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    • Olá xtibianos, estou com uma vaga para MAPPER remunerada no projeto em que estou trabalhando.   Pra que é a vaga? Basicamente o objetivo é construir um reino bem detalhado como o da foto:       Até quando posso entregar? A partir do momento em que você foi recrutado vamos decidir um prazo final porém queremos com urgência até o final de junho de 2024 (próximos 2 meses)   Como entro em contato? Pode entrar em contato comigo diretamente pelo discord: mcolchete Ou pode entrar em contato diretamente pelo celular: 21983242505
    • Manin não pegou, deu erro no final,    [Error - CreatureScript Interface] data/creaturescripts/scripts/player/statsChange.lua:onStatsChange Description: data/lib/Death System.lua:1816: attempt to call global 'getContainerParent' (a nil value) stack traceback:         data/lib/Death System.lua:1816: in function 'addToAvailableBags'         data/lib/Death System.lua:1837: in function 'doKillWildPoke'         data/creaturescripts/scripts/player/statsChange.lua:878: in function <data/creaturescripts/scripts/player/statsChange.lua:6>
    • Esse erro geralmente indica que o cliente está recebendo um pacote (mensagem) do servidor com um código de operação (opcode) não reconhecido ou não suportado. Isso pode acontecer se você tentar enviar dados personalizados do servidor para o cliente que o cliente não sabe como processar. Se você puder fornecer mais detalhes sobre as alterações específicas que você fez no servidor e no cliente para aumentar o "miss" e como elas estão sendo comunicadas entre si, posso ajudar a identificar a causa específica do erro e sugerir possíveis soluções.
    • Ao gerar a chave de recuperação, armazene-a no banco de dados associada à conta de usuário. Antes de gerar uma nova chave, verifique se não há uma chave existente para aquela conta.
    • function checkDam(uid, AurAz, st) if (isCreature(uid)) and (os.time() - st < L_Soul.auras[AurAz].duration) then local p = getThingPos(uid) local poz = { {x = p.x, y = p.y - 2, z = p.z}, {x = p.x - 2, y = p.y, z = p.z}, {x = p.x, y = p.y + 2, z = p.z}, {x = p.x + 2, y = p.y, z = p.z} } -- Verifica se a tile está protegida if (getTileInfo(p).protection) then st = st - L_Soul.auras[AurAz].duration end local function getBest(a) local pz = poz[1] for i, v in pairs(poz) do if (getDistanceBetween(v, getThingPos(a)) < getDistanceBetween(pz, getThingPos(a))) then pz = v end end return pz end local creat = getUidsInArea({x = p.x - L_Soul.auras[AurAz].raio, y = p.y - L_Soul.auras[AurAz].raio, z = p.z}, {x = p.x + L_Soul.auras[AurAz].raio, y = p.y + L_Soul.auras[AurAz].raio, z = p.z}) local target = ((isCreature(getCreatureTarget(uid))) and getCreatureTarget(uid)) or 0 local cs = {} if (target == 0) then for _, v in pairs(creat) do -- Verifica se a criatura é um monstro ou se tem um alvo válido if ((getCreatureTarget(v) == uid) or (isMonster(v) or ((getCreatureSkullType(v) > 2) and (getCreatureTarget(v) == uid))) and (v ~= uid)) then table.insert(cs, v) end end target = (#cs > 0 and cs[math.random(#cs)]) or 0 end -- Verifica se o ataque foi feito pelo jogador if (isPlayer(uid)) then target = uid end if (target ~= 0) then doSendDistanceShoot(getBest(target), getThingPos(target), L_Soul.souls[AurAz].effects.distance) doTargetCombatHealth(uid, target, L_Soul.souls[AurAz].combat, -L_Soul.auras[AurAz].damage[1], -L_Soul.auras[AurAz].damage[2], 255) end addEvent(checkDam, L_Soul.auras[AurAz].interval, uid, AurAz, st) end end function sendEffect(uid, interval, at, st, AurAz) local at = at or 1 if (isCreature(uid)) then local p = getThingPos(uid) if (getTileInfo(p).protection) then st = st - L_Soul.auras[AurAz].duration end local poz = { {x = p.x, y = p.y - 2, z = p.z}, {x = p.x - 2, y = p.y, z = p.z}, {x = p.x, y = p.y + 2, z = p.z}, {x = p.x + 2, y = p.y, z = p.z} } if (os.time() - st > L_Soul.auras[AurAz].duration) then for i, v in ipairs(poz) do doSendDistanceShoot(v, p, L_Soul.souls[AurAz].effects.distance) end setPlayerStorageValue(uid, L_Soul.auras_sto, -1) addEvent(doSendMagicEffect, 250, p, L_Soul.souls[AurAz].effects.eff) return true end local next = poz[at + 1] and at + 1 or 1 doSendDistanceShoot(poz[at], poz[next], L_Soul.souls[AurAz].effects.distance) addEvent(sendEffect, interval, uid, interval, next, st, AurAz) end return true end function onSay(cid, words, param) domodlib("Soul System[LIB]") local lan = L_Soul.lang[L_Soul.language] local AurAz = words:explode(" ")[1] -- Verifica se a aura é válida if not (L_Soul.auras[AurAz]) then return false end -- Verifica se o jogador possui pedras de alma suficientes para ativar a aura if (#getPlayerSoulStonesByType(cid, AurAz) < L_Soul.auras[AurAz].stones_n) then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, string.format(lan[19], AurAz, L_Soul.auras[AurAz].stones_n)) end -- Verifica se o jogador já está sob efeito de uma aura if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, L_Soul.auras_sto) > 0) then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, string.format(lan[20], math.floor(L_Soul.auras[AurAz].duration / 60))) end -- Verifica se o jogador está em uma área protegida if (getTileInfo(getThingPos(cid)).protection) then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, lan[21]) end -- Define a aura que será ativada quando o jogador atacar setPlayerStorageValue(cid, "current_aura", AurAz) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, string.format("Agora você pode atacar para ativar a aura '%s'.", AurAz)) return true end function onCreatureHealthChange(creature, attacker, primaryDamage, primaryType, secondaryDamage, secondaryType, origin) local auraName = getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, "current_aura") -- Verifica se o ataque foi feito por um jogador e se uma aura está definida para ser ativada if isPlayer(attacker) and auraName then -- Ativa a aura quando o jogador atacar um monstro ou outro jogador sendEffect(attacker, L_Soul.auras[auraName].speed, nil, os.time(), auraName) checkDam(attacker, auraName, os.time()) setPlayerStorageValue(attacker, "current_aura", nil) -- Limpa a aura após ser ativada end end   --[[ System developed by MaXwEllDeN[] Version 1.0 ]] function onKill(cid, target, lastHit) if (getPlayerStorageValue(target, 7148) ~= -1) then doCreatureSetDropLoot(target, {}) end return registerCreatureEvent(target, "SoulD") end function onLogin(cid) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 7126, -1) registerCreatureEvent(cid, "SoulATK") setPlayerStorageValue(cid, L_Soul.auras_sto, -1) return registerCreatureEvent(cid, "SoulKill") end local function TransformAMerda(cas) for a = 0, 255 do local pos = cas.pos pos.stackpos = a local item = getThingFromPos(pos) if (item.uid > 0) and (item.itemid == and (cas.n == getItemAttribute(item.uid, "criaturaS")) and (not getItemAttribute(item.uid, "M_Time")) then return doTransformItem(item.uid, cas.nid) end end return false end function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList) doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "criaturaS", getCreatureName(cid):formal()) if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 7148) ~= -1) then addEvent(TransformAMerda, 1, {pos = getThingPos(cid), it = corpse, n = getCreatureName(cid), nid = getMonsterInfo(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 7148)).lookCorpse}) return true end doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "M_Time", os.clock()) return doItemSetAttribute(corpse.uid, "M_Soul", getCreatureName(cid):formal()) end local function Atacar(cid) if (not isCreature(cid)) then return false elseif (not isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid))) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 7126, -1) return false end local target = getCreatureTarget(cid) local enc = isWithEnchantedW(cid) if (enc) then if (isWeapon(enc.arma.uid)) and (getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(getCreatureTarget(cid)), getThingPos(cid)) > 1) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 7126, -1) return false end local typ, enchant = L_Soul.souls[L_Soul.creatures[getItemAttribute(enc.arma.uid, "ES_Type")].type:lower()], L_Soul.creatures[getItemAttribute(enc.arma.uid, "ES_Type")].enchant doTargetCombatHealth(cid, target, typ.combat, -enchant.min, -enchant.max, typ.effects.eff) doSendDistanceShoot(getThingPos(cid), getThingPos(target), typ.effects.distance) if ( == 1) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, string.format(lan[17], getItemNameById(enc.arma.itemid))) doItemSetAttribute(enc.arma.uid, "description", false) doItemSetAttribute(enc.arma.uid, "ES_Charges", false) else doItemSetAttribute(enc.arma.uid, "description", string.format(lan[16], getItemAttribute(enc.arma.uid, "ES_Type"), - 1, enchant.charges)) doItemSetAttribute(enc.arma.uid, "ES_Charges", - 1) end addEvent(Atacar, enchant.attack_speed, cid) else setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 7126, -1) end end function onAttack(cid, target) if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 7126) < 1) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 7126, 5) Atacar(cid) end return true end function isWithEnchantedW(uid) for a = 5, 6 do local item = getPlayerSlotItem(uid, a) if (item.uid > 2) and (getItemAttribute(item.uid, "ES_Charges")) then return {arma = item, at = getItemAttribute(item.uid, "ES_Charges")} end end return false end   L_Soul = { souls = { ["dark"] = {effects = {distance = 31, eff = 17}, combat = COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE}, ["flame"] = {effects = {distance = 3, eff = 15}, combat = COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE}, ["frozen"] = {effects = {distance = 36, eff = 43}, combat = COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE}, ["holy"] = {effects = {distance = 37, eff = 39}, combat = COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE}, ["electric"] = {effects = {distance = 35, eff = 11}, combat = COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE}, }, creatures = { ["Necromancer"] = {chance = 50, type = "dark", summ = { hp = {hpb = 50, maxb = 700}, needSoulPoints = 50, needMana = 0, needHealth = 20, minP = 50, }, enchant = {charges = 100, min = 10, max = 60, attack_speed = 250}, }, ["Dragon Lord"] = {chance = 100, type = "flame", summ = { hp = {hpb = 50, maxb = 700}, needSoulPoints = 50, needMana = 0, needHealth = 20, minP = 50, }, enchant = {charges = 200, min = 50, max = 150, attack_speed = 1000}, }, ["Frost Dragon"] = {chance = 100, type = "frozen", summ = { hp = {hpb = 50, maxb = 700}, needSoulPoints = 50, needMana = 0, needHealth = 20, minP = 50, }, enchant = {charges = 200, min = 50, max = 160, attack_speed = 1500}, }, ["Wyrm"] = {chance = 100, type = "electric", summ = { hp = {hpb = 50, maxb = 700}, needSoulPoints = 50, needMana = 0, needHealth = 20, minP = 50, }, enchant = {charges = 200, min = 50, max = 160, attack_speed = 550}, }, ["Monk"] = {chance = 150, type = "holy", summ = { hp = {hpb = 50, maxb = 700}, needSoulPoints = 50, needMana = 0, needHealth = 20, minP = 50, }, enchant = {charges = 200, min = 50, max = 160, attack_speed = 550}, }, }, ids = {8300}, max_distance = 5, language = "en", auras_sto = 77143, soul_t = 10, -- Em Minutos } ---------------------- A U R A S ---------------------------- L_Soul.auras = { ["dark"] = {stones_n = 7, damage = {25, 250}, interval = 1200, duration = 120, raio = 4, speed = 150}, ["flame"] = {stones_n = 5, damage = {250, 650}, interval = 500, duration = 60, raio = 7, speed = 75}, ["frozen"] = {stones_n = 2, damage = {150, 350}, interval = 750, duration = 60, raio = 2, speed = 150}, ["electric"] = {stones_n = 5, damage = {150, 350}, interval = 750, duration = 60, raio = 2, speed = 150}, ["holy"] = {stones_n = 0, damage = {150, 350}, interval = 750, duration = 60, raio = 7, speed = 150}, } ------------------- E N C A N T A M E N T O ----------------- L_Soul.enchant = { weapons = { [2408] = {"dark", "flame", "frozen"}, -- Warlord Sword [2190] = {"dark", "holy"}, -- Wand of Vortex [2456] = {"dark", "holy"}, -- Bow [2400] = {"dark", "holy", "frozen", "flame", "electric"}, -- Magic Sword(SOV) }, } ------------------ L I N G U A G E M ------------------------ L_Soul.lang = { ["en"] = { "This soul stone is filled with a %s's %s soul!", "This soul stone must be near the creature's corpse.", "There's no soul!", "Your soul stone didn't supported the soul and broke! This %s's %s soul escaped!", "Congratulations, you caught a %s's soul[%s]!", "Filled with a %s's %s soul.", "This item can't be enchanted.", "To summon a %s you must have at least %d soul points.", "You can't summon a %s there.", "To summon a %s you must have at least %d mana points.", "To summon a %s you must have at least %d health points.", "The soul stone broke and the corpse was possessed by %s's %s soul!", "This corpse doesn't support this %s's powerful %s soul. The soul has escaped and is roaming the world and tormenting people.", "A body can't have two souls.", "The %s's soul was aprisioned in weapon.", "This weapon is enchanted with a %s's soul. Charges: %d/%d.", "Your %s lost charm.", "This weapon already is enchanted with a soul!", -- 18 --> AURAS <-- "You haven't enought %s souls[%d].", "You need wait %d minutes to use an aura protection again.", "You can't use an aura protection on protected zones.", { "Alive again!? How!? AH! It doesn't matter, i just want to get my revenge! MUHAUHAUHUAUA!", "OH how is sweet live!", }, } } function isWeapon(uid) -- Function by Mock the bear. local uid = uid or 0 local f = getItemWeaponType(uid) return (f == 1 or f == 2 or f == 3) or false end function string:formal() local self = self:sub(1, 1):upper() .. self:sub(2, #self) while (self:find(" (%l)")) do local a = self:find(" (%l)") self = self:sub(1, a) .. self:sub(a + 1, a + 1):upper() .. self:sub(a + 2, #self) end return self end function getUidsInArea(ext1, ext2) local uids = {} for a = 0, ext2.x-ext1.x do for b = 0, ext2.y-ext1.y do local pos = {x = ext1.x+a, y = ext1.y+b, z = ext1.z, stackpos = 255} local cid = getTopCreature(pos).uid if (isCreature(cid)) then table.insert(uids, cid) end end end return uids end function getItemsInContainerById(container, itemid) -- Function By Kydrai local items = {} if isContainer(container) and getContainerSize(container) > 0 then for slot = 0, getContainerSize(container) - 1 do local item = getContainerItem(container, slot) if isContainer(item.uid) then for i, v in ipairs (getItemsInContainerById(item.uid, itemid)) do table.insert(items, v) end elseif itemid == item.itemid then table.insert(items, item) end end end return items end function getAllPlayerItemsById(uid, itemid) local items = {} for a = CONST_SLOT_FIRST, CONST_SLOT_LAST do local item = getPlayerSlotItem(uid, a) if ((item.uid > 0) and (item.itemid == itemid)) then table.insert(items, item) end if ((isContainer(item.uid)) and (getContainerSize(item.uid) > 0)) then for i, v in ipairs(getItemsInContainerById(item.uid, itemid)) do table.insert(items, v) end end end return items end function getAllPlayerSoulStones(uid, empty) local stones = {} for _, s in ipairs(L_Soul.ids) do for _, v in pairs(getAllPlayerItemsById(uid, s)) do if not ((empty) and (not getItemAttribute(v.uid, "Soul"))) then table.insert(stones, v) end end end return stones end function getPlayerSoulStonesByType(uid, type) local stones = {} for _, v in pairs(getAllPlayerSoulStones(uid)) do if ((getItemAttribute(v.uid, "Soul")) and (L_Soul.creatures[getItemAttribute(v.uid, "Soul")].type:lower() == type:lower())) then table.insert(stones, v) end end return stones end function doPlayerRemoveSoulStoneByType(uid, type, ammount) local stones = getPlayerSoulStonesByType(uid, type) local ammount = ammount or 1 if (#stones < ammount) then return false end local a = 0 for _, v in pairs(stones) do if (a ~= ammount) then a = a + 1 doRemoveItem(v.uid, 1) else break end end return true end function getPlayerSoulStonesCount(uid, type) return #getPlayerSoulStonesByType(uid, type) end function onCreatureHealthChange(creature, attacker, attackerName, damage, damType, damMsg) if isPlayer(attacker) and isCreature(creature) and attackerName ~= creature then local auraName = getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, "current_aura") if auraName then local AuraAz = auraName:lower() if L_Soul.auras[AuraAz] and os.time() - creature:getStorageValue("last_hit_" .. AuraAz) > L_Soul.auras[AuraAz].interval then doCreatureSetStorageValue(creature, "last_hit_" .. AuraAz, os.time()) doSendDistanceShoot(creature:getPosition(), creature:getPosition(), L_Soul.souls[AuraAz].effects.distance) doTargetCombatHealth(attacker, creature, L_Soul.souls[AuraAz].combat, -L_Soul.auras[AuraAz].damage[1], -L_Soul.auras[AuraAz].damage[2], 255) end end end end function onSay(cid, words, param) domodlib("Soul System[LIB]") local lan = L_Soul.lang[L_Soul.language] local AuraAz = words:explode(" ")[1] if not (L_Soul.auras[AuraAz]) then return false end if (#getPlayerSoulStonesByType(cid, AuraAz) < L_Soul.auras[AuraAz].stones_n) then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, string.format(lan[19], AuraAz, L_Soul.auras[AuraAz].stones_n)) end if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, L_Soul.auras_sto) > 0) then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, string.format(lan[20], math.floor(L_Soul.auras[AuraAz].duration/60))) end if (getTileInfo(getThingPos(cid)).protection) then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, lan[21]) end setPlayerStorageValue(cid, L_Soul.auras_sto, os.time()) doPlayerRemoveSoulStoneByType(cid, AuraAz, L_Soul.auras[AuraAz].stones_n) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, "current_aura", AuraAz) -- Armazena a aura atual do jogador return true end  
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