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Sobre DanijoBR


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DanijoBR's Achievements

  1. Olá amigo ,Muito obrigado por essa contribuição Poderia me ajudar em uma coisa O module funcionou perfeitamente no meu cliente Consegui adicionar contagem de headbutt além da contagem de fishing porém não consigo aumentar esse module (colocar mais linhas) Queria colocar uma barra abaixo de fishing contando headbutt,consegui coçar a contagem de headbutt porém ficou por cima da barra de fishing Não consegui desvendar o module para aumentar ele da forma correta, Poderia me ajudar nisso,adicionar 1 barra abaixo de fishing,aí eu coloco minha contagem de headbutt
  2. Tem sistema de moto no seu game?,Tô precisando de script e sprite pra adicionar no meu haha
  3. Pode me falar como vc conseguiu, fiz a mesma coisa que você porém não sei oq mudar no config.lua do servidor pra ele se conectar com o site na hospedagem
  4. Chama discord que te ajudo,vai dar uma imensidão de mensagens por aqui, Danijo#9360
  5. Aluguei uma hospedagem de site e um domínio de site Configurei e o site está funcionado Mas não sei como configuro o config.lua do servidor pra ele achar os arquivos SQL e ligar o Server , eu rodava via xampp e sempre foi bem simples porém eu quis mudar pra hospedagem paga para abrir no computador, celular de qualquer pessoa Se alguém puder me ajudar agradeço muito
  6. Clico na chave da bike porém não muda nada,o personagem apenas muda de sprite e fica em cima da bike Mais tarde a noite eu procuro e mando oq esta faltando Eu estou usando uma script que tá funcionando a moto no game Porém o erro é que: Quando estou usando a moto eu consigo jogar a chave no chão e alguem pode clicar e usar a moto Eu uso a moto Jogo a chave no chao e não perco a sprite da moto,ai se eu jogar qualquer um pode clicar e usar a sprite também, mesmo não tendo a chave Vc sabe alterar script para não poder jogar no chão enquanto estiver usando Pq eu te mando Vc altera e soluciona o problema facilmente Eu já adicionei 4 motos diferentes e estão funcionando porém tem esse problema de poder jogar no chão enquanto esta em use moto que esta com problema : quando estou usando ela eu consigo jogar o item chave no chao e ainda fico usando ela,qualquer player pode cliclar na mesma chave que esta no chão e tambem usar ela actions.xml <action itemid="30136" event="script" value="moto.lua"/> <action itemid="30137" event="script" value="motoverde.lua"/> <action itemid="30138" event="script" value="motoazul.lua"/> <action itemid="30139" event="script" value="motoamarela.lua"/> items.xml </item> <item id="30136" article="a" name="moto vermelha"> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> </item> <item id="30137" article="a" name="moto verde"> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> </item> <item id="30138" article="a" name="moto azul"> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> </item> <item id="30139" article="a" name="moto amarela"> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> moto.lua ( motoverde.lua, motoazul.lua, motoamarela.lua ) todos estao com mesmo script mas com nomes diferentes em arquivos lua diferentes para nao dar problema. function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) local bike = {lookType = 2590 } --- LookType do player em cima da bike. local speed = 1500 --- Velocidade que a bike terá. if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 32001) == 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 32001, 0) doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid), 'Moto OFF!', 32) doChangeSpeed(cid, -speed) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, 'Voce desmontou da moto.') else doChangeSpeed(cid, speed) doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, bike, -1) doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid), 'Moto ON!', 32) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, 'Voce montou na moto.') setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 32001, 1) end return true end
  7. No meu caso velocidade vai pra 10 assim que saio da bike haha,Você pode me ajudar por favor
  8. Moto.Lua function onUse(cid, item) if (getPlayerSlotItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_KEY_ITEM).uid ~= item.uid) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "To use this bike, put in the correct slot.") elseif (not isBiking(cid)) then if (isPokemonOnline(cid)) then inUseBall(cid, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_BALL)) end if (isPokemonOnline(cid) or getPlayerMounted(cid) or isFishing(cid) or isPlayerOnPvpArena(cid)) then doPlayerSendDefaultCancel(cid, RETURNVALUE_NOTPOSSIBLE) else doPlayerRideBike(cid, item) end else doPlayerDeRideBike(cid, item) end return true end Player. lua -- Local vars local OUTFIT_BIKE_MALE = createConditionObject(CONDITION_OUTFIT) setConditionParam(OUTFIT_BIKE_MALE, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, -1) addOutfitCondition(OUTFIT_BIKE_MALE, { lookType = 1744 }) local OUTFIT_BIKE_FEMALE = createConditionObject(CONDITION_OUTFIT) setConditionParam(OUTFIT_BIKE_FEMALE, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, -1) addOutfitCondition(OUTFIT_BIKE_FEMALE, { lookType = 1743 }) local UNLOCKED_MACH_BIKE_ID = 13218 local LOCKED_MACH_BIKE_ID = 13480 local EMPTY_PORTRAIT_ID = 12853 local EVOLVE_ICON_OFF_ID = 13205 local ORDER_ICON_OFF_ID = 13206 local DUEL_ICON_OFF_ID = 13207 local EVOLVE_ICON_ID = 13204 local ORDER_ICON_ID = 7730 local DUEL_ICON_ID = 13016 local PORTRAIT_CONTAINER_SIZE = 9 local EMPTY_SKILL_ID = 13442 --[[local UNLOCKED_OXYGEN_MASK_ID = 13299 local LOCKED_OXYGEN_MASK_ID = 13300]] -- Get function getPlayerPokemon(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.pokemonUid) end function getPlayerPokemonName(cid, referenceName) local pokemon = getPlayerPokemon(cid) if (isCreature(pokemon)) then if (referenceName and isPokemonTransformed(pokemon)) then return getPokemonCurrentTransformation(pokemon) end return getCreatureName(pokemon) end if (referenceName) then local ball = getPlayerBall(cid) if (isItem(ball)) then local transform = getBallCurrentTransform(ball.uid) if (transform) then return transform end end end return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.pokemonName) end function getPlayerPokemonNickname(cid) local pokemon = getPlayerPokemon(cid) if (isCreature(pokemon)) then return getCreatureNickname(pokemon) end local ball = getPlayerBall(cid) if (isItem(ball)) then local nick = getBallPokemonNickname(ball.uid) if (nick and nick ~= -1) then return nick end end return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.pokemonName) end function getPlayerBall(cid) return getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_FEET) end function getPlayerPokemonLevel(cid) return getBallPokemonLevel(getPlayerBall(cid).uid) end function getPlayerPokemonExperience(cid) return getBallPokemonExp(getPlayerBall(cid).uid) end function getPlayerPokemonNickname(cid) return getBallPokemonNickname(getPlayerBall(cid).uid) or getBallPokemonName(getPlayerBall(cid).uid) end function getPlayerTotalBattleWin(cid) return getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, PLAYER_SKILL_BATTLE_WIN) end function getPlayerTotalBattleLoss(cid) return getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, PLAYER_SKILL_BATTLE_LOSS) end function getPlayerRespect(cid) return getPlayerSoul(cid) end function getPlayerBackPosition(cid) local t = string.explode(getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.tradeBackPosition), ";") if (t) then local pos = { x = t[2], y = t[3], z = t[4] } if (isWalkable(cid, pos)) then return pos end end return getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)) end --[[ function getPlayerPvpArenaBackPosition(cid) local pvpArenaBackPositionTable = string.explode(getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.pvpArenaBackPosition), ";") return {x = pvpArenaBackPositionTable[2], y = pvpArenaBackPositionTable[3], z = pvpArenaBackPositionTable[4]} end ]] function getPlayerAllBallsWithPokemon(cid) local ballsWithPokemon = {} local ballSlotItem = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_BALL) if (isItem(ballSlotItem) and isBallWithPokemon(ballSlotItem.uid)) then table.insert(ballsWithPokemon, ballSlotItem) end local playerBackpack = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_BACKPACK) if (isItem(playerBackpack) and isContainer(playerBackpack.uid)) then local items = getContainerItems(playerBackpack.uid) local i = #items local currentItem while (i > 0) do currentItem = items[i] if (isContainer(currentItem.uid)) then items = table_concat(items, getContainerItems(currentItem.uid)) elseif (isBallWithPokemon(currentItem.uid)) then table.insert(ballsWithPokemon, currentItem) end table.remove(items, i) i = #items end end return ballsWithPokemon end -- Is function isPlayerOnPvpArena(cid) return getPlayerPvpArena(cid) end function isExhaust(cid) return hasCondition(cid, CONDITION_EXHAUST) end function isPokemonOnline(cid) return isCreature(getPlayerPokemon(cid)) end function isSurfing(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.isSurfing) > -1 end function isRiding(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.isRiding) > -1 end function isFlying(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.isFlying) > -1 end function isLevitating(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.isLevitating) > -1 end function isFishing(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.isFishing) > -1 end function isDueling(cid) return getPlayerDueling(cid) --getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.canDuel) > -1 end function isEvolving(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.isEvolving) > -1 end function isBiking(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.isBiking) > -1 end function isDiving(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.isDiving) > -1 end function isUnderwater(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.isUnderwater) > -1 end function isPlayerWithBackpackFull(playerUid) local playerBackpackUid = getPlayerSlotItem(playerUid, PLAYER_SLOT_BACKPACK).uid return getContainerCap(playerBackpackUid) == getContainerSize(playerBackpackUid) end function getSafariZone(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.safariZone) > -1 end -- Set function setSafariZone(cid, status) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.safariZone, (status and 1 or -1)) end --[[ function setPlayerPvpArena(cid, status, team, backPosition) if (status) then doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.isOnPvpArena, 1) else doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.isOnPvpArena, -1) end doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.pvpArenaTeam, team) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.pvpArenaBackPosition, ";" .. backPosition.x .. ";" .. backPosition.y .. ";" .. backPosition.z) doPlayerSetPvpArena(cid, status, team) end ]] function setFishingStatus(cid, status) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.isFishing, (status and 1 or -1)) end function setSurfingStatus(cid, status) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.isSurfing, (status and 1 or -1)) end function setRidingStatus(cid, status) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.isRiding, (status and 1 or -1)) end function setFlyingStatus(cid, status) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.isFlying, (status and 1 or -1)) end function setLevitatingStatus(cid, status) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.isLevitating, (status and 1 or -1)) end function setDivingStatus(cid, status) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.isDiving, (status and 1 or -1)) end function setBikingStatus(cid, status) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.isBiking, (status and 1 or -1)) end function setUnderwaterStatus(cid, status) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.isUnderwater, (status and 1 or -1)) end function setPlayerVulnerable(cid, vulnerable) local playerGroupId = getPlayerGroupId(cid) if (playerGroupId == 1 and not vulnerable) then -- Player vulnerable coming unvulnerable setPlayerGroupId(cid, 7) elseif (playerGroupId == 7 and vulnerable) then -- Player unvulnerable coming vulnerable setPlayerGroupId(cid, 1) elseif (playerGroupId == 2 and not vulnerable) then -- Tutor vulnerable coming unvulnerable setPlayerGroupId(cid, 8) elseif (playerGroupId == 8 and vulnerable) then -- Tutor unvulnerable coming vulnerable setPlayerGroupId(cid, 2) elseif (playerGroupId == 3 and not vulnerable) then -- Tutor vulnerable coming unvulnerable setPlayerGroupId(cid, 9) elseif (playerGroupId == 9 and vulnerable) then -- Tutor unvulnerable coming vulnerable setPlayerGroupId(cid, 3) end end function setPlayerPokemonNickname(cid, newNickname, removing) local ball = getPlayerBall(cid) setBallPokemonNickname(ball.uid, newNickname, removing) doBallUpdateDescription(ball.uid) if (isPokemonOnline(cid)) then setCreatureNickname(getPlayerPokemon(cid), newNickname) end end function setPlayerBackPosition(cid, newPos) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.tradeBackPosition, string.concat(";", newPos.x, ";", newPos.y, ";", newPos.z)) end -- Can function canBlink(cid) local time = doMasteryAdvantageCheck(cid, MASTERY_ADVANTAGES.BLINK_COOLDOWN) and 7 or 10 return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.blink) == -1 or (os.time() - getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.blink)) >= time end function canLove(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, == -1 or (os.time() - getCreatureStorage(cid, >= 5 * 60 end -- Do function doPlayerUseBallOnSlot(cid) if (isPlayer(cid)) then local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_BALL) if (isItem(item)) then doPlayerUseItem(cid, item.uid) end end end function doPlayerRemoveAbilitySpeedCondition(cid) return doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_HASTE, CONDITION_SUBID.HASTE.ABILITIES) end function doPlayerUpdateOutfit(cid) doUpdateAbilityOutfitCondition(cid) doPlayerRemoveAbilitySpeedCondition(cid) local speedCondition = getAbilitySpeedCondition(cid) if (speedCondition) then doAddCondition(cid, speedCondition) end end function doAddExhaust(cid) doAddCondition(cid, delayCondition) end function doPlayerAddBattleWin(cid) doPlayerAddSkill(cid, PLAYER_SKILL_BATTLE_WIN, 1, true) end function doPlayerAddBattleLoss(cid) doPlayerAddSkill(cid, PLAYER_SKILL_BATTLE_LOSS, 1, true) end function doPlayerAddRespect(cid, amount) local current = getPlayerSoul(cid) if (amount > 0) then if (current < PLAYER_RESPECT_MAX) then if ((current + amount) < PLAYER_RESPECT_MAX) then return doPlayerAddSoul(cid, amount) else return doPlayerAddSoul(cid, PLAYER_RESPECT_MAX - current) end end else return doPlayerAddSoul(cid, amount) end return false end function doPlayerUpdatePokemonLevelPercent(cid, currentExp, currentLevel) local TotalExpToNextLevel = getExperienceForLevel(currentLevel + 1) local TotalExpToCurrentLevel = getExperienceForLevel(currentLevel) local ExpBetweenLevels = TotalExpToNextLevel - TotalExpToCurrentLevel local onePercent = math.ceil(ExpBetweenLevels / 100) setPlayerMagicLevelPercent(cid, math.ceil((currentExp - TotalExpToCurrentLevel) / onePercent)) end local function doPlayerSendPokemonSkillWindowData(cid, ballUid, moves, pokemonName, showAllMoves) if (ballUid == 0) then return -- This occur when a never used ball is put on the slot. getPlayerBall() is called before a ball exists there. Dont worry, this gonna be called again after the fail try. Yes, this is an ungly hack. end if (not pokemonName) then pokemonName = getBallPokemonName(ballUid) end if (not moves) then moves = getPokemonSkills(pokemonName, ballUid) end if (not showAllMoves) then -- Eg.: When use Transform ability local pokemonLevel = getBallPokemonLevel(ballUid) local eggMoveSlot = getBallEggMoveSlot(ballUid) local tm1Slot = getBallTmSlot(ballUid, 1) local tm2Slot = getBallTmSlot(ballUid, 2) for k, move in ipairs(moves) do if (getPokemonSkillRequiredLevel(pokemonName, move) > pokemonLevel and ((not eggMoveSlot or k > eggMoveSlot) and (not tm1Slot or k > tm1Slot) and (not tm2Slot or k > tm2Slot))) then moves[k] = nil end end end local icons = {} for _, move in pairs(moves) do icons[#icons + 1] = getPokemonSkillClientIconId(move) end doPlayerSendPokemonSkills(cid, getPokemonFastcallPortraitId(pokemonName), icons) end local function doSendPlayerPokemonCooldowns(cid, ball, moves) for _, move in pairs(moves) do local cooldown = getBallSkillCooldown(ball.uid, move) if (cooldown > 0) then doPlayerSendPokemonSkillCooldown(cid, getPokemonSkillClientIconId(move), cooldown) end end end function doPlayerPokemonAddExperience(player, pokemon, expAmount, multiplier, referenceItem) -- When receive referenceItem(ball), pokemon is ignored if (expAmount > 0) then if (multiplier == nil) then multiplier = true end local ball = isItem(referenceItem) and referenceItem or getPlayerBall(player) if (getBallFromNpc(ball.uid)) then return false end local currentLevel = getBallPokemonLevel(ball.uid) local currentExtraPoints = getBallPokemonExtraPoints(ball.uid) local pokemonName = getBallPokemonName(ball.uid) local maxExtraPoints = isShinyName(pokemonName) and (POKEMON_EXTRA_POINT_MAX - 10) or POKEMON_EXTRA_POINT_MAX PokemonHeldItem.onGainExperience(player, pokemon, ball, expAmount) if (currentLevel < POKEMON_LEVEL_MAX or currentExtraPoints < maxExtraPoints) then if (multiplier) then -- Pokemon Exp Stage if (currentLevel <= 10) then expAmount = expAmount * 42 elseif (currentLevel <= 15) then expAmount = expAmount * 30 elseif (currentLevel <= 20) then expAmount = expAmount * 16 elseif (currentLevel <= 25) then expAmount = expAmount * 9 elseif (currentLevel <= 30) then expAmount = expAmount * 5 elseif (currentLevel <= 50) then expAmount = expAmount * 3 elseif (currentLevel <= 70) then expAmount = expAmount * 2 else expAmount = expAmount * 1.5 end expAmount = expAmount * 1.25 expAmount = expAmount + math.floor(expAmount * getPlayerExtraExpRate(player)) end local oldExperience = getBallPokemonExp(ball.uid) local newExperience = oldExperience + expAmount local nextLevelExp = ((50 * (currentLevel) * (currentLevel) * (currentLevel)) - (150 * (currentLevel) * (currentLevel)) + (400 * (currentLevel))) / 3 local gainLevel = 0 if (newExperience >= nextLevelExp and currentLevel - getPlayerLevel(player) >= MAX_LEVEL_DIFF_BETWEEN_PLAYER_POKEMON) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(player, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, string.format(__L(player, "Your Pokemon is %s levels higher than you and is no longer receiving experience as this difference exists."), MAX_LEVEL_DIFF_BETWEEN_PLAYER_POKEMON)) return false end setBallPokemonExp(ball.uid, newExperience) doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(pokemon and pokemon or player), string.concat("+", expAmount, " EXP"), COLOR_GREEN) doPlayerSendTextMessage(player, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, string.format(__L(player, "Your %s received %s experience point%s."), pokemonName, expAmount, (expAmount > 0 and "s" or ""))) while (newExperience >= nextLevelExp) do gainLevel = gainLevel + 1 nextLevelExp = ((50 * (currentLevel + gainLevel) * (currentLevel + gainLevel) * (currentLevel + gainLevel)) - (150 * (currentLevel + gainLevel) * (currentLevel + gainLevel)) + (400 * (currentLevel + gainLevel))) / 3 end if (gainLevel > 0) then if (currentLevel < POKEMON_LEVEL_MAX) then local pokemonPosition = getCreaturePosition(pokemon and pokemon or player) local maxEnergy = getCreatureMaxMana(player) local energy = getCreatureMana(player) local pokemonNickname = getBallPokemonNickname(ball.uid) local pokemonExtraPoints = getBallPokemonExtraPoints(ball.uid) + gainLevel local newLevel = currentLevel + gainLevel local messageClass = getPlayerUsingOtClient(player) and MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT or MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE if (pokemonNickname ~= nil and pokemonNickname ~= -1) then doBallUpdateDescription(ball.uid, getBallPokemonSex(ball.uid), pokemonName, pokemonNickname, newLevel, pokemonExtraPoints) doPlayerSendTextMessage(player, messageClass, string.format(__L(player, "Congratulations! Your %s advanced from level %s to level %s."), pokemonNickname, currentLevel, newLevel)) else doBallUpdateDescription(ball.uid, getBallPokemonSex(ball.uid), pokemonName, nil, newLevel, pokemonExtraPoints) doPlayerSendTextMessage(player, messageClass, string.format(__L(player, "Congratulations! Your %s advanced from level %s to level %s."), pokemonName, currentLevel, newLevel)) end if (pokemon) then setMonsterExtraPoints(pokemon, pokemonExtraPoints) setMonsterLevel(pokemon, newLevel) doCreatureAddHealth(pokemon, (getCreatureMaxHealth(pokemon) - getCreatureHealth(pokemon))) setCreatureMaxMana(player, maxEnergy + POKEMON_GAIN_ENERGY * gainLevel) doCreatureAddMana(player, (maxEnergy - energy) + POKEMON_GAIN_ENERGY * gainLevel) setPlayerMagicLevel(player, newLevel) else doBallHeal(player, ball) end doSendMagicEffect(pokemonPosition, EFFECT_GREEN_BUFF) doSendMagicEffect(pokemonPosition, EFFECT_LEVEL_UP) setBallPokemonLevel(ball.uid, newLevel) setBallPokemonMaxEnergy(ball.uid, maxEnergy + POKEMON_GAIN_ENERGY * gainLevel) setBallPokemonExtraPoints(ball.uid, pokemonExtraPoints) doDatalogPokemonLevelUp(player, getPokemonNumberByName(pokemonName), currentLevel, newLevel, os.time(), pokemonPosition) local moves = getPokemonSkills(pokemonName, ball.uid) local sendCooldowns = nil local newMoves = {} for _, move in pairs(moves) do if (getPokemonSkillRequiredLevel(pokemonName, move) <= newLevel and getPokemonSkillRequiredLevel(pokemonName, move) > currentLevel) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(player, messageClass, string.format(__L(player, "Your %s learned a new move: %s."), pokemonName, move)) if (pokemon) then doPlayerSendPokemonSkillWindowData(player, ball.uid) -- Show the new move sendCooldowns = true end newMoves[#newMoves + 1] = getPokemonSkillClientIconId(move) end end if (sendCooldowns) then doSendPlayerPokemonCooldowns(player, ball, moves) end for _, evolution in ipairs(getPokemonEvolutions(pokemonName)) do if (evolution.requiredLevel <= newLevel and evolution.requiredLevel > currentLevel) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(player, messageClass, string.format(__L(player, "Your %s reached the required level to evolve! Check your Pokedex."), pokemonName)) break end end currentLevel = currentLevel + gainLevel doPlayerSendPokemonLevelUp(player, getPokemonNumberByName(pokemonName), currentLevel, newMoves) else -- We are at Extra Point up mode local pokemonPosition = getCreaturePosition(pokemon and pokemon or player) local maxEnergy = getCreatureMaxMana(player) local energy = getCreatureMana(player) local pokemonNickname = getBallPokemonNickname(ball.uid) local pokemonExtraPoints = getBallPokemonExtraPoints(ball.uid) + gainLevel if (pokemonNickname ~= nil and pokemonNickname ~= -1) then doBallUpdateDescription(ball.uid, getBallPokemonSex(ball.uid), pokemonName, pokemonNickname, currentLevel, pokemonExtraPoints) doPlayerSendTextMessage(player, MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, string.format(__L(player, "Congratulations! Your %s upgraded his extra points from level %s to level %s."), pokemonNickname, pokemonExtraPoints - gainLevel, pokemonExtraPoints)) else doBallUpdateDescription(ball.uid, getBallPokemonSex(ball.uid), pokemonName, nil, currentLevel, pokemonExtraPoints) doPlayerSendTextMessage(player, MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, string.format(__L(player, "Congratulations! Your %s upgraded his extra points from level %s to level %s."), pokemonName, pokemonExtraPoints - gainLevel, pokemonExtraPoints)) end if (pokemon) then setMonsterExtraPoints(pokemon, pokemonExtraPoints) setMonsterLevel(pokemon, currentLevel) doCreatureAddHealth(pokemon, (getCreatureMaxHealth(pokemon) - getCreatureHealth(pokemon))) setCreatureMaxMana(player, maxEnergy + POKEMON_GAIN_ENERGY * gainLevel) doCreatureAddMana(player, (maxEnergy - energy) + POKEMON_GAIN_ENERGY * gainLevel) setPlayerMagicLevel(player, currentLevel) end doSendMagicEffect(pokemonPosition, EFFECT_GREEN_BUFF) doSendMagicEffect(pokemonPosition, EFFECT_LEVEL_UP) if (not isBallPokemonFromEgg(ball.uid)) then setBallIsNotPokemonFromEgg(ball.uid, true) end setBallPokemonExp(ball.uid, getExperienceForLevel(currentLevel)) setBallPokemonExtraPoints(ball.uid, pokemonExtraPoints) end doPlayerAchievementCheck(player, ACHIEVEMENT_IDS.POKEMON_LEVEL_100, currentLevel) end if (pokemon) then doPlayerUpdatePokemonLevelPercent(player, newExperience, currentLevel) end end end return true end function doPlayerUpdatePokemonMoves(cid, ballUid, moves, pokemonName, showAllMoves) doPlayerSendPokemonSkillWindowData(cid, ballUid, moves, pokemonName, showAllMoves) doPlayerSendPokemonSkillContainerOpen(cid) end function doPlayerUpdatePokemonIcons(cid, pokemonName, showAllMoves) if (isItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_PORTRAIT))) then doRemoveItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_PORTRAIT).uid) end local portraitContainer, ball = doPlayerAddItem(cid, getPokemonPortraitId(pokemonName)), getPlayerBall(cid) local pokemonSkills = (isItem(ball) and getPokemonSkills(pokemonName, ball.uid) or getPokemonDefaultSkills(pokemonName)) doPlayerUpdatePokemonMoves(cid, ball.uid, pokemonSkills, pokemonName, showAllMoves) if (isItem(ball)) then -- Sometimes this is called but the ball doesn't exist doSendPlayerPokemonCooldowns(cid, ball, pokemonSkills) end end function setPlayerIcons(cid, ball, status) if (status) then local pokemonLevel = getBallPokemonLevel(ball.uid) setPlayerMagicLevel(cid, pokemonLevel) doPlayerUpdatePokemonLevelPercent(cid, getBallPokemonExp(ball.uid), pokemonLevel) doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_EVOLVE).uid, EVOLVE_ICON_ID) doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_ORDER).uid, ORDER_ICON_ID) doPlayerUpdatePokemonIcons(cid, getBallPokemonName(ball.uid)) if (not isDueling(cid)) then doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_DUEL).uid, DUEL_ICON_ID) end else setPlayerMagicLevel(cid, 0) setPlayerMagicLevelPercent(cid, 0) doRemoveItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_PORTRAIT).uid) doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_EVOLVE).uid, EVOLVE_ICON_OFF_ID) doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_ORDER).uid, ORDER_ICON_OFF_ID) --doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_DUEL).uid, DUEL_ICON_OFF_ID) --New doPlayerSendPokemonSkillContainerClose(cid) end end local BIKE_SPEED_CONDITION = createConditionObject(CONDITION_HASTE, -1, -1, CONDITION_SUBID.HASTE.BIKE) setConditionParam(BIKE_SPEED_CONDITION, CONDITION_PARAM_SPEED, 120) function doPlayerRideBike(cid, item) doTransformItem(item.uid, LOCKED_MACH_BIKE_ID) doAddCondition(cid, BIKE_SPEED_CONDITION) setBikingStatus(cid, true) local outfit = getCreatureOutfit(cid) if (getPlayerSex(cid) == PLAYERSEX_FEMALE) then outfit.lookType = 1743 doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, outfit, -1, CONDITION_SUBID.OUTFITS.BIKE) else outfit.lookType = 1744 doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, outfit, -1, CONDITION_SUBID.OUTFITS.BIKE) end doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), EFFECT_POFF) end function doPlayerDeRideBike(cid, item) doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_HASTE, CONDITION_SUBID.HASTE.BIKE) setBikingStatus(cid, false) doTransformItem(item.uid, UNLOCKED_MACH_BIKE_ID) doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT, CONDITION_SUBID.OUTFITS.BIKE) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), EFFECT_POFF) end --[[ Is not used anymore -- function doPlayerResetSpeed(cid) for i = 0, 15 do -- try to remove all haste conditions if (hasCondition(cid, CONDITION_HASTE)) then doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_HASTE) else break end end for i = 0, 15 do -- try to remove all paralyze conditions if (hasCondition(cid, CONDITION_PARALYZE)) then doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_PARALYZE) else break end end doChangeSpeed(cid, -(getCreatureSpeed(cid) - getCreatureBaseSpeed(cid))) end]] -- Others function getPlayerLastOpponent(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastOpponent) end function setPlayerLastOpponent(cid, _lastOpponent) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastOpponent, _lastOpponent) end function getPlayerLastMaxPokemon(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastMaxPokemon) end function setPlayerLastMaxPokemon(cid, _lastMaxPokemon) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastMaxPokemon, _lastMaxPokemon) end function getPlayerLastMaxMembers(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastMaxMembers) end function setPlayerLastMaxMembers(cid, _lastMaxMembers) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastMaxMembers, _lastMaxMembers) end -- Main items related function doPlayerAddMainItems(cid) setItemUniqueOwner(doPlayerAddItem(cid, 12157, 100, false), cid) -- 100x Empty poke ball setItemUniqueOwner(doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2687, 100, false), cid) -- 100x Cookie setItemUniqueOwner(doPlayerAddItem(cid, 12244, 20, false), cid) -- 20x Pokemon health potion setItemUniqueOwner(doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2120, 1, false), cid) -- 1x Rope setItemUniqueOwner(doPlayerAddItem(cid, 12292, 1, false), cid) -- 1x Old Fishing Rood end function getPlayerFirstPokemon(cid) local dbResult = db.getResult("SELECT `firstpokemon` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = '" .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. " LIMIT 1';") local firstPokemonId = dbResult:getDataInt('firstpokemon') if (firstPokemonId == 0) then return "Bulbasaur" elseif (firstPokemonId == 1) then return "Charmander" elseif (firstPokemonId == 2) then return "Squirtle" elseif (firstPokemonId == 3) then return "Chikorita" elseif (firstPokemonId == 4) then return "Cyndaquil" elseif (firstPokemonId == 5) then return "Totodile" end return "Bulbasaur" end --function getPlayerFirstPokemonSex(cid) -- local dbResult = db.getResult("SELECT `pokemon_sex` FROM `player_first_pokemon` WHERE `id` = '".. getPlayerGUID(cid) .." LIMIT 1';") -- if (dbResult == -1) then -- return table.random({POKEMON_SEX_FEMALE, POKEMON_SEX_MALE}) -- end -- local pokemonSex = dbResult:getDataInt('pokemon_sex') -- if (not pokemonSex or (pokemonSex ~= POKEMON_SEX_FEMALE and pokemonSex ~= POKEMON_SEX_MALE)) then -- return table.random({POKEMON_SEX_FEMALE, POKEMON_SEX_MALE}) -- end -- return pokemonSex --end function getPlayerPokemonCaughts(cid, pokemonName) local r = getCreatureStorage(cid, getPokemonCatchStorage(pokemonName)) return r > -1 and r or 0 end function setPlayerPokemonCaughts(cid, pokemonName, caughts) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, getPokemonCatchStorage(pokemonName), caughts) if (caughts == 1) then -- First setPlayerIndividualCaughts(cid, getPlayerIndividualCaughts(cid) + 1) end end function getPlayerCaughts(cid) local r = tonumber(getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.caughts)) return r > -1 and r or 0 end function setPlayerCaughts(cid, caughts) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.caughts, caughts) end function setPlayerIndividualCaughts(cid, v) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.individualCaughts, v) end function getPlayerIndividualCaughts(cid) local r = getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.individualCaughts) if (r == EMPTY_STORAGE) then r = 0 if (getPlayerCaughts(cid) > 0) then -- Otherwise this is a new player for i = 1, POKEMON_NUMBER do if (getPlayerPokemonCaughts(cid, getPokemonNameByNumber(i)) > 0) then r = r + 1 end end end setPlayerIndividualCaughts(cid, r) end return r end function getPlayerExtraExpRateTime(cid) local r = getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.extraExpRateTime) return r > -1 and r or 0 end function setPlayerExtraExpRateTime(cid, value) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.extraExpRateTime, value) end function getPlayerExtraExpRateValue(cid) local r = tonumber(getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.extraExpRateValue)) return r > -1 and r or 0 end function setPlayerExtraExpRateValue(cid, value) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.extraExpRateValue, value) end function getPlayerMasteryDungeon(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.masteryDungeon) end function setPlayerMasteryDungeon(cid, masteryDungeon) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.masteryDungeon, masteryDungeon) end function getPlayerLastDungeonDate(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastDungeonDate) end function setPlayerLastDungeonDate(cid, value) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastDungeonDate, value) end function getPlayerLastSafariZoneDate(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastSafariZoneDate) end function setPlayerLastSafariZoneDate(cid, value) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastSafariZoneDate, value) end function getPlayerSafariZonePass(cid) local r = getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.safariZonePass) return r > -1 and r or 0 end function setPlayerSafariZonePass(cid, value) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.safariZonePass, value) end -- function getPlayerLastUsedTm(cid) return getPlayerItemByAttribute(cid, true, ITEM_ATTRIBUTES.LAST_USED_TM_MARK, getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastUsedTmMark)) end function setPlayerLastUsedTm(cid, itemUid) local v = getCurrentTimeInSeconds() doItemSetAttribute(itemUid, ITEM_ATTRIBUTES.LAST_USED_TM_MARK, v) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastUsedTmMark, v) end function getPlayerLastUsedTmBall(cid) return getPlayerItemByAttribute(cid, true, ITEM_ATTRIBUTES.LAST_USED_TM_BALL_MARK, getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastUsedTmBallMark)) end function setPlayerLastUsedTmBall(cid, itemUid) local v = getCurrentTimeInSeconds() doItemSetAttribute(itemUid, ITEM_ATTRIBUTES.LAST_USED_TM_BALL_MARK, v) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastUsedTmBallMark, v) end function isPlayerAutoWalking(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.isAutoWalking) > 0 end function setPlayerAutoWalking(cid, value) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.isAutoWalking, value and 1 or 0) end function getPlayerFrontierIsland(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.frontierIsland) > 0 end function setPlayerFrontierIsland(cid, value) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.frontierIsland, value and 1 or 0) end function getPlayerLastBattleTowerTwenty(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastBattleTowerTwenty) end function setPlayerLastBattleTowerTwenty(cid, value) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastBattleTowerTwenty, value) end function getPlayerLastBattleTowerFifteen(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastBattleTowerFifteen) end function setPlayerLastBattleTowerFifteen(cid, value) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastBattleTowerFifteen, value) end function getPlayerLastBattleTowerTen(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastBattleTowerTen) end function setPlayerLastBattleTowerTen(cid, value) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastBattleTowerTen, value) end function getPlayerOrangeArchipelagoAccess(cid) local v = getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.orangeArchipelagoAccess) return v > 0 and v or 1 end local ORANGE_ARCHIPELAGO_ISLANDS_PER_ACCESS = { [2] = "Valencia, Pinkan and Pummelo", [3] = "Tarroco, Hamlin and Kumquat", [4] = "Mandarin North, Butwal and Navel", [5] = "Ascorbia, The Seven Grapefruit and Moro", [6] = "Shamouti, Murcott and Mandarin South" } function setPlayerOrangeArchipelagoAccess(cid, value) local old = getPlayerOrangeArchipelagoAccess(cid) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.orangeArchipelagoAccess, value) if (value > old) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, string.format(__L(cid, "Your Orange Archipelago access has increased! Your new unlocked islands: %s."), __L(cid, ORANGE_ARCHIPELAGO_ISLANDS_PER_ACCESS[value]))) end end function getPlayerBoughtRareCandy(cid) local v = getAccountStorage(getPlayerAccountId(cid), ACCOUNT_STORAGES.BOUGHT_RARE_CANDY) --getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.boughtRareCandy) return v > -1 and v or 0 end function setPlayerBoughtRareCandy(cid, value) --doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.boughtRareCandy, value) setAccountStorage(getPlayerAccountId(cid), ACCOUNT_STORAGES.BOUGHT_RARE_CANDY, value) end function getPlayerLastDexedTmItemId(cid) local v = getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastDexedTmItemId) return v > -1 and v or 0 end function setPlayerLastDexedTmItemId(cid, value) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastDexedTmItemId, value) end -- --[[ function doPlayerOxygenMaskLock(cid) local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_KEY_ITEM) if (isItem(item) and item.itemid == UNLOCKED_OXYGEN_MASK_ID) then doTransformItem(item.uid, LOCKED_OXYGEN_MASK_ID) return true end return false end function doPlayerOxygenMaskUnlock(cid) local item = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_KEY_ITEM) if (isItem(item) and item.itemid == LOCKED_OXYGEN_MASK_ID) then doTransformItem(item.uid, UNLOCKED_OXYGEN_MASK_ID) return true end return false end ]] function doPlayerRemoveFrontierBalls(cid) for _, item in pairs(getPlayerAllBallsWithPokemon(cid)) do if (ballsNames[item.itemid] == "frontier") then doRemoveItem(item.uid) end end end function doPlayerRemoveEpicBalls(cid) for _, item in pairs(getPlayerAllBallsWithPokemon(cid)) do if (ballsNames[item.itemid] == "epic") then doRemoveItem(item.uid) end end end function doPlayerReset(cid) -- Called by onLogin and onDeath setPlayerVulnerable(cid, true) setFishingStatus(cid, false) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.isEvolving, -1) setCreatureMaxMana(cid, 0) doPlayerAddMana(cid, -getPlayerMana(cid), false) setPokemonBadPoison(cid, false) setPokemonPoison(cid, false) setPokemonBurn(cid, false) doPlayerRemoveSafariZoneItems(cid) setSafariZone(cid, false) setIsPokemonUsingHealthPotion(cid, false) setPlayerAutoWalking(cid, false) setPlayerFrontierIsland(cid, false) setPlayerTraveling(cid, false) if (isBiking(cid)) then doPlayerDeRideBike(cid, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_KEY_ITEM)) end end function doPlayerSendWindowsData(cid, sendMoves) doPlayerSendPokemonWindowClose(cid) -- reset window icons local balls = getPlayerAllBallsWithPokemon(cid) for _, ball in ipairs(balls) do doFastcallLink(cid, ball.uid) end if (sendMoves) then -- We didn't need to send it if this is called by onLogin, cuz this will be send when onEquip gets called local ball = getPlayerBall(cid) if (isItem(ball)) then doPlayerSendPokemonSkillWindowData(cid, ball.uid) end end doPokedexStatusSend(cid) if (#balls > 0) then doPlayerSendPokemonSkillContainerOpen(cid) doPlayerSendPokemonWindowOpen(cid) end end function getPlayerKeyItem(cid) return getPlayerSlotItem(cid, PLAYER_SLOT_KEY_ITEM) end function getPlayerMounted(cid) return isSurfing(cid) or isFlying(cid) or isRiding(cid) or isDiving(cid) or isLevitating(cid) end function getPlayerBlockLogout(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.blockLogout) > 0 end function setPlayerBlockLogout(cid, value) -- This will prevent the player logout. If the player forces exit, he will be teleported to Trade Room and this will be setted to false. This will be setted to false also if the player dies or use ability teleport. doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.blockLogout, (value and 1 or 0)) end function getPlayerGotStarterPokemon(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.gotStarterPokemon) > 0 end function setPlayerGotStarterPokemon(cid, value) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.gotStarterPokemon, (value and 1 or 0)) end function onPlayerWinDuel(cid) if (getPlayerTournamentReady(cid)) then doPlayerResetBerryCooldown(cid) end end function onPlayerEndDuel(cid) -- Called when win/lose, its duels and battles too doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_EXHAUST, CONDITION_SUBID.EXHAUST.POKEMONCALL) end function getPlayerTraveling(cid) return getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.traveling) > -1 end function setPlayerTraveling(cid, value) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.traveling, (value and 1 or -1)) end function getPlayerTotalCasedDolls(cid) local r = getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.casedDolls) return r > -1 and r or 0 end function setPlayerTotalCasedDolls(cid, value) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.casedDolls, value) end function getPlayerLastUsedIncubator(cid) return getPlayerItemByAttribute(cid, true, ITEM_ATTRIBUTES.LAST_USED_INCUBATOR_MARK, getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastUsedIncubatorMark)) end function setPlayerLastUsedIncubator(cid, itemUid) local v = getCurrentTimeInSeconds() doItemSetAttribute(itemUid, ITEM_ATTRIBUTES.LAST_USED_INCUBATOR_MARK, v) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastUsedIncubatorMark, v) end function getPlayerAutoLootSave(cid) local r = getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.autoLootSave) return r == 1 end function setPlayerAutoLootSave(cid, value) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.autoLootSave, value and 1 or 0) end function getPlayerDeliveredEasterEggs(cid) local r = getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.deliveredEasterEggs) return r ~= EMPTY_STORAGE and r or 0 end function setPlayerDeliveredEasterEggs(cid, value) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.deliveredEasterEggs, value) end function getPlayerColosseumArenaPaid(cid) local r = getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.colosseumnArenaPaid) return r ~= EMPTY_STORAGE and r or false end function setPlayerColosseumArenaPaid(cid, value) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.colosseumnArenaPaid, value) end function getPlayerLastEliteFourTry(cid) local r = getCreatureStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastEliteFourTry) return r ~= EMPTY_STORAGE and r or -1 end function setPlayerLastEliteFourTry(cid, value) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, playersStorages.lastEliteFourTry, value) end id dos player montado na moto outfitMale = 2589, -- Outfit male itemid="30136" da chave da moto outfitFemale = 2590, -- Outfit female
  9. Pode me dar uma ajuda pelo discord amigo? Vai ser mais fácil pra mim entender Danijo#9360 meu discord para vc me ajudar
  10. Meu sevidor de poketibia pussui apenas a bike Consegui achar uma sprite de moto pelo object builder Vi vários vídeos sobre item editor Mas pelo fato de serem vídeos ou tópicos antigos nenhum deles me esclareceu o suficiente Se alguém puder me mandar um super tutorial sobre isso agradeço muito Passar essa sprite de moto para o meu servidor e criar uma script para que funcione Obs:No meu Server eu uso a chave da bike e ele logo monta na bike,queria que fosse assim com a moto
  11. Alguém pode me ajudar a colocar sprite de moto em um servidor que não a possui,Se esse for o local errado mi desculpem
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