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Galera to com uma duvida aqui eu mudei o nome de um pokemon, (Shiny Charizard >> Elder Charizard) configurei moves tudo sertim, como fasso pra ele vir normalmente no /cb como elder charizard ?

Ja fiz essa pergunta anteriormente mas n recebi resposta aki vai a Elder Charizard.xml para vcs checarem


@edit: Consegui resolver!



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<monster name="Elder Charizard" nameDescription="a Elder charizard" race="fire" experience="1604" speed="147" manacost="0">

<health now="170" max="170"/>

<look type="1200" head="100" body="120" legs="95" feet="113" corpse="12425"/>

<targetchange interval="10000" chance="0"/>

<strategy attack="100" defense="0"/>


<flag summonable="1"/>

<flag attackable="1"/>

<flag hostile="1"/>

<flag illusionable="1"/>

<flag convinceable="1"/>

<flag pushable="1"/>

<flag canpushitems="0"/>

<flag canpushcreatures="0"/>

<flag targetdistance="1"/>

<flag staticattack="97"/>

<flag runonhealth="0"/>

<flag hungerdelay="17"/>



<attack name="melee" interval="2000" chance="100" range="1" min="-50" max="-100"> </attack>

<attack name="Scratch" interval="2570" chance="31" range="1">


<attack name="Ember" interval="2664" chance="30" range="4">


<attack name="Fireball" interval="3040" chance="28" range="4">


<attack name="Fire Fang" interval="2852" chance="29" range="1">


<attack name="Slash" interval="2946" chance="28" range="1">


<attack name="Fire Spin" interval="3228" chance="27" range="6">


<attack name="Flamethrower" interval="3510" chance="25" range="6">


<attack name="Burning Skin" interval="3369" chance="26" range="6">


<attack name="Ranging Blast" interval="3980" chance="22" range="6">


<attack name="Fire Blast" interval="4826" chance="17" range="6">




<defenses armor="0" defense="0">


<voices interval="5000" chance="10">

<voice sentence="CHARIZARD!"/>





<event name="Spawn"/>




Editado por DarknesLeonardo
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o.O eu só substitui aqueles carinha que não estavam sendo usadas e uns efeito de tibia que continuavam.


Esse 222 não me lembro se é o confuse ray ou dark portal.

Editado por Maguito
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eh q n sei pq muitos efects q vem da pxg ficam assim ms... vai intender.. eles ficam um pouco pro lado.. ;/ mas ta indo.. mas tb vai demora mais pra proxima atualizaçao '-'

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è eu percebi que é de lah msm. Deve ser pra dificultar o trabalho da gelera aqui kkkk

Se eu não to enganado não tem nem 9 efeitos darks. E se alguem conseguisse fazer aqueles ataque reto igual o aurora beam daria pra colocar todos os effect da pxg no jogo.

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tem um bug aqui que contece direto no server



[30/07/2012 17:46:35] [Error - TalkAction Interface]

[30/07/2012 17:46:35] In a timer event called from:

[30/07/2012 17:46:35] data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:onSay

[30/07/2012 17:46:35] Description:

[30/07/2012 17:46:35] (luaDoTargetCombatHealth) Creature not found



e vc poderia coloca na proxima atualizaçao no server o tempo de espera do blink do alakazam os players abusam dele quando eles usam o blink eles fazem o poke volta pra ball e depois usam o blink di novo.

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Estou com outro bug quem puder mi ajudar nesse ^^ \/



[30/07/2012 18:01:55] [Error - CreatureScript Interface]

[30/07/2012 18:01:55] In a timer event called from:

[30/07/2012 18:01:55] data/creaturescripts/scripts/aloot.lua:onKill

[30/07/2012 18:01:55] Description:

[30/07/2012 18:01:55] data/lib/050-function.lua:234: attempt to index a boolean value

[30/07/2012 18:01:55] stack traceback:

[30/07/2012 18:01:55] data/lib/050-function.lua:234: in function 'getItemName'

[30/07/2012 18:01:55] data/creaturescripts/scripts/aloot.lua:57: in function <data/creaturescripts/scripts/aloot.lua:8>



Meu loot caso precisem da script ^^ \/



function onLogin(cid)

registerCreatureEvent(cid, "aloot_kill")

return true


local stor = 7575

function autoloot(cid, target, pos)

local function doStack(cid, itemid, new)

local count = getPlayerItemCount(cid, itemid)

if (count > 100) then

count = count - math.floor(count / 100) * 100


local newCount = count + new

if (count ~= 0) then

local find = getPlayerItemById(cid, true, itemid, count).uid

if (find > 0) then



newCount = new



local item = doCreateItemEx(itemid, newCount)

doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, item, true)


local function scanContainer(cid, uid, list)

for k = (getContainerSize(uid) - 1), 0, -1 do

local tmp = getContainerItem(uid, k)

if (isInArray(list, tmp.itemid)) then

if isItemStackable(tmp.itemid) and (getPlayerItemCount(cid, tmp.itemid) > 0) then

doStack(cid, tmp.itemid, tmp.type)


local item = doCreateItemEx(tmp.itemid, tmp.type)

doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, item, true)


doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, 'Looted ' .. tmp.type .. ' ' .. getItemNameById(tmp.itemid) .. '.')


elseif isContainer(tmp.uid) then

scanContainer(cid, tmp.uid, list)




local items = {}

for i = getTileInfo(pos).items, 1, -1 do

pos.stackpos = i

table.insert(items, getThingFromPos(pos))


if (#items == 0) then



local corpse = -1

for _, item in ipairs(items) do

local name = getItemName(item.uid):lower()

if name:find(target:lower()) then

corpse = item.uid




if (corpse ~= -1) and isContainer(corpse) then

scanContainer(cid, corpse, tostring(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, stor)):gsub('_', ''):explode(','))



function onKill(cid, target, lastHit)

if not isPlayer(target) then

local infos = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, stor)

if (infos == -1) then

return true


local list = tostring(infos):explode(',')

if (#list == 0) then

return true


addEvent(autoloot, 150, cid, getCreatureName(target), getCreaturePosition(target))


return true






Editado por Brunnoo
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Como coloco para os Pokemons Selvagens baterem mais nas spells ? exemplo:

Charizard Selvagem bate - 553 no ember

ai Colocar Shiny Charizard para bater - 1k no ember, etc... (Lembrando que eu to falando dos Wilds)

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ta +/- certo? ... ;x



ou tu aumenta os status no lib/configuration.lua -mas dai tb aumenta a força do shiny de player...

ou tu espera a proxima atualizaçao q dai vai da pra arruma o lvl dos pokes.. -por exemplo tu vai poder deixa o charizard selvagem com lvl 100 e o shiny zard selvagem com lvl 150/200.., e dai os pokes de players ainda continuaram lvl 85 e 100.. ;p- ^^

Editado por Slicer
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@Slicer ...


Agora q percebi, se os players criarem guild, não vai dar pra ver aHEAUHSEAuehaUSEHauh

Será q tem alguma função pra ver se o player tem guild, vou pesquisar pra ver se tem...

E nem de ghost, caso o GOD tiver...

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Não é assim slicer, é assim o:




Só que pelo q eu sei o dano é assim


0 1 0

0 1 1

2 1 1

0 1 1

0 1 0


E só andam 3 vezes, 1 , 2 , 3 na foto tem 2





Vlw por lembrar, eu tinha editado o look para mostrar city e guild para 1 cara aqui e ia postar aqui tambem só que eu esqueci vlw por lembrar



function onLook(cid, thing, position, lookDistance)


local str = ""


if not isCreature(thing.uid) then


local iname = getItemInfo(thing.itemid)


if isPokeball(thing.itemid) then


local owner = getItemAttribute(thing.uid, "firstpoke")


local pokename = getItemAttribute(thing.uid, "poke")

local item = getItemInfo(thing.itemid)

str = "You see "..item.article.." "".\n"

str = str.."It contains "..getArticle(pokename).." "..pokename..".\n"


if owner and owner ~= getCreatureName(cid) then

str = str.."It belongs to "..owner..".\nIt is a unique item."

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, str)

return false



local boost = getItemAttribute(thing.uid, "boost") or 0

local boostshow = ""


if boost > 0 then

str = str.."Boost level: +"..boost..".\n"



if getItemAttribute(thing.uid, "nick") then

str = str.."It's nickname is: "..getItemAttribute(thing.uid, "nick")..".\n"



if getItemAttribute(thing.uid, "gender") == SEX_MALE then

str = str.."It is male."

elseif getItemAttribute(thing.uid, "gender") == SEX_FEMALE then

str = str.."It is female."


str = str.."It is genderless."



doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, str)


return false


elseif string.find(, "fainted") or string.find(, "defeated") then


str = "You see a "..string.lower(".\n"


if getItemAttribute(thing.uid, "gender") == SEX_MALE then

str = str.."It is male."

elseif getItemAttribute(thing.uid, "gender") == SEX_FEMALE then

str = str.."It is female."


str = str.."It is genderless."


doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, str)


return false




return true





local NPCBattle = {

["Brock"] = {artig = "He is", cidbat = "Pewter"},

["Misty"] = {artig = "She is", cidbat = "Cerulean"},


--edited npc name

NPCname = {"Brock", "Misty"}


local npcname = getCreatureName(thing.uid)

if not isPlayer(thing.uid) and not isMonster(thing.uid) and isInArray(NPCname, npcname) then

str = "You see "..npcname..". "..NPCBattle[npcname].artig.." a pokemon trainer from "..NPCBattle[npcname].cidbat.."."

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, str)

return false



if not isPlayer(thing.uid) and not isMonster(thing.uid) then

str = "You see "..getCreatureName(thing.uid).."."

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, str)

return false



look = {

[1] = {"a Volcanic Spark", "a Volcanic Flame","a Volcanic Firetamer","a Volcanic Pyromancer","a Volcanic Master"},

[2] = {"a Seavell Drop", "a Seavell Icelake","a Seavell Waterfall","a Seavell Frost","a Seavell Master"},

[3] = {"an Orebound Sand", "an Orebound Rock","an Orebound Solid","an Orebound Hardskin","an Orebound Hero"},

[4] = {"a Wingeon Cloud", "a Wingeon Wind","a Wingeon Sky","a Wingeon Falcon","a Wingeon Dragon"},

[5] = {"a Malefic Troublemaker", "a Malefic Venomancer","a Malefic Spectre","a Malefic Nightwalker","a Malefic Master"},

[6] = {"a Gardestrike Fist", "a Gardestrike Tamer","a Gardestrike Fighter","a Gardestrike DeathHand","a Gardestrike Champion"},

[7] = {"a Psycraft Mind", "a Psycraft Brain","a Psycraft Scholar","a Psycraft Telepath","a Psycraft Medium"},

[8] = {"a Naturia Seed", "a Naturia Sprout","a Naturia Webhead","a Naturia Woodtrunk","a Naturia Keeper"},

[9] = {"a Raibolt Shock", "a Raibolt Watt","a Raibolt Electrician","a Raibolt Overcharged","a Raibolt Legend"},



youAre = {

[3] = "a Senior Tutor",

[4] = "a Game Master",

[5] = "a Sub", --alterado v1.3

[6] = "a GOD"



if isPlayer(thing.uid) then

cityname = getTownName(getPlayerTown(thing.uid))

vocation = getPlayerStorageValue(thing.uid, 86228)

rank = getPlayerStorageValue(thing.uid, 862281)

promote = look[vocation][rank]

id = getPlayerGroupId(thing.uid)

pos = getThingPos(thing.uid)

if getPlayerStorageValue(thing.uid, 86228) <= 0 then

voca = "Pokemon Trainer"


voca = promote


if getPlayerSex(thing.uid) == 0 then

sex = "She is a"


sex = "He is a"


if thing.uid == cid then

nome = "Yourself. You are a "


nome = ""..getCreatureName(thing.uid)..". "" "


str = "You see "..nome..""..voca..""

if id > 2 and id < 7 then

str = str.." and "..youAre[id]..""


str = str.." from "..cityname.."."

if getPlayerGuildId(thing.uid) > 0 then

str = str.." "" "..getPlayerGuildRank(thing.uid).." from the "..getPlayerGuildName(thing.uid).."."


if id > 3 and id < 7 then

str = str.."\nPosition: {x = "..pos.x..", y = "..pos.y..", z = "..pos.z.."}."


doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, str)

return false



--edited clan system

if getCreatureName(thing.uid) == "Evolution" then return false end


if not isSummon(thing.uid) then

local str = "You see a wild "..string.lower(getCreatureName(thing.uid))..".\n"

str = str.."Hit Points: "..getCreatureHealth(thing.uid).." / "..getCreatureMaxHealth(thing.uid)..".\n"

if getPokemonGender(thing.uid) == SEX_MALE then

str = str.."It is male."

elseif getPokemonGender(thing.uid) == SEX_FEMALE then

str = str.."It is female."


str = str.."It is genderless."


doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, str)

return false

elseif isSummon(thing.uid) and not isPlayer(thing.uid) then


local boostlevel = getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(thing.uid), 8).uid, "boost") or 0


if getCreatureMaster(thing.uid) == cid then

local myball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid


local string = "You see your "..string.lower(getCreatureName(thing.uid)).."."

if boostlevel > 0 then

string = string.."\nBoost level: +"..boostlevel.."."


string = string.."\nHit points: "..getCreatureHealth(thing.uid).."/"..getCreatureMaxHealth(thing.uid).."."

string = string.."\n"..getPokemonHappinessDescription(thing.uid)

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, string)


doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You see a "..string.lower(getCreatureName(thing.uid))..".\nIt belongs to "..getCreatureName(getCreatureMaster(thing.uid))..".")




return false



return true




É para a versão sem lvl

Editado por ZerefShirou
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soh 4 sqm de distancia? ;x pensei q era mais...

e do jeito q to fazendo n da pra fazer assim n heim.. kkk foda foda

se eu fizer a area de dano q nem a tua chega a da 3x dano o.O

Editado por Slicer
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Acabo de encontrar um bug, Quando um player da trade com uma leaf stone e outro com um gloom, o server cai!

poderia ver oque está havendo, e se conseguir concertar postar a solução para mim slicer por favor ? vlw.


Na verdade é quando da trade, qnd da trade o servidor cai! eu testei com Stone e o outro player com um pokemon.

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