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Tudo que Vodkart postou

  1. obg já estou usando! rep+ obg a todos tbm q postaram
  2. tipo[*avatar*] teria como fazer um avatar usando essa imagem: achei o cara mto gato
  3. cara ficou meio esquisito, a tipografia n combino com o azulão da imagem n tem como tirar todo essa azul e trocar de efeito?
  4. [Tamanho*]: 300x300px. (Para Avatar) [Tema*] : DAREDEVIL(série da netflix) [Tipo*]: Background. [Outros]: deixe bem foda pf :3 [Cores preferenciais]: sombrio, pq tem a ver com o demolidor.
  5. Vodkart

    Magic Items

    no mods tenta trocar essa parte: <event type="login" name="itemstats_login" event="buffer"><![CDATA[ registerCreatureEvent(cid, 'itemstats') ]]></event> por essa: <event type="login" name="itemstats_login" event="script"><![CDATA[ function onLogin(cid) registerCreatureEvent(cid, 'itemstats') return true end]]></event> -------------------- se o usar o script troca: function onLogin(player) player:registerEvent("randomstats_loot") return true end por function onLogin(cid) registerCreatureEvent(cid, 'itemstats') return true end no mods tenta trocar essa parte: <event type="login" name="itemstats_login" event="buffer"><![CDATA[ registerCreatureEvent(cid, 'itemstats') ]]></event> por essa: <event type="login" name="itemstats_login" event="script"><![CDATA[ function onLogin(cid) registerCreatureEvent(cid, 'itemstats') return true end]]></event> -------------------- se o usar o script troca: function onLogin(player) player:registerEvent("randomstats_loot") return true end por function onLogin(cid) registerCreatureEvent(cid, 'itemstats') return true end no mods tenta trocar essa parte: <event type="login" name="itemstats_login" event="buffer"><![CDATA[ registerCreatureEvent(cid, 'itemstats') ]]></event> por essa: <event type="login" name="itemstats_login" event="script"><![CDATA[ function onLogin(cid) registerCreatureEvent(cid, 'itemstats') return true end]]></event> -------------------- se o usar o script troca: function onLogin(player) player:registerEvent("randomstats_loot") return true end por function onLogin(cid) registerCreatureEvent(cid, 'itemstats') return true end TD BUGADO ISSO MEU DEUS ----------- NO SCRIPT TROCA ESSA PARTE: function onLogin(player) player:registerEvent("randomstats_loot") return true end por function onLogin(cid) registerCreatureEvent(cid, 'itemstats') return true end
  6. Vodkart

    Magic Items

    arrumei, é só um MODS... caso não de certo tenta: creaturescripts.xml: <event type="login" name="randomstats_register" script="randomstats.lua"/> <event type="kill" name="randomstats_loot" script="randomstats.lua"/> randomstats.lua local rare_popup = true local rare_text = "*rare*" local rare_effect = true local rare_effect_id = CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN local tiers = { [1] = { prefix = 'rare', showattr = true, -- attr prefix will be shown instead extra = {0, 0}, chance = { [1] = 10000, -- chance for basic stat [2] = 5000 -- chance for second stat } }, [2] = { prefix = 'epic', extra = {7, 20}, -- additional percent bonus chance = { [1] = 3333, [2] = 25000 } }, [3] = { prefix = 'legendary', extra = {20, 35}, chance = { [1] = 1000, [2] = 100000 -- 2 bonuses always } }, } --! attributes local attr = { atk = { name = 'atk', prefix = 'sharpened', percent = {7, 25}, }, def = { name = 'def', prefix = 'fortified', percent = {7, 25}, }, extradef = { name = 'extra def', prefix = 'balanced', percent = {7, 25}, }, arm = { name = 'arm', prefix = 'flawless', percent = {7, 20}, }, hitchance = { name = 'accuracy', prefix = 'accurate', percent = {10, 25}, }, shootrange = { name = 'range', prefix = 'powerful', percent = {17, 34}, }, charges = { name = 'charges', prefix = 'charged', percent = {30, 45}, }, duration = { name = 'time', prefix = 'unique', percent = {35, 50}, }, --[[ not available in 1.1 attackSpeed = {}, extraAttack = {}, ]] } local stats = { [1] = {ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_ATTACK, attr.atk}, [2] = {ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DEFENSE, attr.def}, [3] = {ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_EXTRADEFENSE, attr.extradef}, [4] = {ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_ARMOR, attr.arm}, [5] = {ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_HITCHANCE, attr.hitchance}, [6] = {ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_SHOOTRANGE, attr.shootrange}, [7] = {ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_CHARGES, attr.charges}, [8] = {ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DURATION, attr.duration}, -- not available in 1.1 -- [9] = {ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_ATTACKSPEED, attr.attackSpeed}, -- [10] = {ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_EXTRAATTACK, attr.extraAttack}, } function stat_getItemDuration(item) local it_id = item:getId() local tid = ItemType(it_id):getTransformEquipId() if tid > 0 then item:transform(tid) local vx = item:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DURATION) item:transform(it_id) item:removeAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DURATION) return vx end return 0 end function loot_attrToVal(item, attr) local id = ItemType(item:getId()) local v = { [ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_ATTACK] = id:getAttack(), [ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DEFENSE] = id:getDefense(), [ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_EXTRADEFENSE] = id:getExtraDefense(), [ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_ARMOR] = id:getArmor(), [ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_HITCHANCE] = id:getHitChance(), [ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_SHOOTRANGE] = id:getShootRange(), [ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_CHARGES] = id:getCharges(), [ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DURATION] = stat_getItemDuration(item), -- not available in 1.1 -- [ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_ATTACKSPEED] = item:getAttackSpeed(), -- [ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_EXTRAATTACK] = item:getExtraAttack(), } return v[attr] end function assign_loot_Stat(c) local rares = 0 local h = c:getItemHoldingCount() if h > 0 then for i = 1, h do local available_stats = {} local it_u = c:getItem(i - 1) local it_id = ItemType(it_u:getId()) if it_u:isContainer() then local crares = assign_loot_Stat(it_u) rares = rares + crares else if not it_id:isStackable() then local wp = it_id:getWeaponType() if wp > 0 then if wp == WEAPON_SHIELD then -- type shield table.insert(available_stats, stats[2]) elseif wp == WEAPON_DISTANCE then -- type bow table.insert(available_stats, stats[1]) table.insert(available_stats, stats[5]) table.insert(available_stats, stats[6]) -- not available in 1.1 -- table.insert(available_stats, stats[9]) elseif wp == WEAPON_WAND then -- type wand table.insert(available_stats, stats[6]) -- not available in 1.1 -- table.insert(available_stats, stats[9]) elseif isInArray({WEAPON_SWORD, WEAPON_CLUB, WEAPON_AXE}, wp) then -- melee weapon if it_id:getAttack() > 0 then table.insert(available_stats, stats[1]) end if it_id:getDefense() > 0 then table.insert(available_stats, stats[2]) end if it_id:getExtraDefense() ~= 0 then table.insert(available_stats, stats[3]) end -- not available in 1.1 -- table.insert(available_stats, stats[10]) end else -- armors, amulets, runes and rings if it_id:getArmor() > 0 then table.insert(available_stats, stats[4]) end if it_id:getCharges() > 0 then table.insert(available_stats, stats[7]) end local eq_id = it_id:getTransformEquipId() if eq_id > 0 then table.insert(available_stats, stats[8]) end end end end if #available_stats > 0 then -- skips it all if it's empty local tier = math.random(1, #tiers) if #tiers[tier].chance > 0 then local statsStored = 0 local stats_used = {} for stat = 1, #tiers[tier].chance do if #available_stats > 0 then -- stops if no more stats available if stat - 1 == statsStored then -- checks when it's time to stop adding stats if math.random(1, 100000) <= tiers[tier].chance[stat] then statsStored = statsStored + 1 local selected_stat = math.random(1, #available_stats) table.insert(stats_used, available_stats[selected_stat]) table.remove(available_stats, selected_stat) end end end end if #stats_used > 0 then rares = rares + 1 local stat_desc = {} for stat = 1, #stats_used do local v = math.random( stats_used[stat][2].percent[1], stats_used[stat][2].percent[2] ) + math.random( tiers[tier].extra[1], tiers[tier].extra[2] ) local basestat = loot_attrToVal(it_u, stats_used[stat][1]) it_u:setAttribute(stats_used[stat][1], basestat + math.abs(basestat * v / 100)) table.insert(stat_desc, '[' .. stats_used[stat][2].name .. ': +' .. v .. '%]') end if tiers[tier].showattr then for stat = 1, #stats_used do it_u:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, "[" .. stats_used[stat][2].prefix .. "]" .. it_u:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)) end it_u:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, it_u:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) .. " " .. it_id:getName()) else it_u:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, tiers[tier].prefix .. " " .. it_id:getName()) end it_u:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, table.concat(stat_desc, "\n")) end end end end end return rares end function find_loot_Container(pos) local rares = 0 local c = Tile(pos):getTopDownItem() if c ~= nil then if c:isContainer() then rares = rares + assign_loot_Stat(c) if rares > 0 then if rare_popup then local spectators = Game.getSpectators(pos, false, true, 7, 7, 5, 5) for i = 1, #spectators do spectators[i]:say(rare_text, TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY, false, spectators[i], pos) end end if rare_effect then pos:sendMagicEffect(rare_effect_id) end end return true end end end function onKill(player, target, lastHit) if (not isSummon(target)) then addEvent(find_loot_Container, 2, target:getPosition()) end return true end function onLogin(player) player:registerEvent("randomstats_loot") return true end
  7. Vodkart

    Magic Items

    MODS: ItemStats.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <mod name="Random Item Stats" enabled="1"> <config name="itemstats_conf"><![CDATA[ -- // extra_loot_key = 123 --: optional storage for higher loot rate vocation_base_attackspeed = getVocationInfo(1).attackSpeed --: used for attackSpeed stat -- // tiers, attr = {}, {} tiers['rare'] = { color = 66, -- color of 'RARE' text extra = {0, 0}, attrNames = true, -- show attribute names instead of rare chance = { [1] = 10000, [2] = 5000 -- chance for 2nd stat } } tiers['epic'] = { color = 35, extra = {7, 20}, -- additional percent bonus chance = { [1] = 3333, [2] = 25000 } } tiers['legendary'] = { color = 149, extra = {20, 35}, chance = { [1] = 1000, [2] = 100000 -- 2 bonuses always } } MELEE = 0 DISTANCE = 1 ARMOR = 2 SHIELD = 3 WAND = 4 DURATION_RING = 5 CHARGES = 6 --! attributes attr['quick'] = { attr = 'attackSpeed', name = 'Attack Speed', percent = {6, 20}, types = {MELEE, DISTANCE, WAND} } attr['fortified'] = { attr = 'extraDefense', base = 'defense', name = 'Defense', percent = {7, 25}, types = {MELEE, SHIELD} } attr['deadly'] = { attr = 'extraAttack', base = 'attack', name = 'Attack', types = {MELEE}, percent = {7, 25} } attr['strong'] = { attr = 'armor', name = 'Armor', percent = {7, 20}, types = {ARMOR} } attr['hawkeye\'s'] = { attr = 'hitChance', name = 'Hit Chance', percent = {10, 25}, types = {DISTANCE} } --[[ // not available without source edit attr['farsight'] = { attr = 'shootRange', name = 'Shoot Range', percent = {17, 34}, types = {DISTANCE, WAND} } ]] attr['charged'] = { attr = 'charges', name = 'Charges', percent = {30, 45}, types = {CHARGES} } attr['divine'] = { attr = 'duration', name = 'Duration', percent = {35, 50}, types = {DURATION_RING} } --/ attributes rate = getConfigInfo('rateLoot') if( getConfigInfo('monsterLootMessage') ~= 0 )then print('[Notice] Set monsterLootMessage = 0 to prevent duplicate loot messages') end ]]></config> <event type="kill" name="itemstats" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('itemstats_conf') function round(n, s) return tonumber(('%.' .. (s or 0) .. 'f'):format(n)) end function getContentDescription(uid, sep) local ret, i, containers = '', 0, {} while( i < getContainerSize(uid) )do local v, s = getContainerItem(uid, i), '' local k = getItemInfo(v.itemid) = getItemAttribute(v.uid, 'name') or if( ~= '' )then if( v.type > 1 and k.stackable and k.showCount )then s = v.type .. ' ' .. k.plural else local article = getItemAttribute(v.uid, 'article') or k.article s = (article == '' and '' or article .. ' ') .. end ret = ret .. (i == 0 and not sep and '' or ', ') .. s if( isContainer(v.uid) and getContainerSize(v.uid) ~= 0 )then table.insert(containers, v.uid) end else ret = ret .. (i == 0 and not sep and '' or ', ') .. 'an item of type ' .. v.itemid .. ', please report it to gamemaster' end i = i + 1 end for i = 1, #containers do ret = ret .. getContentDescription(containers, true) end return ret end local function send(cid, corpse, monster) if( isPlayer(cid) )then local ret = corpse and isContainer(corpse) and getContentDescription(corpse) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'Loot of ' .. monster .. ': ' .. (ret ~= '' and ret or 'nothing')) local party = getPlayerParty(cid) if( party )then for _, pid in ipairs(getPartyMembers(party)) do doPlayerSendChannelMessage(pid, '', 'Loot of ' .. monster .. ': ' .. (ret ~= '' and ret or 'nothing'), TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_W, CHANNEL_PARTY) end end end end local function createLoot(i, ext) local item = type( == 'table' and[math.random(] or local random = math.ceil(math.random(100000) / ext) local tmpItem, f if( random < i.chance )then if i.subType == -1 then f = getItemInfo(item) end tmpItem = doCreateItemEx(item, i.subType ~= -1 and i.subType or f.stackable and random % i.count + 1 or f.charges ~= 0 and f.charges or 1 ) end if( not tmpItem )then return end if( i.actionId ~= -1 )then doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'aid', i.actionId) end if( i.uniqueId ~= -1 )then doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'uid', i.uniqueId) end if( i.text ~= '' )then doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'text', i.text) end local ret, done for k, v in pairs(tiers) do local cur, used = {}, {} for i = 1, #v.chance do if( math.random(100000) <= v.chance )then if( f )then f = getItemInfo(item) end if( not f.stackable )then for m, n in pairs(attr) do if( not table.find(used, m) and ( ( table.find(n.types, MELEE) and table.find({WEAPON_SWORD, WEAPON_CLUB, WEAPON_AXE}, f.weaponType) ) or ( table.find(n.types, DISTANCE) and f.weaponType == WEAPON_DIST and f.ammoType ~= 0 ) or ( table.find(n.types, ARMOR) and f.armor ~= 0 and f.wieldPosition ~= CONST_SLOT_NECKLACE ) or ( table.find(n.types, SHIELD) and f.defense ~= 0 and f.weaponType == WEAPON_SHIELD ) or ( table.find(n.types, WAND) and f.weaponType == WEAPON_WAND ) or ( table.find(n.types, DURATION_RING) and f.wieldPosition == CONST_SLOT_RING and f.transformEquipTo ~= 0 ) or ( table.find(n.types, CHARGES) and table.find({CONST_SLOT_RING, CONST_SLOT_NECKLACE}, f.wieldPosition) and f.charges ~= 0 ) ) )then table.insert(cur, m) end end if( #cur ~= 0 )then local n = cur[math.random(#cur)] table.insert(used, n) n = attr[n] local percent, new, tmp = math.random(n.percent[1] + (v.extra[1] or 0), n.percent[2] + (v.extra[2] or 0)) -- hacks if( n.attr == 'duration' )then tmp = getItemInfo(f.transformEquipTo) if tmp.transformDeEquipTo ~= item then break end new = round( tmp.decayTime * (1 + percent / 100) * 1000 ) elseif( n.attr == 'attackSpeed' )then new = round( vocation_base_attackspeed / (1 + percent / 100) ) elseif( n.attr == 'hitChance' ) then new = round( f.hitChance == -1 and percent or f.hitChance * (1 + percent / 100) ) else new = round( n.base and f[n['attr']] + f[n['base']] * (percent / 100) or f[n['attr']] * (1 + percent / 100) ) if( new == f[n[n.base and 'base' or 'attr']] )then -- no improvement break end end doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, n.attr:lower(), new) local name = getItemAttribute(tmpItem, 'name') if( v.attrNames or not name )then local name = (v.attrNames and used[#used] or k) .. ' ' .. (name or doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'name', name) if( f.article ~= '' )then local article = getArticle(name) if( article ~= f.article )then doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'article', article) end end end local desc = getItemAttribute(tmpItem, 'description') or f.description doItemSetAttribute(tmpItem, 'description', '[' .. .. ': +' .. percent .. '%]' .. (desc == '' and '' or '\n' .. desc)) ret = k end cur = {} if( #v.chance == i )then done = true end end else done = i ~= 1 break end end if( done )then break end end return tmpItem, ret end local function createChildLoot(parent, i, ext, pos) if( not i or #i == 0 )then return true end local size, cap = 0, getContainerCap(parent) for k = 1, #i do if( size == cap )then break end local tmp, ret = createLoot(i[k], ext) if( tmp )then if( isContainer(tmp) )then if( createChildLoot(tmp, i[k].child, ext, pos) )then doAddContainerItemEx(parent, tmp) size = size + 1 else doRemoveItem(tmp) end else if( ret )then doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN) doSendAnimatedText(pos, ret:upper(), tiers[ret].color) end doAddContainerItemEx(parent, tmp) size = size + 1 end end end return size > 0 end local function dropLoot(pos, v, ext, master, cid, target) local corpse if( not master or master == target )then -- 0.3/4 corpse = getTileItemById(pos, v.lookCorpse).uid if( isContainer(corpse) )then for i = 1, getContainerSize(corpse) do doRemoveItem(getContainerItem(corpse, 0).uid) end local size, cap = 0, getContainerCap(corpse) for i = 1, #v.loot do if( size == cap )then break end local tmp, ret = createLoot(v.loot, ext) if( tmp )then if( isContainer(tmp) )then if( createChildLoot(tmp, v.loot.child, ext, pos) )then doAddContainerItemEx(corpse, tmp) size = size + 1 else doRemoveItem(tmp) end else if( ret )then doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN) doSendAnimatedText(pos, ret:upper(), tiers[ret].color) end doAddContainerItemEx(corpse, tmp) size = size + 1 end end end end end send(cid, corpse, v.description) end function onKill(cid, target, damage, flags) if( (damage == true or, 1) == 1) and isMonster(target) )then -- 0.3/4 local v = getMonsterInfo(getCreatureName(target)) if( v and v.lookCorpse ~= 0 )then local s = getCreatureStorage(cid, extra_loot_key) addEvent(dropLoot, 0, getThingPos(target), v, s == -1 and rate or s, getCreatureMaster(target), cid, target) end end return true end ]]></event> <event type="login" name="itemstats_login" event="buffer"><![CDATA[ registerCreatureEvent(cid, 'itemstats') ]]></event> </mod>
  8. uheuheuheuehueue faz tempo q n atualizo esse sistema, última vez que mexi nele ainda tava no 8.60... tenta colocar "javali" no sistema. se n der certo eu vou configurar o sistema de novo... qual versão do seu ot?
  9. tenta colocar no mods o nome do monstro em letras minusculas... ["frenzy boar"]
  10. e daí? mas vc uso o and <= 49 então vai pegar todos lvl acima de 20 e todos lvl igual ou abaixo de 49 vc sabe para que serve o "and"? if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 20 and getPlayerLevel(cid) < 50 then ... elseif getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 50 and getPlayerLevel(cid) < 100 then ... end
  11. vc colocou os arquivos na pasta certa? porque diz aí que não está encontrando os arquivos! só isso
  12. se precisarem de alguma ajuda na staff podem contar comigo, de vez em quando tenho um tempo livre!
  13. ja tais jogando? me adc la to brincando zé precisa não xd guarda rp pra vc compra suas skins e pages runes
  14. aceito udyr guardião espiritual rsrsrs
  15. rp pra troca nick vc tem né lixo? pra me manda skin ou um hero não tem viado
  16. só pra avisa que não vou poder jogar de noite... vou dormir na casa de namorada. Vou estompar uma lane... vou caçar em uma jungle diferente vou caçar um dragon rsrsrs vou ultar em uma ppka se é que me entendem, hur dur
  17. tbm vo entra dps das 21 hrs bora jogar ekz!
  18. pode cre, lvl 30 vc pega rapidinho adc o pessoal da comunidade pra gente te da umas dicas... ja vou te da uma BEM importante. NÃO GASTE IP ATÉ O LVL 20! PQ QNDO VC CHEGA LVL 20 VC COMPLETA 2 RUNES PAGES DE RUNA NIVEL 3(RUNA NIVEL 3 SÓ PODE SER COMPRADA LVL 20+) NÃO GASTE NENHUM IP CARA
  19. vlad é um dos meus main TOP xD mas queria dicas de itens essências para ele, que itens vc começa e talz, qndo vc é counterado vc joga safe?? eu vi sua partida, é fd qndo vc faz um frag bem alto e acaba perdendo a partida, os outros do seu time terminaram td negativo msm kkk
  20. vc joga bastante de vlad ne? dicas pra ele?
  21. Boa lek jogou bem, farm ta bom tbm parabens jaja ta subindo de liga UEHUHEUEHUEEUEHEUHEUEHUEHEUEU fail da porra achei que suno tava carregando, ia ver o KD dele e me deparei com uma morgana... WTF??
  22. Essa imagem de vc jogando com o suno nem é fake de certo né?? UHEHEEHEUEHUEE
  24. ja estão adicionados... @piabeta belo histórico UHJEUEHEUHEUEHEUEHUEHUEHEUEU noob. jogador toxico feedou de akali e deu rage reportado, ja mandei ticket
  25. ja ta aceito... lista atualizada! só jogo de noite, dps das 9:30, msm horário de ontem
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