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Histórico de Reputação

  1. Upvote
    Vodkart recebeu reputação de Administrador em BattleField TFS 1.1+   
    Repassei esse sistema:

    para a nova versão
    Versão: TFS 1.1 ou SUPERIOR(NÃO FUNCIONA NO TFS 1.0)
    OBS: Favor ter noções básicas de como instalar o sistema no seu server.
    Instalando o Sistema:
    function onLogin(player) player:registerEvent("battledeath") if Game.getStorageValue( == -1 then Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) end if player:getStorageValue( >= 1 or player:getStorageValue( >= 1 then player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) end return true end function onPrepareDeath(creature, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller) if creature:isPlayer() and creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 or creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 then local MyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or local EnemyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or Game.setStorageValue(MyTeam, (Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam)-1)) creature:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "[Battle Field] You Are Dead!") creature:setStorageValue(MyTeam, -1) creature:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) if Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam) == 0 then getWinnersBattle(EnemyTeam) else doBroadCastBattle(23,"[BattleField Information] "" "..Game.getStorageValue(" VS "..Game.getStorageValue(" " end end return true end creaturescript.xml <event type="login" name="battleflogin" script="battlefield.lua"/> <event type="preparedeath" name="battledeath" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\events\scripts abra o arquivo creature.lua e troque: function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) return true end por function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) if not self then return true end if self:isPlayer() and target:isPlayer() then if self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 or self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 then return RETURNVALUE_YOUMAYNOTATTACKTHISPLAYER end end return true end events.xml Troque: <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="0" /> por <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="1" /> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\globalevents\scripts battlefieldstart.lua function onStartup() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) return true end battlefieldthink.lua _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } function onThink(interval) if _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")] then hours = tostring("%X")):sub(1, 5) tb = _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")][hours] if tb and (tb.players % 2 == 0) then local tp = Game.createItem(1387, 1, _Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos) tp:setActionId(45000) CheckEvent(_Lib_Battle_Info.limit_Time) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, tb.players) broadcastMessage("The event BattleField was opened and We are waiting "..tb.players.." Players! Team divided into "..((tb.players)/2).." VS "..((tb.players)/2)) end end return true end globalevents.xml <globalevent type="startup" name="NoBugBattle" script="battlefieldstart.lua"/> <globalevent interval="60000" name="BattleField" script="battlefieldthink.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//-------------------------------------------------
    _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 2 -- em minutos } function resetBattle() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) end function doBroadCastBattle(type, msg) for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do if Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 or Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 then Player(cid):sendTextMessage(type, msg) end end end function getWinnersBattle(storage) local str, c = "" , 0 for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue(storage) >= 1 then if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[1] == true then player:addExperience(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[2]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[1] == true then player:addItem(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[2], _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[3]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[1] == true then player:addPremiumDays(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[2]) end player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(storage, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) c = c+1 end end str = str .. ""..c.." Player"..(c > 1 and "s" or "").." from team "..(Game.getStorageValue( == 0 and or" won the event battlefield!" resetBattle() OpenWallBattle() return broadcastMessage(str) end function OpenWallBattle() local B = { {1543,{x=96, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}}, {1543,{x=95, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}} } for i = 1, #B do if getTileItemById(B[i][2], B[i][1]).uid == 0 then doCreateItem(B[i][1], 1, B[i][2]) else doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos(B[i][2]).uid,1) end end end function removeBattleTp() local t = getTileItemById(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, 1387).uid return t > 0 and doRemoveItem(t) and doSendMagicEffect(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, CONST_ME_POFF) end function CheckEvent(delay) if delay > 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then broadcastMessage("[BattleField Event] We are waiting "..Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count).." players to Battlefield starts") elseif delay == 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue( == 1 or player:getStorageValue( == 1 then player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) end end broadcastMessage("The event cannot be started because not had enough players.") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) resetBattle() removeBattleTp() end addEvent(CheckEvent, 60000, delay-1) end Na mesma pasta procure por data\lib\core.lua e adc essa linha: dofile('data/lib/core/battlefield.lua') -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\movements\scripts battlefield.lua local conditionRed = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionRed:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionRed:setOutfit({lookType = 143, lookHead = 94, lookBody = 94, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94}) local conditionBlack = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionBlack:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionBlack:setOutfit({lookType = 134, lookHead = 114, lookBody = 114, lookLegs = 114, lookFeet = 114}) function onStepIn(creature, item, position, fromPosition) local player = creature:getPlayer() if player == nil then return false end if player:getGroup():getId() >= 3 then return player:teleportTo(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then local getMyTeam = Game.getStorageValue( < Game.getStorageValue( and {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos,,conditionBlack} or {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.pos,, conditionRed} player:addCondition(getMyTeam[4]) player:setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], 1) Game.setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], Game.getStorageValue(getMyTeam[1])+1) player:teleportTo(getMyTeam[2]) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You will join the team " .. getMyTeam[3] .. "!") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count)-1) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) == 0 then removeBattleTp() broadcastMessage("Battlefield will start in 2 minutes, please create your strategy!") addEvent(broadcastMessage, 2*60*1000-500, "BattleField will begin now!") addEvent(OpenWallBattle, 2*60*1000) end return true end movements.xml <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="45000" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- Configurações do TIME: em data\lib\core\battlefield.lua tem essas linhas: _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 10 -- em minutos } exp = {true,100} -- se vai receber exp ao ganhar evento? true ou false e quantidade items = {true, 2160, 10} -- se vai receber items ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e id, quantidade do item premium_days = {false, 1} -- se vai receber premium days ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e quantidade
    TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, Name = nome do time Storage = Não mexa Pos = Onde cada time vai nascer storage_count = 180400 -- NÃO MEXAR tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7} -- Onde o teleporte irá aparecer ao iniciar o evento limit_Time = 10 -- É o tempo limite para os jogadores entrarem no teleport.(em minutos) Configurar Datas dos Eventos: Em data\globalevents\scripts\battlefieldthink.lua vai ter essa tabela: _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } ["DIA DA SEMANA"] = { ["HORARIO"] = {players = QUANTOS JOGADORES IRÃO PARTICIPAR} Regra: Sempre coloque números pares para os jogadores, do contrário o evento não irá iniciar.
  2. Upvote
    Vodkart recebeu reputação de curruwilliam em BattleField TFS 1.1+   
    Repassei esse sistema:

    para a nova versão
    Versão: TFS 1.1 ou SUPERIOR(NÃO FUNCIONA NO TFS 1.0)
    OBS: Favor ter noções básicas de como instalar o sistema no seu server.
    Instalando o Sistema:
    function onLogin(player) player:registerEvent("battledeath") if Game.getStorageValue( == -1 then Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) end if player:getStorageValue( >= 1 or player:getStorageValue( >= 1 then player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) end return true end function onPrepareDeath(creature, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller) if creature:isPlayer() and creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 or creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 then local MyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or local EnemyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or Game.setStorageValue(MyTeam, (Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam)-1)) creature:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "[Battle Field] You Are Dead!") creature:setStorageValue(MyTeam, -1) creature:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) if Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam) == 0 then getWinnersBattle(EnemyTeam) else doBroadCastBattle(23,"[BattleField Information] "" "..Game.getStorageValue(" VS "..Game.getStorageValue(" " end end return true end creaturescript.xml <event type="login" name="battleflogin" script="battlefield.lua"/> <event type="preparedeath" name="battledeath" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\events\scripts abra o arquivo creature.lua e troque: function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) return true end por function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) if not self then return true end if self:isPlayer() and target:isPlayer() then if self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 or self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 then return RETURNVALUE_YOUMAYNOTATTACKTHISPLAYER end end return true end events.xml Troque: <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="0" /> por <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="1" /> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\globalevents\scripts battlefieldstart.lua function onStartup() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) return true end battlefieldthink.lua _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } function onThink(interval) if _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")] then hours = tostring("%X")):sub(1, 5) tb = _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")][hours] if tb and (tb.players % 2 == 0) then local tp = Game.createItem(1387, 1, _Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos) tp:setActionId(45000) CheckEvent(_Lib_Battle_Info.limit_Time) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, tb.players) broadcastMessage("The event BattleField was opened and We are waiting "..tb.players.." Players! Team divided into "..((tb.players)/2).." VS "..((tb.players)/2)) end end return true end globalevents.xml <globalevent type="startup" name="NoBugBattle" script="battlefieldstart.lua"/> <globalevent interval="60000" name="BattleField" script="battlefieldthink.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//-------------------------------------------------
    _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 2 -- em minutos } function resetBattle() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) end function doBroadCastBattle(type, msg) for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do if Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 or Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 then Player(cid):sendTextMessage(type, msg) end end end function getWinnersBattle(storage) local str, c = "" , 0 for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue(storage) >= 1 then if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[1] == true then player:addExperience(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[2]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[1] == true then player:addItem(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[2], _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[3]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[1] == true then player:addPremiumDays(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[2]) end player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(storage, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) c = c+1 end end str = str .. ""..c.." Player"..(c > 1 and "s" or "").." from team "..(Game.getStorageValue( == 0 and or" won the event battlefield!" resetBattle() OpenWallBattle() return broadcastMessage(str) end function OpenWallBattle() local B = { {1543,{x=96, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}}, {1543,{x=95, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}} } for i = 1, #B do if getTileItemById(B[i][2], B[i][1]).uid == 0 then doCreateItem(B[i][1], 1, B[i][2]) else doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos(B[i][2]).uid,1) end end end function removeBattleTp() local t = getTileItemById(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, 1387).uid return t > 0 and doRemoveItem(t) and doSendMagicEffect(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, CONST_ME_POFF) end function CheckEvent(delay) if delay > 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then broadcastMessage("[BattleField Event] We are waiting "..Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count).." players to Battlefield starts") elseif delay == 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue( == 1 or player:getStorageValue( == 1 then player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) end end broadcastMessage("The event cannot be started because not had enough players.") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) resetBattle() removeBattleTp() end addEvent(CheckEvent, 60000, delay-1) end Na mesma pasta procure por data\lib\core.lua e adc essa linha: dofile('data/lib/core/battlefield.lua') -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\movements\scripts battlefield.lua local conditionRed = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionRed:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionRed:setOutfit({lookType = 143, lookHead = 94, lookBody = 94, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94}) local conditionBlack = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionBlack:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionBlack:setOutfit({lookType = 134, lookHead = 114, lookBody = 114, lookLegs = 114, lookFeet = 114}) function onStepIn(creature, item, position, fromPosition) local player = creature:getPlayer() if player == nil then return false end if player:getGroup():getId() >= 3 then return player:teleportTo(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then local getMyTeam = Game.getStorageValue( < Game.getStorageValue( and {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos,,conditionBlack} or {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.pos,, conditionRed} player:addCondition(getMyTeam[4]) player:setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], 1) Game.setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], Game.getStorageValue(getMyTeam[1])+1) player:teleportTo(getMyTeam[2]) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You will join the team " .. getMyTeam[3] .. "!") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count)-1) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) == 0 then removeBattleTp() broadcastMessage("Battlefield will start in 2 minutes, please create your strategy!") addEvent(broadcastMessage, 2*60*1000-500, "BattleField will begin now!") addEvent(OpenWallBattle, 2*60*1000) end return true end movements.xml <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="45000" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- Configurações do TIME: em data\lib\core\battlefield.lua tem essas linhas: _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 10 -- em minutos } exp = {true,100} -- se vai receber exp ao ganhar evento? true ou false e quantidade items = {true, 2160, 10} -- se vai receber items ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e id, quantidade do item premium_days = {false, 1} -- se vai receber premium days ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e quantidade
    TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, Name = nome do time Storage = Não mexa Pos = Onde cada time vai nascer storage_count = 180400 -- NÃO MEXAR tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7} -- Onde o teleporte irá aparecer ao iniciar o evento limit_Time = 10 -- É o tempo limite para os jogadores entrarem no teleport.(em minutos) Configurar Datas dos Eventos: Em data\globalevents\scripts\battlefieldthink.lua vai ter essa tabela: _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } ["DIA DA SEMANA"] = { ["HORARIO"] = {players = QUANTOS JOGADORES IRÃO PARTICIPAR} Regra: Sempre coloque números pares para os jogadores, do contrário o evento não irá iniciar.
  3. Upvote
    Vodkart recebeu reputação de narutomaniacos em [Talk] Comando Mute Atualizado   
    Em talkactions/script

    local v = {} for k = 1, 100 do table.insert(v, createConditionObject(CONDITION_MUTED)) setConditionParam(v[k], CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, k*60*1000) end function onSay(cid, words, param) if (words == "/mute") then local t = string.explode(param, ",") if param == '' then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Invalid param specified.") return true end local player,time,pid = getPlayerByName(t[1]),t[2],getPlayerByNameWildcard(t[1]) if(not pid or (isPlayerGhost(pid) and getPlayerGhostAccess(pid) > getPlayerGhostAccess(cid))) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Player with this name doesn\'t exist or is offline.") return TRUE end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Você mutou o jogador "..t[1].." por "..time.." minutos.") doAddCondition(player, v[tonumber(time)]) setPlayerStorageValue(player, 90000, os.time()+time*60) doPlayerSendTextMessage(player, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Você foi mutado por "..time.." minutos.") elseif (words == "/desmute") then if param == '' then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Invalid param specified.") return true end local player = getPlayerByNameWildcard(param) if(not player)then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Player not found.") return true end if getCreatureCondition(player, CONDITION_MUTED) == false then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "este jogador não está mutado.") return true end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Você desmutou o jogador "..param..".") doRemoveCondition(player, CONDITION_MUTED) setPlayerStorageValue(player, 90000, -1) doPlayerSendTextMessage(player, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Você foi desmutado.") end return true end

    <talkaction log="yes" words="/mute;/desmute" access="2" event="script" value="muteplayer.lua"/>
    /mute NOME,MINUTOS
    /desmute NOME
    Em creaturescript/script

    local v = {} for k = 1, 100000 do table.insert(v, createConditionObject(CONDITION_MUTED)) setConditionParam(v[k], CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, k*1000) end function onLogin(cid) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 90000) >= os.time() then doAddCondition(cid, v[tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 90000) - os.time())]) end return TRUE end

    <event type="login" name="MutePlayer" event="script" value="mute_check.lua"/>
  4. Upvote
    Vodkart deu reputação a zipter98 em Script tile guild members online do vodkart   
    local config = { level = 50, count = 5, messages = { [12000] = "A guild %s está penetrando no castelo.", [12001] = "A guild %s já está dentro do castelo.", [12002] = "A guild %s está perto de conquistar o castelo." } } function table.insert(table, value) table[#table + 1] = value end function getGuildOnlineMembers(guildId) local pid, ip = {}, {} for _, cid in pairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if getPlayerGuildId(cid) == guildId and getPlayerLevel(cid) >= config.level and not isInArray(ip, getPlayerIp(cid)) then table.insert(pid, cid) table.insert(ip, getPlayerIp(cid)) end end return pid end function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition) if not isPlayer(cid) then return true end if item.actionid == 12000 then if getPlayerGuildId(cid) < 1 or #getGuildOnlineMembers(getPlayerGuildId(cid)) < config.count then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você precisa estar em guild ou sua guild precisa ter no minimo "..config.count.." jogadores level "..config.level.." ou mais.") doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true) return true end end if getGlobalStorageValue(item.actionid + 4819) < os.time() then broadcastMessage(config.messages[item.actionid]:format(getPlayerGuildName(cid))) setGlobalStorageValue(item.actionid + 4819, os.time() + 10) end return true end
  5. Upvote
    Vodkart recebeu reputação de gmstrikker em Script tile guild members online do vodkart   
    ok qndo chegar em casa eu edito
  6. Upvote
    Vodkart deu reputação a luanluciano93 em [TFS 1.0] Battlefield Event - NEW 100%   
    Quem fez esse sistema foi eu senhor Mimimi, alias, uma versão bem antiga.
  7. Upvote
    Vodkart recebeu reputação de sk8sk8ter em fazer npc verificar vip   
    da pra adc um parâmetro no modulo de travel.

    vá em data\npc\lib\npcsystem e abra o modules.lua

    procura essa função:

    function, message, keywords, parameters, node)
    local npcHandler = parameters.npcHandler
    if(npcHandler == nil) then
    error(' called without any npcHandler instance.')

    if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then
    return false

    if(parameters.premium and not isPlayerPremiumCallback(cid)) then
    npcHandler:say('I can only allow premium players to travel with me.', cid)
    elseif(parameters.level ~= nil and getPlayerLevel(cid) < parameters.level) then
    npcHandler:say('You must reach level ' .. parameters.level .. ' before I can let you go there.', cid)
    elseif( ~= nil and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, <= 0) then
    npcHandler:say(parameters.storageInfo or 'You may not travel here.', cid)
    elseif(not doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, parameters.cost)) then
    npcHandler:say('You do not have enough money!', cid)
    elseif(isPlayerPzLocked(cid)) then
    npcHandler:say('Get out of there with this blood.', cid)
    doTeleportThing(cid, parameters.destination, 0)
    doSendMagicEffect(parameters.destination, 10)

    return true

    e deixe ela assim:

    function, message, keywords, parameters, node)
    local npcHandler = parameters.npcHandler
    if(npcHandler == nil) then
    error(' called without any npcHandler instance.')

    if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then
    return false

    if(parameters.premium and not isPlayerPremiumCallback(cid)) then
    npcHandler:say('I can only allow premium players to travel with me.', cid)
    elseif( ~= nil and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 13540) - os.time() <= 0) then
    npcHandler:say('I can only allow VIP players to travel with me.', cid)
    elseif(parameters.level ~= nil and getPlayerLevel(cid) < parameters.level) then
    npcHandler:say('You must reach level ' .. parameters.level .. ' before I can let you go there.', cid)
    elseif( ~= nil and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, <= 0) then
    npcHandler:say(parameters.storageInfo or 'You may not travel here.', cid)
    elseif(not doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, parameters.cost)) then
    npcHandler:say('You do not have enough money!', cid)
    elseif(isPlayerPzLocked(cid)) then
    npcHandler:say('Get out of there with this blood.', cid)
    doTeleportThing(cid, parameters.destination, 0)
    doSendMagicEffect(parameters.destination, 10)

    return true

    agr no script de npc de barco só usar assim por exemplo:

    local travelNode = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'carlin'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = 'Do you want to sail to Carlin for 0 gold coins?'})
    travelNode:addChildKeyword({'yes'},, {npcHandler = npcHandler, premium = false, vip = true, level = 0, cost = 0, destination = {x=32387, y=31820, z=6} })
    travelNode:addChildKeyword({'no'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, reset = true, text = 'Then stay here!'})

  8. Upvote
    Vodkart recebeu reputação de DeCarvalho em BattleField TFS 1.1+   
    Repassei esse sistema:

    para a nova versão
    Versão: TFS 1.1 ou SUPERIOR(NÃO FUNCIONA NO TFS 1.0)
    OBS: Favor ter noções básicas de como instalar o sistema no seu server.
    Instalando o Sistema:
    function onLogin(player) player:registerEvent("battledeath") if Game.getStorageValue( == -1 then Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) end if player:getStorageValue( >= 1 or player:getStorageValue( >= 1 then player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) end return true end function onPrepareDeath(creature, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller) if creature:isPlayer() and creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 or creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 then local MyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or local EnemyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or Game.setStorageValue(MyTeam, (Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam)-1)) creature:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "[Battle Field] You Are Dead!") creature:setStorageValue(MyTeam, -1) creature:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) if Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam) == 0 then getWinnersBattle(EnemyTeam) else doBroadCastBattle(23,"[BattleField Information] "" "..Game.getStorageValue(" VS "..Game.getStorageValue(" " end end return true end creaturescript.xml <event type="login" name="battleflogin" script="battlefield.lua"/> <event type="preparedeath" name="battledeath" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\events\scripts abra o arquivo creature.lua e troque: function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) return true end por function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) if not self then return true end if self:isPlayer() and target:isPlayer() then if self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 or self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 then return RETURNVALUE_YOUMAYNOTATTACKTHISPLAYER end end return true end events.xml Troque: <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="0" /> por <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="1" /> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\globalevents\scripts battlefieldstart.lua function onStartup() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) return true end battlefieldthink.lua _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } function onThink(interval) if _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")] then hours = tostring("%X")):sub(1, 5) tb = _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")][hours] if tb and (tb.players % 2 == 0) then local tp = Game.createItem(1387, 1, _Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos) tp:setActionId(45000) CheckEvent(_Lib_Battle_Info.limit_Time) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, tb.players) broadcastMessage("The event BattleField was opened and We are waiting "..tb.players.." Players! Team divided into "..((tb.players)/2).." VS "..((tb.players)/2)) end end return true end globalevents.xml <globalevent type="startup" name="NoBugBattle" script="battlefieldstart.lua"/> <globalevent interval="60000" name="BattleField" script="battlefieldthink.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//-------------------------------------------------
    _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 2 -- em minutos } function resetBattle() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) end function doBroadCastBattle(type, msg) for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do if Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 or Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 then Player(cid):sendTextMessage(type, msg) end end end function getWinnersBattle(storage) local str, c = "" , 0 for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue(storage) >= 1 then if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[1] == true then player:addExperience(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[2]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[1] == true then player:addItem(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[2], _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[3]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[1] == true then player:addPremiumDays(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[2]) end player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(storage, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) c = c+1 end end str = str .. ""..c.." Player"..(c > 1 and "s" or "").." from team "..(Game.getStorageValue( == 0 and or" won the event battlefield!" resetBattle() OpenWallBattle() return broadcastMessage(str) end function OpenWallBattle() local B = { {1543,{x=96, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}}, {1543,{x=95, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}} } for i = 1, #B do if getTileItemById(B[i][2], B[i][1]).uid == 0 then doCreateItem(B[i][1], 1, B[i][2]) else doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos(B[i][2]).uid,1) end end end function removeBattleTp() local t = getTileItemById(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, 1387).uid return t > 0 and doRemoveItem(t) and doSendMagicEffect(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, CONST_ME_POFF) end function CheckEvent(delay) if delay > 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then broadcastMessage("[BattleField Event] We are waiting "..Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count).." players to Battlefield starts") elseif delay == 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue( == 1 or player:getStorageValue( == 1 then player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) end end broadcastMessage("The event cannot be started because not had enough players.") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) resetBattle() removeBattleTp() end addEvent(CheckEvent, 60000, delay-1) end Na mesma pasta procure por data\lib\core.lua e adc essa linha: dofile('data/lib/core/battlefield.lua') -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\movements\scripts battlefield.lua local conditionRed = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionRed:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionRed:setOutfit({lookType = 143, lookHead = 94, lookBody = 94, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94}) local conditionBlack = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionBlack:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionBlack:setOutfit({lookType = 134, lookHead = 114, lookBody = 114, lookLegs = 114, lookFeet = 114}) function onStepIn(creature, item, position, fromPosition) local player = creature:getPlayer() if player == nil then return false end if player:getGroup():getId() >= 3 then return player:teleportTo(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then local getMyTeam = Game.getStorageValue( < Game.getStorageValue( and {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos,,conditionBlack} or {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.pos,, conditionRed} player:addCondition(getMyTeam[4]) player:setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], 1) Game.setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], Game.getStorageValue(getMyTeam[1])+1) player:teleportTo(getMyTeam[2]) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You will join the team " .. getMyTeam[3] .. "!") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count)-1) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) == 0 then removeBattleTp() broadcastMessage("Battlefield will start in 2 minutes, please create your strategy!") addEvent(broadcastMessage, 2*60*1000-500, "BattleField will begin now!") addEvent(OpenWallBattle, 2*60*1000) end return true end movements.xml <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="45000" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- Configurações do TIME: em data\lib\core\battlefield.lua tem essas linhas: _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 10 -- em minutos } exp = {true,100} -- se vai receber exp ao ganhar evento? true ou false e quantidade items = {true, 2160, 10} -- se vai receber items ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e id, quantidade do item premium_days = {false, 1} -- se vai receber premium days ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e quantidade
    TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, Name = nome do time Storage = Não mexa Pos = Onde cada time vai nascer storage_count = 180400 -- NÃO MEXAR tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7} -- Onde o teleporte irá aparecer ao iniciar o evento limit_Time = 10 -- É o tempo limite para os jogadores entrarem no teleport.(em minutos) Configurar Datas dos Eventos: Em data\globalevents\scripts\battlefieldthink.lua vai ter essa tabela: _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } ["DIA DA SEMANA"] = { ["HORARIO"] = {players = QUANTOS JOGADORES IRÃO PARTICIPAR} Regra: Sempre coloque números pares para os jogadores, do contrário o evento não irá iniciar.
  9. Upvote
    Vodkart recebeu reputação de DeCarvalho em [TFS 1.0] Battlefield Event - NEW 100%   
    tenta esse

    parabéns pelo conteúdo! vejo ue conseguiu fazer, obrigado por contribuir
  10. Upvote
    Vodkart deu reputação a mkbrabsolute em [TFS 1.0] Battlefield Event - NEW 100%   
    O Evento Battlefield há para TFS 1.1, 1.2. Portanto, este é o ÚNICO E EXCLUSIVO evento para o TFS 1.0 que a maioria usa.

    O Que há nele?
    Neste tópico encontraremos os scripts do evento, mapa e arquivo da source.

    Há necessidade de alterar o arquivo game.cpp da source e recompilar o TFS para que o evento funcione perfeitamente.
    Vamos ao que interessa!
    Em data/creaturescripts/scripts crie um arquivo com o nome de BATTLEFIELD_creaturescript.lua com o conteúdo:
    dofile('data/lib/BATTLEFIELD_lib.lua') local function getWinnersBattle(storage) for _, online in ipairs(Game.getPlayers()) do if online:isPlayer() then if online:getStorageValue(storage) > 0 then online:teleportTo(online:getTown():getTemplePosition()) online:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, msg) online:setStorageValue(storage, 0) online:addItem(bf.rewardWin[1], bf.rewardWin[2]) online:unregisterEvent("BattleTeamLife") online:unregisterEvent("BattleTeamMana") online:unregisterEvent("BattleDeath") online:addHealth(online:getMaxHealth()) online:addMana(online:getMaxMana()) online:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) if online:isPzLocked() then online:remove() end end end end if storage == then broadcastMessage("The BattleEvent is finish, team ".. .." win.", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING) elseif storage == then broadcastMessage("The BattleEvent is finish, team ".. .." win.", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING) end checkGate() print("> BattleField Event was finished.") end function onLogin(cid) local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue( > 0 or player:getStorageValue( > 0 then player:setStorageValue(, 0) player:setStorageValue(, 0) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:unregisterEvent("BattleTeamLife") player:unregisterEvent("BattleTeamMana") player:unregisterEvent("BattleDeath") end return true end function onLogout(cid) local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue( > 0 or player:getStorageValue( > 0 then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You can not logout now.") return false end return true end function onChangeHealth(creature, attacker, primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType) local player = Player(creature) local enemy = Player(attacker) if enemy then if (player:getStorageValue( > 0 and enemy:getStorageValue( > 0) or (player:getStorageValue( > 0 and enemy:getStorageValue( > 0) or (enemy:isMonster()) and (primaryDamage > 0) then return false end end return primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType end function onChangeMana(cid, attacker, manaChange) local player = Player(cid) local enemy = Player(attacker) if enemy then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, enemy) if (player:getStorageValue( > 0 and enemy:getStorageValue( > 0) or (player:getStorageValue( > 0 and enemy:getStorageValue( > 0) or (enemy:isMonster()) then return false end end return manaChange end function onPrepareDeath(cid, killer) local creature = Player(cid) if creature:getStorageValue( > 0 then creature:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) creature:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You are dead!") creature:teleportTo(creature:getTown():getTemplePosition()) creature:addHealth(creature:getMaxHealth()) creature:addMana(creature:getMaxMana()) creature:unregisterEvent("BattleTeamLife") creature:unregisterEvent("BattleTeamMana") creature:unregisterEvent("BattleDeath") Game.setStorageValue(, Game.getStorageValue( - 1) creature:setStorageValue(, 0) elseif creature:getStorageValue( > 0 then creature:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) creature:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You are dead!") creature:teleportTo(creature:getTown():getTemplePosition()) creature:addHealth(creature:getMaxHealth()) creature:addMana(creature:getMaxMana()) creature:unregisterEvent("BattleTeamLife") creature:unregisterEvent("BattleTeamMana") creature:unregisterEvent("BattleDeath") Game.setStorageValue(, Game.getStorageValue( - 1) creature:setStorageValue(, 0) end if Game.getStorageValue( == 0 then getWinnersBattle( elseif Game.getStorageValue( == 0 then getWinnersBattle( end if Game.getStorageValue( > 0 and Game.getStorageValue( > 0 then doMsgBattlefield("[BattleField] "" "..Game.getStorageValue(" VS "..Game.getStorageValue(" " end if creature:isPzLocked() then creature:remove() end return false end Em data/creaturescripts/creaturescripts.xml adicione as seguintes linhas:
    <event type="login" name="BattleLogin" script="BATTLEFIELD_creaturescript.lua"/> <event type="logout" name="BattleLogout" script="BATTLEFIELD_creaturescript.lua"/> <event type="preparedeath" name="BattleDeath" script="BATTLEFIELD_creaturescript.lua"/> <event type="changehealth" name="BattleTeamLife" script="BATTLEFIELD_creaturescript.lua"/> <event type="changemana" name="BattleTeamMana" script="BATTLEFIELD_creaturescript.lua"/> Em data/globalevents/script, crie um arquivo com o nome de BATTLEFIELD_globalevents.lua e adicione o conteúdo:
    dofile('data/lib/BATTLEFIELD_lib.lua') local function teleportCheck() local tile = Tile(bf.teleportPosition) if tile then local item = tile:getItemById(1387) if item then item:remove() broadcastMessage("The BattleField Event was start in ".. bf.timeOpenGate .." minutes.", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING) local team1 = Game.getStorageValue( local team2 = Game.getStorageValue( if (team1 + team2) % 2 ~= 0 then local playerLeave = Player(Game.getStorageValue(bf.namePlayer)) playerLeave:teleportTo(playerLeave:getTown():getTemplePosition()) playerLeave:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) playerLeave:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You are dead!") playerLeave:addHealth(playerLeave:getMaxHealth()) playerLeave:addMana(playerLeave:getMaxMana()) playerLeave:unregisterEvent("BattleTeamLife") playerLeave:unregisterEvent("BattleTeamMana") playerLeave:unregisterEvent("BattleDeath") Game.setStorageValue(, Game.getStorageValue( - 1) playerLeave:setStorageValue(, 0) end addEvent(checkGate, bf.timeOpenGate * 60 * 1000) else broadcastMessage("The BattleField Event was opened and will close in ".. bf.timeCloseTeleport .." minutes.", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(bf.namePlayer, 0) print("> BattleField Event was opened.") local teleport = Game.createItem(1387, 1, bf.teleportPosition) if teleport then teleport:setActionId(47000) end end end end function onTime(interval) teleportCheck() addEvent(teleportCheck, bf.timeCloseTeleport * 60 * 1000) return true end Em data/globalevents/globalevents.xml adicione:
    <globalevent name="BattleField" time="20:55:00" script="BATTLEFIELD_globalevents.lua" /> Em data/libs crie um arquivo com o nome de BATTLEFIELD_lib com o conteúdo:
    -[[ LIB BATTLEFIELD TFS 1.0 Arquivos além desta lib: - BATTLEFIELD_globalevents.lua - BATTLEFIELD_movements.lua - BATTLEFIELD_creaturescript.lua - spell invisible.lua -- alterar UTANA VID e STEALTH RING ]]-- bf = { rewardWin = {2160, 10}, teamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=1006,y=994,z=6}}, teamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians", storage = 140121, pos = {x=1032,y=994,z=6}}, timeCloseTeleport = 1, timeOpenGate = 1, teleportPosition = {x=1019, y=1016, z=7}, namePlayer = 18400, levelToEvent = 7, itemGate = 3517 } function checkGate() local wall = { {x=1019, y=994, z=6}, {x=1019, y=994, z=6}, {x=1019, y=994, z=6}, {x=1019, y=994, z=6}, {x=1019, y=994, z=6}, {x=1019, y=994, z=6}, {x=1019, y=994, z=6}, } broadcastMessage("The BattleEvent Event will begin now!", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING) doMsgBattlefield("[BattleField] "" "..Game.getStorageValue(" VS "..Game.getStorageValue(" " print("> BattleField Event will begin now.") for i = 1, #wall do local tile = Tile(wall[i]) if tile then local item = tile:getItemById(bf.itemGate) if item then item:remove() else Game.createItem(bf.itemGate, 1, wall[i]) end end end end function doMsgBattlefield(msg) for _, online in ipairs(Game.getPlayers()) do if online:isPlayer() then if online:getStorageValue( > 0 or online:getStorageValue( > 0 then online:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, msg) end end end end Em data/movements/scripts crie um arquivo com o nome de BATTLEFIELD_movements com o conteúdo:
    dofile('data/lib/BATTLEFIELD_lib.lua') local conditionBlack = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionBlack:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionBlack:addOutfit({lookType = 134, lookHead = 114, lookBody = 114, lookLegs = 114, lookFeet = 114}) local conditionRed = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionRed:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionRed:addOutfit({lookType = 143, lookHead = 94, lookBody = 94, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94}) function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition) local player = Player(cid) if player:getLevel() < bf.levelToEvent then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You need level " .. bf.levelToEvent .. " to enter in event.") player:teleportTo(fromPosition) return false end if player:getItemCount(2165) >= 1 then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You can not enter stealth ring in the event.") player:teleportTo(fromPosition) return false end if Game.getStorageValue( < Game.getStorageValue( then Game.setStorageValue(, Game.getStorageValue( + 1) player:addCondition(conditionBlack) player:setStorageValue(, 1) player:setStorageValue(, 0) player:teleportTo(bf.teamOne.pos) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You will join the team " .. .. ".") else Game.setStorageValue(, Game.getStorageValue( + 1) player:addCondition(conditionRed) player:setStorageValue(, 1) player:setStorageValue(, 0) player:teleportTo(bf.teamTwo.pos) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You will join the team " .. .. ".") Game.setStorageValue(bf.namePlayer, cid) end player:addHealth(player:getMaxHealth()) player:addMana(player:getMaxMana()) player:registerEvent("BattleTeamLife") player:registerEvent("BattleTeamMana") player:registerEvent("BattleDeath") return true end Em data/movements/movements.xml adicione:
    <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="47000" script="BATTLEFIELD_movements.lua"/> Em data/spells/scripts/support abra o arquivo invisible.lua, apague tudo e coloque:
    local combat = createCombatObject() setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE) setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_AGGRESSIVE, 0) local condition = createConditionObject(CONDITION_INVISIBLE) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 200000) setCombatCondition(combat, condition) dofile('data/lib/BATTLEFIELD_lib.lua') function onCastSpell(cid, var) local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue( > 0 or player:getStorageValue( > 0 then return false else return doCombat(cid, combat, var) end end Conforme avisado, no TFS 1.0 há necessidade de alterar alguns códigos nas fontes, portanto estou disponibilizando o arquivo game.cpp, basta substituir em sua basta e recompila-lo.
    Download game.cpp:

    Download Map tradicional:

    Imagem do mapa:

    Para configurar, basta ver os arquivos e configurar horário, dias e posições do mapa!


    Luan Luciano

    Bom Proveito a todos, até o próximo!

  11. Upvote
    Vodkart deu reputação a Bruno em BattleField TFS 1.1+   
    Em nome da comunidade agradeço pelo conteúdo, muito obrigado
    Não só por este, mas por todos!
  12. Upvote
    Vodkart recebeu reputação de Bruno em BattleField TFS 1.1+   
    Repassei esse sistema:

    para a nova versão
    Versão: TFS 1.1 ou SUPERIOR(NÃO FUNCIONA NO TFS 1.0)
    OBS: Favor ter noções básicas de como instalar o sistema no seu server.
    Instalando o Sistema:
    function onLogin(player) player:registerEvent("battledeath") if Game.getStorageValue( == -1 then Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) end if player:getStorageValue( >= 1 or player:getStorageValue( >= 1 then player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) end return true end function onPrepareDeath(creature, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller) if creature:isPlayer() and creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 or creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 then local MyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or local EnemyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or Game.setStorageValue(MyTeam, (Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam)-1)) creature:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "[Battle Field] You Are Dead!") creature:setStorageValue(MyTeam, -1) creature:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) if Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam) == 0 then getWinnersBattle(EnemyTeam) else doBroadCastBattle(23,"[BattleField Information] "" "..Game.getStorageValue(" VS "..Game.getStorageValue(" " end end return true end creaturescript.xml <event type="login" name="battleflogin" script="battlefield.lua"/> <event type="preparedeath" name="battledeath" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\events\scripts abra o arquivo creature.lua e troque: function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) return true end por function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) if not self then return true end if self:isPlayer() and target:isPlayer() then if self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 or self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 then return RETURNVALUE_YOUMAYNOTATTACKTHISPLAYER end end return true end events.xml Troque: <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="0" /> por <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="1" /> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\globalevents\scripts battlefieldstart.lua function onStartup() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) return true end battlefieldthink.lua _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } function onThink(interval) if _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")] then hours = tostring("%X")):sub(1, 5) tb = _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")][hours] if tb and (tb.players % 2 == 0) then local tp = Game.createItem(1387, 1, _Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos) tp:setActionId(45000) CheckEvent(_Lib_Battle_Info.limit_Time) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, tb.players) broadcastMessage("The event BattleField was opened and We are waiting "..tb.players.." Players! Team divided into "..((tb.players)/2).." VS "..((tb.players)/2)) end end return true end globalevents.xml <globalevent type="startup" name="NoBugBattle" script="battlefieldstart.lua"/> <globalevent interval="60000" name="BattleField" script="battlefieldthink.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//-------------------------------------------------
    _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 2 -- em minutos } function resetBattle() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) end function doBroadCastBattle(type, msg) for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do if Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 or Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 then Player(cid):sendTextMessage(type, msg) end end end function getWinnersBattle(storage) local str, c = "" , 0 for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue(storage) >= 1 then if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[1] == true then player:addExperience(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[2]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[1] == true then player:addItem(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[2], _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[3]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[1] == true then player:addPremiumDays(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[2]) end player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(storage, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) c = c+1 end end str = str .. ""..c.." Player"..(c > 1 and "s" or "").." from team "..(Game.getStorageValue( == 0 and or" won the event battlefield!" resetBattle() OpenWallBattle() return broadcastMessage(str) end function OpenWallBattle() local B = { {1543,{x=96, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}}, {1543,{x=95, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}} } for i = 1, #B do if getTileItemById(B[i][2], B[i][1]).uid == 0 then doCreateItem(B[i][1], 1, B[i][2]) else doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos(B[i][2]).uid,1) end end end function removeBattleTp() local t = getTileItemById(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, 1387).uid return t > 0 and doRemoveItem(t) and doSendMagicEffect(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, CONST_ME_POFF) end function CheckEvent(delay) if delay > 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then broadcastMessage("[BattleField Event] We are waiting "..Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count).." players to Battlefield starts") elseif delay == 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue( == 1 or player:getStorageValue( == 1 then player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) end end broadcastMessage("The event cannot be started because not had enough players.") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) resetBattle() removeBattleTp() end addEvent(CheckEvent, 60000, delay-1) end Na mesma pasta procure por data\lib\core.lua e adc essa linha: dofile('data/lib/core/battlefield.lua') -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\movements\scripts battlefield.lua local conditionRed = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionRed:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionRed:setOutfit({lookType = 143, lookHead = 94, lookBody = 94, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94}) local conditionBlack = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionBlack:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionBlack:setOutfit({lookType = 134, lookHead = 114, lookBody = 114, lookLegs = 114, lookFeet = 114}) function onStepIn(creature, item, position, fromPosition) local player = creature:getPlayer() if player == nil then return false end if player:getGroup():getId() >= 3 then return player:teleportTo(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then local getMyTeam = Game.getStorageValue( < Game.getStorageValue( and {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos,,conditionBlack} or {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.pos,, conditionRed} player:addCondition(getMyTeam[4]) player:setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], 1) Game.setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], Game.getStorageValue(getMyTeam[1])+1) player:teleportTo(getMyTeam[2]) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You will join the team " .. getMyTeam[3] .. "!") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count)-1) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) == 0 then removeBattleTp() broadcastMessage("Battlefield will start in 2 minutes, please create your strategy!") addEvent(broadcastMessage, 2*60*1000-500, "BattleField will begin now!") addEvent(OpenWallBattle, 2*60*1000) end return true end movements.xml <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="45000" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- Configurações do TIME: em data\lib\core\battlefield.lua tem essas linhas: _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 10 -- em minutos } exp = {true,100} -- se vai receber exp ao ganhar evento? true ou false e quantidade items = {true, 2160, 10} -- se vai receber items ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e id, quantidade do item premium_days = {false, 1} -- se vai receber premium days ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e quantidade
    TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, Name = nome do time Storage = Não mexa Pos = Onde cada time vai nascer storage_count = 180400 -- NÃO MEXAR tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7} -- Onde o teleporte irá aparecer ao iniciar o evento limit_Time = 10 -- É o tempo limite para os jogadores entrarem no teleport.(em minutos) Configurar Datas dos Eventos: Em data\globalevents\scripts\battlefieldthink.lua vai ter essa tabela: _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } ["DIA DA SEMANA"] = { ["HORARIO"] = {players = QUANTOS JOGADORES IRÃO PARTICIPAR} Regra: Sempre coloque números pares para os jogadores, do contrário o evento não irá iniciar.
  13. Upvote
    Vodkart deu reputação a Lumus em BattleField TFS 1.1+   
    Vdd dlç.. não tinha percebido isso... mudei o ID das walls ficou perfeito! funcionando sem erros.
  14. Upvote
    Vodkart recebeu reputação de tiagoduuarte em BattleField TFS 1.1+   
    isso é simples, você adiciona no MAPA EDITOR as parades, configura no script o ID delas e POS, quando começar o evento a função vai checar se tem realmente as paredes naquele lugar q vc configurou, caso não tiver, vai cria-las.
    vou fazer isso então, só vou adc uma storage igual eu fiz no map changer.
    qndo eu atualizar aviso
  15. Upvote
    Vodkart recebeu reputação de RigBy em BattleField TFS 1.1+   
    Repassei esse sistema:

    para a nova versão
    Versão: TFS 1.1 ou SUPERIOR(NÃO FUNCIONA NO TFS 1.0)
    OBS: Favor ter noções básicas de como instalar o sistema no seu server.
    Instalando o Sistema:
    function onLogin(player) player:registerEvent("battledeath") if Game.getStorageValue( == -1 then Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) end if player:getStorageValue( >= 1 or player:getStorageValue( >= 1 then player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) end return true end function onPrepareDeath(creature, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller) if creature:isPlayer() and creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 or creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 then local MyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or local EnemyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or Game.setStorageValue(MyTeam, (Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam)-1)) creature:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "[Battle Field] You Are Dead!") creature:setStorageValue(MyTeam, -1) creature:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) if Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam) == 0 then getWinnersBattle(EnemyTeam) else doBroadCastBattle(23,"[BattleField Information] "" "..Game.getStorageValue(" VS "..Game.getStorageValue(" " end end return true end creaturescript.xml <event type="login" name="battleflogin" script="battlefield.lua"/> <event type="preparedeath" name="battledeath" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\events\scripts abra o arquivo creature.lua e troque: function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) return true end por function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) if not self then return true end if self:isPlayer() and target:isPlayer() then if self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 or self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 then return RETURNVALUE_YOUMAYNOTATTACKTHISPLAYER end end return true end events.xml Troque: <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="0" /> por <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="1" /> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\globalevents\scripts battlefieldstart.lua function onStartup() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) return true end battlefieldthink.lua _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } function onThink(interval) if _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")] then hours = tostring("%X")):sub(1, 5) tb = _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")][hours] if tb and (tb.players % 2 == 0) then local tp = Game.createItem(1387, 1, _Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos) tp:setActionId(45000) CheckEvent(_Lib_Battle_Info.limit_Time) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, tb.players) broadcastMessage("The event BattleField was opened and We are waiting "..tb.players.." Players! Team divided into "..((tb.players)/2).." VS "..((tb.players)/2)) end end return true end globalevents.xml <globalevent type="startup" name="NoBugBattle" script="battlefieldstart.lua"/> <globalevent interval="60000" name="BattleField" script="battlefieldthink.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//-------------------------------------------------
    _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 2 -- em minutos } function resetBattle() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) end function doBroadCastBattle(type, msg) for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do if Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 or Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 then Player(cid):sendTextMessage(type, msg) end end end function getWinnersBattle(storage) local str, c = "" , 0 for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue(storage) >= 1 then if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[1] == true then player:addExperience(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[2]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[1] == true then player:addItem(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[2], _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[3]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[1] == true then player:addPremiumDays(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[2]) end player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(storage, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) c = c+1 end end str = str .. ""..c.." Player"..(c > 1 and "s" or "").." from team "..(Game.getStorageValue( == 0 and or" won the event battlefield!" resetBattle() OpenWallBattle() return broadcastMessage(str) end function OpenWallBattle() local B = { {1543,{x=96, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}}, {1543,{x=95, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}} } for i = 1, #B do if getTileItemById(B[i][2], B[i][1]).uid == 0 then doCreateItem(B[i][1], 1, B[i][2]) else doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos(B[i][2]).uid,1) end end end function removeBattleTp() local t = getTileItemById(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, 1387).uid return t > 0 and doRemoveItem(t) and doSendMagicEffect(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, CONST_ME_POFF) end function CheckEvent(delay) if delay > 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then broadcastMessage("[BattleField Event] We are waiting "..Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count).." players to Battlefield starts") elseif delay == 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue( == 1 or player:getStorageValue( == 1 then player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) end end broadcastMessage("The event cannot be started because not had enough players.") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) resetBattle() removeBattleTp() end addEvent(CheckEvent, 60000, delay-1) end Na mesma pasta procure por data\lib\core.lua e adc essa linha: dofile('data/lib/core/battlefield.lua') -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\movements\scripts battlefield.lua local conditionRed = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionRed:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionRed:setOutfit({lookType = 143, lookHead = 94, lookBody = 94, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94}) local conditionBlack = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionBlack:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionBlack:setOutfit({lookType = 134, lookHead = 114, lookBody = 114, lookLegs = 114, lookFeet = 114}) function onStepIn(creature, item, position, fromPosition) local player = creature:getPlayer() if player == nil then return false end if player:getGroup():getId() >= 3 then return player:teleportTo(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then local getMyTeam = Game.getStorageValue( < Game.getStorageValue( and {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos,,conditionBlack} or {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.pos,, conditionRed} player:addCondition(getMyTeam[4]) player:setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], 1) Game.setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], Game.getStorageValue(getMyTeam[1])+1) player:teleportTo(getMyTeam[2]) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You will join the team " .. getMyTeam[3] .. "!") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count)-1) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) == 0 then removeBattleTp() broadcastMessage("Battlefield will start in 2 minutes, please create your strategy!") addEvent(broadcastMessage, 2*60*1000-500, "BattleField will begin now!") addEvent(OpenWallBattle, 2*60*1000) end return true end movements.xml <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="45000" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- Configurações do TIME: em data\lib\core\battlefield.lua tem essas linhas: _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 10 -- em minutos } exp = {true,100} -- se vai receber exp ao ganhar evento? true ou false e quantidade items = {true, 2160, 10} -- se vai receber items ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e id, quantidade do item premium_days = {false, 1} -- se vai receber premium days ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e quantidade
    TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, Name = nome do time Storage = Não mexa Pos = Onde cada time vai nascer storage_count = 180400 -- NÃO MEXAR tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7} -- Onde o teleporte irá aparecer ao iniciar o evento limit_Time = 10 -- É o tempo limite para os jogadores entrarem no teleport.(em minutos) Configurar Datas dos Eventos: Em data\globalevents\scripts\battlefieldthink.lua vai ter essa tabela: _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } ["DIA DA SEMANA"] = { ["HORARIO"] = {players = QUANTOS JOGADORES IRÃO PARTICIPAR} Regra: Sempre coloque números pares para os jogadores, do contrário o evento não irá iniciar.
  16. Upvote
    Vodkart recebeu reputação de Lumus em BattleField TFS 1.1+   
    Repassei esse sistema:

    para a nova versão
    Versão: TFS 1.1 ou SUPERIOR(NÃO FUNCIONA NO TFS 1.0)
    OBS: Favor ter noções básicas de como instalar o sistema no seu server.
    Instalando o Sistema:
    function onLogin(player) player:registerEvent("battledeath") if Game.getStorageValue( == -1 then Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) end if player:getStorageValue( >= 1 or player:getStorageValue( >= 1 then player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) end return true end function onPrepareDeath(creature, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller) if creature:isPlayer() and creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 or creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 then local MyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or local EnemyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or Game.setStorageValue(MyTeam, (Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam)-1)) creature:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "[Battle Field] You Are Dead!") creature:setStorageValue(MyTeam, -1) creature:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) if Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam) == 0 then getWinnersBattle(EnemyTeam) else doBroadCastBattle(23,"[BattleField Information] "" "..Game.getStorageValue(" VS "..Game.getStorageValue(" " end end return true end creaturescript.xml <event type="login" name="battleflogin" script="battlefield.lua"/> <event type="preparedeath" name="battledeath" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\events\scripts abra o arquivo creature.lua e troque: function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) return true end por function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) if not self then return true end if self:isPlayer() and target:isPlayer() then if self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 or self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 then return RETURNVALUE_YOUMAYNOTATTACKTHISPLAYER end end return true end events.xml Troque: <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="0" /> por <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="1" /> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\globalevents\scripts battlefieldstart.lua function onStartup() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) return true end battlefieldthink.lua _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } function onThink(interval) if _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")] then hours = tostring("%X")):sub(1, 5) tb = _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")][hours] if tb and (tb.players % 2 == 0) then local tp = Game.createItem(1387, 1, _Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos) tp:setActionId(45000) CheckEvent(_Lib_Battle_Info.limit_Time) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, tb.players) broadcastMessage("The event BattleField was opened and We are waiting "..tb.players.." Players! Team divided into "..((tb.players)/2).." VS "..((tb.players)/2)) end end return true end globalevents.xml <globalevent type="startup" name="NoBugBattle" script="battlefieldstart.lua"/> <globalevent interval="60000" name="BattleField" script="battlefieldthink.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//-------------------------------------------------
    _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 2 -- em minutos } function resetBattle() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) end function doBroadCastBattle(type, msg) for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do if Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 or Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 then Player(cid):sendTextMessage(type, msg) end end end function getWinnersBattle(storage) local str, c = "" , 0 for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue(storage) >= 1 then if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[1] == true then player:addExperience(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[2]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[1] == true then player:addItem(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[2], _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[3]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[1] == true then player:addPremiumDays(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[2]) end player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(storage, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) c = c+1 end end str = str .. ""..c.." Player"..(c > 1 and "s" or "").." from team "..(Game.getStorageValue( == 0 and or" won the event battlefield!" resetBattle() OpenWallBattle() return broadcastMessage(str) end function OpenWallBattle() local B = { {1543,{x=96, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}}, {1543,{x=95, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}} } for i = 1, #B do if getTileItemById(B[i][2], B[i][1]).uid == 0 then doCreateItem(B[i][1], 1, B[i][2]) else doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos(B[i][2]).uid,1) end end end function removeBattleTp() local t = getTileItemById(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, 1387).uid return t > 0 and doRemoveItem(t) and doSendMagicEffect(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, CONST_ME_POFF) end function CheckEvent(delay) if delay > 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then broadcastMessage("[BattleField Event] We are waiting "..Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count).." players to Battlefield starts") elseif delay == 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue( == 1 or player:getStorageValue( == 1 then player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) end end broadcastMessage("The event cannot be started because not had enough players.") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) resetBattle() removeBattleTp() end addEvent(CheckEvent, 60000, delay-1) end Na mesma pasta procure por data\lib\core.lua e adc essa linha: dofile('data/lib/core/battlefield.lua') -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\movements\scripts battlefield.lua local conditionRed = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionRed:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionRed:setOutfit({lookType = 143, lookHead = 94, lookBody = 94, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94}) local conditionBlack = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionBlack:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionBlack:setOutfit({lookType = 134, lookHead = 114, lookBody = 114, lookLegs = 114, lookFeet = 114}) function onStepIn(creature, item, position, fromPosition) local player = creature:getPlayer() if player == nil then return false end if player:getGroup():getId() >= 3 then return player:teleportTo(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then local getMyTeam = Game.getStorageValue( < Game.getStorageValue( and {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos,,conditionBlack} or {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.pos,, conditionRed} player:addCondition(getMyTeam[4]) player:setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], 1) Game.setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], Game.getStorageValue(getMyTeam[1])+1) player:teleportTo(getMyTeam[2]) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You will join the team " .. getMyTeam[3] .. "!") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count)-1) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) == 0 then removeBattleTp() broadcastMessage("Battlefield will start in 2 minutes, please create your strategy!") addEvent(broadcastMessage, 2*60*1000-500, "BattleField will begin now!") addEvent(OpenWallBattle, 2*60*1000) end return true end movements.xml <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="45000" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- Configurações do TIME: em data\lib\core\battlefield.lua tem essas linhas: _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 10 -- em minutos } exp = {true,100} -- se vai receber exp ao ganhar evento? true ou false e quantidade items = {true, 2160, 10} -- se vai receber items ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e id, quantidade do item premium_days = {false, 1} -- se vai receber premium days ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e quantidade
    TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, Name = nome do time Storage = Não mexa Pos = Onde cada time vai nascer storage_count = 180400 -- NÃO MEXAR tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7} -- Onde o teleporte irá aparecer ao iniciar o evento limit_Time = 10 -- É o tempo limite para os jogadores entrarem no teleport.(em minutos) Configurar Datas dos Eventos: Em data\globalevents\scripts\battlefieldthink.lua vai ter essa tabela: _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } ["DIA DA SEMANA"] = { ["HORARIO"] = {players = QUANTOS JOGADORES IRÃO PARTICIPAR} Regra: Sempre coloque números pares para os jogadores, do contrário o evento não irá iniciar.
  17. Upvote
    Vodkart recebeu reputação de tiagoduuarte em BattleField TFS 1.1+   
    Repassei esse sistema:

    para a nova versão
    Versão: TFS 1.1 ou SUPERIOR(NÃO FUNCIONA NO TFS 1.0)
    OBS: Favor ter noções básicas de como instalar o sistema no seu server.
    Instalando o Sistema:
    function onLogin(player) player:registerEvent("battledeath") if Game.getStorageValue( == -1 then Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) end if player:getStorageValue( >= 1 or player:getStorageValue( >= 1 then player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) end return true end function onPrepareDeath(creature, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller) if creature:isPlayer() and creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 or creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 then local MyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or local EnemyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or Game.setStorageValue(MyTeam, (Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam)-1)) creature:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "[Battle Field] You Are Dead!") creature:setStorageValue(MyTeam, -1) creature:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) if Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam) == 0 then getWinnersBattle(EnemyTeam) else doBroadCastBattle(23,"[BattleField Information] "" "..Game.getStorageValue(" VS "..Game.getStorageValue(" " end end return true end creaturescript.xml <event type="login" name="battleflogin" script="battlefield.lua"/> <event type="preparedeath" name="battledeath" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\events\scripts abra o arquivo creature.lua e troque: function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) return true end por function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) if not self then return true end if self:isPlayer() and target:isPlayer() then if self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 or self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 then return RETURNVALUE_YOUMAYNOTATTACKTHISPLAYER end end return true end events.xml Troque: <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="0" /> por <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="1" /> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\globalevents\scripts battlefieldstart.lua function onStartup() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) return true end battlefieldthink.lua _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } function onThink(interval) if _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")] then hours = tostring("%X")):sub(1, 5) tb = _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")][hours] if tb and (tb.players % 2 == 0) then local tp = Game.createItem(1387, 1, _Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos) tp:setActionId(45000) CheckEvent(_Lib_Battle_Info.limit_Time) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, tb.players) broadcastMessage("The event BattleField was opened and We are waiting "..tb.players.." Players! Team divided into "..((tb.players)/2).." VS "..((tb.players)/2)) end end return true end globalevents.xml <globalevent type="startup" name="NoBugBattle" script="battlefieldstart.lua"/> <globalevent interval="60000" name="BattleField" script="battlefieldthink.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//-------------------------------------------------
    _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 2 -- em minutos } function resetBattle() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) end function doBroadCastBattle(type, msg) for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do if Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 or Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 then Player(cid):sendTextMessage(type, msg) end end end function getWinnersBattle(storage) local str, c = "" , 0 for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue(storage) >= 1 then if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[1] == true then player:addExperience(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[2]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[1] == true then player:addItem(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[2], _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[3]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[1] == true then player:addPremiumDays(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[2]) end player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(storage, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) c = c+1 end end str = str .. ""..c.." Player"..(c > 1 and "s" or "").." from team "..(Game.getStorageValue( == 0 and or" won the event battlefield!" resetBattle() OpenWallBattle() return broadcastMessage(str) end function OpenWallBattle() local B = { {1543,{x=96, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}}, {1543,{x=95, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}} } for i = 1, #B do if getTileItemById(B[i][2], B[i][1]).uid == 0 then doCreateItem(B[i][1], 1, B[i][2]) else doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos(B[i][2]).uid,1) end end end function removeBattleTp() local t = getTileItemById(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, 1387).uid return t > 0 and doRemoveItem(t) and doSendMagicEffect(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, CONST_ME_POFF) end function CheckEvent(delay) if delay > 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then broadcastMessage("[BattleField Event] We are waiting "..Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count).." players to Battlefield starts") elseif delay == 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue( == 1 or player:getStorageValue( == 1 then player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) end end broadcastMessage("The event cannot be started because not had enough players.") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) resetBattle() removeBattleTp() end addEvent(CheckEvent, 60000, delay-1) end Na mesma pasta procure por data\lib\core.lua e adc essa linha: dofile('data/lib/core/battlefield.lua') -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\movements\scripts battlefield.lua local conditionRed = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionRed:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionRed:setOutfit({lookType = 143, lookHead = 94, lookBody = 94, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94}) local conditionBlack = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionBlack:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionBlack:setOutfit({lookType = 134, lookHead = 114, lookBody = 114, lookLegs = 114, lookFeet = 114}) function onStepIn(creature, item, position, fromPosition) local player = creature:getPlayer() if player == nil then return false end if player:getGroup():getId() >= 3 then return player:teleportTo(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then local getMyTeam = Game.getStorageValue( < Game.getStorageValue( and {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos,,conditionBlack} or {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.pos,, conditionRed} player:addCondition(getMyTeam[4]) player:setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], 1) Game.setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], Game.getStorageValue(getMyTeam[1])+1) player:teleportTo(getMyTeam[2]) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You will join the team " .. getMyTeam[3] .. "!") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count)-1) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) == 0 then removeBattleTp() broadcastMessage("Battlefield will start in 2 minutes, please create your strategy!") addEvent(broadcastMessage, 2*60*1000-500, "BattleField will begin now!") addEvent(OpenWallBattle, 2*60*1000) end return true end movements.xml <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="45000" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- Configurações do TIME: em data\lib\core\battlefield.lua tem essas linhas: _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 10 -- em minutos } exp = {true,100} -- se vai receber exp ao ganhar evento? true ou false e quantidade items = {true, 2160, 10} -- se vai receber items ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e id, quantidade do item premium_days = {false, 1} -- se vai receber premium days ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e quantidade
    TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, Name = nome do time Storage = Não mexa Pos = Onde cada time vai nascer storage_count = 180400 -- NÃO MEXAR tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7} -- Onde o teleporte irá aparecer ao iniciar o evento limit_Time = 10 -- É o tempo limite para os jogadores entrarem no teleport.(em minutos) Configurar Datas dos Eventos: Em data\globalevents\scripts\battlefieldthink.lua vai ter essa tabela: _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } ["DIA DA SEMANA"] = { ["HORARIO"] = {players = QUANTOS JOGADORES IRÃO PARTICIPAR} Regra: Sempre coloque números pares para os jogadores, do contrário o evento não irá iniciar.
  18. Upvote
    Vodkart recebeu reputação de williamserravalle em BattleField TFS 1.1+   
    Repassei esse sistema:

    para a nova versão
    Versão: TFS 1.1 ou SUPERIOR(NÃO FUNCIONA NO TFS 1.0)
    OBS: Favor ter noções básicas de como instalar o sistema no seu server.
    Instalando o Sistema:
    function onLogin(player) player:registerEvent("battledeath") if Game.getStorageValue( == -1 then Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) end if player:getStorageValue( >= 1 or player:getStorageValue( >= 1 then player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) end return true end function onPrepareDeath(creature, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller) if creature:isPlayer() and creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 or creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 then local MyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or local EnemyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or Game.setStorageValue(MyTeam, (Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam)-1)) creature:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "[Battle Field] You Are Dead!") creature:setStorageValue(MyTeam, -1) creature:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) if Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam) == 0 then getWinnersBattle(EnemyTeam) else doBroadCastBattle(23,"[BattleField Information] "" "..Game.getStorageValue(" VS "..Game.getStorageValue(" " end end return true end creaturescript.xml <event type="login" name="battleflogin" script="battlefield.lua"/> <event type="preparedeath" name="battledeath" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\events\scripts abra o arquivo creature.lua e troque: function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) return true end por function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) if not self then return true end if self:isPlayer() and target:isPlayer() then if self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 or self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 then return RETURNVALUE_YOUMAYNOTATTACKTHISPLAYER end end return true end events.xml Troque: <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="0" /> por <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="1" /> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\globalevents\scripts battlefieldstart.lua function onStartup() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) return true end battlefieldthink.lua _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } function onThink(interval) if _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")] then hours = tostring("%X")):sub(1, 5) tb = _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")][hours] if tb and (tb.players % 2 == 0) then local tp = Game.createItem(1387, 1, _Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos) tp:setActionId(45000) CheckEvent(_Lib_Battle_Info.limit_Time) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, tb.players) broadcastMessage("The event BattleField was opened and We are waiting "..tb.players.." Players! Team divided into "..((tb.players)/2).." VS "..((tb.players)/2)) end end return true end globalevents.xml <globalevent type="startup" name="NoBugBattle" script="battlefieldstart.lua"/> <globalevent interval="60000" name="BattleField" script="battlefieldthink.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//-------------------------------------------------
    _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 2 -- em minutos } function resetBattle() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) end function doBroadCastBattle(type, msg) for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do if Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 or Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 then Player(cid):sendTextMessage(type, msg) end end end function getWinnersBattle(storage) local str, c = "" , 0 for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue(storage) >= 1 then if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[1] == true then player:addExperience(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[2]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[1] == true then player:addItem(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[2], _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[3]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[1] == true then player:addPremiumDays(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[2]) end player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(storage, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) c = c+1 end end str = str .. ""..c.." Player"..(c > 1 and "s" or "").." from team "..(Game.getStorageValue( == 0 and or" won the event battlefield!" resetBattle() OpenWallBattle() return broadcastMessage(str) end function OpenWallBattle() local B = { {1543,{x=96, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}}, {1543,{x=95, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}} } for i = 1, #B do if getTileItemById(B[i][2], B[i][1]).uid == 0 then doCreateItem(B[i][1], 1, B[i][2]) else doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos(B[i][2]).uid,1) end end end function removeBattleTp() local t = getTileItemById(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, 1387).uid return t > 0 and doRemoveItem(t) and doSendMagicEffect(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, CONST_ME_POFF) end function CheckEvent(delay) if delay > 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then broadcastMessage("[BattleField Event] We are waiting "..Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count).." players to Battlefield starts") elseif delay == 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue( == 1 or player:getStorageValue( == 1 then player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) end end broadcastMessage("The event cannot be started because not had enough players.") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) resetBattle() removeBattleTp() end addEvent(CheckEvent, 60000, delay-1) end Na mesma pasta procure por data\lib\core.lua e adc essa linha: dofile('data/lib/core/battlefield.lua') -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\movements\scripts battlefield.lua local conditionRed = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionRed:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionRed:setOutfit({lookType = 143, lookHead = 94, lookBody = 94, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94}) local conditionBlack = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionBlack:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionBlack:setOutfit({lookType = 134, lookHead = 114, lookBody = 114, lookLegs = 114, lookFeet = 114}) function onStepIn(creature, item, position, fromPosition) local player = creature:getPlayer() if player == nil then return false end if player:getGroup():getId() >= 3 then return player:teleportTo(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then local getMyTeam = Game.getStorageValue( < Game.getStorageValue( and {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos,,conditionBlack} or {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.pos,, conditionRed} player:addCondition(getMyTeam[4]) player:setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], 1) Game.setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], Game.getStorageValue(getMyTeam[1])+1) player:teleportTo(getMyTeam[2]) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You will join the team " .. getMyTeam[3] .. "!") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count)-1) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) == 0 then removeBattleTp() broadcastMessage("Battlefield will start in 2 minutes, please create your strategy!") addEvent(broadcastMessage, 2*60*1000-500, "BattleField will begin now!") addEvent(OpenWallBattle, 2*60*1000) end return true end movements.xml <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="45000" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- Configurações do TIME: em data\lib\core\battlefield.lua tem essas linhas: _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 10 -- em minutos } exp = {true,100} -- se vai receber exp ao ganhar evento? true ou false e quantidade items = {true, 2160, 10} -- se vai receber items ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e id, quantidade do item premium_days = {false, 1} -- se vai receber premium days ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e quantidade
    TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, Name = nome do time Storage = Não mexa Pos = Onde cada time vai nascer storage_count = 180400 -- NÃO MEXAR tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7} -- Onde o teleporte irá aparecer ao iniciar o evento limit_Time = 10 -- É o tempo limite para os jogadores entrarem no teleport.(em minutos) Configurar Datas dos Eventos: Em data\globalevents\scripts\battlefieldthink.lua vai ter essa tabela: _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } ["DIA DA SEMANA"] = { ["HORARIO"] = {players = QUANTOS JOGADORES IRÃO PARTICIPAR} Regra: Sempre coloque números pares para os jogadores, do contrário o evento não irá iniciar.
  19. Upvote
    Vodkart recebeu reputação de SkyLigh em BattleField TFS 1.1+   
    Repassei esse sistema:

    para a nova versão
    Versão: TFS 1.1 ou SUPERIOR(NÃO FUNCIONA NO TFS 1.0)
    OBS: Favor ter noções básicas de como instalar o sistema no seu server.
    Instalando o Sistema:
    function onLogin(player) player:registerEvent("battledeath") if Game.getStorageValue( == -1 then Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) end if player:getStorageValue( >= 1 or player:getStorageValue( >= 1 then player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) end return true end function onPrepareDeath(creature, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller) if creature:isPlayer() and creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 or creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 then local MyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or local EnemyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or Game.setStorageValue(MyTeam, (Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam)-1)) creature:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "[Battle Field] You Are Dead!") creature:setStorageValue(MyTeam, -1) creature:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) if Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam) == 0 then getWinnersBattle(EnemyTeam) else doBroadCastBattle(23,"[BattleField Information] "" "..Game.getStorageValue(" VS "..Game.getStorageValue(" " end end return true end creaturescript.xml <event type="login" name="battleflogin" script="battlefield.lua"/> <event type="preparedeath" name="battledeath" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\events\scripts abra o arquivo creature.lua e troque: function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) return true end por function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) if not self then return true end if self:isPlayer() and target:isPlayer() then if self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 or self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 then return RETURNVALUE_YOUMAYNOTATTACKTHISPLAYER end end return true end events.xml Troque: <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="0" /> por <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="1" /> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\globalevents\scripts battlefieldstart.lua function onStartup() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) return true end battlefieldthink.lua _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } function onThink(interval) if _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")] then hours = tostring("%X")):sub(1, 5) tb = _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")][hours] if tb and (tb.players % 2 == 0) then local tp = Game.createItem(1387, 1, _Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos) tp:setActionId(45000) CheckEvent(_Lib_Battle_Info.limit_Time) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, tb.players) broadcastMessage("The event BattleField was opened and We are waiting "..tb.players.." Players! Team divided into "..((tb.players)/2).." VS "..((tb.players)/2)) end end return true end globalevents.xml <globalevent type="startup" name="NoBugBattle" script="battlefieldstart.lua"/> <globalevent interval="60000" name="BattleField" script="battlefieldthink.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//-------------------------------------------------
    _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 2 -- em minutos } function resetBattle() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) end function doBroadCastBattle(type, msg) for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do if Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 or Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 then Player(cid):sendTextMessage(type, msg) end end end function getWinnersBattle(storage) local str, c = "" , 0 for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue(storage) >= 1 then if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[1] == true then player:addExperience(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[2]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[1] == true then player:addItem(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[2], _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[3]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[1] == true then player:addPremiumDays(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[2]) end player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(storage, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) c = c+1 end end str = str .. ""..c.." Player"..(c > 1 and "s" or "").." from team "..(Game.getStorageValue( == 0 and or" won the event battlefield!" resetBattle() OpenWallBattle() return broadcastMessage(str) end function OpenWallBattle() local B = { {1543,{x=96, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}}, {1543,{x=95, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}} } for i = 1, #B do if getTileItemById(B[i][2], B[i][1]).uid == 0 then doCreateItem(B[i][1], 1, B[i][2]) else doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos(B[i][2]).uid,1) end end end function removeBattleTp() local t = getTileItemById(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, 1387).uid return t > 0 and doRemoveItem(t) and doSendMagicEffect(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, CONST_ME_POFF) end function CheckEvent(delay) if delay > 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then broadcastMessage("[BattleField Event] We are waiting "..Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count).." players to Battlefield starts") elseif delay == 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue( == 1 or player:getStorageValue( == 1 then player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) end end broadcastMessage("The event cannot be started because not had enough players.") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) resetBattle() removeBattleTp() end addEvent(CheckEvent, 60000, delay-1) end Na mesma pasta procure por data\lib\core.lua e adc essa linha: dofile('data/lib/core/battlefield.lua') -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\movements\scripts battlefield.lua local conditionRed = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionRed:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionRed:setOutfit({lookType = 143, lookHead = 94, lookBody = 94, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94}) local conditionBlack = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionBlack:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionBlack:setOutfit({lookType = 134, lookHead = 114, lookBody = 114, lookLegs = 114, lookFeet = 114}) function onStepIn(creature, item, position, fromPosition) local player = creature:getPlayer() if player == nil then return false end if player:getGroup():getId() >= 3 then return player:teleportTo(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then local getMyTeam = Game.getStorageValue( < Game.getStorageValue( and {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos,,conditionBlack} or {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.pos,, conditionRed} player:addCondition(getMyTeam[4]) player:setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], 1) Game.setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], Game.getStorageValue(getMyTeam[1])+1) player:teleportTo(getMyTeam[2]) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You will join the team " .. getMyTeam[3] .. "!") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count)-1) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) == 0 then removeBattleTp() broadcastMessage("Battlefield will start in 2 minutes, please create your strategy!") addEvent(broadcastMessage, 2*60*1000-500, "BattleField will begin now!") addEvent(OpenWallBattle, 2*60*1000) end return true end movements.xml <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="45000" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- Configurações do TIME: em data\lib\core\battlefield.lua tem essas linhas: _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 10 -- em minutos } exp = {true,100} -- se vai receber exp ao ganhar evento? true ou false e quantidade items = {true, 2160, 10} -- se vai receber items ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e id, quantidade do item premium_days = {false, 1} -- se vai receber premium days ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e quantidade
    TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, Name = nome do time Storage = Não mexa Pos = Onde cada time vai nascer storage_count = 180400 -- NÃO MEXAR tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7} -- Onde o teleporte irá aparecer ao iniciar o evento limit_Time = 10 -- É o tempo limite para os jogadores entrarem no teleport.(em minutos) Configurar Datas dos Eventos: Em data\globalevents\scripts\battlefieldthink.lua vai ter essa tabela: _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } ["DIA DA SEMANA"] = { ["HORARIO"] = {players = QUANTOS JOGADORES IRÃO PARTICIPAR} Regra: Sempre coloque números pares para os jogadores, do contrário o evento não irá iniciar.
  20. Upvote
    Vodkart recebeu reputação de lSainty em BattleField TFS 1.1+   
    Repassei esse sistema:

    para a nova versão
    Versão: TFS 1.1 ou SUPERIOR(NÃO FUNCIONA NO TFS 1.0)
    OBS: Favor ter noções básicas de como instalar o sistema no seu server.
    Instalando o Sistema:
    function onLogin(player) player:registerEvent("battledeath") if Game.getStorageValue( == -1 then Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) end if player:getStorageValue( >= 1 or player:getStorageValue( >= 1 then player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) end return true end function onPrepareDeath(creature, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller) if creature:isPlayer() and creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 or creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 then local MyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or local EnemyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or Game.setStorageValue(MyTeam, (Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam)-1)) creature:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "[Battle Field] You Are Dead!") creature:setStorageValue(MyTeam, -1) creature:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) if Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam) == 0 then getWinnersBattle(EnemyTeam) else doBroadCastBattle(23,"[BattleField Information] "" "..Game.getStorageValue(" VS "..Game.getStorageValue(" " end end return true end creaturescript.xml <event type="login" name="battleflogin" script="battlefield.lua"/> <event type="preparedeath" name="battledeath" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\events\scripts abra o arquivo creature.lua e troque: function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) return true end por function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) if not self then return true end if self:isPlayer() and target:isPlayer() then if self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 or self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 then return RETURNVALUE_YOUMAYNOTATTACKTHISPLAYER end end return true end events.xml Troque: <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="0" /> por <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="1" /> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\globalevents\scripts battlefieldstart.lua function onStartup() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) return true end battlefieldthink.lua _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } function onThink(interval) if _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")] then hours = tostring("%X")):sub(1, 5) tb = _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")][hours] if tb and (tb.players % 2 == 0) then local tp = Game.createItem(1387, 1, _Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos) tp:setActionId(45000) CheckEvent(_Lib_Battle_Info.limit_Time) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, tb.players) broadcastMessage("The event BattleField was opened and We are waiting "..tb.players.." Players! Team divided into "..((tb.players)/2).." VS "..((tb.players)/2)) end end return true end globalevents.xml <globalevent type="startup" name="NoBugBattle" script="battlefieldstart.lua"/> <globalevent interval="60000" name="BattleField" script="battlefieldthink.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//-------------------------------------------------
    _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 2 -- em minutos } function resetBattle() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) end function doBroadCastBattle(type, msg) for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do if Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 or Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 then Player(cid):sendTextMessage(type, msg) end end end function getWinnersBattle(storage) local str, c = "" , 0 for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue(storage) >= 1 then if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[1] == true then player:addExperience(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[2]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[1] == true then player:addItem(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[2], _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[3]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[1] == true then player:addPremiumDays(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[2]) end player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(storage, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) c = c+1 end end str = str .. ""..c.." Player"..(c > 1 and "s" or "").." from team "..(Game.getStorageValue( == 0 and or" won the event battlefield!" resetBattle() OpenWallBattle() return broadcastMessage(str) end function OpenWallBattle() local B = { {1543,{x=96, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}}, {1543,{x=95, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}} } for i = 1, #B do if getTileItemById(B[i][2], B[i][1]).uid == 0 then doCreateItem(B[i][1], 1, B[i][2]) else doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos(B[i][2]).uid,1) end end end function removeBattleTp() local t = getTileItemById(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, 1387).uid return t > 0 and doRemoveItem(t) and doSendMagicEffect(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, CONST_ME_POFF) end function CheckEvent(delay) if delay > 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then broadcastMessage("[BattleField Event] We are waiting "..Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count).." players to Battlefield starts") elseif delay == 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue( == 1 or player:getStorageValue( == 1 then player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) end end broadcastMessage("The event cannot be started because not had enough players.") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) resetBattle() removeBattleTp() end addEvent(CheckEvent, 60000, delay-1) end Na mesma pasta procure por data\lib\core.lua e adc essa linha: dofile('data/lib/core/battlefield.lua') -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\movements\scripts battlefield.lua local conditionRed = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionRed:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionRed:setOutfit({lookType = 143, lookHead = 94, lookBody = 94, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94}) local conditionBlack = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionBlack:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionBlack:setOutfit({lookType = 134, lookHead = 114, lookBody = 114, lookLegs = 114, lookFeet = 114}) function onStepIn(creature, item, position, fromPosition) local player = creature:getPlayer() if player == nil then return false end if player:getGroup():getId() >= 3 then return player:teleportTo(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then local getMyTeam = Game.getStorageValue( < Game.getStorageValue( and {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos,,conditionBlack} or {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.pos,, conditionRed} player:addCondition(getMyTeam[4]) player:setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], 1) Game.setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], Game.getStorageValue(getMyTeam[1])+1) player:teleportTo(getMyTeam[2]) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You will join the team " .. getMyTeam[3] .. "!") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count)-1) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) == 0 then removeBattleTp() broadcastMessage("Battlefield will start in 2 minutes, please create your strategy!") addEvent(broadcastMessage, 2*60*1000-500, "BattleField will begin now!") addEvent(OpenWallBattle, 2*60*1000) end return true end movements.xml <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="45000" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- Configurações do TIME: em data\lib\core\battlefield.lua tem essas linhas: _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 10 -- em minutos } exp = {true,100} -- se vai receber exp ao ganhar evento? true ou false e quantidade items = {true, 2160, 10} -- se vai receber items ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e id, quantidade do item premium_days = {false, 1} -- se vai receber premium days ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e quantidade
    TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, Name = nome do time Storage = Não mexa Pos = Onde cada time vai nascer storage_count = 180400 -- NÃO MEXAR tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7} -- Onde o teleporte irá aparecer ao iniciar o evento limit_Time = 10 -- É o tempo limite para os jogadores entrarem no teleport.(em minutos) Configurar Datas dos Eventos: Em data\globalevents\scripts\battlefieldthink.lua vai ter essa tabela: _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } ["DIA DA SEMANA"] = { ["HORARIO"] = {players = QUANTOS JOGADORES IRÃO PARTICIPAR} Regra: Sempre coloque números pares para os jogadores, do contrário o evento não irá iniciar.
  21. Upvote
    Vodkart recebeu reputação de adoration em BattleField TFS 1.1+   
    Repassei esse sistema:

    para a nova versão
    Versão: TFS 1.1 ou SUPERIOR(NÃO FUNCIONA NO TFS 1.0)
    OBS: Favor ter noções básicas de como instalar o sistema no seu server.
    Instalando o Sistema:
    function onLogin(player) player:registerEvent("battledeath") if Game.getStorageValue( == -1 then Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) end if player:getStorageValue( >= 1 or player:getStorageValue( >= 1 then player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) end return true end function onPrepareDeath(creature, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller) if creature:isPlayer() and creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 or creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 then local MyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or local EnemyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or Game.setStorageValue(MyTeam, (Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam)-1)) creature:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "[Battle Field] You Are Dead!") creature:setStorageValue(MyTeam, -1) creature:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) if Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam) == 0 then getWinnersBattle(EnemyTeam) else doBroadCastBattle(23,"[BattleField Information] "" "..Game.getStorageValue(" VS "..Game.getStorageValue(" " end end return true end creaturescript.xml <event type="login" name="battleflogin" script="battlefield.lua"/> <event type="preparedeath" name="battledeath" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\events\scripts abra o arquivo creature.lua e troque: function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) return true end por function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) if not self then return true end if self:isPlayer() and target:isPlayer() then if self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 or self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 then return RETURNVALUE_YOUMAYNOTATTACKTHISPLAYER end end return true end events.xml Troque: <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="0" /> por <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="1" /> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\globalevents\scripts battlefieldstart.lua function onStartup() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) return true end battlefieldthink.lua _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } function onThink(interval) if _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")] then hours = tostring("%X")):sub(1, 5) tb = _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")][hours] if tb and (tb.players % 2 == 0) then local tp = Game.createItem(1387, 1, _Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos) tp:setActionId(45000) CheckEvent(_Lib_Battle_Info.limit_Time) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, tb.players) broadcastMessage("The event BattleField was opened and We are waiting "..tb.players.." Players! Team divided into "..((tb.players)/2).." VS "..((tb.players)/2)) end end return true end globalevents.xml <globalevent type="startup" name="NoBugBattle" script="battlefieldstart.lua"/> <globalevent interval="60000" name="BattleField" script="battlefieldthink.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//-------------------------------------------------
    _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 2 -- em minutos } function resetBattle() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) end function doBroadCastBattle(type, msg) for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do if Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 or Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 then Player(cid):sendTextMessage(type, msg) end end end function getWinnersBattle(storage) local str, c = "" , 0 for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue(storage) >= 1 then if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[1] == true then player:addExperience(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[2]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[1] == true then player:addItem(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[2], _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[3]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[1] == true then player:addPremiumDays(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[2]) end player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(storage, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) c = c+1 end end str = str .. ""..c.." Player"..(c > 1 and "s" or "").." from team "..(Game.getStorageValue( == 0 and or" won the event battlefield!" resetBattle() OpenWallBattle() return broadcastMessage(str) end function OpenWallBattle() local B = { {1543,{x=96, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}}, {1543,{x=95, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}} } for i = 1, #B do if getTileItemById(B[i][2], B[i][1]).uid == 0 then doCreateItem(B[i][1], 1, B[i][2]) else doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos(B[i][2]).uid,1) end end end function removeBattleTp() local t = getTileItemById(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, 1387).uid return t > 0 and doRemoveItem(t) and doSendMagicEffect(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, CONST_ME_POFF) end function CheckEvent(delay) if delay > 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then broadcastMessage("[BattleField Event] We are waiting "..Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count).." players to Battlefield starts") elseif delay == 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue( == 1 or player:getStorageValue( == 1 then player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) end end broadcastMessage("The event cannot be started because not had enough players.") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) resetBattle() removeBattleTp() end addEvent(CheckEvent, 60000, delay-1) end Na mesma pasta procure por data\lib\core.lua e adc essa linha: dofile('data/lib/core/battlefield.lua') -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\movements\scripts battlefield.lua local conditionRed = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionRed:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionRed:setOutfit({lookType = 143, lookHead = 94, lookBody = 94, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94}) local conditionBlack = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionBlack:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionBlack:setOutfit({lookType = 134, lookHead = 114, lookBody = 114, lookLegs = 114, lookFeet = 114}) function onStepIn(creature, item, position, fromPosition) local player = creature:getPlayer() if player == nil then return false end if player:getGroup():getId() >= 3 then return player:teleportTo(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then local getMyTeam = Game.getStorageValue( < Game.getStorageValue( and {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos,,conditionBlack} or {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.pos,, conditionRed} player:addCondition(getMyTeam[4]) player:setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], 1) Game.setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], Game.getStorageValue(getMyTeam[1])+1) player:teleportTo(getMyTeam[2]) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You will join the team " .. getMyTeam[3] .. "!") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count)-1) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) == 0 then removeBattleTp() broadcastMessage("Battlefield will start in 2 minutes, please create your strategy!") addEvent(broadcastMessage, 2*60*1000-500, "BattleField will begin now!") addEvent(OpenWallBattle, 2*60*1000) end return true end movements.xml <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="45000" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- Configurações do TIME: em data\lib\core\battlefield.lua tem essas linhas: _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 10 -- em minutos } exp = {true,100} -- se vai receber exp ao ganhar evento? true ou false e quantidade items = {true, 2160, 10} -- se vai receber items ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e id, quantidade do item premium_days = {false, 1} -- se vai receber premium days ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e quantidade
    TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, Name = nome do time Storage = Não mexa Pos = Onde cada time vai nascer storage_count = 180400 -- NÃO MEXAR tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7} -- Onde o teleporte irá aparecer ao iniciar o evento limit_Time = 10 -- É o tempo limite para os jogadores entrarem no teleport.(em minutos) Configurar Datas dos Eventos: Em data\globalevents\scripts\battlefieldthink.lua vai ter essa tabela: _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } ["DIA DA SEMANA"] = { ["HORARIO"] = {players = QUANTOS JOGADORES IRÃO PARTICIPAR} Regra: Sempre coloque números pares para os jogadores, do contrário o evento não irá iniciar.
  22. Upvote
    Vodkart recebeu reputação de Kluivert em BattleField TFS 1.1+   
    Repassei esse sistema:

    para a nova versão
    Versão: TFS 1.1 ou SUPERIOR(NÃO FUNCIONA NO TFS 1.0)
    OBS: Favor ter noções básicas de como instalar o sistema no seu server.
    Instalando o Sistema:
    function onLogin(player) player:registerEvent("battledeath") if Game.getStorageValue( == -1 then Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) end if player:getStorageValue( >= 1 or player:getStorageValue( >= 1 then player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) end return true end function onPrepareDeath(creature, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller) if creature:isPlayer() and creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 or creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 then local MyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or local EnemyTeam = creature:getStorageValue( >= 1 and or Game.setStorageValue(MyTeam, (Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam)-1)) creature:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "[Battle Field] You Are Dead!") creature:setStorageValue(MyTeam, -1) creature:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) if Game.getStorageValue(MyTeam) == 0 then getWinnersBattle(EnemyTeam) else doBroadCastBattle(23,"[BattleField Information] "" "..Game.getStorageValue(" VS "..Game.getStorageValue(" " end end return true end creaturescript.xml <event type="login" name="battleflogin" script="battlefield.lua"/> <event type="preparedeath" name="battledeath" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\events\scripts abra o arquivo creature.lua e troque: function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) return true end por function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) if not self then return true end if self:isPlayer() and target:isPlayer() then if self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 or self:getStorageValue( >= 1 and target:getStorageValue( >= 1 then return RETURNVALUE_YOUMAYNOTATTACKTHISPLAYER end end return true end events.xml Troque: <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="0" /> por <event class="Creature" method="onTargetCombat" enabled="1" /> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\globalevents\scripts battlefieldstart.lua function onStartup() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) return true end battlefieldthink.lua _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } function onThink(interval) if _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")] then hours = tostring("%X")):sub(1, 5) tb = _Lib_Battle_Days["%A")][hours] if tb and (tb.players % 2 == 0) then local tp = Game.createItem(1387, 1, _Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos) tp:setActionId(45000) CheckEvent(_Lib_Battle_Info.limit_Time) Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, tb.players) broadcastMessage("The event BattleField was opened and We are waiting "..tb.players.." Players! Team divided into "..((tb.players)/2).." VS "..((tb.players)/2)) end end return true end globalevents.xml <globalevent type="startup" name="NoBugBattle" script="battlefieldstart.lua"/> <globalevent interval="60000" name="BattleField" script="battlefieldthink.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//-------------------------------------------------
    _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 2 -- em minutos } function resetBattle() Game.setStorageValue(, 0) Game.setStorageValue(, 0) end function doBroadCastBattle(type, msg) for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do if Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 or Player(cid):getStorageValue( == 1 then Player(cid):sendTextMessage(type, msg) end end end function getWinnersBattle(storage) local str, c = "" , 0 for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue(storage) >= 1 then if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[1] == true then player:addExperience(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.exp[2]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[1] == true then player:addItem(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[2], _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.items[3]) end if _Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[1] == true then player:addPremiumDays(_Lib_Battle_Info.Reward.premium_days[2]) end player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(storage, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) c = c+1 end end str = str .. ""..c.." Player"..(c > 1 and "s" or "").." from team "..(Game.getStorageValue( == 0 and or" won the event battlefield!" resetBattle() OpenWallBattle() return broadcastMessage(str) end function OpenWallBattle() local B = { {1543,{x=96, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}}, {1543,{x=95, y=124, z=7, stackpos = 1}} } for i = 1, #B do if getTileItemById(B[i][2], B[i][1]).uid == 0 then doCreateItem(B[i][1], 1, B[i][2]) else doRemoveItem(getThingfromPos(B[i][2]).uid,1) end end end function removeBattleTp() local t = getTileItemById(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, 1387).uid return t > 0 and doRemoveItem(t) and doSendMagicEffect(_Lib_Battle_Info.tpPos, CONST_ME_POFF) end function CheckEvent(delay) if delay > 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then broadcastMessage("[BattleField Event] We are waiting "..Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count).." players to Battlefield starts") elseif delay == 0 and Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then for _, cid in pairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local player = Player(cid) if player:getStorageValue( == 1 or player:getStorageValue( == 1 then player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition()) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:setStorageValue(, -1) player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) end end broadcastMessage("The event cannot be started because not had enough players.") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, 0) resetBattle() removeBattleTp() end addEvent(CheckEvent, 60000, delay-1) end Na mesma pasta procure por data\lib\core.lua e adc essa linha: dofile('data/lib/core/battlefield.lua') -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- data\movements\scripts battlefield.lua local conditionRed = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionRed:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionRed:setOutfit({lookType = 143, lookHead = 94, lookBody = 94, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94}) local conditionBlack = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) conditionBlack:setTicks(120 * 60 * 1000) conditionBlack:setOutfit({lookType = 134, lookHead = 114, lookBody = 114, lookLegs = 114, lookFeet = 114}) function onStepIn(creature, item, position, fromPosition) local player = creature:getPlayer() if player == nil then return false end if player:getGroup():getId() >= 3 then return player:teleportTo(_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) > 0 then local getMyTeam = Game.getStorageValue( < Game.getStorageValue( and {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamOne.pos,,conditionBlack} or {,_Lib_Battle_Info.TeamTwo.pos,, conditionRed} player:addCondition(getMyTeam[4]) player:setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], 1) Game.setStorageValue(getMyTeam[1], Game.getStorageValue(getMyTeam[1])+1) player:teleportTo(getMyTeam[2]) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You will join the team " .. getMyTeam[3] .. "!") Game.setStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count, Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count)-1) end if Game.getStorageValue(_Lib_Battle_Info.storage_count) == 0 then removeBattleTp() broadcastMessage("Battlefield will start in 2 minutes, please create your strategy!") addEvent(broadcastMessage, 2*60*1000-500, "BattleField will begin now!") addEvent(OpenWallBattle, 2*60*1000) end return true end movements.xml <movevent event="StepIn" actionid="45000" script="battlefield.lua"/> -------------------------------------------//------------------------------------------------- Configurações do TIME: em data\lib\core\battlefield.lua tem essas linhas: _Lib_Battle_Info = { Reward = { exp = {true, 100}, items = {true, 2160, 10}, premium_days = {false, 1} }, TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, storage_count = 180400, tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7}, limit_Time = 10 -- em minutos } exp = {true,100} -- se vai receber exp ao ganhar evento? true ou false e quantidade items = {true, 2160, 10} -- se vai receber items ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e id, quantidade do item premium_days = {false, 1} -- se vai receber premium days ao ganhar o evento, true ou false e quantidade
    TeamOne = {name = "Black Assassins", storage = 140120, pos = {x=95,y=113,z=7}}, TeamTwo = {name = "Red Barbarians",storage = 140121,pos = {x=100,y=116,z=7}}, Name = nome do time Storage = Não mexa Pos = Onde cada time vai nascer storage_count = 180400 -- NÃO MEXAR tpPos = {x=92, y=116, z=7} -- Onde o teleporte irá aparecer ao iniciar o evento limit_Time = 10 -- É o tempo limite para os jogadores entrarem no teleport.(em minutos) Configurar Datas dos Eventos: Em data\globalevents\scripts\battlefieldthink.lua vai ter essa tabela: _Lib_Battle_Days = { ["Tuesday"] = { ["16:00"] = {players = 30}, ["15:32"] = {players = 2} }, ["Wednesday"] = { ["23:06"] = {players = 2} }, ["Thursday"] = { ["11:26"] = {players = 4}, ["20:30"] = {players = 10} } } ["DIA DA SEMANA"] = { ["HORARIO"] = {players = QUANTOS JOGADORES IRÃO PARTICIPAR} Regra: Sempre coloque números pares para os jogadores, do contrário o evento não irá iniciar.
  23. Upvote
    Vodkart recebeu reputação de crownzs em Sistema de Reset   
    pq ta fazendo pelo nome? acessa pelo id do player que não tem erro
    local coNdConf = { needPz = true, -- Precisa estar em Pz pra resetar? [true, false] needPa = false, -- Precisa ser Premium Account Pra resetar? [true, false] withe = false, -- Players com Pk Withe podem resetar? [true, false] red = false, -- Players com Pk Red pode resetar? [true, false] battle = false, -- Players precisão estar sem battle pra resetar? [true, false] teleport = true, -- Teleportar Player para o templo após resetar? [true, false] look = true, -- Aparecer Resets no Look do Player? [true, false] resetConf = { Level = 350, -- Level Necessário para Resetar. [Valor] backLvl = 100 -- Level que voltará após o Reset. [Valor] } } function getPlayerReset(cid) local check = db.getResult("SELECT `reset` FROM `players` WHERE `id`= "..getPlayerGUID(cid)) return check:getDataInt("reset") <= 0 and 0 or check:getDataInt("reset") end function onSay(cid, words, param) local resetValue = getPlayerReset(cid) + 1 if getPlayerLevel(cid) < coNdConf.resetConf.Level then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "- Level Necessário Para o Reset ["..coNdConf.resetConf.Level.."]. Faltam "..coNdConf.resetConf.Level-getPlayerLevel(cid).." level's para você Resetar. -") return true elseif coNdConf.needPz and not getTilePzInfo(getCreaturePosition(cid)) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,"- Você Precisa estar em Protection Zone Para Resetar. -") return true elseif coNdConf.needPa == true and not isPremium(cid) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,"- Você Precisa ser Premium Account para Resetar. -") return true elseif not coNdConf.withe and getCreatureSkullType(cid) == 3 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,"- Você não pode resetar em condições de PK Withe. -") return true elseif not and getCreatureSkullType(cid) == 4 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,"- Você não pode resetar em condições de PK Red. -") return true elseif coNdConf.battle and getCreatureCondition(cid, CONDITION_INFIGHT) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,"- Você Precisa estar sem Battle para Resetar. -") return true end doTeleportThing(cid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid))) doRemoveCreature(cid) db.query("UPDATE `players` SET `reset` = " .. resetValue .. ", `level` = "..coNdConf.resetConf.Level..", `experience` = "..getExperienceForLevel(coNdConf.resetConf.Level)..", `description` = "..(coNdConf.look and "[Resets: "..resetValue.."]" or "").." WHERE `id`= "..getPlayerGUID(cid)) return true end
  24. Upvote
    Vodkart recebeu reputação de otnice em Battlefield Event!   
    Mapa feito por AnneMotta:
    Mapa Battlefield.rar
    scan: https://www.virustot...sis/1346548669/
    Imagens do mapa:
    - O evento é automático e acontece em determinado dia e hora da semana
    - Logo após é aberto um teleport então apenar um número limitado de players entra no evento
    - São formados por dois times, os "Black Assassins" e os "Red Barbarians"
    - Os times são balanceados automaticamente, quando o último jogador entra, esse teleport é fechado e depois de 5 minutos o evento começa, os 5 minutos são para os players ter tempo de planejar um ataque.
    - O sistema tem por finalidade matar todos do time inimigo, e os players que sobreviverem recebem um prêmio.
    - Durante o evento é mostrado na tela somente dos jogadores que estão no evento um placar de times.

    - Até o último player entrar no evento, ficam mandando broadcast dizendo quanto players faltam para dar inicio ao jogo.

    - Se o evento abrir e não atingir a meta de players colocada, o evento é finalizado e os players voltam para o templo.

    - De colocar Pvp Tool na área
    - De colocar área NoLogout
    Como configurar:
    Configuração dos Times:
    Configurar Datas do evento:
    Configuração Paredes:
  25. Upvote
    Vodkart recebeu reputação de JonatasLucasf em Sistema de Reset   
    pq ta fazendo pelo nome? acessa pelo id do player que não tem erro
    local coNdConf = { needPz = true, -- Precisa estar em Pz pra resetar? [true, false] needPa = false, -- Precisa ser Premium Account Pra resetar? [true, false] withe = false, -- Players com Pk Withe podem resetar? [true, false] red = false, -- Players com Pk Red pode resetar? [true, false] battle = false, -- Players precisão estar sem battle pra resetar? [true, false] teleport = true, -- Teleportar Player para o templo após resetar? [true, false] look = true, -- Aparecer Resets no Look do Player? [true, false] resetConf = { Level = 350, -- Level Necessário para Resetar. [Valor] backLvl = 100 -- Level que voltará após o Reset. [Valor] } } function getPlayerReset(cid) local check = db.getResult("SELECT `reset` FROM `players` WHERE `id`= "..getPlayerGUID(cid)) return check:getDataInt("reset") <= 0 and 0 or check:getDataInt("reset") end function onSay(cid, words, param) local resetValue = getPlayerReset(cid) + 1 if getPlayerLevel(cid) < coNdConf.resetConf.Level then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "- Level Necessário Para o Reset ["..coNdConf.resetConf.Level.."]. Faltam "..coNdConf.resetConf.Level-getPlayerLevel(cid).." level's para você Resetar. -") return true elseif coNdConf.needPz and not getTilePzInfo(getCreaturePosition(cid)) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,"- Você Precisa estar em Protection Zone Para Resetar. -") return true elseif coNdConf.needPa == true and not isPremium(cid) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,"- Você Precisa ser Premium Account para Resetar. -") return true elseif not coNdConf.withe and getCreatureSkullType(cid) == 3 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,"- Você não pode resetar em condições de PK Withe. -") return true elseif not and getCreatureSkullType(cid) == 4 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,"- Você não pode resetar em condições de PK Red. -") return true elseif coNdConf.battle and getCreatureCondition(cid, CONDITION_INFIGHT) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,"- Você Precisa estar sem Battle para Resetar. -") return true end doTeleportThing(cid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid))) doRemoveCreature(cid) db.query("UPDATE `players` SET `reset` = " .. resetValue .. ", `level` = "..coNdConf.resetConf.Level..", `experience` = "..getExperienceForLevel(coNdConf.resetConf.Level)..", `description` = "..(coNdConf.look and "[Resets: "..resetValue.."]" or "").." WHERE `id`= "..getPlayerGUID(cid)) return true end
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