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  1. Dice Cassino Number Random dice.lua BETS = { --[[ HIGH/LOW = 123 OR 456 ]]-- HL_MODE = true, HL_MIN = 50000, HL_MAX = 500000, HL_PAYOUT = 80, --[[ ODD/EVEN = 135 OR 246 ]]-- OE_MODE = true, OE_MIN = 30000, OE_MAX = 500000, OE_PAYOUT = 80, --[[ BLACKJACK ]]-- BJ_MODE = true, BJ_MIN = 30000, BJ_MAX = 500000, BJ_PAYOUT = 120, --[[ SINGLE NUMBERS = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 OR 6 ]]-- NUMBERS_MODE = false, NUMBERS_MIN = 30000, NUMBERS_MAX = 500000, NUMBERS_PAYOUT = 150, --[[ FIRST/SECOND/LAST = 12, 34 OR 56 ]]-- FSL_MODE = false, FSL_MIN = 30000, FSL_MAX = 500000, FSL_PAYOUT = 80 } CONFIG = { CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK = "Backpack", CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK = "brocade Backpack", PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK = "Red Backpack", EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK = "beach Backpack", ITEMS_BACKPACK = "orange Backpack", PING_COMPENSATION = 60, SAY_ADVERTISEMENT = true, SAY_TIME = 45, YELL_ADVERTISEMENT = true, YELL_TIME = 120, CUSTOM_MESSAGES = true, CUSTOM_MESSAGES_RAND = 4, INFO_MESSAGES = true, WON_BET_ITEM = "lyre", LOST_BET_ITEM = "coal basin kit", FIRST_DECORATION_ITEM = "Parcel", SECOND_DECORATION_ITEM = "none", PARTY_HAT = true, PARTY_HAT_TIME = 1.5, SERVER_SAVE_TIME = "09:55:00", SHOW_HUD = true, LOGS = true, SAFE_EXIT = false, AMOUNT_CC_TO_EXIT = 3, --[[3 IS 3CC]]-- AMOUNT_PL_TO_EXIT = 10, --[[10 IS 1K]]-- ANTI_IDLE_TIME = 3, SS_EXIT = false, SAFE_BET = true, SERVER = "OTS" } AD_SAY_MSG = { "|SELF|'s Casino - Try your luck with the fastest game!", "Become a millionaire in a second at |SELF|'s Casino!", "Come and play the fastest game!", "Feeling lucky? The best payrate in all Tibia!", "Tired of slow games? Come and play at |SELF|'s Casino!" } AD_YELL_MSG = { "|SELF|'s Casino - Try your luck with the fastest game!", "Become a millionaire in a second at |SELF|'s Casino!", "Come and play the fastest game!", "Feeling lucky? The best payrate in all Tibia!", "Tired of slow games? Come and play at |SELF|'s Casino!" } INFO_MSG = { "Bets: H/L - |HLP|% | ODD/EVEN - |OEP|% | BLACKJACK - |BJP|% | NUMBERS - |NUMBERSP|% | FIRST/SECOND/LAST - |FSLP|%. Also I accepting ITEMS! If you don't know value of items ask me about 'price ItemName'." } MIN_MAX_MSG = { "Minimum: |MIN|K, Maximum: |MAX|K.", "Hello! Minumum is |MIN|K, and Maximum is |MAX|K." } ADVANCED_MIN_MAX = { "H/L - [|HLMIN|K ~ |HLMAX|K ~ |HLP|%] | ODD/EVEN - [|OEMIN|K ~ |OEMAX|K ~ |OEP|%] | BLACKJACK - [|BJMIN|K ~ |BJMAX|K ~ |BJP|%] | NUMBERS - [|NUMBERSMIN|K ~ |NUMBERSMAX|K ~ |NUMBERSP|%] | FIRST/SECOND/LAST - [|FSLMIN|K ~ |FSLMAX|K ~ |FSLP|%]." } GAMES_MSG = { "HIGH / LOW ~ ODD / EVEN ~ BLACKJACK ~ FIRST / SECOND / LAST ~ LUCKY NUMBER - {1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6}." } CHEAT_MSG = "Dude what you doing? Do you wanna cheat your boss?" ROLL_MSG = "" .. Self.Name() .. " rolled a" NOT_ENOUGH_GOLD = "I'm very sorry, but your bet is too high for my current money." BJ_OVER = { "Your count was |GAMBLER| and mine |PLAYER|. We were both above 21 and you lose |MONEY|K", "Looks like we both were over 21 with |PLAYER| vs. |GAMBLER|. You lose |MONEY|K" } BJ_TIE = { "It's a tie! We both got a total of |GAMBLER|, here are your |MONEY|K!", "We are tied. Both counts were |GAMBLER|. Here are your |MONEY|K back!" } BJ_WON = { "Congratulations! You rolled a |GAMBLER|, the house rolled |PLAYER|. You won |MONEY|K!", "Congratulations! Your count is |GAMBLER| and mine |PLAYER|. You have won |MONEY|K!", "Gratz! The counts were |PLAYER| vs. |GAMBLER|. Here you are, |MONEY|K!", "Aaaand we have a winner! The counts were |PLAYER| vs. |GAMBLER|. You have won |MONEY|K!", "Today must be your lucky day! Your count was |GAMBLER| and mine |PLAYER|. You won |MONEY|K!" } BJ_LOSE = { "The house wins: |PLAYER| versus |GAMBLER|. You lost |MONEY|K.", "Rough day, huh? The house wins: |PLAYER| versus |GAMBLER| You lost |MONEY|K.", "I'm sorry, maybe another time. The counts were |PLAYER| vs. |GAMBLER|", "Oh well, that's |PLAYER| vs. |GAMBLER|. I guess you can't always win..." } WELCOME = { "Welcome, |GAMBLER|! Do you want to try your luck?", "Hello, |GAMBLER|! I feel you want to become millionaire!", "Hello, |GAMBLER|! Are you curious about my games? Say 'info' or 'games'.", "Hi, |GAMBLER|! Are you feeling lucky today?" } WIN = { "Congratulations! You won |MONEY|K!", "Gratz! Here you are, |MONEY|K!", "Aaaand we have a winner! You have won |MONEY|K!", "Today must be your lucky day! You won |MONEY|K!" } LOSE = { "I'm sorry, maybe another time, btw. you lose |MONEY|K!", "Oh well you can't always win... You lose |MONEY|K!" } ITEMS = { --[[ BLUE DJINN ]]-- {id = 7436, name = "angelic axe", value = 5000}, {id = 3567, name = "blue robe", value = 10000}, {id = 3418, name = "bonelord shield", value = 1200}, {id = 3079, name = "boots of haste", value = 30000}, {id = 7412, name = "butcher's axe", value = 18000}, {id = 3381, name = "crown armor", value = 12000}, {id = 3382, name = "crown legs", value = 12000}, {id = 3419, name = "crown shield", value = 8000}, {id = 3385, name = "crown helmet", value = 2500}, {id = 3391, name = "crusader helmet", value = 6000}, {id = 3302, name = "dragon lance", value = 9000}, {id = 3416, name = "dragon shield", value = 4000}, {id = 3320, name = "fire axe", value = 8000}, {id = 3280, name = "fire sword", value = 4000}, {id = 7454, name = "glorious axe", value = 3000}, {id = 3415, name = "guardian shield", value = 2000}, {id = 3439, name = "phoenix shield", value = 16000}, {id = 7410, name = "queen's sceptre", value = 20000}, {id = 3392, name = "royal helmet", value = 30000}, {id = 7451, name = "shadow sceptre", value = 10000}, {id = 7391, name = "thaian sword", value = 16000}, {id = 3279, name = "war hammer", value = 1200}, {id = 3071, name = "wand of inferno", value = 3000}, {id = 3073, name = "wand of cosmic energy", value = 2000}, {id = 8092, name = "wand of starstorm", value = 3600}, {id = 8093, name = "wand of draconia", value = 1500}, {id = 8094, name = "wand of voodoo", value = 4400}, {id = 16096, name = "wand of defiance", value = 6500}, {id = 16115, name = "wand of everblazing", value = 6000}, --[[ GREEN DJINN ]]-- {id = 7428, name = "bonebreaker", value = 10000}, {id = 3322, name = "dragon hammer", value = 2000}, {id = 7419, name = "dreaded cleaver", value = 15000}, {id = 3281, name = "giant sword", value = 17000}, {id = 7407, name = "haunted blade", value = 8000}, {id = 3370, name = "knight armor", value = 5000}, {id = 3371, name = "knight legs", value = 5000}, {id = 3318, name = "knight axe", value = 2000}, {id = 7421, name = "onyx flail", value = 22000}, {id = 7411, name = "ornamented axe", value = 20000}, {id = 3324, name = "skull staff", value = 6000}, {id = 7413, name = "titan axe", value = 4000}, {id = 3428, name = "tower shield", value = 6000}, {id = 3434, name = "vampire shield", value = 15000}, {id = 3369, name = "warrior helmet", value = 5000}, {id = 3067, name = "hailstorm rod", value = 3000}, {id = 16117, name = "muck rod", value = 6000}, {id = 3065, name = "terra rod", value = 2000}, {id = 8082, name = "underworld rod", value = 4400}, {id = 8083, name = "northwind rod", value = 1500}, {id = 8084, name = "springsprout rod", value = 3600}, {id = 16118, name = "glacial rod", value = 20000}, --[[ RASHID ]]-- {id = 7414, name = "abyss hammer", value = 20000}, {id = 7426, name = "amber staff", value = 8000}, {id = 7404, name = "assassin dagger", value = 20000}, {id = 3344, name = "beastslayer axe", value = 1500}, {id = 10457, name = "beetle necklace", value = 1500}, {id = 7403, name = "berserker", value = 40000}, {id = 7406, name = "blacksteel sword", value = 6000}, {id = 7429, name = "blessed sceptre", value = 40000}, {id = 3408, name = "bonelord helmet", value = 7500}, {id = 7379, name = "brutetamer's staff", value = 1500}, {id = 17829, name = "buckle", value = 7000}, {id = 3435, name = "castle shield", value = 5000}, {id = 8022, name = "chain bolter", value = 40000}, {id = 7427, name = "chaos mace", value = 9000}, {id = 11674, name = "cobra crown", value = 50000}, {id = 8027, name = "composite hornbow", value = 25000}, {id = 7415, name = "cranial basher", value = 30000}, {id = 16163, name = "crystal crossbow", value = 35000}, {id = 3333, name = "crystal mace", value = 9000}, {id = 8050, name = "crystalline armor", value = 16000}, {id = 3420, name = "demon shield", value = 30000}, {id = 3019, name = "demonbone amulet", value = 32000}, {id = 7382, name = "demonrage sword", value = 36000}, {id = 7387, name = "diamond sceptre", value = 3000}, {id = 3339, name = "djinn blade", value = 15000}, {id = 3386, name = "dragon scale mail", value = 40000}, {id = 7402, name = "dragon slayer", value = 15000}, {id = 7430, name = "dragonbone staff", value = 3000}, {id = 7419, name = "dreaded cleaver", value = 15000}, {id = 3397, name = "dwarven armor", value = 30000}, {id = 7438, name = "elvish bow", value = 2000}, {id = 3326, name = "epee", value = 8000}, {id = 7457, name = "fur boots", value = 2000}, {id = 823, name = "glacier kilt", value = 11000}, {id = 829, name = "glacier mask", value = 2500}, {id = 824, name = "glacier robe", value = 11000}, {id = 819, name = "glacier shoes", value = 2500}, {id = 3063, name = "gold ring", value = 8000}, {id = 3360, name = "golden armor", value = 20000}, {id = 3364, name = "golden legs", value = 30000}, {id = 3315, name = "guardian halberd", value = 11000}, {id = 3332, name = "hammer of wrath", value = 30000}, {id = 7380, name = "headchopper", value = 6000}, {id = 3340, name = "heavy mace", value = 50000}, {id = 12683, name = "heavy trident", value = 2000}, {id = 17852, name = "helmet of the lost", value = 2000}, {id = 7389, name = "heroic axe", value = 30000}, {id = 8045, name = "hibiscus dress", value = 3000}, {id = 7422, name = "jade hammer", value = 25000}, {id = 8049, name = "lavos armor", value = 16000}, {id = 820, name = "lightning boots", value = 2500}, {id = 816, name = "lightning pendant", value = 1500}, {id = 822, name = "lightning legs", value = 11000}, {id = 828, name = "lightning headband", value = 2500}, {id = 825, name = "lightning robe", value = 11000}, {id = 7424, name = "lunar staff", value = 5000}, {id = 3366, name = "magic plate armor", value = 90000}, {id = 818, name = "magma boots", value = 2500}, {id = 826, name = "magma coat", value = 11000}, {id = 821, name = "magma legs", value = 11000}, {id = 827, name = "magma monocle", value = 2500}, {id = 7463, name = "mammoth fur cape", value = 6000}, {id = 3414, name = "mastermind shield", value = 50000}, {id = 3436, name = "medusa shield", value = 9000}, {id = 7386, name = "mercenary sword", value = 12000}, {id = 7384, name = "mystic blade", value = 30000}, {id = 3314, name = "naginata", value = 2000}, {id = 7418, name = "nightmare blade", value = 35000}, {id = 7456, name = "noble axe", value = 10000}, {id = 7460, name = "norse shield", value = 1500}, {id = 7392, name = "orcish maul", value = 6000}, {id = 17828, name = "pair of iron fists", value = 4000}, {id = 8063, name = "paladin armor", value = 15000}, {id = 3550, name = "patched boots", value = 2000}, {id = 3334, name = "pharaoh sword", value = 23000}, {id = 5461, name = "pirate boots", value = 3000}, {id = 3055, name = "platinum amulet", value = 2500}, {id = 7383, name = "relic sword", value = 25000}, {id = 3006, name = "ring of the sky", value = 30000}, {id = 7434, name = "royal axe", value = 40000}, {id = 3016, name = "ruby necklace", value = 2000}, {id = 6553, name = "ruthless axe", value = 45000}, {id = 7437, name = "sapphire hammer", value = 7000}, {id = 3440, name = "scarab shield", value = 2000}, {id = 5741, name = "skull helmet", value = 40000}, {id = 8061, name = "skullcracker armor", value = 18000}, {id = 7452, name = "spiked squelcher", value = 5000}, {id = 3554, name = "steel boots", value = 30000}, {id = 8052, name = "swamplair armor", value = 16000}, {id = 3442, name = "tempest shield", value = 35000}, {id = 812, name = "terra legs", value = 11000}, {id = 813, name = "terra boots", value = 2500}, {id = 830, name = "terra hood", value = 2500}, {id = 811, name = "terra mantle", value = 11000}, {id = 7390, name = "the justice seeker", value = 40000}, {id = 7388, name = "vile axe", value = 30000}, {id = 3342, name = "war axe", value = 12000}, {id = 2958, name = "war horn", value = 8000}, {id = 9653, name = "witch hat", value = 5000}, {id = 7408, name = "wyvern fang", value = 1500}, {id = 3549, name = "pair of soft boots", value = 1000000}, {id = 6529, name = "pair of soft boots", value = 1000000}, {id = 8026, name = "warsinger bow", value = 350000}, {id = 8023, name = "royal crossbow", value = 350000}, {id = 8090, name = "spellbook of dark mysteries", value = 750000}, {id = 8096, name = "hellforged axe", value = 350000}, {id = 8102, name = "emerald sword", value = 350000}, {id = 8100, name = "obsidian truncheon", value = 50000}, {id = 8060, name = "master archer's armor", value = 350000}, {id = 16109, name = "prismatic helmet", value = 800000}, {id = 16110, name = "prismatic armor", value = 800000}, {id = 16111, name = "prismatic legs", value = 900000}, {id = 16112, name = "prismatic boots", value = 700000}, {id = 11686, name = "royal draken mail", value = 500000}, {id = 11689, name = "elite draken helmet", value = 500000}, {id = 11688, name = "shield of corruption", value = 500000}, {id = 11691, name = "snake god's wristguard", value = 50000}, {id = 11687, name = "royal scale robe", value = 1000000}, {id = 16164, name = "mycological bow", value = 35000}, {id = 16162, name = "mycological mace", value = 30000}, {id = 8864, name = "yalahari mask", value = 800000}, {id = 8863, name = "yalahari leg piece", value = 110000}, {id = 8862, name = "yalahari armor", value = 50000}, {id = 9018, name = "firewalker boots", value = 80000}, {id = 9019, name = "firewalker boots", value = 80000}, {id = 9020, name = "worn firewalker boots", value = 80000}, {id = 6530, name = "worn soft boots", value = 100000}, --[[ ERSIK ]]-- {id = 11651, name = "elite draken mail", value = 50000}, {id = 10384, name = "zaoan armor", value = 14000}, {id = 10385, name = "zaoan helmet", value = 30000}, {id = 10386, name = "zaoan shoes", value = 5000}, {id = 10387, name = "zaoan legs", value = 14000}, {id = 4033, name = "draken boots", value = 40000}, {id = 10323, name = "guardian boots", value = 35000}, {id = 10390, name = "zaoan sword", value = 30000}, {id = 11657, name = "twiceslicer", value = 28000}, {id = 10389, name = "sais", value = 16500}, {id = 10388, name = "drakinata", value = 10000}, {id = 10391, name = "drachaku", value = 10000}, {id = 10412, name = "wailing widow's necklace", value = 3000}, --[[ WARZONE ]]-- {id = 5803, name = "arbalest", value = 42000}, {id = 3341, name = "arcane staff", value = 42000}, {id = 11693, name = "blade of corruption", value = 60000}, {id = 7416, name = "bloody edge", value = 30000}, {id = 645, name = "blue legs", value = 15000}, {id = 3295, name = "bright sword", value = 6000}, {id = 6162, name = "ceremonial ankh", value = 20000}, {id = 9394, name = "claw of 'the noxious spawn'", value = 15000}, {id = 3068, name = "crystal wand", value = 10000}, {id = 3387, name = "demon helmet", value = 40000}, {id = 10439, name = "dragon robe", value = 10000}, {id = 3398, name = "dwarven legs", value = 40000}, {id = 9606, name = "egg of the many", value = 15000}, {id = 7453, name = "executioner", value = 55000}, {id = 3249, name = "frozen starlight", value = 20000}, {id = 8041, name = "greenwood coat", value = 50000}, {id = 902, name = "marlin trophy", value = 5000}, {id = 8021, name = "modified crossbow", value = 10000}, {id = 5080, name = "panda teddy", value = 30000}, {id = 7417, name = "runed sword", value = 45000}, {id = 9613, name = "sea serpent trophy", value = 10000}, {id = 8029, name = "silkweaver bow", value = 12000}, {id = 11679, name = "souleater trophy", value = 7500}, {id = 5791, name = "stuffed dragon", value = 6000}, {id = 6527, name = "the avenger", value = 42000}, {id = 8025, name = "the ironworker", value = 50000}, {id = 6103, name = "unholy book", value = 30000}, {id = 8055, name = "windborn colossus armor", value = 50000}, --[[ PRODUCTS ]]-- {id = 5904, name = "magic sulphur", value = 8000}, {id = 5919, name = "dragon claw", value = 300000}, {id = 5809, name = "soul stone", value = 500000}, {id = 5879, name = "spider silk", value = 4000}, {id = 6546, name = "dracola's eye", value = 50000}, {id = 5911, name = "red piece of cloth", value = 20000}, {id = 5885, name = "flask of warrior's sweat", value = 10000}, {id = 6537, name = "mr. punish's handcuffs", value = 50000}, {id = 6540, name = "piece of massacre's shell", value = 50000}, {id = 6525, name = "skeleton decoration", value = 3000}, {id = 5875, name = "sniper gloves", value = 2000}, {id = 5884, name = "spirit container", value = 40000}, {id = 11666, name = "tentacle piece", value = 5000}, {id = 6535, name = "the plasmother's remains", value = 50000}, {id = 6499, name = "demonic essence", value = 1000} } ----------------------------------------------- --[[ DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE ]] -- ----------------------------------------------- CONTAINERS = {COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD = nil, LOCKER_BROWSE_FIELD = nil, CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK = nil, CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK = nil, DEPOT_LOCKER = nil, PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK = nil, EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK = nil, ITEMS_BACKPACK = nil} CASH = {PLATINUM_COIN = 3035, CRYSTAL_COIN = 3043} CASH_ID = {CASH.PLATINUM_COIN, CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN} COUNTER_ID = {2323, 2317, 2318, 2320, 2321, 2343, 2345, 17385, 17389, 17392} LOCKER_ID = {3497, 3498, 3499, 3500} LOCKER = {X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0} COUNTER = {X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0} GAMBLE_OPTION = {LAST = 8, SECOND = 7, FIRST = 6, BJ = 5, EVEN = 4, ODD = 3, HIGH = 2, LOW = 1, NONE = 0, ONE = 10, TWO = 20, THREE = 30, FOUR = 40, FIVE = 50, SIX = 60} PLAYER = {WELCOMED = false, DETECTED = false, BALANCE = 0, OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.NONE, SPOT = {X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0, TURN_G = -1, TURN_L = -1}} TABLE = {NAMES = {}, ITEMS = {}, GAMES = {}, INFO = {}, MIN_MAX = {}, PRICE = {}} FIRST_DECORATION_ITEM_ID = Item.GetID(CONFIG.FIRST_DECORATION_ITEM) SECOND_DECORATION_ITEM_ID = Item.GetID(CONFIG.SECOND_DECORATION_ITEM) WON_BET_ITEM_ID = Item.GetID(CONFIG.WON_BET_ITEM) LOST_BET_ITEM_ID = Item.GetID(CONFIG.LOST_BET_ITEM) THROW_POS = {x = Self.Position().x, y = Self.Position().y, z = Self.Position().z} LOADING_COMPLETED = false COUNTER_INDEX = nil DEPOT_INDEX = nil MAIN_TIME = os.time() BET_TIME = os.time() BET_OPTION = {MIN = 0, MAX = 0, PAYOUT = 0, PROFIT = 0} WORDS = { L = {"l", "low", "123"}, H = {"h", "high", "456"}, O = {"odd", "o", "135"}, E = {"even", "e", "246"}, BJ = {"bj", "blackjack"}, NUM = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"}, FSL = {"first", "second", "last"} } function onSpeak(CZANEL, message) CZANEL:SendYellowMessage("You", message) message = message:lower() local SET, VALUE = message:match("^/([a-z]+) (.+)$") if (SET == "hlmin") then if (VALUE) then BETS.HL_MIN = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Minimum H/L bet is: " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.MIN_MAX_BET.VALUE:SetText("[" .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.HL_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.OE_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.OE_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.BJ_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.BJ_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.NUMBERS_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.NUMBERS_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.FSL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.FSL_MAX / 1000 .. "K].") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "hlmax") then if (VALUE) then BETS.HL_MAX = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Maximum H/L bet is: " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.MIN_MAX_BET.VALUE:SetText("[" .. BETS.HL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.OE_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.OE_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.BJ_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.BJ_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.NUMBERS_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.NUMBERS_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.FSL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.FSL_MAX / 1000 .. "K].") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "oemin") then if (VALUE) then BETS.OE_MIN = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Minimum ODD/EVEN bet is: " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.MIN_MAX_BET.VALUE:SetText("[" .. BETS.HL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.HL_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.OE_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.BJ_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.BJ_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.NUMBERS_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.NUMBERS_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.FSL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.FSL_MAX / 1000 .. "K].") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "oemax") then if (VALUE) then BETS.OE_MAX = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Maximum ODD/EVEN bet is: " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.MIN_MAX_BET.VALUE:SetText("[" .. BETS.HL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.HL_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.OE_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.BJ_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.BJ_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.NUMBERS_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.NUMBERS_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.FSL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.FSL_MAX / 1000 .. "K].") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "bjmin") then if (VALUE) then BETS.BJ_MIN = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Mininum BLACKJACK bet is: " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.MIN_MAX_BET.VALUE:SetText("[" .. BETS.HL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.HL_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.OE_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.OE_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.BJ_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.NUMBERS_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.NUMBERS_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.FSL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.FSL_MAX / 1000 .. "K].") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "bjmax") then if (VALUE) then BETS.BJ_MAX = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Maximum BLACKJACK bet is: " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.MIN_MAX_BET.VALUE:SetText("[" .. BETS.HL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.HL_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.OE_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.OE_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.BJ_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.NUMBERS_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.NUMBERS_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.FSL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.FSL_MAX / 1000 .. "K].") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "nummin") then if (VALUE) then BETS.NUMBERS_MIN = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Minumum NUMBERS bet is: " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.MIN_MAX_BET.VALUE:SetText("[" .. BETS.HL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.HL_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.OE_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.OE_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.BJ_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.BJ_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.NUMBERS_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.FSL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.FSL_MAX / 1000 .. "K].") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "nummax") then if (VALUE) then BETS.NUMBERS_MAX = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Maximum NUMBERS bet is: " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.MIN_MAX_BET.VALUE:SetText("[" .. BETS.HL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.HL_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.OE_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.OE_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.BJ_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.BJ_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.NUMBERS_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.FSL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.FSL_MAX / 1000 .. "K].") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "fslmin") then if (VALUE) then BETS.FSL_MIN = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Minumum F/S/L bet is: " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.MIN_MAX_BET.VALUE:SetText("[" .. BETS.HL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.HL_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.OE_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.OE_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.BJ_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.BJ_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.NUMBERS_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.NUMBERS_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.FSL_MAX / 1000 .. "K].") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "fslmax") then if (VALUE) then BETS.FSL_MAX = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Maximum F/S/L bet is: " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.MIN_MAX_BET.VALUE:SetText("[" .. BETS.HL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.HL_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.OE_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.OE_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.BJ_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.BJ_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.NUMBERS_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.NUMBERS_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.FSL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. VALUE / 1000 .. "K].") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "hlp") then if (VALUE) then BETS.HL_PAYOUT = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Payout H/L is: " .. VALUE .. "%.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.PAYOUTS.VALUE:SetText("" .. VALUE .. " ~ " .. BETS.OE_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.BJ_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.NUMBERS_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.FSL_PAYOUT .. "%") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "oep") then if (VALUE) then BETS.OE_PAYOUT = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Payout H/L is: " .. VALUE .. "%.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.PAYOUTS.VALUE:SetText("" .. BETS.HL_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. VALUE .. " ~ " .. BETS.BJ_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.NUMBERS_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.FSL_PAYOUT .. "%") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "bjp") then if (VALUE) then BETS.BJ_PAYOUT = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Payout H/L is: " .. VALUE .. "%.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.PAYOUTS.VALUE:SetText("" .. BETS.HL_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.OE_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. VALUE .. " ~ " .. BETS.NUMBERS_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.FSL_PAYOUT .. "%") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "nump") then if (VALUE) then BETS.NUMBERS_PAYOUT = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Payout H/L is: " .. VALUE .. "%.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.PAYOUTS.VALUE:SetText("" .. BETS.HL_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.OE_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.BJ_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. VALUE .. " ~ " .. BETS.FSL_PAYOUT .. "%") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "fslp") then if (VALUE) then BETS.FSL_PAYOUT = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Payout H/L is: " .. VALUE .. "%.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.PAYOUTS.VALUE:SetText("" .. BETS.HL_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.OE_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.BJ_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.NUMBERS_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. VALUE .. "%") end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (message == "/hlmode") then if (BETS.HL_MODE) then BETS.HL_MODE= false CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "H/L turned off.") else BETS.HL_MODE = true CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "H/L turned on.") end elseif (message == "/oemode") then if (BETS.OE_MODE) then BETS.OE_MODE= false CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "ODD/EVEN turned off.") else BETS.OE_MODE = true CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "ODD/EVEN turned on.") end elseif (message == "/bjmode") then if (BETS.BJ_MODE) then BETS.BJ_MODE= false CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "BLACKJACK turned off.") else BETS.BJ_MODE = true CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "BLACKJACK turned on.") end elseif (message == "/nummode") then if (BETS.NUMBERS_MODE) then BETS.NUMBERS_MODE= false CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "NUMBERS turned off.") else BETS.NUMBERS_MODE = true CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "NUMBERS turned on.") end elseif (message == "/fslmode") then if (BETS.FSL_MODE) then BETS.FSL_MODE= false CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "F/S/L turned off.") else BETS.FSL_MODE = true CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "F/S/L turned on.") end elseif (SET == "ping") then if (VALUE) then CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Ping is: " .. VALUE .. ".") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.PING_COMPENSATION.VALUE:SetText(tostring(VALUE)) end else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "ptime") then if (VALUE) then CONFIG.PARTY_HAT_TIME = tonumber(VALUE) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "PartyHat exhaust is: " .. VALUE .. ".") else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "counter") then if (VALUE) then COUNTER_INDEX = tonumber(VALUE - 1) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Counter set: " .. VALUE .. ".") else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (SET == "depot") then if (VALUE) then DEPOT_INDEX = tonumber(VALUE - 1) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Depot set: " .. VALUE .. ".") else CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Oppps. Something Wrong!") end elseif (message == "/pause") then LOADING_COMPLETED = false CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Script paused.") elseif (message == "/resume") then LOADING_COMPLETED = true CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Script resumed.") elseif (message == "/start") then if (CONFIG.SERVER == "OTS" and COUNTER_INDEX == nil or DEPOT_INDEX == nil) then CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "You need to setup counter and depot indexes!") else Casino_Start:Start() CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Script starting.") end elseif (message == "/stop") then Casino_Stop() CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Script stopping.") elseif (message == "/ad") then if (CONFIG.SAY_ADVERTISEMENT) then CONFIG.SAY_ADVERTISEMENT = false CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Ads turned off.") else CONFIG.SAY_ADVERTISEMENT = true CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Ads turned on.") end elseif (message == "/party hat") then if (CONFIG.PARTY_HAT) then CONFIG.PARTY_HAT = false CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Party Hat turned off.") else CONFIG.PARTY_HAT = true CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Party Hat turned on.") end if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.USE_PARTY_HAT.VALUE:SetText(tostring(CONFIG.PARTY_HAT)) end elseif (message == "/logs") then if (CONFIG.LOGS) then CONFIG.LOGS = false CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Logs turned off.") else CONFIG.LOGS = true CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Logs turned on.") end if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.WRITE_LOGS.VALUE:SetText(tostring(CONFIG.LOGS)) end elseif (message == "/reset") then if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.BETS.WON.AMOUNT:SetText("0 (0 GP)") HUD.BETS.WON.AMOUNT_RAW = 0 HUD.BETS.WON.AMOUNT_CASH = 0 HUD.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT:SetText("0 (0 GP)") HUD.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT_RAW = 0 HUD.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT_CASH = 0 HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT:SetText("0 (0 GP)") HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT_RAW = 0 HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT_CASH = 0 HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT:SetTextColor(255, 255, 255) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "HUD Cleaned.") end elseif (message == "/help") then commands = {"start", "stop", "hlmin", "hlmax", "oemin", "oemax", "bjmin", "bjmax", "nummin", "nummax", "fslmin", "fslmax", "hlp", "oep", "bjp", "nump", "fslp", "hlmode", "oemode", "bjmode", "nummode", "fslmode", "ping", "ptime", "ad", "party hat", "logs", "reset", "counter", "depot"} CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Available commands:\n/" .. table.concat(commands, "\n/") .. "") end end CZANEL = Channel.Open("[BOT_LOG]", onSpeak, onClose) CZANEL:SendYellowMessage("[BOT]", "Write /help for more info.") if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD = { MAIN_HEADER = HUD.New(10, 25, "" .. Self.Name() .. "'s Casino (" .. getUserName() .. ").", 154, 205, 50), STATISTICS = HUD.New(10, 44, "STATISTICS", 124, 254, 139), BETS = HUD.New(10, 124, "BETS INFO", 124, 254, 139), SETTINGS = HUD.New(10, 188, "SETTINGS", 124, 254, 139), AMOUNT_CASH = { DISPLAY_CRYSTAL = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 60, "Crystal Coins", 199, 199, 199), AMOUNT = HUD.New(140, 60, "0 GP", 255, 255, 255)}, DISPLAY_PLATINUM = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 76, "Platinum Coins", 199, 199, 199), AMOUNT = HUD.New(140, 76, "0 GP", 255, 255, 255)}, DISPLAY_ITEMS = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 92, "Items Value", 199, 199, 199), AMOUNT = HUD.New(140, 92, "0 GP", 255, 255, 255)}, ALL_CASH = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 108, "Whole Money", 199, 199, 199), AMOUNT = HUD.New(140, 108, "0 GP", 255, 255, 255)}}, BETS = { WON = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 140, "Bets Won", 199, 199, 199), AMOUNT = HUD.New(140, 140, "0 (0 GP)", 255, 255, 255), AMOUNT_RAW = 0, AMOUNT_CASH = 0}, LOST = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 156, "Bets Lost", 199, 199, 199), AMOUNT = HUD.New(140, 156, "0 (0 GP)", 255, 255, 255), AMOUNT_RAW = 0, AMOUNT_CASH = 0}, OUTCOME = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 172, "OUTCOME", 254, 215, 0), AMOUNT = HUD.New(140, 172, "0 (0 GP)", 255, 255, 255), AMOUNT_RAW = 0, AMOUNT_CASH = 0}}, PAYOUTS = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 204, "PAYOUTS", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 204, "" .. BETS.HL_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.OE_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.BJ_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.NUMBERS_PAYOUT .. " ~ " .. BETS.FSL_PAYOUT .. "%", 255, 255, 255)}, PING_COMPENSATION = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 220, "PING EXHAUST", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 220, tostring(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION), 255, 255, 255)}, MIN_MAX_BET = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 236, "MIN / MAX BETS", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 236, "[" .. BETS.HL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.HL_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.OE_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.OE_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.BJ_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.BJ_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.NUMBERS_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.NUMBERS_MAX / 1000 .. "K] [" .. BETS.FSL_MIN / 1000 .. "K - " .. BETS.FSL_MAX / 1000 .. "K].", 255, 255, 255)}, USE_PARTY_HAT = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 252, "PARTY HAT STATUS", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 252, tostring(CONFIG.PARTY_HAT), 255, 255, 255)}, WINNING_ITEM = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 268, "WIN ITEM", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 268, CONFIG.WON_BET_ITEM, 255, 255, 255)}, LOSING_ITEM ={ TEXT = HUD.New(10, 284, "LOST ITEM", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 284, CONFIG.LOST_BET_ITEM, 255, 255, 255)}, FIRST_DECORATION_ITEM = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 300, "1ST DECORATION", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 300, CONFIG.FIRST_DECORATION_ITEM, 255, 255, 255)}, SECOND_DECORATION_ITEM = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 316, "2ND DECORATION", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 316, CONFIG.SECOND_DECORATION_ITEM, 255, 255, 255)}, WRITE_LOGS = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 332, "WRITE LOGS", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 332, tostring(CONFIG.LOGS), 255, 255, 255)}, SAVE_TIME = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 348, "SERVER SAVE TIME", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 348, CONFIG.SERVER_SAVE_TIME, 255, 255, 255)}, MAIN_TIME = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 364, "RUNNING TIME", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 364, "00:00:00", 255, 255, 255)}, BET_TIME = { TEXT = HUD.New(10, 380, "LAST BET", 199, 199, 199), VALUE = HUD.New(140, 380, "00:00:00", 255, 255, 255)} } end function Casino_UpdateHUD(TYPE, DOLCE) if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then if (TYPE == "LOST") then HUD.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT_RAW = HUD.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT_RAW + 1 HUD.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT_CASH = HUD.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT_CASH + DOLCE HUD.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT:SetText(tostring(HUD.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT_RAW) .. " (" .. tostring(HUD.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT_CASH) .. "K)") HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT_RAW = HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT_RAW + 1 end if (TYPE == "WON") then HUD.BETS.WON.AMOUNT_RAW = HUD.BETS.WON.AMOUNT_RAW + 1 HUD.BETS.WON.AMOUNT_CASH = HUD.BETS.WON.AMOUNT_CASH + DOLCE HUD.BETS.WON.AMOUNT:SetText(tostring(HUD.BETS.WON.AMOUNT_RAW) .. " (" .. tostring(HUD.BETS.WON.AMOUNT_CASH) .. "K)") HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT_RAW = HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT_RAW + 1 end OUTCOME = HUD.BETS.WON.AMOUNT_CASH - HUD.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT_CASH if (OUTCOME > 0) then HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT:SetTextColor(106, 141, 34) elseif (OUTCOME == 0) then HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT:SetTextColor(255, 255, 255) else HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT:SetTextColor(177, 33, 33) end HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT:SetText(tostring(HUD.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT_RAW) .. " (" .. tostring(OUTCOME) .. "K)") HUD.AMOUNT_CASH.DISPLAY_CRYSTAL.AMOUNT:SetText(tonumber(Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN) / 1000) .. "K") HUD.AMOUNT_CASH.DISPLAY_PLATINUM.AMOUNT:SetText(tonumber((Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) + Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN)) / 1000) .. "K") HUD.AMOUNT_CASH.DISPLAY_ITEMS.AMOUNT:SetText(tonumber(Casino_GetValueOfItems(CONTAINERS.ITEMS_BACKPACK) / 1000) .. "K") HUD.AMOUNT_CASH.ALL_CASH.AMOUNT:SetText(tonumber((Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN) + Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) + Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) + Casino_GetValueOfItems(CONTAINERS.ITEMS_BACKPACK)) / 1000) .. "K") end end function Casino_Normal(ROLLED_NUMBER, OPTION) if (OPTION ~= GAMBLE_OPTION.NONE and ROLLED_NUMBER) then local WON, SAID = false, false repeat wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) Self.Say("".. ROLL_MSG .. " " .. ROLLED_NUMBER .. ".") SAID = true until SAID CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Script Rolled: " .. ROLLED_NUMBER .. ".") if (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.LOW) then if (ROLLED_NUMBER >= 1 and ROLLED_NUMBER <= 3) then WON = true end elseif (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.HIGH) then if (ROLLED_NUMBER >= 4 and ROLLED_NUMBER <= 6) then WON = true end elseif (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.ODD) then if (table.contains(({1, 3, 5}), ROLLED_NUMBER)) then WON = true end elseif (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.EVEN) then if (table.contains(({2, 4, 6}), ROLLED_NUMBER)) then WON = true end elseif (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.ONE) then if (ROLLED_NUMBER == 1) then WON = true end elseif (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.TWO) then if (ROLLED_NUMBER == 2) then WON = true end elseif (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.THREE) then if (ROLLED_NUMBER == 3) then WON = true end elseif (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.FOUR) then if (ROLLED_NUMBER == 4) then WON = true end elseif (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.FIVE) then if (ROLLED_NUMBER == 5) then WON = true end elseif (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.SIX) then if (ROLLED_NUMBER == 6) then WON = true end end if (WON) then Casino_PlayerWon() else Casino_PlayerLose() end end end function Casino_BlackJack(OPTION) if (OPTION ~= GAMBLE_OPTION.NONE) then local MY_NUM, G_NUM, WON = 0, 0, 0 for i = 1, 5 do G_NUM = G_NUM + Casino_RollRandom() MY_NUM = MY_NUM + Casino_RollRandom() end CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Script Rolled BJ Numbers: " .. MY_NUM .. " and " .. G_NUM .. ".") if (MY_NUM > 21 and G_NUM > 21) then WON = 3 --[[OVER]]-- elseif (MY_NUM == G_NUM) then BET_OPTION.PAYOUT = 0 WON = 2 --[[TIE]]-- elseif (G_NUM == 21 or (MY_NUM <= G_NUM and MY_NUM ~= 21 and G_NUM <= 21)) then WON = 1 elseif (G_NUM <= 21 and (MY_NUM < G_NUM)) then WON = 1 else WON = 0 end if (WON == 1) then Casino_PlayerWon() Casino_BJ_MSG(BJ_WON, (PLAYER.BALANCE + (BET_OPTION.PAYOUT * PLAYER.BALANCE / 100)) / 1000, G_NUM, MY_NUM) elseif (WON == 2) then Casino_PlayerWon(true) Casino_BJ_MSG(BJ_TIE, PLAYER.BALANCE / 1000, G_NUM, MY_NUM) elseif (WON == 3) then Casino_PlayerLose() Casino_BJ_MSG(BJ_OVER, PLAYER.BALANCE / 1000, G_NUM, MY_NUM) else Casino_PlayerLose() Casino_BJ_MSG(BJ_LOSE, PLAYER.BALANCE / 1000, G_NUM, MY_NUM) end end end function Casino_BJ_MSG(TABLE, MONEY, G_NUM, MY_NUM) replacements = { ["|GAMBLER|"] = G_NUM, ["|PLAYER|"] = MY_NUM, ["|MONEY|"] = MONEY } tmp = string.gsub(tostring(TABLE[math.random(1, table.getn(TABLE))]), "|%a+|", function (str) return replacements [str] or str end) local SAID = false repeat wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) Self.Say(tmp) SAID = true until SAID end function Casino_FirstSecondLast(OPTION) if (OPTION ~= GAMBLE_OPTION.NONE) then local FIRST, SECOND, WON, SAID = 0, 0, false, false FIRST, SECOND = Casino_RollRandom(), Casino_RollRandom() repeat wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) Self.Say("Numbers: " .. FIRST .. " and " .. SECOND .. ".") SAID = true until SAID CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Script Rolled Numbers: " .. FIRST .. " and " .. SECOND .. ".") if (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.FIRST) then if (FIRST == 1 and SECOND == 2) then WON = true end elseif (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.SECOND) then if (FIRST == 3 and SECOND == 4) then WON = true end elseif (OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.LAST) then if (FIRST == 5 and SECOND == 6) then WON = true end end if (WON) then Casino_PlayerWon() else Casino_PlayerLose() end end end function Casino_GetDirection(TYPE, X, Y, DIR) if (TYPE == "GAMBLER") then if (DIR ~= PLAYER.SPOT.TURN_G) then Self.Turn(PLAYER.SPOT.TURN_G) Casino_Messages(MSGW) PLAYER.WELCOMED = true end elseif (TYPE == "LOCKER") then if (DIR ~= PLAYER.SPOT.TURN_L) then Self.Turn(PLAYER.SPOT.TURN_L) PLAYER.WELCOMED = false end end end function Casino_Messages(TBL) for name, creature in Creature.iPlayers(2) do if (creature:Position().x == PLAYER.SPOT.X and creature:Position().y == PLAYER.SPOT.Y and creature:Position().z == PLAYER.SPOT.Z) then if (CONFIG.CUSTOM_MESSAGES and not PLAYER.WELCOMED and not table.contains(TABLE.NAMES, name)) then tmp = string.gsub(tostring(WELCOME[math.random(1, table.getn(WELCOME))]), "|GAMBLER|", name) Self.Say(tmp) table.insert(TABLE.NAMES, name) end end end end function Casino_GetValueOfItems(CONTAINER) local tmp = 0 for i = 1, #ITEMS do tmp = tmp + CONTAINER:CountItemsOfID(ITEMS[i].id) * ITEMS[i].value end return tmp end function Casino_MoveExtra(FROM, TO) for SPOT = FROM:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local tmp = FROM:GetItemData(SPOT) if ( == CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) then FROM:MoveItemToContainer(SPOT, TO:Index(), TO:ItemCapacity() - 1) break end end end function Casino_MoveMoney(FROM, TO) while (Casino_CountMoney(FROM, "all") > 0) do for SPOT = FROM:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local tmp = FROM:GetItemData(SPOT) if (table.contains(CASH_ID, then if (TO:Name() == "Browse Field") then FROM:MoveItemToGround(SPOT, COUNTER.X, COUNTER.Y, COUNTER.Z, tmp.count) else FROM:MoveItemToContainer(SPOT, TO:Index(), TO:ItemCapacity() - 1) end end end end end function Casino_SortMoney() while (Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK, "all") > 0) do for SPOT = CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK:ItemCount() - 1, 0, - 1 do local tmp = CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK:GetItemData(SPOT) if ( == CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) then if (CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:isFull()) then CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK:MoveItemToContainer(SPOT, CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:Index(), CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:ItemCapacity() - 1) else CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK:MoveItemToContainer(SPOT, CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:Index(), CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:ItemCapacity() - 1) end elseif ( == CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN) then CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK:MoveItemToContainer(SPOT, CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK:Index(), CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK:ItemCapacity() - 1) end end end end function Casino_MoveItems(FROM, TO) while (Casino_GetValueOfItems(FROM) > 0) do for SPOT = FROM:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local tmp = FROM:GetItemData(SPOT) if (CONTAINERS.ITEMS_BACKPACK:isFull()) then CONTAINERS.ITEMS_BACKPACK:UseItem(CONTAINERS.ITEMS_BACKPACK:ItemCapacity() - 1, true) end for i = 1, #ITEMS do if ( == ITEMS[i].id) then if (TO:Name() == "Browse Field") then FROM:MoveItemToGround(SPOT, COUNTER.X, COUNTER.Y, COUNTER.Z, tmp.count) else FROM:MoveItemToContainer(SPOT, TO:Index(), TO:ItemCapacity() - 1) end end end end end end function Casino_MoveWonPlatinum(FROM, AMOUNT) for SPOT = FROM:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local tmp = FROM:GetItemData(SPOT) if ( == CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) then local MOVED = 0 while (MOVED == 0) do MOVED = FROM:MoveItemToGround(SPOT, COUNTER.X, COUNTER.Y, COUNTER.Z, AMOUNT) end break end end end function Casino_MoveWonCrystal(FROM, AMOUNT) for SPOT = FROM:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local tmp = FROM:GetItemData(SPOT) if ( == CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN) then local MOVED = 0 while (MOVED == 0) do MOVED = FROM:MoveItemToGround(SPOT, COUNTER.X, COUNTER.Y, COUNTER.Z, AMOUNT) end break end end end function Casino_Decorations() if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then if (FIRST_DECORATION_ITEM_ID > 0) then if (CONTAINERS.LOCKER_BROWSE_FIELD:CountItemsOfID(FIRST_DECORATION_ITEM_ID) < 1) then if (CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:CountItemsOfID(FIRST_DECORATION_ITEM_ID) > 0) then for FirstItem = CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do if (FIRST_DECORATION_ITEM_ID == CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:GetItemData(FirstItem).id) then wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 5) CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:MoveItemToGround(FirstItem, LOCKER.X, LOCKER.Y, LOCKER.Z) wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 5) end end end end end if (SECOND_DECORATION_ITEM_ID > 0) then if (CONTAINERS.LOCKER_BROWSE_FIELD:CountItemsOfID(SECOND_DECORATION_ITEM_ID) < 1) then if (CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:CountItemsOfID(SECOND_DECORATION_ITEM_ID) > 0) then for SecondItem = CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do if (SECOND_DECORATION_ITEM_ID == CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:GetItemData(SecondItem).id) then wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 5) CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:MoveItemToGround(SecondItem, LOCKER.X, LOCKER.Y, LOCKER.Z) wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 5) end end end end end end end function Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINER, ID) local tmp = 0 if (type(ID) == "string") then tmp = tmp + (CONTAINER:CountItemsOfID(CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN) * 10000) tmp = tmp + (CONTAINER:CountItemsOfID(CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) * 100) else if (ID == CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN) then tmp = tmp + (CONTAINER:CountItemsOfID(CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN) * 10000) elseif (ID == CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) then tmp = tmp + (CONTAINER:CountItemsOfID(CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) * 100) end end return tmp end function Casino_PlayerWon(TIE) local MONEY, PL_A, CC_A, HUD = PLAYER.BALANCE + (BET_OPTION.PAYOUT * PLAYER.BALANCE / 100), 0, 0, 0, 0 if (MONEY > 0) then while (MONEY >= 10000) do CC_A = CC_A + 1 MONEY = MONEY - 10000 end while (MONEY >= 100) do PL_A = PL_A + 1 MONEY = MONEY - 100 end end if (PL_A > 0) then Casino_MoveWonPlatinum(CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, PL_A) end if (CC_A > 0) then Casino_MoveWonCrystal(CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK, CC_A) end HUD = (PL_A * 100 + CC_A * 10000) Casino_UseItem(WON_BET_ITEM_ID, CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Player Won: " .. HUD / 1000 .. "K.") doWriteLog("Player Won: " .. HUD / 1000 .. "K.\nYour Balance is " .. ((Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN) + Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) + Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) + Casino_GetValueOfItems(CONTAINERS.ITEMS_BACKPACK)) / 1000) .. "K\n") if (CONFIG.CUSTOM_MESSAGES and math.random(4) < CONFIG.CUSTOM_MESSAGES_RAND and PLAYER.OPTION ~= GAMBLE_OPTION.BJ) then tmp = string.gsub(tostring(WIN[math.random(1, table.getn(WIN))]), "|MONEY|", HUD / 1000) Self.Say(tmp) end PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.NONE TIE = TIE or false if (not TIE) then Casino_UpdateHUD("LOST", (HUD - PLAYER.BALANCE) / 1000) BET_OPTION.PROFIT = BET_OPTION.PROFIT + (HUD - PLAYER.BALANCE) end end function Casino_PlayerLose() Casino_UseItem(LOST_BET_ITEM_ID, CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER) CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Player Lost: " .. PLAYER.BALANCE / 1000 .. "K.") BET_OPTION.PROFIT = BET_OPTION.PROFIT - PLAYER.BALANCE doWriteLog("Player Lost: " .. PLAYER.BALANCE / 1000 .. "K.\nYour Balance is " .. ((Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN) + Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) + Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) + Casino_GetValueOfItems(CONTAINERS.ITEMS_BACKPACK)) / 1000) .. "K\n") if (CONFIG.CUSTOM_MESSAGES and math.random(4) < CONFIG.CUSTOM_MESSAGES_RAND and PLAYER.OPTION ~= GAMBLE_OPTION.BJ) then tmp = string.gsub(tostring(LOSE[math.random(1, table.getn(LOSE))]), "|MONEY|", PLAYER.BALANCE / 1000) Self.Say(tmp) end PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.NONE Casino_UpdateHUD("WON", PLAYER.BALANCE / 1000) end function Casino_UseItem(ITEM, CONTAINER) if (ITEM > 0) then for SPOT = CONTAINER:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local tmp = CONTAINER:GetItemData(SPOT) if ( == ITEM) then local USED = 0 while (USED == 0) do wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) USED = CONTAINER:UseItem(SPOT, true) wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) end end end end end function Casino_GetPositions() local POS = Self.Position() for x = -1, 1 do for y = -1, 1 do if (table.contains(LOCKER_ID, Map.GetTopUseItem(POS.x + x, POS.y + y, POS.z).id)) then LOCKER.X = POS.x + x LOCKER.Y = POS.y + y LOCKER.Z = POS.z break end end end for x = -1, 1 do for y = -1, 1 do if (table.contains(COUNTER_ID, Map.GetTopUseItem(POS.x + x, POS.y + y, POS.z).id)) then COUNTER.X = POS.x + x COUNTER.Y = POS.y + y COUNTER.Z = POS.z break end end end if (POS.x + 1 == LOCKER.X or POS.x - 1 == LOCKER.X) and POS.y + 1 == COUNTER.Y then PLAYER.SPOT = {X = POS.x, Y = POS.y + 2, Z = POS.z, TURN_G = SOUTH} elseif (POS.x + 1 == LOCKER.X or POS.x - 1 == LOCKER.X) and POS.y - 1 == COUNTER.Y then PLAYER.SPOT = {X = POS.x, Y = POS.y - 2, Z = POS.z, TURN_G = NORTH} elseif (POS.y + 1 == LOCKER.Y or POS.y - 1 == LOCKER.Y) and POS.x + 1 == COUNTER.X then PLAYER.SPOT = {X = POS.x + 2, Y = POS.y, Z = POS.z, TURN_G = EAST} elseif (POS.y + 1 == LOCKER.Y or POS.y - 1 == LOCKER.Y) and POS.x - 1 == COUNTER.X then PLAYER.SPOT = {X = POS.x - 2, Y = POS.y, Z = POS.z, TURN_G = WEST} end PLAYER.SPOT.TURN_L = Self.LookDirection() local POSITIONS = { {x = PLAYER.SPOT.X - 1, y = PLAYER.SPOT.Y, z = PLAYER.SPOT.Z}, {x = PLAYER.SPOT.X + 1, y = PLAYER.SPOT.Y, z = PLAYER.SPOT.Z}, {x = PLAYER.SPOT.X, y = PLAYER.SPOT.Y - 1, z = PLAYER.SPOT.Z}, {x = PLAYER.SPOT.X, y = PLAYER.SPOT.Y + 1, z = PLAYER.SPOT.Z} } for i = 1, #POSITIONS do if (table.contains(LOCKER_ID, Map.GetTopUseItem(POSITIONS[i].x, POSITIONS[i].y, POSITIONS[i].z).id)) then THROW_POS = ({x = POSITIONS[i].x, y = POSITIONS[i].y, z = POSITIONS[i].z}) break end end CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Locker Position: {x = " .. LOCKER.X .. ", y = " .. LOCKER.Y .. ", z = " .. LOCKER.Z .. "}") CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Counter Position: {x = " .. COUNTER.X .. ", y = " .. COUNTER.Y .. ", z = " .. COUNTER.Z .. "}") CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Gambler Position: {x = " .. PLAYER.SPOT.X .. ", y = " .. PLAYER.SPOT.Y .. ", z = " .. PLAYER.SPOT.Z .. "}") CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "Throw Position: {x = " .. THROW_POS.x .. ", y = " .. THROW_POS.y .. ", z = " .. THROW_POS.z .. "}") end function doWriteLog(TEXT) if (CONFIG.LOGS) then PATH = "../" .. Self.Name() .. " - [" .. getUserName() .. "] Casino.txt" F =, "a+") if(not F) then return false end F:write("[" .."%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") .. "] " .. TEXT .. "\n") F:close() end end function Casino_PickupItems(ID, FROM, TO) if (ID > 0) then for SPOT = FROM:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local tmp = FROM:GetItemData(SPOT) if (ID == then local PICKED = 0 while (PICKED == 0) do wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 6) PICKED = FROM:MoveItemToContainer(SPOT, TO:Index(), TO:ItemCapacity() - 1) wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 6) end end end end end function Casino_AntiIdle() local TRUN, LD = 0, Self.LookDirection() if (LD < 2) then TURN = LD + 1 else TURN = LD - 1 end return TURN end function Casino_FormatValue(n) local left, num, right = string.match(n,"^([^%d]*%d)(%d*)(.-)$") return left .. (num:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)","%1,"):reverse()) .. right end function Casino_Stop() if (CONFIG.SS_EXIT) then screenshot("" .. Self.Name() .. " Casino " .."%d.%m.%Y %H'%M'%S") .. "") end Casino_PickupItems(FIRST_DECORATION_ITEM_ID, CONTAINERS.LOCKER_BROWSE_FIELD, CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER) Casino_PickupItems(SECOND_DECORATION_ITEM_ID, CONTAINERS.LOCKER_BROWSE_FIELD, CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER) for i = 0, 15 do Container.New(i):Close() end LOADING_COMPLETED = false Casino_Start:Stop() end function Casino_InfoMessages(TABLE) replacements = { ["|SELF|"] = Self.Name(), ["|HLMIN|"] = BETS.HL_MIN / 1000, ["|HLMAX|"] = BETS.HL_MAX / 1000, ["|OEMIN|"] = BETS.OE_MIN / 1000, ["|OEMAX|"] = BETS.OE_MAX / 1000, ["|BJMIN|"] = BETS.BJ_MIN / 1000, ["|BJMAX|"] = BETS.BJ_MAX / 1000, ["|NUMBERSMIN|"] = BETS.NUMBERS_MIN / 1000, ["|NUMBERSMAX|"] = BETS.NUMBERS_MAX / 1000, ["|FSLMIN|"] = BETS.FSL_MIN / 1000, ["|FSLMAX|"] = BETS.FSL_MAX / 1000, ["|MIN|"] = BET_OPTION.MIN / 1000, ["|MAX|"] = BET_OPTION.MAX / 1000, ["|HLP|"] = BETS.HL_PAYOUT, ["|OEP|"] = BETS.OE_PAYOUT, ["|BJP|"] = BETS.BJ_PAYOUT, ["|NUMBERSP|"] = BETS.NUMBERS_PAYOUT, ["|FSLP|"] = BETS.FSL_PAYOUT } if (CONFIG.INFO_MESSAGES) then tmp = string.gsub(tostring(TABLE[math.random(1, table.getn(TABLE))]), "|%a+|", function (str) return replacements [str] or str end) return tmp end end function Casino_RollRandom() return math.random(6) end Casino_GetHours = function(t, c) local seconds = (c) and os.difftime(os.time(), t) or t return (math.floor(os.difftime(os.time(), t) / 3600)) end Casino_GetMinutes = function(t, c) local seconds = (c) and os.difftime(os.time(), t) or t return math.floor((seconds - (Casino_GetHours(t, c) * 3600)) / 60) end Casino_GetSeconds = function(t, c) local seconds = (c) and os.difftime(os.time(), t) or t return math.floor(seconds - (Casino_GetHours(t, c) * 3600) - (Casino_GetMinutes(t, c) * 60)) end Casino_GetTime = function(t, current) local c = current or true return string.format("%02.f", Casino_GetHours(t, c))..':'..string.format("%02.f", Casino_GetMinutes(t, c))..':'..string.format("%02.f", Casino_GetSeconds(t, c)) end function getArticle(str) return string.sub(str:reverse(), str:len()) end function setArticle(str) if (table.contains(({"a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "y"}), getArticle(str))) then return "an " .. str .. "" elseif (string.sub(str, 1, 4) == "the ") then return "" .. str .. "" else return "a " .. str .. "" end end function mTable(t1, t2) tmp = {} for k, v in pairs(t1) do table.insert(tmp, v) end for k, v in pairs(t2) do table.insert(tmp, v) end return tmp end function Casino_GetProfit(tbl) if (tbl > 0) then Self.Say("Your profit is " .. Casino_FormatValue(tbl) .. " GP in this session!") elseif (tbl < 0) then Self.Say("aKAOksokAOSKaoskAOSK! You lose " .. Casino_FormatValue(math.abs(tbl)) .. " GP in this session!") else Self.Say("C'mon play with me! Don't be shy.") end end function Casino_SafeBet(data) tmp = false local FORMULA, PL_A, CC_A, CC, PL = PLAYER.BALANCE + (BET_OPTION.PAYOUT * PLAYER.BALANCE / 100), 0, 0, Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN), Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) while (FORMULA >= 10000) do CC_A = CC_A + 1 FORMULA = FORMULA - 10000 end while (FORMULA >= 100) do PL_A = PL_A + 1 FORMULA = FORMULA - 100 end if ((CC_A * 10000 - CC) > Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD, CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN) or (PL_A * 100 - PL) > Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN)) then if (not table.contains(TABLE.MIN_MAX, data)) then table.insert(TABLE.MIN_MAX, data) Self.Say(NOT_ENOUGH_GOLD) end tmp = true PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.NONE end return tmp end Casino_Start = Module("Casino_PROJECT: MAIN MODULE", function(moduleObject) if (#Container.GetAll() ~= 8) then for i = 0, 15 do closeContainer(i) end Client.HideEquipment() Casino_GetPositions() if Self.BrowseField(COUNTER.X, COUNTER.Y, COUNTER.Z) then wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 4) if (CONFIG.SERVER == "OTS") then CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD = Container.New(COUNTER_INDEX) else CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD = Container.New(0) end end if Self.BrowseField(LOCKER.X, LOCKER.Y, LOCKER.Z) then wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 4) if (CONFIG.SERVER == "OTS") then CONTAINERS.LOCKER_BROWSE_FIELD = Container.New(DEPOT_INDEX) else CONTAINERS.LOCKER_BROWSE_FIELD = Container.New(1) end end CONTAINERS.LOCKER_BROWSE_FIELD:UseItem(0, false) wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 4) if (CONFIG.SERVER == "OTS") then CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER = Container.New(0) else CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER = Container.New(2) end CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:UseItem(0, true) wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 4) CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:OpenChildren({CONFIG.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK, true}) if (CONFIG.SERVER == "OTS") then CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK = Container.New(1) else CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK = Container.New(3) end wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 4) CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:OpenChildren({CONFIG.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK, true}) if (CONFIG.SERVER == "OTS") then CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK = Container.New(2) else CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK = Container.New(4) end wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 4) CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:OpenChildren({CONFIG.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, true}) if (CONFIG.SERVER == "OTS") then CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK = Container.New(3) else CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK = Container.New(5) end wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 4) CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:OpenChildren({CONFIG.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, true}) if (CONFIG.SERVER == "OTS") then CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK = Container.New(4) else CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK = Container.New(6) end wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 4) CONTAINERS.DEPOT_LOCKER:OpenChildren({CONFIG.ITEMS_BACKPACK, true}) if (CONFIG.SERVER == "OTS") then CONTAINERS.ITEMS_BACKPACK = Container.New(5) else CONTAINERS.ITEMS_BACKPACK = Container.New(7) end wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION * 4) if (#Container.GetAll() >= 8 and not LOADING_COMPLETED) then LOADING_COMPLETED = true for i = 1, #ITEMS do table.insert(TABLE.ITEMS, ITEMS[i].id) end Casino_Decorations() Casino_UpdateHUD() end end end, false) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: TURN_TO_GAMBLER", function(moduleObject) local POS, LD = Self.Position(), Self.LookDirection() if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then PLAYER.DETECTED = false for name, creature in Creature.iPlayers(2) do if (creature:Position().x == PLAYER.SPOT.X and creature:Position().y == PLAYER.SPOT.Y and creature:Position().z == PLAYER.SPOT.Z) then PLAYER.DETECTED = true end end if (PLAYER.DETECTED) then Casino_GetDirection("GAMBLER", POS.x, POS.y, LD) else Casino_GetDirection("LOCKER", POS.x, POS.y, LD) end end moduleObject:Delay(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) end) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: Extra Backpacks", function(moduleObject) if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then if (CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:isFull() or CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:isEmpty()) then CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:UseItem(CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:ItemCapacity() - 1, true) end if (CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:EmptySlots() < 7) then Casino_MoveExtra(CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK) elseif (CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:EmptySlots() > 7 and Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) > 0) then Casino_MoveExtra(CONTAINERS.EXTRA_PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK) end end moduleObject:Delay(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) end) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: PARTY_HAT", function(moduleObject) if (CONFIG.PARTY_HAT) then if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then if (not PLAYER.DETECTED) then if (Self.Head().id == Item.GetID("party hat")) then Self.UseItemFromEquipment("head") end end end end moduleObject:Delay(CONFIG.PARTY_HAT_TIME * 1000) end) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: RESTACK MONEY", function(moduleObject) if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then if (CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:ItemCount() > 1) then for SPOT = CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do if (SPOT ~= 0) then local tmp = CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:GetItemData(SPOT) if (tmp.count < 100) then CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:MoveItemToContainer(SPOT, CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK:Index()) wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) end end end end if(CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK:ItemCount() > 1) then for SPOT = CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do if (SPOT ~= 0) then local tmp = CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK:GetItemData(SPOT) if(tmp.count < 100) then CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK:MoveItemToContainer(SPOT, CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK:Index()) wait(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) end end end end end moduleObject:Delay(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) end) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: NORMAL BROADCASTER", function(moduleObject) if (CONFIG.SAY_ADVERTISEMENT) then if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then if (not PLAYER.DETECTED) then Self.Say(Casino_InfoMessages(AD_SAY_MSG)) end end end moduleObject:Delay(CONFIG.SAY_TIME * 1000) end) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: YELL BROADCASTER", function(moduleObject) if (CONFIG.YELL_ADVERTISEMENT) then if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then if (not PLAYER.DETECTED) then Self.Yell(Casino_InfoMessages(AD_YELL_MSG)) end end end moduleObject:Delay(CONFIG.YELL_TIME * 1000) end) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: ANTI-TRASHER", function(moduleObject) if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then for SPOT = CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local tmp = CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD:GetItemData(SPOT) if not table.contains(CASH_ID, and not table.contains(TABLE.ITEMS, then Map.MoveItem(COUNTER.X, COUNTER.Y, THROW_POS.x, THROW_POS.y) end end for SPOT = CONTAINERS.LOCKER_BROWSE_FIELD:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local tmp = CONTAINERS.LOCKER_BROWSE_FIELD:GetItemData(SPOT) if not table.contains(LOCKER_ID, and not table.contains(({FIRST_DECORATION_ITEM_ID, SECOND_DECORATION_ITEM_ID}), then Map.MoveItem(LOCKER.X, LOCKER.Y, THROW_POS.x, THROW_POS.y) end end end moduleObject:Delay(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) end) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: CLEAN_TABLE", function(moduleObject) if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then table.remove(TABLE.NAMES, 1) table.remove(TABLE.INFO, 1) table.remove(TABLE.GAMES, 1) table.remove(TABLE.MIN_MAX, 1) table.remove(TABLE.PRICE, 1) end moduleObject:Delay(5 * 1000) end) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: PICK_WHEN_SS", function(moduleObject) if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then if ("%H:%M") == CONFIG.SERVER_SAVE_TIME) then Casino_Stop() end end moduleObject:Delay(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) end) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: ANTI-IDLE", function(moduleObject) if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then if (PLAYER.OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.NONE) then Self.Turn(Casino_AntiIdle()) end end moduleObject:Delay(CONFIG.ANTI_IDLE_TIME * 60 * 1000) end) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: SAFE_LOGOUT", function(moduleObject) if (LOADING_COMPLETED) then if (CONFIG.SAFE_EXIT and (Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.CRYSTAL_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.CRYSTAL_COIN) / 10000 < CONFIG.AMOUNT_CC_TO_EXIT or Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.PLATINUM_COINS_BACKPACK, CASH.PLATINUM_COIN) / 100 < CONFIG.AMOUNT_PL_TO_EXIT)) then Casino_Stop() end end moduleObject:Delay(CONFIG.PING_COMPENSATION) end) Module.New("Casino_PROJECT: SET_TIME_TICKS", function(moduleObject) if (CONFIG.SHOW_HUD) then HUD.MAIN_TIME.VALUE:SetText(Casino_GetTime(MAIN_TIME)) HUD.BET_TIME.VALUE:SetText(Casino_GetTime(BET_TIME)) end moduleObject:Delay(500) end) Signal.OnReceive("SignalListener", function(signal, data) for name, creature in Creature.iPlayers(2) do if (LOADING_COMPLETED and name == data.creature and creature:Position().x == PLAYER.SPOT.X and creature:Position().y == PLAYER.SPOT.Y and creature:Position().z == PLAYER.SPOT.Z) then local MSG = data.message:lower() if (table.contains((mTable(WORDS.L, WORDS.L)), MSG) and not BETS.HL_MODE or table.contains((mTable(WORDS.O, WORDS.E)), MSG) and not BETS.OE_MODE or table.contains((WORDS.NUM), MSG) and not BETS.NUMBERS_MODE or table.contains((WORDS.BJ), MSG) and not BETS.BJ_MODE or table.contains((WORDS.FSL), MSG) and not BETS.FSL_MODE) then Self.Say("I'm sorry but this game is disabled right now.") return false end if (table.contains((WORDS.L), MSG)) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.LOW elseif (table.contains((WORDS.H), MSG)) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.HIGH end if (table.contains((WORDS.O), MSG)) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.ODD elseif (table.contains((WORDS.E), MSG)) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.EVEN end if (MSG == WORDS.NUM[1]) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.ONE elseif (MSG == WORDS.NUM[2]) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.TWO elseif (MSG == WORDS.NUM[3]) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.THREE elseif (MSG == WORDS.NUM[4]) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.FOUR elseif (MSG == WORDS.NUM[5]) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.FIVE elseif (MSG == WORDS.NUM[6]) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.SIX end if (table.contains((WORDS.NUM), MSG)) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.BJ end if (MSG == WORDS.FSL[1]) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.FIRST elseif (MSG == WORDS.FSL[2]) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.SECOND elseif (MSG == WORDS.FSL[3]) then PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.LAST end for i = 1, #ITEMS do if (not table.contains(TABLE.PRICE, data.creature) and MSG == "price " .. ITEMS[i].name .. "") then table.insert(TABLE.PRICE, data.creature) Self.Say("I accept " .. setArticle(ITEMS[i].name) .. " as bet for " .. Casino_FormatValue(ITEMS[i].value) .. " GP.") end end if (MSG == "info" and not table.contains(TABLE.INFO, data.creature)) then table.insert(TABLE.INFO, data.creature) Self.Say(Casino_InfoMessages(INFO_MSG)) elseif (table.contains(({"min", "max", "bid"}), MSG) and not table.contains(TABLE.MIN_MAX, data.creature)) then table.insert(TABLE.MIN_MAX, data.creature) Self.Say(Casino_InfoMessages(ADVANCED_MIN_MAX)) elseif (MSG == "profit" and not table.contains(TABLE.INFO, data.creature)) then table.insert(TABLE.INFO, data.creature) Casino_GetProfit(BET_OPTION.PROFIT) elseif (MSG == "games" and not table.contains(TABLE.GAMES, data.creature)) then table.insert(TABLE.GAMES, data.creature) Self.Say(Casino_InfoMessages(GAMES_MSG)) elseif (MSG == "counter" and not table.contains(TABLE.INFO, data.creature)) then COUNTER_MONEY = Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD, "all") + Casino_GetValueOfItems(CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD) if (COUNTER_MONEY) > 0 then table.insert(TABLE.INFO, data.creature) Self.Say("The value of items on counter is " .. Casino_FormatValue(COUNTER_MONEY) .. " GP.") end end if (table.contains(({GAMBLE_OPTION.ONE, GAMBLE_OPTION.TWO, GAMBLE_OPTION.THREE, GAMBLE_OPTION.FOUR, GAMBLE_OPTION.FIVE, GAMBLE_OPTION.SIX}), PLAYER.OPTION)) then BET_OPTION.PAYOUT = BETS.NUMBERS_PAYOUT BET_OPTION.MIN = BETS.NUMBERS_MIN BET_OPTION.MAX = BETS.NUMBERS_MAX elseif (PLAYER.OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.BJ) then BET_OPTION.PAYOUT = BETS.BJ_PAYOUT BET_OPTION.MIN = BETS.BJ_MIN BET_OPTION.MAX = BETS.BJ_MAX elseif (table.contains(({GAMBLE_OPTION.LOW, GAMBLE_OPTION.HIGH}), PLAYER.OPTION)) then BET_OPTION.PAYOUT = BETS.HL_PAYOUT BET_OPTION.MIN = BETS.HL_MIN BET_OPTION.MAX = BETS.HL_MAX elseif (table.contains(({GAMBLE_OPTION.ODD, GAMBLE_OPTION.EVEN}), PLAYER.OPTION)) then BET_OPTION.PAYOUT = BETS.OE_PAYOUT BET_OPTION.MIN = BETS.OE_MIN BET_OPTION.MAX = BETS.OE_MAX elseif (table.contains(({GAMBLE_OPTION.FIRST, GAMBLE_OPTION.SECOND, GAMBLE_OPTION.LAST}), PLAYER.OPTION)) then BET_OPTION.PAYOUT = BETS.FSL_PAYOUT BET_OPTION.MIN = BETS.FSL_MIN BET_OPTION.MAX = BETS.FSL_MAX end if (PLAYER.OPTION ~= GAMBLE_OPTION.NONE) then PLAYER.BALANCE = Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD, "all") + Casino_GetValueOfItems(CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD) if (PLAYER.BALANCE >= BET_OPTION.MIN and PLAYER.BALANCE <= BET_OPTION.MAX) then if (CONFIG.SAFE_BET) then if (Casino_SafeBet(data.creature)) then return false end end CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "" .. data.creature .. " chose: " .. string.upper(MSG) .. " option.") doWriteLog("" .. data.creature .. " chosen: " .. string.upper(MSG) .. " option.") Casino_MoveMoney(CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD, CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK) Casino_MoveItems(CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD, CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK) if (PLAYER.BALANCE == Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK, "all") + Casino_GetValueOfItems(CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK)) then CZANEL:SendOrangeMessage("[BOT]", "" .. data.creature .. "'s amount of MONEY: " .. Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK, "all") / 1000 .. "K, ITEMS: " .. Casino_GetValueOfItems(CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK) / 1000 .. "K.") doWriteLog("" .. data.creature .. "'s amount of MONEY: " .. Casino_CountMoney(CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK, "all") / 1000 .. "K, ITEMS: " .. Casino_GetValueOfItems(CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK) / 1000 .. "K.") Casino_SortMoney() Casino_MoveItems(CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK, CONTAINERS.ITEMS_BACKPACK) BET_TIME = os.time() if (PLAYER.OPTION == GAMBLE_OPTION.BJ) then Casino_BlackJack(PLAYER.OPTION) elseif (table.contains(({GAMBLE_OPTION.FIRST, GAMBLE_OPTION.SECOND, GAMBLE_OPTION.LAST}), PLAYER.OPTION)) then Casino_FirstSecondLast(PLAYER.OPTION) else Casino_Normal(Casino_RollRandom(), PLAYER.OPTION) end else Casino_MoveItems(CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK, CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD) Casino_MoveMoney(CONTAINERS.CHECK_MONEY_BACKPACK, CONTAINERS.COUNTER_BROWSE_FIELD) Self.Say(CHEAT_MSG) doWriteLog("" .. data.creature .. " wants to cheat Casino") PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.NONE end else if (PLAYER.BALANCE > 0 and (PLAYER.BALANCE < BET_OPTION.MIN or PLAYER.BALANCE > BET_OPTION.MAX)) then if (not table.contains(TABLE.MIN_MAX, data.creature)) then table.insert(TABLE.MIN_MAX, data.creature) Self.Say(Casino_InfoMessages(MIN_MAX_MSG)) PLAYER.OPTION = GAMBLE_OPTION.NONE end end end end end end end) diceproxy.lua local SignalListener = Signal.New("SignalListener") LocalSpeechProxy.OnReceive("SignalListener", function(proxy, mtype, speaker, level, text) Signal.Send("SignalListener", {creature = speaker, message = text}) end) creditos nao sei o autor
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