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[GESIOR] VictorWEBMaster 2019v

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É compátivel com servidores 9.81? Se sim, poderia me ajudar a configurar?



Atenciosamente, jow man.

Tem diferença dos demais?


Não sei ? Só que todos os sites que eu baixo, sempre tem algum problema que eu não sei resolver.


Atenciosamente, jow man.

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Victor acho que meu problema é na hora da instalação quando vai importar a database do site pq da isso:




Add tables and columns to DB

Installer try to add new tables and columns to database.

Add columns to table accounts


Can't add column page_lastday to table accounts, already exist?

Can't add column email_new to table accounts, already exist?

Can't add column email_new_time to table accounts, already exist?

Can't add column created to table accounts, already exist?

Can't add column rlname to table accounts, already exist?

Can't add column location to table accounts, already exist?

Can't add column page_access to table accounts, already exist?

Can't add column email_code to table accounts, already exist?

Can't add column next_email to table accounts, already exist?

Can't add column premium_points to table accounts, already exist?

Can't add column vote to table players, already exist?

Can't add column last posts to table accounts, already exist?

Can't add column flag to table accounts, already exist?

Can't add column vip_time to table accounts, already exist?


Add columns to table guilds


Can't add column description to table guilds, already exist?

Can't add column logo_gfx_name to table guilds, already exist?


Add columns to table players


Can't add column created to table players, already exist?

Can't add column nick_verify to table players, already exist?

Can't add column old_name to table players, already exist?

Can't add column hide_char to table players, already exist?

Can't add column worldtransfer to table players, already exist?

Can't add column comment to table players, already exist?

Can't add column comment to table players, already exist?

Can't add column comment to table players, already exist?

Can't add column comment to table players, already exist?

Can't add column comment to table players, already exist?

Added column guild war to table

Can't add column comment to table players, already exist?

Can't add column stars to table players, already exist?

Can't add column announcements to table, already exist?

Can't add column reason to table bans, already exist?

Sistema PagSeguro já está instalado no banco de dados

Can't add column thanks in database, already exist?

Samples ja tem skills.


Add new tables to database


Table z_news_tickers not added. Already exist?

Table z_spells not added. Already exist?

Table z_monsters not added. Already exist?

Table z_ots_comunication not added. Already exist?

Table z_shop_offer not added. Already exist?

Table z_shop_history_item not added. Already exist?

Table z_shop_history_pacc not added. Already exist?

Table z_polls not added. Already exist?

Table z_polls_answers not added. Already exist?

Table z_bug_logs not added. Already exist?

Table z_bug_tracker not added. Already exist?

Table z_changelog not added. Already exist?

Table z_forum not added. Already exist?


Tables and columns added to database.

Go to STEP 4 - Add samples

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o sistema de retorno está ativado na sua ultima versão ou tem que configurar se não poste como configurar vi seu video mais o retpagseguro está totalemente diferente.

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o sistema de retorno está ativado na sua ultima versão ou tem que configurar se não poste como configurar vi seu video mais o retpagseguro está totalemente diferente.

Precisa configurar apenas o token, email, database só.

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Não sei ? Só que todos os sites que eu baixo, sempre tem algum problema que eu não sei resolver.


Atenciosamente, jow man.


posta o erro qem sabe nois ajuda,




Eai arrumo o pc?

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Não sei ? Só que todos os sites que eu baixo, sempre tem algum problema que eu não sei resolver.


Atenciosamente, jow man.


posta o erro qem sabe nois ajuda,




Eai arrumo o pc?


Seu pedido é uma ordem. esse ai é o link da imagem.


Atenciosamente, jow man.

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