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[Talkaction Mod] Rent itens System


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Ta de bobeira? dé uma inovada em seu servidor colocando novos sistemas.


Veja este por exemplo. Ele dá a possibilidade de colocar itens para aluguel, ou seja ao execultar o comando o player pode adquirir um item por um tempo determinado em troca de alguma grana!.


Comando para alugar o item:

!rent itemname: Aluga o item desejado
!rent list: Exibe a lista dos itens disponiveis para aluguel

Para instalar:

Crie um arquivo com o nome de rentitens.xml que deve ser intalado na pasta mods do seu servidor e insira neste arquivo o seguinte codigo.

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <mod name="Rent System" version="1.0" author="Kimoszin" contact="tibiaking.com" enabled="yes">
                <config name="rent_config"><![CDATA[
                        messages = {
                                sucess = MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR,
                                fail = MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING,
                        warningStorage = 45768
                        items = {
                                ["knight armor"] = {id=2476, time=1, price=3000, premium=true, cap=false},
                                ["demon legs"] = {id=2495, time=3, price=3000, premium=true, cap=true},
                                ["blue legs"] = {id=7730, time=2, price=3000, premium=true, cap=true},
                                ["demon shield"] = {id=2520, time=1, price=3000, premium=true, cap=true},
                        function doWarningItemWasRemoved(cid)
                                if (getCreatureStorage(cid, warningStorage) > -1) then
                                                local item = items[getItemNameById(getCreatureStorage(cid, warningStorage))]
                                                doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messages.sucess, "Ok, "..item.time..(item.time > 1 and " minutes" or " minute").." has passed, the rent of "..getItemNameById(item.id).." ended.")
                                        doCreatureSetStorage(cid, warningStorage, -1)
                <talkaction words="!rent" event="buffer"><![CDATA[
                        local item, itemuid = items[param:lower()], math.random(1000, 65535)
                        if (param == "") then
                                return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messages.fail, "Sorry, you need to inform parameters.")
                        if (param == "list") then
                                local str = "~* Rent System by Kimoszin *~\n\n"
                                for name, iten in pairs(items) do
                                        str = str..string.sub(name, 0, 1):upper()..string.sub(name, 2):lower().."  -  "..iten.price.."gps \n"
                                str = str .."\n WWW.TIBIAKING.COM"
                                return doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, str)
                        if not(item) then
                                return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messages.fail, "Sorry, but it is not possible to rent this item.")
                        if (item.premium and not(isPremium(cid))) then
                                return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messages.fail, "You need a premium account.")      
                        if (item.cap and not(getPlayerFreeCap(cid) >= getItemWeightById(item.id, 1, 1))) then
                                return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messages.fail, "You don't have capacity.")
                        if not(doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, item.price)) then
                                return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messages.fail, "Sorry, you do not have any money.")
                        doItemSetAttribute(doPlayerAddItem(cid, item.id, 1), "uid", itemuid)
                        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messages.sucess, "You rented a "..getItemNameById(item.id).." for "..item.time.. (item.time > 1 and " minutes" or " minute")..".")
                        doCreatureSetStorage(cid, warningStorage, item.id)
                        local player_id = getPlayerGUID(cid)
                                                local player = getPlayerByGUID(player_id)
                                                if not(isPlayer(player)) then
                                                        db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `player_items` WHERE `player_items`.`player_id` = "..player_id.." AND `itemtype` = "..item.id..";")
                                                        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messages.sucess, "Ok, "..item.time..(item.time > 1 and " minutes" or " minute").." has passed, the rent of "..getItemNameById(item.id).." ended.")
                                                        doCreatureSetStorage(cid, warningStorage, -1)
                                                        doRemoveItem(itemuid, 1)
                                        end, item.time * 60 * 1000)
                <creatureevent name="rentLogin" type="login" event="buffer"><![CDATA[

Aqui você adiciona, remove ou configura os itens:

items = {
                                ["knight armor"] = {id=2476, time=1, price=3000, premium=true, cap=false},
                                ["demon legs"] = {id=2495, time=3, price=3000, premium=true, cap=true},
                                ["blue legs"] = {id=7730, time=2, price=3000, premium=true, cap=true},
                                ["demon shield"] = {id=2520, time=1, price=3000, premium=true, cap=true},


[" item  name"] = {i d=itemid, time=tempo, price=valor, premium=requer premium(true/false), cap=requer capacidade(true/false)

Qualquer duvida estou a disposição! espero que aproveitem.


Edit: trocando o titulo para um mais claro.


Credito Kimoszin

Edited by Krono
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