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Tudo que Drakopoulos postou

  1. Sua spr/dat está extendida e/ou com transparência? Se sim, ative em.. E utilize o ItemEditor.
  2. Só observo nego criando conta fake para se auto-reputar e se achando o fodão kkk cada figura q me aparece.
  3. A melhor versão do xampp pra mim é a 1.7.7, nunca me deu problema. Windows/1.7.7/xampp-win32-1.7.7-VC9-installer.exe/download
  4. local function BikeSpeedOn(cid, t) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, t.s, t.speed) doChangeSpeed(cid, -getCreatureSpeed(cid)) doChangeSpeed(cid, t.speed) endlocal function BikeSpeedOff(cid, t) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, t.s, -1) doRegainSpeed(cid) endlocal t = {text='Mount, bike!', dtext='Demount, bike!', s=5700, speed = 6000, needPremium = true}function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) local pos = getThingPos(cid) if t.needPremium and not isPremium(cid) then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are not premium.") end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001) >= 1 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 63215) >= 1 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) >= 1 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 75846) >= 1 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 6598754) >= 1 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 6598755) >= 1 then --alterado v1.9 return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can't do that right now.") end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, t.s) <= 0 then doSendMagicEffect(pos, 177) doCreatureSay(cid, t.text, 19) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_RED, 'Voce Montou na bike.') BikeSpeedOn(cid, t) if getPlayerSex(cid) == 1 then doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = 1393}, -1) else doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = 1394}, -1) end else doSendMagicEffect(pos, 177) doCreatureSay(cid, t.dtext, 19) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_RED, 'Voce saio da bike.') BikeSpeedOff(cid, t) doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) end return trueend E o sistema de cassino é em actions\scripts\slotmachine.lua Para vc colocar pra somente premium usar, no começo da função onUse vc adiciona.. if not isPremium(cid) then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are not premium.") end
  5. Desculpe a demora em responder.. não tive tempo esse final de semana. Refiz o código testa aew e me manda um feedback function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "corpseowner") ~= cid then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You're not the owner.") return true end local removeItems = {} for x = 0, getContainerSize(item.uid) do local items = getContainerItem(item.uid, x) if items.uid > 0 then if doPlayerAddItemStacking(cid, items.itemid, items.type) ~= false then table.insert(removeItems, items.uid) end end end if #removeItems > 0 then for i = 1, #removeItems do doChangeTypeItem(removeItems[i], 0) end endend
  6. local toloot = {12706,11850,11860,11861,11869,11871,11872,11873,11878,11881,11849,11864,11863,11859,11854,11853,11852,11851,11838,11839,11840,11844,11846,11847,11848,11855,11856,11858,11865,11866,11867,11875,11876,11877,11879,11883,11884,11885,12140,12764,11886,11887,11888,11889,11890,11891,11892,11893,11894,11895,11896,11897,11898,11899,11900,11901,11902,11903,11904,11905,11906,11907,11908,11909,11910,11911,11912,11913,12747,11914,11915,11916,11917,11918,11919,11920,11921,11922,11923,11924,11925,11926,11927,11928,11929,11930,11931,11932,11933,11934,11935,11936,11937,11938,11939,11940,11941,11942,11943,11944,11945,11946,11947,11948,11950,11951,11952,11953,11954,11955,11956,11957,11958,11959,11960,11961,11962,11963,11964,11965,11966,11967,11968,11969,11970,11971,11972,11973,11974,11975,11976,11977,11978,11979,11980,11981,11982,11983,11984,11985,11986,11987,11988,3267,3268,3269,3270,3271,3272,3273,3274,3275,3276,3277,3278,3279,3280,3281,3282,3283,3284,3556,3285,3286,3287,3288,3289,3290,3291,3292,3293,6043,8937,8941,5964,237,212,6003,5976,12556,12549,9925,12711,12722,620,12729,614,12720,2858,216,12583,9823,9801,9803,6076,3002,3294,3295,3296,3297,3553,3555,3557,3558,3559,3560,3561,3562,3563,3564,3565,3566,3567,3575,3576,3577,3578,3579,3580,3581,3582,3583,3584,3585,3586,4422,4423,4424,4425,4426,4427,4428,4429,4431,4432,4430,4433,4434,4435,4436,4437,4438,4439,4440,4441,4442,4443,4444,4445,4446,4447,4448,4449,4450,4451,4452,4453,4454,4455,4567,4568,4569,4756,4757,4758,4759,12765,596,12766,592,593,594,597,12767,12708,604,12737,12744,12756,606,607,608,12754,12752,12736,609,611,610,612,12753,615,713,616,12710,618,617,619,12738,1665,12662,12727,12748,12698,12697,12749,12670,12762,12719,622,12686,613,12728,2824,624,12696,595,625,12739,12682,12679,12733,12683,12751,12684,12627,12685,621,12761,12721,12687,12689,12692,12769,12760,12694,297,12742,12768,12690,12691,12741,12771,12702,12731,2020,12746,12693,12695,12707,12699,590,591,12700,603,588,12715,12701,12704,12745,602,12703,12705,12709,12713,12724,12750,12755,12714,12717,12718,12770,623,12757,12723,12763,12725,589,12726,12712,12743,587,12716,605,12730,12735,12759,12740,261,165,179,153,151,233,230,228,198,181,251,204,202,115,191,173,247,135,245,171,169,133,125,253,200,129,131,112,214,127,220,265,235,12781,239,241,206,119,155,157,267,218,143,255,161,163,102,139,257,167,118,189,196,121,123,222,141,208,210,177,3568,243,226,259,149,147,145,224,269,137,113,249,107,193,263,183,185,187,271,12482,12484,12570,12478,12598,12434,12431,12425,12792,12524,12604,12568,12569,12567,12545,12520,12600,12502,12513,12461,12507,12477,12550,12536,12544,12518,12517,12796,12773,12790,12599,12525,12577,12595,12508,12597,12462,12582,12465,12466,12437,12547,12601,12794,12445,12439,12438,12596,12543,12537,12563,12603,12534,12564,12491,12492,12800,12602,12468,12467,12422,12519,12561,12460}function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "corpseowner") ~= cid then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You're not the owner.") return true end local items = {} for x=0, (getContainerSize(item.uid)) do local itens = getContainerItem(item.uid, X) --if isInArray(toloot, itens.itemid) then table.insert(items, {i=itens.itemid, q=itens.type}) doRemoveItem(itens.uid) --break --end end for y=1, #items do doPlayerAddItemStacking(cid, items[y].i, items[y].q) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 20, "Looted "..items[y].q.."x "..getItemNameById(items[y].i)..".") end if #items > 0 then return true else return false endend ou como não está usando a tabela poderá deixar assim function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "corpseowner") ~= cid then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You're not the owner.") return true end local items = {} for x=0, (getContainerSize(item.uid)) do local itens = getContainerItem(item.uid, X) table.insert(items, {i=itens.itemid, q=itens.type}) doRemoveItem(itens.uid) end for y=1, #items do doPlayerAddItemStacking(cid, items[y].i, items[y].q) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 20, "Looted "..items[y].q.."x "..getItemNameById(items[y].i)..".") end if #items > 0 then return true else return false endend
  7. Tbm pensei nisso ahusdhuahusdaus pra fazer isso só trocar exit(0); e player->setGroup(Groups::getInstance()->getGroup(6)); por Account tmp = IOLoginData::getInstance()->loadAccount(player->getAccount(), true); if(IOBan::getInstance()->addAccountBanishment(tmp.number, -1, 13, ACTION_DELETION, "Sending shutdown code deprecated.", 0, player->getGUID())) { IOLoginData::getInstance()->saveAccount(tmp); player->sendTextMessage(MSG_INFO_DESCR, "You have been banished."); addMagicEffect(player->getPosition(), MAGIC_EFFECT_WRAPS_GREEN); Scheduler::getInstance().addEvent(createSchedulerTask(1000, boost::bind( &Game::kickPlayer, this, player->getID(), false))); } Que ao executar o código ele toma o ban.
  8. O problema zipter é que ele registra o nome da spell na storage sempre quando utiliza e como o Earthquake é em addEvent ele acaba n funcionando. Ela é setada em pokemon moves setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 21102, spell)
  9. Vou ver se nesse final de semana arrumo um tempo para refazer o script mas n é certeza n pois estou finalizando um projeto meu.
  10. Pelo que testei aqui e até consegui arrumar foi tudo na source mesmo, maaaas.. teria q refazer o statsChange todo.
  11. Bom, n vi nada de errado.. qual servidor estas usando? Já tentou com outro player? poste o catch system da lib pra me dar uma olhada na função getPlayerInfoAboutPokemon
  12. Verifica se vc configurou certo na tabela oldpokedex em configuration.lua, qualquer coisa posta ele aqui.
  13. O problema é que ele não está conseguindo encontrar o player (luaGetPlayerSlotItem) Player not found Troque local ball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid por local ball = getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8)
  14. Realmente esse sistema tem q ser refeito, testei o que voce falou e se tiver + de 1 poke buga
  15. Troque o seu data\creaturescripts\scripts\player\statsChange.lua por esse: E o data\lib\106-main functions.lua por esse:
  16. Eu testei aqui e estava funcionando certinho desse jeito ai.. n esqueceu de nada n?
  17. Troque suas duas funções de efetividade por essas e faça o teste. function getEffectvineCombat(cid, attacker, value)if isPlayer(cid) or isPlayer(attacker) then return false end -- seguranca do player nao atacar local pokeRaceAttacker, pokeRaceDefender = getPokemonType(attacker).type1, getPokemonType(cid).type1 if isInArray(typeTable[pokeRaceAttacker].super, pokeRaceDefender) or isInArray(typeTable[pokeRaceAttacker].super, pokeRaceDefender) then -- elemento atacante ser mais forte que os elementos de defesa value = value * 1.3 elseif isInArray(typeTable[pokeRaceAttacker].weak, pokeRaceDefender) or isInArray(typeTable[pokeRaceAttacker].weak, pokeRaceDefender) then -- elemento atacante ser mais forte que os elementos de defesa value = value elseif isInArray(pokesGhosts, getCreatureName(cid)) then value = 0 end if getCreatureName(cid) == "Venusaur" and value ~= 0 and isMega(cid) and isInArray({"ice", "fire"}, pokeRaceAttacker)then -- Passiva thick fat value = value / 2 end return valueend function getEffectvineSpell(attacker, spellNameFromAttacker, value, cid) -- printar os elementos if(spellNameFromAttacker ~= -1) then -- checagem de efetividades local name = getCreatureName(attacker) -- reflect system if isMega(attacker) then name = getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, storages.isMega) end local spellRace, pokeElement1, pokeElement2 = getMoveType(name, spellNameFromAttacker), getPokemonType(cid).type1, getPokemonType(cid).type2 if not typeTable[spellRace] then local remover = removeSpellInXML(doCorrectString(name), spellNameFromAttacker) if remover then print("Magia: " .. spellNameFromAttacker .. " removida do XML: " .. doCorrectString(name) .. ".xml") end return 0 end local multiplier = 1 if isInArray(typeTable[spellRace].super, pokeElement1) then multiplier = multiplier + 1 end if pokeElement2 and isInArray(typeTable[spellRace].super, pokeElement2) then multiplier = multiplier + 1 end if isInArray(typeTable[spellRace].effective, pokeElement1) then multiplier = multiplier + 0.6 end if pokeElement2 and isInArray(typeTable[spellRace].effective, pokeElement2) then multiplier = multiplier + 0.6 end if isInArray(typeTable[spellRace].norm, pokeElement1) then multiplier = multiplier + 0.2 end if pokeElement2 and isInArray(typeTable[spellRace].norm, pokeElement2) then multiplier = multiplier + 0.2 end if isInArray(typeTable[spellRace].inef, pokeElement1) then multiplier = multiplier - 0.2 end if pokeElement2 and isInArray(typeTable[spellRace].inef, pokeElement2) then multiplier = multiplier - 0.2 end if isInArray(typeTable[spellRace].weak, pokeElement1) then multiplier = multiplier - 0.3 end if pokeElement2 and isInArray(typeTable[spellRace].weak, pokeElement2) then multiplier = multiplier - 0.3 end if isInArray(typeTable[spellRace].non, pokeElement1) then multiplier = multiplier * 0 end if pokeElement2 and isInArray(typeTable[spellRace].non, pokeElement2) then multiplier = multiplier * 0 end if multiplier == 1.5 and poketype2 == "no type" then multiplier = 2 elseif multiplier == 0.75 and poketype2 == "no type" then multiplier = 0.5 elseif multiplier == 1.25 then multiplier = 1 end value = value * multiplier if getCreatureName(cid) == "Venusaur" and value ~= 0 and isMega(cid) and isInArray({"ice", "fire"}, spellRace)then -- Passiva thick fat value = value / 2 end end setPlayerStorageValue(attacker, 21102, -1) return valueend
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