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<!-- CATCHER -->

<outfit id="38" quest="134">

<list gender="0" lookType="1414" name="Catcher"/>

<list gender="1" lookType="1413" name="Catcher"/>




Sei que não chamo zere mais so pra ajdua mesmo




Tem um Sistema de Da Clean Log do Ot em 5 em 5 Sg? obbgggg

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Não daria lag infernal? e só mudar o tempo desse para 5 seg ué e tirar frases


E não precisa, só pq ele falou comigo não precisa ser eu, agora se vc ajudar e ele vinher com egoismo ou xingando zuando algo assim, não ajude mais simples...




e.e quest = Storage


Vou explicar...


<outfit id="BOTE o ID depois do ultimo outfit" premium="no" quest="STORAGE"> -- No caso do premium é só colocar "yes" ou "no", se for "no" não precisará ter vip e se for "yes" precisará...
<list gender="0" lookType="ID DO OUTFIT" name="NOME DO OUTFIT"/> -- 0 = Female
<list gender="1" lookType="ID DO OUTFIT" name="NOME DO OUTFIT"/> -- 1 = Male





Sistemas proprios do Tio Zeref:




Editado por ZerefShirou
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Mais como eu faria o Script de em 20 em 20 Segundos dando CLEAN LOG não clean no OT '-'Limpando o log do ot entedeu ? ob; P





Tpw , eu adicionei novas ball no meu Servidor fresh tudo, está tudo pegando certin , mais quando Vou healar precisa éla estiver no Slote ela sabe arurma quando eu for heala, já heala todas as ball pintintada que está na bag ?

Editado por StyloMaldoso
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Tpw , eu adicionei novas ball no meu Servidor fresh tudo, está tudo pegando certin , mais quando Vou healar precisa éla estiver no Slote ela sabe arurma quando eu for heala, já heala todas as ball pintintada que está na bag ?

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mano seu npc n funfo ;S mesmo eu tendo 50 de soul (caught) o npc n me da o outifit e fala q eu ainda n tenho 50 caughts.

por acaso tem q ter 50 caught diferente ?

eu pegei 50 magikarp '-'



esqueçe mano xd eu fiz com 50 pokes diferentes e deu certo vllw ae XD

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O bug da dex do ditto é dar dex nele nao aparecer as informações sobre ele só pelo "/dex" e aparece a mensagem "You cannot use this object" e ainda da esse erro no log


[27/05/2012 23:39:55] [Error - Action Interface]

[27/05/2012 23:39:55] data/actions/scripts/pokedex.lua:onUse

[27/05/2012 23:39:55] Description:

[27/05/2012 23:39:55] data/lib/pokedex system.lua:110: attempt to index local 'x' (a nil value)

[27/05/2012 23:39:55] stack traceback:

[27/05/2012 23:39:55] data/lib/pokedex system.lua:110: in function 'getMoveDexDescr'

[27/05/2012 23:39:55] data/lib/pokedex system.lua:259: in function 'doShowPokedexRegistration'

[27/05/2012 23:39:55] data/actions/scripts/pokedex.lua:33: in function <data/actions/scripts/pokedex.lua:3>

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Aqui pega destransformado e transformado:


Img dele destransformado:




Agora com ele transformado em Bellsprout:


Oque muda é que aparece os moves

Razor Leaf - m1 - level 5 - grass
Slash - m2 - level 9 - normal
Acid - m3 - level 10 - poison
Vine Whip - m4 - level 15 - grass


Manda tua pokedex system.lua (data/lib) em spoiler e o erro embaixo, ai eu posso ver pois aqui como pode ver é diferente




Não achei nada e nem sei como fazer isso além de source, e nem em source eu sei hasuhasa, ah é clean log no executavel piorou...

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Ai meu pokedex system



local skills = specialabilities

function doAddPokemonInDexList(cid, poke)

if getPlayerInfoAboutPokemon(cid, poke).dex then return true end

local a = newpokedex[poke]

local b = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,

setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, b.." dex,")


function getPokemonEvolutionDescription(name, blank)

local kev = poevo[name]

local stt = ""

local sss = " "--blank and " " or " "

if isInArray(specialevo, name) then

if name == "Poliwhirl" then

stt = stt.."\n"..sss.."~ Evolves to Poliwrath starting at\n "..sss.."level 36."

stt = stt.."\n"..sss.."~ Evolves to Politoed using\n "..sss.."a water stone and a king's rock."

elseif name == "Gloom" then

stt = stt.."\n"..sss.."~ Evolves to Vileplume using\n "..sss.."a leaf stone and a venom stone."

stt = stt.."\n"..sss.."~ Evolves to Bellosom using\n "..sss.."a leaf stone and a sun stone."

elseif name == "Slowpoke" then

stt = stt.."\n"..sss.."~ Evolves to Slowbro starting at\n "..sss.."level 28."

stt = stt.."\n"..sss.."~ Evolves to Slowking using\n "..sss.."a king's rock."

elseif name == "Tyrogue" then

stt = stt.."\n"..sss.."• Evolves starting at level 20 to:"

stt = stt.."\n"..sss.." ~ Hitmonlee if offense is higher\n"..sss.." than defense."

stt = stt.."\n"..sss.." ~ Hitmonchan if defense is higher\n"..sss.." than offense."

stt = stt.."\n"..sss.." ~ Hitmontop if defense is equal to\n"..sss.." offense."

elseif name == "Eevee" then

stt = stt.."\n"..sss.."~ Evolves to Flareon using\n "..sss.."a fire stone."

stt = stt.."\n"..sss.."~ Evolves to Vaporeon using\n "..sss.."a water stone."

stt = stt.."\n"..sss.."~ Evolves to Jolteon using\n "..sss.."a thunder stone."

stt = stt.."\n"..sss.."~ Evolves to Espeon when\n "..sss.."leveled up very happy during\n "..sss.."daytime."

stt = stt.."\n"..sss.."~ Evolves to Umbreon when\n "..sss.."leveled up very happy during\n "..sss.."nighttime."

elseif name == "Shiny Eevee" then

stt = stt.."\n"..sss.."~ Evolves to Shiny Flareon using\n "..sss.."a shining fire stone."

stt = stt.."\n"..sss.."~ Evolves to Shiny Vaporeon using\n "..sss.."a shining water stone."

stt = stt.."\n"..sss.."~ Evolves to Shiny Jolteon using\n "..sss.."a shining thunder stone."

elseif name == "Shiny Gloom" then

stt = stt.."\n"..sss.."~ Evolves to Shiny Vileplume using\n "..sss.."a shining leaf stone and a shining venom stone."

elseif name == "Shiny Slowpoke" then

stt = stt.."\n"..sss.."~ Evolves to Shiny Slowbro starting at\n "..sss.."level 28."

elseif name == "Shiny Poliwhirl" then

stt = stt.."\n"..sss.."~ Evolves to Shiny Poliwrath starting at\n "..sss.."level 36."

elseif name == "Ditto" then

stt = stt.."\n It doesn't evolve."


elseif kev then

stt = stt.."\n"..sss.."• Evolves to "..kev.evolution..""

if kev.level >= 7 then

stt = stt.." starting at\n "..sss.."level "..kev.level.."."

elseif kev.count >= 1 then

stt = stt.." using\n"

local id = tonumber(kev.stoneid)

local id2 = tonumber(kev.stoneid2)

if id > 1 then

local info = getItemInfo(id)

local a = kev.count == 1 and info.article or kev.count

local s = kev.count == 1 and "" or "s"

stt = stt.." "..sss..""..a.." """..s..""


if id2 > 1 then

local info2 = getItemInfo(id2)

local b = kev.count == 1 and info2.article or kev.count

stt = stt.." and "..b.." """


stt = stt.."."


stt = stt.." when it\n "..sss.."levels up very happy."


stt = stt..""..getPokemonEvolutionDescription(kev.evolution, true)..""

elseif not blank then

stt = stt.."\n It doesn't evolve."


return stt


local skillcheck = {"fly", "ride", "surf", "teleport", "rock smash", "cut", "dig", "light", "blink", "ghostwalk"}

local skilldescr = {

["fly"] = " • Fly:\n #You can mount this pokemon and fly with it to reach other places through the sky (use order on yourself)",

["ghostwalk"] = " • Ghost Walk:\n #This pokemon can walk through walls and unpassable terrain. This pokemon is also invulnerable to physical attacks.",

["ride"] = " • Ride:\n #You can mount this pokemon to move faster on land (use order on yourself)",

["rock smash"] = " • Rock Smash:\n #This pokemon is able to break smashable rocks (use order on the rock)",

["cut"] = " • Cut:\n #This pokemon is able to cut cuttable bushes (use order on the bush)",

["dig"] = " • Dig:\n #This pokemon is able to dig holes and make them exploitable (use order on a closed hole)",

["light"] = " • Flash:\n #This pokemon is able to illuminate a place (use order on the pokemon)",

["blink"] = " • Blink:\n #This pokemon can teleport itself to another place (use order on the desired place)",

["teleport"] = " • Teleport:\n #This pokemon can teleport itself and it's trainer to another city (type either h\" or /h)",

["surf"] = " • Surf:\n #You can mount this pokemon and swim with it (just walk on the water)",


local function doCheckMoveTarget(table)

if not table then return true end

if == 1 then

return "Yes ("..table.dist.. " max. range)."


return "No."



local function getMoveDexDescr(name, number)

local x = movestable[name]

local y = {}

local z = "\n"

if number == 1 and x.move1 then

y = x.move1

z = ""

elseif number == 2 and x.move2 then

y = x.move2

elseif number == 3 and x.move3 then

y = x.move3

elseif number == 4 and x.move4 then

y = x.move4

elseif number == 5 and x.move5 then

y = x.move5

elseif number == 6 and x.move6 then

y = x.move6

elseif number == 7 and x.move7 then

y = x.move7

elseif number == 8 and x.move8 then

y = x.move8

elseif number == 9 and x.move9 then

y = x.move9

elseif number == 10 and x.move10 then

y = x.move10

elseif number == 11 and x.move11 then

y = x.move11

elseif number == 12 and x.move12 then

y = x.move12

elseif number == 13 and x.move13 then

y = x.move13

elseif number == 14 and x.move14 then

y = x.move14

elseif number == 15 and x.move15 then

y = x.move15


return ""


if not movesinfo[] then

print(""" faltando")

return "unknown error"


local txt = ""..z.."\n • "" (move "..number.." / m"..number.."):\n #Type: "..movesinfo[].t.."\n #Cooldown: "" seconds.\n #Needs target: "..doCheckMoveTarget(y)..""

return txt


--#Required level: "..y.level.."\n

function doShowPokedexRegistration(cid, pokemon, ball, table)

local item2 = pokemon

local virtual = false

if type(pokemon) == "string" then

virtual = true


local myball = ball

local name = virtual and pokemon or getCreatureName(item2.uid)

local leveltable = table

local v = fotos[name]

local stt = ""

stt = "-General:\n It's named "" "

if pokes[name].type2 and pokes[name].type2 ~= "no type" then

stt = stt.."("..pokes[name].type.."/"..pokes[name].type2..")."


stt = stt.."("..pokes[name].type..")."


if virtual then

stt = stt.."\n"


if isSummon(item2.uid) then

stt = stt.."\n It belongs to "..getCreatureName(getCreatureMaster(item2.uid)).."."

if getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "nick") then

stt = stt.."\n It's nickname is: "..getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "nick").."."



stt = stt.."\n\n-Status:\n"

stt = stt.." • Level: "..getLevel(item2.uid)..""

if isSummon(item2.uid) then

local boost = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "boost")

if boost then

stt = stt.." +"..boost.."\n"


stt = stt.."\n"


local boff = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "boffense") and " + "..math.floor(getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "boffense")).." trans. bonus" or ""

local bdef = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "bdefense") and " + "..math.floor(getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "bdefense")).." trans. bonus" or ""

local bagi = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "bagility") and " + "..math.floor(getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "bagility")).." trans. bonus" or ""

local bspa = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "bsattack") and " + "..math.floor(getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "bsattack")).." trans. bonus" or ""

stt = stt.." • Vitality: "..math.floor(getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "vitality")).."\n"

stt = stt.." • Offense: "..math.floor(getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "offense"))..""..boff.."\n"

stt = stt.." • Defense: "..math.floor(getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "defense"))..""..bdef.."\n"

stt = stt.." • Spc. Atk.: "..math.floor(getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "specialattack"))..""..bspa.."\n"

stt = stt.." • Agility: "..math.floor(getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "speed"))..""..bagi.."\n"


stt = stt.."\n"

stt = stt.." • Vitality: "..getVitality(item2.uid).."\n"

stt = stt.." • Offense: "..getOffense(item2.uid).."\n"

stt = stt.." • Defense: "..getDefense(item2.uid).."\n"

stt = stt.." • Spc. Atk.: "..getSpecialAttack(item2.uid).."\n"

stt = stt.." • Agility: "..getSpeed(item2.uid).."\n"


if isSummon(item2.uid) then

local myexp = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "exp")

local nlexp = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "nextlevelexp")

local expdesselevel = myexp - leveltable[getLevel(item2.uid)]

local faltadesselevel = myexp + nlexp - leveltable[getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "level")]

local percent = math.floor(expdesselevel / faltadesselevel * 100)

if getPokemonLevel(item2.uid) == 100 then

stt = stt.." • Experience: "..leveltable[100].." (max)\n"


local exptext = ""..myexp.." / "..(myexp + nlexp).." ("..percent.."%)"

local art = "Experience"

if string.len(exptext) > 22 then

art = "Exp."


stt = stt.." • "": "..exptext.."\n"

stt = stt.." • Exp. to level up: "..getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(item2.uid), 8).uid, "nextlevelexp").."\n"




stt = stt.."\n-Evolutions:"

stt = stt..""..getPokemonEvolutionDescription(name).."\n"

stt = stt.."\n-Moves and attacks:"

if name == "Ditto" then

if virtual then

stt = stt.."\n It doesn't use any moves until\n transformed."

elseif getPlayerStorageValue(item2.uid, 1010) == "Ditto" then

stt = stt.."\n It doesn't use any moves until\n transformed."


for a = 1, 15 do

stt = stt..""..getMoveDexDescr(getPlayerStorageValue(item2.uid, 1010), a)..""




for a = 1, 15 do

stt = stt..""..getMoveDexDescr(name, a)..""



local totalab = 0

local abtexts = ""

local skipline = ""

for b = 1, #skillcheck do

if isInArray(skills[skillcheck], name) then

abtexts = abtexts..""..skipline..""..skilldescr[skillcheck]..""

totalab = totalab + 1

skipline = "\n \n"



if totalab == 0 then

if name == "Ditto" then

stt = stt.."\n\n-Special abilities:\n • Transform:\n #Ditto can transform into any other species of pokémon for 2 minutes with 40 seconds cooldown (use order on any pokemon)"


stt = stt.."\n\n-Special abilities:\n none."



stt = stt.."\n\n-Special abilities:\n"..abtexts..""



if string.len(stt) > 8192 then

print("Error while making pokedex info with pokemon named "".\n Pokedex registration has more than 8192 letters (it has "..string.len(stt).." letters), it has been blocked to prevent fatal error.")

doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "An error has occurred, it was sent to the server's administrator.")

return true


doShowTextDialog(cid, v, stt)



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