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575 questões neste fórum

  1. Ajuda? Bug no Servidor

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  2. Skill fist não sobe de forma alguma

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  3. Criar account pelo ot e site

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  4. Psoul base experiência

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  6. 0 votos
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  7. SQLITE error

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  8. 0 votos
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  9. Erro ao compilar source!!

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  10. 0 votos
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  11. 0 votos
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  12. erro de conexão

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  13. error ao compila um codigo

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  14. Hooking DLL

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  15. Health a mais por level upado

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  16. Tibia Error - Debug Assertion

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  17. Problemas Ao Compilar Source TFS 0.4

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  19. [Dúvida] Ambient Light

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  20. Texto de Damage

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  21. Oldclient crashando

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  22. erro no account mananger

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  23. 0 votos
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  24. Servidor Caindo No Save Server

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  25. Cassino Action HELP

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    • fala pessoal blz, bom vamos la, alguma alma sabia para poder me ajudar com um script? o problema é que ao entrar na sala do boss isso tudo normal, transformamos os cristais normalmente, de verde para rosa, posterior aparece o Ferumbras Soul Splinter normal, depois de matá-lo, aparece os Ferumbras Essence normal, e ao passar eles pelo vortex eles se tranformam em poeira tbm normal, porem ao passarem todos pelos vortex, teria que nascer um Ferumbras Desestabilizado e ai que esta o problema, além dos rift invasor da sala não sumirem o ferumbras tbm não nasce na sala, se eu sumono ele com o GM e mato ele na sala, ai o ferumbras mortal sheel aparece normal e quando ele morre o portal se transforma no que vai para sala de recompensa, normalmente. em fim acredito que o problema está neste meio tempo, entre as ferumbras essência e as ferumbras Desestabilizadas. o arquivo vortex, o que acredito que este com problema esta na pasta: movimento/ quest/ ferumbras_ascendant vortex.lua rift_invader_death.lua ferumbras_lever.lua
    • preciso dos scripts pra poder alterar meu nobre,a Store que tu menciona fica em um NPC, MOD ou Site?
    • In the fast-paced world of academia, students are often inundated with assignments, exams, and extracurricular activities, leaving little room for relaxation or personal time. The pressure to maintain high grades while balancing these demands can be overwhelming. This is where the best assignment writing service can become a crucial ally in your academic journey. Why You Need the Best Assignment Writing Service High-Quality Work: The best assignment writing services employ expert writers with advanced degrees and extensive experience in various academic fields. These professionals ensure that your assignments are not only well-written but also thoroughly researched and academically rigorous. Time Management: Juggling multiple assignments can be a daunting task. By delegating some of your workload to a reputable writing service, you can better manage your time and focus on other important aspects of your education and personal life. Stress Reduction: The constant pressure to meet deadlines and produce high-quality work can lead to significant stress. Utilizing a top-notch writing service can alleviate this burden, allowing you to maintain a healthier balance. Improved Grades: High-quality assignments are essential for achieving good grades. The best writing services provide meticulously crafted papers that meet all academic standards, helping you achieve the grades you aspire to. Learning Tool: Expertly written assignments can serve as excellent learning tools. By studying these papers, you can gain insights into effective writing techniques, proper structuring, and thorough research methodologies. Features of the Best Assignment Writing Service Expert Writers: The cornerstone of any great writing service is its team of writers. The best services employ writers with advanced degrees in their respective fields, ensuring that your assignments are handled by knowledgeable professionals. Original Content: Academic integrity is paramount. The best services guarantee original, plagiarism-free content tailored to your specific requirements. They use advanced plagiarism detection tools to ensure the authenticity of every paper. Timely Delivery: Meeting deadlines is crucial in academia. The best assignment writing services are committed to delivering your assignments on time, giving you ample time to review the work and request any necessary revisions. Responsive Customer Support: Reliable customer support is essential for a smooth experience. The best services offer 24/7 support, ensuring that any issues or concerns are addressed promptly. Confidentiality: Your privacy is important. The best services prioritize confidentiality, ensuring that all interactions and transactions are secure and private. Transparent Pricing: The best assignment writing services offer clear and transparent pricing structures. They provide detailed quotes upfront, with no hidden fees, allowing you to make an informed decision. How to Choose the Best Assignment Writing Service Research and Reviews: Start by researching different services and reading reviews from other students. Positive feedback and high ratings are good indicators of a reliable service. Request Samples: Ask for samples of previous work to assess the quality and style of writing. This can help you determine if the service meets your standards. Check Credentials: Ensure the service employs qualified writers with expertise in your field of study. This guarantees that your assignments will be handled by knowledgeable professionals. Evaluate Customer Support: Test the responsiveness of the customer support team. Prompt and helpful support is a sign of a well-managed service. Compare Pricing: While affordability is important, remember that quality comes at a price. Avoid services that offer unrealistically low rates, as they may compromise on quality. Look for a service that offers a good balance between cost and quality. Getting Started If you’re ready to benefit from the best assignment writing service, follow these steps: Place Your Order: Provide detailed instructions and specific requirements for your assignment. The more information you provide, the better the final product will be. Communicate with the Writer: Maintain open communication with the writer to monitor progress and address any concerns. This ensures that the assignment is progressing as expected and allows for any necessary adjustments.Review the Draft: Once you receive the draft, review it carefully. Provide feedback and request revisions if necessary. This helps ensure that the final product meets your expectations and adheres to your academic standards. Finalize and Submit: After making any necessary revisions, finalize the assignment and submit it confidently. With the support of the best assignment writing service, you can be assured of submitting a high-quality, well-crafted assignment. Conclusion Achieving academic excellence requires dedication, hard work, and sometimes, a little extra help. The best assignment writing service can provide you with the support you need to succeed. By leveraging the expertise of professional writers, you can improve your grades, manage your time more effectively, and enhance your overall learning experience. Don’t let the pressure of assignments overwhelm you. Embrace the support of the best assignment writing service and take a confident step towards academic success. Your path to excellence is just a click away!
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