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Tudo que Vodkart postou

  1. é porque tinha que registra o evento no player
  2. é legal ter filho? criar um filho? bancar um filho? reveja seus conceitos sexo é bom cara, mas filho não
  3. não sei quem tem mais cabeça de merda, sua namorada ou vc! me diz a utilidade de um filho na adolescência... pq vc n aproveita q o seu papai te banca e investe no seu futuro, eu digo estudos, estudar muito mesmo, fazer uma faculdade, se vc n sabe oq quer fazer, escolha uma que dá dinheiro, na pior da hipótese vc estará rico e dinheiro atrai felicidade sim! deixa pra brinca de papai e mamãe depois disso tudo
  4. mas é por conta ou por character?
  5. Vodkart

    Simple Task Vod

    é só adicionar o parâmetro "reward" por exemplo nessa linha: ["snake"] = {monster_race={"snake"}, storage_start = 200201, storage = 91001,count = 300,exp = 200,money = 250}, vou adicionar items, vai ficar assim: ["snake"] = {monster_race={"snake"}, storage_start = 200201, storage = 91001,count = 300,exp = 200,money = 250, reward = {{2494,1},{2495,1}}}, é só adicionar dentro da tabela os items reward = {{item id, quantidade}} ou mais items é só adicionar uma virgula: reward = {{item id, quantidade}, {item id, quantidade}} vlw
  6. tennta troca if isPlayer(cid) and isPlayer(target) then if isDefender(cid) and isDefender(target) or isInvader(cid) and isInvader(target) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You may not attack your team mates.") return false end end por if isPlayer(cid) and isPlayer(target) then if isDefender(cid) and isDefender(target) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You may not attack your team mates.") return false elseif isInvader(cid) and isInvader(target) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You may not attack your team mates.") return false end end
  7. bacana o sistema, tem algumas coisas que ainda podem ser implementadas, mas isso futuramente... REP+ campeão
  8. mas ae n tem que checar player por player? bom seria retornar as lista e até mesmo mudar esse valor do banco mas seu script fico mto bom gustavo, vi q aprendeu rápido rep+
  9. em globalevents né n viu a tag? '-' LOL
  10. teleportday.lua function onTimer() doSaveServer(false) for _, pid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do doRemoveCreature(pid,true) end db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `posx` = 100, `posy` = 40, `posz` = 7;") return true end <globalevent name="TeleportDay" time="04:00" event="script" value="teleportday.lua"/>
  11. dá pra pega pela db os players que tiver depositos maiores de"X" valor ai vc quer q retorne o id das conta ou o nick deles?
  12. local out = { [1] = 66, -- VOCATION / LOOKTYPE [2] = 321, [3] = 321, [4] = 321, [5] = 321, [6] = 321, [7] = 321, [8] = 321 } function onLogin(cid) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,23219) < 1 then doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, {lookType =out[getPlayerVocation(cid)]}, -1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,23219,1) end return true end
  13. BB_GNOME_QUEST_LOG_STG = 11150 BB_GNOME_MISSION_STG = 11151 BB_GNOME_RANK_STG = 11152 BB_GNOME_REPUTATION_STG = 11153 BB_GNOME_TEST_IN_GNOMOLOGY_ANSWERS_STG = 11154 BB_GNOME_TEST_IN_GNOMOLOGY_POINTS_STG = 11155 BB_GNOME_TEST_IN_GNOMOLOGY_NUMBER_OF_QUESTIONS = 16 BB_GNOME_TEST_IN_GNOMOLOGY_MAX_FAILED_ANSWERS = 2 BB_GNOME_COMMANDER_STONE_TALK_TAKE_MISSION = 1 BB_GNOME_COMMANDER_STONE_TALK_REPORT_MISSION = 2 BB_GNOME_GNOMERIK_TALK_RECRUITMENT_1 = 1 BB_GNOME_G_RAY_MACHINE_AID = 11301 BB_GNOME_G_RAY_MACHINE_FINISH_AID = 11302 BB_GNOME_G_RAY_MACHINE_EFFECT = 12 BB_GNOME_G_RAY_MACHINE_OUTFIT = 33 BB_GNOME_EAR_EXAMINATION_AID = 11303 BB_GNOME_SHOOTING_CRYSTAL_CANNON_ID_READY_TO_SHOOT = 18225 BB_GNOME_SHOOTING_CRYSTAL_CANNON_ID_WAIT = 18342 BB_GNOME_SHOOTING_BANDIT_DOLL_ID = 18226 BB_GNOME_SHOOTING_INNOCENT_DOLL_ID = 18227 BB_GNOME_SHOOTING_FLAME_EFFECT = 36 BB_GNOME_SHOOTING_ENERGY_EFFECT = 10 BB_GNOME_SHOOTING_CHANCE_FOR_BANDIT_DOLL = 15 BB_GNOME_SHOOTING_CHANCE_FOR_INNOCENT_DOLL = 40 BB_GNOME_SHOOTING_EFFECT_DOLL_NOT_COME = 3 BB_GNOME_DOLL_POSITION_TBL = { [1] = {cel_pozycja = {x=32751,y=31784,z=10}}, [2] = {cel_pozycja = {x=32753,y=31784,z=10}}, [3] = {cel_pozycja = {x=32755,y=31784,z=10}}, } BB_GNOME_SHOOTING_TBL = { [11304] = {cel_pozycja = {x=32751,y=31784,z=10} }, [11305] = {cel_pozycja = {x=32753,y=31784,z=10} }, [11306] = {cel_pozycja = {x=32755,y=31784,z=10} }, } BB_GNOME_ENDURANCE_TEST_BACKING_TILE_AID = 11307 BB_GNOME_ENDURANCE_TEST_BACKING_TILE_HOW_MANY_SQM_BACK = 6 BB_GNOME_ENDURANCE_TEST_BACKING_TILE_EFFECT_WHEN_BACKING = 31 -- gwiazdki ogluszenia jakby, poprawic BB_GNOME_ENDURANCE_TEST_BACKING_TILE_TEXT_WHEN_BACKING = "<gasp>" BB_GNOME_ENDURANCE_TEST_FINISH_TELEPORT_OUT_AID = 11308 BB_GNOME_SOUL_MELODY_CRYSTALS = {18229, 18230, 18231, 18232} BB_GNOME_MELODY_STG = 11156 BB_GNOME_SOUL_MELODY_EFFECT_GOOD_FIREWERK = 28 -- efekt zoltych fajerwerkow, poprawic BB_GNOME_SOUL_MELODY_EFFECT_BAD = 19 -- czerwone nutki, poprawic BB_GNOME_SOUL_MELODY_LAST_CRYSTAL_EFFECT = 35 -- efekt czerwonych serc BB_GNOME_CRYSTAL_EFFECTS_TABLE = { -- poprawic efekty [18229] = {effect = 18}, [18230] = {effect = 18}, [18231] = {effect = 18}, [18232] = {effect = 18}, } BB_GNOME_SOUL_MELODY_STG_TBL = { [1] = {stg=11157}, [2] = {stg=11158}, [3] = {stg=11159}, [4] = {stg=11160}, [5] = {stg=11161}, [6] = {stg=11162}, [7] = {stg=11163}, } BB_GNOME_TASKS_KEEPER = 11164 BB_GNOME_TASKS_SPARK = 11166 BB_GNOME_TASKS_EXTERMINATION = 11168 BB_GNOME_TASKS_DIGGING = 11170 BB_GNOME_KEEPER_EFFECT_WHEN_REPAIRING_CRYSTAL = 37 BB_GNOME_SPARK_EFFECT_ON_CRYSTAL_CRUSHER_BODY = 11 BB_GNOME_DIGGING_MUSHROOM_SNIFFER_DIG_A_FLOOR_EFFECT = 32 BB_GNOME_DIGGING_LITTLE_PIG_EAT_TRUFFLES_EFFECT = 32 BB_GNOME_DIGGING_MUSHROOM_SNIFFER_NAME = "Mushroom Sniffer" BB_GNOME_EXTERMINATION_WIGGLER_NAME = "Wiggler" BB_GNOME_EXTERMINATION_SHOW_HOW_MANY_WIGGLERS_KILLED = "true" -- "true" / "no" czy ma pokazywac przy zabijaniu wiglerow ile ich zabilismy (jako wysylanie msg blue console) -- items BB_GNOME_ITEMS_TBL = { TELEPORT_CRYSTAL = 18457, GNOMISH_REPAIR_CRYSTAL = 18219, Minor_Crystalline_Token = 18422, Gnomish_Supply_Package = 18215, DAMAGED_CRYSTALS = {18307,18228}, -- niebieskie zniszczone krysztaly to maja byc, czerwone sa do innej misji! <-- niesrpawdzone id REPAIRED_CRYSTAL = 18311, Gnomish_Extraction_Crystal = 18213, crystal_crusher_body_too_much_fresh = 18487, crystal_crusher_body_possible_to_spark = 18484, crystal_crusher_body_after_spark = 18485, little_pig = 18339, -- little pig do digging misji floor_with_some_truffels = 18341, -- rozkopany dolek z truflami floor_without_truffles_churned_ground = 18218, -- rozkopany dolek bez trufli fresh_floor_to_dig_mold_floor = 18340, -- ziemia pod ktora moga sie skrywac trufle fresh_mushroom_beer = 18305, stale_mushroom_beer = 18306, } BB_GNOME_MARKS_TBL = { gnomerik_pos = {x=32775,y=31745,z=10}, gnomerik_sign = 4, -- brazowy plus gnomerik_description = "Gnomerik", } BB_GNOME_RANK_TBL = { [0] = {next_rank_rep_needed = 30, text = "osiagnales range I"}, [1] = {next_rank_rep_needed = 120, text = "osiagnales range II"}, [2] = {next_rank_rep_needed = 480, text = "osiagnales range III"}, [3] = {next_rank_rep_needed = 1440, text = "awansowales na najwyzsza range (IV)"}, } BB_GNOME_TASKS_TAKE_REPORT_TEXT_COMMANDER_STONE = { [0] = {take_text_1 = "Two missions are available for your {rank}: crystal {keeper} and {spark} hunting. You can undertake each mission but you can turn in a specific mission only once each 20 hours. ...", take_text_2 = "If you lose a mission item you can probably buy it from Gnomally.", report_text_1 = "Which mission do you want to report: crystal {keeper} or {spark} hunting?", }, [1] = {take_text_1 = "Four missions are available for your {rank}: crystal {keeper}, {spark} hunting, monster {extermination} and mushroom {digging}. You can undertake each mission but you can turn in a specific mission only once each 20 hours. ...", take_text_2 = "If you lose a mission item you can probably buy it from Gnomally.", report_text_1 = "Which mission do you want to report: crystal {keeper}, {spark} hunting, {extermination} or mushroom {digging}?", }, [2] = {take_text_1 = "Four missions are available for your {rank}: crystal {keeper}, {spark} hunting, monster {extermination} and mushroom {digging}. By the way, your rank now allows you to take aditional missions from Gnomeral in Gnomebase Alpha. ...", take_text_2 = "You can undertake each mission but you can turn in a specific mission only once each 20 hours. If you lose a mission item you can probably buy it from Gnomally.", report_text_1 = "Which mission do you want to report: crystal {keeper}, {spark} hunting, {extermination} or mushroom {digging}?", }, [3] = {take_text_1 = "Four missions are available for your {rank}: crystal {keeper}, {spark} hunting, monster {extermination} and mushroom {digging}. By the way, your rank now allows you to take aditional missions from Gnomeral in Gnomebase Alpha. ...", take_text_2 = "You can undertake each mission but you can turn in a specific mission only once each 20 hours. If you lose a mission item you can probably buy it from Gnomally.", report_text_1 = "Which mission do you want to report: crystal {keeper}, {spark} hunting, {extermination} or mushroom {digging}?", }, --[[ [2] = {take_text_1 = "", take_text_2 = "", report_text_1 = "", report_text_2 = "", }, ]]-- } BB_GNOME_TASKS_TBL_ALL_NPCS = { ["spark"] = {minimum_rank = 0, task_stg = BB_GNOME_TASKS_SPARK, task_done_value = 7, task_exhausted_stg = 11167, task_exhausted_time = 60 * 60 * 20, task_start_value = 0, give_item = BB_GNOME_ITEMS_TBL.Gnomish_Extraction_Crystal, give_item_count = 1, task_give_text_1 = "Take this extractor and drive it into a body of a slain crystal crusher. This will charge your own body with energy sparks. Charge it with seven sparks and return to me. ...", task_give_text_2 = "Don't worry. The gnomes assured me you'd be save. That is if nothing strange or unusual occurs!", task_report_text_1 = "You did well. That will help us a lot. Take your token and this gnomish supply package as a reward.", task_not_completed_but_started_text = "Sorry you haven't finished yet this task, look in quest log", tokens_count_as_reward = 1, supply_packages_count_as_reward = 1, reputations = 5, npc_name = "commander stone", }, ["keeper"] = {minimum_rank = 0, task_stg = BB_GNOME_TASKS_KEEPER, task_done_value = 5, task_exhausted_stg = 11165, task_exhausted_time = 60 * 60 * 20, task_start_value = 0, give_item = BB_GNOME_ITEMS_TBL.GNOMISH_REPAIR_CRYSTAL, give_item_count = 1, task_give_text_1 = "You will have to repair some damaged crystals. Go into the Crystal grounds and repair them, using this harmonic crystal. Repair five of them and return to me.", --task_give_text_2 = "", nie ma drugiego msg dla tego tasku task_report_text_1 = "You did well. That will help us a lot. Take your token and this gnomish supply package as a reward.", task_not_completed_but_started_text = "Sorry you haven't finished yet this task, look in quest log", tokens_count_as_reward = 1, supply_packages_count_as_reward = 1, reputations = 5, npc_name = "commander stone", }, -- nietestowane jeszcze: ["extermination"] = {minimum_rank = 1, task_stg = BB_GNOME_TASKS_EXTERMINATION, task_done_value = 10, task_exhausted_stg = 11169, task_exhausted_time = 60 * 60 * 20, task_start_value = 0, -- nie daje zadnych items na ten task task_give_text_1 = "The wigglers have become a pest that threaten our resources and supplies. Kill 10 wigglers in the caves like the mushroon gardens or the truffles ground. Report back to me when you are done. ", --task_give_text_2 = "", nie ma drugiego textu dla tego tasku task_report_text_1 = "You did well. That will help us a lot. Take your token and this gnomish supply package as a reward.", task_not_completed_but_started_text = "Sorry you haven't finished yet this task, look in quest log", tokens_count_as_reward = 1, supply_packages_count_as_reward = 1, reputations = 5, npc_name = "commander stone", }, ["digging"] = {minimum_rank = 1, task_stg = BB_GNOME_TASKS_DIGGING, task_done_value = 3, task_exhausted_stg = 11171, task_exhausted_time = 60 * 60 * 20, task_start_value = 0, give_item = BB_GNOME_ITEMS_TBL.little_pig, give_item_count = 1, task_give_text_1 = "Take this little piggy here. It will one day become a great mushroom hunter for sure. For now it is depended on you and other pigs. ...", task_give_text_2 = "Well other pigs then itself of course. I was not comparing you with a pig of course! Go to the truffels area and follow the truffel pigs there. When they dig up some truffels let the little pig eat the mushrooms. ...", task_give_text_3 = "You'll have to feed it three times. Then return it to me. ...", task_give_text_4 = "Keep in mind that the pig has to be returned to his mother after a while. When you don't do it, the gnomes will recall it via teleport cryrstals.", task_report_text_1 = "You did well. That will help us a lot. Take your token and this gnomish supply package as a reward.", task_not_completed_but_started_text = "Sorry you haven't finished yet this task, look in quest log", tokens_count_as_reward = 1, supply_packages_count_as_reward = 1, reputations = 5, npc_name = "commander stone", }, --[[ [""] = {minimum_rank = 0, task_stg = , task_done_value = , task_exhausted_stg = , task_exhausted_time = 60 * 60 * 20, task_start_value = , give_item = , give_item_count = 1, task_give_text_1 = "", task_give_text_2 = "", task_report_text_1 = "", task_not_completed_but_started_text = "Sorry you haven't finished yet this task, look in quest log", tokens_count_as_reward = , supply_packages_count_as_reward = , reputations = , }, ]]-- } function BB_GNOME_getPlayerStorageValue(cid, a_storage) return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, a_storage) end function BB_GNOME_setPlayerStorageValue(cid, b_storage, b_value) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, b_storage, b_value) end function BB_GNOME_send_player_white_text(cid, text) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 18, text) end function BB_GNOME_send_player_red_text(cid, text) doCreatureSay(cid, text, TALKTYPE_MONSTER) end function BB_GNOME_addPlayer_points_in_gnomology_test(cid, points) if BB_GNOME_getPlayerStorageValue(cid, BB_GNOME_TEST_IN_GNOMOLOGY_POINTS_STG) < 0 then BB_GNOME_setPlayerStorageValue(cid, BB_GNOME_TEST_IN_GNOMOLOGY_POINTS_STG, 0) end BB_GNOME_setPlayerStorageValue(cid, BB_GNOME_TEST_IN_GNOMOLOGY_POINTS_STG, BB_GNOME_getPlayerStorageValue(cid, BB_GNOME_TEST_IN_GNOMOLOGY_POINTS_STG) + points) end function BB_GNOME_get_player_reputation(cid) return BB_GNOME_getPlayerStorageValue(cid, BB_GNOME_REPUTATION_STG) end function BB_GNOME_advanceInRankIfRequiredReputationAchieved(cid) for k,v in pairs (BB_GNOME_RANK_TBL) do if k == BB_GNOME_getPlayerGnomeRank(cid) then if v.next_rank_rep_needed ~= nil then if BB_GNOME_get_player_reputation(cid) >= v.next_rank_rep_needed then BB_GNOME_setPlayerGnomeRank(cid, BB_GNOME_getPlayerGnomeRank(cid) + 1) return BB_GNOME_send_player_white_text(cid, v.text) end end end end end function BB_GNOME_add_player_reputation(cid, rep) if BB_GNOME_get_player_reputation(cid) < 0 then BB_GNOME_setPlayerStorageValue(cid, BB_GNOME_REPUTATION_STG, 0) end BB_GNOME_setPlayerStorageValue(cid, BB_GNOME_REPUTATION_STG, BB_GNOME_get_player_reputation(cid) + rep) BB_GNOME_advanceInRankIfRequiredReputationAchieved(cid) end function BB_GNOME_setPlayerGnomeRank(cid, ktora) BB_GNOME_setPlayerStorageValue(cid, BB_GNOME_RANK_STG, ktora) end function BB_GNOME_getPlayerGnomeRank(cid) return BB_GNOME_getPlayerStorageValue(cid, BB_GNOME_RANK_STG) end function BB_GNOME_matchSoulMelody(cid) for i = 1,7 do BB_GNOME_setPlayerStorageValue(cid, BB_GNOME_SOUL_MELODY_STG_TBL.stg, BB_GNOME_SOUL_MELODY_CRYSTALS[math.random(1,#BB_GNOME_SOUL_MELODY_CRYSTALS)]) end end BB_GNOME_GCTS_SPECIAL_TELEPORTS_NEED_QUEST = "true" -- "true" or anything else example: "false" --gnomish crystal teleport system (GCTS) BB_GNOME_GCTS_TBL = { [11150] = {tp_good = {x=32801,y=31766,z=9}, need_crystal = 1, bad_tp_text = "", destination_name = "Gnome City", info = "pierwszy teleport, od Xelvar'a do bazy"}, --[[ [11151] = {tp_good = {x=0,y=0,z=0}, need_crystal = 1, destination_name = "Thais", info = ""}, [11152] = {tp_good = {x=0,y=0,z=0}, need_crystal = 1, destination_name = "Svargrond", info = ""}, [11153] = {tp_good = {x=0,y=0,z=0}, need_crystal = 1, destination_name = "Liberty Bay", info = ""}, [11154] = {tp_good = {x=0,y=0,z=0}, need_crystal = 1, destination_name = "Kazordoon", info = ""}, [11155] = {tp_good = {x=0,y=0,z=0}, need_crystal = 1, destination_name = "Edron", info = ""}, [11156] = {tp_good = {x=0,y=0,z=0}, need_crystal = 1, destination_name = "Darashia", info = ""}, ]]-- --[] = {tp_good = {x=,y=,z=}, destination_name = "", info = ""}, --[] = {tp_good = {x=,y=,z=}, destination_name = "", info = ""}, [11159] = {tp_good = {x=33000,y=31870,z=13}, destination_name = "Crystal Grounds", info = "tp do crystal grounds, sa tu misje na crystal keeper i raiders of lost spark"}, [11160] = {tp_good = {x=32795,y=31763,z=10}, destination_name = "Back From Crystal Grounds", info = "tp powrotny z crystal grounds do gnom bazy (action: 11160)"}, [11161] = {tp_good = {x=32771,y=31800,z=10}, destination_name = "Recruitment", info = "tp do recruitmentu, obok strzelnicy nas wyrzuca"}, [11162] = {tp_good = {x=32790,y=31795,z=10}, destination_name = "Back From Recruitment", info = "tp powrotny z recruitmentu do gnom bazy"}, [11163] = {tp_good = {x=32987,y=31860,z=9}, tp_bad = {x=32796, y=31781, z=10}, stg_required = BB_GNOME_RANK_STG, stg_value_minimum = 2, bad_tp_text = "Your rank among the Gnomes is too low.", destination_name = "Gnomebase Alpha", info = "tp do gnomebase alfy, potrzebna odpowiednia ranga"}, [11164] = {tp_good = {x=32759,y=31813,z=11}, tp_bad = {x=32760, y=31811, z=10}, stg_required = BB_GNOME_MISSION_STG, stg_value_required = {16}, bad_tp_text = "Luckily you do not have to take the endurance at this time.", destination_name = "Endurance Test", info = "tp do endurance test, dostepny tylko podczas wykonywania misji Endurance Test w recruitmencie"}, [11165] = {tp_good = {x=32759, y=31813, z=10}, destination_name = "Back From Endurance Test", info = "tp powrotne z Endurance Testu"}, [11166] = {tp_good = {x=32864,y=31844,z=11}, destination_name = "Truffles Garden", info = "tp do truffles garden"}, [11167] = {tp_good = {x=32803,y=31747,z=10}, destination_name = "Back From Truffles Garden", info = "tp powrotny z truffles garden do gnomebase"}, [11168] = {tp_good = {x=32796, y=31781, z=10}, tp_bad = {x=32987,y=31860,z=9}, stg_required = BB_GNOME_RANK_STG, stg_value_minimum = 2, bad_tp_text = "Your rank among the Gnomes is too low.", destination_name = "Gnomebase Zwykla", info = "tp powrotne z gnomebase alpha do zwyklej"}, [11169] = {tp_good = {x=32960,y=31954,z=9}, destination_name = "Golem Area", info = "tp do golem repair "}, [11170] = {tp_good = {x=33002,y=31914,z=9}, destination_name = "Back From Golem Area ", info = "tp powrotny z golem repair"}, [11171] = {tp_good = {x=32906,y=31891,z=13}, destination_name = "Grindstone", info = "tp do Vulcancongr (Grindstone mission)"}, [11172] = {tp_good = {x=32976,y=31905,z=9}, destination_name = "Back From Grindstone", info = "tp powrotny z Vulcancongr (Grindstone mission)"}, } BB_GNOME_TEST_IN_GNOMOLOGY_TBL = { [1] = {correct_answer = "a", talker = 11, pyt_1 = "Imagine, during your travels you come upon a rare and unknown mushroom. Would you {A}) note down its specifics and location and look for a gnome to take care of it. ...", pyt_2 = "Or would you {B}) smash it to an unrecognisable pulp. Or would you {C}) pluck it to take it with you for further examination. Or would you {D}) try to become friends with the mushroom by singing questionable bar-room songs?", odp_a = "Indeed an excellent and smart decision for an ungnomish lifeform. But let us continue with the {test}.", odp_b = "x", odp_c = "x", odp_d = "x"}, [2] = {correct_answer = "c", talker = 12, pyt_1 = "Imagine you wake up one morning and discover you have forgotten how to knot your shoelaces. Would you {A}) admit defeat and go to bed once more. ...", pyt_2 = "{B}) look for a gnome that can remind you how to do it. {C}) Despite the risk of injuring yourself, try to figure it out on your own. {D}) Use some pottery instead of shoes.", odp_a = "Yeah, I can imagine how frustrating it must be not to be a gnome. But let us continue with the test.", odp_b = "x", odp_c = "That's the spirit! Initiative is always a good thing. Well most of the time. But let us continue with the {test}.", odp_d = "x"}, [3] = {correct_answer = "b", talker = 13, pyt_1 = "Now let us assume you see a gnome in danger. Would you {A}) not care because you must be imagining things. {B}) Save the gnome despite all odds and risk to your own life. ...", pyt_2 = "{C}) Inspire the gnome by singing the gnomish national anthem. {D}) Hide and loot his corpse if he dies.", odp_a = "x", odp_b = "Although chances are the gnome will end up rescuing you instead, it is the attempt that counts. But let us continue with the {test}.", odp_c = "x", odp_d = "x"}, [4] = {correct_answer = "d", talker = 14, pyt_1 = "Imagine you were participating in a gnome-throwing competition. Would you {A}) do some physical calculations in advance to increase your chances of winning. ...", pyt_2 = "{B}) throw the gnome as safely as you can to ensure his safety. {C}) Sabotage the throwing gnomes of your competitors. {D}) Never participate in such an abominable competition.", odp_a = "x", odp_b = "x", odp_c = "x", odp_d = "Of COURSE you wouldn't! NO ONE would! But let us continue with the {test}."}, [5] = {correct_answer = "d", talker = 15, pyt_1 = "Now imagine you were given the order to guard a valuable and unique mushroom. You guard it for days and no one shows up to release you and you grow hungry. ...", pyt_2 = "Would you {A}) eat your boots. {B}) eat the mushroom. {C}) eat a bit of the mushroom. {D}) stick to your duty and continue starving.", odp_a = "x", odp_b = "x", odp_c = "x", odp_d = "I can only hope that is your honest opinion. But let us continue with the {test}."}, [6] = {correct_answer = "d", talker = 16, pyt_1 = "What do you think describes gnomish society best? {A}) Ingenuity {B}) Bravery {C}) Humility {D}) All of the above.", pyt_2 = "xD", odp_a = "x", odp_b = "x", odp_c = "x", odp_d = "Oh, you silver tongued devil almost made me blush. But of course you're right. But let us continue with the {test}."}, [7] = {correct_answer = "b", talker = 17, pyt_1 = "How many bigfoot does it take to change a light crystal? {A}) Only one since it's a piece of mushroom cake. {B}) Light crystals are delicate products of gnomish science and should only be handled by certified gnomish experts. ...", pyt_2 = "{C}) Three. One to hold the crystal and two to turn him around. {D}) Five. A light crystal turner, a light crystal picker, a light crystal exchanger, a light crystal changing manager and finally a light crystal changing manager assistant.", odp_a = "x", odp_b = "I knew this question was too easy. But let us continue with the {test}.", odp_c = "x", odp_d = "x"}, [8] = {correct_answer = "b", talker = 18, pyt_1 = "What is a pollyfluxed quantumresonator? {A}) Something funny. {B}) Something important. {C}) Something to be destroyed. ...", pyt_2 = "{D}) Sadly I am not a gnome and lack the intelligence and education to know about even the simplest of gnomish inventions.", odp_a = "x", odp_b = "Of course it is important when it has been invented by gnomes! But let us continue with the {test}.", odp_c = "x", odp_d = "x"}, [9] = {correct_answer = "a", talker = 19, pyt_1 = "If your mushroom patch is infested with cave worms, would you {A}) place some green light crystals to drive them away. {B}) place some disharmonic crystals to drive them away. ...", pyt_2 = "{C}) burn everything down. {D}) switch your diet to cave worms.", odp_a = "A well thought out answer I have to admit. But let us continue with the {test}.", odp_b = "x", odp_c = "x", odp_d = "x"}, [10] = {correct_answer = "a", talker = 20, pyt_1 = "What is the front part of a spear? Is it {A}) the pointed one. {B}) The blunt one. {C}) Whatever causes the most damage {D}) A spear is no weapon but a fruit that grows on surface trees.", pyt_2 = "xD", odp_a = "Ah we have true warrior here I guess. But let us continue with the {test}.", odp_b = "x", odp_c = "x", odp_d = "x"}, [11] = {correct_answer = "b", talker = 21, pyt_1 = "On a military campaign what piece of equipment would you need most? ...", pyt_2 = "Is it {A}) some tasty mushroom beer to keep the morale high. {B}) A large backpack to carry all the loot. {C}) A mighty weapon to vanquish the foes. {D}) Mushroom earplugs to be spared of the cries of agony of your opponents?", odp_a = "x", odp_b = "So it's true what they say about surface dwellers I guess. But let us continue with the {test}.", odp_c = "x", odp_d = "x"}, [12] = {correct_answer = "c", talker = 22, pyt_1 = "What comes first? {A}) safety {B}) I {C}) duty {D}) George", pyt_2 = "xD", odp_a = "x", odp_b = "x", odp_c = "That's the spirit! But let us continue with the {test}.", odp_d = "x"}, [13] = {correct_answer = "d", talker = 23, pyt_1 = "In case of emergency {A}) break glass {B}) break a leg {C}) have a break {D}) call a gnome?", pyt_2 = "xD", odp_a = "x", odp_b = "x", odp_c = "x", odp_d = "That's just what I'd do - if I weren't a gnome already, that is. But let us continue with the {test}."}, [14] = {correct_answer = "a", talker = 24, pyt_1 = "The greatest disaster I can imagine is ... {A}) to fail the gnomes {B}) a ruined mushroom pie {C}) accidentally hammering my finger {D}) having some work to do", pyt_2 = "xD", odp_a = "Fear not. We don't expect too much of you anyway.", odp_b = "x", odp_c = "x", odp_d = "Now you show your true colours, eh?. But let us continue with the {test}."}, [15] = {correct_answer = "c", talker = 25, pyt_1 = "What would your favourite pet be? {A}) A Krazzelzak of course. {B}) An Uxmoff to be honest. {C}) Montpiffs were always my favourite. {D}) A Humdrella and nothing else!", pyt_2 = "xD", odp_a = "x", odp_b = "An Uxmoff? But what about the horrible smell? On the other hand, the Uxmoff might get accustomed to it. But let us continue with the test.", odp_c = "A Montpiff you say? You are a risk-taker it seems. Always going for the exotic. But let us continue with the {test}.", odp_d = "x"}, [16] = {correct_answer = "d", talker = 26, pyt_1 = "Why do you want to become a bigfoot? {A}) To become rich and famous. {B}) To become famous and rich. {C}) To become rich or famous. {D}) To serve the gnomish community in their struggle?", pyt_2 = "xD", odp_a = "Hm. Well this concludes the test. Now let us see your {result}.", odp_b = "x", odp_c = "x", odp_d = "Excellent! Well this concludes the test. Now let us see your {result}."}, }
  14. Vodkart

    Quest Diaria

    não tem problema em o servidor cair. porque o script sempre será executado as 00:00, como mostra no script: <globalevent name="questDay" time="00:00" event="script" value="questday.lua"/> ah não ser que o servidor caia 23:59 kkkkkk mas ai é só fazer pela função "onStartup()" tbm
  15. Vodkart

    na minha epoca

    pq thiago é mais másculo um "não para thiago" de noite de uma safada é td de bom
  16. Vodkart

    na minha epoca

    é pq eu ia postar uma versão que iria aparecer no look qntas hrs on o player tem no serve tipo Vodkart tem xx horas online e quem sabe no final de cada semana ou mês, ai o top on ganhava um item, é meio diferente..
  17. Vodkart

    na minha epoca

    o sistema eu posso postar ou é exclusivo?
  18. Vodkart

    na minha epoca

    se eu esqueci? eu já qse terminei o sistema, e ainda tava fazendo hj fera semana passada n deu, hj nem fui pra facul lek trabalho até as 18 hrs e dps faço facul, chego em casa 23 hrs e n tenho mto tempo pro xtibia como antigamente '-' o tempo q eu tenho eu to fazendo fi
  19. Vodkart

    na minha epoca

    haaaaaaa então tem pirocada pra td mundo venham cá meus putos
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