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Tudo que Drakopoulos postou

  1. Estranho, pq ele n está lendo a tabela de storages q fica em 21 - main tables.lua Confere ai se nela possui essa storage isPokemonGhost = 20002, Se n tiver, só adicionar mas acho meio difícil n ter
  2. Revisar oq vc acabou de adicionar agora la na no 19 - pokemonStatus.lua
  3. Revisa oq vc adicionou, se esta correto e se n ta gerando algum erro antes desses
  4. Esse erro é devido a falta dos pokemons da outland na tabela pokes no arquivo 19 - pokemonStatus.lua
  5. Tenta assim PRAGMA journal_mode = MEMORY; PRAGMA synchronous = OFF; PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF; PRAGMA ignore_check_constraints = OFF; PRAGMA auto_vacuum = NONE; PRAGMA secure_delete = OFF; BEGIN TRANSACTION; CREATE TABLE `account_storage` ( `account_id` INTEGER NOT NULL default '0', `key` INTEGER NOT NULL default '0', `value` TEXT NOT NULL default '0' ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `account_storage_account_id_2` ON `account_storage` (`account_id`); CREATE INDEX `account_storage_account_id` ON `account_storage` (`account_id`); COMMIT; PRAGMA ignore_check_constraints = ON; PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL; PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL;
  6. Provavelmente é a versão do php do seu xampp, tente esse Windows/5.6.37/
  7. Troque if(m_showTimedSquare && animate) { g_painter->setColor(m_timedSquareColor); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement() + 2)*scaleFactor, Size(28, 28)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } if(m_showStaticSquare && animate) { g_painter->setColor(m_staticSquareColor); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement())*scaleFactor, Size(Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } por if(m_showTimedSquare && animate) { EffectPtr effect = EffectPtr(new Effect()); effect->setId(379); g_painter->setColor(m_timedSquareColor); Rect rect = Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement())*scaleFactor, Size(Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS)*scaleFactor); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(rect, effect->getThingType()->getTexture(0)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } if(m_showStaticSquare && animate) { EffectPtr effect = EffectPtr(new Effect()); effect->setId(379); g_painter->setColor(m_staticSquareColor); Rect rect = Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement())*scaleFactor, Size(Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS)*scaleFactor); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(rect, effect->getThingType()->getTexture(0)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } Só mudar o id 379 pela id certa
  8. Ta mandando a pos pra função dropEffect?
  9. Tenta assim function dropEffect(pos, eff, n) if n > 0 then posEff, posEff.x, posEff.y = pos, posEff.x +1, posEff.y +1 doSendMagicEffect(posEff, eff) addEvent(dropEffect, 1000, posEff, eff, n-1) end end
  10. Isso! Diabo de lib da lua fodendo o rolê =/
  11. Fala meus lindos, executável + dlls compilado no visual c++ em x64 evitando o "erro" do mapa muito grande. Depois mando o projeto para compilar pois preciso separar as libs que foram usadas. MasterX Visual C++ x64 + Dlls.7z
  12. A table q o script esta pedindo é essa gobackmsgs = { [1] = {go = "Go, doka!", back = "Come back, doka!"}, [2] = {go = "Let's do it, doka!", back = "Thanks for helping, doka!"}, [3] = {go = "I choose you, doka!", back = "That's enough, come back!"}, [4] = {go = "I need your help, doka!", back = "You were great, doka!"}, [5] = {go = "Let's fight, doka!", back = "Excellent work, doka!"}, [6] = {go = "It's battle time, doka!", back = "Well done, doka!"}, [7] = {go = "It's your turn, doka!", back = "You need to rest, doka!"}, [8] = {go = "doka, let's battle!", back = "Hurry back, doka!"}, [9] = {go = "Show your strength, doka!", back = "You did your best, doka!"} } Geralmente ela fica no configuration.lua
  13. Está faltando dlls para executar o servidor, essas dlls ele pede quando se compila com o Dev-Cpp 64bit. Só por elas na pasta raiz do servidor junto com o executável. NEW_DLL_FILES.rar
  14. Provavelmente tem caractere a mais ou a menos, refaça o tutorial e preste atenção nos caracteres q da certo
  15. Dei uma revisada no script, ta ai -- Time Chest by Limoslocal config = { exhausttime = 7200, -- time in seconds exhauststorage = 2301, level = 25 -- minimum level to open the chest} function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) local rewarditems = { [25] = { tilllevel = 50, {id = 3982, chance = 5, count = 1}, -- start with the lowest chances {id = 2476, chance = 10, count = 1}, {id = 2479, chance = 15, count = 1}, {id = 2148, chance = 70, count = math.random(1, 50)} }, [50] = { tilllevel = 100, {id = 7730, chance = 5, count = 1}, {id = 2466, chance = 10, count = 1}, {id = 2497, chance = 15, count = 1}, {id = 2152, chance = 70, count = math.random(1, 20)} }, [100] = { tilllevel = 200, {id = 2492, chance = 5, count = 1}, {id = 2498, chance = 10, count = 1}, {id = 2195, chance = 15, count = 1}, {id = 2152, chance = 70, count = math.random(20, 50)} }, [200] = { tilllevel = 500, {id = 2472, chance = 5, count = 1}, {id = 2470, chance = 10, count = 1}, {id = 2157, chance = 15, count = 1}, {id = 2160, chance = 70, count = math.random(1, 5)} }} if(getPlayerLevel(cid) < config.level) then doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You need to be level "..config.level.." to open the chest.") return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.exhauststorage) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.exhauststorage) - os.time(t) > 0 then local time = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.exhauststorage) - os.time(t) local hours, minutes, seconds = math.floor (time / 3600), math.floor ((time - ((math.floor (time / 3600)) * 3600))/ 60), time - ((math.floor (time/60)) * 60) if time >= 3600 then text = hours.." "..(hours == 1 and "hour" or "hours")..", "..minutes.." "..(minutes == 1 and "minute" or "minutes").." and "..seconds.." "..(seconds == 1 and "second" or "seconds") elseif time >= 120 then text = minutes.." "..(minutes == 1 and "minute" or "minutes").." and "..seconds.." "..(seconds == 1 and "second" or "seconds") else text = seconds.." "..(seconds == 1 and "second" or "seconds") end doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "It is empty. You need to wait "..text.." before you can get a reward again.") return true end local chance = math.random(1,100) for v, x in pairs(rewarditems) do if(getPlayerLevel(cid) >= v and getPlayerLevel(cid) < x.tilllevel) then level = v till = x.tilllevel end end for a, b in pairs(rewarditems[level]) do if b == till then return true end if(chance < b.chance) then local info = getItemInfo( if(b.count > 1) then text = b.count .. " " .. info.plural else text = info.article .. " " .. end local item = doCreateItemEx(, b.count) if(doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, item, false) ~= RETURNVALUE_NOERROR) then doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_POFF) text = "You have found a reward. It is to heavy or you have not enough space." else text = "You have found " .. text .. "." exhaustion.set(cid, config.exhauststorage, config.exhausttime) end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, text) return true else chance = chance - b.chance end endend
  16. Eu utilizei o CMake e o CodeBlocks, no fórum tem tutorial ensinando.
  17. Esse cara de novo criando contas fake e auto reputando? As provas estão ai, n precisa falar mais nada...
  18. Vc colocando um doSetGameState(GAMESTATE_CLOSED) no if de 1 minuto ele irá dar close quando der o broadcast.
  19. Não é necessário abrir as portas para acessar o servidor localhost (
  20. Cara, lembro quando usava a velox e tinha um roteador desse q tive um problema parecido e que só consegui abrir alguma porta excluindo todas as portas padrões q vem nele.
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