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Um Script De Shiny Stone

quem puder ajuda


Vlw ae




Poke Tibia 8.54

Editado por PsyDragon
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Bom... "rei" scripts... devo ta bemmmm longe disso mas... o da shiny stone é esse:


local evo = {

       ["Venusaur"] = "shiny venusaur",
       ["Charizard"] = "elder charizard",
       ["Farfetchd"] = "shiny farfetchd",
       ["Arcanine"] = "shiny arcanine",
       ["Parasect"] = "shiny parasect",
       ["Tentacruel"] = "shiny tentacruel",
       ["Tentacool"] = "shiny tentacool",
       ["Muk"] = "shiny muk",
       ["Venomoth"] = "shiny venomoth",
       ["Electabuzz"] = "shiny electabuzz",
       ["Blastoise"] = "shiny blastoise",
       ["Magikarp"] = "shiny magikarp",
       ["Jynx"] = "shiny jynx",
       ["Kingler"] = "shiny kingler",
       ["Krabby"] = "shiny krabby",
       ["Oddish"] = "shiny oddish",
       ["Rattata"] = "shiny rattata",
       ["Raticate"] = "shiny raticate",
       ["Voltorb"] = "shiny voltorb",
       ["Eletrode"] = "shiny electrode",
       ["Raichu"] = "shiny raichu",
       ["Seadra"] = "shiny seadra",
       ["Paras"] = "shiny paras",
       ["Zubat"] = "shiny zubat",
       ["Horsea"] = "shiny horsea",
       ["Growlithe"] = "shiny growlithe",
       ["Grimer"] = "shiny grimer",
       ["Dratini"] = "shiny dratini",
       ["Butterfree"] = "shiny butterfree",
       ["Beedrill"] = "shiny beedrill",
       ["Scyther"] = "shiny scyther",
       ["Hitmonchan"] = "shiny hitmonchan",
       ["Hitmonlee"] = "shiny hitmonlee",             


local pokeballs = {
[2531] = {"Pokeball"},
[2557] = {"Superball"},
[2524] = {"Greatball"},
[2525] = {"Ultraball"},
[2523] = {"Masterball"},

function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
       if isMonster(itemEx.uid) and getCreatureMaster(itemEx.uid) == cid then
               local monster  = getCreatureName(itemEx.uid)
               if evo[monster] then
                       local health, maxHealth = getCreatureHealth(itemEx.uid), getCreatureMaxHealth(itemEx.uid)
                       local summon = doCreateMonster(evo[monster], toPosition)
                       doConvinceCreature(cid, summon)
			local balls = pokeballs[getPlayerSlotItem(cid,8).itemid]
                       doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "name", ""..evo[monster].." "..balls[1])
                       doCreatureAddHealth(summon, health-maxHealth)
                       doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(summon), 18)
                       return TRUE
       return FALSE

E em Data/Actions/Actions.xml

<action itemid="[color="#FF0000"]IDSHINYSTONE[/color]" event="script" allowfaruse="10" value="stones/shiny.lua"/>

Apenas troque o que está em vermelho pelo id da sua shiny stone =D

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  • 2 weeks later...

eu fiz tudo ai colokei como shiny stone nao deu ai tentei coloka mind stone , quando eu coloka /i 2178 pra cria a mind stone ela cria so q n aparece sei la alguem ema juda nao consigo coloka Shiny stone no meu Sv por favor

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Velho imforme que server pokemon você está utilizando ? flash ? dash ?

Mesmo voce nunca ter usado você tem ela no sprits, eu recomento voce colocar o id /i 2163



Data/ Actions/Actions.xml e adicione isso:


<action itemid="2361" event="script" allowfaruse="10" value="stones/shiny.lua"/>


Agora vá Data/Actions/Scripts/Stones e crie um arquivo lua chamano shiny


local evo = {


["Abra"] = "Shiny Abra",

["Arcanine"] = "Shiny Arcanine",

["Beedrill"] = "Shiny Bedrill",

["Blastoise"] = "Shiny Blastoise",

["Butterfree"] = "Shiny Butterfree",

["Caterpie"] = "Shiny Caterpie",

["Cubone"] = "Shiny Cubone",

["Dratini"] = "Shiny Dratini",

["Dragonair"] = "Shiny Dragonair",

["Dragonite"] = "Shiny Dragonite",

["Electabuzz"] = "Shiny Electabuzz",

["Electrode"] = "Shiny Electrode",

["Farfetchd"] = "Shiny Farfetchd",

["Flareon"] = "Shiny Flareon",

["Gengar"] = "Shiny Gengar",

["Golbat"] = "Shiny Golbat",

["Grimer"] = "Shiny Grimer",

["Growlithe"] = "Shiny Growlithe",

["Hypno"] = "Shiny Hypno",

["Jolteon"] = "Shiny Jolteon",

["Marowak"] = "Shiny Marowak",

["Metapod"] = "Shiny Metapod",

["Pidgeot"] = "Shiny Pidgeot",

["Pinsir"] = "Shiny Pinsir",

["Gyarados"] = "Shiny Gyarados",

["Hitmonchan"] = "Shiny Hitmonchan",

["Hitmonlee"] = "Shiny Hitmonlee",

["Horsea"] = "Shiny Horsea",

["Jynx"] = "Shiny Jynx",

["Tangela"] = "Shiny Tangela",

["Vaporeon"] = "Shiny Vaporeon",

["Kingler"] = "Shiny Kingler",

["Krabby"] = "Shiny Krabby",

["Magikarp"] = "Shiny Magikarp",

["Muk"] = "Shiny Muk",

["Oddish"] = "Shiny Oddish",

["Paras"] = "Shiny Paras",

["Parasect"] = "Shiny Parasect",

["Raichu"] = "Shiny Raichu",

["Rattata"] = "Shiny Rattata",

["Raticate"] = "Shiny Raticate",

["Scyther"] = "Shiny Scyther",

["Seadra"] = "Shiny Seadra",

["Tentacool"] = "Shiny Tentacruel",

["Venomoth"] = "Shiny Venomoth",

["Venusaur"] = "Shiny Venusaur",

["Voltorb"] = "Shiny Voltorb",

["Zubat"] = "Shiny Zubat",

["Snorlax"] = "Big Snorlax",

["Alakazam"] = "Shiny Alakazam",

["Charizard"] = "Elder Charizard",

["Onix"] = "Crystal Onix",




local pokeballs = {

[2531] = {"Pokeball"},

[2557] = {"Superball"},

[2524] = {"Greatball"},

[2525] = {"Ultraball"},

[2523] = {"Masterball"},



function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)

if isMonster(itemEx.uid) and getCreatureMaster(itemEx.uid) == cid then

local monster = getCreatureName(itemEx.uid)

if evo[monster] then

local health, maxHealth = getCreatureHealth(itemEx.uid), getCreatureMaxHealth(itemEx.uid)



local summon = doCreateMonster(evo[monster], toPosition)

doConvinceCreature(cid, summon)

local balls = pokeballs[getPlayerSlotItem(cid,8).itemid]

doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, "name", ""..evo[monster].." "..balls[1])

doCreatureAddHealth(summon, health-maxHealth)

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(summon), 18)

return TRUE



return FALSE




Obs: se nao houver alum shiny no seu ot remova e se houver adicione igual os outros !


Editado por betinhowz666
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  • 8 months later...

Ela funciona certinho, transforma o poke em shiny, as o problema, é que quando voce chama ele de volta para a poke, ele volta com pokemon normal, e nao o shiny, então fica como se fosse uma shiny stone "instantanea"


se tiver como ajudar!

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