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Dias Ganhos
Tudo que Vodkart postou
Estava dizendo que já existia essa coluna, dai era só instalar os script, vê se no seu server já não esse meu script xD
function onUse(cid, item, pos) local days = 30 vip.addVipByAccount(getPlayerAccount(cid) ,vip.getDays(days)) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Foram adicionados "..tonumber(days).." dias de vip na sua account.") doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1) return true end
function onSay(cid, words, param) local storage,exausted = 78757,60 if param == "" then doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Digite algum texto.") return true elseif not HaveCharaterAcess(cid) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Você precisa ser vip.") return true elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage) >= os.time() then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "aguarde " .. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage) - os.time() .. " segundos.") return true end return doBroadcastMessage(getCreatureName(cid).." ["..getPlayerLevel(cid).."] Diz:\n"..param, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR) and setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage, os.time()+exausted) end
sem flood amigo, se não for contribuir não post nada.
mas n eh essa talk ai não que muda o nome do player cara é uma outra talk
Newtonnotwen = El9Diablo
hj em dia n se pode mais nem brinca com newfag ):
pedido [Função] Utilizando Função Por Tempo!
pergunta respondeu ao Newtonnotwen de Vodkart em Scripts
usa addEvent addEvent(doCreatureExecuteTalkAction, 10000, cid, 'SEILANOME', true) -
rapaz se vc n sabe vc pode aprende xD vc usa site ou é por sqlite mesmo? ta ai o link http://www.xtibia.com/forum/topic/133661-perfect-vip-system-30/
rapaz eu fiz um update nesse sistema pra 3.0 a vip ainda continua port character e não por account, é a mesma coisa porém sem storage e nesse novo update eu já tirei essa coisado do Nick [VIP] vlw
Você tinha adicionado errado na lib mesmo, agora que vi -.- arrumei pra vc: function doPlayerGiveItem(cid, itemid, amount, subType) local item = 0 if(isItemStackable(itemid)) then item = doCreateItemEx(itemid, amount) if(doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, item, true) ~= RETURNVALUE_NOERROR) then return false end else for i = 1, amount do item = doCreateItemEx(itemid, subType) if(doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, item, true) ~= RETURNVALUE_NOERROR) then return false end end end return true end function doPlayerGiveItemContainer(cid, containerid, itemid, amount, subType) for i = 1, amount do local container = doCreateItemEx(containerid, 1) for x = 1, getContainerCapById(containerid) do doAddContainerItem(container, itemid, subType) end if(doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, container, true) ~= RETURNVALUE_NOERROR) then return false end end return true end function doPlayerTakeItem(cid, itemid, amount) return getPlayerItemCount(cid, itemid) >= amount and doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, itemid, amount) end function doPlayerBuyItem(cid, itemid, count, cost, charges) return doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, cost) and doPlayerGiveItem(cid, itemid, count, charges) end function doPlayerBuyItemContainer(cid, containerid, itemid, count, cost, charges) return doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, cost) and doPlayerGiveItemContainer(cid, containerid, itemid, count, charges) end function doPlayerSellItem(cid, itemid, count, cost) if(not doPlayerTakeItem(cid, itemid, count)) then return false end if(not doPlayerAddMoney(cid, cost)) then error('[doPlayerSellItem] Could not add money to: ' .. getPlayerName(cid) .. ' (' .. cost .. 'gp).') end return true end function doPlayerWithdrawMoney(cid, amount) if(not getBooleanFromString(getConfigInfo('bankSystem'))) then return false end local balance = getPlayerBalance(cid) if(amount > balance or not doPlayerAddMoney(cid, amount)) then return false end doPlayerSetBalance(cid, balance - amount) return true end function doPlayerDepositMoney(cid, amount) if(not getBooleanFromString(getConfigInfo('bankSystem'))) then return false end if(not doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, amount)) then return false end doPlayerSetBalance(cid, getPlayerBalance(cid) + amount) return true end function isPremium(cid) return (isPlayer(cid) and (getPlayerPremiumDays(cid) > 0 or getBooleanFromString(getConfigInfo('freePremium')))) end function getMonthDayEnding(day) if(day == "01" or day == "21" or day == "31") then return "st" elseif(day == "02" or day == "22") then return "nd" elseif(day == "03" or day == "23") then return "rd" end return "th" end function getMonthString(m) return os.date("%B", os.time{year = 1970, month = m, day = 1}) end function getArticle(str) return str:find("[AaEeIiOoUuYy]") == 1 and "an" or "a" end function isNumber(str) return tonumber(str) ~= nil end function doPlayerAddAddons(cid, addon) for i = 0, table.maxn(maleOutfits) do doPlayerAddOutfit(cid, maleOutfits[i], addon) end for i = 0, table.maxn(femaleOutfits) do doPlayerAddOutfit(cid, femaleOutfits[i], addon) end end function doPlayerWithdrawAllMoney(cid) return doPlayerWithdrawMoney(cid, getPlayerBalance(cid)) end function doPlayerDepositAllMoney(cid) return doPlayerDepositMoney(cid, getPlayerMoney(cid)) end function doPlayerTransferAllMoneyTo(cid, target) return doPlayerTransferMoneyTo(cid, target, getPlayerBalance(cid)) end function playerExists(name) return getPlayerGUIDByName(name) ~= 0 end function getTibiaTime() local minutes = getWorldTime() local hours = 0 while (minutes > 60) do hours = hours + 1 minutes = minutes - 60 end return {hours = hours, minutes = minutes} end function doWriteLogFile(file, text) local f = io.open(file, "a+") if(not f) then return false end f:write("[" .. os.date("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") .. "] " .. text .. "\n") f:close() return true end function getExperienceForLevel(lv) lv = lv - 1 return ((50 * lv * lv * lv) - (150 * lv * lv) + (400 * lv)) / 3 end function doMutePlayer(cid, time) local condition = createConditionObject(CONDITION_MUTED) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, time * 1000) return doAddCondition(cid, condition) end function getPlayerGroupName(cid) return getGroupInfo(getPlayerGroupId(cid)).name end function getPlayerVocationName(cid) return getVocationInfo(getPlayerVocation(cid)).name end function getPromotedVocation(vid) return getVocationInfo(vid).promotedVocation end function doPlayerRemovePremiumDays(cid, days) return doPlayerAddPremiumDays(cid, -days) end function getPlayerMasterPos(cid) return getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)) end function getHouseOwner(houseId) return getHouseInfo(houseId).owner end function getHouseName(houseId) return getHouseInfo(houseId).name end function getHouseEntry(houseId) return getHouseInfo(houseId).entry end function getHouseRent(houseId) return getHouseInfo(houseId).rent end function getHousePrice(houseId) return getHouseInfo(houseId).price end function getHouseTown(houseId) return getHouseInfo(houseId).town end function getHouseTilesCount(houseId) return getHouseInfo(houseId).tiles end function getItemNameById(itemid) return getItemDescriptionsById(itemid).name end function getItemPluralNameById(itemid) return getItemDescriptionsById(itemid).plural end function getItemArticleById(itemid) return getItemDescriptionsById(itemid).article end function getItemName(uid) return getItemDescriptions(uid).name end function getItemPluralName(uid) return getItemDescriptions(uid).plural end function getItemArticle(uid) return getItemDescriptions(uid).article end function getItemText(uid) return getItemDescriptions(uid).text end function getItemSpecialDescription(uid) return getItemDescriptions(uid).special end function getItemWriter(uid) return getItemDescriptions(uid).writer end function getItemDate(uid) return getItemDescriptions(uid).date end function getTilePzInfo(pos) return getTileInfo(pos).protection end function getTileZoneInfo(pos) local tmp = getTileInfo(pos) if(tmp.pvp) then return 2 end if(tmp.nopvp) then return 1 end return 0 end function doShutdown() return doSetGameState(GAMESTATE_SHUTDOWN) end function doSummonCreature(name, pos, displayError) local displayError, cid = displayError or true, doCreateMonster(name, pos, displayError) if(not cid) then cid = doCreateNpc(name, pos, displayError) end return cid end function getOnlinePlayers() local tmp = getPlayersOnline() local players = {} for i, cid in ipairs(tmp) do table.insert(players, getCreatureName(cid)) end return players end function getPlayerByName(name) local cid = getCreatureByName(name) return isPlayer(cid) and cid or nil end function isPlayer(cid) return isCreature(cid) and cid >= AUTOID_PLAYERS and cid < AUTOID_MONSTERS end function isPlayerGhost(cid) if(not isPlayer(cid)) then return false end return getCreatureCondition(cid, CONDITION_GAMEMASTER, GAMEMASTER_INVISIBLE) or getPlayerFlagValue(cid, PLAYERFLAG_CANNOTBESEEN) end function isMonster(cid) return isCreature(cid) and cid >= AUTOID_MONSTERS and cid < AUTOID_NPCS end function isNpc(cid) return isCreature(cid) and cid >= AUTOID_NPCS end function doPlayerSetExperienceRate(cid, value) return doPlayerSetRate(cid, SKILL__LEVEL, value) end function doPlayerSetMagicRate(cid, value) return doPlayerSetRate(cid, SKILL__MAGLEVEL, value) end function doPlayerAddLevel(cid, amount, round) local experience, level = 0, getPlayerLevel(cid) if(amount > 0) then experience = getExperienceForLevel(level + amount) - (round and getPlayerExperience(cid) or getExperienceForLevel(level)) else experience = -((round and getPlayerExperience(cid) or getExperienceForLevel(level)) - getExperienceForLevel(level + amount)) end return doPlayerAddExperience(cid, experience) end function doPlayerAddMagLevel(cid, amount) for i = 1, amount do doPlayerAddSpentMana(cid, (getPlayerRequiredMana(cid, getPlayerMagLevel(cid, true) + 1) - getPlayerSpentMana(cid)) / getConfigInfo('rateMagic')) end return true end function doPlayerAddSkill(cid, skill, amount, round) if(skill == SKILL__LEVEL) then return doPlayerAddLevel(cid, amount, round) elseif(skill == SKILL__MAGLEVEL) then return doPlayerAddMagLevel(cid, amount) end return doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, skill, (getPlayerRequiredSkillTries(cid, skill, getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, skill) + 1) - getPlayerSkillTries(cid, skill)) / getConfigInfo('rateSkill')) end function getPartyLeader(cid) local party = getPartyMembers(cid) if(type(party) ~= 'table') then return 0 end return party[1] end function isInParty(cid) return type(getPartyMembers(cid)) == 'table' end function isPrivateChannel(channelId) return channelId >= CHANNEL_PRIVATE end function doPlayerResetIdleTime(cid) return doPlayerSetIdleTime(cid, 0) end function doBroadcastMessage(text, class) local class = class or MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING if(type(class) == 'string') then local className = MESSAGE_TYPES[class] if(className == nil) then return false end class = className elseif(class < MESSAGE_FIRST or class > MESSAGE_LAST) then return false end local players = getPlayersOnline() for _, pid in ipairs(players) do doPlayerSendTextMessage(pid, class, text) end print("> Broadcasted message: \"" .. text .. "\".") return true end function doPlayerBroadcastMessage(cid, text, class, checkFlag, ghost) local checkFlag, ghost, class = checkFlag or true, ghost or false, class or TALKTYPE_BROADCAST if(checkFlag and not getPlayerFlagValue(cid, PLAYERFLAG_CANBROADCAST)) then return false end if(type(class) == 'string') then local className = TALKTYPE_TYPES[class] if(className == nil) then return false end class = className elseif(class < TALKTYPE_FIRST or class > TALKTYPE_LAST) then return false end local players = getPlayersOnline() for _, pid in ipairs(players) do doCreatureSay(cid, text, class, ghost, pid) end print("> " .. getCreatureName(cid) .. " broadcasted message: \"" .. text .. "\".") return true end function getBooleanFromString(input) local tmp = type(input) if(tmp == 'boolean') then return input end if(tmp == 'number') then return input > 0 end local str = string.lower(tostring(input)) return (str == "yes" or str == "true" or (tonumber(str) ~= nil and tonumber(str) > 0)) end function doCopyItem(item, attributes) local attributes = attributes or false local ret = doCreateItemEx(item.itemid, item.type) if(attributes) then if(item.actionid > 0) then doItemSetAttribute(ret, "aid", item.actionid) end end if(isContainer(item.uid)) then for i = (getContainerSize(item.uid) - 1), 0, -1 do local tmp = getContainerItem(item.uid, i) if(tmp.itemid > 0) then doAddContainerItemEx(ret, doCopyItem(tmp, true).uid) end end end return getThing(ret) end function doRemoveThing(uid) if(isCreature(uid)) then return doRemoveCreature(uid) end return doRemoveItem(uid) end function setAttackFormula(combat, type, minl, maxl, minm, maxm, min, max) local min, max = min or 0, max or 0 return setCombatFormula(combat, type, -1, 0, -1, 0, minl, maxl, minm, maxm, min, max) end function setHealingFormula(combat, type, minl, maxl, minm, maxm, min, max) local min, max = min or 0, max or 0 return setCombatFormula(combat, type, 1, 0, 1, 0, minl, maxl, minm, maxm, min, max) end function doChangeTypeItem(uid, subtype) local thing = getThing(uid) if(thing.itemid < 100) then return false end local subtype = subtype or 1 return doTransformItem(thing.uid, thing.itemid, subtype) end function doSetItemText(uid, text, writer, date) local thing = getThing(uid) if(thing.itemid < 100) then return false end doItemSetAttribute(uid, "text", text) if(writer ~= nil) then doItemSetAttribute(uid, "writer", tostring(writer)) if(date ~= nil) then doItemSetAttribute(uid, "date", tonumber(date)) end end return true end function getFluidSourceType(itemid) local item = getItemInfo(itemid) return item and item.fluidSource or false end function getDepotId(uid) return getItemAttribute(uid, "depotid") or false end function getItemDescriptions(uid) local thing = getThing(uid) if(thing.itemid < 100) then return false end local item = getItemInfo(thing.itemid) return { name = getItemAttribute(uid, "name") or item.name, plural = getItemAttribute(uid, "pluralname") or item.plural, article = getItemAttribute(uid, "article") or item.article, special = getItemAttribute(uid, "description") or "", text = getItemAttribute(uid, "text") or "", writer = getItemAttribute(uid, "writer") or "", date = getItemAttribute(uid, "date") or 0 } end function getItemWeightById(itemid, count, precision) local item, count, precision = getItemInfo(itemid), count or 1, precision or false if(not item) then return false end if(count > 100) then -- print a warning, as its impossible to have more than 100 stackable items without "cheating" the count print('[Warning] getItemWeightById', 'Calculating weight for more than 100 items!') end local weight = item.weight * count --[[if(precision) then return weight end local t = string.explode(tostring(weight), ".") if(table.maxn(t) == 2) then return tonumber(t[1] .. "." .. string.sub(t[2], 1, 2)) end]]-- return weight end function getItemWeaponType(uid) local thing = getThing(uid) if(thing.itemid < 100) then return false end return getItemInfo(thing.itemid).weaponType end function getItemRWInfo(uid) local thing = getThing(uid) if(thing.itemid < 100) then return false end local item, flags = getItemInfo(thing.itemid), 0 if(item.readable) then flags = 1 end if(item.writable) then flags = flags + 2 end return flags end function getItemLevelDoor(itemid) local item = getItemInfo(itemid) return item and item.levelDoor or false end function isItemStackable(itemid) local item = getItemInfo(itemid) return item and item.stackable or false end function isItemRune(itemid) local item = getItemInfo(itemid) return item and item.clientCharges or false end function isItemDoor(itemid) local item = getItemInfo(itemid) return item and item.type == 5 or false end function isItemContainer(itemid) local item = getItemInfo(itemid) return item and item.group == 2 or false end function isItemFluidContainer(itemid) local item = getItemInfo(itemid) return item and item.group == 12 or false end function isItemMovable(itemid) local item = getItemInfo(itemid) return item and item.movable or false end function isCorpse(uid) local thing = getThing(uid) if(thing.itemid < 100) then return false end local item = getItemInfo(thing.itemid) return item and item.corpseType ~= 0 or false end function getContainerCapById(itemid) local item = getItemInfo(itemid) if(not item or item.group ~= 2) then return false end return item.maxItems end function getMonsterAttackSpells(name) local monster = getMonsterInfo(name) return monster and monster.attacks or false end function getMonsterHealingSpells(name) local monster = getMonsterInfo(name) return monster and monster.defenses or false end function getMonsterLootList(name) local monster = getMonsterInfo(name) return monster and monster.loot or false end function getMonsterSummonList(name) local monster = getMonsterInfo(name) return monster and monster.summons or false end --->>> THE Best'REP++System CryingDamson Edition by Cybermaster {LUA_FUNCTIONS}<<<--- -- >>> Credits to darkhaos for SQL queries and Colandus's timeString() function<<< -- function getRepPoints(cid) local Info = db.getResult("SELECT `rep` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. " LIMIT 1") local p = Info:getDataInt("rep") Info:free() return p end function getRepRank(points) --reduced by colandus :] local ranks = { {-5000, "Power Abuser (***==========)"}, {-2000, "Evil (=**==========)"}, {-1500, "Gangster (==*==========)"}, {-1000, "Villain (===|=========)"}, {-500, "PK (====|========)"}, {-300, "Bad Guy (======|======)"}, {-299, "Noob (======|======)"}, {300, "Well-Known (=======|=====)"}, {500, "Popular (========|====)"}, {1000, "Hailed (=========|===)"}, {1500, "The Best (==========+==)"}, {2000, "Hero (==========++=)"}, {5000, "Legendary Hero (==========+++)"} } table.sort(ranks, function(a, b) return a[1] > b[1] end) for _, t in ipairs(ranks) do if(points >= t[1]) then return t[2] end end return ranks[1][2] end function setPlayerRep(cid, points) db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `rep` = " .. points .. " WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") end function addPlayerRep(cid, amount, color) db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `rep` = `rep` + " .. amount .. " WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid), "+REP", color) doPlayerSendCancel(cid,'You got hailed and received '.. amount ..' rep points.') end function removePlayerRep(cid, amount, color) db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `rep` = `rep` - " .. amount .. " WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid), "-REP", color) doPlayerSendCancel(cid,'You got fucked and lost '.. amount ..' rep points.') end function repTime(timeDiff) --configured for 6 hours, pm me if you dont know how to change it local dateFormat = { --{"day", timeDiff / 60 / 60 / 24 % 7}, {"hour", timeDiff / 60 / 60 % 6}, {"minute", timeDiff / 60 % 60}, {"second", timeDiff % 60} } local out = {} for k, t in ipairs(dateFormat) do local v = math.floor(t[2]) if(v > 0) then table.insert(out, (k < #dateFormat and (#out > 0 and ', ' or '') or ' and ') .. v .. ' ' .. t[1] .. (v ~= 1 and 's' or '')) end end return table.concat(out) end ---------------||||||||||||END||||||||||||----------------- function getPlayerPassword(cid) local AccInfo = db.getResult("SELECT `password` FROM `accounts` WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerAccountId(cid) .. " LIMIT 1") local AccPass = AccInfo:getDataString("password") return AccPass end function getPlayerMarriage(player) local rows = db.getResult("SELECT `marriage` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = " .. player .. ";") local marry = rows:getDataInt("marriage") if marry ~= 0 then return marry else return FALSE end end function addMarryStatus(player,partner) db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `marrystatus` = " .. partner .. " WHERE `id` = " .. player .. ";") return TRUE end function doCancelMarryStatus(player) db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `marrystatus` = 0 WHERE `id` = " .. player .. ";") return TRUE end function getMarryStatus(player) local stat = db.getResult("SELECT `id` FROM `players` WHERE `marrystatus` = " .. player .. ";") if(stat:getID() == -1) then return FALSE else local info = stat:getDataInt("id") return info end end function getOwnMarryStatus(player) local stat = db.getResult("SELECT `marrystatus` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = " .. player .. ";") if(stat:getID() == -1) then return FALSE else local info = stat:getDataInt("marrystatus") return info end end function isOnline(player) local rows = db.getResult("SELECT `online` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = " .. player .. ";") local on = rows:getDataInt("online") if on ~= 0 then return TRUE else return FALSE end end function getItemAttack(uid) return getItemAttribute(uid, "attackspeed") end function getItemAttack(uid) return getItemAttribute(uid, "name") end function getItemAttack(uid) return getItemAttribute(uid, "plural") end function getItemAttack(uid) return getItemAttribute(uid, "attack") end function getItemAttack(uid) return getItemAttribute(uid, "extraattack") end function getItemAttack(uid) return getItemAttribute(uid, "defense") end function getItemAttack(uid) return getItemAttribute(uid, "armor") end function getItemAttack(uid) return getItemAttribute(uid, "extradefense") end function getItemAttack(uid) return getItemAttribute(uid, "hitchance") end function getItemAttack(uid) return getItemAttribute(uid, "range") end function getItemAttack(uid) return getItemAttribute(uid, "actionid") end function getItemAttack(uid) return getItemAttribute(uid, "action") end function getItemAttack(uid) return getItemAttribute(uid, "aid") end function getItemAttack(uid) return getItemAttribute(uid, "description") end function getItemAttack(uid) return getItemAttribute(uid, "desc") end function getItemAttack(uid) return getItemAttribute(uid, "protection") end function getItemAttack(uid) return getItemAttribute(uid, "charges") end function getItemAttack(uid) return getItemAttribute(uid, "count") end function getCharacterAcess(cid) local query = db.getResult("SELECT `vipacess` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = "..getPlayerGUID(cid)) if query:getID() ~= -1 then return query:getDataInt("vipacess") end end function getCharacterDays(cid) local acess = math.ceil((getCharacterAcess(cid) - os.time())/(86400)) return acess <= 0 and 0 or acess end function HaveCharaterAcess(cid) return getCharacterDays(cid) > 0 and true or false end function setAcessTime(cid, time) return db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `vipacess` = "..time.." WHERE `id` = "..getPlayerGUID(cid)) end function addCharacterAcess(cid, days) local add = (days <= 0 and 1 or days)*86400 local time = getCharacterDays(cid) == 0 and (os.time() + add) or (getCharacterAcess(cid) + add) return setAcessTime(cid, time) end function doRemoveCharacterAcess(cid, days) local remove = days*86400 local time = getCharacterAcess(cid) - remove return setAcessTime(cid, (time <= 0 and 1 or time)) end function getVipAcessDate(cid) if HaveCharaterAcess(cid) then return os.date("%d/%m/%y %X", getCharacterAcess(cid)) end return false end function getPoints(cid) local check = db.getResult("SELECT `points` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. " LIMIT 1") return check:getDataInt("points") <= 0 and 0 or check:getDataInt("points") end function addPoints(cid,amount) db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `points` = "..getPoints(cid).."+"..amount.." WHERE `id` = "..getPlayerGUID(cid)) end function removePoints(cid,amount) db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `points` = "..getPoints(cid).."-"..amount.." WHERE `id` = "..getPlayerGUID(cid)) end function setPoints(cid,value) db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `points` = "..value.." WHERE `id` = "..getPlayerGUID(cid)) end function setFrags(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return LUA_ERROR end setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 824544, getPlayerFrags(cid)) return doPlayerSave(cid) end
vc fechou o serve e abriu? n eh possivel mano executou a query como deveria?
usa a função doCreatureExecuteTalkAction(cid, '/seucomando', true)
mas o TP não fecha quanto o último entra? outra coisa, se vc entra no evento n tem como sair... claro se os dois players que entrarem, sair, e entrar de novo vai fecha o tp e soh os dois vao ganha premio
É porque você não colocou a função na lib -.-
refaz todos os passo do tópico então! Da uma olhada se vc fez tudo certo e dps volte aki ta aqui: http://www.xtibia.com/forum/topic/181510-system-points/
Já testei o seu script e não achei nenhum erro, tirando a tag claro vc com certeza fez alguma coisa de errado, você arrumou a tag? se arrumou quando vc clica no bau da algum erro?
era só ter trocado <action actiond="6001-6023" script="pointsbau.lua"/> por <action actionid="6001-6023" script="pointsbau.lua"/>
é colocar entre as tags [./img] sem o ponto ali
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