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Sobre Dantarrix


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  1. My fault, error with a capital letter. Search for this: getPlayerItemCount(cid,a.Itemid) And change for this: getPlayerItemCount(cid,a.itemid)
  2. Try: In the table called "lugar", for each place of teleport, you have 3 new configurations: * itemid = It's the id of the item you want to be needed to teleport. * cant = It's the quantity of the item you want to be needed to teleport. * remove = Turn true if you want the item to be removed or false if you don't. Hope it works.
  3. Try this: It's the same but with a correction attempt. Hope this works.
  4. Example: <movevent event="DeEquip" itemid="7891" slot="feet" function="onDeEquipItem"/> <movevent event="Equip" itemid="7891" slot="feet" function="onEquipItem"> <vocation name="Sorcerer"/> <vocation name="Master Sorcerer" showInDescription="0"/> <vocation name="Druid"/> <vocation name="Elder Druid" showInDescription="0"/> </movevent> There are 2 movevents, 1 is equip, 1 deequip. itemid = id of item in items.xml slot = slot where item can be wore vocationname = name of vocation that can wear the item showindescription = this vocation is shown in description? (default = 1 = true. 0 = false). That's it, hope you understand. For your gladiator shield: <movevent event="DeEquip" itemid="2517" slot="shield" function="onDeEquipItem"/> <movevent event="Equip" itemid="2517" slot="shield" function="onEquipItem"> <vocation name="Knight"/> <vocation name="Elite Knight" showInDescription="0"/> </movevent>
  5. meu português não é muito bom, mas eu vou tentar explicar o que fazer weapons.xml: armas são registrados aqui como você disse meu erro, eu quis dizer movements.xml você tem que registrar onEquipItem e onDeEquipItem para operar os bonus
  6. o tema despertou meu interesse, Vou ver o que posso fazer e então eu vou editar este post
  7. @up: lamento dizer que você está muito errado @topic: você precisa registrar no items em weapons.xml
  8. Al equipo más grande de Chile... #Felices76añosUC
  9. I still want to know if VIP System is by a new database query or by storage so I can help...
  10. @up & double up: What happens if VIP is made by queries and not storage? That will not work...
  11. Is necessary to know what VIP System you are using to do the amulets you want....
  12. Dantarrix

    If Is Equipped

    @up: If it have 2 items, one in the correct position and the other on floor or backpack and use the one that isnt in the correct position, it will work ....
  13. Dantarrix

    If Is Equipped

    Sorry for using english, but something like this maybe? if getPlayerSlotItem(cid, slot).itemid == stone'sItemId then Then, if you have the same stone in the correct place, it will work.... ^^ The other way is giving an action id when item is equipped and when deequiped, it lose it.... So you only need to call the script by action... And it's obviously that it's equipped... Sorry for bad english... :S
  14. Try replacing this function: doCreatureAddhealth(target, -hit) For this function: doTarggetCombatHealth(cid, target, type, min, max, effect) If you know how to.... If you dont know, please response to make the script.... (At the moment I dont have too much time, but later I will have it )
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