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qual quer dúvida ou bug que achar no ot só postar no tópico

se eu estiver presente eu repondo se não nossos amigo do tópico responde icon_rock.gif

Editado por otal2012
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Não sei como funciona a barra de CD mas uma perg pra quem sabe mexer com ela...

Não teria como add algum comando ou sei la, que quando o player usar fly ride ou surf ele blokeie a barra ou fassa ela esconder, ou ate mesmo akele comando da dll q o brun passo useKpdoDll = true.


Ae quando o player entrasse em fly/ride/surf alguma função mudaria pra useKpdoDll =false, e quando saísse voltasse para useKpdoDll = true.


So tentando ajudar a resolver os bug com ideias ^^

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O bug no ditto não aconteceu comigo.



Obrigado pelo report



é só baixar o server novamente e deletar..



Seu portrait ficou muito bom, Parabéns!



Caraca pessoal vocês não olham a pagina principal?

Lá tem tudo..

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As unicas sprites que precisa para a ball são: Ball(Item), Ball(Apagada) e Ball(Ligada)? Porque eu não achei no cliente as sprites da ball fail e win. Responde ia porque eu to fazendo as balls para disponibilizar.

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Alguem pode me passar os Shinys??

se eu colokar sobre minha pasta data vai alterar npc's ou quet's que eu tenha feito???


Depende onde estao as quests... npc n ira alterar,,os Shinys estao localizados em toda pasta mosnter, no arquivo configuration.lua, level table.lua,area.lua,pokemon move.lua,login.lua.


Para n dificultar para colocar os shinys eu disponobilizei toda a pasta para ficar mais facil,,,se quiser baixa os shiny e pegue somente esses aequivos e substitua em seu server.


Downlaod aqui:





Bom galera deu trabalhinho mas consegui terminar os Shinys.


Não vou dizer que esta 100%.Pode conter alguns erros como corps trocados ou sprites de surf ou ride trocadas.Mas isso creio que vocês se viram ^^


Esta tudo configurado :

- Corps 100%

- Dex 100%

- Portrait ainda esta os normais até eu ter os 151

- M1-M12 igual o dos normais ( se quiserem add algum move editem )

- Go/Back/Catach 100% ( Se tiver algum bug me avisem, pois n testei todos )

- Stats configurados com o dobro do stats dos normais ( Se quiserem deixar mais forte ou mais fraco é so editar

- Catch não configurei pois depende de cada sv. Entao vocês configuram.


Obs: Alguns pokes estao com corps diferentes do pokemon (Ex : Shiny electrode azul / corps : verde) - isso e pq usei as sprites que tinha no cliente disponibilizado pelo brun.Se quiserem arrumar estejam a vontade ^^.




Bom é isso.Espero que gostem e que ajude vcs.

Qualquer problema posta ai que tento ajudar ^^.


Créditos : Brun123 - Pelo servidor ja comfigurado e o cliente com as sprites.

RaahGrilim - Me ajudou a configurar o level e a tabela de exp

Jeffe000 - Eu por criar o resto :)


Link para Download :


Instalando :

Basta extrair as pasta e substituir na pasta Date do servidor. ^^



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As unicas sprites que precisa para a ball são: Ball(Item), Ball(Apagada) e Ball(Ligada)? Porque eu não achei no cliente as sprites da ball fail e win. Responde ia porque eu to fazendo as balls para disponibilizar.


Mano a sprite da ball FAIL é :47066 e da ball win:47067 das poke ball normal.

Espera ter ajudado, qualquer coisa estamos ai :D

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Aqui nao ta aparecendo a barra de cooldown, e deu alguns erros no console.

[19/01/2012 23:38:02] Pokemon Dash Advanced (1.0), last compiled at Jan 6 2012.

[19/01/2012 23:38:02] Credits to all TFS team (Elf, slawkens, Talaturen, Lithium, KaczooH, Kiper, Kornholijo).

[19/01/2012 23:38:02] PokemonDistro made by mastercraft/brun123.

[19/01/2012 23:38:02] >> Loading config (config.lua)

[19/01/2012 23:38:03] > Using plaintext encryption

[19/01/2012 23:38:03] >> Checking software version... outdated, please consider updating!

[19/01/2012 23:38:03] > Current version information - version: 1.0, patch: 1, build: 3429, timestamp: 1261647210.

[19/01/2012 23:38:03] > Latest version information - version: 0.3.6, patch: 0, build: 3293, timestamp: 1260652199.

[19/01/2012 23:38:03] >> Fetching blacklist

[19/01/2012 23:38:04] >> Loading RSA key

[19/01/2012 23:38:04] >> Starting SQL connection

[19/01/2012 23:38:04] >> Running Database Manager

[19/01/2012 23:38:04] > Optimized database.

[19/01/2012 23:38:04] >> Loading items

[19/01/2012 23:38:05] >> Loading groups

[19/01/2012 23:38:05] >> Loading vocations

[19/01/2012 23:38:05] >> Loading script systems

[19/01/2012 23:38:11] >> Loading chat channels

[19/01/2012 23:38:11] >> Loading outfits

[19/01/2012 23:38:11] >> Loading experience stages

[19/01/2012 23:38:11] >> Loading monsters

[19/01/2012 23:38:17] >> Loading mods...

[19/01/2012 23:38:17] > Loading buypremium_command.xml... done, but disabled.

[19/01/2012 23:38:17] > Loading changender_command.xml... done, but disabled.

[19/01/2012 23:38:17] > Loading custommonsters.xml... done, but disabled.

[19/01/2012 23:38:17] > Loading customspells.xml... done, but disabled.

[19/01/2012 23:38:17] > Loading firstitems.xml... done.

[19/01/2012 23:38:17] > Loading highscorebook.xml... done.

[19/01/2012 23:38:17] > 6 mods were loaded (4 disabled).

[19/01/2012 23:38:17] >> Loading map and spawns...

[19/01/2012 23:38:18] > Map size: 2000x1900.

[19/01/2012 23:38:18] > Map descriptions:

[19/01/2012 23:38:18] "Saved with Remere's Map Editor 2.1"

[19/01/2012 23:38:18] "Pokemon Map"

[19/01/2012 23:38:20] Duplicate uniqueId 1001

[19/01/2012 23:38:20] [Warning - IOMap::loadMap] Movable item in house: 212, item type: 11520, pos 862/1030/6

[19/01/2012 23:38:20] [Warning - IOMap::loadMap] Movable item in house: 212, item type: 11520, pos 864/1030/6

[19/01/2012 23:38:23] > Map loading time: 6.642 seconds.

[19/01/2012 23:38:24] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/Noya.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:24] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/Noya.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:24] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/paint.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:24] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/paint.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:24] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/Soya.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:24] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/Soya.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:24] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/Guild Master.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:24] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/Guild Master.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:24] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/Professor BoostMayer.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:24] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/Professor BoostMayer.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/casino.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/casino.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/Bag.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/Bag.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Mrmime"

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Mrmime"

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Mrmime"

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/paint.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/paint.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/Fightman.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/Fightman.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Farfetchd"

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Farfetchd"

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Farfetchd"

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Farfetchd"

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Farfetchd"

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Farfetchd"

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Farfetchd"

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Farfetchd"

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/paint.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/paint.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/paint.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/paint.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/casino.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/casino.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/paint.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/paint.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/oak_oracle.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/oak_oracle.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/Ajudante.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/Ajudante.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/Ajudante.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/Ajudante.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/Ajudante.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/Ajudante.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/Ajudante.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/Ajudante.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/Ajudante.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/Ajudante.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/Ajudante.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/Ajudante.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/Ajudante.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/Ajudante.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/Ajudante.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/Ajudante.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/Ajudante.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/Ajudante.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/Ajudante.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/Ajudante.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Charmeleon_s"

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/paint.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:25] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/paint.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/SushiMan.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/SushiMan.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/stonemanII.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/stonemanII.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/Ancient Alakazam.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/Ancient Alakazam.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/Anunciante.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/Anunciante.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/slowbroanunciante.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/slowbroanunciante.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Crystal Onix"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/Mom.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/Mom.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [Warning - Npc::loadFromXml] Cannot load npc file (data/npc/Noya.xml).

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] Info: failed to load external entity "data/npc/Noya.xml"



[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Farfetchd"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [spawn::addMonster] Cannot find "Gengar supremo"

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (208)

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (211)

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] [Warning - Houses::loadFromXml] House entry not set for: Forgotten headquarter (Flat 1, Area 42) (212)

[19/01/2012 23:38:26] > Data parsing time: 3.048 seconds.

[19/01/2012 23:38:44] > Houses synchronization time: 17.511 seconds.

[19/01/2012 23:38:44] > Content unserialization time: 0.291 seconds.

[19/01/2012 23:38:44] >> Checking world type... PvP

[19/01/2012 23:38:44] >> Initializing game state modules and registering services...

[19/01/2012 23:38:45] > Global address:

[19/01/2012 23:38:45] > Local ports: 7171 7172

[19/01/2012 23:38:45] >> All modules were loaded, server is starting up...

[19/01/2012 23:38:45] >> Pokemon Dash server Online!


[19/01/2012 23:38:56] Account Manager has logged in.

[19/01/2012 23:38:58] Account Manager has logged out.

[19/01/2012 23:39:04] Arthur has logged in.

[19/01/2012 23:39:38] Shiny Dragonite ball has been created by Arthur.

[19/01/2012 23:40:28] Shiny Dragonite ball has been created by Arthur.

[19/01/2012 23:40:45] Shiny Dragonite ball has been created by Arthur.

[19/01/2012 23:41:42] Shiny Charmander ball has been created by Arthur.

[19/01/2012 23:42:11] Shiny Charmeleon ball has been created by Arthur.

[19/01/2012 23:42:22] Shiny Charizard ball has been created by Arthur.

[19/01/2012 23:42:52] Shiny Magikarp ball has been created by Arthur.

[19/01/2012 23:46:40] Mewtwo ball has been created by Arthur.


[19/01/2012 23:46:41] [Error - Action Interface]

[19/01/2012 23:46:41] data/actions/scripts/goback.lua:onUse

[19/01/2012 23:46:41] Description:

[19/01/2012 23:46:42] data/lib/cooldown bar.lua:46: attempt to index local 'table' (a nil value)

[19/01/2012 23:46:42] stack traceback:

[19/01/2012 23:46:42] data/lib/cooldown bar.lua:46: in function 'getNewMoveTable'

[19/01/2012 23:46:42] data/lib/cooldown bar.lua:89: in function 'doUpdateMoves'

[19/01/2012 23:46:42] data/actions/scripts/goback.lua:123: in function <data/actions/scripts/goback.lua:1>


[19/01/2012 23:46:42] [Error - TalkAction Interface]

[19/01/2012 23:46:42] data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:onSay

[19/01/2012 23:46:42] Description:

[19/01/2012 23:46:42] data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:43: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)

[19/01/2012 23:46:42] stack traceback:

[19/01/2012 23:46:42] data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:43: in function <data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:20>


[19/01/2012 23:46:42] [Error - TalkAction Interface]

[19/01/2012 23:46:42] data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:onSay

[19/01/2012 23:46:42] Description:

[19/01/2012 23:46:42] data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:43: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)

[19/01/2012 23:46:42] stack traceback:

[19/01/2012 23:46:42] data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:43: in function <data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:20>


[19/01/2012 23:46:42] [Error - TalkAction Interface]

[19/01/2012 23:46:42] data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:onSay

[19/01/2012 23:46:42] Description:

[19/01/2012 23:46:42] data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:43: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)

[19/01/2012 23:46:42] stack traceback:

[19/01/2012 23:46:42] data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:43: in function <data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:20>


[19/01/2012 23:46:43] [Error - TalkAction Interface]

[19/01/2012 23:46:43] data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:onSay

[19/01/2012 23:46:43] Description:

[19/01/2012 23:46:43] data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:43: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)

[19/01/2012 23:46:43] stack traceback:

[19/01/2012 23:46:43] data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:43: in function <data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:20>


[19/01/2012 23:46:43] [Error - TalkAction Interface]

[19/01/2012 23:46:43] data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:onSay

[19/01/2012 23:46:43] Description:

[19/01/2012 23:46:43] data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:43: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)

[19/01/2012 23:46:43] stack traceback:

[19/01/2012 23:46:43] data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:43: in function <data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:20>


[19/01/2012 23:46:43] [Error - TalkAction Interface]

[19/01/2012 23:46:43] data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:onSay

[19/01/2012 23:46:43] Description:

[19/01/2012 23:46:43] data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:43: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)

[19/01/2012 23:46:43] stack traceback:

[19/01/2012 23:46:43] data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:43: in function <data/talkactions/scripts/move1.lua:20>


[19/01/2012 23:46:46] [Error - TalkAction Interface]

[19/01/2012 23:46:46] In a timer event called from:

[19/01/2012 23:46:46] data/talkactions/scripts/cdbar.lua:onSay

[19/01/2012 23:46:46] Description:

[19/01/2012 23:46:46] data/lib/cooldown bar.lua:46: attempt to index local 'table' (a nil value)

[19/01/2012 23:46:46] stack traceback:

[19/01/2012 23:46:46] data/lib/cooldown bar.lua:46: in function 'getNewMoveTable'

[19/01/2012 23:46:46] data/lib/cooldown bar.lua:89: in function 'doUpdateMoves'

[19/01/2012 23:46:46] data/lib/some functions.lua:409: in function 'doGoPokemon'

[19/01/2012 23:46:46] data/lib/cooldown bar.lua:139: in function 'doChangeBalls'

[19/01/2012 23:46:46] data/talkactions/scripts/cdbar.lua:8: in function <data/talkactions/scripts/cdbar.lua:1>


[19/01/2012 23:47:12] [Error - Action Interface]

[19/01/2012 23:47:12] data/actions/scripts/goback.lua:onUse

[19/01/2012 23:47:12] Description:

[19/01/2012 23:47:12] data/lib/cooldown bar.lua:46: attempt to index local 'table' (a nil value)

[19/01/2012 23:47:12] stack traceback:

[19/01/2012 23:47:12] data/lib/cooldown bar.lua:46: in function 'getNewMoveTable'

[19/01/2012 23:47:12] data/lib/cooldown bar.lua:89: in function 'doUpdateMoves'

[19/01/2012 23:47:12] data/actions/scripts/goback.lua:123: in function <data/actions/scripts/goback.lua:1>



Alguns shinys estao com o corpse bugados como shiny muk, zapdos, ninetales e jolteon.

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