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[7.6] Neverland 4.2


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Neverland 4.2 by Alex (Ruly)




- bp/depo save (CVS)

- safe trade (CVS)

- buy/sell with crystals (TLM)

- house system (TLM, Black Demon, Yurez)

- skulls & party (TLM)

- server save (TLM)

- light (Bomb Da Brat)

- vip list (Vitor)

- npc load (Wolv119)

- anti afk (Tibia Rules)

- battle window (Skulldiggers, Tibia Rules)

- summons (CVS, Tibia Rules, Yurez)

- gm invisible (TRS)

- rotating items (SuperGillis)

- ice rapier (Tibia Rules)

- construction kits (JTE)

- amulets: all but garlic and bronze (Yurez)

- rings: skill, might, time (Yurez)

- login queue (Yurez)

- guilds with npc (Yurez)

- pvp arena (Yurez)

- boh+hur+time ring (Yurez)

- many little things


- burst arrow (Skulldiggers)

- destroy field (GriZzm0)

- exiva (Bryan)

- readables (Yurez)

- commands: /pvp /owner /send

- more options in config

- arm matters

- energy ring

- boat npcs

- field runes


- simpler houses (DosMaster)

- learning spells (Yurez)

- promotions (Yurez)

- commands: /save /ban

- separate distance mul

- multiline readables

- healing summons

- damage fixes

- uh exhaustion


- rook system (Yurez)

- guild chats (CVS)

- key system (Orzech)

- item look for monsters/npcs (Black Demon)

- config: expmulpvp, spearlosechance

- commands: /pos /shutdown /max !uptime

- torches, candles etc. - in ammo slot

- all light spells

- lower memory usage

Neverland 2.0

- depot tiles (Cayan)

- blessings (Escman, me)

- NPC heal (dunno)

- raids (Jiddo)

- NPC walk (Tibia Rules)

- exana pox (BlackDemon)

- fields damage loaded on map (The Chaos)

- items to stairs/holes ect, & items to trash (BlackDemon)

- luck system (Arne)

- system of marriage (Jakacruts)

- GM move items of distance (Tibia Rules)

- black square (Survival)

- premmy tiles, only premiums use premium outfit, plus

- level door (Supergillis)

- private channel (Loos!k)

- bed system (TLM)

- mag level fixed (me)

- Utevo lux, vis lux, gran lux (me)

- exeta res (Tauros)

- exani tera (CrazyToko)

- exani hur up/down (Blackdemon)

- acc manager (The Chaos, me)

- rule violation (control + Y) (Tibia Rules)

- bugs report (control + z) ((Smygflik))

- follow (Survival)

- expierence skill debugger (Blackdemon)

- fields working (me)

Neverland 2.5

- utana vid on players (Tijn, me)

- monters invisible (Tijn, me)

- exori 4/5 mana (Tijn)

- !buypremmy (MTK)

- general bugs fixed (me)

Neverland 3.0

- ManaDrain And LifeDrain (Tijn, me)

- Knight cant use utana vid (me)

- Monster use Paralyze on people, Paralyze rune, Paralyze Perfect.


(Blackdemon, me)

- LUX for gm (Darkonia)

- Beds fixed (LooS!k)

- Day and Night Cycle (Tibia Rules)

- Antimc (Darkonia)

- Chameleon rune (Tijn)

- Soul Points (me)

Neverland 3.5

- Npc Sell Container (Naxedaxu)

- Anti Missclick(Turn secure mode off if you really want to attack


unmarked players) (BoSS,me)

- Follow Attack (Survival Server, me)

- Death List (jiddo)

- Kicking player when signing in to the char (Smygflik)

- Vote System (TibiaRules)

- Exeta res fixed (me)

- Wands and Rods System 7.5 (Lord Hepipud and Skiter)

- Give Exp (The Chaos)

- Parcel System (supergillis)

- New Skull System with Yellow Skull (is not perfect, to the next update


i fix) (Grizzmo, SuperGillis)

- Letter System (Supergillis)

- Vip Fixed (Rex)

- Light spells fixed (jiddo)

- Broadcast exiva "rul~ (Tijn, me)

- Up with Parcels (Zerozcool, The Chaos)

- Search Fuction !search Ruly(Blackdemon)

- Stackables ground to ground (loos!K)

- Move Up (BlackDemon)

- Life Ring (Jiddo, BurnMC, me)

- Ring of Healing (me)

- Drunkness (Naxedaxu)

- Command /clean (Yurez)

- Better Access System (Yurez)

- New Premium System (yurez)

- City names for parcels in config.lua (me)

- Stealth Ring (me)

- Monsters disapear of luring 50 sqm of your respawn point (the chaos)

- Lua Overflow Fixed (tibia rules)

- Blessings, maxviplist and Soul Points in config.lua (me)

Neverland 3.6

- Maggic Effect Fixed (me)

- Drunkness fixed (me)

- Dwarven Ring (me)

- !search fixed (me)

Neverland Fixeds

- Bless with price

Neverland 3.7

- Muted System and Muted in trade Channel (rex)

- When player died, all lights off (me)

- Reload Config and Npcs (Smygflik)

- All Mailbox in parcels and letters (Supergillis)

- Change Sex, you lost 5 hours of premmy (me) /sex male, /sex female

- Buy Red Skull, you lost 5 hours of premmy (me) /red skull

- Gm make monster fixed (The Chaos)

- More Citys in config.lua (me)

- Soul Points Fixed (now when you have soul = 0, automaticly up soul to


3 xD) (me)

- When you use a heal spell you lose paralyze (Loos!K)

- Record System (Loos!k)

- Server Restart /r minuts with remove players, monsters and npcs


(supergillis, tibia rules)

- Open private with ~ (BoSS)

- Open Private with real name (Loos!k)

- Better Damage System (me)

- Monster Drunk players (me)

- Some fuctions added in sources for php (Jiddo)

- Blue robe increase magic damages (Loos!k)

- Change Armor Container to inventory Fixed (Loos!K)

- Players cant push others players to a parcel (Jiddo, me)

- /addskill (TibiaRules)

- Djinn Change Outfit Players (the chaos)

- Acurrate Combat System

- Halloween Hare 100% = Tibia (me)

- accessprotect fixed (Yurez)

- Webpage with much features (Jiddo, me)

Neverland 3.8

- !Buyhouse (gerax)

- Price for Blessings (Loos!k)

- Remove Accurate (me)

- Walkto when click use (Tijn, Loos!k)

- Old Skull System Again (me)

- Logging System (Loos!k)

- Broadcast Colors (The Chaos)

- Change /r to /reset (me)

- /reload fixed (me)

- Better Ctrl + y (Larva~)

- Fixed Bed System (me)

- Added Watch, Helmet of The Ancients quest, etc

- Update in Map

Neverland 3.9

- Exana Ani (me)

- Up with parcels fix (The Chaos)

- Look on Beds fixed (me)

- Recover Mana/hp/soul when sleep (Gerax, me)

- Premium System loaded on account (Dark Tico)

- Premium Tiles (Cayan)

- Skull System with Hittime (Yurez)

- Skull System with Summons (Yurez)

- Skull System for Tutors and Counsellors (me)

- No gamemaster [Cheat Retirado] (The Chaos)

- Exevo grav vita (Eot Sources)

- !buypremmy (me)

- /sex (me)

- Summons fix (Tibia Rules)

- Follow and Follow Atk fixed (me)

- Boots of Waterwalking (Yokay)

- Magicthrower,Deathslicer and Plaguethrower cant walk (Naxedaxu)

- You gain Soul Points when you kill a creature that give greater or


equal experience at your level, like in tibia (me)

- Different Soul Points for each rune (me)

- Soul 200 for promoted (me)

- Life Ring and Ring of healing Perfect, same that tibia (me)

- Look not vocation (Pedro B)

- New Actions: Getslotitem (Zathroth), domoveplayer (Tibia Rules),


getplayeritem (Yokay), createcondition (Blackdemon),



- New Npc: Getplayeritem (Yokay)

- Torchs, firesword, make light in slot ammo, slot right and slot left


(Yurez, me)

- Monster make poison damage on melee (Cayan)

- Maxdepotitems 2000 for premmy, 1000 for free acc (me)

- Tapestries (######)

- You cant kick a player that are in Acc Manager, Acc manager have


infinites allowclones (me)

- Command /bc (The Chaos)

- Acc Manager on config.lua (Nitrous, me)

- Tutors talk in orange only in Help Channel (me)

- Different server save for characters and house (Eotserv)

Neverland 3.9a

- Sendmagiceffect fixed

Neverland 3.9b


- Useitemex allowfaruse fixed

Neverland 4.0

- SpellBook Perfect (Tijn, Cayan)

- Field Damage Perfect (me)

- Some fixeds (me)

- Invisibilty fixed (me)

- Turn NPC (Cayan)

- Npc Talk Delay (Supergillis)

- Createitems with name /iname (Dark Tico)

- Rotate fixed (me)

- GM command to change outfits

- Use esc cancel follow, etc (me)

- You can say EXeTa ReS, eXani TeRa, eXana Ina (Yokay)

- Light System Perfect (Cvs)

- Gm Protections (Rizz, me)

- Command /bless (me), /tutor (me), /speed (The Chaos)

- Only premmiums sleep in beds fixed (me)

- Vampire turn in a bat (######)

- Monster make poison damage on melee (Cayan)

- Only gamemaster can use [Cheat Retirado] system of tibia in config.lua (Nitrous)

- New Icon (zehbOi)

- Some new things in map (DkmS, me)

- Open Private Channel fixed (me)

- Fields with firebomb fixed (me)

- Acc Manager fixed (me)

- Thunders in the night (Tijn)

- Change exana ani to exana ina, correct name (me)

- Soulsystem yes/no in config.lua (Nitrous)

- Gms cant attack players yes/no in config.lua (Nitrous)

- Thundersystem yes/no in config.lua (Nitrous)

- only gamemaster can use [Cheat Retirado] system of tibia? yes/no in config.lua



- A graphic change when u open neverland.exe (me)

- and maybe more xD (who?xD)

Neverland 4.1

- Change to Protocol 7.6 (me)

- Otb Support (CVS)

- Ctrl + R (Vitor)

- Getwriter (Smygflik)

- Fixed Soulsystem on config.lua (me)

- Change attack rate to 1.5 segs (me)

- Walkto with useitemex(Rope,shovel,etc) (me)

- Poison Arrows (cayan)

- Exani hur up,and the other spells inside sources added in npcs that


sell spells (me)

- Maxhousetileitems (Yurez)

- Vip System fixed (me)

- [Retirado] support (me)

- More fixeds.. (me)

- Skull System fixed and party system too. (me)

- Attack on melee to players with utana vid fixed (me)

- Items to other floors 80% (me)

- Level doors via Actionid (Yurez)

- Depot Tiles differents for each depotid =) (Cayan)

- Validation Message fixed

- Bronze Amulet and Garnet Necklace (me)

- Bossmonsters (When u look a monster "You see a Hero", when u look a


bossmonster, You see Orshabaal.... like in tibia =P" (me)

- Command !Pricehouse (me)

- Monsters moving when you are invisible (Yurez)

- Damages Fixed (Nitrous)

- Fixed when you recovery mana,hp,soul in sleep (configurable in


config.lua) (Sapphire)

- When Nobody own a House you see the price of house when you look on


door, when a house is buyed, you dont see the price. (me)

- Exeta res (Talaturen, me), exana pox(Talaturen) via lua

- Some CVS fixeds (Check cvsfix.txt)

- You cant exiva GMS (Talaturen)

- Antidote Rune (me)

- Fix bug on vials (me)

- When a person try to enter with a different version of Tibia, cant


open Char list, inmediatily get message "You need use Protocol 7.6)



- Command /makesay (Yogax)

- Grass/water/swamp randomizer 7.6 (Smygflik)

- Colored Messages for a single player (Vitor)

- Better /info player (me)

- Dwarven Ring now is Perfect, same that dwarven ring in Tibia (me)

- Automatic create depotid if player dont have (Cayan)

- Reload Spells (Tijn sources)

- Stackables ground ground without bug of clone money (Vitor)

- Make Runes with two hands fixed (me)

- Added different server save for guilds(we dont want freeze, in


autoserversave) (me)

- Added capsystem configurable in the acc manager

- Gm cant get muted

Neverland 4.2

- Fixed Bp of Acc Manager (me)

- Fixed Hp Bar and name bar dissapear of monsters (me)

- Exana mas Mort (Vitor)

- Player Logs (Nitrous)

- Soul System Fixed (me)

- Added soul in lua (Brwolf)

- Yellow Skull not perfect (Eot, Talaturen)


Premium Features (me)

- Can buy house

- Maxdepotitems is 2000

- Can buy a promotion

- Some npcs only sell items to people that have a premium

- If the server is full, dont need wait in the waiting list.

- Can change sex using /sex

- Can sleep in beds

- Premium Outfits


Promotion Features (me)

- A new vocation name (Elite, royal, etc)

- Recovery hp and mana more fast

- Have 200 soul points

- Different lost exp, skill, ml when promoted people died (like tibia) in config.lua


Tutor System (me)

- Can report bugs using Ctrl + Z

- Talk in orange in Help channel

- Can report namelocks using /namelock


Counsellor System

- Can answer report of Ctrl + R

- Can talk red in other chats

- Can use Ctrl + Y



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