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Sobre eder009009


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    Will Kevorkian
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eder009009's Achievements

  1. ta ai galera mais um tutorial feito por min funciona pra troca a cor da roupa e tambem funciona na mount
  2. eder009009

    Troca de Mapa

    tem sim amigo com tudo os dois tem que ser compativeis dai basta abrir duas abas no mapeditor e copiar a area desejada e colocar no seu EVITE COLOCAR DOIS TOPICOS IGUAIS
  3. eder009009

    Troca de Mapa

    tem sim amigo com tudo os dois tem que ser compativeis dai basta abrir duas abas no mapeditor e copiar a area desejada e colocar no seu EVITE COLOCAR DOIS TOPICOS IGUAIS
  4. Dice Cassino Number Random dice.lua BETS = { --[[ HIGH/LOW = 123 OR 456 ]]-- HL_MODE = true, HL_MIN = 50000, HL_MAX = 500000, HL_PAYOUT = 80, --[[ ODD/EVEN = 135 OR 246 ]]-- OE_MODE = true, OE_MIN = 30000, OE_MAX = 500000, OE_PAYOUT = 80, --[[ BLACKJACK ]]-- BJ_MODE = true, BJ_MIN = 30000, BJ_MAX = 500000, BJ_PAYOUT = 120, --[[ SINGLE NUMBERS = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 OR 6 ]]-- NUMBERS_MODE = false, NUMBERS_MIN = 30000, NUMBERS_MAX = 500000, NUMBERS_PAYOUT = 150, --[[ FIRST/SECOND/LAST = 12, 34 OR 56 ]]-- FSL_MODE = false, FSL_MIN = 30000, FSL_MAX = 500000, FSL_PAYOUT = 80 } CONFIG = { CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK = "Backpack", CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK = "brocade Backpack", PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK = "Red Backpack", EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK = "beach Backpack", ITEMS_BACKPACK = "orange Backpack", PING_COMPENSATION = 60, SAY_ADVERTISEMENT = true, SAY_TIME = 45, YELL_ADVERTISEMENT = true, YELL_TIME = 120, CUSTOM_MESSAGES = true, CUSTOM_MESSAGES_RAND = 4, INFO_MESSAGES = true, WON_BET_ITEM = "lyre", LOST_BET_ITEM = "coal basin kit", FIRST_DECORATION_ITEM = "Parcel", SECOND_DECORATION_ITEM = "none", PARTY_HAT = true, PARTY_HAT_TIME = 1.5, SERVER_SAVE_TIME = "09:55:00", SHOW_HUD = true, LOGS = true, SAFE_EXIT = false, AMOUNT_CC_TO_EXIT = 3, --[[3 IS 3CC]]-- AMOUNT_PL_TO_EXIT = 10, --[[10 IS 1K]]-- ANTI_IDLE_TIME = 3, SS_EXIT = false, SAFE_BET = true, SERVER = "OTS" } AD_SAY_MSG = { "|SELF|'s Casino - Try your luck with the fastest game!", "Become a millionaire in a second at |SELF|'s Casino!", "Come and play the fastest game!", "Feeling lucky? The best payrate in all Tibia!", "Tired of slow games? Come and play at |SELF|'s Casino!" } AD_YELL_MSG = { "|SELF|'s Casino - Try your luck with the fastest game!", "Become a millionaire in a second at |SELF|'s Casino!", "Come and play the fastest game!", "Feeling lucky? The best payrate in all Tibia!", "Tired of slow games? Come and play at |SELF|'s Casino!" } INFO_MSG = { "Bets: H/L - |HLP|% | ODD/EVEN - |OEP|% | BLACKJACK - |BJP|% | NUMBERS - |NUMBERSP|% | FIRST/SECOND/LAST - |FSLP|%. Also I accepting ITEMS! If you don't know value of items ask me about 'price ItemName'." } MIN_MAX_MSG = { "Minimum: |MIN|K, Maximum: |MAX|K.", "Hello! Minumum is |MIN|K, and Maximum is |MAX|K." } ADVANCED_MIN_MAX = { "H/L - [|HLMIN|K ~ |HLMAX|K ~ |HLP|%] | ODD/EVEN - [|OEMIN|K ~ |OEMAX|K ~ |OEP|%] | BLACKJACK - [|BJMIN|K ~ |BJMAX|K ~ |BJP|%] | NUMBERS - [|NUMBERSMIN|K ~ |NUMBERSMAX|K ~ |NUMBERSP|%] | FIRST/SECOND/LAST - [|FSLMIN|K ~ |FSLMAX|K ~ |FSLP|%]." } GAMES_MSG = { "HIGH / LOW ~ ODD / EVEN ~ BLACKJACK ~ FIRST / SECOND / LAST ~ LUCKY NUMBER - {1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6}." } CHEAT_MSG = "Dude what you doing? Do you wanna cheat your boss?" ROLL_MSG = "" .. Self.Name() .. " rolled a" NOT_ENOUGH_GOLD = "I'm very sorry, but your bet is too high for my current money." BJ_OVER = { "Your count was |GAMBLER| and mine |PLAYER|. We were both above 21 and you lose |MONEY|K", "Looks like we both were over 21 with |PLAYER| vs. |GAMBLER|. You lose |MONEY|K" } BJ_TIE = { "It's a tie! We both got a total of |GAMBLER|, here are your |MONEY|K!", "We are tied. Both counts were |GAMBLER|. Here are your |MONEY|K back!" } BJ_WON = { "Congratulations! You rolled a |GAMBLER|, the house rolled |PLAYER|. You won |MONEY|K!", "Congratulations! Your count is |GAMBLER| and mine |PLAYER|. You have won |MONEY|K!", "Gratz! The counts were |PLAYER| vs. |GAMBLER|. Here you are, |MONEY|K!", "Aaaand we have a winner! The counts were |PLAYER| vs. |GAMBLER|. You have won |MONEY|K!", "Today must be your lucky day! Your count was |GAMBLER| and mine |PLAYER|. You won |MONEY|K!" } BJ_LOSE = { "The house wins: |PLAYER| versus |GAMBLER|. You lost |MONEY|K.", "Rough day, huh? The house wins: |PLAYER| versus |GAMBLER| You lost |MONEY|K.", "I'm sorry, maybe another time. The counts were |PLAYER| vs. |GAMBLER|", "Oh well, that's |PLAYER| vs. |GAMBLER|. I guess you can't always win..." } WELCOME = { "Welcome, |GAMBLER|! Do you want to try your luck?", "Hello, |GAMBLER|! I feel you want to become millionaire!", "Hello, |GAMBLER|! Are you curious about my games? Say 'info' or 'games'.", "Hi, |GAMBLER|! Are you feeling lucky today?" } WIN = { "Congratulations! You won |MONEY|K!", "Gratz! Here you are, |MONEY|K!", "Aaaand we have a winner! You have won |MONEY|K!", "Today must be your lucky day! You won |MONEY|K!" } LOSE = { "I'm sorry, maybe another time, btw. you lose |MONEY|K!", "Oh well you can't always win... You lose |MONEY|K!" } ITEMS = { --[[ BLUE DJINN ]]-- {id = 7436, name = "angelic axe", value = 5000}, {id = 3567, name = "blue robe", value = 10000}, {id = 3418, name = "bonelord shield", value = 1200}, {id = 3079, name = "boots of haste", value = 30000}, {id = 7412, name = "butcher's axe", value = 18000}, {id = 3381, name = "crown armor", value = 12000}, {id = 3382, name = "crown legs", value = 12000}, {id = 3419, name = "crown shield", value = 8000}, {id = 3385, name = "crown helmet", value = 2500}, {id = 3391, name = "crusader helmet", value = 6000}, {id = 3302, name = "dragon lance", value = 9000}, {id = 3416, name = "dragon shield", value = 4000}, {id = 3320, name = "fire axe", value = 8000}, {id = 3280, name = "fire sword", value = 4000}, {id = 7454, name = "glorious axe", value = 3000}, {id = 3415, name = "guardian shield", value = 2000}, {id = 3439, name = "phoenix shield", value = 16000}, {id = 7410, name = "queen's sceptre", value = 20000}, {id = 3392, name = "royal helmet", value = 30000}, {id = 7451, name = "shadow sceptre", value = 10000}, {id = 7391, name = "thaian sword", value = 16000}, {id = 3279, name = "war hammer", value = 1200}, {id = 3071, name = "wand of inferno", value = 3000}, {id = 3073, name = "wand of cosmic energy", value = 2000}, {id = 8092, name = "wand of starstorm", value = 3600}, {id = 8093, name = "wand of draconia", value = 1500}, {id = 8094, name = "wand of voodoo", value = 4400}, {id = 16096, name = "wand of defiance", value = 6500}, {id = 16115, name = "wand of everblazing", value = 6000}, --[[ GREEN DJINN ]]-- {id = 7428, name = "bonebreaker", value = 10000}, {id = 3322, name = "dragon hammer", value = 2000}, {id = 7419, name = "dreaded cleaver", value = 15000}, {id = 3281, name = "giant sword", value = 17000}, {id = 7407, name = "haunted blade", value = 8000}, {id = 3370, name = "knight armor", value = 5000}, {id = 3371, name = "knight legs", value = 5000}, {id = 3318, name = "knight axe", value = 2000}, {id = 7421, name = "onyx flail", value = 22000}, {id = 7411, name = "ornamented axe", value = 20000}, {id = 3324, name = "skull staff", value = 6000}, {id = 7413, name = "titan axe", value = 4000}, {id = 3428, name = "tower shield", value = 6000}, {id = 3434, name = "vampire shield", value = 15000}, {id = 3369, name = "warrior helmet", value = 5000}, {id = 3067, name = "hailstorm rod", value = 3000}, {id = 16117, name = "muck rod", value = 6000}, {id = 3065, name = "terra rod", value = 2000}, {id = 8082, name = "underworld rod", value = 4400}, {id = 8083, name = "northwind rod", value = 1500}, {id = 8084, name = "springsprout rod", value = 3600}, {id = 16118, name = "glacial rod", value = 20000}, --[[ RASHID ]]-- {id = 7414, name = "abyss hammer", value = 20000}, {id = 7426, name = "amber staff", value = 8000}, {id = 7404, name = "assassin dagger", value = 20000}, {id = 3344, name = "beastslayer axe", value = 1500}, {id = 10457, name = "beetle necklace", value = 1500}, {id = 7403, name = "berserker", value = 40000}, {id = 7406, name = "blacksteel sword", value = 6000}, {id = 7429, name = "blessed sceptre", value = 40000}, {id = 3408, name = "bonelord helmet", value = 7500}, {id = 7379, name = "brutetamer's staff", value = 1500}, {id = 17829, name = "buckle", value = 7000}, {id = 3435, name = "castle shield", value = 5000}, {id = 8022, name = "chain bolter", value = 40000}, {id = 7427, name = "chaos mace", value = 9000}, {id = 11674, name = "cobra crown", value = 50000}, {id = 8027, name = "composite hornbow", value = 25000}, {id = 7415, name = "cranial basher", value = 30000}, {id = 16163, name = "crystal crossbow", value = 35000}, {id = 3333, name = "crystal mace", value = 9000}, {id = 8050, name = "crystalline armor", value = 16000}, {id = 3420, name = "demon shield", value = 30000}, {id = 3019, name = "demonbone amulet", value = 32000}, {id = 7382, name = "demonrage sword", value = 36000}, {id = 7387, name = "diamond sceptre", value = 3000}, {id = 3339, name = "djinn blade", value = 15000}, {id = 3386, name = "dragon scale mail", value = 40000}, {id = 7402, name = "dragon slayer", value = 15000}, {id = 7430, name = "dragonbone staff", value = 3000}, {id = 7419, name = "dreaded cleaver", value = 15000}, {id = 3397, name = "dwarven armor", value = 30000}, {id = 7438, name = "elvish bow", value = 2000}, {id = 3326, name = "epee", value = 8000}, {id = 7457, name = "fur boots", value = 2000}, {id = 823, name = "glacier kilt", value = 11000}, {id = 829, name = "glacier mask", value = 2500}, {id = 824, name = "glacier robe", value = 11000}, {id = 819, name = "glacier shoes", value = 2500}, {id = 3063, name = "gold ring", value = 8000}, {id = 3360, name = "golden armor", value = 20000}, {id = 3364, name = "golden legs", value = 30000}, {id = 3315, name = "guardian halberd", value = 11000}, {id = 3332, name = "hammer of wrath", value = 30000}, {id = 7380, name = "headchopper", value = 6000}, {id = 3340, name = "heavy mace", value = 50000}, {id = 12683, name = "heavy trident", value = 2000}, {id = 17852, name = "helmet of the lost", value = 2000}, {id = 7389, name = "heroic axe", value = 30000}, {id = 8045, name = "hibiscus dress", value = 3000}, {id = 7422, name = "jade hammer", value = 25000}, {id = 8049, name = "lavos armor", value = 16000}, {id = 820, name = "lightning boots", value = 2500}, {id = 816, name = "lightning pendant", value = 1500}, {id = 822, name = "lightning legs", value = 11000}, {id = 828, name = "lightning headband", value = 2500}, {id = 825, name = "lightning robe", value = 11000}, {id = 7424, name = "lunar staff", value = 5000}, {id = 3366, name = "magic plate armor", value = 90000}, {id = 818, name = "magma boots", value = 2500}, {id = 826, name = "magma coat", value = 11000}, {id = 821, name = "magma legs", value = 11000}, {id = 827, name = "magma monocle", value = 2500}, {id = 7463, name = "mammoth fur cape", value = 6000}, {id = 3414, name = "mastermind shield", value = 50000}, {id = 3436, name = "medusa shield", value = 9000}, {id = 7386, name = "mercenary sword", value = 12000}, {id = 7384, name = "mystic blade", value = 30000}, {id = 3314, name = "naginata", value = 2000}, {id = 7418, name = "nightmare blade", value = 35000}, {id = 7456, name = "noble axe", value = 10000}, {id = 7460, name = "norse shield", value = 1500}, {id = 7392, name = "orcish maul", value = 6000}, {id = 17828, name = "pair of iron fists", value = 4000}, {id = 8063, name = "paladin armor", value = 15000}, {id = 3550, name = "patched boots", value = 2000}, {id = 3334, name = "pharaoh sword", value = 23000}, {id = 5461, name = "pirate boots", value = 3000}, {id = 3055, name = "platinum amulet", value = 2500}, {id = 7383, name = "relic sword", value = 25000}, {id = 3006, name = "ring of the sky", value = 30000}, {id = 7434, name = "royal axe", value = 40000}, {id = 3016, name = "ruby necklace", value = 2000}, {id = 6553, name = "ruthless axe", value = 45000}, {id = 7437, name = "sapphire hammer", value = 7000}, {id = 3440, name = "scarab shield", value = 2000}, {id = 5741, name = "skull helmet", value = 40000}, {id = 8061, name = "skullcracker armor", value = 18000}, {id = 7452, name = "spiked squelcher", value = 5000}, {id = 3554, name = "steel boots", value = 30000}, {id = 8052, name = "swamplair armor", value = 16000}, {id = 3442, name = "tempest shield", value = 35000}, {id = 812, name = "terra legs", value = 11000}, {id = 813, name = "terra boots", value = 2500}, {id = 830, name = "terra hood", value = 2500}, {id = 811, name = "terra mantle", value = 11000}, {id = 7390, name = "the justice seeker", value = 40000}, {id = 7388, name = "vile axe", value = 30000}, {id = 3342, name = "war axe", value = 12000}, {id = 2958, name = "war horn", value = 8000}, {id = 9653, name = "witch hat", value = 5000}, {id = 7408, name = "wyvern fang", value = 1500}, {id = 3549, name = "pair of soft boots", value = 1000000}, {id = 6529, name = "pair of soft boots", value = 1000000}, {id = 8026, name = "warsinger bow", value = 350000}, {id = 8023, name = "royal crossbow", value = 350000}, {id = 8090, name = "spellbook of dark mysteries", value = 750000}, {id = 8096, name = "hellforged axe", value = 350000}, {id = 8102, name = "emerald sword", value = 350000}, {id = 8100, name = "obsidian truncheon", value = 50000}, {id = 8060, name = "master archer's armor", value = 350000}, {id = 16109, name = "prismatic helmet", value = 800000}, {id = 16110, name = "prismatic armor", value = 800000}, {id = 16111, name = "prismatic legs", value = 900000}, {id = 16112, name = "prismatic boots", value = 700000}, {id = 11686, name = "royal draken mail", value = 500000}, {id = 11689, name = "elite draken helmet", value = 500000}, {id = 11688, name = "shield of corruption", value = 500000}, {id = 11691, name = "snake god's wristguard", value = 50000}, {id = 11687, name = "royal scale robe", value = 1000000}, {id = 16164, name = "mycological bow", value = 35000}, {id = 16162, name = "mycological mace", value = 30000}, {id = 8864, name = "yalahari mask", value = 800000}, {id = 8863, name = "yalahari leg piece", value = 110000}, {id = 8862, name = "yalahari armor", value = 50000}, {id = 9018, name = "firewalker boots", value = 80000}, {id = 9019, name = "firewalker boots", value = 80000}, {id = 9020, name = "worn firewalker boots", value = 80000}, {id = 6530, name = "worn soft boots", value = 100000}, --[[ ERSIK ]]-- {id = 11651, name = "elite draken mail", value = 50000}, {id = 10384, name = "zaoan armor", value = 14000}, {id = 10385, name = "zaoan helmet", value = 30000}, {id = 10386, name = "zaoan shoes", value = 5000}, {id = 10387, name = "zaoan legs", value = 14000}, {id = 4033, name = "draken boots", value = 40000}, {id = 10323, name = "guardian boots", value = 35000}, {id = 10390, name = "zaoan sword", value = 30000}, {id = 11657, name = "twiceslicer", value = 28000}, {id = 10389, name = "sais", value = 16500}, {id = 10388, name = "drakinata", value = 10000}, {id = 10391, name = "drachaku", value = 10000}, {id = 10412, name = "wailing widow's necklace", value = 3000}, --[[ WARZONE ]]-- {id = 5803, name = "arbalest", value = 42000}, {id = 3341, name = "arcane staff", value = 42000}, {id = 11693, name = "blade of corruption", value = 60000}, {id = 7416, name = "bloody edge", value = 30000}, {id = 645, name = "blue legs", value = 15000}, {id = 3295, name = "bright sword", value = 6000}, {id = 6162, name = "ceremonial ankh", value = 20000}, {id = 9394, name = "claw of 'the noxious spawn'", value = 15000}, {id = 3068, name = "crystal wand", value = 10000}, {id = 3387, name = "demon helmet", value = 40000}, {id = 10439, name = "dragon robe", value = 10000}, {id = 3398, name = "dwarven legs", value = 40000}, {id = 9606, name = "egg of the many", value = 15000}, {id = 7453, name = "executioner", value = 55000}, {id = 3249, name = "frozen starlight", value = 20000}, {id = 8041, name = "greenwood coat", value = 50000}, {id = 902, name = "marlin trophy", value = 5000}, {id = 8021, name = "modified crossbow", value = 10000}, {id = 5080, name = "panda teddy", value = 30000}, {id = 7417, name = "runed sword", value = 45000}, {id = 9613, name = "sea serpent trophy", value = 10000}, {id = 8029, name = "silkweaver bow", value = 12000}, {id = 11679, name = "souleater trophy", value = 7500}, {id = 5791, name = "stuffed dragon", value = 6000}, {id = 6527, name = "the avenger", value = 42000}, {id = 8025, name = "the ironworker", value = 50000}, {id = 6103, name = "unholy book", value = 30000}, {id = 8055, name = "windborn colossus armor", value = 50000}, --[[ PRODUCTS ]]-- {id = 5904, name = "magic sulphur", value = 8000}, {id = 5919, name = "dragon claw", value = 300000}, {id = 5809, name = "soul stone", value = 500000}, {id = 5879, name = "spider silk", value = 4000}, {id = 6546, name = "dracola's eye", value = 50000}, {id = 5911, name = "red piece of cloth", value = 20000}, {id = 5885, name = "flask of warrior's sweat", value = 10000}, {id = 6537, name = "mr. punish's handcuffs", value = 50000}, {id = 6540, name = "piece of massacre's shell", value = 50000}, {id = 6525, name = "skeleton decoration", value = 3000}, {id = 5875, name = "sniper gloves", value = 2000}, {id = 5884, name = "spirit container", value = 40000}, {id = 11666, name = "tentacle piece", value = 5000}, {id = 6535, name = "the plasmother's remains", value = 50000}, {id = 6499, name = "demonic essence", value = 1000} } ----------------------------------------------- --[[ DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE ]] -- ----------------------------------------------- CONTAINERS = {COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD = nil, LOCKER_BROWSE_FIELD = nil, CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK = nil, CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK = nil, DEPOT_LOCKER = nil, PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK = nil, EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK = nil, ITEMS_BACKPACK = nil} CASH = {PLATINUM_COIN = 3035, CRYSTAL_COIN = 3043} CASH_ID = {CASH.PLATINUM_COIN, CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN} COUNTER_ID = {2323, 2317, 2318, 2320, 2321, 2343, 2345, 17385, 17389, 17392} LOCKER_ID = {3497, 3498, 3499, 3500} LOCKER = {X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0} COUNTER = {X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0} GAMBLE_OPTION = {LAST = 8, SECOND = 7, FIRST = 6, BJ = 5, EVEN = 4, ODD = 3, HIGH = 2, LOW = 1, NONE = 0, ONE = 10, TWO = 20, THREE = 30, FOUR = 40, FIVE = 50, SIX = 60} PLAYER = {WELCOMED = false, DETECTED = false, BALANCE = 0, OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.NONE, SPOT = {X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0, TURN_G = -1, TURN_L = -1}} TABLE = {NAMES = {}, ITEMS = {}, GAMES = {}, INFO = {}, MIN_MAX = {}, PRICE = {}} FIRST_DECORATION_ITEM_ID = Item.GetID(CONFIG.FIRST_DECORATION_ITEM) SECOND_DECORATION_ITEM_ID = Item.GetID(CONFIG.SECOND_DECORATION_ITEM) WON_BET_ITEM_ID = Item.GetID(CONFIG.WON_BET_ITEM) LOST_BET_ITEM_ID = Item.GetID(CONFIG.LOST_BET_ITEM) THROW_POS = {x = Self.Position().x, y = Self.Position().y, z = Self.Position().z} LOADING_COMPLETED = false COUNTER_INDEX = nil DEPOT_INDEX = nil MAIN_TIME = os.time() BET_TIME = os.time() BET_OPTION = {MIN = 0, MAX = 0, PAYOUT = 0, PROFIT = 0} WORDS = { L = {"l", "low", "123"}, H = {"h", "high", "456"}, O = {"odd", "o", "135"}, E = {"even", "e", "246"}, BJ = {"bj", "blackjack"}, NUM = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"}, FSL = {"first", "second", "last"} } function onSpeak(CZANEL, message) CZANEL:SendYellowMessage("You", message) message = message:lower() local SET, VALUE = message:match("^/([a-z]+) (.+)$") if (SET == "hlmin") then if (VALUE) then BETS.HL_MIN = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Minimum H/L bet is: " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.MIN_MAX_BET.VALUE:SetText("[" .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.HL_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.OE_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.OE_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.BJ_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.BJ_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.NUMBERS_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.NUMBERS_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.FSL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.FSL_MAX / 1000 .. "K].") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "hlmax") then if (VALUE) then BETS.HL_MAX = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Maximum H/L bet is: " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.MIN_MAX_BET.VALUE:SetText("[" .. BETS.HL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.OE_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.OE_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.BJ_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.BJ_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.NUMBERS_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.NUMBERS_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.FSL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.FSL_MAX / 1000 .. "K].") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "oemin") then if (VALUE) then BETS.OE_MIN = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Minimum ODD/EVEN bet is: " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.MIN_MAX_BET.VALUE:SetText("[" .. BETS.HL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.HL_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.OE_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.BJ_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.BJ_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.NUMBERS_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.NUMBERS_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.FSL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.FSL_MAX / 1000 .. "K].") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "oemax") then if (VALUE) then BETS.OE_MAX = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Maximum ODD/EVEN bet is: " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.MIN_MAX_BET.VALUE:SetText("[" .. BETS.HL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.HL_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.OE_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.BJ_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.BJ_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.NUMBERS_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.NUMBERS_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.FSL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.FSL_MAX / 1000 .. "K].") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "bjmin") then if (VALUE) then BETS.BJ_MIN = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Mininum BLACKJACK bet is: " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.MIN_MAX_BET.VALUE:SetText("[" .. BETS.HL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.HL_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.OE_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.OE_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.BJ_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.NUMBERS_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.NUMBERS_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.FSL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.FSL_MAX / 1000 .. "K].") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "bjmax") then if (VALUE) then BETS.BJ_MAX = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Maximum BLACKJACK bet is: " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.MIN_MAX_BET.VALUE:SetText("[" .. BETS.HL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.HL_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.OE_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.OE_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.BJ_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.NUMBERS_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.NUMBERS_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.FSL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.FSL_MAX / 1000 .. "K].") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "nummin") then if (VALUE) then BETS.NUMBERS_MIN = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Minumum NUMBERS bet is: " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.MIN_MAX_BET.VALUE:SetText("[" .. BETS.HL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.HL_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.OE_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.OE_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.BJ_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.BJ_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.NUMBERS_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.FSL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.FSL_MAX / 1000 .. "K].") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "nummax") then if (VALUE) then BETS.NUMBERS_MAX = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Maximum NUMBERS bet is: " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.MIN_MAX_BET.VALUE:SetText("[" .. BETS.HL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.HL_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.OE_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.OE_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.BJ_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.BJ_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.NUMBERS_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.FSL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.FSL_MAX / 1000 .. "K].") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "fslmin") then if (VALUE) then BETS.FSL_MIN = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Minumum F/S/L bet is: " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.MIN_MAX_BET.VALUE:SetText("[" .. BETS.HL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.HL_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.OE_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.OE_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.BJ_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.BJ_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.NUMBERS_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.NUMBERS_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.FSL_MAX / 1000 .. "K].") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "fslmax") then if (VALUE) then BETS.FSL_MAX = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Maximum F/S/L bet is: " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.MIN_MAX_BET.VALUE:SetText("[" .. BETS.HL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.HL_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.OE_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.OE_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.BJ_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.BJ_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.NUMBERS_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.NUMBERS_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.FSL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K].") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "hlp") then if (VALUE) then BETS.HL_PAYOUT = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Payout H/L is: " .. VALUE .. "%.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.PAYOUTS.VALUE:SetText("" .. VALUE .. " ~ " .. BETS.OE_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.BJ_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.NUMBERS_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.FSL_PAYOUT .. "%") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "oep") then if (VALUE) then BETS.OE_PAYOUT = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Payout H/L is: " .. VALUE .. "%.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.PAYOUTS.VALUE:SetText("" .. BETS.HL_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. VALUE .. " ~ " .. BETS.BJ_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.NUMBERS_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.FSL_PAYOUT .. "%") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "bjp") then if (VALUE) then BETS.BJ_PAYOUT = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Payout H/L is: " .. VALUE .. "%.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.PAYOUTS.VALUE:SetText("" .. BETS.HL_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.OE_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. VALUE .. " ~ " .. BETS.NUMBERS_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.FSL_PAYOUT .. "%") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "nump") then if (VALUE) then BETS.NUMBERS_PAYOUT = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Payout H/L is: " .. VALUE .. "%.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.PAYOUTS.VALUE:SetText("" .. BETS.HL_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.OE_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.BJ_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. VALUE .. " ~ " .. BETS.FSL_PAYOUT .. "%") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "fslp") then if (VALUE) then BETS.FSL_PAYOUT = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Payout H/L is: " .. VALUE .. "%.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.PAYOUTS.VALUE:SetText("" .. BETS.HL_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.OE_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.BJ_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.NUMBERS_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. VALUE .. "%") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (message == "/hlmode") then if (BETS.HL_MODE) then BETS.HL_MODE= false CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "H/L turned off.") else BETS.HL_MODE = true CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "H/L turned on.") end elseif (message == "/oemode") then if (BETS.OE_MODE) then BETS.OE_MODE= false CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "ODD/EVEN turned off.") else BETS.OE_MODE = true CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "ODD/EVEN turned on.") end elseif (message == "/bjmode") then if (BETS.BJ_MODE) then BETS.BJ_MODE= false CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "BLACKJACK turned off.") else BETS.BJ_MODE = true CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "BLACKJACK turned on.") end elseif (message == "/nummode") then if (BETS.NUMBERS_MODE) then BETS.NUMBERS_MODE= false CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "NUMBERS turned off.") else BETS.NUMBERS_MODE = true CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "NUMBERS turned on.") end elseif (message == "/fslmode") then if (BETS.FSL_MODE) then BETS.FSL_MODE= false CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "F/S/L turned off.") else BETS.FSL_MODE = true CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "F/S/L turned on.") end elseif (SET == "ping") then if (VALUE) then CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Ping is: " .. VALUE .. ".") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.PING_COMPENSATION.VALUE:SetText(tostring(VALUE)) end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "ptime") then if (VALUE) then CONFIG.PARTY_HAT_TIME = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "PartyHat exhaust is: " .. VALUE .. ".") else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "counter") then if (VALUE) then COUNTER_INDEX = tonumber(VALUE - 1) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Counter set: " .. VALUE .. ".") else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "depot") then if (VALUE) then DEPOT_INDEX = tonumber(VALUE - 1) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Depot set: " .. VALUE .. ".") else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (message == "/pause") then LOADING_COMPLETED = false CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Script paused.") elseif (message == "/resume") then LOADING_COMPLETED = true CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Script resumed.") elseif (message == "/start") then if (CONFIG.SERVER == "OTS" and COUNTER_INDEX == nil or DEPOT_INDEX == nil) then CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "You need to setup counter and depot indexes!") else Casino_Start:Start() CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Script starting.") end elseif (message == "/stop") then Casino_Stop() CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Script stopping.") elseif (message == "/ad") then if (CONFIG.SAY_ADVERTISEMENT) then CONFIG.SAY_ADVERTISEMENT = false CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Ads turned off.") else CONFIG.SAY_ADVERTISEMENT = true CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Ads turned on.") end elseif (message == "/party hat") then if (CONFIG.PARTY_HAT) then CONFIG.PARTY_HAT = false CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Party Hat turned off.") else CONFIG.PARTY_HAT = true CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Party Hat turned on.") end if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.USE_PARTY_HAT.VALUE:SetText(tostring(CONFIG.PARTY_HAT)) end elseif (message == "/logs") then if (CONFIG.LOGS) then CONFIG.LOGS = false CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Logs turned off.") else CONFIG.LOGS = true CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Logs turned on.") end if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.WRITE_LOGS.VALUE:SetText(tostring(CONFIG.LOGS)) end elseif (message == "/reset") then if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.BETS.WON.AMOUNT:SetText("0 (0 GP)") HUD.BETS.WON.AMOUNT_RAW = 0 HUD.BETS.WON.AMOUNT_CASH = 0 HUD.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT:SetText("0 (0 GP)") HUD.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT_RAW = 0 HUD.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT_CASH = 0 HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT:SetText("0 (0 GP)") HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT_RAW = 0 HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT_CASH = 0 HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT:SetTextColor(255, 255, 255) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "HUD Cleaned.") end elseif (message == "/help") then commands = {"start", "stop", "hlmin", "hlmax", "oemin", "oemax", "bjmin", "bjmax", "nummin", "nummax", "fslmin", "fslmax", "hlp", "oep", "bjp", "nump", "fslp", "hlmode", "oemode", "bjmode", "nummode", "fslmode", "ping", "ptime", "ad", "party hat", "logs", "reset", "counter", "depot"} CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Available commands:\n/" .. table.concat(commands, "\n/") .. "") end end CZANEL = Channel.Open("[BOT_LOG]", onSpeak, onClose) CZANEL:SendYellowMessage("[BOT]", "Write /help for more info.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD = { MAIN_HEADER = HUD.New(10, 25, "" .. Self.Name() .. "'s Casino (" .. getUserName() .. ").", 154, 205, 50), STATISTICS = HUD.New(10, 44, "STATISTICS", 124, 254, 139), BETS = HUD.New(10, 124, "BETS INFO", 124, 254, 139), SETTINGS = HUD.New(10, 188, "SETTINGS", 124, 254, 139), AMOUNT_CASH = { DISPLAY_CRYSTAL = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 60, "Crystal Coins", 199, 199, 199), AMOUNT = HUD.New(140, 60, "0 GP", 255, 255, 255)}, DISPLAY_PLATINUM = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 76, "Platinum Coins", 199, 199, 199), AMOUNT = HUD.New(140, 76, "0 GP", 255, 255, 255)}, DISPLAY_ITEMS = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 92, "Items Value", 199, 199, 199), AMOUNT = HUD.New(140, 92, "0 GP", 255, 255, 255)}, ALL_CASH = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 108, "Whole Money", 199, 199, 199), AMOUNT = HUD.New(140, 108, "0 GP", 255, 255, 255)}}, BETS = { WON = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 140, "Bets Won", 199, 199, 199), AMOUNT = HUD.New(140, 140, "0 (0 GP)", 255, 255, 255), AMOUNT_RAW = 0, AMOUNT_CASH = 0}, LOST = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 156, "Bets Lost", 199, 199, 199), AMOUNT = HUD.New(140, 156, "0 (0 GP)", 255, 255, 255), AMOUNT_RAW = 0, AMOUNT_CASH = 0}, OUTCOME = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 172, "OUTCOME", 254, 215, 0), AMOUNT = HUD.New(140, 172, "0 (0 GP)", 255, 255, 255), AMOUNT_RAW = 0, AMOUNT_CASH = 0}}, PAYOUTS = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 204, "PAYOUTS", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 204, "" .. BETS.HL_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.OE_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.BJ_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.NUMBERS_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.FSL_PAYOUT .. "%", 255, 255, 255)}, PING_COMPENSATION = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 220, "PING EXHAUST", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 220, tostring(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION), 255, 255, 255)}, MIN_MAX_BET = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 236, "MIN / MAX BETS", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 236, "[" .. BETS.HL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.HL_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.OE_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.OE_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.BJ_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.BJ_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.NUMBERS_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.NUMBERS_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.FSL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.FSL_MAX / 1000 .. "K].", 255, 255, 255)}, USE_PARTY_HAT = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 252, "PARTY HAT STATUS", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 252, tostring(CONFIG.PARTY_HAT), 255, 255, 255)}, WINNING_ITEM = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 268, "WIN ITEM", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 268, CONFIG.WON_BET_ITEM, 255, 255, 255)}, LOSING_ITEM ={ TEXT = HUD.New(10, 284, "LOST ITEM", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 284, CONFIG.LOST_BET_ITEM, 255, 255, 255)}, FIRST_DECORATION_ITEM = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 300, "1ST DECORATION", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 300, CONFIG.FIRST_DECORATION_ITEM, 255, 255, 255)}, SECOND_DECORATION_ITEM = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 316, "2ND DECORATION", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 316, CONFIG.SECOND_DECORATION_ITEM, 255, 255, 255)}, WRITE_LOGS = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 332, "WRITE LOGS", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 332, tostring(CONFIG.LOGS), 255, 255, 255)}, SAVE_TIME = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 348, "SERVER SAVE TIME", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 348, CONFIG.SERVER_SAVE_TIME, 255, 255, 255)}, MAIN_TIME = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 364, "RUNNING TIME", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 364, "00:00:00", 255, 255, 255)}, BET_TIME = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 380, "LAST BET", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 380, "00:00:00", 255, 255, 255)} } end function Casino_UpdateHUD(TYPE, DOLCE) if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then if (TYPE == "LOST") then HUD.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT_RAW = HUD.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT_RAW + 1 HUD.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT_CASH = HUD.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT_CASH + DOLCE HUD.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT:SetText(tostring(HUD.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT_RAW) .. " (" .. tostring(HUD.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT_CASH) .. "K)") HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT_RAW = HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT_RAW + 1 end if (TYPE == "WON") then HUD.BETS.WON.AMOUNT_RAW = HUD.BETS.WON.AMOUNT_RAW + 1 HUD.BETS.WON.AMOUNT_CASH = HUD.BETS.WON.AMOUNT_CASH + DOLCE HUD.BETS.WON.AMOUNT:SetText(tostring(HUD.BETS.WON.AMOUNT_RAW) .. " (" .. tostring(HUD.BETS.WON.AMOUNT_CASH) .. "K)") HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT_RAW = HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT_RAW + 1 end OUTCOME = HUD.BETS.WON.AMOUNT_CASH - HUD.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT_CASH if (OUTCOME > 0) then HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT:SetTextColor(106, 141, 34) elseif (OUTCOME == 0) then HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT:SetTextColor(255, 255, 255) else HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT:SetTextColor(177, 33, 33) end HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT:SetText(tostring(HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT_RAW) .. " (" .. tostring(OUTCOME) .. "K)") HUD.AMOUNT_CASH.DISPLAY_CRYSTAL.AMOUNT:SetText(tonumber(Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN) / 1000) .. "K") HUD.AMOUNT_CASH.DISPLAY_PLATINUM.AMOUNT:SetText(tonumber((Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) + Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN)) / 1000) .. "K") HUD.AMOUNT_CASH.DISPLAY_ITEMS.AMOUNT:SetText(tonumber(Casino_GetValueOfItems(CONTAINERS.ITEMS_BACKPACK) / 1000) .. "K") HUD.AMOUNT_CASH.ALL_CASH.AMOUNT:SetText(tonumber((Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN) + Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) + Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) + Casino_GetValueOfItems(CONTAINERS.ITEMS_BACKPACK)) / 1000) .. "K") end end function Casino_Normal(ROLLED_NUMBER, OPTION) if (OPTION ~= GAMBLE_OPTION.NONE and ROLLED_NUMBER) then local WON, SAID = false, false repeat wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) Self.Say("".. ROLL_MSG .. " " .. ROLLED_NUMBER .. ".") SAID = true until SAID CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Script Rolled: " .. ROLLED_NUMBER .. ".") if (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.LOW) then if (ROLLED_NUMBER >= 1 and ROLLED_NUMBER <= 3) then WON = true end elseif (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.HIGH) then if (ROLLED_NUMBER >= 4 and ROLLED_NUMBER <= 6) then WON = true end elseif (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.ODD) then if (table.contains(({1, 3, 5}), ROLLED_NUMBER)) then WON = true end elseif (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.EVEN) then if (table.contains(({2, 4, 6}), ROLLED_NUMBER)) then WON = true end elseif (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.ONE) then if (ROLLED_NUMBER == 1) then WON = true end elseif (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.TWO) then if (ROLLED_NUMBER == 2) then WON = true end elseif (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.THREE) then if (ROLLED_NUMBER == 3) then WON = true end elseif (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.FOUR) then if (ROLLED_NUMBER == 4) then WON = true end elseif (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.FIVE) then if (ROLLED_NUMBER == 5) then WON = true end elseif (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.SIX) then if (ROLLED_NUMBER == 6) then WON = true end end if (WON) then Casino_PlayerWon() else Casino_PlayerLose() end end end function Casino_BlackJack(OPTION) if (OPTION ~= GAMBLE_OPTION.NONE) then local MY_NUM, G_NUM, WON = 0, 0, 0 for i = 1, 5 do G_NUM = G_NUM + Casino_RollRandom() MY_NUM = MY_NUM + Casino_RollRandom() end CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Script Rolled BJ Numbers: " .. MY_NUM .. " and " .. G_NUM .. ".") if (MY_NUM > 21 and G_NUM > 21) then WON = 3 --[[OVER]]-- elseif (MY_NUM == G_NUM) then BET_OPTION.PAYOUT = 0 WON = 2 --[[TIE]]-- elseif (G_NUM == 21 or (MY_NUM <= G_NUM and MY_NUM ~= 21 and G_NUM <= 21)) then WON = 1 elseif (G_NUM <= 21 and (MY_NUM < G_NUM)) then WON = 1 else WON = 0 end if (WON == 1) then Casino_PlayerWon() Casino_BJ_MSG(BJ_WON, (PLAYER.BALANCE + (BET_OPTION.PAYOUT * PLAYER.BALANCE / 100)) / 1000, G_NUM, MY_NUM) elseif (WON == 2) then Casino_PlayerWon(true) Casino_BJ_MSG(BJ_TIE, PLAYER.BALANCE / 1000, G_NUM, MY_NUM) elseif (WON == 3) then Casino_PlayerLose() Casino_BJ_MSG(BJ_OVER, PLAYER.BALANCE / 1000, G_NUM, MY_NUM) else Casino_PlayerLose() Casino_BJ_MSG(BJ_LOSE, PLAYER.BALANCE / 1000, G_NUM, MY_NUM) end end end function Casino_BJ_MSG(TABLE, MONEY, G_NUM, MY_NUM) replacements = { ["|GAMBLER|"] = G_NUM, ["|PLAYER|"] = MY_NUM, ["|MONEY|"] = MONEY } tmp = string.gsub(tostring(TABLE[math.random(1, table.getn(TABLE))]), "|%a+|", function (str) return replacements [str] or str end) local SAID = false repeat wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) Self.Say(tmp) SAID = true until SAID end function Casino_FirstSecondLast(OPTION) if (OPTION ~= GAMBLE_OPTION.NONE) then local FIRST, SECOND, WON, SAID = 0, 0, false, false FIRST, SECOND = Casino_RollRandom(), Casino_RollRandom() repeat wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) Self.Say("Numbers: " .. FIRST .. " and " .. SECOND .. ".") SAID = true until SAID CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Script Rolled Numbers: " .. FIRST .. " and " .. SECOND .. ".") if (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.FIRST) then if (FIRST == 1 and SECOND == 2) then WON = true end elseif (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.SECOND) then if (FIRST == 3 and SECOND == 4) then WON = true end elseif (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.LAST) then if (FIRST == 5 and SECOND == 6) then WON = true end end if (WON) then Casino_PlayerWon() else Casino_PlayerLose() end end end function Casino_GetDirection(TYPE, X, Y, DIR) if (TYPE == "GAMBLER") then if (DIR ~= PLAYER.SPOT.TURN_G) then Self.Turn(PLAYER.SPOT.TURN_G) Casino_Messages(MSGW) PLAYER.WELCOMED = true end elseif (TYPE == "LOCKER") then if (DIR ~= PLAYER.SPOT.TURN_L) then Self.Turn(PLAYER.SPOT.TURN_L) PLAYER.WELCOMED = false end end end function Casino_Messages(TBL) for name, creature in Creature.iPlayers(2) do if (creature:Position().x == PLAYER.SPOT.X and creature:Position().y == PLAYER.SPOT.Y and creature:Position().z == PLAYER.SPOT.Z) then if (CONFIG.CUSTOM_MESSAGES and not PLAYER.WELCOMED and not table.contains(TABLE.NAMES, name)) then tmp = string.gsub(tostring(WELCOME[math.random(1, table.getn(WELCOME))]), "|GAMBLER|", name) Self.Say(tmp) table.insert(TABLE.NAMES, name) end end end end function Casino_GetValueOfItems(CONTAINER) local tmp = 0 for i = 1, #ITEMS do tmp = tmp + CONTAINER:CountItemsOfID(ITEMS[i].id) * ITEMS[i].value end return tmp end function Casino_MoveExtra(FROM, TO) for SPOT = FROM:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local tmp = FROM:GetItemData(SPOT) if ( == CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) then FROM:MoveItemToContainer(SPOT, TO:Index(), TO:ItemCapacity() - 1) break end end end function Casino_MoveMoney(FROM, TO) while (Casino_CountMoney(FROM, "all") > 0) do for SPOT = FROM:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local tmp = FROM:GetItemData(SPOT) if (table.contains(CASH_ID, then if (TO:Name() == "Browse Field") then FROM:MoveItemToGround(SPOT, COUNTER.X, COUNTER.Y, COUNTER.Z, tmp.count) else FROM:MoveItemToContainer(SPOT, TO:Index(), TO:ItemCapacity() - 1) end end end end end function Casino_SortMoney() while (Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK, "all") > 0) do for SPOT = CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK:ItemCount() - 1, 0, - 1 do local tmp = CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK:GetItemData(SPOT) if ( == CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) then if (CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:isFull()) then CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK:MoveItemToContainer(SPOT, CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:Index(), CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:ItemCapacity() - 1) else CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK:MoveItemToContainer(SPOT, CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:Index(), CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:ItemCapacity() - 1) end elseif ( == CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN) then CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK:MoveItemToContainer(SPOT, CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK:Index(), CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK:ItemCapacity() - 1) end end end end function Casino_MoveItems(FROM, TO) while (Casino_GetValueOfItems(FROM) > 0) do for SPOT = FROM:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local tmp = FROM:GetItemData(SPOT) if (CONTAINERS.ITEMS_BACKPACK:isFull()) then CONTAINERS.ITEMS_BACKPACK:UseItem(CONTAINERS.ITEMS_BACKPACK:ItemCapacity() - 1, true) end for i = 1, #ITEMS do if ( == ITEMS[i].id) then if (TO:Name() == "Browse Field") then FROM:MoveItemToGround(SPOT, COUNTER.X, COUNTER.Y, COUNTER.Z, tmp.count) else FROM:MoveItemToContainer(SPOT, TO:Index(), TO:ItemCapacity() - 1) end end end end end end function Casino_MoveWonPlatinum(FROM, AMOUNT) for SPOT = FROM:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local tmp = FROM:GetItemData(SPOT) if ( == CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) then local MOVED = 0 while (MOVED == 0) do MOVED = FROM:MoveItemToGround(SPOT, COUNTER.X, COUNTER.Y, COUNTER.Z, AMOUNT) end break end end end function Casino_MoveWonCrystal(FROM, AMOUNT) for SPOT = FROM:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local tmp = FROM:GetItemData(SPOT) if ( == CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN) then local MOVED = 0 while (MOVED == 0) do MOVED = FROM:MoveItemToGround(SPOT, COUNTER.X, COUNTER.Y, COUNTER.Z, AMOUNT) end break end end end function Casino_Decorations() if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then if (FIRST_DECORATION_ITEM_ID > 0) then if (CONTAINERS.LOCKER_BROWSE_FIELD:CountItemsOfID(FIRST_DECORATION_ITEM_ID) < 1) then if (CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:CountItemsOfID(FIRST_DECORATION_ITEM_ID) > 0) then for FirstItem = CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do if (FIRST_DECORATION_ITEM_ID == CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:GetItemData(FirstItem).id) then wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 5) CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:MoveItemToGround(FirstItem, LOCKER.X, LOCKER.Y, LOCKER.Z) wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 5) end end end end end if (SECOND_DECORATION_ITEM_ID > 0) then if (CONTAINERS.LOCKER_BROWSE_FIELD:CountItemsOfID(SECOND_DECORATION_ITEM_ID) < 1) then if (CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:CountItemsOfID(SECOND_DECORATION_ITEM_ID) > 0) then for SecondItem = CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do if (SECOND_DECORATION_ITEM_ID == CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:GetItemData(SecondItem).id) then wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 5) CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:MoveItemToGround(SecondItem, LOCKER.X, LOCKER.Y, LOCKER.Z) wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 5) end end end end end end end function Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINER, ID) local tmp = 0 if (type(ID) == "string") then tmp = tmp + (CONTAINER:CountItemsOfID(CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN) * 10000) tmp = tmp + (CONTAINER:CountItemsOfID(CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) * 100) else if (ID == CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN) then tmp = tmp + (CONTAINER:CountItemsOfID(CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN) * 10000) elseif (ID == CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) then tmp = tmp + (CONTAINER:CountItemsOfID(CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) * 100) end end return tmp end function Casino_PlayerWon(TIE) local MONEY, PL_A, CC_A, HUD = PLAYER.BALANCE + (BET_OPTION.PAYOUT * PLAYER.BALANCE / 100), 0, 0, 0, 0 if (MONEY > 0) then while (MONEY >= 10000) do CC_A = CC_A + 1 MONEY = MONEY - 10000 end while (MONEY >= 100) do PL_A = PL_A + 1 MONEY = MONEY - 100 end end if (PL_A > 0) then Casino_MoveWonPlatinum(CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, PL_A) end if (CC_A > 0) then Casino_MoveWonCrystal(CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK, CC_A) end HUD = (PL_A * 100 + CC_A * 10000) Casino_UseItem(WON_BET_ITEM_ID, CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Player Won: " .. HUD / 1000 .. "K.") doWriteLog("Player Won: " .. HUD / 1000 .. "K.\nYour Balance is " .. ((Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN) + Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) + Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) + Casino_GetValueOfItems(CONTAINERS.ITEMS_BACKPACK)) / 1000) .. "K\n") if (CONFIG.CUSTOM_MESSAGES and math.random(4) < CONFIG.CUSTOM_MESSAGES_RAND and PLAYER.OPTION ~= GAMBLE_OPTION.BJ) then tmp = string.gsub(tostring(WIN[math.random(1, table.getn(WIN))]), "|MONEY|", HUD / 1000) Self.Say(tmp) end PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.NONE TIE = TIE or false if (not TIE) then Casino_UpdateHUD("LOST", (HUD - PLAYER.BALANCE) / 1000) BET_OPTION.PROFIT = BET_OPTION.PROFIT + (HUD - PLAYER.BALANCE) end end function Casino_PlayerLose() Casino_UseItem(LOST_BET_ITEM_ID, CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Player Lost: " .. PLAYER.BALANCE / 1000 .. "K.") BET_OPTION.PROFIT = BET_OPTION.PROFIT - PLAYER.BALANCE doWriteLog("Player Lost: " .. PLAYER.BALANCE / 1000 .. "K.\nYour Balance is " .. ((Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN) + Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) + Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) + Casino_GetValueOfItems(CONTAINERS.ITEMS_BACKPACK)) / 1000) .. "K\n") if (CONFIG.CUSTOM_MESSAGES and math.random(4) < CONFIG.CUSTOM_MESSAGES_RAND and PLAYER.OPTION ~= GAMBLE_OPTION.BJ) then tmp = string.gsub(tostring(LOSE[math.random(1, table.getn(LOSE))]), "|MONEY|", PLAYER.BALANCE / 1000) Self.Say(tmp) end PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.NONE Casino_UpdateHUD("WON", PLAYER.BALANCE / 1000) end function Casino_UseItem(ITEM, CONTAINER) if (ITEM > 0) then for SPOT = CONTAINER:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local tmp = CONTAINER:GetItemData(SPOT) if ( == ITEM) then local USED = 0 while (USED == 0) do wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) USED = CONTAINER:UseItem(SPOT, true) wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) end end end end end function Casino_GetPositions() local POS = Self.Position() for x = -1, 1 do for y = -1, 1 do if (table.contains(LOCKER_ID, Map.GetTopUseItem(POS.x + x, POS.y + y, POS.z).id)) then LOCKER.X = POS.x + x LOCKER.Y = POS.y + y LOCKER.Z = POS.z break end end end for x = -1, 1 do for y = -1, 1 do if (table.contains(COUNTER_ID, Map.GetTopUseItem(POS.x + x, POS.y + y, POS.z).id)) then COUNTER.X = POS.x + x COUNTER.Y = POS.y + y COUNTER.Z = POS.z break end end end if (POS.x + 1 == LOCKER.X or POS.x - 1 == LOCKER.X) and POS.y + 1 == COUNTER.Y then PLAYER.SPOT = {X = POS.x, Y = POS.y + 2, Z = POS.z, TURN_G = SOUTH} elseif (POS.x + 1 == LOCKER.X or POS.x - 1 == LOCKER.X) and POS.y - 1 == COUNTER.Y then PLAYER.SPOT = {X = POS.x, Y = POS.y - 2, Z = POS.z, TURN_G = NORTH} elseif (POS.y + 1 == LOCKER.Y or POS.y - 1 == LOCKER.Y) and POS.x + 1 == COUNTER.X then PLAYER.SPOT = {X = POS.x + 2, Y = POS.y, Z = POS.z, TURN_G = EAST} elseif (POS.y + 1 == LOCKER.Y or POS.y - 1 == LOCKER.Y) and POS.x - 1 == COUNTER.X then PLAYER.SPOT = {X = POS.x - 2, Y = POS.y, Z = POS.z, TURN_G = WEST} end PLAYER.SPOT.TURN_L = Self.LookDirection() local POSITIONS = { {x = PLAYER.SPOT.X - 1, y = PLAYER.SPOT.Y, z = PLAYER.SPOT.Z}, {x = PLAYER.SPOT.X + 1, y = PLAYER.SPOT.Y, z = PLAYER.SPOT.Z}, {x = PLAYER.SPOT.X, y = PLAYER.SPOT.Y - 1, z = PLAYER.SPOT.Z}, {x = PLAYER.SPOT.X, y = PLAYER.SPOT.Y + 1, z = PLAYER.SPOT.Z} } for i = 1, #POSITIONS do if (table.contains(LOCKER_ID, Map.GetTopUseItem(POSITIONS[i].x, POSITIONS[i].y, POSITIONS[i].z).id)) then THROW_POS = ({x = POSITIONS[i].x, y = POSITIONS[i].y, z = POSITIONS[i].z}) break end end CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Locker Position: {x = " .. LOCKER.X .. ", y = " .. LOCKER.Y .. ", z = " .. LOCKER.Z .. "}") CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Counter Position: {x = " .. COUNTER.X .. ", y = " .. COUNTER.Y .. ", z = " .. COUNTER.Z .. "}") CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Gambler Position: {x = " .. PLAYER.SPOT.X .. ", y = " .. PLAYER.SPOT.Y .. ", z = " .. PLAYER.SPOT.Z .. "}") CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Throw Position: {x = " .. THROW_POS.x .. ", y = " .. THROW_POS.y .. ", z = " .. THROW_POS.z .. "}") end function doWriteLog(TEXT) if (CONFIG.LOGS) then PATH = "../" .. Self.Name() .. " - [" .. getUserName() .. "] Casino.txt" F =, "a+") if(not F) then return false end F:write("[" .."%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") .. "] " .. TEXT .. "\n") F:close() end end function Casino_PickupItems(ID, FROM, TO) if (ID > 0) then for SPOT = FROM:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local tmp = FROM:GetItemData(SPOT) if (ID == then local PICKED = 0 while (PICKED == 0) do wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 6) PICKED = FROM:MoveItemToContainer(SPOT, TO:Index(), TO:ItemCapacity() - 1) wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 6) end end end end end function Casino_AntiIdle() local TRUN, LD = 0, Self.LookDirection() if (LD < 2) then TURN = LD + 1 else TURN = LD - 1 end return TURN end function Casino_FormatValue(n) local left, num, right = string.match(n,"^([^%d]*%d)(%d*)(.-)$") return left .. (num:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)","%1,"):reverse()) .. right end function Casino_Stop() if (CONFIG.SS_EXIT) then screenshot("" .. Self.Name() .. " Casino " .."%d.%m.%Y %H'%M'%S") .. "") end Casino_PickupItems(FIRST_DECORATION_ITEM_ID, CONTAINERS.LOCKER_BROWSE_FIELD, CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER) Casino_PickupItems(SECOND_DECORATION_ITEM_ID, CONTAINERS.LOCKER_BROWSE_FIELD, CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER) for i = 0, 15 do Container.New(i):Close() end LOADING_COMPLETED = false Casino_Start:Stop() end function Casino_InfoMessages(TABLE) replacements = { ["|SELF|"] = Self.Name(), ["|HLMIN|"] = BETS.HL_MIN / 1000, ["|HLMAX|"] = BETS.HL_MAX / 1000, ["|OEMIN|"] = BETS.OE_MIN / 1000, ["|OEMAX|"] = BETS.OE_MAX / 1000, ["|BJMIN|"] = BETS.BJ_MIN / 1000, ["|BJMAX|"] = BETS.BJ_MAX / 1000, ["|NUMBERSMIN|"] = BETS.NUMBERS_MIN / 1000, ["|NUMBERSMAX|"] = BETS.NUMBERS_MAX / 1000, ["|FSLMIN|"] = BETS.FSL_MIN / 1000, ["|FSLMAX|"] = BETS.FSL_MAX / 1000, ["|MIN|"] = BET_OPTION.MIN / 1000, ["|MAX|"] = BET_OPTION.MAX / 1000, ["|HLP|"] = BETS.HL_PAYOUT, ["|OEP|"] = BETS.OE_PAYOUT, ["|BJP|"] = BETS.BJ_PAYOUT, ["|NUMBERSP|"] = BETS.NUMBERS_PAYOUT, ["|FSLP|"] = BETS.FSL_PAYOUT } if (CONFIG.INFO_MESSAGES) then tmp = string.gsub(tostring(TABLE[math.random(1, table.getn(TABLE))]), "|%a+|", function (str) return replacements [str] or str end) return tmp end end function Casino_RollRandom() return math.random(6) end Casino_GetHours = function(t, c) local seconds = (c) and os.difftime(os.time(), t) or t return (math.floor(os.difftime(os.time(), t) / 3600)) end Casino_GetMinutes = function(t, c) local seconds = (c) and os.difftime(os.time(), t) or t return math.floor((seconds - (Casino_GetHours(t, c) * 3600)) / 60) end Casino_GetSeconds = function(t, c) local seconds = (c) and os.difftime(os.time(), t) or t return math.floor(seconds - (Casino_GetHours(t, c) * 3600) - (Casino_GetMinutes(t, c) * 60)) end Casino_GetTime = function(t, current) local c = current or true return string.format("%02.f", Casino_GetHours(t, c))..':'..string.format("%02.f", Casino_GetMinutes(t, c))..':'..string.format("%02.f", Casino_GetSeconds(t, c)) end function getArticle(str) return string.sub(str:reverse(), str:len()) end function setArticle(str) if (table.contains(({"a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "y"}), getArticle(str))) then return "an " .. str .. "" elseif (string.sub(str, 1, 4) == "the ") then return "" .. str .. "" else return "a " .. str .. "" end end function mTable(t1, t2) tmp = {} for k, v in pairs(t1) do table.insert(tmp, v) end for k, v in pairs(t2) do table.insert(tmp, v) end return tmp end function Casino_GetProfit(tbl) if (tbl > 0) then Self.Say("Your profit is " .. Casino_FormatValue(tbl) .. " GP in this session!") elseif (tbl < 0) then Self.Say("aKAOksokAOSKaoskAOSK! You lose " .. Casino_FormatValue(math.abs(tbl)) .. " GP in this session!") else Self.Say("C'mon play with me! Don't be shy.") end end function Casino_SafeBet(data) tmp = false local FORMULA, PL_A, CC_A, CC, PL = PLAYER.BALANCE + (BET_OPTION.PAYOUT * PLAYER.BALANCE / 100), 0, 0, Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN), Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) while (FORMULA >= 10000) do CC_A = CC_A + 1 FORMULA = FORMULA - 10000 end while (FORMULA >= 100) do PL_A = PL_A + 1 FORMULA = FORMULA - 100 end if ((CC_A * 10000 - CC) > Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD, CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN) or (PL_A * 100 - PL) > Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN)) then if (not table.contains(TABLE.MIN_MAX, data)) then table.insert(TABLE.MIN_MAX, data) Self.Say(NOT_ENOUGH_GOLD) end tmp = true PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.NONE end return tmp end Casino_Start = Module("Casino_PROJECT: MAIN MODULE", function(moduleObject) if (#Container.GetAll() ~= 8) then for i = 0, 15 do closeContainer(i) end Client.HideEquipment() Casino_GetPositions() if Self.BrowseField(COUNTER.X, COUNTER.Y, COUNTER.Z) then wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 4) if (CONFIG.SERVER == "OTS") then CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD = Container.New(COUNTER_INDEX) else CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD = Container.New(0) end end if Self.BrowseField(LOCKER.X, LOCKER.Y, LOCKER.Z) then wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 4) if (CONFIG.SERVER == "OTS") then CONTAINERS.LOCKER_BROWSE_FIELD = Container.New(DEPOT_INDEX) else CONTAINERS.LOCKER_BROWSE_FIELD = Container.New(1) end end CONTAINERS.LOCKER_BROWSE_FIELD:UseItem(0, false) wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 4) if (CONFIG.SERVER == "OTS") then CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER = Container.New(0) else CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER = Container.New(2) end CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:UseItem(0, true) wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 4) CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:OpenChildren({CONFIG.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK, true}) if (CONFIG.SERVER == "OTS") then CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK = Container.New(1) else CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK = Container.New(3) end wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 4) CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:OpenChildren({CONFIG.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK, true}) if (CONFIG.SERVER == "OTS") then CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK = Container.New(2) else CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK = Container.New(4) end wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 4) CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:OpenChildren({CONFIG.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, true}) if (CONFIG.SERVER == "OTS") then CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK = Container.New(3) else CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK = Container.New(5) end wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 4) CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:OpenChildren({CONFIG.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, true}) if (CONFIG.SERVER == "OTS") then CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK = Container.New(4) else CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK = Container.New(6) end wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 4) CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:OpenChildren({CONFIG.ITEMS_BACKPACK, true}) if (CONFIG.SERVER == "OTS") then CONTAINERS.ITEMS_BACKPACK = Container.New(5) else CONTAINERS.ITEMS_BACKPACK = Container.New(7) end wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 4) if (#Container.GetAll() >= 8 and not LOADING_COMPLETED) then LOADING_COMPLETED = true for i = 1, #ITEMS do table.insert(TABLE.ITEMS, ITEMS[i].id) end Casino_Decorations() Casino_UpdateHUD() end end end, false) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: TURN_TO_GAMBLER", function(moduleObject) local POS, LD = Self.Position(), Self.LookDirection() if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then PLAYER.DETECTED = false for name, creature in Creature.iPlayers(2) do if (creature:Position().x == PLAYER.SPOT.X and creature:Position().y == PLAYER.SPOT.Y and creature:Position().z == PLAYER.SPOT.Z) then PLAYER.DETECTED = true end end if (PLAYER.DETECTED) then Casino_GetDirection("GAMBLER", POS.x, POS.y, LD) else Casino_GetDirection("LOCKER", POS.x, POS.y, LD) end end moduleObject:Delay(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) end) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: Extra Backpacks", function(moduleObject) if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then if (CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:isFull() or CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:isEmpty()) then CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:UseItem(CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:ItemCapacity() - 1, true) end if (CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:EmptySlots() < 7) then Casino_MoveExtra(CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK) elseif (CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:EmptySlots() > 7 and Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) > 0) then Casino_MoveExtra(CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK) end end moduleObject:Delay(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) end) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: PARTY_HAT", function(moduleObject) if (CONFIG.PARTY_HAT) then if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then if (not PLAYER.DETECTED) then if (Self.Head().id == Item.GetID("party hat")) then Self.UseItemFromEquipment("head") end end end end moduleObject:Delay(CONFIG.PARTY_HAT_TIME * 1000) end) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: RESTACK MONEY", function(moduleObject) if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then if (CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:ItemCount() > 1) then for SPOT = CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do if (SPOT ~= 0) then local tmp = CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:GetItemData(SPOT) if (tmp.count < 100) then CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:MoveItemToContainer(SPOT, CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:Index()) wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) end end end end if(CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK:ItemCount() > 1) then for SPOT = CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do if (SPOT ~= 0) then local tmp = CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK:GetItemData(SPOT) if(tmp.count < 100) then CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK:MoveItemToContainer(SPOT, CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK:Index()) wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) end end end end end moduleObject:Delay(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) end) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: NORMAL BROADCASTER", function(moduleObject) if (CONFIG.SAY_ADVERTISEMENT) then if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then if (not PLAYER.DETECTED) then Self.Say(Casino_InfoMessages(AD_SAY_MSG)) end end end moduleObject:Delay(CONFIG.SAY_TIME * 1000) end) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: YELL BROADCASTER", function(moduleObject) if (CONFIG.YELL_ADVERTISEMENT) then if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then if (not PLAYER.DETECTED) then Self.Yell(Casino_InfoMessages(AD_YELL_MSG)) end end end moduleObject:Delay(CONFIG.YELL_TIME * 1000) end) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: ANTI-TRASHER", function(moduleObject) if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then for SPOT = CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local tmp = CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD:GetItemData(SPOT) if not table.contains(CASH_ID, and not table.contains(TABLE.ITEMS, then Map.MoveItem(COUNTER.X, COUNTER.Y, THROW_POS.x, THROW_POS.y) end end for SPOT = CONTAINERS.LOCKER_BROWSE_FIELD:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local tmp = CONTAINERS.LOCKER_BROWSE_FIELD:GetItemData(SPOT) if not table.contains(LOCKER_ID, and not table.contains(({FIRST_DECORATION_ITEM_ID, SECOND_DECORATION_ITEM_ID}), then Map.MoveItem(LOCKER.X, LOCKER.Y, THROW_POS.x, THROW_POS.y) end end end moduleObject:Delay(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) end) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: CLEAN_TABLE", function(moduleObject) if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then table.remove(TABLE.NAMES, 1) table.remove(TABLE.INFO, 1) table.remove(TABLE.GAMES, 1) table.remove(TABLE.MIN_MAX, 1) table.remove(TABLE.PRICE, 1) end moduleObject:Delay(5 * 1000) end) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: PICK_WHEN_SS", function(moduleObject) if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then if ("%H:%M") == CONFIG.SERVER_SAVE_TIME) then Casino_Stop() end end moduleObject:Delay(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) end) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: ANTI-IDLE", function(moduleObject) if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then if (PLAYER.OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.NONE) then Self.Turn(Casino_AntiIdle()) end end moduleObject:Delay(CONFIG.ANTI_IDLE_TIME * 60 * 1000) end) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: SAFE_LOGOUT", function(moduleObject) if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then if (CONFIG.SAFE_EXIT and (Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN) / 10000 < CONFIG.AMOUNT_CC_TO_EXIT or Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) / 100 < CONFIG.AMOUNT_PL_TO_EXIT)) then Casino_Stop() end end moduleObject:Delay(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) end) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: SET_TIME_TICKS", function(moduleObject) if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.MAIN_TIME.VALUE:SetText(Casino_GetTime(MAIN_TIME)) HUD.BET_TIME.VALUE:SetText(Casino_GetTime(BET_TIME)) end moduleObject:Delay(500) end) Signal.OnReceive("SignalListener", function(signal, data) for name, creature in Creature.iPlayers(2) do if (LOADING_COMPLETED and name == data.creature and creature:Position().x == PLAYER.SPOT.X and creature:Position().y == PLAYER.SPOT.Y and creature:Position().z == PLAYER.SPOT.Z) then local MSG = data.message:lower() if (table.contains((mTable(WORDS.L, WORDS.L)), MSG) and not BETS.HL_MODE or table.contains((mTable(WORDS.O, WORDS.E)), MSG) and not BETS.OE_MODE or table.contains((WORDS.NUM), MSG) and not BETS.NUMBERS_MODE or table.contains((WORDS.BJ), MSG) and not BETS.BJ_MODE or table.contains((WORDS.FSL), MSG) and not BETS.FSL_MODE) then Self.Say("I'm sorry but this game is disabled right now.") return false end if (table.contains((WORDS.L), MSG)) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.LOW elseif (table.contains((WORDS.H), MSG)) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.HIGH end if (table.contains((WORDS.O), MSG)) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.ODD elseif (table.contains((WORDS.E), MSG)) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.EVEN end if (MSG == WORDS.NUM[1]) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.ONE elseif (MSG == WORDS.NUM[2]) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.TWO elseif (MSG == WORDS.NUM[3]) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.THREE elseif (MSG == WORDS.NUM[4]) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.FOUR elseif (MSG == WORDS.NUM[5]) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.FIVE elseif (MSG == WORDS.NUM[6]) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.SIX end if (table.contains((WORDS.NUM), MSG)) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.BJ end if (MSG == WORDS.FSL[1]) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.FIRST elseif (MSG == WORDS.FSL[2]) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.SECOND elseif (MSG == WORDS.FSL[3]) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.LAST end for i = 1, #ITEMS do if (not table.contains(TABLE.PRICE, data.creature) and MSG == "price " .. ITEMS[i].name .. "") then table.insert(TABLE.PRICE, data.creature) Self.Say("I accept " .. setArticle(ITEMS[i].name) .. " as bet for " .. Casino_FormatValue(ITEMS[i].value) .. " GP.") end end if (MSG == "info" and not table.contains(TABLE.INFO, data.creature)) then table.insert(TABLE.INFO, data.creature) Self.Say(Casino_InfoMessages(INFO_MSG)) elseif (table.contains(({"min", "max", "bid"}), MSG) and not table.contains(TABLE.MIN_MAX, data.creature)) then table.insert(TABLE.MIN_MAX, data.creature) Self.Say(Casino_InfoMessages(ADVANCED_MIN_MAX)) elseif (MSG == "profit" and not table.contains(TABLE.INFO, data.creature)) then table.insert(TABLE.INFO, data.creature) Casino_GetProfit(BET_OPTION.PROFIT) elseif (MSG == "games" and not table.contains(TABLE.GAMES, data.creature)) then table.insert(TABLE.GAMES, data.creature) Self.Say(Casino_InfoMessages(GAMES_MSG)) elseif (MSG == "counter" and not table.contains(TABLE.INFO, data.creature)) then COUNTER_MONEY = Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD, "all") + Casino_GetValueOfItems(CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD) if (COUNTER_MONEY) > 0 then table.insert(TABLE.INFO, data.creature) Self.Say("The value of items on counter is " .. Casino_FormatValue(COUNTER_MONEY) .. " GP.") end end if (table.contains(({GAMBLE_OPTION.ONE, GAMBLE_OPTION.TWO, GAMBLE_OPTION.THREE, GAMBLE_OPTION.FOUR, GAMBLE_OPTION.FIVE, GAMBLE_OPTION.SIX}), PLAYER.OPTION)) then BET_OPTION.PAYOUT = BETS.NUMBERS_PAYOUT BET_OPTION.MIN = BETS.NUMBERS_MIN BET_OPTION.MAX = BETS.NUMBERS_MAX elseif (PLAYER.OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.BJ) then BET_OPTION.PAYOUT = BETS.BJ_PAYOUT BET_OPTION.MIN = BETS.BJ_MIN BET_OPTION.MAX = BETS.BJ_MAX elseif (table.contains(({GAMBLE_OPTION.LOW, GAMBLE_OPTION.HIGH}), PLAYER.OPTION)) then BET_OPTION.PAYOUT = BETS.HL_PAYOUT BET_OPTION.MIN = BETS.HL_MIN BET_OPTION.MAX = BETS.HL_MAX elseif (table.contains(({GAMBLE_OPTION.ODD, GAMBLE_OPTION.EVEN}), PLAYER.OPTION)) then BET_OPTION.PAYOUT = BETS.OE_PAYOUT BET_OPTION.MIN = BETS.OE_MIN BET_OPTION.MAX = BETS.OE_MAX elseif (table.contains(({GAMBLE_OPTION.FIRST, GAMBLE_OPTION.SECOND, GAMBLE_OPTION.LAST}), PLAYER.OPTION)) then BET_OPTION.PAYOUT = BETS.FSL_PAYOUT BET_OPTION.MIN = BETS.FSL_MIN BET_OPTION.MAX = BETS.FSL_MAX end if (PLAYER.OPTION ~= GAMBLE_OPTION.NONE) then PLAYER.BALANCE = Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD, "all") + Casino_GetValueOfItems(CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD) if (PLAYER.BALANCE >= BET_OPTION.MIN and PLAYER.BALANCE <= BET_OPTION.MAX) then if (CONFIG.SAFE_BET) then if (Casino_SafeBet(data.creature)) then return false end end CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "" .. data.creature .. " chose: " .. string.upper(MSG) .. " option.") doWriteLog("" .. data.creature .. " chosen: " .. string.upper(MSG) .. " option.") Casino_MoveMoney(CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD, CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK) Casino_MoveItems(CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD, CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK) if (PLAYER.BALANCE == Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK, "all") + Casino_GetValueOfItems(CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK)) then CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "" .. data.creature .. "'s amount of MONEY: " .. Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK, "all") / 1000 .. "K, ITEMS: " .. Casino_GetValueOfItems(CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK) / 1000 .. "K.") doWriteLog("" .. data.creature .. "'s amount of MONEY: " .. Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK, "all") / 1000 .. "K, ITEMS: " .. Casino_GetValueOfItems(CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK) / 1000 .. "K.") Casino_SortMoney() Casino_MoveItems(CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK, CONTAINERS.ITEMS_BACKPACK) BET_TIME = os.time() if (PLAYER.OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.BJ) then Casino_BlackJack(PLAYER.OPTION) elseif (table.contains(({GAMBLE_OPTION.FIRST, GAMBLE_OPTION.SECOND, GAMBLE_OPTION.LAST}), PLAYER.OPTION)) then Casino_FirstSecondLast(PLAYER.OPTION) else Casino_Normal(Casino_RollRandom(), PLAYER.OPTION) end else Casino_MoveItems(CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK, CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD) Casino_MoveMoney(CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK, CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD) Self.Say(CHEAT_MSG) doWriteLog("" .. data.creature .. " wants to cheat Casino") PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.NONE end else if (PLAYER.BALANCE > 0 and (PLAYER.BALANCE < BET_OPTION.MIN or PLAYER.BALANCE > BET_OPTION.MAX)) then if (not table.contains(TABLE.MIN_MAX, data.creature)) then table.insert(TABLE.MIN_MAX, data.creature) Self.Say(Casino_InfoMessages(MIN_MAX_MSG)) PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.NONE end end end end end end end) diceproxy.lua local SignalListener = Signal.New("SignalListener") LocalSpeechProxy.OnReceive("SignalListener", function(proxy, mtype, speaker, level, text) Signal.Send("SignalListener", {creature = speaker, message = text}) end) creditos nao sei o autor
  5. mals nao sei pq saiu assim x /
  6. alguem ai tem outra source do cast system 8.60 akela ta toda bugada
  7. nao estou conseuindo compilar as source nao sei por que da um bando de erro qual dev e melhor pra copilar otserv
  8. deu certo so que quando vou comprar a star compra 100 de uma so ves ao inves de uma
  9. local coin = 9020 -- sua moeda vip local lever = { [1938] = {5,12622}, [1939] = {5,12631}, [1940] = {5,12632}, [1941] = {5,12633}, [1942] = {5,12627}, [1943] = {5,12628}, [1944] = {5,12629}, [1945] = {10,12630}, [1946] = {5,12636}, [1947] = {5,12635}, [1948] = {5,12634}, [1949] = {5,12626}, [1950] = {5,12639}, [1951] = {5,12640}, [1952] = {5,12641}, [1953] = {5,12625}, [1954] = {5,12637}, [1955] = {5,12624}, [1956] = {5,12623}, [1957] = {5,12638} } local arrows = {2544,7364,7840} -- coloque o ID das arrows function onUse(cid,item,fromPosition,itemEx,toPosition) if doPlayerRemoveItem(cid,coin,lever[item.actionid][1]) == FALSE then return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "você precisa de "..lever[item.actionid][1].." " ..getItemNameById(coin)) end doPlayerAddItem(cid,lever[item.actionid][2], isItemStackable(lever[item.actionid][2]) and isInArray(arrows, lever[item.actionid][2]) and 1 or 100) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,"você comprou um " .. getItemNameById(lever[item.actionid][2])) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), math.random(28,30)) doTransformItem(item.uid, item.itemid == 1945 and 1946 or 1945) return true end gostaria de adicionar uma tag de quantidade de item tipo [1956] = {5 ,12623, 1 }, actionid ,quantidade de donor coin, id do item, quantidade de item recebido
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