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Uma Arrow Que Gasta Mana 8.0


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Bem,esse eh meu primeiro tutorial aki no Xtibia

essa arrow ela n pega skill, mas gasta mana e presisa de arco ou crossbow para usa-lá vc que escolhe la vai:


em data\itens\itens.xml vc da ctrl+f e digita (crystal arrow)


vc vai achar alguma coiza assim:




<item id="2352" name="crystal arrow">

<attribute key="weight" value="0"/>

<attribute key="weaponType" value="ammunition"/>

<attribute key="attack" value="65"/>

<attribute key="ammoType" value="arrow"/>

<attribute key="shootType" value="arrow"/>




ai vc muda pra isso aki :




<item id="2352" name="crystal arrow">

<attribute key="description" value="aki vc pode colokar oq vc kiser q vai apacer quando der look."/>

<attribute key="weight" value="70"/>

<attribute key="attack" value="20"/>

<attribute key="weaponType" value="ammunition"/>

<attribute key="ammoType" value="arrow"/>

<attribute key="shootType" value="arrow"/>




Ta agora essa a parte de itens.xml está pronta


agora vamos para data\weapons\scripts

Copie qualquer arquivo que vc axar ai abra e mude para isso:

coloque o nome do arquivo como crystal arrow.lua (ou como vc preferir)




local combat = createCombatObject()

setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_BLOCKARMOR, 1)


setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_DISTANCEEFFECT, 21)

setCombatFormula(combat, COMBAT_FORMULA_LEVELMAGIC, 0, -450, 0, -600)


function onUseWeapon(cid, var)

return doCombat(cid, combat, var)




( setCombatFormula(combat, COMBAT_FORMULA_LEVELMAGIC, 0, -450, 0, -600) )

essa linha aqui quer dizer assim essa arrow soh vai tira entre 450 e 600 ai vc pode mudar o hit


essa parte esta pronta tbm


agora faça isso :


abra a pasta data\weapons\weapons.xml

e add isso

enbaixo da linha wands q vai esta assim



<!-- Wands -->

<wand id="2190" range="4" lvl="8" mana="2" enabled="1" exhaustion="0" script="wand of vortex.lua"><vocation id="1"/><vocation id="5"/></wand>

<wand id="2191" range="3" lvl="13" mana="3" enabled="1" exhaustion="0" script="wand of dragonbreath.lua"><vocation id="1"/><vocation id="5"/></wand>

<wand id="2188" range="2" lvl="19" mana="5" enabled="1" exhaustion="0" script="wand of plague.lua"><vocation id="1"/><vocation id="5"/></wand>

<wand id="2189" range="1" lvl="26" mana="8" enabled="1" exhaustion="0" script="wand of cosmic energy.lua"><vocation id="1"/><vocation id="5"/></wand>

<wand id="2187" range="3" lvl="33" mana="13" enabled="1" exhaustion="0" script="wand of inferno.lua"><vocation id="1"/><vocation id="5"/></wand>



ai vc soh pega essa linha ai em baixo e coloka no final:



<wand id="2352" range="10" lvl="100" mana="25" enabled="1" exhaustion="0" script="crystal arrow.lua"><vocation id="3"/><vocation id="7"/></wand>



vai fikar assim


<!-- Wands -->

<wand id="2190" range="4" lvl="8" mana="2" enabled="1" exhaustion="0" script="wand of vortex.lua"><vocation id="1"/><vocation id="5"/></wand>

<wand id="2191" range="3" lvl="13" mana="3" enabled="1" exhaustion="0" script="wand of dragonbreath.lua"><vocation id="1"/><vocation id="5"/></wand>

<wand id="2188" range="2" lvl="19" mana="5" enabled="1" exhaustion="0" script="wand of plague.lua"><vocation id="1"/><vocation id="5"/></wand>

<wand id="2189" range="1" lvl="26" mana="8" enabled="1" exhaustion="0" script="wand of cosmic energy.lua"><vocation id="1"/><vocation id="5"/></wand>

<wand id="2187" range="3" lvl="33" mana="13" enabled="1" exhaustion="0" script="wand of inferno.lua"><vocation id="1"/><vocation id="5"/></wand>

<wand id="2352" range="10" lvl="100" mana="25" enabled="1" exhaustion="0" script="crystal arrow.lua"><vocation id="3"/><vocation id="7"/></wand>



agora assim esse numero ai (2352) eh o id da arrow

( vocation id="3"/><vocation id="7"/ ) eh porque a arrow eh soh pra pally e royal


(mana="25") ta 25 isso vc pode mudar


(range="10") eh quantos sqms a arrow pode ir.



Pronto agora c vc gostou posta ae xD


c vc gostar e quiser postar em otro forum coloka meu credits e deu xD




qm visualizar pelo menos diz como q ta c ta massa c ta podre xD

Editado por IcExKiNg
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