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[8.2/8.21]tfs 0.2.13 Rev. ~1000 Modified By Gesior


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Tópico retirado do OtFans!!!


Many users want TFS 0.3 scripts, but TFS 0.3 isn't stable. I modifed TFS 0.2.13 for my server and post it here for other hosters. My OTS has uptime 70+ hours now.

What I added to TFS 0.2.13:- basespeed in vocations.xml - you can change default move speed of each vocation - 220 is deafult speed

<vocation id="1" name="Sorcerer" description="a sorcerer" basespeed="220" gaincap="10" ...

-/invisible command for GMs posted by Pedro B. on ******.net forum

- fixed bug with IP bans - in normal TFS 0.2.13 when you ban someone IP it's banned until server restart/crash, not for 24 hours, bug reported to TFS developer

- IP bans loaded/saved in real time from/in database (like in TFS 0.3) - no more problems with "unban IP", now hoster open MySQL/SQLite database and delete record with IP ban, then player can login, don't have to restart server/reload anything

- Extra options in config.lua, bans configurable:

--show how many HP player/monster heal

showHealingDamage = "yes"

-- show animatex text CRITICAL near player who do critical hit

displayCriticalHitNotify = "yes"

-- clean protection zones when clean map

cleanProtectedZones = "yes"

-- default 3 hours IP ban

ipBanishmentTime = 3 * 60 * 60

-- default 1 day account ban - give one warning point always

normalBanishmentTime = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60

-- default 3 days account ban - give warningsToFinalBan warning points always

finalBanishmentTime = 3 * 24 * 60 * 60

-- it is permement ban, not real deletion from database

warningsToDeletion = 4

-- when player has 3 warnings server ban for finalBanishmentTime

warningsToFinalBan = 3


Link Para Download no SpeedyShare AQUI


-TFS console version, all needed DLLs, data folder with modified commands.xml and vocations.xml, sources (modified) and official TFS documents included, compiled with parameter "-D__GLOBAL_STORAGE__" - you can use this distro with my graphic statistics (posted on Forum --> Web Applications)!

Originally Posted by CREDITS

All OpenTibia developers

All The Forgotten Server developers

Pedro B.




Bom Gente é isso aew meu trabalho foi só trazer esse outro OT para o Xtibia



Flwss :D

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Otimo ot amigo mais tenho umas perguntas se puder me ajudar;


Eu so posso mexe nele em sql lite? em mysql nao funfa? e pq nao achei site q consiga criar account nele.


espero ajuda sua vlw!

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Eu baixei este otserver pelo OTFans e aqui não tem o NPC-TRADE...

Você poderia ter ao menos traduzido as features...

O server é bom, mas até agora não vi muita vantagem :)

Mesmo assim, muito bom :D

PS: Se tem NPC-TRADE, com usar? :p


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