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otserv hardcore pvp Simsonots.eu Legend Evolution Ots
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otserv hardcore pvp OPENKA REAL MAP RL TIBIA OTS
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otserv hardcore pvp FURORA.NET NOWY START REAL MAP TIBIA 10-11.47
tópico respondeu ao OtsTibianos de OtsTibianos em OTServlist
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otserv hardcore pvp http://Ots-List.org - Tibia, Ots, Open Tibia Server List, Otservlist
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otserv hardcore pvp Dinera.net New Start Best Real Map Tibia Ots
tópico respondeu ao OtsTibianos de OtsTibianos em OTServlist
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otserv hardcore pvp Simsonots.eu Legend Evolution Ots
tópico respondeu ao OtsTibianos de OtsTibianos em OTServlist
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tópico respondeu ao OtsTibianos de OtsTibianos em OTServlist
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otserv hardcore pvp FURORA.NET NOWY START REAL MAP TIBIA 10-11.47
um tópico no fórum postou OtsTibianos OTServlist
Furora.net 10.00-11.47 Global Real Map! Furora OTS http://furora.net Tibia 10.00-11.48 port 7171 ip furora.net Exp Stages 1-50: x 400 50-100: x 300 100-120: x 200 120-140: x 100 140-160: x 80 160-180: x 60 180-200: x 40 200-220: x 30 220-240: x 15 240-260: x 10 260-300: x 5 300-400: x 3 400-500: x 2 500 +: x 1 Skills: x 50 Magic Level: x 10 Loot: x 3 Houses: 100 lvl + Protection level: 100 lvl + PZ Lock: 60 seconds White Skull Time: 5 minutes Frags to Red Skull: 10 (Day) Frags to Black Skull: 15 (Day) the first 20 mounts is free for all players! from 30 lvl at every next 30 lvl receive certain quantity crystal coins! Commands: !serverinfo = server information !frags = Display's your current frags count. !aol = Buy aol. Cost 20000 gp. !bless = Buy all bless with twist of fate! (to 200 lvl bless are free). !go = Change of outfit everyone in the guild House Commands: !buyhouse = If you stand near the house doors, this command will buy house, if you have enough money. !leavehouse = If you stand in your house, you will leave it. All items will go to the inbox. aleta sio = set house guest list. aleta som = set house subowners list. aleta grav = when you stand before the door, set access to a door. alana sio = kick player out of your house. Here are some screenshots from the server: No wait! go http://furora.net and Make account now! -
otserv hardcore pvp Simsonots.eu Legend Evolution Ots
tópico respondeu ao OtsTibianos de OtsTibianos em OTServlist
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otserv hardcore pvp OPENKA REAL MAP RL TIBIA OTS
tópico respondeu ao OtsTibianos de OtsTibianos em OTServlist
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otserv hardcore pvp http://Ots-List.org - Tibia, Ots, Open Tibia Server List, Otservlist
tópico respondeu ao OtsTibianos de OtsTibianos em OTServlist
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otserv hardcore pvp Dinera.net New Start Best Real Map Tibia Ots
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tópico respondeu ao OtsTibianos de OtsTibianos em OTServlist
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tópico respondeu ao OtsTibianos de OtsTibianos em OTServlist
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um tópico no fórum postou OtsTibianos OTServlist
[poland][8.6] feba.mine.nu - the best real map legend server ever! http://feba.mine.nu/ new edition legend real map! New edition of the best real map server ever starts on 24.04.2017 at 20:00 polish time. lso we would like to tell you that a year has passed since we started the first Feba Ots (28.03.2010). During this time the server has become one of the leader in the open tibia servers world! We know how to protect our server against ddos attack so quality and stability are in the first place! table engine, which can handle 1000 players! We are prepared to welcome 1000 players from the whole world during the server start! o server DDoSing! How many times have you lost your items and got irritated because someone attacked the server you were playing on? Our current hosting data center HosTeam provides us with efficient firewall, which can prevent our server from DDoS attacks! ew 'Green Town' for players who have done Gengia Hardcour Quest. PvP Village is a island where you can learn how to doing wars and pk! It you die on this island you will not lose your lvls, skills and backpacks. This is not all, join us to see what a wonderful server it is! Server specification: Intel Xeon Processor X3440 4x 2x 2.53+ GHz 8 GB RAM 1 x 0.25 TB Connection: 1 Gbps Location: HosTeam Poland Poznan - Wielkopolska Client: Tibia 8.6 Exp stages: Level: 1-50 : 350x Level: 51-100 : 280x Level: 101-130 : 120x Level: 131-150 : 60x Level: 151-170 : 30x Level: 171-190 : 15x Level: 191-200 : 8x Level: 201-220 : 6x Level: 221-280 : 3x Level: 281+ : 2x PVP Protection: 100 lvl Skill Rate: 30x Magic Level Rate: 20x Loot Rate: 4x Frags & skull system # redSkullLength = 1day # blackSkullLength = 3 days # dailyFragsToRedSkull = 20 # dailyFragsToBlackSkull = 25 Map: Edited REAL MAP + ZAO + Farmine + Oken + Gengia + Pyre + Travora + Itea + Ithilien + Vinera + PVP Village + RAZACHAI + other smaller islands Other: # Free Pacc # Free 5cc in 45lvl # Free 5cc in 100lvl # Balanced vocations # Great guild wars # Top Frags # Top Guilds # Professional Mapping # All Working Potions # This isnt all, join us to see what a wonderful server this is! Restarts? As long as there are players on this server there will not be any restarts on FEBA OTS. This content is only visible to registered users. On Feba Ots when you are promoted to the specified lvl you reward points to sms shop which you can spent on a great and very powerfull items! Maps: -
otserv hardcore pvp Furora.net Global Real Map Tibia 10.00-11.00
tópico respondeu ao OtsTibianos de OtsTibianos em OTServlist
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otserv hardcore pvp Dinera.net New Start Best Real Map Tibia Ots
tópico respondeu ao OtsTibianos de OtsTibianos em OTServlist
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otserv hardcore pvp http://Ots-List.org - Tibia, Ots, Open Tibia Server List, Otservlist
tópico respondeu ao OtsTibianos de OtsTibianos em OTServlist
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otserv hardcore pvp http://Ots-List.org - Tibia, Ots, Open Tibia Server List, Otservlist
um tópico no fórum postou OtsTibianos OTServlist
http://Ots-List.org - Tibia, Ots, Open Tibia Server List, Otservlist Ots List. http://ots-list.org Ots List of database servers Otservlist Open Tibia with around the world. The list was created to facilitate the owners Ots advertising, and thus acquiring players. Adding server is completely free, and delivering the desired results - increase in the number of players online. The website has a search engine ots servers http://ots-list.org/search server through which you can find for himself and http://ots-list.org/download section where you can find a customer for each protocol Tibia .- 7 respostas
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otserv hardcore pvp Dinera.net New Start Best Real Map Tibia Ots
um tópico no fórum postou OtsTibianos OTServlist
Hello, I wish to present a unique server that is http://dinera.net tibia server ots for tibia 8.6. Without beating around the bush, some information: tibia 8.60 port 7171 ip dinera.net Exp Stages 1-50: x 400 50-100: x 300 100-120: x 200 120-140: x 100 140-160: x 80 160-180: x 60 180-200: x 40 200-220: x 30 220-240: x 15 240-260: x 10 260-300: x 7 300-400: x 5 400-500: x 3 500 +: x 2 Skills: x 50 Magic Level: x 10 Loot: x 3 Houses: 200 lvl + Protection level: 100 lvl + PZ Lock: 60 seconds White Skull Time: 5 minutes lvl 50 at every next lvl 50 you get a certain quantity of crystal coins! lvl 180 at every next lvl 20 get 30 points for premium sms shop! The first 20 people with lvl 100 will receive 300 premium points to sms shop and so that every next 100 lvl! [/ B] As you can see you do not need to send text messages or make transfers, for example, you get points. For Levels, but not only. DO NOT BUY THE BEST of items in SMS Shop! They feature is available only with exceptional own custom quests: As you can see there are quite a few, and they are 100% quests customowe. TASKS Ots has its own system tasks, from those who are on the Hellhounds RL tibia and Juggernauts. With better bosses fly shop items with sms and not only, for example: Loot of a Ethershreck: a frag remover, the calamity. Loot of a Jungler: a jewelled backpack, a demonbone, dragon scale legs, a addon doll. Loot of a Zanakeph: a random present bag, a demonwing axe, a frag remover, a upgrading rune, a addon doll Loot of a Kerberos: a fireborn giant armor, a solar axe. Loot of Demontero: a demon backpack, 5 crystal coins, a solar axe, an ornamented shield. Bothered you that after 2 weeks of the game you had a couple of backpacks CC and you do not what to do with them ??? -Nothing In this. On the Server Characters are upgrade runes, the 250cc one. Each item can be improved 6 times, so to improve the whole EQ have to be as many as 48! Each upgrade increases def fleece or attack the course of two, so you can feel the difference in the defense of having full on 6 eq. Example improved the course: invasions Dinera has a unique system of raids and bosses customowe challenging even for well well ripped and high-level team, here's an example of the fittest: 13:32 You lose 4688 mana blocking an attack by Infernatil. Server has 4 additional cities - Ghenov, Oken, Gengia, Pyre. Oken, Pyre Gengia and are very powerful, has added a huge amount of exp. Each city can move to another on foot - with Gengii to Oken, with Oken to Pyre, and Pyre to Ghenov. In addition, the Gengii can get to the Fibula: D Maps: I wrote many attractions not because there are just too much. At the start serva pockets probably about 600-1000 people Also, I would recommend a return to the old and some of the best times of Tibia: D http://dinera.net -
otserv hardcore pvp Furora.net Global Real Map Tibia 10.00-11.00
um tópico no fórum postou OtsTibianos OTServlist
Furora.net 10.00-11.47 Global Real Map! Furora OTS http://furora.net Tibia 10.97-10.99 port 7171 ip furora.net Exp Stages 1-50: x 400 50-100: x 300 100-120: x 200 120-140: x 100 140-160: x 80 160-180: x 60 180-200: x 40 200-220: x 30 220-240: x 15 240-260: x 10 260-300: x 5 300-400: x 3 400-500: x 2 500 +: x 1 Skills: x 50 Magic Level: x 10 Loot: x 3 Houses: 100 lvl + Protection level: 100 lvl + PZ Lock: 60 seconds White Skull Time: 5 minutes Frags to Red Skull: 10 (Day) Frags to Black Skull: 15 (Day) the first 20 mounts is free for all players! from 30 lvl at every next 30 lvl receive certain quantity crystal coins! Commands: !serverinfo = server information !frags = Display's your current frags count. !aol = Buy aol. Cost 20000 gp. !bless = Buy all bless with twist of fate! (to 200 lvl bless are free). !go = Change of outfit everyone in the guild House Commands: !buyhouse = If you stand near the house doors, this command will buy house, if you have enough money. !leavehouse = If you stand in your house, you will leave it. All items will go to the inbox. aleta sio = set house guest list. aleta som = set house subowners list. aleta grav = when you stand before the door, set access to a door. alana sio = kick player out of your house. Here are some screenshots from the server: No wait! go http://furora.net and Make account now! -
Hello, I wish to present a unique server that is http://openka.net This is tibia server ots for tibia 8.6. Without beating around the bush, some information: tibia 8.60 port 7171 ip openka.net Exp Stages 1-50: x 400 50-100: x 300 100-120: x 200 120-140: x 100 140-160: x 80 160-180: x 60 180-200: x 40 200-220: x 30 220-240: x 15 240-260: x 10 260-300: x 7 300-400: x 5 400-500: x 3 500 +: x 2 Skills: x 50 Magic Level: x 10 Loot: x 3 Houses: 200 lvl + Protection level: 100 lvl + PZ Lock: 60 seconds White Skull Time: 5 minutes lvl 50 at every next lvl 50 you get a certain quantity of crystal coins! lvl 180 at every next lvl 20 get 30 points for premium sms shop! The first 20 people with lvl 100 will receive 300 premium points to sms shop and so that every next 100 lvl! [/ B] As you can see you do not need to send text messages or make transfers, for example, you get points. For Levels, but not only. DO NOT BUY THE BEST of items in SMS Shop! They feature is available only with exceptional own custom quests: As you can see there are quite a few, and they are 100% quests customowe. TASKS Ots has its own system tasks, from those who are on the Hellhounds RL tibia and Juggernauts. With better bosses fly shop items with sms and not only, for example: Loot of a Ethershreck: a frag remover, the calamity. Loot of a Jungler: a jewelled backpack, a demonbone, dragon scale legs, a addon doll. Loot of a Zanakeph: a random present bag, a demonwing axe, a frag remover, a upgrading rune, a addon doll Loot of a Kerberos: a fireborn giant armor, a solar axe. Loot of Demontero: a demon backpack, 5 crystal coins, a solar axe, an ornamented shield. Bothered you that after 2 weeks of the game you had a couple of backpacks CC and you do not what to do with them ??? -Nothing In this. On the Server Characters are upgrade runes, the 250cc one. Each item can be improved 6 times, so to improve the whole EQ have to be as many as 48! Each upgrade increases def fleece or attack the course of two, so you can feel the difference in the defense of having full on 6 eq. Example improved the course: invasions Dinera has a unique system of raids and bosses customowe challenging even for well well ripped and high-level team, here's an example of the fittest: 13:32 You lose 4688 mana blocking an attack by Infernatil. Server has 4 additional cities - Ghenov, Oken, Gengia, Pyre. Oken, Pyre Gengia and are very powerful, has added a huge amount of exp. Each city can move to another on foot - with Gengii to Oken, with Oken to Pyre, and Pyre to Ghenov. In addition, the Gengii can get to the Fibula: D Maps: I wrote many attractions not because there are just too much. At the start serva pockets probably about 600-1000 people Also, I would recommend a return to the old and some of the best times of Tibia: D http://openka.net
otserv hardcore pvp Simsonots.eu Legend Evolution Ots
um tópico no fórum postou OtsTibianos OTServlist
Witam OPIS OTS'a IP : simsonots.eu - Latest News PORT : 7171 CLIENT : 8.60 Questy Zaoan Fist Quest (lvl 80 +) Behemoth Quest (lvl 80 +) Warlord Arena Quest (lvl 80 +) Annihilator Quest (lvl 100 +) Demon Helmet Quest (lvl 100 +) Summer Dress Quest (Ankaros lvl 130 +) Xerxes Quest (lvl 150 +) Pits of Inferno Quest (lvl 150 +) Demon Treasure Quest (lvl 150 +) Elvish Bow Quest (lvl 200 +) Inquisition Quest (lvl 200 +) Color Helmet Quest (lvl 250 +) Annihilator II Quest (lvl 250 +) Donator Boots Quest (lvl 250 +) Nightmare shield Quest (lvl 260 +) Flawless Ice Crystal Quest (lvl 260 +) Formorgar Mines Quest (lvl 280 +) Excavation Quest (lvl 280 +) Pits of Inferno II Quest (lvl 300 +) Demon Oak Quest (lvl 300 +) Magic Plate Armor Quest (lvl 320 +) Yalahari Quest (lvl 320 +) Golden Sword Quest (lvl 320 +) Ice Axe Quest (lvl 320 +) Girls Dress Quest (lvl 320 +) Demon Helmet II Quest (lvl 320 +) Dragon Scale Helmet Quest (lvl 330 +) Dark Tower Quest (lvl 333 +) Bunny Slippers Quest (lvl 333 +) Impaler Quest (lvl 340 +) Havoc Blade Quest (lvl 350 +) Demolandes Continuation Quest (lvl 350 +) Elven Armor Quest (lvl 355 +) Post Officers Quest (lvl 360 +) Juggernaut Quest (lvl 360 +) Drahalas Quest (lvl 360 +) Donator Shield Quest (lvl 360 +) Inquisition II Quest (lvl 360 +) Speed Helmet Quest (lvl 380 +) Orange Magic Amulet Quest (lvl 380 +) Golden Magnat Quest (lvl 380 +) Elven Legs Quest (lvl 380 +) Firewalker Boots Quest (lvl 400 +) Demon Legs Quest (lvl 400 +) Santa Teddy Quest (lvl 400 +) Brown Turban Quest (lvl 400 +) Golem Ring Quest (lvl 400 +) Brown Jacket Quest (lvl 400 +) Great Shield Quest (lvl 400 +) Underground Dragon Quest (lvl 400 +) Medusa Quest (lvl 400 +) Annihilator III Quest (lvl 400 +) Pits of Inferno III Quest (lvl 400 +) Source of Fire Quest (lvl 400 +) Average Arena Quest (lvl 400 +) Crystal Boots Quest (lvl 415 +) Guardian Boots Quest (lvl 420 +) Winged Helmet Quest (lvl 420 +) Ancient Tiara Quest (lvl 420 +) Speed Amulet Quest (lvl 430 +) Labirynt Quest (lvl 430 +) Galfactor Quest (lvl 440 +) Demon Helmet III Quest (lvl 440 +) Critical Axe Quest (lvl 440 +) Kosheis Ancient Amulet Quest (lvl 440 +) Golden Boots Quest (lvl 440 +) Pits of Inferno IV Quest (lvl 440 +) Nerol Quest (lvl 444 +) Mexcalibur Quest (lvl 444 +) Nighalak Quest (lvl 444 +) Firlefanz Quest (lvl 450 +) Natural Plant Quest (lvl 450 +) Crystal Arrow Quest (lvl 450 +) Eagle Shield Quest (lvl 450 +) Mag Master Quest (lvl 450 +) Annihilator IV Quest (lvl 450 +) Energy Underground Quest (lvl 450 +) Silkweaver Bow Quest (lvl 450 +) Inquisition III Quest (lvl 450 +) Diablo Amulet Quest (lvl 450 +) In Forgotten House Quest (lvl 450 +) Labirynt II Quest (lvl 480) Underground Tunnels Quest (lvl 500 +) Budder Helmet Quest (lvl 500 +) Mana Bucket Quest (lvl 500 +) Dwarven Helmet Quest (lvl 500 +) Hesperd Forgotten House Quest (lvl 500 +) Dragon Scale Boots Quest (lvl 500 +) Engine Quest (lvl 500 +) Magical Amulet Quest (lvl 520 +) Flame Ring Quest (lvl 520 +) Ferumbras Hat Quest (lvl 550 +) Underground House Quest (lvl 550 +) Annihilator V Quest (lvl 550 +) Diablo Mask Quest (lvl 550 +) Labirynt III Quest (lvl 550 +) Energetic Quest (lvl 555 +) Star Ring Quest (lvl 580 +) Draken Boots Quest (lvl 580 +) Dwarven Legs Quest (lvl 600 +) Starlight Amulet Quest (lvl 600 +) Inquisition IV Quest (lvl 600 +) Pits of Inferno V Quest (lvl 600 +) Nemiroz Quest (lvl 600 +) Fantastical Quest (lvl 600 +) Golden Gloves Quest (lvl 600 +) Dragon Scale Legs Quest (lvl 600 +) Demon Helmet IV Quest (lvl 600 +) Strong Arena Quest (lvl 600 +) Shield of Corruption Quest (lvl 600 +) Labirynt IV Quest (lvl 620 +) Magical Ring Quest (lvl 650 +) Magnetic Quest (lvl 650 +) Blue Ring Quest (lvl 650 +) Enigmatic Quest (lvl 650 +) Fist Claw Quest (lvl 666 +) Devil Tower Quest (lvl 666 +) Galactic Quest (lvl 666 +) Pits of Inferno VI Quest (lvl 700 +) Inquisition V Quest (lvl 700 +) Demon Helmet V Quest (lvl 750 +) Ruler of The Undead Quest (lvl 777 +) Chamber of Secrets Quest (lvl 777 +) Secret Underground Quest (lvl 777 +) Labirynt V Quest (lvl 800 +) Mystical Underworld Quest (lvl 800 +) Hard Arena Quest (lvl 800 +) Inquisition VI Quest (lvl 800 +) Levitation Quest (lvl 888 +) Labirynt VI Quest (lvl 900 +) Dungeon Quest (lvl 900 +) Arathar Quest (lvl 900 +) Imperial Quest (lvl 1000 +) Demon Helmet VI Quest (lvl 1000 +) Underground Jungle Quest (lvl 1000 +) Emporium Quest (lvl 1100 +) The Old Muses Quest (lvl 1200 +) Demon Helmet VII Quest (lvl 1400 +) Champion Underworld Quest (lvl 1500 +) Pits of Inferno VIII Quest (lvl 1500 +) Secret Catacombs Quest (lvl 1666 +) Lobotomy Quest (lvl 1777 +) Lord of The Pharaohs Quest (lvl 1800 +) Secret of The King Quest (lvl 2000 +) Secret of The God Quest (lvl 2200 +) King of The Pharaohs Quest (lvl 2400 +) Inne Informacje Uptime 24/7 [/color] Fragi 12 = Ilosc fargów na Red Skulla! 15 = Ilosc fargów na Black Skulla! Exp Stages [1-50: x 400 50-150: x 350 150-200: x 300 200-350: x 250 350-500: x 200 500-750: x 50 750-1000: x 20 1000-1800: x 15 1800-2200: x 12 2200-2400: x 10 2400-2600: x 9 2600-2800: x 8 2800-3000: x 5 3000 +: x 2 Rates: Skills: x 50 Magic: x 10 Loot: x 2.0 Houses: 100 lvl + PvP: 100 lvl + PZ Lock: 60 seconds White Skull Time: 5 minutes od 50 lvla co kazde nastepne 50 lvli otrzymasz okreslona ilosc crystal coins ! A oto pare Screenów z Serwera na Simson OTS www.simsonots.eu www.simsonots.eu www.simsonots.eu www.simsonots.eu www.simsonots.eu Dziekuje za zapoznanie sie z Serwerem Simson OTS Zyczymy milej gry!!! www.simsonots.eu -
http://axera.pl - Jest to rozbudowana mapa Evolution z teleportami. Exp Stage : 1-50: x 400 50-150: x 350 150-200: x 320 200-300: x 300 300-400: x 200 400-500: x 100 500-600: x 50 600-700: x 25 700-1500: x 10 1500 +: x 5 IP: Axera.pl Skill: x30 Magic: x15 Loot: x3 Spawn: x 3 Klient: 8.60 PvP: Od 100lvla RS: od 25+ fragów na dzien *Warto dodac ze Wszystkie itemy z sms shopu dostepne sa z questow. *Guild War System *Zbalansowane profesje - dużo Eventów - nowe Taski - nowe Raidy - system Aukcji - outfit Bonusy - Regroup System - House System - Predator System -Nowe Itemy (atrybuty) -Nowe Questy -niekończące się runy potiony WWW.AXERA.PL
otserv hardcore pvp http://Ots-List.org - Tibia, Ots, Open Tibia Server List, Otservlist
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http://Ots-List.org - Tibia, Ots, Open Tibia Server List, Otservlist Ots List. http://ots-list.org Ots List of database servers Otservlist Open Tibia with around the world. The list was created to facilitate the owners Ots advertising, and thus acquiring players. Adding server is completely free, and delivering the desired results - increase in the number of players online. The website has a search engine ots servers http://ots-list.org/search server through which you can find for himself and http://ots-list.org/download section where you can find a customer for each protocol Tibia .-
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