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Tudo que Killadors postou

  1. Man mais meu Server nao tem Sistem de Vip como fasso isso
  2. Galera, fui criar outro lugar para account manager, e para os player escolher o 1° pokemon Dai eu fui criar outro e nao consigo por pra ele pegar o 1 pokemon Tipo eu clico no Bau dai faz e abri Base: PDA (By Bolz) Script:
  3. so tem um plobema tou usando server poketibia dai vou em data/weapons/weapons.xml e so tem 3 linha la '-'
  4. Bom Galera, tenho um ot server poketibia, 8.54 tou usando a base pda sem lvl 1.9 (by bolz) Bom voltando ao assunto Quando eu falo !buyhouse na frente da house não acontece nd se alguem poder me ajudar Rep +
  5. Recomendo usar rme mapa editor, tem mais funçoes
  6. não man tipo kd personagem tem uma transform tendeu ? as transform do obito so he a 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218
  7. vocations.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <vocations> <vocation id="0" name="None" description="none" needpremium="0" gaincap="5" gainhp="5" gainmana="5" gainhpticks="6" gainhpamount="1" gainmanaticks="6" gainmanaamount="1" manamultiplier="4.0" attackspeed="200" soulmax="100" gainsoulticks="120" fromvoc="0" attackable="no"> <formula meleeDamage="1.0" distDamage="1.0" wandDamage="1.0" magDamage="1.0" magHealingDamage="1.0" defense="1.0" magDefense="1.0" armor="1.0"/> <skill fist="1.5" club="2.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="1.5" fishing="1.1" experience="1.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="1" name="Naruto" description="a naruto" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="1"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="2" name="Naruto" description="a naruto" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="1"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="3" name="Naruto" description="a naruto" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="2"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="4" name="Naruto" description="a naruto" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="3"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="5" name="Naruto" description="a naruto" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="4"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="6" name="Naruto" description="a naruto" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="5"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="7" name="Naruto" description="a naruto" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" 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name="Naruto" description="a naruto" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="8"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="10" name="Naruto" description="a naruto" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="9"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="11" name="Naruto" description="a naruto" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="10"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="12" name="Naruto" description="a naruto" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="11"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" 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manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="15"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="17" name="Sasuke" description="a sasuke" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="16"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="18" name="Sasuke" description="a sasuke" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="17"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="19" name="Sasuke" description="a sasuke" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="18"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> 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sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="22" name="Sasuke" description="a sasuke" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="21"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="23" name="Sasuke" description="a sasuke" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="22"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" 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fromvoc="25"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="6.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="26" name="Lee" description="a lee" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="390" gainmana="310" gainhpticks="310" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="25"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="6.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="27" name="Lee" description="a lee" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="390" gainmana="310" gainhpticks="310" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="26"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="6.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="28" name="Lee" description="a lee" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="390" gainmana="310" gainhpticks="310" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="27"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="6.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="29" name="Lee" description="a lee" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="390" gainmana="310" gainhpticks="310" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="28"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="6.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="30" name="Lee" description="a lee" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="390" gainmana="310" gainhpticks="310" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="29"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="6.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> 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sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="33" name="Lee" description="a lee" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="390" gainmana="310" gainhpticks="310" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="32"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="6.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="34" name="Sakura" description="a sakura" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="380" gainmana="320" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="34"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" 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needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="380" gainmana="320" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="57"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="4.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="59" name="Gaara" description="a gaara" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="380" gainmana="320" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="58"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="4.0" shielding="2.0" 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distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="5.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="95" name="Kiba" description="a kiba" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="360" gainmana="340" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="94"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="5.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="96" name="Kiba" description="a kiba" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="360" gainmana="340" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="95"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="5.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="97" name="Kiba" description="a kiba" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="360" gainmana="340" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="96"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="5.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="98" name="Kiba" description="a kiba" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="360" gainmana="340" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="97"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="5.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="110" name="Shikamaru" description="a Shikamaru" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="110"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="4.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation 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sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="4.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="113" name="Shikamaru" description="a Shikamaru" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="112"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="4.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="114" name="Shikamaru" description="a Shikamaru" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="113"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="4.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="115" name="Shikamaru" description="a Shikamaru" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="114"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="4.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="116" name="Shikamaru" description="a Shikamaru" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="115"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="4.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="130" name="Hinata" description="a hinata" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="330" gainmana="370" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="130"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="5.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="131" name="Hinata" description="a hinata" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="330" gainmana="370" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="130"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="5.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="132" name="Hinata" description="a hinata" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="330" gainmana="370" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="131"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="5.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="133" name="Hinata" description="a hinata" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="330" gainmana="370" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="132"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="5.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="134" name="Hinata" description="a hinata" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="330" gainmana="370" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="133"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="5.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="135" name="Hinata" description="a hinata" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="330" gainmana="370" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="134"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="5.0" sword="2.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="150" name="Tenten" description="a tenten" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="380" gainmana="320" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="150"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" 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magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="177" name="Itachi" description="a itachi" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="360" gainmana="370" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="176"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="190" name="Killer Bee" description="a killer bee" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="360" gainmana="370" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="190"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="191" name="Killer Bee" description="a killer bee" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="360" gainmana="370" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="190"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="192" name="Killer Bee" description="a killer bee" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="360" gainmana="370" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="191"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="193" name="Killer Bee" description="a killer bee" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="360" gainmana="370" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="192"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="194" name="Killer Bee" description="a killer bee" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="360" gainmana="370" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="193"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="195" name="Killer Bee" description="a killer bee" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="360" gainmana="370" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="550" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="550" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="194"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="196" name="Killer Bee" description="a killer bee" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="360" gainmana="370" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="195"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="200" name="Kakashi" description="a kakashi" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="200"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="201" name="Kakashi" description="a kakashi" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="200"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="202" name="Kakashi" description="a kakashi" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="201"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="203" name="Kakashi" description="a kakashi" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="202"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="204" name="Kakashi" description="a kakashi" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="203"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="205" name="Kakashi" description="a kakashi" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="204"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="206" name="Kakashi" description="a kakashi" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="205"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="207" name="Kakashi" description="a kakashi" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="206"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="208" name="Kakashi" description="a kakashi" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="207"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="210" name="iObito" description="a Obito [VIP]" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="210"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="211" name="iObito" description="a Obito [VIP]" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="210"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="212" name="iObito" description="a Obito [VIP]" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="210"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="213" name="iObito" description="a Obito [VIP]" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="210"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="214" name="iObito" description="a Obito [VIP]" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="210"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="215" name="iObito" description="a Obito [VIP]" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="210"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="216" name="iObito" description="a Obito [VIP]" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="210"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="217" name="iObito" description="a Obito [VIP]" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="210"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="218" name="iObito" description="a Obito [VIP]" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="210"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="2.0" club="2.0" sword="4.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> <vocation id="458" name="Pain" description="a pain" needpremium="0" gaincap="20" gainhp="350" gainmana="350" gainhpticks="1" gainhpamount="150" gainmanaticks="1" gainmanaamount="250" manamultiplier="1.0" attackspeed="1200" soulmax="300" gainsoulticks="60" fromvoc="458"> <formula meleeDamage="2.0" distDamage="2.0" wandDamage="2.0" magDamage="2.0" magHealingDamage="2.0" defense="2.0" magDefense="2.0" armor="2.0"/> <skill fist="6.0" club="3.0" sword="3.0" axe="2.0" distance="2.0" shielding="2.0" fishing="2.0" experience="2.0"/> </vocation> </vocations> transformar.lua local config = { --[vocation id] = { level, nova voc, looktype, efeito} [1] = { 25, 2, 66, 208}, [2] = { 50, 3, 91, 208}, [3] = { 75, 4, 18, 208}, [4] = { 100, 5, 31, 208}, [5] = { 125, 6, 92, 208}, [6] = { 150, 7, 40, 208}, [7] = { 175, 8, 305, 208}, [8] = { 200, 9, 320, 208}, [9] = { 225, 10, 179, 208}, [10] = { 250, 11, 394, 208}, [11] = { 275, 12, 397, 208}, [13] = { 25, 14, 93, 108}, [14] = { 50, 15, 6, 108}, [15] = { 75, 16, 5, 108}, [16] = { 100, 17, 306, 108}, [17] = { 125, 18, 7, 108}, [18] = { 150, 19, 94, 108}, [19] = { 175, 20, 59, 108}, [20] = { 200, 21, 8, 108}, [21] = { 225, 22, 178, 110}, [22] = { 250, 23, 95, 110}, [23] = { 275, 24, 54, 110}, [25] = { 25, 26, 80, 87}, [26] = { 50, 27, 190, 87}, [27] = { 75, 28, 83, 87}, [28] = { 100, 29, 191, 87}, [29] = { 150, 30, 192, 87}, [30] = { 175, 31, 193, 87}, [31] = { 225, 32, 392, 87}, [32] = { 250, 33, 330, 87}, [34] = { 25, 35, 194, 5}, [35] = { 50, 36, 175, 5}, [36] = { 75, 37, 169, 5}, [37] = { 100, 38, 173, 5}, [38] = { 150, 39, 172, 5}, [39] = { 175, 40, 171, 5}, [40] = { 225, 41, 174, 5}, [41] = { 250, 42, 170, 5}, [50] = { 25, 51, 67, 205}, [51] = { 50, 52, 72, 205}, [52] = { 75, 53, 158, 205}, [53] = { 100, 54, 65, 205}, [54] = { 125, 55, 329, 205}, [55] = { 150, 56, 188, 205}, [56] = { 175, 57, 62, 205}, [57] = { 200, 58, 189, 205}, [58] = { 225, 59, 335, 205}, [59] = { 250, 60, 57, 205}, [70] = { 25, 71, 102, 124}, [71] = { 50, 72, 103, 124}, [72] = { 75, 73, 105, 124}, [73] = { 100, 74, 107, 124}, [74] = { 150, 75, 108, 124}, [75] = { 175, 76, 314, 124}, [76] = { 225, 77, 315, 124}, [77] = { 250, 78, 333, 124}, [90] = { 25, 91, 331, 209}, [91] = { 50, 92, 69, 209}, [92] = { 75, 93, 70, 209}, [93] = { 100, 94, 199, 209}, [94] = { 150, 95, 196, 209}, [95] = { 175, 96, 197, 209}, [96] = { 225, 97, 198, 209}, [97] = { 250, 98, 332, 209}, [97] = { 250, 98, 332, 209}, [110] = { 25, 111, 88, 187}, [111] = { 75, 112, 341, 187}, [112] = { 100, 113, 343, 187}, [113] = { 150, 114, 342, 187}, [114] = { 200, 115, 344, 187}, [115] = { 250, 116, 345, 187}, [130] = { 25, 131, 296, 124}, [131] = { 75, 132, 297, 124}, [132] = { 150, 133, 298, 124}, [133] = { 200, 134, 299, 124}, [134] = { 250, 135, 300, 124}, [150] = { 25, 151, 384, 126}, [151] = { 75, 152, 385, 126}, [152] = { 150, 153, 386, 126}, [153] = { 200, 154, 396, 126}, [170] = { 25, 171, 97, 108}, [171] = { 50, 172, 285, 108}, [172] = { 75, 173, 282, 108}, [173] = { 100, 174, 98, 108}, [174] = { 125, 175, 284, 109}, [175] = { 150, 176, 99, 109}, [176] = { 200, 177, 283, 109}, [190] = { 25, 191, 373, 4}, [191] = { 75, 192, 374, 4}, [192] = { 125, 193, 375, 4}, [193] = { 150, 194, 376, 4}, [194] = { 200, 195, 318, 4}, [195] = { 250, 196, 377, 4}, [200] = { 25, 201, 11, 10}, [201] = { 50, 202, 287, 10}, [202] = { 75, 203, 12, 10}, [203] = { 125, 204, 10, 10}, [204] = { 150, 205, 289, 10}, [205] = { 175, 206, 288, 10}, [206] = { 200, 207, 13, 10}, [207] = { 250, 208, 14, 10}, [210] = { 50, 211, 398, 10}, [211] = { 75, 212, 399, 10}, [212] = { 100, 213, 400, 10}, [213] = { 150, 214, 401, 10}, [214] = { 175, 215, 402, 10}, [215] = { 200, 216, 403, 10}, [216] = { 250, 217, 404, 10}, [217] = { 275, 218, 405, 10}, [218] = { 300, 218, 406, 10}, } function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) local from,to = {x=1001, y=705, z=7},{x=1031, y=737, z=7} -- começo e final do mapa local from2,to2 = {x=1011, y=705, z=6},{x=1031, y=738, z=6} -- começo e final do mapa local from3,to3 = {x=1012, y=706, z=5},{x=1032, y=739, z=5} -- começo e final do mapa local from4,to4 = {x=985, y=598, z=7},{x=1044, y=652, z=7} -- começo e final do mapa local from5,to5 = {x=986, y=615, z=6},{x=1039, y=647, z=7} -- começo e final do mapa local from6,to6 = {x=990, y=616, z=5},{x=1040, y=647, z=5} -- começo e final do mapa if isInRange(getCreaturePosition(cid), from, to) or isInRange(getCreaturePosition(cid), from2, to2) or isInRange(getCreaturePosition(cid), from3, to3) or isInRange(getCreaturePosition(cid), from4, to4) or isInRange(getCreaturePosition(cid), from5, to5) or isInRange(getCreaturePosition(cid), from6, to6) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você não pode se Transformar nesta área!") return true end doPlayerSay(cid, "transformar") local voc = config[getPlayerVocation(cid)] if voc then if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= voc[1] then doPlayerSetVocation(cid, voc[2]) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING, "Você Transformou!") local outfit = {lookType = voc[3]} doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, outfit) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), voc[4]) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING, "Você precisa estar no level " .. voc[1] .. " para transformar.") end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você não pode se Transformar!") end return true end
  8. Galera tou criando um servidor de nto, tipo sei colocar transform tudo e tals. Tipo o obito tem 8 transform, dai eu falo transformar ate chegar na 8, dai quando chega na 8, eu falo transformar dai o client buga, dai n da pra entrar mais, queria ke alguem me ajuda-se tipo quando ele chegar na ultima transform aparecer, Voce não pode transformar . Obrigado ^
  9. Killadors

    Erro Website

    Testei com o e deu Certo, qual e o plobema com o entao ?
  10. Killadors

    Erro Website

    Nao Resolveu, acho ke e a Db, eu usei uma que veio no na pasta do Servidor uma tal de naruto.sql Voce tem outra Db ai ? Pra website
  11. Killadors

    Erro Website

    Ta sim Olha vou lhe Passar o conf/httpd e o Confi.lua httpd # # This is the main Apache HTTP server configuration file. It contains the # configuration directives that give the server its instructions. # See <URL:"">' 'xhtml1-trans' => '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">' 'xhtml1-frame' => '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "">' 'html5' => '<!DOCTYPE html>', 'html4-strict' => '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">' 'html4-trans' => '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">' 'html4-frame' => '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "">' ); $config['engine']['url_suffix'] = ".ide"; $config['engine']['sess_cookie_name'] = 'ci_session'; $config['engine']['sess_expiration'] = 7200; $config['engine']['sess_encrypt_cookie'] = FALSE; $config['engine']['sess_use_database'] = FALSE; $config['engine']['sess_table_name'] = 'ci_sessions'; $config['engine']['sess_match_ip'] = FALSE; $config['engine']['sess_match_useragent'] = TRUE; $config['engine']['sess_time_to_update'] = 300; $config['engine']['rewrite_short_tags'] = false; if(USING_WINDOWS == 1) { //Load management is not available on Windows. $config['engine']['loadManagement'] = false; } else { //Load management is a maximum ammount of processes website is using. If the website is flooded it will drop connection with users outside this amount. $config['engine']['loadManagement'] = false; $config['engine']['maxLoad'] = 60; } /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Error Logging Threshold |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | If you have enabled error logging, you can set an error threshold to | determine what gets logged. Threshold options are: | You can enable error logging by setting a threshold over zero. The | threshold determines what gets logged. Threshold options are: | | 0 = Disables logging, Error logging TURNED OFF | 1 = Error Messages (including PHP errors) | 2 = Debug Messages | 3 = Informational Messages | 4 = All Messages | | For a live site you'll usually only enable Errors (1) to be logged otherwise | your log files will fill up very fast. | */ $config['engine']['log_threshold'] = 0; #DON'T TOUCH! DECLARING CONSTANS! @DEFINE('LEVELTOCREATEGUILD', $config['levelToCreateGuild']); @DEFINE('PREMDAYS', $config['premDays']); @DEFINE('HOSTNAME', $config['database']['host']); @DEFINE('USERNAME', $config['database']['login']); @DEFINE('PASSWORD', $config['database']['password']); @DEFINE('DATABASE', $config['database']['database']); @DEFINE('WEBSITE', $config['website']); ?> Se Conseguir ajudar Rep++
  12. Galera do Xtibia eu fui Instalar o meu Website de Narutibia so que Aparece Esse Erro Olhem Alguem sabe Oque e Se ajuda Rep+
  13. Galera queria saber como eu mudo a area do Buff, tipo eu adcionei 1 buff do Itachi um Novo so que ele ta saindo do lado vou tirar um Print para Voces Verem Minha Pasta do Buff ta Assim Olhem local tempo = 180 -- tempo em segundos. local effect = {245} -- effect no player, caso queira apenas 1, basta remover os outros numeros. local ml = 130 -- quantos ira aumentar o skill de ML local skillfist = 55 -- quantos ira aumentar o skill de Fist local skillsword = 30 -- quantos ira aumentar o skill de Sword local skillaxe = 30 -- quantos ira aumentar o skill de Axe local skillclub = 55 -- quantos ira aumentar o skill de Club local skilldistance = 60 -- quantos ira aumentar o skill de Distance local skillshield = 50 -- quantos ira aumentar o skill de Shield local health = 250 -- A cada 1 segundo quantos aumentar de vida local combat = createCombatObject() setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_AGGRESSIVE, 0) local condition = createConditionObject(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, tempo*1000) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_STAT_MAGICLEVEL, ml) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_FIST, skillfist) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_SWORD, skillsword) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_AXE, skillaxe) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_CLUB, skillclub) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_DISTANCE, skilldistance) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_SKILL_SHIELD, skillshield) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_OUTFIT, outfit) setCombatCondition(combat, condition) local condition = createConditionObject(CONDITION_HASTE) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_SPEED, 250) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, tempo*1000) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF, TRUE) setCombatCondition(combat, condition) local condition = createConditionObject(CONDITION_REGENERATION) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_SUBID, 1) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_BUFF, TRUE) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, tempo*1000) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_HEALTHGAIN, health) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_HEALTHTICKS, 1000) setCombatCondition(combat, condition) function magicEffect553(tempo2,tempo3,cid) if (isCreature(cid)) then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 102053) > 0 and getCreatureCondition(cid, CONDITION_REGENERATION, 1) then for i=1, #effect do local position = {x=getPlayerPosition(cid).x, y=getPlayerPosition(cid).y, z=getPlayerPosition(cid).z} doSendMagicEffect(position, effect) end end end end function onCastSpell(cid, var) local position127 = {x=getPlayerPosition(cid).x, y=getPlayerPosition(cid).y, z=getPlayerPosition(cid).z} if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 102053) ~= 1 or getCreatureCondition(cid, CONDITION_REGENERATION, 1) == false then doCombat(cid, combat, var) tempo2 = 0 while (tempo2 ~= (tempo*1000)) do addEvent(magicEffect553, tempo2, tempo2, tempo*1000, cid) tempo2 = tempo2 + 300 end setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 102053,1) -- storage verifica transformado, quando = 1 player esta transformado. doCreatureSay(cid, "Kishahou Fuumetsu", TALKTYPE_MONSTER) doSendMagicEffect(position127, 109) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you are transformed.") end end Queria que o Personagem Soltase o Buff encima dele
  14. Mano me ajuda, ja tentei de tudo n consigo colocar a transform olha o meu transformar.lua local config = { --[vocation id] = { level, nova voc, looktype, efeito} [1] = { 25, 2, 66, 208}, [2] = { 50, 3, 91, 208}, [3] = { 75, 4, 18, 208}, [4] = { 100, 5, 31, 208}, [5] = { 125, 6, 92, 208}, [6] = { 150, 7, 40, 208}, [7] = { 175, 8, 305, 208}, [8] = { 200, 9, 320, 208}, [9] = { 225, 10, 179, 208}, [10] = { 250, 11, 394, 208}, [11] = { 275, 12, 397, 208}, [13] = { 25, 14, 93, 108}, [14] = { 50, 15, 6, 108}, [15] = { 75, 16, 5, 108}, [16] = { 100, 17, 306, 108}, [17] = { 125, 18, 7, 108}, [18] = { 150, 19, 94, 108}, [19] = { 175, 20, 59, 108}, [20] = { 200, 21, 8, 108}, [21] = { 225, 22, 178, 110}, [22] = { 250, 23, 95, 110}, [23] = { 275, 24, 54, 110}, [25] = { 25, 26, 80, 87}, [26] = { 50, 27, 190, 87}, [27] = { 75, 28, 83, 87}, [28] = { 100, 29, 191, 87}, [29] = { 150, 30, 192, 87}, [30] = { 175, 31, 193, 87}, [31] = { 225, 32, 392, 87}, [32] = { 250, 33, 330, 87}, [34] = { 25, 35, 194, 5}, [35] = { 50, 36, 175, 5}, [36] = { 75, 37, 169, 5}, [37] = { 100, 38, 173, 5}, [38] = { 150, 39, 172, 5}, [39] = { 175, 40, 171, 5}, [40] = { 225, 41, 174, 5}, [41] = { 250, 42, 170, 5}, [50] = { 25, 51, 67, 205}, [51] = { 50, 52, 72, 205}, [52] = { 75, 53, 158, 205}, [53] = { 100, 54, 65, 205}, [54] = { 125, 55, 329, 205}, [55] = { 150, 56, 188, 205}, [56] = { 175, 57, 62, 205}, [57] = { 200, 58, 189, 205}, [58] = { 225, 59, 335, 205}, [59] = { 250, 60, 57, 205}, [70] = { 25, 71, 102, 124}, [71] = { 50, 72, 103, 124}, [72] = { 75, 73, 105, 124}, [73] = { 100, 74, 107, 124}, [74] = { 150, 75, 108, 124}, [75] = { 175, 76, 314, 124}, [76] = { 225, 77, 315, 124}, [77] = { 250, 78, 333, 124}, [90] = { 25, 91, 331, 209}, [91] = { 50, 92, 69, 209}, [92] = { 75, 93, 70, 209}, [93] = { 100, 94, 199, 209}, [94] = { 150, 95, 196, 209}, [95] = { 175, 96, 197, 209}, [96] = { 225, 97, 198, 209}, [97] = { 250, 98, 332, 209}, [97] = { 250, 98, 332, 209}, [110] = { 25, 111, 88, 187}, [111] = { 75, 112, 341, 187}, [112] = { 100, 113, 343, 187}, [113] = { 150, 114, 342, 187}, [114] = { 200, 115, 344, 187}, [115] = { 250, 116, 345, 187}, [130] = { 25, 131, 296, 124}, [131] = { 75, 132, 297, 124}, [132] = { 150, 133, 298, 124}, [133] = { 200, 134, 299, 124}, [134] = { 250, 135, 300, 124}, [150] = { 25, 151, 384, 126}, [151] = { 75, 152, 385, 126}, [152] = { 150, 153, 386, 126}, [153] = { 200, 154, 396, 126}, [170] = { 25, 171, 97, 108}, [171] = { 50, 172, 285, 108}, [172] = { 75, 173, 282, 108}, [173] = { 100, 174, 98, 108}, [174] = { 125, 175, 284, 109}, [175] = { 150, 176, 99, 109}, [176] = { 200, 177, 283, 109}, [190] = { 25, 191, 373, 4}, [191] = { 75, 192, 374, 4}, [192] = { 125, 193, 375, 4}, [193] = { 150, 194, 376, 4}, [194] = { 200, 195, 318, 4}, [195] = { 250, 196, 377, 4}, [200] = { 25, 201, 11, 10}, [201] = { 50, 202, 287, 10}, [202] = { 75, 203, 12, 10}, [203] = { 125, 204, 10, 10}, [204] = { 150, 205, 289, 10}, [205] = { 175, 206, 288, 10}, [206] = { 200, 207, 13, 10}, [207] = { 250, 208, 14, 10} [210] = { 25, 211, 398, 10} [211] = { 50, 211, 399, 10} } function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) local from,to = {x=1001, y=705, z=7},{x=1031, y=737, z=7} -- começo e final do mapa local from2,to2 = {x=1011, y=705, z=6},{x=1031, y=738, z=6} -- começo e final do mapa local from3,to3 = {x=1012, y=706, z=5},{x=1032, y=739, z=5} -- começo e final do mapa local from4,to4 = {x=985, y=598, z=7},{x=1044, y=652, z=7} -- começo e final do mapa local from5,to5 = {x=986, y=615, z=6},{x=1039, y=647, z=7} -- começo e final do mapa local from6,to6 = {x=990, y=616, z=5},{x=1040, y=647, z=5} -- começo e final do mapa if isInRange(getCreaturePosition(cid), from, to) or isInRange(getCreaturePosition(cid), from2, to2) or isInRange(getCreaturePosition(cid), from3, to3) or isInRange(getCreaturePosition(cid), from4, to4) or isInRange(getCreaturePosition(cid), from5, to5) or isInRange(getCreaturePosition(cid), from6, to6) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você não pode se Transformar nesta área!") return true end doPlayerSay(cid, "transformar") local voc = config[getPlayerVocation(cid)] if voc then if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= voc[1] then doPlayerSetVocation(cid, voc[2]) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING, "Você Transformou!") local outfit = {lookType = voc[3]} doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, outfit) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), voc[4]) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING, "Você precisa estar no level " .. voc[1] .. " para transformar.") end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você não pode se Transformar!") end return true end Eu coloquei 6 script do pain looktype sao 398 , 399 , 400 , 401 , 402, 403 ajuda man pf
  15. Cara, tambem tou com esse plobema, tipo ja adcionei a script do kisame. a 1 e a 2. Ai eu quero que ele transform, para a outfit 1 mais ele nao transforma a minha ta assim. local config = { --[vocation id] = { level, nova voc, looktype, efeito} [1] = { 25, 2, 66, 208}, [2] = { 50, 3, 91, 208}, [3] = { 75, 4, 18, 208}, [4] = { 100, 5, 31, 208}, [5] = { 125, 6, 92, 208}, [6] = { 150, 7, 40, 208}, [7] = { 175, 8, 305, 208}, [8] = { 200, 9, 320, 208}, [9] = { 225, 10, 179, 208}, [10] = { 250, 11, 394, 208}, [11] = { 275, 12, 397, 208}, [13] = { 25, 14, 93, 108}, [14] = { 50, 15, 6, 108}, [15] = { 75, 16, 5, 108}, [16] = { 100, 17, 306, 108}, [17] = { 125, 18, 7, 108}, [18] = { 150, 19, 94, 108}, [19] = { 175, 20, 59, 108}, [20] = { 200, 21, 8, 108}, [21] = { 225, 22, 178, 110}, [22] = { 250, 23, 95, 110}, [23] = { 275, 24, 54, 110}, [25] = { 25, 26, 80, 87}, [26] = { 50, 27, 190, 87}, [27] = { 75, 28, 83, 87}, [28] = { 100, 29, 191, 87}, [29] = { 150, 30, 192, 87}, [30] = { 175, 31, 193, 87}, [31] = { 225, 32, 392, 87}, [32] = { 250, 33, 330, 87}, [34] = { 25, 35, 194, 5}, [35] = { 50, 36, 175, 5}, [36] = { 75, 37, 169, 5}, [37] = { 100, 38, 173, 5}, [38] = { 150, 39, 172, 5}, [39] = { 175, 40, 171, 5}, [40] = { 225, 41, 174, 5}, [41] = { 250, 42, 170, 5}, [50] = { 25, 51, 67, 205}, [51] = { 50, 52, 72, 205}, [52] = { 75, 53, 158, 205}, [53] = { 100, 54, 65, 205}, [54] = { 125, 55, 329, 205}, [55] = { 150, 56, 188, 205}, [56] = { 175, 57, 62, 205}, [57] = { 200, 58, 189, 205}, [58] = { 225, 59, 335, 205}, [59] = { 250, 60, 57, 205}, [70] = { 25, 71, 102, 124}, [71] = { 50, 72, 103, 124}, [72] = { 75, 73, 105, 124}, [73] = { 100, 74, 107, 124}, [74] = { 150, 75, 108, 124}, [75] = { 175, 76, 314, 124}, [76] = { 225, 77, 315, 124}, [77] = { 250, 78, 333, 124}, [90] = { 25, 91, 331, 209}, [91] = { 50, 92, 69, 209}, [92] = { 75, 93, 70, 209}, [93] = { 100, 94, 199, 209}, [94] = { 150, 95, 196, 209}, [95] = { 175, 96, 197, 209}, [96] = { 225, 97, 198, 209}, [97] = { 250, 98, 332, 209}, [97] = { 250, 98, 332, 209}, [110] = { 25, 111, 88, 187}, [111] = { 75, 112, 341, 187}, [112] = { 100, 113, 343, 187}, [113] = { 150, 114, 342, 187}, [114] = { 200, 115, 344, 187}, [115] = { 250, 116, 345, 187}, [130] = { 25, 131, 296, 124}, [131] = { 75, 132, 297, 124}, [132] = { 150, 133, 298, 124}, [133] = { 200, 134, 299, 124}, [134] = { 250, 135, 300, 124}, [150] = { 25, 151, 384, 126}, [151] = { 75, 152, 385, 126}, [152] = { 150, 153, 386, 126}, [153] = { 200, 154, 396, 126}, [170] = { 25, 171, 97, 108}, [171] = { 50, 172, 285, 108}, [172] = { 75, 173, 282, 108}, [173] = { 100, 174, 98, 108}, [174] = { 125, 175, 284, 109}, [175] = { 150, 176, 99, 109}, [176] = { 200, 177, 283, 109}, [190] = { 25, 191, 373, 4}, [191] = { 75, 192, 374, 4}, [192] = { 125, 193, 375, 4}, [193] = { 150, 194, 376, 4}, [194] = { 200, 195, 318, 4}, [195] = { 250, 196, 377, 4}, [200] = { 25, 201, 11, 10}, [201] = { 50, 202, 287, 10}, [202] = { 75, 203, 12, 10}, [203] = { 125, 204, 10, 10}, [204] = { 150, 205, 289, 10}, [205] = { 175, 206, 288, 10}, [206] = { 200, 207, 13, 10}, [207] = { 250, 208, 14, 10} [208] = { 25, 209, 398, 10} [209] = { 50, 300, 399, 10} } function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) local from,to = {x=1001, y=705, z=7},{x=1031, y=737, z=7} -- começo e final do mapa local from2,to2 = {x=1011, y=705, z=6},{x=1031, y=738, z=6} -- começo e final do mapa local from3,to3 = {x=1012, y=706, z=5},{x=1032, y=739, z=5} -- começo e final do mapa local from4,to4 = {x=985, y=598, z=7},{x=1044, y=652, z=7} -- começo e final do mapa local from5,to5 = {x=986, y=615, z=6},{x=1039, y=647, z=7} -- começo e final do mapa local from6,to6 = {x=990, y=616, z=5},{x=1040, y=647, z=5} -- começo e final do mapa if isInRange(getCreaturePosition(cid), from, to) or isInRange(getCreaturePosition(cid), from2, to2) or isInRange(getCreaturePosition(cid), from3, to3) or isInRange(getCreaturePosition(cid), from4, to4) or isInRange(getCreaturePosition(cid), from5, to5) or isInRange(getCreaturePosition(cid), from6, to6) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você não pode se Transformar nesta área!") return true end doPlayerSay(cid, "transformar") local voc = config[getPlayerVocation(cid)] if voc then if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= voc[1] then doPlayerSetVocation(cid, voc[2]) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING, "Você Transformou!") local outfit = {lookType = voc[3]} doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, outfit) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), voc[4]) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING, "Você precisa estar no level " .. voc[1] .. " para transformar.") end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você não pode se Transformar!") end return true end Eu Adcionei o 1 que e o 208 o 2 que e o 209, se suber qual erro me ajude pf.
  16. tou com o mesmo erro, saffari ball n funciona, eu digito /i e o id da saffari ball, cria ela mais n da pra jogar no poke. tmb quando o poke jata na saffari ball, os player n da pra usar, so os adm '-' se suber o erro pf ajude, no item.xml ja tem o <attribute key="ispokeball" value="1"/>
  17. Galera, pra pegar o .spr e o .dat e so descompila o exe jaja passo o download!! Ta certo sim, problema é que tu ta tentando abrir em sqlite, e o server está apenas para mysql. Como posso abrir ele no modo mysql ?
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