorbdeath"}, [28] = {name = "Potion of Absorption", id = 70, effect = "absorbphysical"}, [29] = {name = "Potion of Reflection", id = 98, effect = "reflectfire"}, [39] = {name = "Potion of Reflection", id = 52, effect = "reflectearth"}, [31] = {name = "Potion of Reflection", id = 79, effect = "reflectenergy"}, [32] = {name = "Potion of Reflection", id = 65, effect = "reflectice"}, [33] = {name = "Potion of Reflection", id = 61, effect = "reflectholy"}, [34] = {name = "Potion of Reflection", id = 59, effect = "reflectdeath"}, [35] = {name = "Potion of Reflection", id = 78, effect = "reflectphysical"}, [36] = {name = "Potion of Deflection", id = 106, effect = "deflectfire"}, [37] = {name = "Potion of Deflection", id = 60, effect = "deflectearth"}, [38] = {name = "Potion of Deflection", id = 87, effect = "deflectenergy"}, [39] = {name = "Potion of Deflection", id = 73, effect = "deflectice"}, [40] = {name = "Potion of Deflection", id = 69, effect = "deflectholy"}, [41] = {name = "Potion of Deflection", id = 67, effect = "deflectdeath"}, [42] = {name = "Potion of Deflection", id = 86, effect = "deflectphysical"}, [43] = {name = "Potion of Resistance", id = 91, effect = "resistall"}, [44] = {name = "Potion of Absorption", id = 76, effect = "absorball"}, [45] = {name = "Potion of Reflection", id = 77, effect = "reflectall"}, [46] = {name = "Potion of Deflection", id = 94, effect = "deflectall"}, [47] = {name = "Potion of Restore Soul", id = 102, effect = "restoresoul"}, [48] = {name = "Potion of Regenerate Soul", id = 110, effect = "regensoul"}, [49] = {name = "Potion of Waterbreathing", id = 89, effect = "drown"}, } apotionids = { [58] = {name = "Potion of Restore Health", id = 1, effect = "restorehp"}, [66] = {name = "Potion of Regenerate Health", id = 2, effect = "regenhp"}, [38] = {name = "Potion of Increase Melee Skill", id = 4, effect = "meleeup"}, [39] = {name = "Potion of Restore Mana", id = 6, effect = "restoremp"}, [47] = {name = "Potion of Regenerate Mana", id = 7, effect = "regenmp"}, [74] = {name = "Potion of Fortify Health", id = 8, effect = "maxhp"}, [55] = {name = "Potion of Fortify Mana", id = 9, effect = "maxmp"}, [37] = {name = "Potion of Speed", id = 10, effect = "speed"}, [46] = {name = "Potion of Increase Fist Skill", id = 11, effect = "fistup"}, [54] = {name = "Potion of Increase Distance Skill", id = 12, effect = "distup"}, [61] = {name = "Potion of Increase Shielding Skill", id = 13, effect = "shieldup"}, [41] = {name = "Potion of Increase Fishing Skill", id = 14, effect = "fishup"}, [82] = {name = "Potion of Resistance", id = 15, effect = "resistfire"}, [36] = {name = "Potion of Resistance", id = 16, effect = "resistearth"}, [63] = {name = "Potion of Resistance", id = 17, effect = "resistenergy"}, [49] = {name = "Potion of Resistance", id = 18, effect = "resistice"}, [45] = {name = "Potion of Resistance", id = 19, effect = "resistholy"}, [43] = {name = "Potion of Resistance", id = 20, effect = "resistdeath"}, [62] = {name = "Potion of Resistance", id = 21, effect = "resistphysical"}, [90] = {name = "Potion of Absorption", id = 22, effect = "absorbfire"}, [44] = {name = "Potion of Absorption", id = 23, effect = "absorbearth"}, [71] = {name = "Potion of Absorption", id = 24, effect = "absorbenergy"}, [57] = {name = "Potion of Absorption", id = 25, effect = "absorbice"}, [53] = {name = "Potion of Absorption", id = 26, effect = "absorbholy"}, [51] = {name = "Potion of Absorption", id = 27, effect = "absorbdeath"}, [70] = {name = "Potion of Absorption", id = 28, effect = "absorbphysical"}, [98] = {name = "Potion of Reflection", id = 29, effect = "reflectfire"}, [52] = {name = "Potion of Reflection", id = 30, effect = "reflectearth"}, [79] = {name = "Potion of Reflection", id = 31, effect = "reflectenergy"}, [65] = {name = "Potion of Reflection", id = 32, effect = "reflectice"}, [61] = {name = "Potion of Reflection", id = 33, effect = "reflectholy"}, [59] = {name = "Potion of Reflection", id = 34, effect = "reflectdeath"}, [78] = {name = "Potion of Reflection", id = 35, effect = "reflectphysical"}, [106] = {name = "Potion of Deflection", id = 36, effect = "deflectfire"}, [60] = {name = "Potion of Deflection", id = 37, effect = "deflectearth"}, [87] = {name = "Potion of Deflection", id = 38, effect = "deflectenergy"}, [73] = {name = "Potion of Deflection", id = 39, effect = "deflectice"}, [69] = {name = "Potion of Deflection", id = 40, effect = "deflectholy"}, [67] = {name = "Potion of Deflection", id = 41, effect = "deflectdeath"}, [86] = {name = "Potion of Deflection", id = 42, effect = "deflectphysical"}, [91] = {name = "Potion of Resistance", id = 43, effect = "resistall"}, [76] = {name = "Potion of Absorption", id = 44, effect = "absorball"}, [77] = {name = "Potion of Reflection", id = 45, effect = "reflectall"}, [94] = {name = "Potion of Deflection", id = 46, effect = "deflectall"}, [102] = {name = "Potion of Restore Soul", id = 47, effect = "restoresoul"}, [110] = {name = "Potion of Regenerate Soul", id = 48, effect = "regensoul"}, [89] = {name = "Potion of Waterbreathing", id = 49, effect = "drown"}, } apotency = { [0] = {prefix = ""}, [1] = {prefix = "Minor"}, [2] = {prefix = "Minor"}, [3] = {prefix = "Strong"}, [4] = {prefix = "Strong"}, [5] = {prefix = "Powerful"}, [6] = {prefix = "Powerful"}, [7] = {prefix = "Major"}, [8] = {prefix = "Major"}, [9] = {prefix = "Great"}, [10] = {prefix = "Great"}, } function Player:hasIn(recipe) for i = 1, #arecipes[recipe].ingredients do if self:getItemCount(arecipes[recipe].ingredients[i].id) < arecipes[recipe].ingredients[i].count then return false end end return true end function Player:decidePotion() local id = self:getGuid() local ing = {} local ingc = {} local pm = false local pmp = 0 for i = 1, #bowl[id] do if not isInArray(ing, aingredients[bowl[id][i]].name) then ing[#ing + 1] = aingredients[bowl[id][i]].name ingc[aingredients[bowl[id][i]].name] = 1 else ingc[aingredients[bowl[id][i]].name] = ingc[aingredients[bowl[id][i]].name] + 1 end end local cingc = 0 for k, v in pairs(ingc) do cingc = cingc + 1 end for i = 1, #arecipes do if pmp > 0 then break end if #arecipes[i].ingredients == cingc then for j = 1, #arecipes[i].ingredients do if isInArray(ing, arecipes[i].ingredients[j].name) then if ingc[arecipes[i].ingredients[j].name] ~= arecipes[i].ingredients[j].count then pmp = 0 break else pmp = i end else pmp = 0 break end end end end if pmp ~= 0 then pm = true end for i = 1, #arecipes do for j = 1, #bowl[id] do end end local e = {} -- effects local n = {} -- effect counters local f = 0 -- final effect local pot = 1 local dur = 0 local ptemp = 0 for i = 1, #bowl[id] do ptemp = ptemp + aingredients[bowl[id][i]].potency end local function round(num, idp) local mult = 10^(idp or 0) return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult end ptemp = round(ptemp / #bowl[id], 0) pot = math.max(pot, ptemp) for i = 1, #bowl[id] do for j = 1, 2 do if aingredients[bowl[id][i]].effects[j] ~= "potency" and aingredients[bowl[id][i]].effects[j] ~= "duration" then if not isInArray(e, aingredients[bowl[id][i]].effects[j]) then e[#e + 1] = aingredients[bowl[id][i]].effects[j] n[aeffects[aingredients[bowl[id][i]].effects[j]].id] = 1 else n[aeffects[aingredients[bowl[id][i]].effects[j]].id] = n[aeffects[aingredients[bowl[id][i]].effects[j]].id] + 1 end else if aingredients[bowl[id][i]].effects[j] == "potency" then if pot < 10 then pot = pot + aeffects[aingredients[bowl[id][i]].effects[j]].val if pot > 10 then pot = 10 end end end if aingredients[bowl[id][i]].effects[j] == "duration" then if dur < 60 then dur = dur + aeffects[aingredients[bowl[id][i]].effects[j]].val end if dur > 60 then dur = 60 end end end end end local h = 0 -- highest local s = 0 -- spot of highest local t = {} -- ties local ts = {} -- spots of ties for k, v in pairs(n) do if n[k] > h then h = n[k] s = k elseif n[k] == h then t[#t + 1] = n[k] ts[#ts + 1] = k end if #t > 0 then for i = 1, #t do if #t < i then break end if h > t[i] then table.remove(t, i) table.remove(ts, i) end end end end if #t > 0 then t[#t + 1] = h ts[#ts + 1] = s f = ts[math.random(1,#ts)] else f = s end local temp = 0 for k, v in pairs(aeffects) do if aeffects[k].id == f then temp = k end end if pm then if self:getStorageValue(arecipes[pmp].storage) ~= 1 then self:setStorageValue(arecipes[pmp].storage, 1) self:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You have discovered the recipe for the " .. arecipes[pmp].name .. "!") end local pass = {arecipes[pmp], pot, dur, 1} return pass else local pass = {apotions[aeffects[temp].id], pot, dur, 2} return pass end end function Player:sendAlchemyWindow() local window = ModalWindow(modalId, "Alchemy", "Choose from the options below. You can create potions that you know recipes for, or try to combine ingredients to create something new.") local p = self:getGuid() if bowl[p] == nil then bowl[p] = {} end if recipe[p] == nil then recipe[p] = {} end window:addChoice(1, "Ingredients") window:addChoice(2, "Potions") window:addButton(1, "Enter") window:setDefaultEnterButton(1) window:addButton(2, "Exit") window:setDefaultEscapeButton(2) window:sendToPlayer(self) return true end function Player:sendIngredientWindow() local window = ModalWindow(modalId + 1, "Ingredients", "Add ingredients to the bowl or check the info for your ingredients.\nOnly ingredients you're carrying will appear here.\n") local temp = 0 local p = self:getGuid() for i = 1, #aingredients do if self:getItemCount(aingredients[i].id) >= 1 then temp = temp + 1 end end if temp == 0 then window:setMessage(window:getMessage() .. "You have no usable ingredients.\n") window:setDefaultEnterButton(4) else window:addButton(1, "Info") window:setDefaultEnterButton(1) window:addButton(2, "Add") end if not bowl[p] then bowl[p] = {} end if #bowl[p] == 0 then window:setMessage(window:getMessage() .. "The bowl is empty\n") else window:setMessage(window:getMessage() .. "The bowl contains:\n") window:addButton(3, "Bowl") end for i = 1, #bowl[p] do window:setMessage(window:getMessage() .. aingredients[bowl[p][i]].name .. "\n") end for i = 1, #aingredients do if self:getItemCount(aingredients[i].id) then local pc = self:getItemCount(aingredients[i].id) local c = 0 for j = 1, #bowl[p] do if aingredients[bowl[p][j]].id == aingredients[i].id then c = c + 1 end end if c > 0 then pc = pc - c end if c > 0 or pc > 0 then window:addChoice(i, aingredients[i].name .. " (" .. pc .. ")") end end end window:addButton(4, "Back") window:setDefaultEscapeButton(4) window:sendToPlayer(self) return true end function Player:sendInfoWindow(choice) local window = ModalWindow(modalId + 2, aingredients[choice].name, "This ingredient has the following effects:\n") local choices = 0 local temp = 0 for i = 1, 2 do if self:getStorageValue(aingredients[choice].storages[i]) == 1 then window:setMessage(window:getMessage() .. aeffects[aingredients[choice].effects[i]].fullname .. "\n") else window:setMessage(window:getMessage() .. "Unknown\n") end end window:addButton(1, "Back") window:setDefaultEnterButton(1) window:setDefaultEscapeButton(1) window:sendToPlayer(self) return true end function Player:sendPotionWindow() local window = ModalWindow(modalId + 3, "Potion Recipes", "Choose from the recipes you know and view the requirements:\n") local temp = 0 for i = 1, #arecipes do if self:getStorageValue(arecipes[i].storage) == 1 then window:addChoice(i, arecipes[i].name) temp = temp + 1 end end if temp == 0 then window:setMessage(window:getMessage() .. "You do not know any recipes.\n") window:setDefaultEnterButton(2) else window:addButton(1, "Recipe") window:setDefaultEnterButton(1) end window:addButton(2, "Back") window:setDefaultEscapeButton(2) window:sendToPlayer(self) return true end function Player:sendPotionRecipeWindow(choice) local window = ModalWindow(modalId + 4, arecipes[choice].name, "To create this potion you need:\n") local temp = true local p = self:getGuid() recipe[p] = choice for i = 1, #arecipes[choice].ingredients do window:setMessage(window:getMessage() .. arecipes[choice].ingredients[i].count .. " " .. arecipes[choice].ingredients[i].name .. " (" .. self:getItemCount(arecipes[choice].ingredients[i].id) .. ")\n") if self:getItemCount(arecipes[choice].ingredients[i].id) < arecipes[choice].ingredients[i].count then temp = false end end if temp then window:addButton(1, "Brew") window:setDefaultEnterButton(1) else window:setDefaultEnterButton(2) end window:addButton(2, "Back") window:setDefaultEscapeButton(2) window:sendToPlayer(self) return true end function Player:sendBowlWindow() local window = ModalWindow(modalId + 5, "Bowl", "The bowl contains the below items. You can remove items or try brewing a new potion.\n") local p = self:getGuid() window:addButton(3, "Back") window:setDefaultEscapeButton(3) if #bowl[p] > 0 then window:addButton(1, "Brew") window:addButton(2, "Remove") window:setDefaultEnterButton(1) for i = 1, #bowl[p] do window:addChoice(i, aingredients[bowl[p][i]].name) end else window:setMessage("The bowl is empty.") window:setDefaultEnterButton(3) end window:sendToPlayer(self) return true end function Player:alchemyWindowChoice(windowId, buttonId, choiceId) if choiceId == 255 then choiceId = 1 end if windowId == modalId then if buttonId == 1 then if choiceId == 1 then self:sendIngredientWindow() elseif choiceId == 2 then self:sendPotionWindow() end return true elseif buttonId == 2 then return false end return false end return false end function Player:ingredientWindowChoice(windowId, buttonId, choiceId) local p = self:getGuid() if choiceId == 255 then for i = 1, #aingredients do if self:getItemCount(aingredients[i].id) >= 1 then choiceId = i break end end end if windowId == modalId + 1 then if buttonId == 1 then self:sendInfoWindow(choiceId) return true elseif buttonId == 2 then local pc = self:getItemCount(aingredients[choiceId].id) local c = 0 for j = 1, #bowl[p] do if aingredients[bowl[p][j]].id == aingredients[choiceId].id then c = c + 1 end end if c > 0 then pc = pc - c end if pc > 0 then bowl[p][#bowl[p] + 1] = choiceId end self:sendIngredientWindow() return true elseif buttonId == 3 then self:sendBowlWindow() return true elseif buttonId == 4 then self:sendAlchemyWindow() return true end return false end return false end function Player:potionWindowChoice(windowId, buttonId, choiceId) if choiceId == 255 then for i = 1, #arecipes do if self:getStorageValue(arecipes[i].storage) == 1 then choiceId = i break end end end if windowId == modalId + 3 then if buttonId == 1 then self:sendPotionRecipeWindow(choiceId) return true elseif buttonId == 2 then self:sendAlchemyWindow() return true end return false end return false end function Player:potionRecipeWindowChoice(windowId, buttonId, choiceId) local p = self:getGuid() if choiceId == 255 then choiceId = 1 end if windowId == modalId + 4 then if buttonId == 1 then local r = recipe[p] for i = 1, #arecipes[r].ingredients do self:removeItem(arecipes[r].ingredients[i].id, arecipes[r].ingredients[i].count) end potion = self:addItem(2006, arecipes[r].id) potion:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, "Effects:\n") for i = 1, #arecipes[r].effects do if i > 1 then potion:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, potion:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION) .. "\n") end if arecipes[r].durations[i] > 0 then potion:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, potion:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION) .. "[" .. aeffects[arecipes[r].effects[i]].fullname .. "]\n" .. aeffects[arecipes[r].effects[i]].label .. ": " .. arecipes[r].values[i] .. " | Duration: " .. arecipes[r].durations[i]) else potion:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, potion:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION) .. "[" .. aeffects[arecipes[r].effects[i]].fullname .. "]\n" .. aeffects[arecipes[r].effects[i]].label .. ": " .. arecipes[r].values[i]) end end self:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You've brewed the " .. arecipes[r].name .. ".") return self:hasIn(r) and self:sendPotionRecipeWindow(r) or self:sendPotionWindow() elseif buttonId == 2 then self:sendPotionWindow() return true end return false end return false end function Player:infoWindowChoice(windowId, buttonId, choiceId) if choiceId == 255 then choiceId = 1 end if windowId == modalId + 2 then if buttonId == 1 then self:sendIngredientWindow() return true end return false end return false end function Player:bowlWindowChoice(windowId, buttonId, choiceId) if choiceId == 255 then choiceId = 1 end if windowId == modalId + 5 then if buttonId == 1 then local p = self:decidePotion() local id = self:getGuid() for i = 1, #bowl[id] do if self:getStorageValue(aingredients[bowl[id][i]].storages[2]) ~= 1 then self:setStorageValue(aingredients[bowl[id][i]].storages[2], 1) self:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You have discovered the effect " .. aeffects[aingredients[bowl[id][i]].effects[2]].fullname .. " from the " .. aingredients[bowl[id][i]].name .. "!") end self:removeItem(aingredients[bowl[id][i]].id, 1) end local potion = self:addItem(2006, p[1].id) if p[4] == 2 then potion:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, "Potency: " .. p[2] .. "\n") if aeffects[p[1].effect].dur > 0 then potion:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, potion:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION) .. aeffects[p[1].effect].label .. ": " .. aeffects[p[1].effect].val + aeffects[p[1].effect].p * p[2] .. " | Duration: " .. aeffects[p[1].effect].dur + p[3]) else potion:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, potion:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION) .. aeffects[p[1].effect].label .. ": " .. aeffects[p[1].effect].val + aeffects[p[1].effect].p * p[2]) end else potion:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, "Effects:\n") for i = 1, #p[1].effects do if i > 1 then potion:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, potion:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION) .. "\n") end if p[1].durations[i] > 0 then potion:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, potion:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION) .. "[" .. aeffects[p[1].effects[i]].fullname .. "]\n" .. aeffects[p[1].effects[i]].label .. ": " .. p[1].values[i] .. " | Duration: " .. p[1].durations[i]) else potion:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, potion:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION) .. "[" .. aeffects[p[1].effects[i]].fullname .. "]\n" .. aeffects[p[1].effects[i]].label .. ": " .. p[1].values[i]) end end end self:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You've brewed the " .. p[1].name .. ".") bowl[id] = {} self:sendIngredientWindow() elseif buttonId == 2 then local p = self:getGuid() table.remove(bowl[p], choiceId) self:sendBowlWindow() return true elseif buttonId == 3 then self:sendIngredientWindow() return true end end return false end e em func.lua adicione isso function Item:getEffects(thing) local effects = {} local values = {} local potency = 0 local duration = 0 local name = "" local description = thing:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION) local d = "" local p = "" local dur1, dur2 = string.find(description, "Duration: ") local pot1, pot2 = string.find(description, "Potency: ") local ty = 0 if dur1 ~= nil and dur2 ~= nil then for l = 1, 5 do if description:sub(dur2 + l, dur2 + l) ~= "\n" and description:sub(dur2 + l, dur2 + l) ~= " " then d = d .. description:sub(dur2 + l, dur2 + l) else break end end end if pot1 ~= nil and pot2 ~= nil then for l = 1, 5 do if description:sub(pot2 + l, pot2 + l) ~= "\n" and description:sub(pot2 + l, pot2 + l) ~= " " then p = p .. description:sub(pot2 + l, pot2 + l) else break end end end for i, v in pairs(apotionids) do if thing:getFluidType() == i then name = apotionids[thing:getFluidType()].name ty = 1 local j, k = string.find(description, aeffects[apotionids[i].effect].label .. ": ") local a = "" if j ~= nil and k ~= nil then for l = 1, 5 do if description:sub(k + l, k + l) ~= "\n" and description:sub(k + l, k + l) ~= " " then a = a .. description:sub(k + l, k + l) else break end end end if a ~= "" then effects[#effects + 1] = apotionids[i].effect values[#values + 1] = a end end end for i = 1, #arecipes do if thing:getFluidType() == arecipes[i].id then name = arecipes[i].name ty = 2 for r = 1, #arecipes[i].effects do local j, k = string.find(description, aeffects[arecipes[i].effects[r]].label .. ": ") local a = "" if j ~= nil and k ~= nil then for l = 1, 5 do if description:sub(k + l, k + l) ~= "\n" and description:sub(k + l, k + l) ~= " " then a = a .. description:sub(k + l, k + l) else break end end end if a ~= "" then effects[#effects + 1] = arecipes[i].effects[r] values[#values + 1] = a end end end end if d ~= "" then duration = d end if p ~= "" then potency = p end return {effects, values, duration, potency, name, ty} end function usePotion(player, effects) local hpregen = Condition(CONDITION_REGENERATION) hpregen:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 1) hpregen:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF_SPELL, 1) hpregen:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_HEALTHTICKS, 3000) local mpregen = Condition(CONDITION_REGENERATION) mpregen:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 2) mpregen:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF_SPELL, 1) mpregen:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_MANATICKS, 3000) local soulregen = Condition(CONDITION_REGENERATION) soulregen:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 12) soulregen:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF_SPELL, 1) soulregen:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SOULTICKS, 3000) local melee = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES) melee:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 3) melee:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF_SPELL, 1) local dist = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES) dist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 4) dist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF_SPELL, 1) local shield = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES) shield:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 5) shield:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF_SPELL, 1) local fish = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES) fish:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 6) fish:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF_SPELL, 1) local fist = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES) fist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 7) fist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF_SPELL, 1) local resist = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF_SPELL, 1) local speed = Condition(CONDITION_HASTE) speed:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 8) local maxhp = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES) maxhp:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 9) maxhp:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF_SPELL, 1) local maxmp = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES) maxmp:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 10) maxmp:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF_SPELL, 1) local drown = Condition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES) drown:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF_SPELL, 1) drown:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 11) if not Player(player) then return false end for i = 1, #effects[1] do if effects[1][i] == "restorehp" then player:addMana(effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "restoremp" then player:addHealth(effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "restoresoul" then player:addSoul(effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "regenhp" then hpregen:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) hpregen:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_HEALTHGAIN, effects[2][i]) player:addCondition(hpregen) elseif effects[1][i] == "regenmp" then mpregen:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) mpregen:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_MANAGAIN, effects[2][i]) player:addCondition(mpregen) elseif effects[1][i] == "regensoul" then soulregen:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) soulregen:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SOULGAIN, effects[2][i]) player:addCondition(soulregen) elseif effects[1][i] == "maxhp" then maxhp:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_STAT_MAXHITPOINTS, effects[2][i]) maxhp:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) player:addCondition(maxhp) elseif effects[1][i] == "maxmp" then maxmp:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_STAT_MAXMANAPOINTS, effects[2][i]) maxmp:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) player:addCondition(maxmp) elseif effects[1][i] == "speed" then speed:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) speed:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SPEED, player:getBaseSpeed() + effects[2][i]) player:addCondition(speed) elseif effects[1][i] == "drown" then drown:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) player:addCondition(drown) elseif effects[1][i] == "meleeup" then melee:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_MELEE, effects[2][i]) melee:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) player:addCondition(melee) elseif effects[1][i] == "fistup" then fist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_FIST, effects[2][i]) fist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) player:addCondition(fist) elseif effects[1][i] == "distup" then dist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_DISTANCE, effects[2][i]) dist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) player:addCondition(dist) elseif effects[1][i] == "shieldup" then shield:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_SHIELD, effects[2][i]) shield:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) player:addCondition(shield) elseif effects[1][i] == "fishup" then fish:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_FISHING, effects[2][i]) fish:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) player:addCondition(fish) elseif effects[1][i] == "resistfire" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 101) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "resistearth" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 102) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "resistenergy" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 103) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "resistice" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 104) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "resistholy" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 105) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "resistdeath" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 106) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "resistphysical" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 107) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "resistall" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 108) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "reflectfire" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 109) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "reflectearth" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 110) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "reflectenergy" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 111) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "reflectice" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 112) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "reflectholy" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 113) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "reflectdeath" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 114) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "reflectphysical" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 115) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "reflectall" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 116) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "deflectfire" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 117) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "deflectearth" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 118) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "deflectenergy" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 119) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "deflectice" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 120) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "deflectholy" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 121) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "deflectdeath" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 122) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "deflectphysical" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 123) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "deflectall" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 124) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "absorbfire" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 125) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "absorbearth" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 126) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "absorbenergy" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 127) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "absorbice" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 128) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "absorbholy" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 129) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "absorbdeath" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 130) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "absorbphysical" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 131) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) elseif effects[1][i] == "absorball" then resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 132) resist:setParameter(CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, effects[3] * 1000) removeResists(player) player:addCondition(resist) player:setStorageValue(5, effects[2][i]) end end end function removeResists(player) for i = 1, 32 do if player:getCondition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES, CONDITIONID_COMBAT, i + 100) then player:removeCondition(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES, CONDITIONID_COMBAT, i + 100) end end end ** Edit - onLookInTrade corrigido.. sistema funcionando 100% ** Edit - algumas correções na escrita (eu estava com mt sono quando trouxe para cá o sistema) Editado Julho 29, 2015 por DeCarvalho Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Bruno 536 Postado Julho 29, 2015 Share Postado Julho 29, 2015 Sem problemas man, Obrigado por compartilhar o conteúdo conosco! Abraço! Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
DeCarvalho 65 Postado Julho 29, 2015 Autor Share Postado Julho 29, 2015 Poxa né, 13 pessoas viram e tirando o Bruno que comentou pelo e curtiu mais ninguém fez.. chato isso né.. pode não ser meu mas acha que não da trabalho. fui la pedir pro cara para poder disponibilizar pois sei q tem gente que não entende inglês, fico aqui arrumando pra ficar bonito e organizado e nada.. assim nem dá vontade de trazer mais conteúdo.. eu ia até postar o vídeo que fiz mostrando melhor o funcionamento mas assim.. nem.. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Alayen 14 Postado Julho 29, 2015 Share Postado Julho 29, 2015 Isso aí no OTClient com aqueles menus que mostram os itens e stats ia ficar foda por demais. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
DeCarvalho 65 Postado Julho 29, 2015 Autor Share Postado Julho 29, 2015 Mas mesmo no cliente normal o modalwindow da um toque diferenciado.. além do que não é algo fixo.. você usa um item e o menu de 'craft' aparece.. certo que se houvesse um mod para otc seria interessante pois no old o modalwindow bloqueia a tela, e mod para otc não. Mesmo não tendo mod para otc, usando o old.. é muito maneiro.. o sistema que ele fez não tem poção de ml, mesmo com pouco conhecimento procurei e sozinho consegui adicionar, errando e tentando há inumeras possibilidades de uso.. Para quem curte server RPG (futuramente estarei anunciando o meu) esse é um ótimo sistema Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Lumus 254 Postado Julho 29, 2015 Share Postado Julho 29, 2015 Cara como isso funciona? eu instalei aqui e não mudou nada Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
DeCarvalho 65 Postado Julho 29, 2015 Autor Share Postado Julho 29, 2015 Cara como isso funciona? eu instalei aqui e não mudou nada Fera, bem la em cima é informado que são necessários dois items, um empty vial e um bowl with sacred water.. vc usa o empty vial no bowl with sacred water. é só prestar atenção no que ta escrito. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Lumus 254 Postado Julho 29, 2015 Share Postado Julho 29, 2015 Eu fiz isso mas não foi. E não da erro. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
DeCarvalho 65 Postado Julho 30, 2015 Autor Share Postado Julho 30, 2015 Eu fiz isso mas não foi. E não da erro. Aparentemente eu tive o mesmo problema quando fui usar a primeira vez, eu criei um empty vial e não funcionava.. tente criar o item empty vial (id:2006) e use no bowl with sacred water (id:12289) Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Lumus 254 Postado Julho 30, 2015 Share Postado Julho 30, 2015 Consegui resolver auqi tava com um erro aqui, mas já resolvido. Agora um outro detalhe: Quando abre a janela e eu clico em "Potions" ele só fica vazio, mesmo eu criando várias poções, é normal? Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
DeCarvalho 65 Postado Julho 30, 2015 Autor Share Postado Julho 30, 2015 Consegui resolver auqi tava com um erro aqui, mas já resolvido. Agora um outro detalhe: Quando abre a janela e eu clico em "Potions" ele só fica vazio, mesmo eu criando várias poções, é normal? A gente traduz a parada toda e pensando em facilitar a coisa.. e a pessoa não lê - Se os ingredientes na panela puderem ser usados para fabricar com base em uma pré-receita, o jogador fabrica a receita e acaba aprendendo como fabricar rapidamente direto da lista de poções. Se ele não souber a receita a poção irá produzir somente um efeito com a duração variável e potência (se aplicado) Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Lumus 254 Postado Julho 30, 2015 Share Postado Julho 30, 2015 A gente traduz a parada toda e pensando em facilitar a coisa.. e a pessoa não lê - Se os ingredientes na panela puderem ser usados para fabricar com base em uma pré-receita, o jogador fabrica a receita e acaba aprendendo como fabricar rapidamente direto da lista de poções. Se ele não souber a receita a poção irá produzir somente um efeito com a duração variável e potência (se aplicado) Jovem, eu fiz as receitas todas, colocando: [1] = {name = "bonelord eye", id = 5898, count = 1}, [2] = {name = "honeycomb", id = 5902, count = 2} Que é a de cura dobrada, porém não vai. Não da erro, nada. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
DeCarvalho 65 Postado Julho 30, 2015 Autor Share Postado Julho 30, 2015 Jovem, eu fiz as receitas todas, colocando: [1] = {name = "bonelord eye", id = 5898, count = 1}, [2] = {name = "honeycomb", id = 5902, count = 2} Que é a de cura dobrada, porém não vai. Não da erro, nada. Aqui estão todas funcionando, até as que eu adicionei.. preste atenção ao adicionar o segundo honeycomb pois quando se adiciona o primeiro ele volta para o primeiro item.. se clicar seguidamente add ele adiciona 1 honeycomb e 1 bonelord eye.. vc tem que selecionar o honeycomb novamente antes de adicionar. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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